End of Year Super Big Sale - get a 50% discount on our COMPLETE courses (level 2-10) bundle: 9 levels, 90 lessons!!! This discount is only applicable for the first 50 students, grab it now on our website www.BahasaLittleProject.com
I'd like to say that I'm an English teacher, but struggle to learn new languages myself. Your lessons are absolutely brilliant. Thank you for providing this amazing resource.
Yesterday, she wrote at school - Kemarin, dia menulis di selolah. Today, he watched at home - Hani ini, dia menonton di rumah. Yes, we will talk at the police station. Ya, kami aka berbicara di kantor polisi.
Correction: Original: Yesterday, she wrote at school - Kemarin, dia menulis di selolah. Correction: Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah. Explanation: I corrected the spelling of "selolah" to "sekolah" for the correct term "school." Original: Today, he watched at home - Hani ini, dia menonton di rumah. Correction: Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah. Explanation: I corrected "Hani ini" to "Hari ini" for the correct term "today." The rest of the sentence is already accurate. Original: Yes, we will talk at the police station. Ya, kami aka berbicara di kantor polisi. Correction: Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi. Explanation: I corrected "aka" to "akan" to form the future tense of "will talk." The sentence now correctly states, "Yes, we will talk at the police station."
End of Year Super Big Sale - get a 50% discount on our COMPLETE courses (level 2-10) bundle: 9 levels, 90 lessons!!! This discount is only applicable for the first 50 students, grab it now on our website www.BahasaLittleProject.com
I'd like to say that I'm an English teacher, but struggle to learn new languages myself. Your lessons are absolutely brilliant. Thank you for providing this amazing resource.
Terima kasih Bu, we have END OF YEAR BIG SALE for our level 2-10, plz email us at XspaceBali@gmail.com to learn more with us. Terima kasih Bu
Terima kasih kamu membantu kami belajar bahasa Indonesia.
sama sama yaaa
1. Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah.
2. Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah.
3. Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
Terima kasih, Guru!
You are a bless....landed in Bali and this a rescue ❤
very good. terima kasih
Join our level 2 premium course to learn more! Semangaat belajar yaaa
makasih banyak guru, saya KHMER orang tapi saya mau tahu bahasa INDONESIAN sekali
sama sama yaa kakk
Kemarin, dia menulis buku di sekolah.
Hari ini, dia menonton "Bahasa little project' di rumahnya.
Iya, kami akan berbicara di Kentor Polisi.
Terima kasih.
sama sama yaaa… join our premium level 2 course to learn moree
terima kasih
sama sama yaa… plz consider supporting us by joining our membership here on youtube and get access to level 2 lessons.. terima kasih
Yesterday, she wrote at school - Kemarin, dia menulis di selolah.
Today, he watched at home - Hani ini, dia menonton di rumah.
Yes, we will talk at the police station. Ya, kami aka berbicara di kantor polisi.
Correction: Original: Yesterday, she wrote at school - Kemarin, dia menulis di selolah.
Correction: Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah.
Explanation: I corrected the spelling of "selolah" to "sekolah" for the correct term "school."
Original: Today, he watched at home - Hani ini, dia menonton di rumah.
Correction: Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah.
Explanation: I corrected "Hani ini" to "Hari ini" for the correct term "today." The rest of the sentence is already accurate.
Original: Yes, we will talk at the police station. Ya, kami aka berbicara di kantor polisi.
Correction: Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
Explanation: I corrected "aka" to "akan" to form the future tense of "will talk." The sentence now correctly states, "Yes, we will talk at the police station."
Kemarin, dia menulis buku di secolah.
Hari ini, dia menonoton tv di rumah.
Ya, kami akan berbicara di Kantor polisi.
1. Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah
2. Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah
3. Ya, kami akan bebicara di Kantor polisi
mantaap (awesome) semangaaatinn (keep it up)!!! email us at XspaceBali@gmail.com to continue learning… Terima kasih
Yesterday, I cooked at Home.
Today, They will wat at Restaurant.
Yes, He will study tomorrow at the school.
Mantap (great)! If you would like to learn more, join our private and premium course.
Kemarin dia menulis di sekolah
2.hari ini dia menonton di rumah
3.ya, mereka akan berbicara do Kantor polisi
mantap kak,
kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah
Hari ini, dia menonton...di rumah
ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi
One thing. It would’ve been better if you included not just “di” but also “di dalam” and “di atas” in your sample sentence.
ide yg baguss
1. Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah.
2. Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah.
3. Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
mantaap kakk
Kemarin, Dia menulis di sekolah.
Hari ini, Dia menonton di rumah.
Ya, Kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
Kemarin, dia menulis surat di sekolah.
Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah.
Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
kemarin, dia menulis sebuah buku di sekolah
hari ini, dia menonton TV di rumah
Ya, kami akan bicara di kantor polisi
terus berlatih yaa
1.Kemarin, dia menulis di sekolah
2.Hari ini, dia menontok di rumah.
3.Ya, kami akan berbicara di kantor polisi.
mantap!!! plz consider supporting us by joining our membership here on youtube and get access to level 2 lessons.. terima kasih
2. Hari ini, dia menonton di rumah.
3. Ya, kami akan di kantor polisi.
semakin baguss