REMOTE EMPLOYEES FIRED for MOUSE JIGGLERS - someone finally looked at the log files...



  • @Wythaneye
    @Wythaneye 7 днів тому +25

    Mouse jigglers are a symptom. The toxic employer is the problem. If the company doesn't trust you to work from home, they just plain don't trust you, and you should consider moving on.

    • @FlatEarthMath
      @FlatEarthMath 16 годин тому

      You forgot to mention toxic employees. Fraud is fraud.

  • @chrisspencer6502
    @chrisspencer6502 8 днів тому +154

    Lol wasn’t Wells Fargo found guilty of massive fraud signing customers up to credit for comisión

    • @feilox
      @feilox 8 днів тому +12

      yea probably from the very same mouse jigglers.

    • @LouisDuran
      @LouisDuran 8 днів тому +8

      Yes. And more than just once. Never be a Wells Fargo customer

    • @john_in_phoenix
      @john_in_phoenix 7 днів тому +3

      Sadly, it wasn't the first (or last) time WF got caught.

    • @DarthVader1977
      @DarthVader1977 7 днів тому


    • @codelinx
      @codelinx 6 днів тому

      Hahaha wells Fargo guess employees for Fraud. Commits fraud multiple times lol....🫠😂

  • @the100percentstraightguy
    @the100percentstraightguy 8 днів тому +266

    let me tell you the real story before people judge to fast. I work in a company with those trackers and when I work from home and I go to have a coffee, I'll a phonecall to ask where I am. If I go to the toilet, I'll get a phone call. I"ll get an electronic report daily of what I did and well, it's always way less then reality. you need to constantly click on something. Our bosses do nothing else but react when we don't constantly move our mouse. So you install a juggler.

    • @user-ei1ym1lq6h
      @user-ei1ym1lq6h 8 днів тому +45


    • @termyfl2677
      @termyfl2677 8 днів тому +19

      Why don't they just get a robot which does things constantly 24/7 non stop

    • @samilajami
      @samilajami 8 днів тому +14

      @@termyfl2677 because ai robots will replace the whole chain of command soon after entering workforce. that’s one political reason.

    • @jeltoninc.8542
      @jeltoninc.8542 8 днів тому +20

      Find something worthwhile to do with your life. Money isn’t everything. Get out while you can. Before you’re too old.

    • @nasseq
      @nasseq 8 днів тому +35

      If you're boss is micromanaging you to that degree, its more a reflection of them and not really have much to do themselves... It should really be what are your deliverables and are you providing them in a timely manner.

  • @cbaesemanai
    @cbaesemanai 8 днів тому +56

    Why bother, buggy ass Microsoft Teams will still make your attendance look horrible.

    • @Meritumas
      @Meritumas 8 днів тому +5

      I can make a scrambled egg on my mac when teams are on

    • @jjcoolaus
      @jjcoolaus 5 днів тому +2

      Install teams on Linux, uses hardly any RAM or resources. My CPU comfortably sits under 20% all day long running teams and edge

  • @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece
    @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece 7 днів тому +30

    When you do this instead of checking productivity you know it is a BS job.

  • @hueypautonoman
    @hueypautonoman 8 днів тому +108

    A few things:
    1. Either the employees were still getting their work done and were productive, and their boss is just petty for expecting them to always be at their computers, or their jobs are so insignificant that their production can't even be measured, so having them click and type is the only way to know they're working.
    2. The boss clearly has way too much time on their hands if they can spend it spying on employees. It kind of reinforces the perception that middle management serves no real productive purpose other than babysitting, and they feel insecure when they can't babysit people in person.
    3. This kind of work environment encourages people to game the system rather than actually do good work. The people who will be rewarded are the people who take longer to get their work done, spend more time at their computers slowly clicking around, rather than people who finish all their work early (and possibly even at a higher quality level) and go take a walk or something.

    • @user936
      @user936 8 днів тому +2

      2. This will be pushed down from above - the boss need do nothing but ask IT. IT will flick a few virtual switches and enter an email address the report is to go to. At that point it is pattern recognition and that is something most of us are pretty good at.
      I think you need to stop thinking that people's default mode is productive - it isn't, especially in certain fields where stimulation can be hard to come by.
      My company banned home working for any reason 6 months ago (for Service Desk or 1st Line staff). They have pointed to the financial incentives to do so. We had people that then quit, usually given reasons like living too far away from the office (completely understandable). However, speaking with their co-workers, they we not going to be missed work-wise.
      People want Hybrid Working (2d at home) but it won't be implemented until our software that managed calls/emails is changed *because of monitoring*. 2 years with WFH and the higher ups understand that most people do a baseline workload to not get fired.

    • @user936
      @user936 8 днів тому +2

      3. interestingly this kinda works the other way here.
      So my boss tells me my email handling time (average) is 363% above baseline for the team. So it turns out that other people are "playing the system" by marking emails as Complete. This makes their stats look amazing and mine look terrible. They also then pass on some of those emails to others when they run out time to process them at end of shift.
      The knock-on effect (outside of the one described above) is that should my boss go up the chain to ask for more resources, he will be told No because our call handling times are pretty good... because they are fake.

    • @Subjagator
      @Subjagator 7 днів тому +2

      Yup. I find it amazing that management still haven't worked this out.
      When a useful metric becomes a target it ceases to be useful. The entire place could be falling down around them but they will smile and point to the green ticks on their reports and declare everything is fine.

    • @hueypautonoman
      @hueypautonoman 7 днів тому +2

      @@user936 I think a lot of what you said goes back to my first point. There are a lot of jobs out there that aren't meant to be super productive by nature. Companies have a lot of small tasks that no highly-skilled people want to do, so their solution is to just throw more workers at it. I've seen people who spend their days just sorting emails or basic data entry, the kinds of things that could be automated with a little effort. To then get upset with those people for not having enough work to do to keep them engaged is a management problem. That's my point. If people are blowing off work, it should be obvious without spying on their every move. If you have to spy, it's because you want people to look busy whether or not they actually have work to do or not. That's about power and control, not productivity.

    • @GregButera
      @GregButera 7 днів тому

      What about jobs for which quantative metrics don't really exist, and there is no generally accepted qualitative metric? More jobs than you'd think fall into this category, and many of them are surprisingly significant!

  • @bulentosmane
    @bulentosmane 8 днів тому +91

    Let's micro-manage the toilet seat, we can increase productivity by making sure we don't spend too much time opening and closing.

    • @samilajami
      @samilajami 8 днів тому +2

      connect it to the sensor that turns the light on and off. We’re talking valuable seconds that add up. I would make employees have to use camelbacks to drink water. We can go on and on about unnecessarily wasted productivity time.

    • @Eduardo1007
      @Eduardo1007 8 днів тому

      There are companies who installed unconformable angled seats to minimize toilet time. They're already micro managing 💩

    • @Crash1hd
      @Crash1hd 8 днів тому +5

      You laugh but large call centres actually have pee break buttons to say where you are and how long you’re away. It’s sad, my moto is treat me like an adult I will act like one, treat me like a child I will act like one, I will not work for anyone that micro manages

    • @arubaga
      @arubaga 8 днів тому

      I am spending time closing all toilet covers so people cannot fall into them. Safety first.

    • @steveoc64
      @steveoc64 8 днів тому +1

      Get rid of toilet cubicles and make it open plan
      If it works in the office, it should work in the toilet too

  • @mapruitt
    @mapruitt 7 днів тому +15

    If they can't tell by the work output that you're slacking, they have no business firing you for it.

    • @DudeSoWin
      @DudeSoWin 7 днів тому +3

      That is where "security experts" step in and say the toggler is sketchy. So its best if you compile it yourself so that its unique and slap a copyright onto it. Great idea for a youtube tutorial.

  • @samshort365
    @samshort365 7 днів тому +7

    The problem is that fools equate mouse clicks with productivity. I'm old school and still use a pen and paper. Who knew that would be seen as counter productive. I'm also an older male and, by definition, pee like there is no tomorrow. I would never tolerate such stupidity, nor would I enforce it on my employees.

  • @udirt
    @udirt 7 днів тому +8

    The funny thing is they said it was an ethics violation. The company that installs a keylogger. Talks about an ethics violation. Can you even...

    • @AquaticAbomination
      @AquaticAbomination 7 днів тому +2

      Hey now, when the whole system is literally built on _exploitation_ of the worker we can't have you talking like that. Report to HR asap 😂
      It's only a violation when the peasants do it!

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому +2

      They installed a monitoring system on their own equipment.

    • @heyitsjeffagain
      @heyitsjeffagain 6 днів тому +1

      @@Objectified- motive matters. This was never about tracking or encouraging productivity. It was always about control and creating a justification to cut costs by firing “less productive” employees “for cause” to avoid having to pay unemployment benefits.

  • @dentron9885
    @dentron9885 8 днів тому +23

    So if they couldnt tell before from a productivity standpoint that they were doing that, I think that speaks volumes more of the company and the work they have people do.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому +1

      Why do you people think they aren't evaluating productivity and work quality, or that productivity is even relevant? They were fired for attempting to deceive the company, and that company is a major international banking institution.

    • @dentron9885
      @dentron9885 6 днів тому

      @@Objectified They clearly were not evaluating this from a productivity standpoint because they should have been able to tell if these people were slacking off much earlier on before spying. Either they got their work done so efficiently they didn't need to be there the entire time, or they had such a light and useless workload their jobs shouldn't have existed in the first place.

    • @kweli05
      @kweli05 20 годин тому

      @@dentron9885Agree. Productivity should be the number one concern.

  • @raybod1775
    @raybod1775 8 днів тому +49

    Shouldn’t managers be figuring out who’s being truly productive?

    • @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece
      @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece 7 днів тому +16

      This is America, it's not about productivity, it's about establishing dominance and propagating suffering! Just imagine that one day you might be rich and then people like you and me better watch their step!

    • @ChucklesMcGurk
      @ChucklesMcGurk 7 днів тому +2

      at what point does capitalism turn into communism? Discuss

    • @udirt
      @udirt 7 днів тому +1

      How would they tell if they never worked a day in their life 🎉

    • @AquaticAbomination
      @AquaticAbomination 7 днів тому +7

      If managers would find out who's productive and who's not - the managers would be fired...

    • @AS-np3yq
      @AS-np3yq 7 днів тому +2

      Corporations internally are not capitalist but stalinist.

  • @freerice9595
    @freerice9595 7 днів тому +5

    I absolutely love my current manager for this.
    He straight up tells us "i dont expect you guys to sit glued to your pc for 8 hours. Take a walk. Do your laundry. Go eat lunch. As long as the work is getting done in a timely matter thats all thats important to me."
    Usually after our monthly patch night, i end up sleeping in for 1-2 hours extra. So after patch night im always "late" the next day but he doesnt care because hes realistic and looks at us beyond generated metrics.
    He knows i stay late other days, he knows i still get my projects done on time, he knows im not breaking things. Its a balance. Some weeks I work 10 or more hours longer than my scheduled 40 hours. Some weeks ill have a day or 2 where I wake up 1-2 hours late or days where Im just dreading a specific project or ticket so I sit on it for a day to mentally digest it and I'll work on something else instead.

  • @zaofactor
    @zaofactor 8 днів тому +25

    Don't work remote for companies that have investments in commercial real estate.

  • @MNpale
    @MNpale 8 днів тому +11

    The crazy part is that in the office, sales people can suck all your time away with their nonstop banter and that’s ok.

    • @terrorbilly1
      @terrorbilly1 8 днів тому


    • @akpokemon
      @akpokemon 7 днів тому +4

      Wasting company time and money is fine as long as it's in the context of the workplace. 🙄

  • @ziran123
    @ziran123 8 днів тому +59

    Well, if i identify as a mouse jiggler and get fired, would that be discrimination?

    • @arubaga
      @arubaga 8 днів тому +2

      What if I giggle my mouse because I want to enlarge my mouse cursor in KDE Plasma? My mouse cursor is too small.

    • @KuroNekoExMachina
      @KuroNekoExMachina 8 днів тому +3

      Tell me your brain is unalive, without telling me your brain is unalive.

    • @ameerhamza4046
      @ameerhamza4046 8 днів тому +3

      Yaas girl ….

    • @artplanb9688
      @artplanb9688 7 днів тому


    • @vasiliynkudryavtsev
      @vasiliynkudryavtsev 7 днів тому +1

      Mouse can jiggle because of dirty lense and ambiguous mousepad.
      Being fired by using jiggler is quite a difficult task to prove if work is done.
      However, if no work was done, detecting jiggler is trivial.

  • @user-ei1ym1lq6h
    @user-ei1ym1lq6h 8 днів тому +65

    It's why Microsoft is rolling out Recall. The next pandemic that hits is going to require more people to work from home, indefinitely.

    • @daveys4863
      @daveys4863 8 днів тому +7

      Oh wow. I hadn't considered that, but you're probably right.

    • @rodiculous9464
      @rodiculous9464 8 днів тому

      Nah they're rolling out recall so they can steal your data and sell it for extra money. There's already ways to track your activity if you're on a company intranet. Now they want to get you on your personal computer too.

    • @kristianlavigne8270
      @kristianlavigne8270 8 днів тому +23

      Correction: PLAN-demic 😅

    • @zachthecool4321
      @zachthecool4321 8 днів тому

      The whole lockdown was a psy-op. If you want to change your environment and your work do it yourself

    • @stevetodd7383
      @stevetodd7383 7 днів тому +3

      I think it’s more a case of trying to figure out how to sell AI and gather more user data.

  • @tcl78
    @tcl78 7 днів тому +6

    I find it odd that some people believe it is reasonable to judge productivity based on presence rather than results. This seems quite silly to me.
    As a self-employed software developer, I often find myself wandering around while contemplating solutions to problems. This helps me think, as solutions are usually neither easy nor instant; they require time and planning. Most of my work doesn't happen while I'm typing or moving my mouse. Additionally, constant attention is impossible and leads to quick burnout. Humans are not robots, and treating them as such results in poor outcomes and drives employees to seek less stressful jobs elsewhere, and rightly so.
    A job should not feel like a prison. If it does, find a new job before it destroys your physical and mental health, because your employer likely doesn't care about your well-being.
    If an employee does their job and delivers good results in a reasonable amount of time, that's all an employer needs to know. How they achieve those results shouldn't matter.

    • @Thecelestial1
      @Thecelestial1 7 днів тому +1

      Not about productivity, never was.

  • @Objectified
    @Objectified 7 днів тому +3

    For those claiming the EU forbids this kind of tracking: No, the EU does not forbid this type of tracking. In fact, electronic surveillance of employees is very common in the EU and is entirely legal.

  • @OhluhKayTall
    @OhluhKayTall 8 днів тому +27

    Seeing headlines like this is so wild to me. Can't imagine ever working somewhere where your employer stalks you like a bitter ex and employees being apologists for that behavior. Half of these apps can't even tell the difference between the window being minimized vs literally not working.
    'looking busy' and mandating butts in seats for every literal second of work done at a 9 to 5 isn't and has never been sustainable.

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy 8 днів тому +4

      I worked at a place briefly where I got dinged _twice_ for talking to the other engineers too much.
      The owner would watch cameras, one of which just happened to be pointed at a door, down our row of cubes. The first time I thought it was strange. The second time I had words with the engineering manager, because _WHAT DOES HE THINK WE DO??_
      Anyway, that place had unbelievable turnover, and I found out why.

  • @Ducaluk
    @Ducaluk 7 днів тому +2

    I have been working from home for 7 years and mainly in a time zone different from the company. Just do your work and there will be no issues, those people who slack off deserve to be fired. There are no checks happening except my colleagues that see that i finish my work. For those who work for a company where everything is monitored with software instead of people holding you responsible => run away!

  • @AxionSmurf
    @AxionSmurf День тому

    Employees who can't afford to start a family, own a home, or load up on reasons not to commit suicide were finally found out by the banks who made their lives hell with their irresponsibility that was bailed out with taxes that came out of the worker's dime. Well isn't that a happy ending.

  • @CaptainToadUK
    @CaptainToadUK 7 днів тому +3

    I work from home. If any company I work for requires that kindnof monitoring, I'll quit. Either the work I do has value or not. If they feel my being at a computer for 8 hours straight is more important than my output then we have a fundamental disagreement and can't work together anymore

  • @snooganslestat2030
    @snooganslestat2030 8 днів тому +38

    Obviously people shouldn't pretend to be working but i think companies should focus more on if people are really being productive by evaluating work by if its getting done. If someone can complete tasks in half their work day i don't see the benefit in them having to make it take longer than necessary or pretend to be working.
    I wonder who, if anyone is monitoring senior managements productivity?!

    • @xryz
      @xryz 8 днів тому

      But that would allow social mobility if ppl were left to work on side projects and side hustles. The elite can have anyone rocking the boat. How else will they keep a grip on their power?

    • @potatoradio34
      @potatoradio34 8 днів тому +9

      I guess some managers believe that even though their employees finish the tasks in half a day, making the employees work longer may result in even more tasks being completed.

    • @footthunder485
      @footthunder485 8 днів тому +9

      @@potatoradio34 try all managers lol

    • @zenastronomy
      @zenastronomy 8 днів тому +1

      few problems
      1) if an employee can finish work in half the time, it means they can sack someone and make 1 person do both persons work
      2) they are too stupid to care who they sack. so long as they sack someone and pass off the workload to the other workers. in their minds it's the same.
      3) all they see from these logs is our workers are doing nothing for 30% of the time. we need to sack 30% of them and force the others to work harder. so every worker is working every minute of every second of every day whilst on the clock.
      that is how simplistic and stupid upper management think. we are nothing but numbers to them. they crunch it. it gives out a result. they sack until they achieve that result.
      and this is exactly how they destroy their companies, thinking they are making it great. 😂😂😂 karma

    • @Subjagator
      @Subjagator 7 днів тому +2

      You are employing too many people if more than a handful of them regularly finish their work early. Fire a few and shift their workload to the people who have free capacity.

  • @mrcvry
    @mrcvry 7 днів тому +3

    Luckily, such surveillance is illegal in Europe!

    • @akpokemon
      @akpokemon 7 днів тому +1

      Of you people seem to be a lot better at passing laws in favor of the average citizen. USB-c iPhones thanks to Europe

    • @mrcvry
      @mrcvry 7 днів тому

      @@akpokemon GDPR, sideloading…
      EU is a compromise between corporations and people.
      USA only protects profit, people are a cheap resource.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      @@akpokemon Except he's wrong. EU companies can and do monitor employees.

    • @Sloppylicious
      @Sloppylicious 7 днів тому

      @@Objectified You both are wrong.

    • @ABDTalk1
      @ABDTalk1 7 днів тому


  • @darwinjina
    @darwinjina 7 днів тому +2

    We have contractors that work 100% from home. Their supervisor has very little knowledge on how much effort is needed for tasks so she is effectively blind. They dictact the work speed

  • @drdubious2432
    @drdubious2432 8 днів тому +17

    This makes me thankful that I don’t live under communism, where everything I did would be monitored, even in my own home, and I would be punished for going to the bathroom. Luckily, we live in a wonderful “free market” system where anyone can become a millionaire and work without having to be a slave to the government. Our system has been so successful that stories like this only apply to a very small percentage of the population. Everyone I know loves their job and the high income, benefits, respect, and trust they receive from their feudal masters...I mean employers.

    • @zenastronomy
      @zenastronomy 8 днів тому +4

      you have been rewarded with 300 social credit points. sorry credit card rating points and unbanned from being shadow banned, that you didn't even know you were, from jobs and Internet.
      thank you for complying with the group think. you may now enter society without being jailed for being an intolerant bigot of the latest identity politics we created to silence you with.

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy 8 днів тому +2

      you had me going lol

    • @feilox
      @feilox 8 днів тому

      what are you talking about? These people are outright stealing 50-100K worth a salary per year! Doing jackshit.

    • @rodiculous9464
      @rodiculous9464 8 днів тому

      ​@@feiloxthat's not how that works, all these jobs have deliverables that need to get done or else you get fired. If the only way you can track output is with mouse activity there is something wrong with the job itself. It's like being hired to dig a ditch, you can't lie about digging it if the boss can clearly see it's not dug. Them going after jugglers is probably looking for excuses for downsizing since all these big banks are failing.

    • @117page4
      @117page4 8 днів тому

      Commuist countries doesn't do this to their employees! You do!!! But what the hell, just blame all your problems on others.

  • @erics7226
    @erics7226 7 днів тому +1

    They were doing the same thing the rest of the employees were. Staring at the ceiling questioning their life choices

  • @Ryan-qu4vx
    @Ryan-qu4vx 7 днів тому +2

    Lets be clear about what is actually happening here. Wells is super over leveraged in commercial real estate and they are freaking out. They are pushing RTO hard as a way to prop up their investments, threatening layoffs to those who don't come back in. This was a way to justify laying off a lot of employees while gathering evidence that RTO is necessary.

  • @monterreymxisfun3627
    @monterreymxisfun3627 8 днів тому +7

    You can watch an instructional video to stop your computer from sleeping and call it research. You could also just write code that moves the mouse pointer and call it "Selenium-test".

  • @paullindell
    @paullindell 8 днів тому +8

    At the company I was working for, the emploiy handbook had a paragraph on company issues laptops and phones. In capital letters it said( DO NOT EXPECT PRIVACY). I used my own stuff and never let the company add it to the network.

    • @samilajami
      @samilajami 8 днів тому +2

      Your personal one should have that too

    • @gusmonster59
      @gusmonster59 7 днів тому

      The minute you log into a company's network to work, you will be tracked regardless if it's company equipment or your own.

    • @paullindell
      @paullindell 7 днів тому +1

      @@gusmonster59 That's why I made a point of staying off the network. I would set the wifi as public so I had the firewalls.

  • @jaaguitar
    @jaaguitar 7 днів тому +1

    Monitoring staff in this way is illegal in the EU and UK. Despite this, MS Teams etc reports you as away after 5 minutes. That's why the use of mouse gigglers is so prevalent here.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      No, it's not. Employers in the EU can and do monitor employees in exactly this way, and it's entirely legal for them to do so.

  • @syriuszb8611
    @syriuszb8611 3 дні тому

    What's funny about requiring constant input is, does managers think that people do not have to stop and think about problems? Did managers forget, that using brain require concentration? It seems like they did not exercise this in a long time.
    If boss cannot tell the difference whether or not his employee uses mouse jigglers without spying... Is the employee any different than mouse jiggler?
    But in reality, they just make sure employees cannot take a break and that they have to loose their minds trying to be productive for 8h straight. In office, you can do nothing productive all day, just brew coffee and talk to coworkers, and even better- managers about nothing. And managers will look more favourable to you than if in home you did very productive 7h and 1h you were taking a break, go to toilet, just trying to gather yourself to regain concentration and be productive.

  • @iotku
    @iotku 8 днів тому +3

    If a company doesn't have effective metrics that can determine if an employee is providing a satisfactory amount of work, that's an issue with the company. There should be no issue with certain periods of inactivity when unexpected events happen inside my own home that needs to be dealt with given I don't live in a strictly controlled business environment as long as I'm not completely neglecting my work and am producing reasonable outcomes.
    That being said, if I knowingly bypass a company policy (even a stupid one) I can't be surprised if I risk being fired as a result.

    • @SigFigNewton
      @SigFigNewton 8 днів тому +1

      They’re scaring away to employees

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      It's not about work performance, it's about the fact that these employees were attempting to deceive their employer - a major international bank.

  • @vembrace
    @vembrace 6 днів тому

    If that CEO were to go to jail, then the BoD would need to follow, as they knew (and benefitted) from Boeing prioritizing profits over safety.

  • @jonragnarsson
    @jonragnarsson 7 днів тому +1

    "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure"

  • @Onwrikbaar
    @Onwrikbaar 7 днів тому +1

    So long as people accept being incessantly monitored and treated like robot slaves instead of humans, inhumane corporations will continue to do so. Next up: an electric shock if your keystroke is a millisecond too late.

  • @animanaut
    @animanaut 8 днів тому +4

    low tech solution: the worlds best mouse jiggler is actually loose cat hair. jokes aside, presence is actually bugged if you use the ms web office. it only shows you online as long as the browser tab is active, so effectively when you are not actively producing value at all. if you set status to dnd you will get disturbed 5min later because the abandoned office browsertab set you to away. those metrics are pure ass in my book and measure output over actual outcomes. if your company focuses on output, employees will game the system as its the set goal, in office or at home.

    • @vidyaWolf
      @vidyaWolf 7 днів тому

      So you're telling me that multi-billion dollar companies rely on shoddily programmed apps that hinge on whatever framework and (in)stability a random browser will provide and call it a day?
      Yep, checks out!

  • @Ace1000ks19751982
    @Ace1000ks19751982 8 днів тому +6

    When reality hits, it hits.

  • @Azathoth2980
    @Azathoth2980 8 днів тому +10

    This is nothing, the real scary stuff is when you are monitored for all time outside of work, even out side of employment, for deep behavior psychological analysis to measure you for new hidden hire policy, that is secretly shared across business.

    • @TheAmishUpload
      @TheAmishUpload 8 днів тому +1

      bro what

    • @valknut9648
      @valknut9648 8 днів тому +3

      @@TheAmishUpload oh, you're blissfully unaware of the coming social credit score system. Enjoy the end times.

  • @coolerking7427
    @coolerking7427 8 днів тому +3

    I wish they could do this for the employees at the unemployment office

    • @zeroturn7091
      @zeroturn7091 7 днів тому +1

      The biggest scam in the workforce.

  • @suzukigsxfa9683
    @suzukigsxfa9683 8 днів тому +14

    I know people who work ftom home attend all meetings, complete work and still get fired because their output is trash.

    • @jiaw4637
      @jiaw4637 8 днів тому +17

      Do you one better. I know people who work from home attend all meetings, complete work and still get fired because their COMPANY MANAGEMENT is trash

  • @djdonbentley2141
    @djdonbentley2141 4 дні тому

    What's wrong with companies is that they already know people don't work on the same exact time span or get the same amount done .
    one person can spend only 3 hrs of the whole day on the work , but
    actually do a fantastic job on it ,
    conversely , someone could spend the whole day on 1 assignment and
    not do a very good job .
    In my opinion companies know this and created a hostile
    work situation because they want everyone to cram as much
    productivity into one day without caring about what can realistically be done

  • @albertlim2252
    @albertlim2252 8 днів тому +3

    You can program those mouse jigglers to open and close apps or copy and paste text. I have'nt been fired yet.

  • @Takeitlightly6
    @Takeitlightly6 6 днів тому

    They would hire such leeches but they wont hire hard workers with no experience

  • @noreverse1152
    @noreverse1152 18 годин тому

    My experience? It is way easier and less risky to waste time in the office than at home.

  • @davidebacchi9030
    @davidebacchi9030 4 дні тому

    That’s plainly illegal (at least under Italian law). Remote control of workers is forbidden here in such cases you get your place back, you got paid for the days of “firing” and usually also a hefty compensation. Today I think also privacy infringement could be called.

  • @galzajc1257
    @galzajc1257 6 днів тому +1

    a good employer looks at the final result, the work done

  • @ColinTimmins
    @ColinTimmins 6 днів тому

    Thanks UA-cam for canceling my subscription, glad I found you back as a recommendation. I’m done with relying on UA-cam to handling them properly.

  • @dennislee4797
    @dennislee4797 2 дні тому

    Worse then living inside a jail. I thought they call this stalking

  • @cpuuk
    @cpuuk 6 днів тому

    That's why I have sub-contracted my mouse jiggling to a 3rd party contractor.

  • @Michael-pw6qk
    @Michael-pw6qk 7 днів тому

    It's okay, they'll get one of the many government jobs your tax dollars will pay for. Those are also work from home now.

  • @Z3rgatul
    @Z3rgatul 3 дні тому

    If mouse jiggler needs only power over USB, it may not report any ids over USB port, since it may not using any data lanes.

  • @aaronhartmann7658
    @aaronhartmann7658 8 днів тому +1

    It's shocking how much crap office people deal with. If only they had a trade skill for instant employment elsewhere.

    • @AquaticAbomination
      @AquaticAbomination 7 днів тому

      I work with Google Ads and I dream about being a lumberjack

  • @Yavin4
    @Yavin4 8 днів тому +6

    This is why I would just rather work in the office. I don't want my home computer surveilled by my company. Also, when I am home, I am home. I don't want my private life invaded by the office.

    • @mudi2000a
      @mudi2000a 8 днів тому +2

      If you work from home the company should provide you a computer. In my field it would also be never allowed to work from your own PC because of security concerns.

    • @JackSeries44
      @JackSeries44 7 днів тому

      Wtf are you talking about ?
      Sounds like HR cockcsucking his CorpoRATion.

  • @CoreyWhiteCollar
    @CoreyWhiteCollar 7 днів тому +1

    Next time you get up to pee, YOU'RE FIRED! Never mind that you are hitting all of your productivity goals, my baby brain that doesn't understand object permanence feels brain hurty when you leave.

  • @Iswimandrun
    @Iswimandrun 8 днів тому +9

    Powershell can move the mouse really easy.

    • @Zuranthus
      @Zuranthus 8 днів тому +3

      and they can tell, which is the whole point of the video

    • @snorman1911
      @snorman1911 8 днів тому

      It's been used for years to verify you're a human in the captcha that just asks you to check a box.

    • @MrPir84free
      @MrPir84free 7 днів тому

      It's trivial to monitor all powershell, command line and other scripted activity. Once put in place, it just works. I do a lot of powershell, including my own fair share of "mistakes" where I mistyped something. Those that monitor, well, they have about a year to figure out what I'm doing. Unfortunately beyond a few days to a week, it would be near impossible for me to tell them what exactly I was doing. But it gets logged ; worse, I set up the logging.. (The logging is applied to all employees .. ).
      Doing something scripted is by and far the most easy way because the results are one of a few conditions: They can either see you launched a file, then grab that file and see what it does; they can see the individual lines of code as ran, or you can "obfuscate" the code, which just makes them REALLY suspicious. I've actually had security ask me what "this code was for" about a year after the fact; it was literally running every 90 minutes on nearly every workstation in the environment until the code was satisfied that the machine was in compliance.. Took them about a year to ask.. The code was to satisfy a different security request & compliance initiative.

  • @ruck-a-tron
    @ruck-a-tron 7 днів тому

    Monitoring employees is just stupid. It's easy to know if people are working. Are they producing what they are supposed to? Like, if you are supposed to produce x results, and you do it, then what's the problem? Supervisors just need to be clear with what they expect and hold people to that.

  • @Morokiane
    @Morokiane 7 днів тому +1

    “Yet the drive to assess the performance of workers and to measure forms of labor which, by their nature, are resistant to quantification, has inevitably required additional layers of management and bureaucracy. What we have is not a direct comparison of workers’ performance or output, but a comparison between the audited representation of that performance and output. Inevitably, a short-circuiting occurs, and work becomes geared towards the generation and massaging of representations rather than to the official goals of the work itself.” ― Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

  • @darklocust778
    @darklocust778 8 днів тому +1

    Active directory is not a security system, it has group policies which can be used to enforce certain settings and can capture when logon events happen, but for monitoring user activity you need other software to do that

    • @austin73
      @austin73 4 дні тому

      Yes, this whole video was baseless click bait. There is no security policy or log that tracks mouse movements, much less analyzes them for “being organic”. The WF employees that were fired were almost assuredly using a USB device that simulates movements and keyboard input. They most likely scanned for laptops that had this device installed and made some examples. This was NOT about “mouse jigglers” or determining what an organic mouse movement was. (side note: no one in 2000 was turning off logging in order to save resources and it was not uncommon for servers to have 1 to 4 GB of ram in large enterprises, even back then)

  • @pauljs75
    @pauljs75 7 днів тому

    Don't use software based, they can't find weird processes in your logs if you use a hardware approach. A Lego Technics set is probably worth the cost if you're inclined enough to figure something out.

  • @SolomonTheStoryTeller
    @SolomonTheStoryTeller 8 днів тому +9

    I use a software that jiggles that i developed myself. Looks like i need to reduce the rate of the jiggler

    • @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece
      @fgregerfeaxcwfeffece 7 днів тому +1

      I recommend a micro controller using HID that way the software does not need to run on the monitored system. Its very easy and the dev boards really cheap. The RP2040 for example all sorts of boards below 2$.

    • @jonathanbuzzard1376
      @jonathanbuzzard1376 7 днів тому

      @@fgregerfeaxcwfeffece Or get a physical mouse jiggler. It physically moves whatever mouse you have so it can't even be detected as a second and/or different mouse plugged into the system.

  • @P8860
    @P8860 4 дні тому

    I can't stop laughing at the pic they used for the article LOL

  • @Lofi-Life_
    @Lofi-Life_ 7 днів тому

    Just wait until they add copilot and have a complete history of what you’ve been up to. 😮

  • @fraudsarentfriends4717
    @fraudsarentfriends4717 7 днів тому

    They can do the same thing in their offices and cubicles on the job.

  • @zcrib3
    @zcrib3 8 днів тому +2

    Having to dig logs to track productivity says something.

  • @pzdf8v
    @pzdf8v 6 днів тому

    Anything is fair game on a company device. You're paid to work. Some companies are using keyboard loggers and can track exactly what you're doing.

  • @lextacy2008
    @lextacy2008 7 днів тому

    This is why the 4 day work week is more practical. No one is productive 40 hours per week

  • @RXP91
    @RXP91 7 днів тому

    Just setup an IP KVM and outsource your own job to the third world. Someone over there can do your work, you pay them & you keep your employers salary. The difference between what you pay the third world worker & your company employment salary is your margin as a capitalist. I've known people to do this. One at a big bank got caught cause he stupidly used TerminalServer directly.
    IP KVM so that they can't track any remote logins. They'll log into a completely separate hardware device that lets them control your keyboard/mouse/screen at a hardware layer.
    Windows recall isn't going to be the solution management think it is. It's going to cause more hacks to the companies that use it.

  • @SurpriseMeJT
    @SurpriseMeJT 8 днів тому

    Yeah, I work for a software company that collects these auditing logs. We can search and analyze this data. It's touted as a "security platform" but quite honestly, most companies use it to see what users are doing. They pay a lot of money for this platform.

  • @mudi2000a
    @mudi2000a 8 днів тому

    People who don’t want to work will always find a way. At home or in the office. The same is true for people who want to work.

  • @Dervraka
    @Dervraka 7 днів тому

    Well, I mean apparently, they were getting all their assigned work done or they could have been fired for that alone, so what the hell does it matter what they do as long as their assignments are complete, sounds like it's the employer's fault for not giving them enough to do where they had a ton of extra time to just walk away and not be missed.

  • @Objectified
    @Objectified 7 днів тому

    These employees were fired for deceiving their employer. Full stop. Productivity and measurement of such is irrelevant. I guarantee there are many, many, many other remote workers with the same workloads as these folk who didn't get fired because they didn't attempt to deceive their employer.

  • @galen__
    @galen__ 7 днів тому

    So, management distrust WFH and wants it to end.

  • @Zuranthus
    @Zuranthus 8 днів тому +3

    this is why we can't have nice things

    • @artplanb9688
      @artplanb9688 7 днів тому

      😂This is why we don't deserve nice things as a species of maniacal stalkers

  • @leslieya9787
    @leslieya9787 8 днів тому

    Activity logs folks…tells you everything you need to know

  • @ss-oq9pc
    @ss-oq9pc 8 днів тому +6

    Only if there was some kind of software that would record all of your normal organic work data, for like a week or two or a month, and then hijack the audited data so it sends in the recorded organic data in a random pattern.

    • @kevinb1594
      @kevinb1594 8 днів тому

      If only there was a way to tell if employees actually got the work done that they were assigned and finished their projects and met deadlines without having to spy on them.

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy 8 днів тому

      @@kevinb1594you can’t because most people don’t produce value, working for divisions of companies that don’t produce value.

    • @phgamer4393
      @phgamer4393 8 днів тому

      @@kevinb1594 lol amen.

    • @l2k55
      @l2k55 7 днів тому +1

      Or you could just work when you are getting paid for working

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy 7 днів тому +1

      @@l2k55 shift work mentality vs accomplishing goals

  • @TKUltra971
    @TKUltra971 8 днів тому +4

    Yeah man, got myself in a pinch for this long ago on a different job. Thank god the job I have now are totally lax on that.

    • @Josh-py9rq
      @Josh-py9rq 8 днів тому +2

      yeah my company doesn't care you do your quota for the day and can relax in fact my numbers are soo high I could just kick back and do nothing for a day.

    • @TKUltra971
      @TKUltra971 8 днів тому

      @@Josh-py9rq as it should be tbh.

  • @cbskip546
    @cbskip546 8 днів тому

    Only thing to say is you reap what you sow. Just set your mouse on an analog wrist watch and it will see the second hand moving.

  • @donaldjohnson-ow3kq
    @donaldjohnson-ow3kq 8 днів тому

    Unless the employees were part of the brokerage arm, they aren't subject to FINRA supervision. For example, BofA employees wouldn't be subjected, but their Merrill Lynch division would be.

  • @L2-tz8qr
    @L2-tz8qr 8 днів тому

    Yes, cause at the end of the day they can still possibly audit, look what other people in the office and out of the office are possibly completing in a day and see if others are possibly reaching the same standards, I feel.

  • @25566
    @25566 3 дні тому

    If I go 5 minutes to the toilet and the laptop locks up killing all my work vpns making me re-login or cutting a file transfer, having to start it again, of course I'm going to use one of those. They can fire me I don't care, I'll find a better job

  • @baphnie
    @baphnie 7 днів тому

    If you work within this system and you don’t fight it, you’re the problem.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      They aren't asking their employees to be typing and moving the mouse doing work continually. These people were terminated for attempting to deceive their employer.

    • @baphnie
      @baphnie 7 днів тому

      @@Objectified Do you know if these people were under-performing? Thats an offense I’d understand justifying termination. But tracking employee activity RATHER than productivity misses the mark and is a slippery slope.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      @@baphnie It's not about their performance. And I guarantee that many, many, many other remote employees there have comparable workloads and comparable times of actual inactivity, and that they didn't get fired simply because they didn't choose to attempt to deceive their company. I understand and agree with onerous surveillance and standards. There are often times I'm done with my work for the day in the early afternoon, and I have to find other things to work on. But if I installed a tool to attempt to deceive my employer into thinking I was working in those remaining hours while I went off and did something else, I'd expect to be fired if caught.

    • @baphnie
      @baphnie 7 днів тому

      @@Objectified Respectfully disagree that the onus is on the efficient employee to ask for more work. I may be wrong here, but I see hiring as an agreement between rate of work and rate of pay. If my employer felt differently, I’d move on.

  • @johnbovay8353
    @johnbovay8353 7 днів тому

    Employee absenteeism is employee absenteeism.

  • @robertgaines-tulsa
    @robertgaines-tulsa 7 днів тому

    Office jobs are going to be taken by AI in a few years, so you might want to look into a trade like HVAC, electrical, or plumbing.

  • @yoshu4221
    @yoshu4221 7 днів тому

    Here's a crazy thought, maybe we can evaluate our employee's performance based on actual achievements and interaction rather than micromanaging the hell out of them and asking them why they didn't have "inputs" to a computer for X% of the day.

  • @DudeSoWin
    @DudeSoWin 7 днів тому +1

    What if the mouse jiggler was a way for them to keep active and they just happened to go AFK. Could be their cat messing with it too. I use macros for all my office work, its not like its competitive gaming.

  • @MrPete1985
    @MrPete1985 7 днів тому

    I wonder if these people were not performing up to standard and that's why they were looked at. A mouse jiggler would be a much easier firing then putting them on performance improvement plans etc

  • @stevens2806
    @stevens2806 8 днів тому

    You know, if they were happy with these peoples' productivity before, why does it matter? This means they need a promotion, not a termination!

  • @MarcoMugnatto
    @MarcoMugnatto 7 днів тому

    I always thought that what should matter is the employee delivering the work by the agreed deadline, regardless of what they do during that time.

  • @emptydata-xf7ps
    @emptydata-xf7ps 7 днів тому

    It’s time to stop working/shopping at these corporations. You’re getting fvcked. The bottom line is the only important thing and the consumer is the only one who can affect that.

  • @stuartwilson4960
    @stuartwilson4960 7 днів тому

    Isn't this what Homer did? Who saw that, and thought good idea.... pfffft, deserve to get fired.

  • @sconnz
    @sconnz 8 днів тому

    I worked at a internet cafe and we could remotely see anyones screen! So I'm sure a big company has something similar if they wanted to check on their employees.

  • @eurostockoption
    @eurostockoption 8 днів тому

    If I _recall_ correctly, big corps like MSFT don't give a s- about employee's privacy...

  • @mychromebook9935
    @mychromebook9935 7 днів тому

    here are some mouse jiggler ideas i've heard:
    -attach mouse to a fan that moves back and forth
    -put mouse over mechanical watch , the moving hands will be enough to keep it active
    -turn mouse upside down, attach a tissue with tape, have fan blow on it

  • @MisteryBio
    @MisteryBio 7 днів тому

    This is ilegal in many countries.

    • @Objectified
      @Objectified 7 днів тому

      No, it's not. I know many in the EU think it is, but it's yet another common superiority myth folk in the EU have heard and believe.

  • @MatthewMS.
    @MatthewMS. 8 днів тому

    I really enjoy this channel

  • @ashishpatel350
    @ashishpatel350 8 днів тому +11

    lol cant wait for ai to start auditing everyone

    • @suzukigsxfa9683
      @suzukigsxfa9683 8 днів тому +8

      And then AI to fake you are working. Lol.

    • @ashishpatel350
      @ashishpatel350 8 днів тому +2

      @@suzukigsxfa9683 🤣🤣🤣...
      It's going to be interesting times

    • @cbaesemanai
      @cbaesemanai 8 днів тому +2

      never fear we will create ai jiggler powered keyboards and mouse.

    • @MatthewMS.
      @MatthewMS. 8 днів тому +4

      why waste AI’s resource on auditing your job when it could just do it instead, 100x faster, mistake free, no bathroom break needed, 24/7 : ) jk

    • @noname-gp6hk
      @noname-gp6hk 8 днів тому

      A new arms race is born. There will be defensive AIs to fool the monitoring AIs. Then the monitor AI systems will get wise to what the defensive AI system is doing, then the defensive AI will adapt. Just look how bacteria still exists in nature despite us all having immune systems. As is in nature, as is in technology.

  • @AnonP2X3YZ
    @AnonP2X3YZ 8 днів тому +1

    I scripted it myself to jiggle the mouse, and obfuscated the code that does it. (mixing the code into a legitimate script that does real work)

  • @pixelcatcher123
    @pixelcatcher123 7 днів тому

    My mouse jiggler is literally my cat