Easy way to learn 14 principles is "DAD UU SEE I CROSS" 3:15 D=division of work A= Authority and responsibility D=Discipline U= Unity of command U= Unity of directions S = scalar chain E= Equity E= Esprit De crop I = initiative C= Centralization R=Remuneration O= Order S= Stability ot tennure of personnel S= Subordination of Individual interest to General Interest
Easy way to learn 14 principles is "A.R D. SIEROS DUUE" 3:15 AR = authority and responsibility D. siecros =discipline, scalar chain, initiative, equity, remuneration, order, stability ot tennure of personnel, DUUE = division ofdirection , Unity of command, ,Esprit de corps
Hi, I am student of 2021-22 batch jisne do term exam diye . because of him I got great marks in 12th. he made efforts than my entire faculty and in the last days of every exam he uploaded 40+ videos of every subject. me and my friends are so grateful for you sir and I want to tell to this 2022-23 batch that you all can highly rely on this guy for your exams. I am commenting suddenly out of nowhere because your notification popped up and I saw that you have made new entire playlist of all the subjects for the new batch. thank you so much sir for all the efforts ❤️🙏 we all love you so much.
Even me too In class11 I got 57 marks But in 12 I just blindly follow sunil sir and seriously follow his one shot revision series and I got 90 marks in acc And 88 marks in eco and b.st each
importance of principles of management :- 1. scientific decision 2. optimum utilization of resources 3. provide managers with useful insights into reality 4. works in changing environment conditions 5. helps in fulfilling social responsibilities
1)Discipline 2)Scalar chain 3)Unity of command 4)Unity of direction 5)Equity 6)Esprit de corps 7)Initiative 8)Remuneration to employees 9)Subordinate of individual interest to general interest 10)Authority and responsibility 11)Stability of personnel 12)Centralisation and decentralisation 13)Order 14) division of work
Importance of management principle:- Management principle are those scientific decisions which provides the guidelines to the managers so that they can fulfill the social responsibility, optimium utilisation of resources and manage to meet the changing environment. 1. Scientific decisions 2. Full utilisation of resources 3. Provides guidelines to managers 4. Fulfill the social responsibility 5. Meet the changing environment
#Management principle are those scientific decision which act as a guideline to managers To fulfill their social responsibility ,optimum utilisation of resources and meeting changes in the environment.💫
3:15 Easy way to learn 14 principles is below :- DAD U SEE USSR ! OIC D = division of work A = Authority and responsibility D = Discipline U = Unity of command S = Scalar chain E = Equity E = Esprit De crop U = Unity of directions S = Stability ot tennure of personnel S = Subordination of Individual interest to General Interest R = Remuneration O = Order I = Initiative C = Centralization
Fayol's principles: DAD U SEE USSR O I C D-division of work A-authority and responsibility D-discipline U-unity of direction S-scalar chain E-Equity E- Espirit de corps U-unity of command S- subordination of individual interest to general interest S-stability R-Remuneration O-order I-initiative C-centralisation
D- Division of work A- Authority and responsibility D- Discipline U- Unity of command U- Unity of direction S- Scalar chain E- Equity E- Espirit de corps I- Initiative C- Centralisation R- Remuneration O- Order S- Stability of tenure S- Subrogation of workers
Henry Fayol Cid use user soda Centralisation initiative Division of work Unity of command Stability Esprit de crops Unity of direction Subordination of individual interest Equity Remuneration Scalar chain Order Discipline Authority and responsibility
Its okey sir agar 20 mins bhi video chali jy 😌😌😌😍 becz we are understanding na more clearly that is good jaldi complete se bo zda aacha hai 🤯 thankyou sir for this lovely content ❣️
Scientific Management of Principal 1) science not thumb rule 2) harmony not discord 3) cooperation not individual 4) development of worker and greatest efficiency
Henry fayol : Division of work Order Equity Initiative Remuneration Scalar chain Discipline Stability Unity of command Unity of direction Espirit de crops Authority and responsibility Subordination of individual interest to general interest. Centralisation and decentralisation.
Coordination is a process through which integrates the group efforts of the people. Coordination as an essence of management 1- Coordination is the most important function of management. 2- Coordination is performed at all functions. 3- Coordination is required at all level of management. Importance of Coordination 1- Growth in Size 2- Functional Differentiation 3- Specialization
Henry fayol 14 principles Division of work Decipline Esprit de crops Unity of command Unity of direction Remuration Sclar chain Intiative Authority and responsibility Orders Equity Stability Centralisation and de centralisaton
Henry fayol :- 1 Division of work 2 Equity 3 order 4 unity of direction 5 Authority and responsibility 6 Remuneration 7 Scalar chain 8 unity of direction 9 Esprit de corps 10 Initiative 11 centralisation 12 Disciplined 13 stability of tenure of personal 14 subordinate of individual intrest
1. DISCPLINE 2. Unity Of Direction 3. Subordination Of indiviual Intrest 4. Division of work 5. Centralization and Decentralization 6. Intivatve 7. Unity Of Command 8. Scalar Chain 9. Equity 10. Order 11. Esprit De corps 12. Remuneration 13. Stablity Of Tenure
Importance of management :- Scientific decisions which guide the manag to fulfill social needs with optimum utilisation of resources and meet changes in environment Fayol prin :- 1. Initiative - Involve in decision making 2. Unity of command: take order from one head 3. Stability: properly invest in workers 4. Discipline: Complete tasts on give time 5. Order : Right person/resource available at right place/time 6. Remuneration: sufficient salary 7. Unity of direction: focus on 1 goal, organisational goal 8. Scalar chain: Communication in chain/levels 9. Authority and responsibility: Both together gives power to control and direct 10. Esprit de corpse: Unity is strength 11. Division of work: Divide work efficiently 12. Equity : Equality in treatment but salary according to job 13. Centralisation
Easy way to learn 14 principles is "A.R D. SIEROS DUUE" 3:15 AR = authority and responsibility D. siecros =discipline, scalar chain, initiative, equity, remuneration, order, stability ot tennure of personnel, DUUE = division ofdirection , Unity of command, ,Esprit de corps
Fayol principal 1 - Division of work 2- Authority and responsibility relationship 3 - scalar chain 4 - unity in command 5 - unity in direction 6 - Initiative 7 - subordination of Individual interest into general interest 8 - Equity 9 - order 10 - Remuneration of persons 11 - Centralisation and decentralisation 12 - stability of tenure of person 13 - Initiative 14 - Esprit de crops
1)Division of work 2) Authority and responsibility 3)Discipline 4)Initiative 5)Subordination of individual interested to group interest 6) unity of command 7) order 8)unity of direction 9) remuneration 10) equity 11) centralisation and decentralisation 12) esprit de corp 13) scalar chain 14) stability
Why are you saying sorry sir you are such a great teacher on youtube of commerce stream… And it is better that you revise deeply this will help us more to revise the syllabus If the video is of 15 to 20 minutes there is no problem…Although it is more beneficial for us.. Thank you sir for your all hard works for us..
controlling process 1. setting performance standards 2 measurement with actual performance 3 comparing with actual performance 4 analyzing deviations 5 taking corrective action
staffing process- 1. estimating manpower requirement 2.recruitment 3. selection 4. interview 5. placement and orientation 6. training and development 7. career planning 8. compensation
14, principal's of Henry fayol Division of work Unity of command Unity of direction Authority and responsibility Equity Discipline Centralisation and decentralisation Initiative Remuneration Order Scaler chain Subordination of individual intrest to general intrest Espirt decrops Stability
Principal of management Division of work Unity of command Unity of direction Esprit de cops Remuneration Equity Initiative Scaler chain Stability of tenure Discipline Centralisation and decentralisation Order Authority and responsibility Subordination interest to individual interest 14
Henry foyal 1Division of work 2Descipline 3Unity of command 4Unity of direction 5Order 6equity 7subordinate individual intrest to general intrest 8rumeneration of employees 9scalar chain 10authority and responsibilities 11centralisation and decentralisation 12espirit de corps 13stability of personal 14 initiative
Henri fayols 14 principles of management are :- 1Division of work 2 authority and responsibility 3 principle of scalar chain 4 stability to tenure of personnel 5 principle of equity 6 principle of order 7 unity of direction 8 unity of command 9 centralisation and decentralization 10 initiative 11 remuneration to employees 12 esprit the crops 13 subordination of individual interest to general
Henry fayol principle 1Division of work 2Authority and responsibility 3Unity of command 4Unity of direction 5Subordinate of individual interest to general interest 6Centralization and decentralization 7 remuneration of employees 8scalar chain 9order 10intiative 11 discipline 12esprit de corps 13stability of personnel 14 equity
Sir me 2022/23 ka student tha or mere business studies bahut week the phir me app ke channel se padhana Star kiya or mera board exam business 63 out off 80 aaye or overall 83 percentage 12 me aaye hai or ab me integral University Lucknow se BBA (IBM) kar raha hu sir aap ka Zinta sukriyaada karu. Kam hai love you sir❤
Feature of principle of management 1 guidelines 2 formed by many experiment 3 scientific approval 4 pervasive 5 flexible 6 cause and effect relationship Imp of principle of management 1 scientific method 2 guidelines 3 fullfill social responsibility 4 optimum utilization of resources 5 meeting environment change Principle of henri fayol 1 division of work 2 authority and responsibility 3 unity of command 4 decipline 5 unity of direction 6 renumeration to employees 7 centralization or decentralization 8 schalar chain 9 unity of order 10 principle of equity 11 principle of stablity 12 initiative 13 espirit do crops 14 Principle of fw taylor 1 science not rule of thumb 2 harmony not dicarded 3 co operation not individualation 4 development of workers for their greater efficiency Scientific technique of fw taylor 1 functional formention 2 work study 1fatigue study 2 time study 3 motion study 4 3 mental revolution 4
Staffing process: 1. Establishing manpower recruitment a) workload b) workforce c) comparison 2. Recruitment 3. Selection 4. Placement and orientation 5. Training and development
Priciple of mangement. 1. Division of work 2.unity of command 3.equity 4.discipiene 5.stability. 6.uthority and responsibilities 7.initative 8,.centralication 9.remuneeation 10.de. crops 11.scller chain 12. Unity of direction 13.
The nature of principles of management are 7 1. Universal application 2. general guidelines 3. Principles are formed by practice and experiments 4. flexibility 5. behavioral in nature 6. cause and effect relationship 7. All principles are of equal importance
Features / Characterstics Universally Applicable (pervasive) General Guidelines Flexible Cause and effect of relationship Formed by practice and experiments Behavioral in nature
Principle of management it is general guidelines for the manager to take the decision Features of principal of management 1. General guidelines 2. Flexible 3. Formed by practice and experiment 4. Universal application 5. Behavioural in nature 6. Cause and effect relationship
features of principle of management are 1) General guidelines 2) Formed by practice and experimentation 3) Flexible 4) Pervasive 5) Behavioral in nature 6) Cause and effect relationship
management principle are scientiic decision which provides guideline to manage to fulllfillbg social responsiblity .optimum utilization of resourses and meetin changes in te envirvonment
planning process 1. laying out objectives 2. developing premises 3. listing out alternatives 4. evaluating alternatives 5. choosing an alternative 6. execution of plan 7. follow up
Fayol:- Division of work Initiative Scalar chain Centralization nd decentralization Unity of command Stability of personal Subordination of general intt over individual intt Esprit de crops Discipline Order Unity of direction Remuneration Authorities and responsibility Equity.......
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS / FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF PRINCIPLE : 1- Universal Application 2- General Guidelines 3- Formed by Practice and Experiments 4- Flexible 5- Mainly Behavioural 6- Cause and Effect Relationship 7- Contingent IMPORTANCE OF PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT : 1- Provide useful Insights to Managers. 2- Optimum Utilisation of Resources & Effective Administration 3- Scientific Decisions 4- Meeting Changing Environment Requirements 5- Fulfilling Social Responsibility 6- Management Training Education and Research FAYOL'S PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT : 1- Division of Work 2- Authority and Responsibility 3- Discipline 4- Unity of Command 5- Unity of Direction 6- Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest 7- Remuneration of Personnel 8- Centralisation and Decentralisation 9- Scalar Chain 10- Order 11- Equity 12- Stability of Tenure of Personnel 13- Initiative 14- Espirit De Corps
1- Science Not Rule of Thumb 2- Harmony Not Discord 3- Cooperation Not Individualism 4- Development of each and every person to his/her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity. TAYLOR'S TECHNIQUES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT : 1- FUNCTIONAL FOREMANSHIP Planning Incharge Production Incharge Route Clerk Gang Boss Instruction Card Clerk Speed Boss Time And Cost Clerk Repair Boss Disciplinarian Inspector 2- WORK STUDY Method Study Motion Study Time Study Fatigue Study 3- STANDARDISAITON AND SIMPLIFICATION OF WORK 4- DIFFERENTIAL PIECE WAGE SYSTEM
Principle of management are those scientific decision which are given to manager as guidelines so that they can do optimum utilization of resources, fullfill social responsibility and meeting some environment change
Scientific technique of Taylor 1.funtional foremanship 2. Standardization and simplification of work 3. Work study 4. Differential piece wage rate system 5. Mental revolution
Division of work Authority n responsibilities Discipline Unity Intiative Scalar chain centralised and de.... Subordination Order Stability Esperit de corps Centralisation Unity of direction Remuneration Equity........ (Fayol)
Feature of management 1 unversal applicability 2 general guidance to manager 3 based on practice and experiments 4 flexible 5 mainly behavioural 6 relationship between cause and effect 7 contigent
Functional formanship Planning department 👉Route clerk 👉Time and cost 👉Instruction card clerk 👉Discipline clerk Operational department 👉Speed boss 👉Gang boss 👉Repair boss 👉Inspector
Sir... Firstly hatts off for ur work.... 👏🏻 and sorry for pointing ur mistake cause u didn't taught about subordination of individual interest to general interest in the fayol's principles of management...
Scientific decision Provide general guidelines to manager Fulfilling social responsibility Optimum utilisation of resources Meeting environmental changes
Principles of management are those scientific decisions which provides general guidelines to managers by which they can fulfill their social responsibilities, optimum utilise their resources and can meet environmental changes...
Functional foremanship - Planning department - Route clerk Time and cost clerk Disciplinarian Instruction card clerk Operation department Gang boss Speed boss Inspector Repair boss Work study Time Motion Method Fatigue Differential piece wage system Mental revolution 😊
Easy way to learn 14 principles is "DAD UU SEE I CROSS" 3:15
D=division of work
A= Authority and responsibility
U= Unity of command
U= Unity of directions
S = scalar chain
E= Equity
E= Esprit De crop
I = initiative
C= Centralization
O= Order
S= Stability ot tennure of personnel
S= Subordination of Individual interest to General Interest
great job girl
Thanks sis
Easy way to learn 14 principles is "A.R D. SIEROS DUUE" 3:15
AR = authority and responsibility
D. siecros =discipline, scalar chain, initiative, equity, remuneration, order, stability ot tennure of personnel,
DUUE = division ofdirection , Unity of command, ,Esprit de corps
Hi, I am student of 2021-22 batch jisne do term exam diye . because of him I got great marks in 12th. he made efforts than my entire faculty and in the last days of every exam he uploaded 40+ videos of every subject. me and my friends are so grateful for you sir and I want to tell to this 2022-23 batch that you all can highly rely on this guy for your exams. I am commenting suddenly out of nowhere because your notification popped up and I saw that you have made new entire playlist of all the subjects for the new batch. thank you so much sir for all the efforts ❤️🙏 we all love you so much.
Even me too
In class11 I got 57 marks
But in 12 I just blindly follow sunil sir and seriously follow his one shot revision series and I got 90 marks in acc
And 88 marks in eco and b.st each
Haa uske baaad tu nalla baitha reh gya to yha gyan baaatne aya hai jutha sala
@@AHME_D_Ali ...... Me too
Me not
Importance of coordination
1.Growth in size
2.Functional differentiation
organising process-
1. identification and division of work
2. departmentalisation
3. assignment of duties
4. establishing reporting relationship
K itti k❤❤
importance of principles of management :-
1. scientific decision
2. optimum utilization of resources
3. provide managers with useful insights into reality
4. works in changing environment conditions
5. helps in fulfilling social responsibilities
2)Scalar chain
3)Unity of command
4)Unity of direction
6)Esprit de corps
8)Remuneration to employees
9)Subordinate of individual interest to general interest
10)Authority and responsibility
11)Stability of personnel
12)Centralisation and decentralisation
14) division of work
Fayol ka 14
Importance of management principle:-
Management principle are those scientific decisions which provides the guidelines to the managers so that they can fulfill the social responsibility, optimium utilisation of resources and manage to meet the changing environment.
1. Scientific decisions
2. Full utilisation of resources
3. Provides guidelines to managers
4. Fulfill the social responsibility
5. Meet the changing environment
#Management principle are those scientific decision which act as a guideline to managers
To fulfill their social responsibility ,optimum utilisation of resources and meeting changes in the environment.💫
Thank you bro main bhi yad kar liya ❤
3:15 Easy way to learn 14 principles is below :-
D = division of work
A = Authority and responsibility
D = Discipline
U = Unity of command
S = Scalar chain
E = Equity
E = Esprit De crop
U = Unity of directions
S = Stability ot tennure of personnel
S = Subordination of Individual interest to General Interest
R = Remuneration
O = Order
I = Initiative
C = Centralization
15:00 Video lambi ho gye hogi mue maf kar Dena this line hits me 🥺..... Sir humre liye mahanat kr rhae h vo Kam h kya
Uchii bolte
Espire de corps
T- together
E- everyone
A- achieve
M- more
Fayol's principles:
D-division of work
A-authority and responsibility
U-unity of direction
S-scalar chain
E- Espirit de corps
U-unity of command
S- subordination of individual interest to general interest
DAD UU SEE I CROSS is more easy to remember
D- Division of work
A- Authority and responsibility
D- Discipline
U- Unity of command
U- Unity of direction
S- Scalar chain
E- Equity
E- Espirit de corps
I- Initiative
C- Centralisation
R- Remuneration
O- Order
S- Stability of tenure
S- Subrogation of workers
@@khush_buthankyou It was very useful for me
Guys jo bhi abhi kar raha hai padhai woh isko 3 baar dekhlena ho jayega pura
Bro ma to khud first time kar raha hu 🙂
Henry Fayol
Cid use user soda
Division of work
Unity of command
Esprit de crops
Unity of direction
Subordination of individual interest
Scalar chain
Authority and responsibility
Its okey sir agar 20 mins bhi video chali jy 😌😌😌😍 becz we are understanding na more clearly that is good jaldi complete se bo zda aacha hai 🤯 thankyou sir for this lovely content ❣️
आप क्यों सिर हम लोग बोलेंगे आपको शुक्रिया (shukriya) 😌😌
@@sunilpandaofficial love you
Scientific Management of Principal
1) science not thumb rule
2) harmony not discord
3) cooperation not individual
4) development of worker and greatest efficiency
Henry fayol :
Division of work
Scalar chain
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Espirit de crops
Authority and responsibility
Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
Centralisation and decentralisation.
Coordination is a process through which integrates the group efforts of the people.
Coordination as an essence of management
1- Coordination is the most important function of management.
2- Coordination is performed at all functions.
3- Coordination is required at all level of management.
Importance of Coordination
1- Growth in Size
2- Functional Differentiation
3- Specialization
Thank you sir............ No words to express your hard work 🥳.........
Henry fayol 14 principles
Division of work
Esprit de crops
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Sclar chain
Authority and responsibility
Centralisation and de centralisaton
Accounts k paper k bd 3 din kab chle gya pta hi ni chla 🥲
Henry fayol :-
1 Division of work
2 Equity
3 order
4 unity of direction
5 Authority and responsibility
6 Remuneration
7 Scalar chain
8 unity of direction
9 Esprit de corps
10 Initiative
11 centralisation
12 Disciplined
13 stability of tenure of personal
14 subordinate of individual intrest
2. Unity Of Direction
3. Subordination Of indiviual Intrest
4. Division of work
5. Centralization and Decentralization
6. Intivatve
7. Unity Of Command
8. Scalar Chain
9. Equity
10. Order
11. Esprit De corps
12. Remuneration
13. Stablity Of Tenure
14. Authority and responsibility
Importance of management :- Scientific decisions which guide the manag to fulfill social needs with optimum utilisation of resources and meet changes in environment
Fayol prin :-
1. Initiative - Involve in decision making
2. Unity of command: take order from one head
3. Stability: properly invest in workers
4. Discipline: Complete tasts on give time
5. Order : Right person/resource available at right place/time
6. Remuneration: sufficient salary
7. Unity of direction: focus on 1 goal, organisational goal
8. Scalar chain: Communication in chain/levels
9. Authority and responsibility: Both together gives power to control and direct
10. Esprit de corpse: Unity is strength
11. Division of work: Divide work efficiently
12. Equity : Equality in treatment but salary according to job
13. Centralisation
Literally sir utni mehant toh mere school ke teachers ne bhi nahi kari sir hats off to your efforts 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Easy way to learn 14 principles is "A.R D. SIEROS DUUE" 3:15
AR = authority and responsibility
D. siecros =discipline, scalar chain, initiative, equity, remuneration, order, stability ot tennure of personnel,
DUUE = division ofdirection , Unity of command, ,Esprit de corps
Fayol principal
1 - Division of work
2- Authority and responsibility relationship
3 - scalar chain
4 - unity in command
5 - unity in direction
6 - Initiative
7 - subordination of Individual interest into general interest
8 - Equity
9 - order
10 - Remuneration of persons
11 - Centralisation and decentralisation
12 - stability of tenure of person
13 - Initiative
14 - Esprit de crops
Bhai Initiative 2 bar likh diya hai tumne
Collective interest over individual interest ye principle missing hai
1)Division of work
2) Authority and responsibility
5)Subordination of individual interested to group interest
6) unity of command
7) order
8)unity of direction
9) remuneration
10) equity
11) centralisation and decentralisation
12) esprit de corp
13) scalar chain
14) stability
right sir here forget the 5th point but thanks
Why are you saying sorry sir you are such a great teacher on youtube of commerce stream… And it is better that you revise deeply this will help us more to revise the syllabus If the video is of 15 to 20 minutes there is no problem…Although it is more beneficial for us.. Thank you sir for your all hard works for us..
controlling process
1. setting performance standards
2 measurement with actual performance
3 comparing with actual performance
4 analyzing deviations
5 taking corrective action
staffing process-
1. estimating manpower requirement
3. selection
4. interview
5. placement and orientation
6. training and development
7. career planning
8. compensation
Science not rule of thumb
Harmony not discord
Coperation not individualism
Development of work to their greatest efficiency
14, principal's of Henry fayol
Division of work
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Authority and responsibility
Centralisation and decentralisation
Scaler chain
Subordination of individual intrest to general intrest
Espirt decrops
Others:- light bulb
Jee students:- 🥹last way
(Just a joke don't take it seriously, no offence)
Bande main daam hai 💯👍🏼👍🏼 nice additing for Marvel fans...
Principal of management
Division of work
Unity of command
Unity of direction
Esprit de cops
Scaler chain
Stability of tenure
Centralisation and decentralisation
Authority and responsibility
Subordination interest to individual interest
Henry foyal
1Division of work
3Unity of command
4Unity of direction
7subordinate individual intrest to general intrest
8rumeneration of employees
9scalar chain
10authority and responsibilities
11centralisation and decentralisation
12espirit de corps
13stability of personal
14 initiative
Henri fayols 14 principles of management are :-
1Division of work
2 authority and responsibility
3 principle of scalar chain
4 stability to tenure of personnel
5 principle of equity
6 principle of order
7 unity of direction
8 unity of command
9 centralisation and decentralization
10 initiative
11 remuneration to employees
12 esprit the crops
13 subordination of individual interest to general
Attendance lgaoo commerce walo batch 2024- 2025
Functional formanship ( technique by Taylor)= division of work.( Principle By fayol) but opposite to unity of command
BHI kuch samaj nhi aya again repeat in easy lqnguage🙋
@@Rohit-19-12 soo ja
Give respect take respect
Jai shri ram
Henry fayol principle
1Division of work
2Authority and responsibility
3Unity of command
4Unity of direction
5Subordinate of individual interest to general interest
6Centralization and decentralization
7 remuneration of employees
8scalar chain
11 discipline
12esprit de corps
13stability of personnel
14 equity
Sir me 2022/23 ka student tha or mere business studies bahut week the phir me app ke channel se padhana Star kiya or mera board exam business 63 out off 80 aaye or overall 83 percentage 12 me aaye hai or ab me integral University Lucknow se BBA (IBM) kar raha hu sir aap ka Zinta sukriyaada karu. Kam hai love you sir❤
Acc aur eco kese kri?
Apse Achha Teacher Nahi Mile Aaj Tak Jo Apne Students Kelliye itna mehnat karte hain
Feature of principle of management
1 guidelines
2 formed by many experiment
3 scientific approval
4 pervasive
5 flexible
6 cause and effect relationship
Imp of principle of management
1 scientific method
2 guidelines
3 fullfill social responsibility
4 optimum utilization of resources
5 meeting environment change
Principle of henri fayol
1 division of work
2 authority and responsibility
3 unity of command
4 decipline
5 unity of direction
6 renumeration to employees
7 centralization or decentralization
8 schalar chain
9 unity of order
10 principle of equity
11 principle of stablity
12 initiative
13 espirit do crops
Principle of fw taylor
1 science not rule of thumb
2 harmony not dicarded
3 co operation not individualation
4 development of workers for their greater efficiency
Scientific technique of fw taylor
1 functional formention
2 work study
1fatigue study
2 time study
3 motion study
3 mental revolution
Staffing process:
1. Establishing manpower recruitment
a) workload
b) workforce
c) comparison
2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Placement and orientation
5. Training and development
2:08 sir ne maze mze me perfect circle bna diya 💀
Priciple of mangement.
1. Division of work
2.unity of command
6.uthority and responsibilities
10.de. crops
11.scller chain
12. Unity of direction
The nature of principles of management are 7
1. Universal application
2. general guidelines
3. Principles are formed by practice and experiments
4. flexibility
5. behavioral in nature
6. cause and effect relationship
7. All principles are of equal importance
Features / Characterstics
Universally Applicable (pervasive)
General Guidelines
Cause and effect of relationship
Formed by practice and experiments
Behavioral in nature
Scientific decision
Guideline to the managers
Fullfilling social responsibility
Optimum utilisation
Meeting changes in environment
Scientific guide lines
Optimum utilisation
Full filling social responsibility
Functional foremanship
Standardization and simplification of work
Work study
Piece wage system
Mental revolution
Only legend seen this video before cuet examination ❤😂😂😂
Principle of management it is general guidelines for the manager to take the decision
Features of principal of management
1. General guidelines
2. Flexible
3. Formed by practice and experiment
4. Universal application
5. Behavioural in nature
6. Cause and effect relationship
Fredrick Winslow Taylor
Science not a rule of thumb
Harmony not discord
Cooperation and individualism
Development of each worker to great effiency
General and industrial management
features of principle of management are
1) General guidelines
2) Formed by practice and experimentation
3) Flexible
4) Pervasive
5) Behavioral in nature
6) Cause and effect relationship
1general guidelines
2 . Mainly behavioural
3 cause and effect relationship
4 flexible
Formed by practice and experiment
Universal application
management principle are scientiic decision which provides guideline to manage to fulllfillbg social responsiblity .optimum utilization of resourses and meetin changes in te envirvonment
planning process
1. laying out objectives
2. developing premises
3. listing out alternatives
4. evaluating alternatives
5. choosing an alternative
6. execution of plan
7. follow up
@@Detronic_GamerWrong channel bro😂
@@shivansh2944 why
@@Detronic_Gamer I meant that the abbreviation u told is given by a certain someone on yt
@@shivansh2944 🤣
Kon 27 ko padh rha raat me 😢
Me 😂😂
Mai 😂
Principle of management (14 principles) short trick ,
9.stability in personnel
thank you very much sir this series is very helpful for us. may god bless you for helping thousands of students
Administration industrielle et generale
Fayol:- Division of work
Scalar chain
Centralization nd decentralization
Unity of command
Stability of personal
Subordination of general intt over individual intt
Esprit de crops
Unity of direction
Authorities and responsibility
Henri Fayol Books' Name -
General and industrial administration
Henri Fayol's Classic General and Industrial Management
(Henry fayol classic general and industrial management) book was written by Henry fayol
1- Universal Application
2- General Guidelines
3- Formed by Practice and Experiments 4- Flexible
5- Mainly Behavioural
6- Cause and Effect Relationship 7- Contingent
1- Provide useful Insights to Managers.
2- Optimum Utilisation of Resources & Effective Administration 3- Scientific Decisions
4- Meeting Changing Environment Requirements 5- Fulfilling Social Responsibility
6- Management Training Education and Research
1- Division of Work
2- Authority and Responsibility 3- Discipline
4- Unity of Command 5- Unity of Direction
6- Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest 7- Remuneration of Personnel
8- Centralisation and Decentralisation 9- Scalar Chain
10- Order
11- Equity
12- Stability of Tenure of Personnel 13- Initiative
14- Espirit De Corps
1- Science Not Rule of Thumb 2- Harmony Not Discord
3- Cooperation Not Individualism
4- Development of each and every person to his/her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity.
Planning Incharge Production Incharge
Route Clerk Gang Boss
Instruction Card Clerk Speed Boss
Time And Cost Clerk Repair Boss
Disciplinarian Inspector 2- WORK STUDY
Method Study Motion Study
Time Study Fatigue Study
Principle of management are those scientific decision which are given to manager as guidelines so that they can do optimum utilization of resources, fullfill social responsibility and meeting some environment change
Sir u re God of commerce🙏🙏
Scientific technique of Taylor
1.funtional foremanship
2. Standardization and simplification of work
3. Work study
4. Differential piece wage rate system
5. Mental revolution
I m back again for cuet now 🤩
Me also
1.Science not rule of thumb
2.harmony not discord
3.development of worker
4.cooperation not individual
The best and fastest revision thankyou sir!
Uu are very gud teacher ❤️
Division of work
Authority n responsibilities
Scalar chain centralised and de....
Esperit de corps
Unity of direction
Feature of management
1 unversal applicability
2 general guidance to manager
3 based on practice and experiments
4 flexible
5 mainly behavioural
6 relationship between cause and effect
7 contigent
Sir you forget centralization and decentralization or subordination of individual interest to general interest topic
Functional formanship
Planning department
👉Route clerk
👉Time and cost
👉Instruction card clerk
👉Discipline clerk
Operational department
👉Speed boss
👉Gang boss
👉Repair boss
Sir... Firstly hatts off for ur work.... 👏🏻 and sorry for pointing ur mistake cause u didn't taught about subordination of individual interest to general interest in the fayol's principles of management...
Sir aap bahot aache se samjhte ho 😊
Best teacher for commerce
Kl issi video k vjh se pass ho jaungi hats off to you ❤
best defination of managment principle 2:59
Scientific decision
Provide general guidelines to manager
Fulfilling social responsibility
Optimum utilisation of resources
Meeting environmental changes
Sir thoda bada bhi chala jy video toh koyi na but sare concepts revise ho jy eshi kosis karna 😌😌 and sir we are loving these videos ❤️
Sir Don't say Sorry Because you are my Guru ji❤❤❤
Principles of management are those scientific decisions which provides general guidelines to managers by which they can fulfill their social responsibilities, optimum utilise their resources and can meet environmental changes...
Kon kon paper ke din pad rha hai😂
One day before exam 😂
In fayol's principles one point is missing subordination of individual intrest to general intrest.
Yes Next revision m karunga
24 ko
@@sunilpandaofficial anyways lots of hardwork...minor issue is avoidable thank you for teaching sir 👍
Managemnt principal are
Scientific decision
General guidelines
Full fill social responsibility
Optimum utilization of resources
Functional foremanship -
Planning department -
Route clerk
Time and cost clerk
Instruction card clerk
Operation department
Gang boss
Speed boss
Repair boss
Work study
Differential piece wage system
Mental revolution 😊
Waa beta Waa😮😮 Henry fayol ko hata ke magician's 14 principles 🤭😂🤣 Khuch bhi...
Your teaching style is superb sir.❤️❤️🙏
No problem sir❤❤❤
Attendance here 2024-2025 batch