Les 4 Arts Paris Centre, collective exhibition

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024
  • Group exhibition of members of the association Les 4 Arts - Paris Center.
    The project was created in cooperation between HDLU Rijeka and Les 4 Arts - Paris Center, a professional art association from Paris. The French exhibition consists of works by renowned artists from Paris.
    They are: Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Ronan Canal, Laurence Dubaut, Marie-Lyne Ersine, Dominique Fillières, Bénédicte Gerin, Yona Grandjean, Natalie Miel, Jean de Lardemelle, Nadée, Éric Perrin and Nina Urlichs.
    The exchange of exhibitions and experiences has been at the heart of the association Les 4 Arts - Paris Center concept since its foundation in 1995. Their goal is to spread culture and connect artists. Every other year, their association presents fine artists and colleagues from another country, and they have collaborated with Lithuania, Austria, Spain, Poland, and Germany.
    This year, when Paris is the host city of the Olympic Games, we would like to present their works in Rijeka.
    Skupna izložba članova udruge Les 4 Arts - Paris Centre pod nazivom Paris - Rijeka
    Projekt je nastao u suradnji HDLU Rijeka i Les 4 Arts - Paris Centre profesionalne likovne udruge iz Pariza. Francusku izložbu čini radovi renomiranih umjetnika iz Pariza.
    To su: Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Ronan Canal, Laurence Dubaut, Marie-Lyne Ersine, Dominique Fillières, Bénédicte Gerin, Yona Grandjean, Natalie Miel, Jean de Lardemelle, Nadée, Éric Perrin i Nina Urlichs.
    Razmjena izložbi i iskustva u središtu je koncept udruge Les 4 Arts - Paris Center od njezina osnutka 1995. Njihov je cilj širenje kulture i povezivanje umjetnika. Svake druge godine njihova udruga predstavi likovne umjetnike, kolege iz neke druge zemlje i do sada ostvarili su suradnju sa : Litvom, Austrijom, Španjolskom, Poljskom, Njemačkom … U ovoj godini kada je Pariz grad domaćin Olimpijskih igara želja nam je predstaviti njihove radove u Rijeci.
    More info: hdlu-rijeka.hr...
    Otvorenje izložbe 21. 06. 2024. u 20 sati.
    Izložba ostaje otvorena do 6. 07. 2024.
    Galerija Juraj Klović,
    Rijeka, Verdijeva 19 b


  • @ninaurlichs5275
    @ninaurlichs5275 3 місяці тому

    Très belle exposition, nous sommes très heureuses de participer

  • @samsam5731
    @samsam5731 3 місяці тому

    Nice exhibition