Amazing Card Proposal | Splinterlands

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @AfterSound
    @AfterSound 2 місяці тому +3

    Glad to hear your thoughts on this! I agree that it would be awesome to have it unlockable right away. Not sure how the team feels about it but if a good proposal was put forward I would vote for it!

  • @mychannelnotyours2356
    @mychannelnotyours2356 2 місяці тому +4

    I say unlock them all… SB should become time-release reward cards.💯 It might sound crazy, but people would lose their minds overnight to have new assets to sell/trade. Unlocking them all would give everyone really good prices too! So, everyone wins! We all can finally max our SB decks easily while adding new profits back into the ecosystem. Then, everyone would go apeshit with speculation over the next SB release because they’d know there’d be profits in the future.

  • @thepeoplesguildspl
    @thepeoplesguildspl 2 місяці тому

    Yo 12! Thanks for the shoutout & for shining some light on the idea. We love the concept, too.
    Some background - we approached Yaba via email and went back & forth for the better part of a month on the proposal and ultimately Yaba shared that he wouldn't be entertaining the early unlocks (yet). I think there is room for this sort of mechanic to enter into the future of soulbound cards - my hunch is that Yaba wants to see what shakes out with the Wild pass and get a better picture for what the real volume / capacity for exploitation could look like on a moving forward basis before making any further drastic changes to soulbound unlocks (which makes sense from his perspective).
    We'll take a rest on the conversation for now, but at some point in the future, we're open to continue to push for some middle ground, as imo, the most important piece is the accessibility for all players. Things like a "pity timer", more equal per player per card distribution and soulbound rentals for glint could all achieve a similar end-result.
    Cheers Dwayne!

  • @cryptobeaver5949
    @cryptobeaver5949 2 місяці тому +1

    I like this unlocking idea. If I were a new player I would want to have access to all cards so that I can build a competitive deck. Burning the cost of the unlock would help the game economy but I would suggest half be burned and the other half be revenues for both the DAO and Splinterlands (50/50 split).

  • @daethical
    @daethical 2 місяці тому

    i think it's a great idea. Other web 3/web 2 games have a weekly legendary/epic purchase capability to buy a the product for like $20 and limits the number that is purchasable to 2. They don't allow them to fully max the card immediately through pay 2 win. This makes sense so that people don't "beat the game" immediately, it'll still takes time. If they really want that card, they'll have to wait until either it comes from the chest or they can buy it the next time it is purchasable.

  • @SecretFlesh
    @SecretFlesh 2 місяці тому +2

    soulbounds cards are rewards cards it should be cheaper than core cards and now you want to be unlock it like promo cards.

  • @kristophercharles5306
    @kristophercharles5306 2 місяці тому

    I've had this thought many times that there's should be a high immediate unlock fee. As far as I can tell, Matt doesn't want to do it because then whales can buy their way to maxed decks on day 1 of the release and then won't be incentivized to play for them. He likes the idea that some things should only be obtainable by playing.
    Personally I think they should be unlockable early but only by burning 10x the CP of the card you're unlocking. Iziar has 500cp so if you want to unlock it, burn 10 BCX of djinn Biljka or 13 maxed pelacor bandits. Mid way through the set it can drop to 5x and when the next set comes out that can be permanently cut to 2x. Cards for cards is simple and makes sense and it is always a net positve for the economy. Cards for DEC is muddy and the value proposition is theoretical since the benefit to the economy to create more DEC changes with the price of SPS;

  • @mands1441
    @mands1441 2 місяці тому

    The over supply of the last 2 released sets is more of a problem than bots in my opinion. Bots are easy to get rid of make every account KYC and only 1 account per person allowed

  • @SecretFlesh
    @SecretFlesh 2 місяці тому +1

    what are you talking Oceanus? all chaos cards are almost == to its dec value and your talking about rewards cards. rewards cards should be cheaper compare to core cards.

  • @Gigaster
    @Gigaster 2 місяці тому +1

    how about 40 vouchers

  • @AsmongoldvsArtosisclips
    @AsmongoldvsArtosisclips 2 місяці тому +1

    In your mind tremendously high price for unlock on day 1 is less than its gonna be now after 18 months? Wow. 5$ for leg on day 1... then you said 5$ could be too much.. now after 18 months price matt is saying as min is 10k dec for 1bcx leg. But at end you float ideas around 10,20 $ correcting urself i guess... but even those are less than price of unlock matts considering after 28 me crazy but 5,10$ does not seem like a tremendous cost to unlock on day 1 considering that. So what is this huge price for 1bcx leg day 1? We know now that 5$ is just stupid,10$ is super low,20 $ equals after 28 months so how can it be any of these and it cant be close....therefore we are looking at 50$ at least for day 1 1bcx leg unlock if the price is gonna be close to fair and even thatay not be enough. But thats your tremendous price after doong the math.

  • @F.I.R.E.Boltz85
    @F.I.R.E.Boltz85 2 місяці тому

    all I really wanna know is when can I rent this soul bound cards- cuz i am no longer a buyer/collector of cards for the purpose of playing rank battles- i mean ill buy them if they give me back 2x production points for land

  • @IvanRicardoLopes
    @IvanRicardoLopes 2 місяці тому

    soulbounds should never have existed, worst idea ever for a NFT game, just unlock them and stop that idea, if you want a card? buy or rent it, bad idea to give free cards in a NFT game, it crashed the economy.

  • @nikolacvijovic6853
    @nikolacvijovic6853 2 місяці тому +2

    I have whole set of reasons against 10-20x unlocking multiplier.
    And i am one account player.
    There is just one logical reason why that multiplier exists. And that is team profit.
    Noone in right mind will pay that fee to MAYBE sell that card.
    Only ones that can pay that fee without any risk are team members and they are only ones which can earn from it.