Where Are We in The Housing Cycle



  • @Bill_Woo
    @Bill_Woo 26 днів тому +1

    Astute analysis. I agree with your interpretation of rates and recessions. And your homebuying conclusion/strategy. Beware of one thing, though, because housing is a manipulated market, not just by rates and boom-bust induced hard recessions, but by direct legislative (including Presidential) interference in the free market and supply/demand normality. In particular, as long as there are masses of clueless Democrat voters crying for Bernie/AOC free lunches, Congress obliges, to the overall detriment of almost everyone not front running or skimming the cream off of spending legislation. Congress's (well, let's say the Federal government's) number one attribute is making things worse every time they do anything to anything. And the befuddled sheep keep reelecting them...

    • @Bill_Woo
      @Bill_Woo 26 днів тому

      This is to say the Congress and the White House, spurred by Democrat voters saying "Hey, government, DO something" - take actions to warp housing, just like they do with imports, energy, and everything else that they can do to produce inflation. If voters had brains they would tell Washington to STAY OUT of anything involving economics, finance or commerce, and let the free market actually work, and tell them to stop spending on stimulus and entitlements and military giveaways. But the sheep just don't "get" it...