00:00:00 01.Beginning Of War (オープニング) 00:00:24 02.An Encounter (オープニングムービー *PS版追加曲) 00:01:48 03.Attack Point 1 (ステージ セレクト) 00:03:49 04.Attack Point 2 (ステージ セレクト/タイムアタック *PS版追加曲) 00:05:12 05.Legendary Wings (ステージ1 "No Blue" *SS版とは異なる) 00:08:24 06.Deep Purple (ボス1) 00:11:44 07.Beast Jungle (ステージ2 "Wood") 00:15:36 08.Iron Maiden (ボス2) 00:18:56 09.Rising Blue Lightning (ステージ3 "Human Road") 00:22:37 10.A3 (ボス3) 00:26:12 11.Cyber Cave (ステージ4 "Guardian's Guardian") 00:29:59 12.Guardian's Knight (ボス4) 00:33:58 13.Steel Of Destiny (ステージ5 "Judgment Sword") 00:38:04 14.Duel Of Top (ボス5 (「Lightning Strikes Again」/サンダーフォースIV アレンジ)) 00:43:00 15.Electric Mind (ステージ6 "The Bottom of One's Hart") 00:47:21 16.Fatherless Baby (ボス6) 00:52:11 17.The Justice Ray (ステージ7 "End is now here") 00:58:03 18.Please Seal It Up! (バッドエンディング) 00:58:50 19.Return To Blue Sky (スタッフロール) 00:59:48 20.Memorys Of War. (スタッフロール *PS版追加曲) 01:01:45 21.Last Letter (グッドエンディング) 01:04:12 22.Game Over (ゲームオーバー) 01:04:21 23.Tan.Tan.Ta.Ta.Ta.Tan (ランキング 2~) 01:06:22 24.Record Of Fight (ランキングトップ/ 「Hunger made them desperate /サンダーフォースIIIアレンジ) 01:08:23 25.Count Down To Die (コンティニュー)
This game was not only amazing (like its predecessors) but also it had some of best soundtracks ever created period it's a shame it didn't get the recognition it deserved.
00:00:00 01.Beginning Of War (オープニング)
00:00:24 02.An Encounter (オープニングムービー *PS版追加曲)
00:01:48 03.Attack Point 1 (ステージ セレクト)
00:03:49 04.Attack Point 2 (ステージ セレクト/タイムアタック *PS版追加曲)
00:05:12 05.Legendary Wings (ステージ1 "No Blue" *SS版とは異なる)
00:08:24 06.Deep Purple (ボス1)
00:11:44 07.Beast Jungle (ステージ2 "Wood")
00:15:36 08.Iron Maiden (ボス2)
00:18:56 09.Rising Blue Lightning (ステージ3 "Human Road")
00:22:37 10.A3 (ボス3)
00:26:12 11.Cyber Cave (ステージ4 "Guardian's Guardian")
00:29:59 12.Guardian's Knight (ボス4)
00:33:58 13.Steel Of Destiny (ステージ5 "Judgment Sword")
00:38:04 14.Duel Of Top (ボス5 (「Lightning Strikes Again」/サンダーフォースIV アレンジ))
00:43:00 15.Electric Mind (ステージ6 "The Bottom of One's Hart")
00:47:21 16.Fatherless Baby (ボス6)
00:52:11 17.The Justice Ray (ステージ7 "End is now here")
00:58:03 18.Please Seal It Up! (バッドエンディング)
00:58:50 19.Return To Blue Sky (スタッフロール)
00:59:48 20.Memorys Of War. (スタッフロール *PS版追加曲)
01:01:45 21.Last Letter (グッドエンディング)
01:04:12 22.Game Over (ゲームオーバー)
01:04:21 23.Tan.Tan.Ta.Ta.Ta.Tan (ランキング 2~)
01:06:22 24.Record Of Fight (ランキングトップ/ 「Hunger made them desperate /サンダーフォースIIIアレンジ)
01:08:23 25.Count Down To Die (コンティニュー)
This game was not only amazing (like its predecessors) but also it had some of best soundtracks ever created period it's a shame it didn't get the recognition it deserved.
I agree...
I can thank my father for playing this game when I was a kid...
It's sad TFV appeared in the time STG were in diminishing, and late 90s had so many great STG titles that only got small amount of recognition.
@@pepetru I agree.
32bits is the most underrated thing in videogame industry
EPIC soundtrack!
Cyber Cave の鐘の音のような始まりが大好きで 音楽を聞くためだけにROMを持っています。
59:48 Memorys Of War... that is so beautiful!
beast jungleが大好き
というか、ステージセレクトからレジェンダリーに繋がらないなんて、あ り え な い!
Record of fight がとても良い
18:56 - you’re welcome
Why is the Power Puff Girls in the background xD
because... why not?
@@DaedalosC9 asking the real questions
yeah......is rare not?? =/
Cool soundtrack. Why Powerpuff Girls?
I was asking myself that same question 🤣.
00:26:12 00:29:59 00:52:11
1:04:12 if you post Facebook is copyright or not follow the school dress code is this ok
00:38:04 Pure unfiltered testosterone right here, if I were a doctor I'd be prescribing trans men with this OST instead of HRT lmao
I remember this boss song as a kid, died on purpose just to hear it again
20th letter spammers are sick in the head
この動画だとやたら音が分厚いすね 何かイジってます?