Don’t forget to actually check, i.e. measure that all pins have separated. Otherwise your tester may count a cycle where the conector came lose from the jig as a perfect cycle. General rule in testing: test the oposite of what you want before and after. So to check if an NO contact of a relay works: check that it is not closed when not energized, energize the relay, check for continuity, de-energize and check the relay contact opened.
Don’t forget to actually check, i.e. measure that all pins have separated. Otherwise your tester may count a cycle where the conector came lose from the jig as a perfect cycle.
General rule in testing: test the oposite of what you want before and after. So to check if an NO contact of a relay works: check that it is not closed when not energized, energize the relay, check for continuity, de-energize and check the relay contact opened.