RDR2: Horse Proximity Interferes with Combat

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Something to watch out for in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a built-in and often irritating 'horse preservation' sub-routine that kicks in when you try to bring weapons of any kind to bear on attacking enemies. Unless you are actually sitting on the horse, and the horse is in your immediate vicinity, any attempt to raise a weapon, let alone actually fire it at the enemy will result in Arthur Morgan (or John Marston) being unable to do so. Every time I went to pull the trigger the gun 'jammed' (that's the problem the horse proximity causes) and then if that wasn't bad enough the fucking wheel menu automatically de-selects the weapon I'm using without my selecting it and leaves me defenseless! I could not even pull a knife! It isn't even possible to sight down the scope when the horse is nearby -- now, this is only YOUR horse, anyone else's won't trigger this situation.
    In this video presentation, Arthur rushes forward to counter-attack approaching Murfree Brood and goes to aim the bloody horse gets in the way, and if that wasn't bad enough, it continues to follow Arthur and repeatedly causes this 'safety' option to kick in leaving him completely incapable of returning fire. The number of times that I've had Arthur and John killed during gameplay because of this proximity safety issue is too numerous to note, but as you can see in the video the dumb A.I. horse even gets shot because it got in my way, and didn't permit me to return fire. I've lost expensive mounts because of this. Sadly, in the heat of battle it isn't always possible to mount up and bring the animal under control, and as you saw in the video the tide of battle can turn in an instant - and in this case, Arthur and the horse were lucky to survive the encounter. I'm posting this video for those of you who have never encountered this 'glitch' and as a warning to watch out for it.