Very interesting. I am curious to learn about the evolution of the human body structure such as differences in bone structure, the texture of our hair, eye color and eye shapes, etc.
Its amazing, different races allow each other to feed each other, clothe each other, entertain each other, laugh and cry together and yet somehow they still feel there is a race to win, whether its a beef dog, or a hot burger. It's really only the shape of the idea that changes and how it responds to the differences of change. Tradition, like that of concrete is only as strong as its foundation of flexibility. Too rigid and it all just crumbles.
I am a university professor who is teaching courses that center on race and this TED talk is a part of our course this semester. Looking forward to it.
I was expecting her to also talk about how evolution by natural selection is no longer acting on humans, because most people don't understand that modern life and the ability to find food and shelter for most has diminished the effect of natural selection. She could have also mentioned the time scales in which the evolution of skin color would take place. Most of my friends find it hard to believe that 70,000 years is enough. Although its equal to about an incredible 2500 generations!
Its Not MORE important, Celebrate all your traits, Take Care of your body, Overall we should be proud we've made it this far. The skin is just one of the most noticeable traits we carry
Yeah, she sure can! You like it, I don't. She is of mediocre intelligence making a mountain out of a molehill, all on variations in melanin producation and equating it with race and racism. Most people can tan even the darkest of humans.
I actually learned something: that pale skin didn't develop just because people didn't need melanin in northern latitudes, but because people needed less pigmentation so they could absorb more UVA and therefore produce more Vitamin D. That makes more evolutionary sense.
It's unfair to say Darwin "didn't want to consider the UV rays". The sciences were just borning, and Darwin made a predictable hypotesis based on an almost perfect theory, but without the capacity to get all the necessary information.
This was a fantastic video! I hope everyone takes this and learns that skin color is just the product of evolution and not the order for divisions. We live in 2012 and we need to start acting like it.
Don't forget the others. Mammals generally share with us the things that we believe make us "human." The characteristics that people consider most "human" are found in other species as well. However, the way they communicate, express emotion, etc is unknown to an average person due to the general lack of real experience with animals. Love, forming essential bonds and relationships, working with others, communicating VITAL information, 2 different sets of 2 identical limbs, having a FACE, etc
adaptation is an individual in a species changing its behavior to better survive in its environment. evolution is the species as a whole changing over time.
Well, basically, the ozone layer in our atmosphere deflects most of the radiation back into space. Some radiation is able to get through but not enough to cause any sort of damage. The Ozone has just broken it down enough for us to withstand it and still feel the heat off the sun
Being anti-white doesn't automatically make you intelligent. LOL! Actually, being anti-white just makes you morally inept. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. "because of the Indians" is not a valid justification for the genocide of my race, by the way.
You're right. I meant UV radiation actually effecting the population of today. Maybe some people are less healthy now from vitamin d deficiency but other factors like socio-economic etc. as you said are what makes the difference today.
So if one cannot be quantified without two and black cannot be quantified without white, what is the purpose of both as it pertains to the idea of thought from both sides?? Knowledge just loops its own emotions no matter what color... does it not
All humans drink the same water and breathe the same air. Excrete the same water and exhale the same air. Redrink the same water and rebreathe the same air. The only difference is knowledge and that is the formidable indifference of the filter type..
I'm not entirely sure about this part but I think it's because the radiation hits the northern and southern parts of the Earth at an angle. So this makes the UVB dissipate as it enters. Since it's at an angle entering the Ozone, it has a longer distance to travel to hit the surface than hitting the Ozone dead on (like at the equator.). It's kinda like bouncing an object off a round ball. Hit it dead center and it will return to you. Off center and it'll deflect. I think anyway.
All? No but I read a recent poll taken that the number of people who consider themselves religious and believe the genesis version rather then evolution is growing in this country. Notice I said "rise" in my original note.
Look at absolutely any sci-fi movie or book or game. Anything that tells of our future. We stand united as humans, not divided as nations and races. Before we can turn our eyes outwards into the skies and beyond, we must turn inwards to face these borders we make for ourselves.
When you are one of those quite a mixed cosmopolitan big family like me, then this explanation maybe more meaningful (",). Thank you, Nina - God bless you in all things you do for The Almighty GOD's glory!
What would you say to the Catholics with a more fundamental belief? Would you tell them their world-view is fictional? I was raised super-Catholic and growing up in a catholic school system, I perceived myself as more religious than average among my classmates. I tended to think heavily on my faith from curiosity about the world and the desire to know more about the supernatural "reality" that (I assumed from birth) existed beyond this life. Did you also at a time hold a fundamental belief?
Ah, so one day the color blue accidentally stumbles into red's social energy field. Blue then thinks how does this make it feel to be so out of place? Feelings like, scared, confused, nauseated, faint, aroused, excited, angry, mad and just plan overwhelmed, were some of them just to name a few. Blue then asked itself why did it feel that way? Blue then replied, it didn't know..
Sexal reproduction is the best evolution tool. This also tell us why genetic diversity is important. Imaging all dark skin gene are gone, human may never be able to living in the tropical area without proper protection. Same concept also work in thinking: Thinking diveristy
To be honest however, I cannot really guess how long it would have taken if vitamin D was not a factor. For example, looking at the variation in dogs pigmentation after humans took the pressure off of them to blend into the forest and you could say it could happen quickly. But I don't know how inherently variables people are.
I think she missed a great occasion to make a point here. It's not like Vitamin D deficiancy is a problem only dark-skinned people can have. If you are doing desk job all the time too you may lack vitamin D. A good solution would be to fortify some popular foods with vitamin D.
There are a lot of racism comments and this video wasn't even about racism. Yes, it was mentioned. Mrs. Jablonski was trying to explain the evolutionary reason for skin pigmentation as the main purpose.
Yep, I get that, but does it actuallydeflects more closer to pole? And if yes - then why? I mean - it's possible to get what they've pictured on the actual Pole, but a long-long distance between equator and the pole still should get a lot of UVB, doesn't it? ANd the show like UVB is only available to the belt of the Earth.
But evolutionary history is full of examples of things that atrophied due to disuse. Although in this case there are different positive influences, the lack of one doesn't necessarily make less sense.
But there are articles out there on the subject and why they seem to be the exemption. I mean you could have easily typed in "Why are the Inuit people dark skinned?" and had your answer.
yea, they were a branch, but they did mix with homo sapians at verious occasions and today, evey homo sapian has between 1-4% neanderthal genes. i dont know what made u comment that way, but i thought, hmmm, maybe you dont kno this, so i should ensure that you do know it.
This presentation is to really counter the rise in religious people in the Genesis version of evolution, and the underlying messages that's been inserted over the centuries that God made some races better then others.
the pendulum of what is the right balance in life is always swinging one side or other of perfect. it did spent 'quite a long time' swung the other way, remember? Maybe one day humans will look more than 6 inches into the future and the pendulum will be still, perfectly at the right restng place....or be ashes. either way, keep hopeful and positive friend - its what drives us all forward!
Somehow I think she is implying that we should live where we are best suited and that we should also work where we are best suited. Dark skin ppl should work inside all day and light skins should not work outside all day. It might just be me, but I interpret something else here.
Im calling the Japanese who supports that racist. Anyone making claims based on a false belief of racial differences are per definition racists, don't cry about being called one if you do.
A majority of Americans are of European descent. Most of their ancestors emigrated from Europe beginning in the 16th. However because of the growing population that is of African descent, the white Europeans will soon no longer be the majority, and it will soon be safe to say the majority of Americans are from West Africa.
Excellent video. Love Ted Education. Always informative. Now on the other hand the bulk of the comments under This video are nonsensical and do not belong in an area where intelligent minds meet. Take your ignorance elsewhere to those who are so ill informed they will swallow your nonsense.
What studies are you referring to? Most peer reviewed studies i have found, find the genetic differences in humans among groups to be negligible and has no basis for the way one acts. The overwhelming majority of scientist do not find the term "race" as a valid taxonomic term and the very idea that race causes behavior or intelligence has been proven to be wrong.
If partners have different ethnic and racial backgrounds, their offspring have better chance of developing stronger and wider immunity. Also, personal standards of beauty and attractiveness are partially result of our evolutionary heritage. Compare the looks of people coming from northern, isolated communities of "purer" blood, to the looks of people that come from "mixed" blood communities and tell me which are better looking, according to your personal standards of beauty.
I already knew what she was talking about and she presented it in a non controversial manner. I take Vitamin D tablets everyday as a result of Covid 19.
What about the Asian skin evolution? They are (the Japan at least) in the same range of radiation that Africa, right!? I don't remember of great migrations there (they also were closed to foreigners for a long time). I don't think it is hard to produce a drug to regulate melanin production, especially if it is a health issue. Anyway, we are able to guide our own evolution.
I'm pretty sure it is your OPINION that the dark-skinned woman was "repulsive" and "extream" which by the way is spelled *extreme.... I'm pretty sure your basis for calling her that was socio-cultural.... which disgusts me considering I don't think that woman was repulsive in any way... I'm sure in her culture she is considered a very beautiful woman. I would consider her a very beautiful woman.
al-Jāḥiẓ (Arabic: الجاحظ) (full name Abū ʿUthman ʿAmr ibn Baḥr al-Kinānī al-Baṣrī أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحر الكناني البصري) (born 776, in Basra - December 868/January 869) Risalat mufakharat al-sudan 'ala al-bidan (Treatise on Blacks) Concerning the Zanj, he wrote: Everybody agrees that there is no people on earth in whom generosity is as universally well developed as the Zanj. These people have a natural talent for dancing to the rhythm of the tambourine, without needing to learn it. There are no better singers anywhere in the world, no people more polished and eloquent, and no people less given to insulting language. No other nation can surpass them in bodily strength and physical toughness. One of them will lift huge blocks and carry heavy loads that would be beyond the strength of most Bedouins or members of other races. They are courageous, energetic, and generous, which are the virtues of nobility, and also good-tempered and with little propensity to evil. They are always cheerful, smiling, and devoid of malice, which is a sign of noble character. The Zanj say that God did not make them black in order to disfigure them; rather it is their environment that made them so. The best evidence of this is that there are black tribes among the Arabs, such as the Banu Sulaim bin Mansur, and that all the peoples settled in the Harra, besides the Banu Sulaim are black. These tribes take slaves from among the Ashban to mind their flocks and for irrigation work, manual labor, and domestic service, and their wives from among the Byzantines; and yet it takes less than three generations for the Harra to give them all the complexion of the Banu Sulaim. This Harra is such that the gazelles, ostriches, insects, wolves, foxes, sheep, asses, horses and birds that live there are all black. White and black are the results of environment, the natural properties of water and soil, distance from the sun, and intensity of heat. There is no question of metamorphosis, or of punishment, disfigurement or favor meted out by Allah. Besides, the land of the Banu Sulaim has much in common with the land of the Turks, where the camels, beasts of burden, and everything belonging to these people is similar in appearance: everything of theirs has a Turkish look.[1] [1] "Medieval Sourcebook: Abû Ûthmân al-Jâhith: From The Essays, c. 860 CE"
I assumed that you were using the dictionary definition of genocide "The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation". And what's wrong with becoming a minority? All ethnic groups but one must, by definition, be minorities and they seem fine.
Really? I was going by the dictionary definition, "The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation". Anyway, that definition still does not apply to the situation being discussed.
education :) no for real. i search some legit bloodline (do you say it that way) link blocked that seems pretty ok to me. thats the way it was tought to me
You are making a poor distinction there: Who is black? Who is white? Notice that the woman in this talk refused to use those terms, as there are no human races: we are all mixed up.
souluvable along that same logic, you could say that there is not one organism which does not possess a fragment of DNA shared by the "first" microorganism from which all life then radiated. But that does not make us unicellular does it?
souluvable I think you missed the point of this video. This was not about human migration or about the first modern humans in East Africa. It was about the fact that skin color is an adaptation. That was it. Literally
Yes, but no evidence of it.... she is not mentioning that it is not adaptions but mutation-- 4 different levels of albinoism. If the body adapted than... why not know???? What about the Eskimos-- they are dark skinned people that live high in the northern areas. Obama was mixed...she doesn't know how much melanin he has.... she is guessing because of her vision is skewed.
"you are the product of evolution" nice ending note. And why in these comments the concept of race and racism came up is quite saddening. This speech is about evolution and how skin pigment is a result of that. not "blacks are ghetto" and "racism is anti-white" were't you people listening??? yeesh.
But we know now that the theory that humans began in Africa is no longer valid because of the human remains found in 2010. So most subsequent theories are also not as accurate or important.
You should change the title, or at least change the word 'illusion' to 'evolution'! Because nowhere in this presentation does she suggest skin color is an illusion!
Very interesting. I am curious to learn about the evolution of the human body structure such as differences in bone structure, the texture of our hair, eye color and eye shapes, etc.
no your not
Its amazing, different races allow each other to feed each other, clothe each other, entertain each other, laugh and cry together and yet somehow they still feel there is a race to win, whether its a beef dog, or a hot burger. It's really only the shape of the idea that changes and how it responds to the differences of change. Tradition, like that of concrete is only as strong as its foundation of flexibility. Too rigid and it all just crumbles.
I am a university professor who is teaching courses that center on race and this TED talk is a part of our course this semester. Looking forward to it.
Great talk! Very well presented. I had never thought of considering my skin's needs in my overall health. Interesting.
I was expecting her to also talk about how evolution by natural selection is no longer acting on humans, because most people don't understand that modern life and the ability to find food and shelter for most has diminished the effect of natural selection. She could have also mentioned the time scales in which the evolution of skin color would take place. Most of my friends find it hard to believe that 70,000 years is enough. Although its equal to about an incredible 2500 generations!
I think natural selection is a constant process.
Its Not MORE important, Celebrate all your traits, Take Care of your body, Overall we should be proud we've made it this far. The skin is just one of the most noticeable traits we carry
Eskimoes have dark skin because they mainly live on fish, which contains high rates of vitamin D, it has worked as a substitute.
Damn, this woman can talk. Another great TED video.
Yeah, she sure can! You like it, I don't. She is of mediocre intelligence making a mountain out of a molehill, all on variations in melanin producation and equating it with race and racism. Most people can tan even the darkest of humans.
I actually learned something: that pale skin didn't develop just because people didn't need melanin in northern latitudes, but because people needed less pigmentation so they could absorb more UVA and therefore produce more Vitamin D. That makes more evolutionary sense.
Interesting that only women are fans of colored people does it?
Your comment, brings hope!
It's unfair to say Darwin "didn't want to consider the UV rays". The sciences were just borning, and Darwin made a predictable hypotesis based on an almost perfect theory, but without the capacity to get all the necessary information.
'sepia rainbow' i love that
This was a fantastic video! I hope everyone takes this and learns that skin color is just the product of evolution and not the order for divisions. We live in 2012 and we need to start acting like it.
This is debilitating...
Don't forget the others. Mammals generally share with us the things that we believe make us "human." The characteristics that people consider most "human" are found in other species as well. However, the way they communicate, express emotion, etc is unknown to an average person due to the general lack of real experience with animals. Love, forming essential bonds and relationships, working with others, communicating VITAL information, 2 different sets of 2 identical limbs, having a FACE, etc
adaptation is an individual in a species changing its behavior to better survive in its environment. evolution is the species as a whole changing over time.
Well, basically, the ozone layer in our atmosphere deflects most of the radiation back into space. Some radiation is able to get through but not enough to cause any sort of damage. The Ozone has just broken it down enough for us to withstand it and still feel the heat off the sun
_Dont forget for sunbathing guys :D_
Being anti-white doesn't automatically make you intelligent. LOL! Actually, being anti-white just makes you morally inept. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. "because of the Indians" is not a valid justification for the genocide of my race, by the way.
You're right. I meant UV radiation actually effecting the population of today. Maybe some people are less healthy now from vitamin d deficiency but other factors like socio-economic etc. as you said are what makes the difference today.
So if one cannot be quantified without two and black cannot be quantified without white, what is the purpose of both as it pertains to the idea of thought from both sides?? Knowledge just loops its own emotions no matter what color... does it not
All humans drink the same water and breathe the same air. Excrete the same water and exhale the same air. Redrink the same water and rebreathe the same air. The only difference is knowledge and that is the formidable indifference of the filter type..
I'm not entirely sure about this part but I think it's because the radiation hits the northern and southern parts of the Earth at an angle. So this makes the UVB dissipate as it enters. Since it's at an angle entering the Ozone, it has a longer distance to travel to hit the surface than hitting the Ozone dead on (like at the equator.). It's kinda like bouncing an object off a round ball. Hit it dead center and it will return to you. Off center and it'll deflect. I think anyway.
This is amazing.
All? No but I read a recent poll taken that the number of people who consider themselves religious and believe the genesis version rather then evolution is growing in this country. Notice I said "rise" in my original note.
Look at absolutely any sci-fi movie or book or game. Anything that tells of our future. We stand united as humans, not divided as nations and races. Before we can turn our eyes outwards into the skies and beyond, we must turn inwards to face these borders we make for ourselves.
When you are one of those quite a mixed cosmopolitan big family like me, then this explanation maybe more meaningful (",). Thank you, Nina - God bless you in all things you do for The Almighty GOD's glory!
What would you say to the Catholics with a more fundamental belief? Would you tell them their world-view is fictional? I was raised super-Catholic and growing up in a catholic school system, I perceived myself as more religious than average among my classmates. I tended to think heavily on my faith from curiosity about the world and the desire to know more about the supernatural "reality" that (I assumed from birth) existed beyond this life. Did you also at a time hold a fundamental belief?
Except the fossil and genetic evidence doesn't support an out of europe hypothesis, it supports an out of africa one.
Ah, so one day the color blue accidentally stumbles into red's social energy field. Blue then thinks how does this make it feel to be so out of place? Feelings like, scared, confused, nauseated, faint, aroused, excited, angry, mad and just plan overwhelmed, were some of them just to name a few. Blue then asked itself why did it feel that way? Blue then replied, it didn't know..
Sexal reproduction is the best evolution tool. This also tell us why genetic diversity is important. Imaging all dark skin gene are gone, human may never be able to living in the tropical area without proper protection.
Same concept also work in thinking: Thinking diveristy
To be honest however, I cannot really guess how long it would have taken if vitamin D was not a factor. For example, looking at the variation in dogs pigmentation after humans took the pressure off of them to blend into the forest and you could say it could happen quickly. But I don't know how inherently variables people are.
She is amazing :)
I think she missed a great occasion to make a point here. It's not like Vitamin D deficiancy is a problem only dark-skinned people can have. If you are doing desk job all the time too you may lack vitamin D. A good solution would be to fortify some popular foods with vitamin D.
There are a lot of racism comments and this video wasn't even about racism. Yes, it was mentioned. Mrs. Jablonski was trying to explain the evolutionary reason for skin pigmentation as the main purpose.
What color is anti-white?
Yep, I get that, but does it actuallydeflects more closer to pole? And if yes - then why? I mean - it's possible to get what they've pictured on the actual Pole, but a long-long distance between equator and the pole still should get a lot of UVB, doesn't it? ANd the show like UVB is only available to the belt of the Earth.
thank you
This is fascinating. :)
But evolutionary history is full of examples of things that atrophied due to disuse. Although in this case there are different positive influences, the lack of one doesn't necessarily make less sense.
But there are articles out there on the subject and why they seem to be the exemption. I mean you could have easily typed in "Why are the Inuit people dark skinned?" and had your answer.
How is this an illusion? Skin colour is largely due to levels of melanin in the skin as a result of the climate in that area. What's the mystery here?
Im curious. If there is so little UV radiation near the poles then why are the Inuit peoples quite tanned skinned?
Amen to that, my lightly pigmented brother :D
yea, they were a branch, but they did mix with homo sapians at verious occasions and today, evey homo sapian has between 1-4% neanderthal genes.
i dont know what made u comment that way, but i thought, hmmm, maybe you dont kno this, so i should ensure that you do know it.
This presentation is to really counter the rise in religious people in the Genesis version of evolution, and the underlying messages that's been inserted over the centuries that God made some races better then others.
I think he does. He's just proud of it.
the pendulum of what is the right balance in life is always swinging one side or other of perfect. it did spent 'quite a long time' swung the other way, remember?
Maybe one day humans will look more than 6 inches into the future and the pendulum will be still, perfectly at the right restng place....or be ashes.
either way, keep hopeful and positive friend - its what drives us all forward!
Somehow I think she is implying that we should live where we are best suited and that we should also work where we are best suited. Dark skin ppl should work inside all day and light skins should not work outside all day. It might just be me, but I interpret something else here.
Im calling the Japanese who supports that racist. Anyone making claims based on a false belief of racial differences are per definition racists, don't cry about being called one if you do.
9 years later and we got BLM, gender confusion etc while Bill Burr is making jokes about it 😂
Huh, so was the civil war visually based, linguistically based or economically based?
Perhaps the UV was amplified by being reflected by the white snowy terrain.
That's exactly what she said
You're right, of course; I just didn't think reduction in melanin was the same thing as atrophy. I guess it is, though.
This video made me cry... Is so beautiful...
14:10 lol idk how to process that 🤷🏾♂️
A majority of Americans are of European descent. Most of their ancestors emigrated from Europe beginning in the 16th. However because of the growing population that is of African descent, the white Europeans will soon no longer be the majority, and it will soon be safe to say the majority of Americans are from West Africa.
Excellent video. Love Ted Education. Always informative. Now on the other hand the bulk of the comments under This video are nonsensical and do not belong in an area where intelligent minds meet. Take your ignorance elsewhere to those who are so ill informed they will swallow your nonsense.
What studies are you referring to? Most peer reviewed studies i have found, find the genetic differences in humans among groups to be negligible and has no basis for the way one acts. The overwhelming majority of scientist do not find the term "race" as a valid taxonomic term and the very idea that race causes behavior or intelligence has been proven to be wrong.
If partners have different ethnic and racial backgrounds, their offspring have better chance of developing stronger and wider immunity.
Also, personal standards of beauty and attractiveness are partially result of our evolutionary heritage. Compare the looks of people coming from northern, isolated communities of "purer" blood, to the looks of people that come from "mixed" blood communities and tell me which are better looking, according to your personal standards of beauty.
It takes a special type of person to talk to a room full of geniuses like they're children
I already knew what she was talking about and she presented it in a non controversial manner. I take Vitamin D tablets everyday as a result of Covid 19.
what?? did u read my comment or are u just going around doing this to random comments?
What about the Asian skin evolution? They are (the Japan at least) in the same range of radiation that Africa, right!? I don't remember of great migrations there (they also were closed to foreigners for a long time).
I don't think it is hard to produce a drug to regulate melanin production, especially if it is a health issue. Anyway, we are able to guide our own evolution.
After watching this video i immediately went and ate 4 oranges.....
I'm pretty sure it is your OPINION that the dark-skinned woman was "repulsive" and "extream" which by the way is spelled *extreme.... I'm pretty sure your basis for calling her that was socio-cultural.... which disgusts me considering I don't think that woman was repulsive in any way... I'm sure in her culture she is considered a very beautiful woman. I would consider her a very beautiful woman.
Everything made sense up until the "he's white" part. You lost me there. I thought he was half white.... which makes him neither white or black.
al-Jāḥiẓ (Arabic: الجاحظ) (full name Abū ʿUthman ʿAmr ibn Baḥr al-Kinānī al-Baṣrī أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحر الكناني البصري) (born 776, in Basra - December 868/January 869)
Risalat mufakharat al-sudan 'ala al-bidan (Treatise on Blacks)
Concerning the Zanj, he wrote:
Everybody agrees that there is no people on earth in whom generosity is as universally well developed as the Zanj. These people have a natural talent for dancing to the rhythm of the tambourine, without needing to learn it. There are no better singers anywhere in the world, no people more polished and eloquent, and no people less given to insulting language. No other nation can surpass them in bodily strength and physical toughness. One of them will lift huge blocks and carry heavy loads that would be beyond the strength of most Bedouins or members of other races. They are courageous, energetic, and generous, which are the virtues of nobility, and also good-tempered and with little propensity to evil. They are always cheerful, smiling, and devoid of malice, which is a sign of noble character.
The Zanj say that God did not make them black in order to disfigure them; rather it is their environment that made them so. The best evidence of this is that there are black tribes among the Arabs, such as the Banu Sulaim bin Mansur, and that all the peoples settled in the Harra, besides the Banu Sulaim are black. These tribes take slaves from among the Ashban to mind their flocks and for irrigation work, manual labor, and domestic service, and their wives from among the Byzantines; and yet it takes less than three generations for the Harra to give them all the complexion of the Banu Sulaim. This Harra is such that the gazelles, ostriches, insects, wolves, foxes, sheep, asses, horses and birds that live there are all black. White and black are the results of environment, the natural properties of water and soil, distance from the sun, and intensity of heat. There is no question of metamorphosis, or of punishment, disfigurement or favor meted out by Allah. Besides, the land of the Banu Sulaim has much in common with the land of the Turks, where the camels, beasts of burden, and everything belonging to these people is similar in appearance: everything of theirs has a Turkish look.[1]
[1] "Medieval Sourcebook: Abû Ûthmân al-Jâhith: From The Essays, c. 860 CE"
The palm of the hands and the soles of the feet bear witness to your testimomy
very much so. *shakes head in disappointment at the youtube community represented by these commentors*
I'm from south east asia, tomorrow I'm gonna go out of the house.
I assumed that you were using the dictionary definition of genocide "The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation". And what's wrong with becoming a minority? All ethnic groups but one must, by definition, be minorities and they seem fine.
Really? I was going by the dictionary definition, "The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation". Anyway, that definition still does not apply to the situation being discussed.
Wow. I'm a product of evolution :)
education :)
no for real. i search some legit bloodline (do you say it that way)
link blocked
that seems pretty ok to me. thats the way it was tought to me
You are making a poor distinction there: Who is black? Who is white? Notice that the woman in this talk refused to use those terms, as there are no human races: we are all mixed up.
You don't say?
ah sorry overheard unrealatedat at 9:00
englishs not my native language. i was simply confused by the use of the word ancestor :) so thx btw
Oh I hadn't thought of that, actually.
The lesson that I received from this entire video, was that there is NOT one person on the face of this earth without African DNA in them. NOT ONE.
souluvable along that same logic, you could say that there is not one organism which does not possess a fragment of DNA shared by the "first" microorganism from which all life then radiated. But that does not make us unicellular does it?
souluvable I think you missed the point of this video. This was not about human migration or about the first modern humans in East Africa. It was about the fact that skin color is an adaptation. That was it. Literally
Yes, but no evidence of it.... she is not mentioning that it is not adaptions but mutation-- 4 different levels of albinoism.
If the body adapted than... why not know????
What about the Eskimos-- they are dark skinned people that live high in the northern areas.
Obama was mixed...she doesn't know how much melanin he has.... she is guessing because of her vision is skewed.
I am no scientist, but I just got my DNA tests back, and was hoping to see some African DNA, but I got nothing. Not even
Hmm, so non quantitative logic would say anti-white can still exist even with no opposing colors?
"you are the product of evolution" nice ending note. And why in these comments the concept of race and racism came up is quite saddening. This speech is about evolution and how skin pigment is a result of that. not "blacks are ghetto" and "racism is anti-white" were't you people listening??? yeesh.
I kinda agree.
that obama thing was cringe
But we know now that the theory that humans began in Africa is no longer valid because of the human remains found in 2010. So most subsequent theories are also not as accurate or important.
but it is an eye opener
Reading the comments I thought this was going to be stupid, Now realize the commenters are stupid.
Are you saying the first ancestors of Humans were not from Africa ?
more like they were cast out...away from the sun's natural resourcefulness
You should change the title, or at least change the word 'illusion' to 'evolution'! Because nowhere in this presentation does she suggest skin color is an illusion!
the human race. That is all that matters...
Thanks Mrs. Claus
So the philosophy of "Eugenics" didn't come out of Darwinism???
What i mean is the natives. Who originally own the land.
you are lost, this is not the Pokemon section...
Huh, why is the universe in a vacuum of black? Why not a vacuum of white?
Mmmmm I'm going to go with the lady with a Phd in Anthropology, field work and multiple scientific publications on this one.
If science is to truly birth the knowledge of higgs, won't it be out of the consolidation of both colors? Or does that even matter?