In the US and Canada, the capital gain tax and income tax prevent buying and selling frequently because it will end up owing the government a lot of taxes. Now, I hold mutual funds and bonds on a long term basis. Some mutual funds pay between 3% and 5% of dividends. Furthermore, the fluctuation of mutual funds is not like stocks and ETFs.
I still like real estate better than gold, everyone needs a place to live even when the city got lock down during the pandemic. Real estate gives me steady rental income every month. Not like gold unless the stock gives you monthly dividend but those stock tends to be very volatile. I used mortgage from the bank as leverage and made minimum down payment. My result usually made 3-4 folds return for a 10 years amortization. Real estate not only provide steady income. It can also creates your wealth. Its still a safest investment in my point of view.
Thank you for sharing Ah Ju , really helpful ! May I ask , I’m going to move to Canada Edmonton city , how do I buy the ETF your recommended ? Should I buy through their local banks ? And which bank is more secured ? Is it a good time to buy now ?
Are there enough physical gold to cover the gold ET F ? Some said the amount of paper gold is far exist the amount of gold ever produce! What about silver?
Thanks for sharing, any interest rate for buying this ETF? and interactive broker seems unfamiliar to us, is it reliable or any other way to buy ETF in HK?
Hi Benny! Interactive broker is a listed company with $16bn usd market cap. You can always use other brokers like Charles schwab, or even Hsbc, boc or Citi.
hi. i really like you video style. very informative. (1) I would like to know the average rate of return for buying ETF. (2) if i buy in HK now, does it count as investment which i need to pay tax on the investment income if i moved to Canada in later years? thks.
Thanks for watching all my videos D. LAM! Let’s see how the market environment is next year? It would help to have yielding assets to create passive income. But let’s see next year what asset yields are like. 見步行步
@@darktealglasses It is not that simple, grant is only for full time students, for loan, you need to include an Indemnifier for your application also you need to pay the first semester of the tuition fee on your own first 如果讀U, 第一個學期即係要自己俾2皮
@@kannyl08 You don't have $20K? I was there. My father didn't have $20K for me to pay for the 1st term so I had to borrow the money. I used to apply when my father received CSSA and had no rich relatives here so I had to tell them I couldn't find any indemnifier. Talk to them. They'll just ask you to sign another document for that.
@@darktealglasses thanks but I only live with my mum many years ago I have to take care the family but its not a small amount for me the total tuition fee of a degree cost at least 160k
@@kannyl08 That's what I received from the government. And because of the full grant, I also received a lot of financial aids from the university. I paid less than $50K for my undergraduate degree and from a local UGC university and the living expenses occurred during those years of university study in total. But if you don't wanna get that, then it's your own choice. 🥱
Thanks for your info, How do the ETF charge the management fee? do we need to hold the ETF for certain period of time or otherwise we need to pay penalty fee?
A simplified answer: ETF are traded on the stock exchange. You can buy/sell against other participants. 紙黃金 is against the bank (e.g HSBC). You can only buy or sell to them. Generally, the spread on 紙黃金 is higher.
你好叻仔!加上幫助港人的善良正面心態,i appreciate your kind assistance ! Thanks for sharing !
綜合而言, 世界經濟已經俾一班所謂金融精英玩爛咗. 除咗印錢之外, 各國政府基本上無對策/無勇氣改正以前錯誤. 海量印錢即係溝淡市民財產, 由市民為金融精英找數. 呢種情况下所有commodity都會升價, 對平常人而言, 買一噸猪肉或者咖啡豆用作投資係不設實際. 但係黄金, 白銀算係容易管理/買賣.
實金一定唔好去周大碌買, 出名金商有各國(Canada, Australia, British)金幣或金條, 買賣手續費約為5.5%.
Robert建議黄金投資以實金為主, etf係建基於信任系統之上. 2008年雷曼事件已經顯示出呢個信任系統穩定性. 香港銀行存款保障上限50萬, 黄金etf究竟有幾多保障呢? 千萬唔好以為etf冇可能會爆, 將"冇可能"呢三個字應用於人生重要決定係非常危險. 總之記住diversify, 保本為上.
Ju ju, 我早十几年前已把我在老千集團打工七年被贈的金牌,想忘記過去的辛酸,賣掉了,雖然好像只是得四両,但當年賣出好像是得幾千元或千几元,總之同現今每両差价好大,真係揼心口!
亞豬哥,可否有link for 富爸爸窮爸爸?謝謝你
In the US and Canada, the capital gain tax and income tax prevent buying and selling frequently because it will end up owing the government a lot of taxes. Now, I hold mutual funds and bonds on a long term basis. Some mutual funds pay between 3% and 5% of dividends. Furthermore, the fluctuation of mutual funds is not like stocks and ETFs.
Yup. It is true. You have to pay almost 30% if you wanna cash in all your 401k plans.
Hiya 阿豬, 我想請問怎樣開戶口買金? 是否到你下面提供嘅Link開戶就可以?因0知識,都是因為開始追你嘅片才知道有ETF 呢樣野, 請指教, 謝謝.
周大福差價最大, 千萬别幫襯。六谷價合理好多 今日先知 太遟
Hi 你好,多謝你保貴资料。請指教怎樣買GoldETF?
想知如何開戶買黃金ETF, 新手,請指教🙏
一直都支持你嘅影片!!!不過,留意到你有少少懶音:P 哈哈
我認同銀紙會貶值,但唔係幾認同黃金會保值... 因為古代嘅時候三兩黃金已經可以做好多嘢,但係依家三兩黃金都買唔到幾多野☹️
3x 歲 已做10多年金融, 真係年輕才俊
So easy to understand, you did a great job👍🏻 well now I start to save money to buy gold then 😅
Thanks Kitty!
I still like real estate better than gold, everyone needs a place to live even when the city got lock down during the pandemic. Real estate gives me steady rental income every month. Not like gold unless the stock gives you monthly dividend but those stock tends to be very volatile. I used mortgage from the bank as leverage and made minimum down payment. My result usually made 3-4 folds return for a 10 years amortization. Real estate not only provide steady income. It can also creates your wealth. Its still a safest investment in my point of view.
Thanks for sharing your insights
Thank you for sharing Ah Ju , really helpful ! May I ask , I’m going to move to Canada Edmonton city , how do I buy the ETF your recommended ? Should I buy through their local banks ? And which bank is more secured ? Is it a good time to buy now ?
How about buying voo to against inflation?
Super informative
Glad you liked it
香港 邊間行有做 ETF?
you are welcome Wallace
我有入D實金,係外國入, 買賣差價3%,鍾意摸住D實金嘅感覺,金同田黃會伴我訓覺,手感好好。
I got 2 ounce of gold last year . Felt great
Are there enough physical gold to cover the gold ET F ? Some said the amount of paper gold is far exist the amount of gold ever produce! What about silver?
I like gold more than silver. Better “store of value”.
Like! 可唔可以開一集講下加拿大的稅項? 本身有樓有股票,諗緊如果要移民加拿大,駛唔駛賣哂d股樓去避左個capital gain tax? 另外,如果要買美股,加拿大要交咩稅?Thanks!
Warren Buffett 投資公司,但不買股票。
想請教 在英國買那隻 Gold ETF 好? 這些產品是否銀行沒有?
Hi, 我是马来西亚人, 我完全没有一个概念怎样买黄金,你可以教我吗?
通脹不嬲都有, 係人為製造, 另一種稅!
英雄所見略同 ,1500左右已入價。💪🥳
勁! 💪
Yes please send me more information on buying gold ETF tks
Hello 我在英国生活,请问在英国怎样买gold ETF?
nice video
Bitcoin未有ETF住,可以睇下GBTC呢個ticker,但高溢價同賣出時有限制,最好都係買”實物”番黎儲在cold wallet
cold wallet係咩意思,咩機構
即係offline wallet 嘅意思 ie. Ledger nano S
Thanks for sharing , 請問那裏開戶買黃金好?
I use IB
Any Gold ETF I can buy in Australia stock market?
Thanks for your sharing
Thank you very much 阿豬
create awareness to public in the sense of money and financial and inflation is very good video. thank you
Pls advise how to invest gold ? I got some USD in Citibank UK and how to convert/ but gold product. Thank you
請問SGOL ,今日去睇下,佢的52週高低差咁遠?冋埋見佢係17.03, 是否好價 呢?
您好,謝謝分享,請問如何通過香港戶口買到黃金ETF? 有沒有推介
香港有2840 and 3081
Very informative, 我讀U既時候唔係讀金融同財經,現在出來打滾多年,請問現在又有咩渠道可以增加及了解金融同財經智識而又可以幫助我投資呢,UA-cam雖然有很多,但係無乜中心而又有點零碎~
Clement Li 雖然有啲舊但係富爸爸窮爸爸算俾到金融和投資嘅入門知識。至少你知道咩係asset咩係liability.咩係投資咩係支出。希望幫到你啦。如要再深入的書可以再問我
Thanks for sharing, any interest rate for buying this ETF? and interactive broker seems unfamiliar to us, is it reliable or any other way to buy ETF in HK?
Hi Benny! Interactive broker is a listed company with $16bn usd market cap. You can always use other brokers like Charles schwab, or even Hsbc, boc or Citi.
@@AhJu what about the smaller firms such as Usmart or Valuable Capital?
@@AhJu What's the requirements to open an account?
thanks for sharing
hi. i really like you video style. very informative. (1) I would like to know the average rate of return for buying ETF. (2) if i buy in HK now, does it count as investment which i need to pay tax on the investment income if i moved to Canada in later years? thks.
1) depends ETF of what 2) yea after you become Canadian tax resident
Great Video!! 我一直有追你嘅UA-cam,請問如果同你一樣,下年將會賣香港樓移民去加拿大,係加拿大買咗樓之後剩返啲cash係咪應該係加拿大買Gold ETF(但冇派息)? 定係加拿大有其他高息投資,可以用嚟幫補加拿大生活費,求建議🙏🏾
Thanks for watching all my videos D. LAM! Let’s see how the market environment is next year? It would help to have yielding assets to create passive income. But let’s see next year what asset yields are like. 見步行步
阿豬移民日記 等你嘅建議💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
我是住在加拿大四十二年,加拿大是一个安份守已的社会主義的国家,不会有一朝發達的机会,你安份守已工作,不会餓親你,但如果你想食息过活,除非你有过仟萬加币,否则很难負担日常開支,不吃不喝,一个小家庭的開支,( 不需付房貸,)亦要三四仟加币,地税,保险,水电煤,汽车保险,手机費,等等,
我而家住美國,我嘅囡囡係加拿大讀書。相比之下加拿大貸款買樓嘅話,利息比美國低。喺銀行存款嘅話,利息反而比美國高。如果係短期之內需要用嘅錢,可以考慮存GIC. 雖然我本人有買少少Gold ETF,但係唔鍾意佢唔派息。我在美國已經投資房地產幾年啦。當時價位低嘅時候買咗幾間condo, 現在收租。美國仍然有好多地方買出租屋可以有6-10% cash on cash return, 而且仲計埋俾人管理嘅費用。我亦都有參加apartment syndication. Cash on cash Return 比較低,但係升值嘅空間比較好(有把握)因為 apartment 升值比較有控制,普通樓宇(condo) 係睇市場價,控制唔到。這裏解釋一下:喺美國apartment係指同一公司擁有整個大廈。condo 係指大廈入邊所有嘅單位係individually owned. Cash on cash return只係計每年租金嘅Return, 冇計賣出去之後嗰個升值嘅Return
Marina Wong 多謝分享
Hello阿豬,好鍾意你個channel, 多謝你既分享,學到好多野。想問下你之前喺呢度分享過一個管理收入支出既理財apps,請問個apps叫咩名呢?
Expense manger
好有趣 D公仔
豬豬,提議你下次可以教人點用IB戶口買賣股票, 因為UA-cam都冇啲好好嘅IB 買賣教學,可能會吸引到多啲新手做你粉絲
Thankssss! 下次講加拿大買樓,雖然唔想香港買,但加拿大又有doubt
Cheuk Ying Cherry Tong 長遠睇好多倫多...一定比香港好
謝謝你。請問在interactive Brooker 內買ETF,到時,是否提取美元?还是可以轉取回其他货幣?
Of course. You can withdraw in USD or other currencies. Actually I use IB to concert HKD to USD all the time.
Can you tell us more about IB?
young man, you are terrific!
thank you
呢條片真係好好,support 。我一路都有投資開美股,都係打算考慮緊移民。屋企都有啲結婚時的飾金,睇完你條片 都打算賣走換ETF. 己經subscribe 左你. 加油,支持你出多啲片
多謝分享! 十分認同你嘅講法。請問GLDM又點睇呢? 我見佢management fee比gld平。
講得好啱 我本身u都無錢讀 仲要養屋企 睇唔到未來 揾緊投資方法 本金少 好掙扎
There's Grant and Loan from the government
@@darktealglasses It is not that simple, grant is only for full time students, for loan, you need to include an Indemnifier for your application also you need to pay the first semester of the tuition fee on your own first 如果讀U, 第一個學期即係要自己俾2皮
@@kannyl08 You don't have $20K? I was there. My father didn't have $20K for me to pay for the 1st term so I had to borrow the money. I used to apply when my father received CSSA and had no rich relatives here so I had to tell them I couldn't find any indemnifier. Talk to them. They'll just ask you to sign another document for that.
@@darktealglasses thanks but I only live with my mum many years ago I have to take care the family but its not a small amount for me the total tuition fee of a degree cost at least 160k
@@kannyl08 That's what I received from the government. And because of the full grant, I also received a lot of financial aids from the university. I paid less than $50K for my undergraduate degree and from a local UGC university and the living expenses occurred during those years of university study in total.
But if you don't wanna get that, then it's your own choice. 🥱
can l ask where l can open an account to buy Gold ETF? Thank you for your videos, very useful
Hi Domenics. Normal brokerage account is ok
Thanks for your sharing 👍
好有用 感謝分享😄
Thanks for your info, How do the ETF charge the management fee? do we need to hold the ETF for certain period of time or otherwise we need to pay penalty fee?
If is automatically reflected in the ETF price
想問一下ETF 和香港銀行嘅紙黃金的分別?謝謝
A simplified answer: ETF are traded on the stock exchange. You can buy/sell against other participants. 紙黃金 is against the bank (e.g HSBC). You can only buy or sell to them.
Generally, the spread on 紙黃金 is higher.
阿豬移民日記 :謝謝你^^
I like Ray Dalio’s talks too. He is often interviewed.
he is a smart guy
多謝分享!請問有冇英國黃金ETF介紹(同美國SPDR GLD.US一樣有實金支持及跟黃金價同步走勢)?謝賜教🙏🙏
iShares Physical Gold ETC [SGLN]
@@AhJu 謝指教🙏🙏
Hello, Ar Ju 你keyboard 係咩型號?
Vortex tab 90
The downside of investing in gold is that it cannot create passive income. How do we deal with this problem ?
You can sell a bit of gold every year to raise cash
@@AhJu Thanks
我係因為個卡通先subscribe 🙈
Thanks Pokman!