Does Hamas Want To Annihilate All Jews?

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024
  • Does Hamas Want To Annihilate All Jews? #shorts #conversationswithcoleman #Hamas


  • @kosemkamtsan
    @kosemkamtsan 10 місяців тому +83

    Bingo! You nailed it, Coleman.

    • @ai_com
      @ai_com 10 місяців тому

      He gets the most basic facts wrong here

    • @sTraYa249
      @sTraYa249 9 місяців тому

      ​@@ai_comnot concerning the teachings of mohamad....I've read the properly translated surrahs etc about mohamadians looking for Jews under rocks that 7th century warlord, mohamad, told them will say rocks will give up hidden Jews. It is that basic, unmistakably blood thirsty, backward, but all mohamadians are meant to be on this world for. Believe them when they tell everyone that they want to kill Jews & unbelievers. Not all are backward like extremists, but these are people who have already promised the world what to expect. The flowery words are taqqia

    • @jaykoffsky6298
      @jaykoffsky6298 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@ai_com not here he doesn't

    • @megeramilosskaya1
      @megeramilosskaya1 9 місяців тому

      @@ai_com examples please

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 7 місяців тому


  • @sbaumgartner9848
    @sbaumgartner9848 4 місяці тому +16

    Coleman is a very intelligent reflective person. I have a lot of respect for him to have achieved this level of thinking at his young age.

  • @davep4240
    @davep4240 9 місяців тому +54

    This is exactly what Hamas wants. It’s in their charter. Also that land does not belong to the Muslims anymore, but Muslims believe that any land they once owned is theirs forever. Some also believe that Spain should be theirs and some even want to get it back by force if necessary.

    • @xChrisDarko
      @xChrisDarko 9 місяців тому

      Whereas Israel's constitution is apartheid 💫

    • @francescaerreia8859
      @francescaerreia8859 9 місяців тому +6

      In fact they think all land is theirs and if they had the military power, they’d go for it all.

    • @Tresdrole123
      @Tresdrole123 9 місяців тому

      Why is it bad when Muslims do it but totally fine when proponents of a Zionist ideology pick a spot on the map and secure US/British funding to do the same? Netanyahu quotes the Talmud in the same way a Muslim resistance fighter quotes the Quran.

    • @tansta21
      @tansta21 9 місяців тому

      Ha! The irony!! That’s the Israeli claim- some of us had some ancestors here 2000 years ago we think so now you need to move!? What’s happening is a crime against humanity just be careful what you spread less it comes back and you live under the same apartheid, racist, baby killing state you seem to want to support

    • @dotenks
      @dotenks 9 місяців тому

      Land doesn’t “belong” to anyone exactly. Palestinians are mad because they’re being removed from their home and treated like second-class citizens. That’s all.

  • @tinkerbell1270
    @tinkerbell1270 9 місяців тому +20

    as far as I understand their own proclamations, there seems to be one mistake with your statement: Hamas will not be happy as long as there is any Jewish state anywhere (not just on "what should be muslim" land)...

    • @ct5965
      @ct5965 3 місяці тому +1

      let me pin point that for you;
      its about dar Al-Islam and dar Al-Harb, house of Islam and house of war, meaning land under the control of Islam and land war has to be waged to conquer, doesn't have to be literal war (demographic conquer can also work, case in point Europe atm), regarding a land once under Islam and lost, there is a higher regard to take back, and an even higher urgency when Jews (the worst of creatures according to Islam) are the ones who "took" it.
      add the whole "colonialism" false narrative into the mix and you got yourself a 0 sum game.

  • @loolylooly81
    @loolylooly81 9 місяців тому +18

    Because Hamas is a religious group; follows the Islamic antisemitic general disposition.

    • @NGLaw56
      @NGLaw56 5 місяців тому

      Have you seen the Israeli cabinet? they’re all fundamentalists just like Hamas. They don’t help the situation at all.

  • @DidiMldbv
    @DidiMldbv 5 місяців тому +6

    This conflict did NOT start on oct7!!!

  • @eggboldhead
    @eggboldhead 8 місяців тому +6

    Conflict is not about borders. They do not want to see Israel of any size. You got it. So people should stop talking about two states solution.

  • @CineGisticMedia
    @CineGisticMedia 10 місяців тому +13

    Muslim Brotherhood is Hamas master.

    • @sTraYa249
      @sTraYa249 9 місяців тому +2

      All death cultists

  • @Quinn37
    @Quinn37 9 місяців тому +24

    It's not just Hamas. The PA is the same, and a majority of Palestinians agree.

    • @sinatra222
      @sinatra222 9 місяців тому

      Yep, they are all hateful antisemites.

    • @ElviraGamz
      @ElviraGamz 7 місяців тому +2

      Majority of Muslims agree…. Islam is the same everywhere you go. The individual chooses whether to take the verses literally or not

    • @UndrState
      @UndrState 6 місяців тому +1

      Like white supremacists , muslim supremacists ( another domain of under-examined bigotry ) can only reconcile their belief in the own superiourity and the ubiquitous poverty and impotence of the muslim states by believing in a conspiratorial class that victimizes them .

    • @dortwito3353
      @dortwito3353 5 місяців тому

      Pols show at least 90% of Arabs hate Jews .that’s no surprise to anyone who has ever seen an Arab school book or kids show

    • @dortwito3353
      @dortwito3353 5 місяців тому +1

      Look for “farfoor” the plo Mickey Mouse .. actually pretty funny in a very twisted way

  • @diogenesofsinope2048
    @diogenesofsinope2048 8 місяців тому +6

    imagine Hamas gets what it wants; can we honestly say that the Palestinians will live in some sort of utopia? More like a dystopia imo..

    • @AmethystEyes
      @AmethystEyes 7 місяців тому +2

      Exactly! And they wipe out a country that is the second biggest tech sector in the world.

    • @miket7745
      @miket7745 5 місяців тому

      Nothing more dystopian than what Israel is doing these days. They're outsourcing their kill machines to AI

  • @youngman44
    @youngman44 9 місяців тому +15

    Wait. “On what should be Muslim land?” Where does he get that? How far back do you want to go? It was non-Muslim Canaanite & Jewish (Israel) land for the longest time. Then Christians and Jews lived there. Islamic invaders conquered in the mid 600s CE. So … this struggle goes back thousands of years. As there are no Jebusites (from the 900s BCE) left, historically, Israel has the longest running claim. It’s all about where one cuts off the timeline. He has done so arbitrarily. But, in fact, a Palestinian state was agreed upon by Israel yet Hamas would not go along with that. Let’s stop skewing certain facts. And I say that not as an apologist for Israel.

    • @adammiller6299
      @adammiller6299 9 місяців тому +13

      I think he was speaking from Hamas point of view.

    • @longhornglfr1069
      @longhornglfr1069 9 місяців тому +6

      He's not asserting that. He's saying Hamas won't stop until it's all theirs as that's their view. Long story short, that's why they've turned down every single two-state solution.

    • @joshuaallen7171
      @joshuaallen7171 9 місяців тому +2

      The Old Testament states that there were other tribes/nations (Canaanites) living on that land before the Jews. Therefore, Jews - according to their own book - do not have the oldest claim. Also, Jews have not been the majority inhabitants of that land for most of its history. That would be Muslims. Because Jews have not been a majority there since the Roman expulsion 2000 years ago.

    • @youngman44
      @youngman44 9 місяців тому

      @@adammiller6299 perhaps. It wasn’t clear based on his actual wording.

    • @youngman44
      @youngman44 9 місяців тому

      @@joshuaallen7171 It’s very iffy how many were there, or who was there, when Abraham arrived if one is going by a literalist reading.And I mentioned the shared lands of the Canaanites and Jebusites. But the problem is, they no longer exist. If you are going by a reading of OT history as you note, Abraham was there between 2000-1800. Israel arrived either in 1400 or 1250ish. The Romans did not expel the Jews 2000 years ago. That is simply false. They destroyed the Temple in 70 CE but Jews remained in the land with Christians and Romans for several centuries after. In fact, they rebuild Jerusalem. If you are going to nitpick length of time living as you do in that argument, there were Jews/Israel living there longer than Muslims. Israel dates back to 12th or 14th C BC and several centuries into the common era. Jews were living in the land in the mid 300s CE (or AD however one prefers) and authorized to rebuild a temple under Julian. And we’re also loving in the land under the Byzantine Empire in 600 CE. They were still living there during the Muslim invasion. Muslims have been there roughly 1400 years but Christians land Jews lived there longer. So that arbitrary argument for length of time there fails, utterly. Though the land was not divided as it is now Jews had also been living there well before 1947. Altogether Jews and Christians have lived in the land longer. So there is no inherent universal moral claim to that land on the basis of Length of stay. That said, I’m for a Palestinian state (with significant trade controls to prevent nuclear weapons entering from other nations like Iran). And I lament the impoverished life of Arabs. But Hamas has no claim and ostensibly forfeit their rights by such heinous terrorism and by their publicly proclaimed desire to see Jews annihilated from the earth (not just pushed out of the land). So, there’s all that.

  • @wertasd120
    @wertasd120 5 місяців тому +1

    The settlements help the situation in the sense that they keep military presence among hostile population, unlike in gaza, making an October 7 massacre scenario much less likely near the center of Israel.

  • @BigDome1
    @BigDome1 4 місяці тому

    Coleman, please try and get Darryl Cooper on your show! Please.

  • @dustinhessel9605
    @dustinhessel9605 10 місяців тому +7

    My understanding is there is and has been Jews in Arab lands. Isn’t the golden age of Jews in the period where they lived under the ottomans. Plus there’s Jews in Iran which surprised me.

    • @amithemed4352
      @amithemed4352 10 місяців тому +1

      There were millions of jews in muslim countries untill jew hatred rises and they all escaped to save their lives

    • @KJ-yises
      @KJ-yises 10 місяців тому +16

      There were Jews everywhere in the Middle East. But after the 1948 un resolution I think they all were ethnic cleansed and Israel took them in. The number is similar to the Arabs displaced, except they had nowhere to go.

    • @syourke3
      @syourke3 10 місяців тому

      Coleman has obviously been listening to Israeli propaganda. Very disappointing. Israel is a racist, fascistic brutal apartheid state that has imposed its rule on the native population of Palestine and has absolutely no moral legit act at all. Israel has illegally occupied Gaza and the West Bank since 1967 and has no right to complain when the oppressed peoples of Palestine take up arms to free themselves.

    • @jaykay7180
      @jaykay7180 10 місяців тому +5

      The Golden ages of the Jews refers to the period when Jews lived in Spain

    • @simonm7133
      @simonm7133 10 місяців тому +10

      The number of Jews in Iran prior to the 1979 revolution was over 100,000. Now they around 9,000. By all accounts they live quietly and are mainly involved in commerce and medicine. They consider themselves as Persian first and Jewish second. The regime is not too concerned about its Jews as long as they don’t become involved in politics and don’t say anything positive about Israel. However,it is telling that in just 40 odd years the Jewish population has reduced by 90%

  • @hodgmoe
    @hodgmoe 9 місяців тому +2

    And that's… The bottom line. Thanks.

  • @danielmadmon
    @danielmadmon 5 місяців тому +1

    All Palestinians have this view. Not only Hamas

    • @lj0002468
      @lj0002468 5 місяців тому

      All people of one ethnic group has the same view is racism at its finest

  • @Honestyontap.
    @Honestyontap. 5 місяців тому +1

    Ah finally
    An independently thinking brain
    He didnt want to go along with the islamic coachella protesting every week in usa cities

  • @AtreidesMan
    @AtreidesMan 3 місяці тому

    It was never about the settlements in the west bank. Fatah, which is the organization that took control of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, was established in 1959, when Jordan was in control of the west bank.

  • @countrybops4017
    @countrybops4017 5 місяців тому

    Would love to see you debate Geoffrey Asmus on this

  • @LastNameGalePodcast
    @LastNameGalePodcast 2 місяці тому

    It's that obvious? This isn't a groundbreaking perspective...

  • @dooblies1
    @dooblies1 6 місяців тому

    What is this clip pulled from?

  • @SobImIn
    @SobImIn 3 місяці тому

    Crazy you bring this up without talking about It in reverse. Netty himself has called them AMALEK. Look it up! This is a 2way street!!!

  • @frankincensemerchant1284
    @frankincensemerchant1284 7 місяців тому +1

    Let's hypothetically say Hamas was eliminated, but Israel still continued its policies what on earth makes you think some other group will rise to fight back irrespective if the group is Secular, or Religious. Since we are on the topic of religion one can also say the same of he Religious Zionist community who believe all the land is their with some envisioning borders far beyond that. Also Hamas isn't opposed to having two states unless certain conditions are meet.

    • @DianaHylandTX
      @DianaHylandTX Місяць тому

      Hamas has never said they want their own state or to live side by side in peace with the Jewish homeland. It’s been offered many times. They live to destroy Israel only.

  • @ToddRodSkimmins
    @ToddRodSkimmins 9 місяців тому

    I’m sure you know of Rabbi Arik Ascherman.
    It would be interesting to hear a conversation between the two of you.

  • @UndrState
    @UndrState 6 місяців тому +1

    Based Coleman

  • @DidiMldbv
    @DidiMldbv 5 місяців тому

    This dude is Israeli citizen I bet😅

  • @detrif8701
    @detrif8701 10 місяців тому

    Link to full interview?

  • @longsilver1
    @longsilver1 4 місяці тому

    This leftist is right on. Hats off

  • @mohammadnuruddin6898
    @mohammadnuruddin6898 9 місяців тому +3

    And IDF really distinguished between the Palestine's and Hamas, when they killed 17000 people.

    • @Ψυχήμίασμα
      @Ψυχήμίασμα 7 місяців тому

      False equivalence. There's a difference between collateral damage in war and pointedly targeting civilians. IDF has had brief ceasefires, and called for evacuations. Hamas didn't tell concert goers to evacuate. They systematically selected civilians and then committed bodily obscenities on regular people who were trying to go home or were dancing at a musical performance. The stuff they did to babies and mothers and families having dinner is literally Ted Bundy/Jeffrey Dahmer type shit. It's depravity of the most soulless sort.

  • @glennlewman4186
    @glennlewman4186 9 місяців тому

    This reminds me of pre WW2 Japan.

  • @user-sf5xu3tf2e
    @user-sf5xu3tf2e 7 місяців тому


  • @dnpchallenge
    @dnpchallenge 7 місяців тому

    Sad part is that these fools will be fighting and killing each other til the end of mankind…… and for what?

  • @ingrid20234
    @ingrid20234 9 місяців тому +1

    Iran and Hezbollah and the Houthis ...

  • @itsdeclan7733
    @itsdeclan7733 9 місяців тому +2

    And according to the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' ( Article 32) Israel extends from the Nile to the Euphrates, symbolised by the two stripes on the Israeli flag.

    • @AmethystEyes
      @AmethystEyes 7 місяців тому

      That is a conspiracy theory book. I wouldn’t trust it. It was made up.

  • @JohnBdog
    @JohnBdog 3 місяці тому

    Not just on Muslim Land, but on Earth. Why should land be Muslim, or any other religion?? That would be like saying that North America is Christian Land.

  • @rasjidahmova
    @rasjidahmova 10 місяців тому +1


  • @NGLaw56
    @NGLaw56 6 місяців тому +8

    How ignorant to say the settlements don’t help… but Hamas, when the settlers have the same goal of eradication that Hamas does. Somebody getting that good AIPAC money will quickly turn a blind eye to the truth.

    • @ameenomar1911
      @ameenomar1911 5 місяців тому +5

      this dude literally only started studying the issue 6 months ago and promised he would be as objective as possible yet he comes to the same conclusions as AIPAC and Republicans with absolutely no nuance. But no no no, it is all just a coincidence

    • @octs609
      @octs609 5 місяців тому +3

      @@ameenomar1911 yet not a single counter argument was made

  • @orelomer
    @orelomer 5 місяців тому

    I appreciate your opinion about israel ❤

  • @cripplingautism5785
    @cripplingautism5785 10 місяців тому +1

    Itd be appreciated if the source were linked

    • @RachelDee
      @RachelDee 10 місяців тому +1

      Shorts doesn’t allow links

    • @sharifsalem
      @sharifsalem 10 місяців тому +2

      Coleman’s source is “trust me bro”.

    • @spencerantoniomarlen-starr3069
      @spencerantoniomarlen-starr3069 10 місяців тому +5

      ​@@sharifsalem Coleman is usually very careful, on all topic.

    • @sharifsalem
      @sharifsalem 10 місяців тому

      @@spencerantoniomarlen-starr3069 the basis of his understanding of the Israel Palestine conflict was a hasbara trip, financed by the state of Israel, where they showed him only what they wanted to show him, and filled his head with a bunch of bullshit. He the proceeded to a bunch of Zionists onto his podcast to discuss the issue. His information is purely one-sided. Hamas is clearly a product of occupation and apartheid in the occupied territories by Israel.

    • @samdg1234
      @samdg1234 10 місяців тому +2

      I'd give you an actual link but they are quite often not allowed and my comment becomes invisible.
      Race, Brexit and Islamism with Munira Mirza
      into the search bar. This segment is at ~1;10;40.

  • @dkadkins6545
    @dkadkins6545 5 місяців тому


  • @tegestkassie143
    @tegestkassie143 4 місяці тому


  • @caliconservative20
    @caliconservative20 9 місяців тому


  • @denysnuttall1706
    @denysnuttall1706 9 місяців тому +11

    Because we can all see Israel differentiating between combatants and children right?

    • @SquidFox9
      @SquidFox9 9 місяців тому +14

      Yes, they certainly do and to say they don’t is so misinformed that it’s either complete ignorance or you’re intentionally lying. Israel has been very clear about not targeting civilians and taken historically unprecedented steps to make the civilian population aware of their intentions. The entire world saw this. To conflate the two as morally equivalent is ignorant on a level that’s alarming.

    • @denysnuttall1706
      @denysnuttall1706 9 місяців тому +1

      Not very accurate then,what are we up to 6000 children already?

    • @Quinn37
      @Quinn37 9 місяців тому

      ​@@denysnuttall1706Hamas forces people to stay in buildings designated for bombing despite warnings.

    • @Quinn37
      @Quinn37 9 місяців тому +6

      Hamas doesn't differentiate themselves. Rules of war say they should be wearing uniforms to distinguish themselves from civilians (the way the IDF does) the failure to do this is a war crime.

    • @megeramilosskaya1
      @megeramilosskaya1 9 місяців тому +2

      @@denysnuttall1706 where did you get this number, what is your source?

  • @robynbaptiste2956
    @robynbaptiste2956 9 місяців тому +2

    Free Palestine from aparthied occupation.

  • @dchappy6985
    @dchappy6985 10 місяців тому +6

    Why would occupied people be angry.

    • @sTraYa249
      @sTraYa249 9 місяців тому

      Extremist mohamadians are ALWAYS angry. Remember they love death & chop chop. Even if the iews weren't there....Extremist mohamadians mission is to hunt all non believers & especially Jews down & it even says they'll get 72 virgins & their maids as a prize.
      Absurdity, eh!!!

    • @therealsedna
      @therealsedna 9 місяців тому +1

      Religion apparently according to the bigot on this video

  • @TheNas45
    @TheNas45 Місяць тому

    Coleman thinks he knows it all. Seriously? A child who simply regurgitates information from others believes they understand the complexities of intricate foundations.

  • @CrunchySeanie
    @CrunchySeanie 5 місяців тому +1

    I wonder how much Coleman gets paid to say this stuff

  • @ChannelMath
    @ChannelMath 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm very happy that, despite the title, he does not claim that Hamas wants to "annihilate all the Jews", because that would be false, and I'd have to reconsider my respect for him.
    Although, he doesn't say the negation either so... good clickbait title, ya got me!

    • @kusilouis2328
      @kusilouis2328 9 місяців тому

      He says Hamas does not distinguish between combatants and non- combatants. They interpret it as all Jews.

    • @sheffieldzamo7444
      @sheffieldzamo7444 9 місяців тому

      Hamad Al-Regeb, a Hamas Sheikh, is on video saying, “Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the Jews. Paralyze them, destroy their entity. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews.”
      Another unidentified Hamas Imam outlined the terrorist group’s “doctrine” in fighting against the Jews. He claimed that the organization’s intention was to “totally exterminate” the Jewish people, adding, “We will not leave a single one of you alive.”
      It is not false to say Hamas want to annihilate the Jews.

  • @hollyambrose229
    @hollyambrose229 9 місяців тому

    I’m not sure .

    • @Yasmin-d1x
      @Yasmin-d1x 9 місяців тому

      If he thinks this about religion or Hamas, he is extremely naive and ignorant.

  • @jkscout
    @jkscout 3 місяці тому

    What should be Muslim land? Says who?

  • @KJ-yises
    @KJ-yises 10 місяців тому +4

    The Quran says respect the people of the book. Most believers fall short of that teaching.

    • @tchop6839
      @tchop6839 10 місяців тому +6

      ‘The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.’ -Sahih Muslim (a Hadith) 2922. Sunni Muslims believe this is what Mohammed said, on the topic of the judgement day (what he calls the last hour). This is what Hamas wants

    • @KJ-yises
      @KJ-yises 10 місяців тому

      @@tchop6839 keep warring. Americans take this opportunity to test their weapon technology. Why not.

    • @gnlout7403
      @gnlout7403 10 місяців тому +5

      @@KJ-yises my dude. read the charter of hamas. then tell me about respect

    • @unknown-villian
      @unknown-villian 9 місяців тому +3

      Quran 9:29
      Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture. Fight until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
      and please don’t say it was only for the context of the situation at that time, quran is supposed to be a way of life.

    • @KJ-yises
      @KJ-yises 9 місяців тому

      @@unknown-villian hence the never-ending war against non-Muslims if Muslims were to take this verse literally.

  • @CatrionaRuadh
    @CatrionaRuadh 4 місяці тому

    “Hamas does not distinguish between combatants and non combatants.” Obviously neither does the IDF. The combatants on both sides are despicable. Tens of thousands of civilian lives later, who will end the carnage? There can be absolutely no justification or political rationalization for it.

  • @ct580
    @ct580 7 місяців тому

    Read your Bible. God has already said whose land it is. Im surprised you don't know that.

  • @mikechristian-vn1le
    @mikechristian-vn1le 9 місяців тому +2

    Israel doesn't distinguish between its own civilians, including children, when it targets Palestinian fighters.

    • @itsdeclan7733
      @itsdeclan7733 9 місяців тому

      It's like saying that the US government cares about Americans.

    • @mikechristian-vn1le
      @mikechristian-vn1le 9 місяців тому

      @@itsdeclan7733 I am not naive about Israel or about the USA, my own country, however, it used to be that Americans would've rioted in the street had they found out that our government ordered our military to bomb and machinegun us from helicopters, but Israeli Jews seem to accept it, as long as their government pretends that Hamas did it.

  • @miket7745
    @miket7745 5 місяців тому +2

    This doofus works for Bari Weiss. His livelihood depends on having these opinions. Take his opinion with a grain of kosher salt.

    • @propheteyebert7063
      @propheteyebert7063 5 місяців тому

      You cannot refute anything he said, so you attack his character.

  • @pw8297
    @pw8297 10 місяців тому +2

    Who was there before Muslims?

    • @SNRSachse1
      @SNRSachse1 9 місяців тому +2

      The Christians.

    • @BM-fz9yc
      @BM-fz9yc 9 місяців тому

      The first Christians were Jews

    • @kensurrency2564
      @kensurrency2564 9 місяців тому

      who was there before the jews? how far back do we want to go to play this game?

  • @horror11
    @horror11 9 місяців тому +1

    i woulnt give up my house and land to mostly illegal immigrants either, free palestine

  • @joshuaallen7171
    @joshuaallen7171 9 місяців тому

    I think an assumption is being made about how Hamas interprets the Quran here. There are verses that talk about fighting 'the Jews' but that was in the context of some hostile Jewish tribes in 7th-century Arabia - it isn't talking about Jews in general, or Jewish civilians. So I think we'd need to see some statement from Hamas about their religious position to justify what Coleman says here.

  • @ChannelMath
    @ChannelMath 10 місяців тому +8

    If you read the Hamas charter, they explicity say they have nothing against Jews, only Israel. It's not about a Jewish state on their land, it's about ANY state on their land. Israel tries to pose like it represents all Jews, so they can smear critics of Israel as antisemitic, but it obviously doesn't. When a Palestinian says "the Jews", they almost always mean Israelis or settlers, that's a fact. Antisemitism exists everywhere, but if you just look at their words and actions, it's absolutely clear they are not driven by antisemitism

    • @FDaihatsu
      @FDaihatsu 10 місяців тому +8

      What? The Hamas charter cites the "trees and stones" Hadith that calls for extermination of all Jews, in Israel or not

    • @ajl8198
      @ajl8198 10 місяців тому

      The Hamas charter refrences the protocols of the elders of zion as proof of their hatred of jews. this fictitious "book" is what natzi ideology is based upon. They teach their childeren Mein kamp. Which is Hitlers infamous Antisemetic manifesto. So to say Hamas isnt antisemetic in absolutly Absurd!!

    • @Bananabear20
      @Bananabear20 9 місяців тому

      yes, when they say kill the Jews, they DON'T actually mean kill the Jews? gotcha.

    • @Vitobandito434
      @Vitobandito434 9 місяців тому

      Right. They slaughtered non Jews on 10/7. They slaughtered Arab Israelis, bedouins, even kidnapped Thai people. So they want to kill anyone occupying their land.

  • @corsinivideos
    @corsinivideos 10 місяців тому +3

    First time i seen coleman kind of drop the ball. His focus on Hamas. an organisation aided abetted and originally celebarted in its creation by the jewish state, as directly quoted by Netenyahu. It is not merely a death cult caused by religious doctrine. Its also not the cause of the large majority of the innocent deaths (mostly palestinian) in this conflict, which is of course the Israeli government, who has shown time and time again its intenion to stop the creation of a palestinian state and then indiscriminately bomb and kill non combatant civilians in vast numbers for literally decades, long before Hamas existed incidently. If there was a palestinian state Hamas would likely not exist. Colemans assertation that it's not about settlements and simply doctirne is laughable, shows a serious blindspot into the conflicts history and progressive erosian of palestinians rights over a long period.

    • @longhornglfr1069
      @longhornglfr1069 9 місяців тому +2

      You are full of errors. Coleman has gone into great depth about the history and desires of both sides. Numbers vs numbers is a poor argument because it tries to use scale as opposed to intent. You say "if there were a Palestinian state".... false. Israel has accepted numerous two-state proposals. Guess which side has rejected EVERY single one? There's a reason they say "from river to sea". They want it all or die trying. Given the military prowess of each side, we're seeing the latter come to fruition and that's somehow Israel's fault.

    • @corsinivideos
      @corsinivideos 9 місяців тому

      @@longhornglfr1069 lol that's total rubbish. Numbers is a good way to tell intention, Israel does not want a plestinian state and never has, and has the actions, military power and rhetoric to back that up as well as the death numbeeers roo. Government officials regularly talk about nuking Palestine and raising it to the ground. Norman finklestein has debunked this myth many times and Coleman would not be able to come anywhere near finklestein in knowledge of the conflict, he would get destroyed on the topic.

    • @therealsedna
      @therealsedna 9 місяців тому +1

      @@longhornglfr1069false again. Palestine has accepted the proposals and with great losses to them whilst Israel has said no. Your ‘facts’ are anything but. You are spewing lies.

  • @atarra90tt57vv6
    @atarra90tt57vv6 10 місяців тому +2

    He is very ignorant about Quran and the teaching of Islam. If you do not just don’t pretend that you know . This is the problem we got media and ignorant people who try to give a bad picture about Islam without knowing it

    • @arthurmorgan6650
      @arthurmorgan6650 10 місяців тому +2

      Is hamas ignorant of the koran? What about the taliban? Or isis?

    • @kusilouis2328
      @kusilouis2328 9 місяців тому

      What does Hamas believe in?

    • @atarra90tt57vv6
      @atarra90tt57vv6 9 місяців тому

      @@kusilouis2328 all civilian life matter . What does Israel believe in . Natinyaho the prime minister of Israel a few days ago quoted a verse from the Torah , this verse talk about killing them all , women children , elderly, even kill their horses , and livestock

    • @sheffieldzamo7444
      @sheffieldzamo7444 9 місяців тому +3

      After 1,400 years of practice, the theoretical debates about the teachings from the Quran are moot. We judge it based on what it has delivered, which is intolerance, injustice and extremism wherever it goes.
      A strategy that does not deliver the desired strategic outcomes is a shit strategy. Same for religions.

    • @atarra90tt57vv6
      @atarra90tt57vv6 9 місяців тому

      @@sheffieldzamo7444 Islam is the most tolerant religion . It guarantees the right of other people to practice their religion and it does not force them to change their religion. Let’s look at the crosade wars , they killed Muslims , Christina’s , Jews . 90 percent of the Australian natives wiped out , their children taken away from their families to teach them so called civil ways, the same practice was done in Canada , USA , South America. WW1 , WW2 over 70 million people died , Muslims did not start these wars, one million Iraqis died because. Of a lie . You could choose not to see the facts. The western media pushed the narrative that Muslims hate Jews and Christian’s which is a lie , they lived side by side for thousands of years, when Muslims opened Jerusalem , they found Jews kicked out of the city by the Romans , the Muslim leader asked them to come back to their homes . He made sure churches are respected and not be touched , and there are many examples if tolerance.

  • @b3dazzl3
    @b3dazzl3 5 місяців тому

    This guy is an absolute 🤡

  • @muhibkaz3373
    @muhibkaz3373 9 місяців тому


  • @ashyboy1324
    @ashyboy1324 10 місяців тому +4

    What does this guy know about anything

  • @rascott2935
    @rascott2935 9 місяців тому

    This guy tells lies without blinking,

  • @Random-p6k
    @Random-p6k 10 місяців тому +1

    How much they paid you?