Kana finds Aqua is Pieyon | 推しの子 (Oshi no Ko) | Episode 10

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ruyo_Unikko
    @ruyo_Unikko 7 місяців тому +390


    • @いか-h1m
      @いか-h1m Місяць тому +4

      悲報 有馬かなアクアを捨ててアクアに乗換える

  • @下心のない変態
    @下心のない変態 5 місяців тому +76

    1:14 のところの「〜努力家」の「か」の言い方がアクアの喋り方でなんかいい

  • @100-HyakuYen
    @100-HyakuYen Рік тому +302

    1:37 まさかの伏線で笑うw

  • @Murasane
    @Murasane Рік тому +272


  • @meetia0707
    @meetia0707 3 місяці тому +13

    1:21 の「私のファンなんですか?」に対して「そだよ」ってしれっと返すとこ大好き。中身アクアなら他の人だと間が開きそうな気がする。……やっぱアクかな好きやぁぁぁ

  • @kaedenagasawa198
    @kaedenagasawa198 Рік тому +624

    Love Aqua how he is looking so tired ❤

    • @andrewzheng4038
      @andrewzheng4038 Рік тому +20

      sleep deprived aqua best aqua

    • @this.is.k
      @this.is.k Рік тому +31

      He trained heavily for several days, while wearing Pieyon's mask which makes it harder to breath, wearing long sleeved tracksuit and trousers to avoid showing his lack of muscles, and pretending he was less exhausted than he was (because the real Pieyon would be less exhausted). Of course he'd be tired af

    • @DragonKingRyu993
      @DragonKingRyu993 Рік тому +9

      My guy looks like he is done with life

    • @Freedmoon44
      @Freedmoon44 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@DragonKingRyu993thats really his entire character arc till now tbf, "tired of life so gotta kill dad while im at it"

    • @My_only_love
      @My_only_love 7 місяців тому

      I,am like aqua and kana arima and ruby and akane

  • @fernandodecarlosmalcher7977
    @fernandodecarlosmalcher7977 Рік тому +1382

    for me this proves that aqua and arima are meant for each other, arima fell in love with aqua twice, the second one not knowing that it was actually him

    • @swapanghosh5684
      @swapanghosh5684 Рік тому +27

      Absolutely not

    • @swapanghosh5684
      @swapanghosh5684 Рік тому +26

      In the manga she is annoying

    • @a.s.1536
      @a.s.1536 Рік тому +225

      @@swapanghosh5684 eveyone have their opinion, i think she's more realistic Character in oshi no ko..

    • @angira3983
      @angira3983 Рік тому +5


    • @CoFF3e_Man
      @CoFF3e_Man Рік тому +125

      Not yet...Aqua still needs therapy chan

  • @ピクミン-v4n
    @ピクミン-v4n Рік тому +107


  • @ryanc00p3r3
    @ryanc00p3r3 Рік тому +443

    The fact that Pieyon san is deffinetly Machio san.
    The voice when Aqua is having a conversation on him in Discord while Machio is in vacation.
    It was same voice as Machio san.
    It is was him!

    • @garuda12341
      @garuda12341 Рік тому +29

      This implies that Kengan Asura and Kaguya Sama exist in the same universe

    • @HassifZaharin
      @HassifZaharin 11 місяців тому +5

      Onegai muscle

    • @hytech9574
      @hytech9574 9 місяців тому +4

      Well it could also be Kazeno from Kaguya-sama: Love is War

  • @Lilac0619
    @Lilac0619 Рік тому +162


    • @john_andaman3498
      @john_andaman3498 Рік тому +12


    • @エルペタス
      @エルペタス Рік тому +2


  • @ユリアンナーゲルスマン

    重曹ちゃんのTシャツの文字がBaking Sodaなの芸細かくて好き

  • @ayushsrivastava489
    @ayushsrivastava489 Рік тому +267

    Man aqua never fails to amaze he is like frieza in oshi no ko you don't know at what movement what he will do

    • @jojof.n5594
      @jojof.n5594 11 місяців тому +4

      why frieza 🤣😭

    • @denki.8323
      @denki.8323 10 місяців тому

      huh??? ☠️☠️☠️

    • @TrixterCharizard
      @TrixterCharizard 10 місяців тому +3

      Bro did not compare him to frieza 💀

    • @fishussugon3215
      @fishussugon3215 9 місяців тому +1

      FRIEZA of all things 😭😭😭

    • @xLuis89x
      @xLuis89x 8 місяців тому

      @@TrixterCharizard IKR he needs to be able to make donuts out of people and alot more stuff to be called frieza 😂

  • @vielink2308
    @vielink2308 Рік тому +205

    Guys I need your opinion. The following commentary is going to be long.
    I read the manga again and realized that I couldn't really understand Aqua's feelings when it comes to romantic relationships. He said he didn't need to play a role when interacting with Kana. However, as his relationship with Akane develops, he hides less and less from her, even revealing his true purpose. His relationships with Kana and Akane seem to me to be equivalent. He can talk and laugh normally with Kana, while he can confide in Akane on much more intimate subjects. If Aqua is indeed in love, then It's nice, but where it bothers me is that Aqua has never explicitly stated that he loves either of them. As for Kana, from what I've seen in my reading, it's Ruby, Mem and Akane who have described Aqua's relationship with her as special. But in considering Aka Akasaka's narration I realized that my impressions of Aqua's feelings towards Kana are based on the other characters' points of view and not really his own. Aka is very good at playing with perspective. We saw this, for example, in Love is war with Shirogane, where he introduced his efforts to beat Kaguya in a humorous way during exams. But in the film, he was able to develop even deeper into this aspect of the character and show us the importance of his overwork, which goes beyond the bounds of reason. I can't help but wonder if he really has romantic feelings for someone. Can someone please help me understand? 😭

    • @mmiso.
      @mmiso. Рік тому +70

      You are right, I'm also thinking the same. Because other characters who thought that Aqua like Kana are based on their own interpretation too. So basically no one knows what Aqua feelings really are towards these girls. It's just like you say. Mem cho didn't know about Aqua has PTSD/ Akane didn't know what's Aqua talking about with Kana when he's trying to understand his own feelings. He often used Kana to sorting his confusion. And Kana got the wrong idea about it. Because she's also not so sure if he really like her fr. On the other side Akane, she's the one who understand Aqua the most, but seems to misreading Aqua too. When it's come to romantically feeling. She thought that Aqua like Kana. But is only because deep down Akane always thinking her relationship with Aqua wasn't genuinely to begin with. So she wouldn't conclude that Aqua will reciprocate her feelings back. Even if he really do. Man Aka is too good to manipulate the reader u know 😅

    • @messithegoat9636
      @messithegoat9636 Рік тому +6

      Read chapter 82 and 98 to know Aqua’s true feelings.

    • @mmiso.
      @mmiso. Рік тому +3

      @@messithegoat9636 what did Aqua say?

    • @boredomkiller99
      @boredomkiller99 Рік тому +56

      Obvious spoilers incoming
      Aqua is also someone who is legit almost never up front with his feelings.
      The closet we get is when Aqua starts to lose it after he realizes his dad is probably still alive and you se him scared of losing the happiness he has with Akane.
      As for Kana outside of what people comment about Aqua interactions with Kana we can also see his own actions that at least indicate some level of fondness and attraction for Kana.
      1. He used skipping school with Kana to confirm what his feelings are for Akane during the reality show. This implies that Aqua at least finds Kana attractive and could use her as a standard of comparsion to figure out how he felt about Akane
      2. Aqua states he told no lies when he was convincing Kana to become a idol. Sure Aqua is a unreliable person when it comes to his words but there is zero reason for him to lie in that situation since he was mostly saying it to himself or at best Miyako. This means yes he thinks she is cuter then the average idol and does think highly of her.
      3. We haven't seen it yet in the anime but Aqua was captivated by Kana's first idol performance being star struck. This is less a point towards romantic feeling but dies implies she leaves a strong impression on him.
      4. Aqua knows a lot about Kana as shown when he talked to her as Piyeon showing he paid a lot of attention to her, more then was needed for practical reasons alone
      This lines up with other say about him in regards to Kana
      Akane states she knows that Aqua is attracted to Kana. This seems to be accurate due to points 1 and 2
      MEMcho claims Aqua like is obsessed with Kana. A bit dramatic of a statement but has some merit in regards points 3-4
      So we can conclude that at the very least he is attracted to Kana and he pays attention and thinks highly of her. Add their chemistry and I would conclude that Aqua at least has the potential of having romantic feelings for her.
      However he will never try to act or address said feelings because of his focus on revenge and his attempts to keep Kana every getting caught up it or seeing his darkside.
      This is a big deal since the main reason why Aqua was able to develop feelings for Akane was largely due to her actually getting to see his darkness and be able to embrace and support him.
      The sad thing for Kana is that she deep down only knows one half of Aqua since he refuses to let her in(for her own safety if course). It is likely she will learn about the other half soon but I wonder how she will react. My guess probably differently from Akane since the two are written to be opposites.
      Edit: Also yes I think in some regard Aqua loved Akane or else he wouldn't of stuck with her after he thought his revenge was done, refer to his time with her as happy days or being terrified of losing his life with her.

    • @messithegoat9636
      @messithegoat9636 Рік тому +2

      @@mmiso. just read the chapter 82 and 83 from Google you will get idea about Aqua's feelings..

  • @reverseshin
    @reverseshin Рік тому +41

    I love on how kanas shirt in the rehearsal scenes said Baking Soda

  • @daikik.4933
    @daikik.4933 Рік тому +39


  • @エルペタス
    @エルペタス Рік тому +25

    「とりあえずカメラ止めろや」の言い方笑うわぁ〜笑笑 UA-camのShortでよく聴く声に似てる。

  • @anggiejhovanny9775
    @anggiejhovanny9775 Рік тому +65

    That 'Baking Soda' 😅

  • @poodlescone9700
    @poodlescone9700 Рік тому +80

    Ok, who noticed Kana the baking soda licking girl has "baking soda" on her shirt?

  • @牛頭馬頭鳥頭
    @牛頭馬頭鳥頭 Рік тому +88


  • @0ジムス
    @0ジムス Рік тому +88


  • @zamasuawaken1908
    @zamasuawaken1908 Рік тому +56

    This dropping your crush for a new crush only to find out that your new crush is your old crush reminded me of the sao plot with the mc and his cousin lol...

  • @かまぼこ-l3l
    @かまぼこ-l3l 5 місяців тому +25


  • @chloejulienaramburo5496
    @chloejulienaramburo5496 Рік тому +27

    The manga was good too😅. I'm still reading it right now😂😅❤

  • @maouheika00
    @maouheika00 Рік тому +108


    • @楓川村
      @楓川村 5 місяців тому +7


  • @acat7659
    @acat7659 2 місяці тому +5

    1:50 Just realize Kana T-shirt is written Baking Soda 😂

  • @そろそろ海王類の中から出よっか


  • @なかさん-b3c
    @なかさん-b3c Рік тому +13


  • @abhired3919
    @abhired3919 2 місяці тому +2

    bro made his girl fall for him twice thats a real man
    man among men

  • @michaelp3609
    @michaelp3609 4 місяці тому +1

    The fact Aqua dressed up like a duck just because he was too chicken shit to talk to Kana😆I love them they deserve the world

  • @MartinLegend42
    @MartinLegend42 Рік тому +48

    kana‘s clothes 😂😂😂 baking soda

  • @hackerlp1
    @hackerlp1 Рік тому +13

    1:50 sounds like that clip with the turtle

  • @eragons1894
    @eragons1894 Місяць тому +1

    Auto generated english subtitles for this video are actually priceless.

  • @MrTsukasa0024
    @MrTsukasa0024 Рік тому +7


  • @Raniazendiah
    @Raniazendiah Місяць тому +1

    When you fall for someone else
    But it turns out they were they same person wearing a duck musk😅

  • @user-cb5ul9qu8f
    @user-cb5ul9qu8f 3 місяці тому +1


  • @MrAnonymousme10
    @MrAnonymousme10 Рік тому +17

    Aqua is the best support in this anime. As a ADC i want him

  • @chrisjulien7698
    @chrisjulien7698 10 місяців тому +1

    Christ bless you, he looks so done too 😂

  • @code.beauty01
    @code.beauty01 8 місяців тому +2

    Here she falls in love with Aqua two times

  • @ああ-l3z2q
    @ああ-l3z2q Рік тому +39


  • @CLGaming01
    @CLGaming01 Рік тому +9

    Top 10 anime betrayal of all time

  • @cyberdude4330
    @cyberdude4330 7 місяців тому +3

    Love she fell for him twice. Kinda reminds me of Shirley from Code Geass...
    (The similarities better end here)

  • @奈津-w1z
    @奈津-w1z 5 місяців тому +5


  • @MrlspPrt
    @MrlspPrt 11 місяців тому +2

    It's funny how she has a t-shirt that says "baking soda".

  • @nathanlim310
    @nathanlim310 Рік тому +15

    Aqua is equivalent to good ayanokouji

  • @adi9312-0
    @adi9312-0 4 місяці тому +2

    well people who likes akane always say she is annoying etc but bro but what she suffered she is the most realistic character , everyone will react in that way no one is gonna be as like akane is in real life . people find realistic to be annoying . well after ch 150 its clear so really don't matter who hates

  • @長谷川亮-c4w
    @長谷川亮-c4w Рік тому +2


  • @JaeminKim-qo2os
    @JaeminKim-qo2os 7 місяців тому +4

    You thought you fell in love with Piyoyon!!! But It was I!!! AQUA!!!

  • @pikasisy_oi5530
    @pikasisy_oi5530 6 місяців тому +2

    1:21 - 1:34 I realized that I understood this whole part with little to no understanding of Japanese except from anime. Woww.

  • @inyg-siroihato.a7211
    @inyg-siroihato.a7211 4 місяці тому +7


  • @茂佐藤-m8v
    @茂佐藤-m8v Рік тому +2

    大好き😍💓💓 0:40 😊

  • @SyazHikari_MLA
    @SyazHikari_MLA Рік тому +15

    Pieyon looks skinner than I remembered

  • @Kopen_46
    @Kopen_46 4 місяці тому +2


  • @0310fu0k
    @0310fu0k Рік тому +16

    !?!?( ・∀・)

  • @hku1327
    @hku1327 5 місяців тому +1

    Kana is very easy woman she fall in love with the first person that give her a little of attention

  • @Rn-lc2vm
    @Rn-lc2vm 5 місяців тому +2


  • @WendelBrito-s8s
    @WendelBrito-s8s Рік тому +3

    Kana is annoying, she has the opportunity in front of her and doesn't move on, instead she complains and regrets the past, just like me.

  • @flaguser4196
    @flaguser4196 3 місяці тому +1

    by far aqua's best acting performance

  • @脱走奴隷
    @脱走奴隷 9 місяців тому +2

    「え? 本物?」←伏線。

    • @ちゃ-c6w
      @ちゃ-c6w 8 місяців тому +1


    • @脱走奴隷
      @脱走奴隷 8 місяців тому +1


    • @mhdgtdgdg
      @mhdgtdgdg 8 місяців тому +1


  • @aexxx_2002
    @aexxx_2002 Рік тому +8

    Just wanted to share my thoughts. 😊
    (There might be a little spoiler)
    Just pondering what will happen soon or what will be the ending.
    Ano yung magiging take ni kana kapag nalaman niya lahat ng plans in the end (yung revenge thing!) at ginagawa ni aqua na manipulation ng sincere feelings ng mga tao na nakapalibot sa kaniya? And i guess eto na ang turning point ni kana (dito natin masusubok ang tibay at totoong pagkatao, niya after all that she's been through, her stand?) kasi kung si akane gusto niyang itago at sarilihin ang problema matapos niyang malaman ang lahat-lahat tungkol sa plans ni aqua at ang buong katotohanan sa pamilya hoshino. Ang naging stand niya somehow we can say na parang tinolerate niya yung balak ni aqua. In reference, sabi niya "I'll share your pain", and personally for me that doesn't revolved anything. Hindi ka naging liwanag para doon sa tao kundi parang ang dating parang nabubuhay lang kayo sa fantasy world na ok lang lahat. ( Pero hindi ko hate si akane ha, actually she's really good but sometimes she's reckless) it's just that naniniwala kasi ako na ang love ay hindi selfish and true in every aspect.
    Base narin sa development ng story pinapakita na strong willed si kana and napatunayan naman yan ng background story niya at yung scandal era, kahit na she's at the bottom pilit siyang nagpapatuloy. Ngayon kung dumating na ang araw na maghaharap-harap na sila at nagawa padin niyang magpatawad saka bila ng lahat ng naranasan niya sa mga taong mahal niya eh she's the best girl. Let's accept that fact that she's a well written character. There is warm in her, kahit na sa lahat ng character siya yung expressive o laging may say ( and that is why others find it annoying) we feel her genuine feelings towards people.
    The bottom line here in aqua's case is forgiveness, una sa sarili na hindi niya kasalanan ang pagkamatay ni ai at siyempre paghingi ng tawad sa mga nasaktan niya. Kasi sa totoo lang hindi naman revenge ang siniseek ni aqua kundi enlightenment. Kailangan niya ng honest and sincere person na makakatulong makapagparealize ng bagay-bagay sa kaniya dahil sa lahat ng mga taong nakilala niya along the way they kept lying. Kailangan niyang mahimasmasan at para hindi na maulit pa ang dati, baka kasi sa huli kunin ulit sa kanya ang mga importanteng tao sa buhay niya. Someone needs to break the chain dahil ang revenge ay isang cycle, mag papaulit-ulit lang ang pain.

  • @aerithmint8041
    @aerithmint8041 Рік тому +3

    Ruby and kana❤️💖

  • @isa21pikapika
    @isa21pikapika 21 день тому

    1:08 first comes rock

  • @heco.
    @heco. Рік тому +6

    Kana x aqua which i will even die to see

  • @jordeanshand6752
    @jordeanshand6752 3 місяці тому +1

    Akane is the one for the current aqua

  • @shreyask.002
    @shreyask.002 Рік тому +1

    baking soda is written oh her shirt

  • @bartudundar3193
    @bartudundar3193 9 місяців тому

    Aqua the Rizard.

  • @hellenrios9236
    @hellenrios9236 Рік тому +3

  • @LauraRuby26
    @LauraRuby26 10 місяців тому

    Jajajaja q sorpresa cuando ve q es el 😂😂😂

  • @akim.e4793
    @akim.e4793 Рік тому

    what happen after ruby find out that aqua is her crush?

  • @ayushsrivastava489
    @ayushsrivastava489 Рік тому +7

    When ruby find out his first love died she is gonna snap, she will have dark eye as aqua it will be a hell of a scene 🔥🔥

  • @マカロン-x2e
    @マカロン-x2e 5 місяців тому


  • @Aspect.gaming.
    @Aspect.gaming. Рік тому +1

    I like my comment 💀

  • @ayanokoji888
    @ayanokoji888 Рік тому

    Oh kana🤣

  • @godbaconmm2828
    @godbaconmm2828 Рік тому

    then it soo good anime like this japanes.

  • @howardlam6181
    @howardlam6181 Рік тому +9

    the trailer is quite boring but this turns out ok

  • @tokisakikurumi9674
    @tokisakikurumi9674 10 місяців тому


  • @LeeMooEez
    @LeeMooEez Рік тому

    Sarina(ruby) fall in love with the same soul as arima,akane 👀

  • @松本ゆな
    @松本ゆな 3 місяці тому +2


  • @Okami45510
    @Okami45510 11 місяців тому

    God its handy to learn Japanese

  • @らららです-c3q
    @らららです-c3q 4 місяці тому


  • @Zeon_SpaceX
    @Zeon_SpaceX Рік тому +7

    Another anime careless moment cliché. If you need to conceal your identity you won't take off your mask at kitchen. Bring the water to room and drink.

  • @sanaan0168
    @sanaan0168 11 місяців тому

    I needa learn japanese

  • @Cat_Nap544
    @Cat_Nap544 Рік тому

    I found it

  • @あやあらたらはま
    @あやあらたらはま 3 місяці тому +1


  • @かわ-t6w
    @かわ-t6w Рік тому +1


  • @宇野澤和美-o1w
    @宇野澤和美-o1w Рік тому


  • @roomfeliz9940
    @roomfeliz9940 6 місяців тому


  • @roomfeliz9940
    @roomfeliz9940 6 місяців тому


  • @メアナイト-e5u
    @メアナイト-e5u 3 місяці тому


  • @ほま-g2l
    @ほま-g2l Рік тому

    BBB by HK!!
    Jkm b BH hnkm!👍💓

  • @emmakelo2218
    @emmakelo2218 Рік тому

    As an anime watcher, I do not really understand her character, did she wanted to be an actress, it seems she accepted to be an idol because a guy she has a crush sweet talk her to be. At least mem cho and ruby know why. Maybe she will have charzcter development in future episode. The fact that she falls so rapidly when someone congratulate her is also concerning. And i do not understand why she is mad at aqua. Lol the guy is free, they are not dating so why will she give him tanthrum. Anyway, ruby and mem cho are more interesting.

  • @さいだー-e4p
    @さいだー-e4p 4 місяці тому


  • @Goodman-777
    @Goodman-777 Рік тому


    • @千春秋元-z6b
      @千春秋元-z6b Рік тому +7


    • @千春秋元-z6b
      @千春秋元-z6b Рік тому +8


    • @エルペタス
      @エルペタス Рік тому +6


    • @松崎晃太朗
      @松崎晃太朗 8 місяців тому +2
