what sink tip line do you recommend for lake bass fishing and river bass/river steelhead fishing that is all around? What ips do your recommend? I was thinking SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS SONAR TITAN SINK TIP FLY LINE Sink 3: 2.5 - 3.5ips;
You can find lines that have a 30’ sinking head that both float or sink. For the most part I use the ones that completely sink when I need my fly to get as deep as possible (i.e. lakes) and the style that has floating running line when the river is up a lot, but i still want the fly to get down. Scientific Anglers makes both styles. The full sink is probably the more versatile line if you only picked one in that line up. The 3/5/7 line sinks completely though!
Hi, regarding sink tips, what's the difference between the frequency and the sonar titan in the SA range?
This was very helpful. Thanks!
i have a 9 weight fly rod , what sinking tip line do you recommend for steelhead, salmon, bass and pike? thank you
what sink tip line do you recommend for lake bass fishing and river bass/river steelhead fishing that is all around? What ips do your recommend? I was thinking SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS SONAR TITAN SINK TIP FLY LINE Sink 3: 2.5 - 3.5ips;
That’s a great choice, and if I only had one the way I would go!
Does the Full Sink have a running line that floats? If the sinking line has a 30’ sinking head, 3/5/7 does the rest of the line float?
You can find lines that have a 30’ sinking head that both float or sink. For the most part I use the ones that completely sink when I need my fly to get as deep as possible (i.e. lakes) and the style that has floating running line when the river is up a lot, but i still want the fly to get down. Scientific Anglers makes both styles. The full sink is probably the more versatile line if you only picked one in that line up. The 3/5/7 line sinks completely though!
You need to learn how to fish.
Good input Mr. Savage