The best expacs were building on top of the last. Bc didn't even have talent changes. Wotlk was the last good real blizzard expac because like 80% of it was done by pre Activision blizzard
4:34 "First of many reworks..." I will forever miss the Tank-Lock from MoP. Dark Apotheosis, Harvest Life, Mortal Coil, Hour of Twilight, Bloodstone, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning. Mists was some of the most fun I've ever had with my DemoLock. All they would've had to do to make it a great tank spec would've been to give it the normal Tank crit-taking reduction and have it also make Shadow Bolt into Shadow Volley. But instead, they decided to just make fun of the players that wanted it to be a viable tank spec by completely removing Dark Apotheosis _and_ making a proper tank-lock, but only as a bodyguard follower in WoD with Aeda Brightdawn, who actually had Dark Apotheosis and Shadow Volley.
I think about how much i miss lock tanking to often. It was always funny when a healer would tell the tank to pull more but they didnt listen so youd just start pulling whole rooms.
@@v.slavov honestly demon hunters are one of the most fun classes in the game, not only that but lore wise it much better fits demon hunter as it was originally their ability in the first place.
As always, you promised to put a link to the other videos on this series in the description, and like many times before, you never did. I always ignore your promises of links, but fell for it this time, and it never ceases to piss me off. I'm off to your channel to find the videos then.
You missed the pre-TBC patch 2.0 times in this. There was a whole month of people having the Felguard at level 60, and they were crazy powerful. They initially worked with The Black Book from BWL too, which doubled their damage and basically made it like the Warlock had a pet Fury warrior.
You can make videos about the history of all specs, like how their signature spells have changed, main source of damage varations (e.g. Ele shamans from lava burst nukes to noodles now), etc. Great content.
Wotlk and cata made me love warlock so much. I wish it was possible to have some of the old with the new. Summoning a small army and having metamorphosis would finally hold my attention to sit down and have a main.
As much as I loved meta ( well was destro most of my life but seeing my brother in arms turning into demons made me a bit jaleous) but with demonhunters around locks aint never gonna get it back.
As a pve demo what I really miss and never understand why this was removed: The axe toss worked as an interrupt if the enemy is immune to stun. Since the interrupt part was removed we lost this tiny utility job.
One thing you left out. In cata the Fel Hunter was actually the best single target demo pet. Because the master increase demon damage the ability Shadow Bite which hit harder for every DoT the lock had on the target. Even in just normal mode gear that spell would hit for around 80-120k depending on buffs. The felguard was only ever used for cleaving and AOE
10:28 just wanna point out a disc priest is using luminous barrier... and in a dungeon... where taking that talent is literally worse than not selecting a talent
I loved being a Demo lock in WoTLK. Charging in as a huge purple demon, with immolation aura was so cool and having a raidwide buff of giving 10% of your total spellpower anytime your pet critted was so OP.
Dude thank you for making a Go To Sleep playlist. I was gonna try to ask you to do that but you already did. How can I tell Madseasonshow to do the same thing?
Updates: Shadowlands: The axe toss ability now interrupts spellcasting instead of stunning if the target is currently casting a spell that can be interrupted. If not it stuns. This was done so demonology warlocks could have a spell interrupt for bosses and mobs that are immune to stuns without losing their felguard, since that pet is such a huge chunk of their damage.
Back in classic when the BC prepatch put the talents in the Felguard could bug out and cleave mobs in other rooms pulling entire instances. I made several BRD runs really interesting before I realized what was happening.
Warlock got actual tools to work with in BC besides Shadowbolt spam. Granted the start still had shadowbolt spam, but the addition of UA and the Felguard made the other builds at least somewhat appealing.
i remember i ALWAYS beat my lock friend as a priest. but when he had his felguard, that thing wrecked me. it just hit too damn hard plus the dots and fear lol
the pole arm out of Hell Fire Ramparts, the Hellreaver, was always my go to for Weapon glyphs, looked like it was meant to have it... Guessing Argus' Scythe would look bad ass as well... just wondering the most ridiculous looking weapon it would carry...
in cataclysm you didnt use the felguard in raids, youd keep him out for some sort of buff then pull out the felhunter. i cant quite remember the exact mechanics but i remember how shitty it was mid fight when meta came back up to hard cast him out first. the rotation was like 20 skills back then! miss those days
Okay so, the reason the Legion Glyphed Wrathguard did less damage half the time is this: On bosses such as Krosus with an increased distance you can stand at and still melee them, alot of pet abilities had a RangeCalculation applied to thier cleaves etc so they could still hit with them from the further distance. The Wrathguard's Felstorm and Cleave, did NOT get this scaling. This meant that on any boss slightly larger a tiny dungeon boss, it would stand too far away for it's abilities to land, meaning it was just meleeing. You could solve this by manually moving it close to the bosses' model, but it would frequently move back out to max range even when told to Stay while attacking, making it unreliable.
Avoidance wasn’t given to Warlock pets until much later in TBC through, or was it WotLK prepatch? Raiding with Demonology spec was pretty much impossible since you have to micromanage the demon to not die in every AoE. The trinket from Tempest Keep helps a bit.
Great video! But may i suggest to use music from the game instead? Maybe is just me, but i find it more fitting when using wow background music. This is one of the videos i been waiting for the most. And maybe is just me, but i felt some of the music kinda put me off at moments. Still that dosen't mean that the video wasn't damn good :)
we have been discussing that, our worry is getting copyright claims, but we have been running a few trials here and there, why we use the royalty music we have.
So I don't know if this is overly asked or anything, but what's that background music that starts around 17:23 or so? I've heard it in a bunch of these vids and it's super catchy.. would love to find it and hear the whole thing. Thanks to anyone who can help!
The whole wrathguard dual wield bug really irks me now because they clearly CAN make it work, now that you can transmog a dual wield legion artifact onto a 2h weapon
@@hirumaredx @Hamsterwheel made a video covering Arcane's changes until WotLK,but i would like something extensive and detailed as your kind of "vanilla to bfA" style. Actually I would be glad to help you do some research. I'm guessing a lot of the work must be collecting the information on the patch notes for every expansion,or going to the spell changes section on wowhead for every expansion's spell,so i could do that,or maybe getting footage to ilustrate. I hope that could make that video a reality PD: sorry if broken english
@@sapandcap8031 My version of that is spending days grinding bosses on isle of thunder while it was current content, wiping for days on Kanrethad because I was undefeated, finally getting it and then watching them strip literally every ability that benefits from it away. And they wonder why I am such a tightly wound ball of salt these days. I would have never gotten demon hunters if it meant warlocks stayed like they were in MoP
4:00 "better for less skilled players" - Sorry but let me interject here and say the TBC alternative to that was a destro build with succubus sacrifice that only had the warlock cast Shadowbolt, and nothing else, and it wasn't just a literal one-button build (not even one macro, like hunters, but literally one single spell) but you also had no demon to manage or pull aggro or so on.
not directly linked to pets specificly but last patch in WoD demo was crazy stong and broken. OutDPSing everyone so badly and tanks could nearly not hold aggro, this was even hotfixed. Allso in wotlk (if i remember corretly) the metamorphosis gave them so mo much armor they could tank while it was active functioning as a 2ndary tank or if original tank needed som help
Wow i LOVE this video but just want to point out there is some misinformation here, considering that I was a Demonology Warlock for 90% of Wotlk and did not play a day of Cataclysm. Intercept, axe toss and felstorm all existed at the same time in Wotlk which meant he at one point did have two stuns, his AoE cleave along with the AoE bladestorm.
Another spell you've forgotten to mention entirely was Demon Soul, which also had a different effect depending which pet was out very similar to master demonologist. Which really put into perspective exactly how many trinket-like cooldowns demo locks had as they could all be used at once and were especially potent while in metamorphosis.
@@ianorrnyc completly forgot about demon soul. However the first part is incorrect. Felstorm was not introduced till Cata. 4.0.1 Intercept was removed with 4.0.1 axe toss was introduced in 4.0.1 cata is when they did the rework of al the demons, and that means felguard too, when it lost all of its abilites and gained new ones. there is no time where it had intercept AND axe toss, intercept was removed the same patch axe toss and felstorm were introduced. you might be confusing pursuit with intercept, which we include in the video. if you could show me anything pointing to intercept being in at the same time as axe toss feel free. however from all the info i can find, it was removed in 4.0.1 as was the rest of the demons spells, as that is the same time it got the replacements.
Oh...MoP, a time when if you sacrifice your Felguard and use certain Glyph you became and actual caster/warrior tank (something like the later Demon Hunter but better and coolest since you get your own Demon wings and horns of dark energy) plus mannoroth's last talent and you became the perfect aoe tank with aoe aura plus aoe damage/autoheal spell but they decide your taunt will not work on bosses so gg there. Really sad the give up the Warlock Demon form to give all the fun and good spells to the demon hunters, so remember when a DH ask you "I've sacrificed everything. What have you given?", well. half of my skills. Also, the glyph of Wrathguard and the other demos existed before legion and after being removed but they "hide/remove" all those glyphs, then put them again into the profession to say they were "new"
I was lost in this video. What was going up with that shaman? Was with you on the party or he just wanted to be famous and sticked to you the whole montage?
For 14:01 not sure why but I feel that Threatening presence might sound as a Jojo reference (you begin to hear the pillar men theme on the background).
Kind of wish they didn't go in this direction with demo. I still miss Metamorphosis and Mists'/WoD gameplay of it. As much as I like this variant, it's just not the same as turning into a demon to annihilate the opposition. :( Especially since summoning only imps and a pair of glorified Fel Hunters every few seconds doesn't feel very "demonology-esque" to me. If we were able to control a larger amount of servants at one time, that'd be an interesting concept - like having a Wrathguard, a Doomguard and a flock of imps following you around at all times, or even a 3rd and 4th demon, or passive dreadstalkers alongside those demons - that's what a "Demonology" warlock would be to me if I were to redesign the spec not as a transformation spec like it was in the past for a while, but a summoner spec; calling forth a small band of actual demons to tear your targets apart rather than just have a pack of imps you can blow up. Of course, such an idea has its own hurdles and issues to overcome, but it does sound a little more thematically appropriate as opposed to what Demonology is now. Don't get me wrong, I like pummelling enemy players into the floor with my Tyrant and Wrathguard buddies, but still. Thank you for reading this semi-off-topic comment about Demonology on a video that mostly only deals with its Felguard pet. Rofl
I think the Felguard looks a lot cooler than the wrathguard. I'd much rather have a Glyph of Fel Lord, but that makes little sense lore-wise as Fel-lords were too powerful to bind like that.
mostly they didnt know what to do with it, vanilla and tbc it was a weird mix of just buffing your pet, or sacrficing it, it wasnt a "spec on its own" then in wotlk they made it a support spec with soulfire and execute, then cata they made it its own dps spec, but added a ton of new spells and removed some old ones, then mop they redid it again, giving it summonable imps and different metamorph abilities, then in wod they redid it again, doing a ton of new spells and unique features, and was way too difficult to play optimally. then in legion of course metamorph gone, and the new "Demon commander" playstyle, then bfa again they changed it to be more about summoning TONS instead of summoning a few and empowering them.
They made Demo so good and later they just decide to destroy it, because monkeys are working in blizzard ... First was the Metamorph, later the Fel/Wrathguard. What will be removed or squished next.. Hand of Gul'dan(which was already nerfed), Imps or Shadowbolt...
Man, i dont play wow anymore, but this made me miss Cata and Mop like crazy. They were such revolutionary expansions compared to tbc and wotlk, which were more boring imo
God i miss wotlk warlock and there talent tree and party buff of 10% spel power. Think later was buff that every one in raid got it ? And do miss other pet aoe buff
Felguard > Wrathguard tbh What would you rather have as your demonic bodyguard? A rippling mountain of muscle with a giant axe... or some lanky fucker with skinny legs and an oversized spatula?
well these videos cover all the expansions... so there has to be retail footage, and since it wasnt added till TBC i cant use classic footage like i did for the voidwalker video.
@@blubbblubber6113 This one. I didn't MIND it in legion with BiS legendaries, but it was held back by them and also had the issue of simply not being OP Affliction.
@@blubbblubber6113 I don't. They just feel like 3-minuate cooldown animations, which they are. They're there to do a little damage, not be attacked or positioned or set up or anything, they're all just basic dps with visual flare, no potential for anything advanced or creative. Other classes have their 3-minute nukes, yours just appear as demons. Class pruning hasn't stopped the homogenization.
The Felguard's idle animation in WC3 is him doing squats, that's the kind of power level he's at
CYKA BLYAT the Twisting Nether is actually just Russia
That definitely explains a lot of things
@@Archimonde259 haha such a funny joke
@@Archimonde259 Lol XD
Immagonko it’s not a joke
@@Archimonde259 this comment aged like fine wine
I feel like 90% of this company's energy has been spent undoing whatever was in the last expansion.
The best expacs were building on top of the last. Bc didn't even have talent changes. Wotlk was the last good real blizzard expac because like 80% of it was done by pre Activision blizzard
Very much this! ^_^;
Just like politics.
4:34 "First of many reworks..."
I will forever miss the Tank-Lock from MoP.
Dark Apotheosis, Harvest Life, Mortal Coil, Hour of Twilight, Bloodstone, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Kil'jaeden's Cunning.
Mists was some of the most fun I've ever had with my DemoLock.
All they would've had to do to make it a great tank spec would've been to give it the normal Tank crit-taking reduction and have it also make Shadow Bolt into Shadow Volley. But instead, they decided to just make fun of the players that wanted it to be a viable tank spec by completely removing Dark Apotheosis _and_ making a proper tank-lock, but only as a bodyguard follower in WoD with Aeda Brightdawn, who actually had Dark Apotheosis and Shadow Volley.
I feel like someone at blizzard got corpse camped by a demo lock in MoP and has been trying to make lock players suffer ever since.
Warlock in pandaria was great, You could glyph into being a tank. if you had a holy pally spam denouce you couldn't be crit. it was the best.
I think about how much i miss lock tanking to often. It was always funny when a healer would tell the tank to pull more but they didnt listen so youd just start pulling whole rooms.
Haha brings nostalghia, i remember pvping on this spec
Those were the Good times. But no we had to remove Metamorphosis to not confuse Locks with the new pointless class.
Friend of mine got gold tank proving grounds on his lock back in mop. Also made it to I think wave 10 of endless.
@@v.slavov honestly demon hunters are one of the most fun classes in the game, not only that but lore wise it much better fits demon hunter as it was originally their ability in the first place.
As always, you promised to put a link to the other videos on this series in the description, and like many times before, you never did. I always ignore your promises of links, but fell for it this time, and it never ceases to piss me off. I'm off to your channel to find the videos then.
Just told him, however there is a link to the playlist at the end of the video
Preemptively Liked, as a career-long demonologist (vanilla - wrath)
Vanilla - Cata here. Then MoP i went affli then destro. And i been destro since then.
Blizzarad just loves to water down the whiskey, so to speak. Another fantastic video for your fans. Thank you.
You missed the pre-TBC patch 2.0 times in this. There was a whole month of people having the Felguard at level 60, and they were crazy powerful. They initially worked with The Black Book from BWL too, which doubled their damage and basically made it like the Warlock had a pet Fury warrior.
Well pre-patches are always kind of crazy for most classes. I generally dont mention them unless something bonkers happens
You can make videos about the history of all specs, like how their signature spells have changed, main source of damage varations (e.g. Ele shamans from lava burst nukes to noodles now), etc. Great content.
your voice is as smooth as butter and as chill as mad season
Wotlk and cata made me love warlock so much. I wish it was possible to have some of the old with the new. Summoning a small army and having metamorphosis would finally hold my attention to sit down and have a main.
As much as I loved meta ( well was destro most of my life but seeing my brother in arms turning into demons made me a bit jaleous) but with demonhunters around locks aint never gonna get it back.
Demo warlock at BC release was amazing! Favourite warlock pet!
I still remember how OP the Felguard was when boosted by The Black Book in BC. Could do well over 1.5k crits.
As a pve demo what I really miss and never understand why this was removed:
The axe toss worked as an interrupt if the enemy is immune to stun.
Since the interrupt part was removed we lost this tiny utility job.
The worst feeling of the spec in current mythic plus.
*PTSD flashback to TBC pre patch felguard destroying armies*
This somehow makes me wanna get a warlock.
I really enjoy the History Of series, I want something Mage related so i feel as special as those warlocks :)
One thing you left out.
In cata the Fel Hunter was actually the best single target demo pet. Because the master increase demon damage the ability Shadow Bite which hit harder for every DoT the lock had on the target. Even in just normal mode gear that spell would hit for around 80-120k depending on buffs.
The felguard was only ever used for cleaving and AOE
10:28 just wanna point out a disc priest is using luminous barrier... and in a dungeon... where taking that talent is literally worse than not selecting a talent
I loved being a Demo lock in WoTLK. Charging in as a huge purple demon, with immolation aura was so cool and having a raidwide buff of giving 10% of your total spellpower anytime your pet critted was so OP.
Dude thank you for making a Go To Sleep playlist. I was gonna try to ask you to do that but you already did. How can I tell Madseasonshow to do the same thing?
Updates: Shadowlands:
The axe toss ability now interrupts spellcasting instead of stunning if the target is currently casting a spell that can be interrupted. If not it stuns. This was done so demonology warlocks could have a spell interrupt for bosses and mobs that are immune to stuns without losing their felguard, since that pet is such a huge chunk of their damage.
Back in classic when the BC prepatch put the talents in the Felguard could bug out and cleave mobs in other rooms pulling entire instances. I made several BRD runs really interesting before I realized what was happening.
Love your videos hiru
Actually didnt know the feiguard came out in BC. Was looking forward to using it in classic.
Warlock got actual tools to work with in BC besides Shadowbolt spam. Granted the start still had shadowbolt spam, but the addition of UA and the Felguard made the other builds at least somewhat appealing.
i remember i ALWAYS beat my lock friend as a priest. but when he had his felguard, that thing wrecked me. it just hit too damn hard plus the dots and fear lol
I Love your "history of ..." series. Have you thought about looking at Lifebloom ? That spell was changed A LOT since BC.
the pole arm out of Hell Fire Ramparts, the Hellreaver, was always my go to for Weapon glyphs, looked like it was meant to have it... Guessing Argus' Scythe would look bad ass as well... just wondering the most ridiculous looking weapon it would carry...
History of Metamorphosis please!
Wish you had talked about how op the felguard was during the tbc prepatch
in cataclysm you didnt use the felguard in raids, youd keep him out for some sort of buff then pull out the felhunter. i cant quite remember the exact mechanics but i remember how shitty it was mid fight when meta came back up to hard cast him out first. the rotation was like 20 skills back then! miss those days
Okay so, the reason the Legion Glyphed Wrathguard did less damage half the time is this:
On bosses such as Krosus with an increased distance you can stand at and still melee them, alot of pet abilities had a RangeCalculation applied to thier cleaves etc so they could still hit with them from the further distance. The Wrathguard's Felstorm and Cleave, did NOT get this scaling. This meant that on any boss slightly larger a tiny dungeon boss, it would stand too far away for it's abilities to land, meaning it was just meleeing. You could solve this by manually moving it close to the bosses' model, but it would frequently move back out to max range even when told to Stay while attacking, making it unreliable.
Avoidance wasn’t given to Warlock pets until much later in TBC through, or was it WotLK prepatch?
Raiding with Demonology spec was pretty much impossible since you have to micromanage the demon to not die in every AoE. The trinket from Tempest Keep helps a bit.
Avoidance wasnt given to all pets until late wrath, but some pets had a version of it before it was made a baseline.
for a bit demonology was a tank spec on beta for cata or mop which I really wanted but others decided against obviously
Cant wait for the next demonology rework
I would like to ask you to make a video about one of the greatest Horde hero: Varok Saurfang.
TBC Felguard and The Black Book. So good before the book was nerfed. ;_;
Great video! But may i suggest to use music from the game instead?
Maybe is just me, but i find it more fitting when using wow background music. This is one of the videos i been waiting for the most. And maybe is just me, but i felt some of the music kinda put me off at moments. Still that dosen't mean that the video wasn't damn good :)
we have been discussing that, our worry is getting copyright claims, but we have been running a few trials here and there, why we use the royalty music we have.
Hiru please do a video on darkmoon faire lore. That place is pretty fishy..
Should just do a history of demonology as a spec since it changes basically every expansion.
Same for SV or MM hunter.
You'll have to ask Felplague that. I wouldnt mind giving the ok on a video like that.
Now that you're done with the history of all Warlock pets, when are you gonna start on the history of all Hunter pets?
Ha hahahahaahahahahahahaha
Something like that
So I don't know if this is overly asked or anything, but what's that background music that starts around 17:23 or so? I've heard it in a bunch of these vids and it's super catchy.. would love to find it and hear the whole thing. Thanks to anyone who can help!
Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
Can anyone tell me what track starts playing at 17:40 i hear it in every video and i love it
Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
@@RazanaArcclaw Thank you !
The Left Hand of Darkness? No way that isn't a reference to Ursula K. LeGuin's incredible book of the same name.
Felguards confirmed ambisexual monsters with a very loose grasp of gender
The whole wrathguard dual wield bug really irks me now because they clearly CAN make it work, now that you can transmog a dual wield legion artifact onto a 2h weapon
Any chance of getting a arcane Mage's history through the expansions?
Highly unlikely, but I wouldn't say no completely as I might find an efficient way to make videos like that in the future.
@@hirumaredx @Hamsterwheel made a video covering Arcane's changes until WotLK,but i would like something extensive and detailed as your kind of "vanilla to bfA" style.
Actually I would be glad to help you do some research. I'm guessing a lot of the work must be collecting the information on the patch notes for every expansion,or going to the spell changes section on wowhead for every expansion's spell,so i could do that,or maybe getting footage to ilustrate.
I hope that could make that video a reality
PD: sorry if broken english
"The face of demonology" ..... since they removed the actual face of the spec. Not bitter by the way.
Still bitter.
Spending hundred of hours to get my green fire Kanrethad form only for it to get horribly ripped away the very next Xpac :D
@@sapandcap8031 My version of that is spending days grinding bosses on isle of thunder while it was current content, wiping for days on Kanrethad because I was undefeated, finally getting it and then watching them strip literally every ability that benefits from it away.
And they wonder why I am such a tightly wound ball of salt these days. I would have never gotten demon hunters if it meant warlocks stayed like they were in MoP
@@magnumx635 I share your pain, friend. Current demonology's fine and all but give us back our true forms, dammit!
4:00 "better for less skilled players" - Sorry but let me interject here and say the TBC alternative to that was a destro build with succubus sacrifice that only had the warlock cast Shadowbolt, and nothing else, and it wasn't just a literal one-button build (not even one macro, like hunters, but literally one single spell) but you also had no demon to manage or pull aggro or so on.
not directly linked to pets specificly but last patch in WoD demo was crazy stong and broken. OutDPSing everyone so badly and tanks could nearly not hold aggro, this was even hotfixed.
Allso in wotlk (if i remember corretly) the metamorphosis gave them so mo much armor they could tank while it was active functioning as a 2ndary tank or if original tank needed som help
Wow i LOVE this video but just want to point out there is some misinformation here, considering that I was a Demonology Warlock for 90% of Wotlk and did not play a day of Cataclysm. Intercept, axe toss and felstorm all existed at the same time in Wotlk which meant he at one point did have two stuns, his AoE cleave along with the AoE bladestorm.
Another spell you've forgotten to mention entirely was Demon Soul, which also had a different effect depending which pet was out very similar to master demonologist. Which really put into perspective exactly how many trinket-like cooldowns demo locks had as they could all be used at once and were especially potent while in metamorphosis.
@@ianorrnyc completly forgot about demon soul.
However the first part is incorrect. Felstorm was not introduced till Cata. 4.0.1
Intercept was removed with 4.0.1
axe toss was introduced in 4.0.1
cata is when they did the rework of al the demons, and that means felguard too, when it lost all of its abilites and gained new ones.
there is no time where it had intercept AND axe toss, intercept was removed the same patch axe toss and felstorm were introduced.
you might be confusing pursuit with intercept, which we include in the video.
if you could show me anything pointing to intercept being in at the same time as axe toss feel free. however from all the info i can find, it was removed in 4.0.1 as was the rest of the demons spells, as that is the same time it got the replacements.
Now do a video on every type of Hunter Pet :)
Legion: adds tons of new demons in the world, *removes* demon pets
WoD was a dark time for the Fel Guard... permanent Doom Guard and Infernal were just too good to pass up...
my first charter was a human warlock quil
what is the name of the music from 17:25 and out it is cool.
Oh...MoP, a time when if you sacrifice your Felguard and use certain Glyph you became and actual caster/warrior tank (something like the later Demon Hunter but better and coolest since you get your own Demon wings and horns of dark energy) plus mannoroth's last talent and you became the perfect aoe tank with aoe aura plus aoe damage/autoheal spell but they decide your taunt will not work on bosses so gg there.
Really sad the give up the Warlock Demon form to give all the fun and good spells to the demon hunters, so remember when a DH ask you "I've sacrificed everything. What have you given?", well. half of my skills.
Also, the glyph of Wrathguard and the other demos existed before legion and after being removed but they "hide/remove" all those glyphs, then put them again into the profession to say they were "new"
I was lost in this video. What was going up with that shaman? Was with you on the party or he just wanted to be famous and sticked to you the whole montage?
It was probably the new party sync, that's why hiru's max level warlock wasn't one shotting BC wrath ATA and mop mobs
@@hamsterhamster6492 Yah he was there for party sync
I don't know how much content you can get out of it but Maybe the History of the Eye of Kilrogg spell
What happened to the old warlock metamorphosis ability?
Removed when they added demon hunters.
I have a question? Where can I find these glyphs for the warlock demon?
For 14:01 not sure why but I feel that Threatening presence might sound as a Jojo reference (you begin to hear the pillar men theme on the background).
18:16 he said smell heheheheh
I miss my Jhuuthun.... its been a long time :(
I like the felguard
So that's why my Wrathguard now only uses one weapon in BfA. I've been wondering why this was happening.
Kind of wish they didn't go in this direction with demo. I still miss Metamorphosis and Mists'/WoD gameplay of it.
As much as I like this variant, it's just not the same as turning into a demon to annihilate the opposition. :( Especially since summoning only imps and a pair of glorified Fel Hunters every few seconds doesn't feel very "demonology-esque" to me. If we were able to control a larger amount of servants at one time, that'd be an interesting concept - like having a Wrathguard, a Doomguard and a flock of imps following you around at all times, or even a 3rd and 4th demon, or passive dreadstalkers alongside those demons - that's what a "Demonology" warlock would be to me if I were to redesign the spec not as a transformation spec like it was in the past for a while, but a summoner spec; calling forth a small band of actual demons to tear your targets apart rather than just have a pack of imps you can blow up.
Of course, such an idea has its own hurdles and issues to overcome, but it does sound a little more thematically appropriate as opposed to what Demonology is now. Don't get me wrong, I like pummelling enemy players into the floor with my Tyrant and Wrathguard buddies, but still.
Thank you for reading this semi-off-topic comment about Demonology on a video that mostly only deals with its Felguard pet. Rofl
couldnt they just slow the dual wielding attack to the point were its just as fast as the slow 2-handed weapon?
Which addon is that you're using for enemy nameplates?
what is that static sound i keep hear
God damn now I can't unheard it
where do you hear this static?
17:47 what's the song name?
Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
What's the name od the song playing in background?
at what time? there is MANY songs playing throughout the video.
@@RazanaArcclaw 17:40
@@Grizzfor Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
@@RazanaArcclaw Thank you my love.
Dude, i need to know the name of that epic choral track! Plis tell me
what time stamp
The track is playing along and on 17:50 there is a bass drop
Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
Pls history of demonology reworks xd
I think the Felguard looks a lot cooler than the wrathguard. I'd much rather have a Glyph of Fel Lord, but that makes little sense lore-wise as Fel-lords were too powerful to bind like that.
Has demo lock always been game breaking? Or does blizzard think it lacks identity? Why so many reworks? I mained warrior at the time :P
mostly they didnt know what to do with it, vanilla and tbc it was a weird mix of just buffing your pet, or sacrficing it, it wasnt a "spec on its own" then in wotlk they made it a support spec with soulfire and execute, then cata they made it its own dps spec, but added a ton of new spells and removed some old ones, then mop they redid it again, giving it summonable imps and different metamorph abilities, then in wod they redid it again, doing a ton of new spells and unique features, and was way too difficult to play optimally. then in legion of course metamorph gone, and the new "Demon commander" playstyle, then bfa again they changed it to be more about summoning TONS instead of summoning a few and empowering them.
Song at 17:49?
Thrillseeker 1 - Gustavsson & Sandberg
@@RazanaArcclaw Thaaaaank you!
I wanna know your nameplate addon please it looks cool
or unitframe idk what you call it but its looks cool how the dps numbers go
@@aurathvol1084 Hiru uses Mik Scrolling Battle text for damage/heal numbers but that Warlock isn't Hiru.
the addon for the numbers flying off their nameplates is: Nameplate scrolling combat text
@@RazanaArcclaw thank you
You sound practically identical to Dzeeff
nvm, mixed up with theduellogs
pretty cool, i like both series
They made Demo so good and later they just decide to destroy it, because monkeys are working in blizzard ... First was the Metamorph, later the Fel/Wrathguard. What will be removed or squished next.. Hand of Gul'dan(which was already nerfed), Imps or Shadowbolt...
Hes Sven!!
Man, i dont play wow anymore, but this made me miss Cata and Mop like crazy. They were such revolutionary expansions compared to tbc and wotlk, which were more boring imo
God i miss wotlk warlock and there talent tree and party buff of 10% spel power. Think later was buff that every one in raid got it ? And do miss other pet aoe buff
Felguard > Wrathguard tbh
What would you rather have as your demonic bodyguard? A rippling mountain of muscle with a giant axe... or some lanky fucker with skinny legs and an oversized spatula?
some of these abilities should be brought back in some shape or form.
I wish there wasnt retail footage in these videos
well these videos cover all the expansions... so there has to be retail footage, and since it wasnt added till TBC i cant use classic footage like i did for the voidwalker video.
@@RazanaArcclaw Hi Felpalgue. Sorry you're not a girl :(
I love you daddy Hiru
The only rework ill accept is bringing back the doomguard.
and infernal for demo, and the upgraded demon models like abysal. Also having a big pitlord CD(like warlocks version of army of the dead)
Dont worry , guys , we will get another rework.I can smell the rework coming.
are we going to skip that the demo spec was crap all this time till bfa?
Wow editor is bad.
I know right?
>grim ore
grimoire. not grimore... pls....
After MOP demo was shit
As a warlock main, please stop reworking demo it was fine but now it's just ?????
Really? I like it the most at the current state. I think it captures the fantasy of a conjurer pretty well.
@@blubbblubber6113 This one. I didn't MIND it in legion with BiS legendaries, but it was held back by them and also had the issue of simply not being OP Affliction.
@@blubbblubber6113 I don't. They just feel like 3-minuate cooldown animations, which they are. They're there to do a little damage, not be attacked or positioned or set up or anything, they're all just basic dps with visual flare, no potential for anything advanced or creative. Other classes have their 3-minute nukes, yours just appear as demons. Class pruning hasn't stopped the homogenization.
9:50 Ew
its pronounced grim-oire(owaa sound)
I thought Felplague was a female player but you used the pronoun so now I'm disappointed.