i am so glad that the Dutch/Germans slowly start to realize that their culture and religion is much older than Christianity, with deep spiritual roots and knowledge of the universe. Much respect 🙏 In the East of the world there is Dharma (natural law), hence the term Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc) and every pre-Abrahamic region in the world had a similar concept of natural law. I am sure you are on to something here!!
I find it very facinating....Forseti`s role as a deity of justice and reconciliation symbolizes the restoration of balance and harmony, which are core principles of natural law in many ancient traditions. This connection reflects a broader (Proto)-Indo-European belief that justice, morality, and the natural order are deeply intertwined. Forseti's origins can be tied to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) worldview, which often equated moral and legal principles with natural and cosmic laws: Ṛta (Vedic): In the Vedic tradition, Ṛta represents the natural order or cosmic law that governs both the universe and moral behavior. Gods like Mitra and Varuna, who are responsible for contracts, truth, and justice, reflect similar principles to Forseti. Hellenic Logos: In Greek philosophy, logos represents reason and the organizing principle of the cosmos, akin to a natural law that ensures balance. Forseti's role as a mediator of disputes can be seen as the Norse expression of maintaining this cosmic balance, connecting human justice to a broader, universal order.
The idea of ''natural law'' is quite Greek and Christian in itself. Most Hindu's might not call it that way. In the Greek new testament like in Greek culture, the spiritual law had to be divided from natural law and human made law/traditions. So it is not pre-Abrahamic, since Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Islam don't work with these concepts really. It is Latin and the Roman Catholics who started to use concepts like ''pagans'' (Latin) and wanted to divide Alchemy into Chemistry and spiritual law. Indeed the Western world is based mainly upon Greek(somewhat Babylonian) dualism. But that is not the fault of Abraham, but of Christianity mainly.
@@cordes6900yes and no. Christians called us all pagan. Because they met the pagans at first. And acording to your pre abrahamic religions thing. Google yawism you will find yaweh osirus Poseidon huballah and manny more.
As a Frisian in heart and kidney's :D (sorry kan het niet laten) this made me smile. The way you channelled Forsetti by tuning in to the Frisian people is awsome. And now you made me very curious about Forsetti and also Nehallenia and afcourse vrouw Holle. Thank you for another good video and making us re-connect to the old gods and goddesses
Wauw....wat een mooie uitleg! Laatste dagen vertel ik dat N Ether Lands een HEEL bijzonzder land is in de Heling voor de Wereld....kom ik deze uitleg tegen❤ Vanuit ZuidAmerika helemaal naar Nederland te mogen komen om hier mee te helpen🎉
Ik ben zo blij dat ik deze channel heb gevonden 🎉 Eindelijk iemand die me NIET probeert te overtuigen van een boek. Ik vraag me enkel af waar het woord DUTCH vandaan komt 🐺❣
Ik was je kanaal helemaal vergeten, een lange tijd te bekijken. Maar dat gaat goed komen. Food for the brain. Ben zelf veel bezig met het onderzoeken en ervaren van onze voor ouders etc. Veel energie hier in Zweden.
I just came across this video on Telegram. Great work. I've watched it twice already. I have been intrigued with the Frisian people and The Netherlands since Asha Logos introduced me to the Oera Linda Book. I don't have much of a family history so I've been learning about everyone else's history. 😊 So far The Frisians are my favorite and should be the model for all peoples.
The orign of the name 'Holland' as deriving from 'Vrouw Holle' could be a valid connexion: If you draw a line between 'Externsteine' in Germany to the upper part of the province of Noord-Holland, you will find the 'Upper Hellway' (oftewel Bovenste Helweg). And if you draw a line between Externsteine and Walcheren, you will find the 'Lower Hellway' (oftewel Onderste Helweg). If you regard Walcheren as the souhern part of the socalled Zuid-Hollandse Islands/Eilanden, then as well Noord- as well as Zuid-Holland are exactly situated between de Upper- and Lower Hellways. VrouwnHolle (also known as mother Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Berchta, Brigid, Hell or Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld. The souls of the people who died are brought there by a swan. The interesting point now is, that you find along the line of the Lower Hellway, you find three copy's of the Zodiac sign (= Sterrenbeeld) 'Swan' on the ground: one copy round Externsteine, one round Bokhoven, and if you continue the line of the Lower Hellway to England, round Stonehenge. The stars in the firmament are represented on the ground by certain citty's/villages, churches, castles, artworks and so on. Source/bron of this information: 'Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (Eelco de Boer). I really would recomment this booklet to anyone interested in paganism for some basic but very interesting information. You can order this booklet at: thatsthespirit.com. If this information is not correct than find the information at the podcast 'the Trueman show' hosted by Jorn Luka.
Mooie video! Ik weet niet hoe goed je Duits is maar ik volg Wolf-Dieter Storl. Hij heeft een grote schat aan kennis over de oude goden , tradities en kruiden! Ook een mooie video j er oa Frau Holle.
I see Forceti many times in old world inscriptions. I am a Frisian and you are right about that and we are very independant folks. Thx for your work. Love the old architecture many Gods and Wisdom there
Very nice, Im also Dutch but will write in English for more English speakers. Im a follower of Freya but I deeply believe Frigg and Vrouwe Holle are the same and a different entity than Freya. Thank you for the info as I was recently researching Vrouwe Holle because I was intrigued as she is being compared to Frigg. Im really into Norse Gods and their Legends so this is a great addition to my research :D Thank you!
I need to know more. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed. Sidenote: It drives me crazy when the internet claims hinduism is the oldest religion. It's like they are erasing the pagans.
@RyanTucker-r5d Oh, I love India and the Bhagavad Gita. They are not older than the Pagans who have been around since the caveman first worshipped the fire and are still around today.
@ than the “Pagans”? Depending on how you view that word many would consider them “pagan” too. And what “pagans” are you even referring too? They weren’t just some massive group. Each region in “pagan” times had their own rites and customs and knew the gods with different names than the next region.
@RyanTucker-r5d My comment was removed.. :) I will paste it if it doesn't reappear. :) If it doesn't appear above or below, you know that Google has a problem with common shared history. :(
@@RyanTucker-r5d @RyanTucker-r5d Yes, but giving Hinduism, the title is disingenuous, especially when Paganism encompasses and predates it. It's like saying Catholicism is the oldest Christian religion, even though Christianity predates it. When I say Paganism, I mean all, but to win the argument, I refer to cave paintings showing the worship of fertility, fire, the hunt, nature, the moon, and the sun. Eons before organized religion and monotheism were invented around 3000 B.C. Paganism is the right answer. Modern society just pretends everybody was converted.
I LoveYour Presentations! I'm a partial Peckenpaw (Beckanbaw) on my Moders side, from what i can see we areFrisii/ Frisian...Dankuvel for the Great Exploration of Forseti & the Dissertation on Natural Law & the Spirit of Mine Germanic Ancestry!!!
Imho. Ancient deities had more balance to nature. Where one feels more connected to the forces and rule of natures law and therefore live by it. This connection is mainly broken by Christianity/bible and Islam/koran where they mainly worship one God but don't or severely lack of personal connection to nature. This is now very observable by how we treat and handle our natural environment around us.
Leuk dat gedeelte van vrouw Holle, ik hrb daar ooit een kunstwetk van gemaakt. Een kunstzinnige afberlding van vrouw Holle, die ik in mn kamer heb staan op een klein schilder ezeltje ik keek er nu rven naar, maar redlijk Godin achtig. Leuk 💫
There is a place in Friesland called "It Heidenskip" what literally means "paganism", and not far from there a really tiny area what is called "De Hel" (The Hell). Can't be a coincidence ❤ Thank you for sharing. I didnt know about vrouw holle.
Helaas... Al relatief kort na het 'ontdekken' van bovengenoemde 'oude tekst' heeft men de nep van dit werk aangetoond. Het betreft een vrij goed geslaagd mystificatie van studenten. Voor zo ver mij bekend een aardige grap van studenten (Vrijmetselaars? 🤔) Wel aardig dat je dit ter sprake brengt.
@@RyanTucker-r5d ik soe it net oanrikkemandearje, d'r binne wat korrupsjes fan âldere myten, mar oer it algemien is it nep, nei alle gedachten út 'e 1800's, dus noch fierder fuort as de geskriften fan snorri oer it Noarsk
@@RyanTucker-r5d ik soe it net oanrikkemandearje, d'r binne wat korrupsjes fan âldere myten, mar oer it algemien is it nep, nei alle gedachten út 'e 1800's, dus noch fierder fuort as de geskriften fan snorri oer it Noarsk
Oja, “aangetoond”? Het is geroepen ja, maar “aangetoond” niet. Er wordt zoveel geroepen…en ook zomaar “aangenomen”. Ik weet niet of het waar is, maar de onwaarheid is ook niet hard bewezen. Tot zover blijf ik er nog steeds voor open staan.
Yes me too, but this explanation to the connection of Vrouw Holle makes more sence,as naming the land after the god happened more often in the past, likeFriesland is actually Frya's Land = Friës' land, the land of Frya and Ierland is from the god Iru, as told in this video. Also Allemannenland has became 'Allemanje' (Germany), a splintering folk that at first exists of only men, see Oere Linde Book.
There weren’t just three, we had all the Germanic gods. Odin and Tyr are the most well represented in the material records, but as a cattle raising, raiding, seafaring people who thrived in hardship, very similar to the Norse. It’s a shame the Christians didn’t record our history.
De inquisitie heeft een einde gemaakt aan alle wetenschap der natuurgeneeskunde enzovoorts. Uit angst om te sterven. Sterven is niet iets om bang voor te zijn. Sterven is uiteindlijk het doel van ieder leven. Wij (iedereen op aarde) bezitten de gehele waarheid, echter vanwege xenofobie (angst voor het vreemde/onbekende) zullen we nooit achter de waarheid komen... Helaas...
Tranformation Of The Turks/Tatars (Saka/Scythians) into Frisians/Dutch (Part of the people Living İn Holland/Netherlands) Birişler: This name, which is mentioned as Frisi in Roman sources, It has been transformed from the word biriş, which means united in Turkish. old Old Pliny (23-79 AD), the lands of Turkish tribe were covered with forests. He writes that they lived by farming and feeding cattle. In the late 1st century BC, the Romans living in near the ren the east of Lake Flevo, in the region extending from they called the Great Frisi, and those living in the west were called the Little Frisi. Birişler are the one of the ancestor of the present-day Dutch nation called Holland/Netherlands With Angli AND SUEBİS... OTHER TURKİC TRİBES. Passages from Arif Cengiz Ermans books origin Of Germans and Slavs
Vrouw holle is de "tovervrouwe" waar Annie MG Smidt een mooi liedje over maakte naar het mythologische middeleeuwse verhaal van de gebroeders Grimm: je mag haar(Hulda, Holda, Perchta, Brechta,Berchta of Bertha) niet op een hoop gooien met Freya, Frauwa, Freia noch verwarren met Frigg en Hella, Hel ook niet met Frigg. Het Oudnederlandse woord hol of hul werd soms ook gebruikt om moerassige of laaggelegen gebieden aan te duiden. Friesland bv is de naam die de Romeinen gaven aan de FrisiÏ, dat wil zeggen de vrije mensen. Niet van de Noorse godin Freia dus. Verleidelijke insinuaties dus, maar etymologisch niet onderbouwd genoeg. Evenzogoed een inspirerende uitleg! Holland komt waarschijnlijk van laaggelegen (hol of hul) moerasgebied. Dat neemt niet weg dat 'Frauke Hulde' ook een verwijzing is naar een onderwereld. Dus Den Helder zou net zo goed Den Hulder genoemd kunnen worden. Maar of Hel van Hella komt? Heldert of Heldertje komt van "kale open plek"!
Ik ben in de tempel van Nehalennia geweest interessant aan de éne kant verwacht niet teveel maar je voelt toch de aanwezigheid van iets .p.s in het archeon is er ook een tempel gewijd aan Nehalennia daar had ik het zelfde gevoel als in Zeeland je voelt de aanwezigheid van iets 🤘groetjes uit Vlaardingen 🇳🇱🇳🇱
The book brings a fresh perspective into a stagnated view of the Turkic nations and their past. Primarily based on the genetic findings, backed by the archeological, historical, linguistic facts and testimonies of the ancient scholars, historians, and geographers, this work reveals breaking new evidence about the biblical origins of the Turkic nations who were related to the ancient Akkadians, Sumerians. It unshrouds the Turkic pedigree of the Germanic nations, the natives of ancient Media, and the Scythians. The deciphered cuneiforms of the Behistun inscription in Persia, along with their detailed lexico-grammatical analysis shed light on the revolutionary facts about the Turkic origin of the Medes and their language. A large portion of this volume is devoted to the Scythians and most of their derivative tribes, including those located in Scythia and beyond, such as the As, Sacai, Parthians, Bactrians, Huns, Sarmats, Getai, Celtic, Iberian, Gallic, Germanic, and Thracian tribes - the Trojans with a detailed classification of the related tribes, including the most renowned Illyrians, Spartans, Phrygians, Etruscans, Pelasgi. The in-depth lexico-grammatical analyses of the languages of two major Thracian nations - the Etruscans and the Phrygians ascertain their Turkic origin. The book also demystifies the history of the ancient Armenians who were a Phrygian colony, sets them apart from the modern Armenians, and gives a chronological, historical account of the modern Armenian people, also known as the Hays, under the authority of their first historian Movses Khorenatsi. The comparative analyses of 20 ancient alphabets reveal their (Armenians) common Turkic root. Crucial archeological, cultural, political, linguistic, and genetic evidence points to the Turkic beginning of many Native Americans. Among the numerous quotes from the ancient statesmen and reputable scholars, Dr. A. Sanducci brings forward the statement made by the father of Swedish Historiography prof. Sven Lagerbring: "Our ancestors are Turks who are comrades of Odin. We have got enough evidence on this subject... Odin and his comrades were Turks... We, the Germanic people, are in origin, are Turks. We must not be ashamed of this fact. The Turks are a very honorable and proud people." ............................... Sanducci, A. Having an extensive academic background in Turkic Studies, a former visiting professor to UC Berkeley, USA, Dr. A. Sanducci - the author of the research "Ancient Scholars about the Turks and the Turkic Nations", as well as of many other educational books and articles, gave speeches and lectures in many prestigious Universities worldwide, including Stanford University and UC Davis. Sanducci, A.
Friesland, Fryslan, Freya'slan? Makes sense when Holland, 'Holtland', Holda or Holle land, and Nehalennia for Nederland are the matriarchal goddesses. To piggyback on your statement about Forseti for Fryslan, if I may. Its all possible, as we don't know the pronunciation, and dialects of the time and aria. Not getting into the Frisii, or the later Frisian tribes, The Frisians, and all the other Germanic tribes, including the upper Nordics and the Greeks (Hellas, or Hellos), are considered Indo-German from origin. They came from the Indus valley and shared a common predecessor with the Vedic, Hindu cultus. The 'Karma' statement you made, could might as wel stam from those origins, as karma is a lot about causality, cause and effect, and its consequences. The form evolved in several ways, depending on where. The Christian (Taken from the Germanics?)Faith from the faiths?, (The Nornen. ), Kismet or 'Al karima' for the Islam etc. All cultures have a version. Karma has not much to do with the Christian turning of the cheek. Therefore, I would assume that Forseti is associated with Destany(Lot), Doom,(Noodlot), Fortune and the afterlife towards Ragnarok in Hellheim, or Valhalla, and to some extent to prophecy(Foresite), which was connected to Wodan (Odin The seer). Gods and goddesses often started out as a particular god, and over time evolved into separate gods, or goddesses. Hence Freya, Holda, Frik etc. (As with Zeus and Poseidon, or the many appearances of Shiva, which all separately are worshiped as gods in their own right. Subscribed. You got my attention :-)
IDD we zijn van god los, ons morele kompas is volledig de weg kwijt, maar ben we kunnen prima de weg terug vinden naar de natuurlijke manier van leven. Leuke video en vanuit Westland (Cananefaten) groet.
I think the Holle Holland connection is not impossible and worth looking into. However Netherlands just seems to be from Nether which is an increasingly archaic English word for low/down(like in German Nieder, Niederlande). So I disagree Netherlands comes from Nehallenia.
The orign of the name 'Holland' as deriving from 'Vrouw Holle' could be a valid connexion: If you draw a line between 'Externsteine' in Germany to the upper part of the province of Noord-Holland, you will find the 'Upper Hellway' (oftewel Bovenste Helweg). And if you draw a line between Externsteine and Walcheren, you will find the 'Lower Hellway' (oftewel Onderste Helweg). If you regard Walcheren as the souhern part of the socalled Zuid-Hollandse Islands/Eilanden, then as well Noord- as well as Zuid-Holland are exactly situated between de Upper- and Lower Hellways. VrouwnHolle (also known as mother Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Berchta, Brigid, Hell or Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld. The souls of the people who died are brought there by a swan. The interesting point now is, that you find along the line of the Lower Hellway, you find three copy's of the Zodiac sign (= Sterrenbeeld) 'Swan' on the ground: one copy round Externsteine, one round Bokhoven, and if you continue the line of the Lower Hellway to England, round Stonehenge. The stars in the firmament are represented on the ground by certain citty's/villages, churches, castles, artworks and so on. Source/bron of this information: 'Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (Eelco de Boer). I really would recomment this booklet to anyone interested in paganism for some basic but very interesting information. You can order this booklet at: thatsthespirit from Jorn Luka (host of the podcast 'the Trueman Show')
Ik ben overtuigd gelovig in onze Heer, Schepper. Uw video's en uw kennis en liefde voor uw vaderlandse geschiedenis is puur genieten en zeer aan te bevelen! Dank en moge onze Heer uw en uw naasten beschermen en zegenen., InshAllah, Much Love!
I stil like to say Nether (lands) or Hellland both refering to the same. Together with the saying that the Netherlands is 'het afvoerputje' (drain) for europe.. Not only for the water but also for the souls...
Yes that could be: Vrouw Holle (moeder Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Brigid, Berchta, Hel of Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld (also known as 'Hell' not to be confused bij the christian Hell-a place of pain and torture to make you scary-) and her house can be reached by entering a hollow tree. Her task is e.g. to prepare the death on reïncarnation by holding a mirror to reflect on your past life and thus what to learn in your next life. Source/Bron: Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (by Eelco de Boer).
Ja weet je wat voor mij nou het verwarrende is. Holtland... had helemaal geen flinke hoeveelheid bos. Het is helemaal uitgepolderd nu, maar originele bossen waren er niet veel want alles was water. Als íets holtland zou moeten zijn dan zou je meer oosterlijk moeten gaan kijken, maar niet t westen, dat is moeras en water. En een duinenreeks langs de kust natuurlijk
Holz is High German and that was never spoken in The Netherlands (except during 40-45). In some Low Saxon areas they call it Holt. And to be more precise, the provinces of Noord and South Holland never had that much woord compared to other provinces, so that name doesn't make any sense.
Karma betekent letterlijk: actie. Daarmee wordt bedoeld dat jijzelf verantwoordelijk bent voor elke actie die je doet of maakt. Doe je iets goeds of positiefs, dan zullen goede dingen jou overkomen, doe je iets slecht of negatiefs, dan zullen slechte dingen jou overrkomen. Karma is dus niets anders dan oorzaak en gevolg. Ik en mijn beste vriend hebben wel eens een theorie uitgedacht waar Friesland (de naam) vandaan komt. Uiteraard van de Frisii, maar we hebben wel eens bedacht dat die naam ook weer voortkomt uit Frigg's land, of Freya's land. Waarschijnlijk is dit niet het geval, maar wie weet? 😉
Ik denk dat 'the Netherlands' voor onderwereld staat. Als je een keer tijd hebt, kan je eens luisteren naar Eelco de Boer. Uiteindelijk is alles met elkaar verbonden.
Pleuris means rain, plueris means majority, pluris means high prices, I am Venetian. I speak Latin, the ancient Dutch thought that Pleuris is a cuss word. But you say pleuris, when it rains. Regards, Alex.
Ik dacht altijd al dat het woord ''nederland'' van de naam ''netherworld'' kwam, de onderwereld dus! (Frau Holle heeft ook iets te maken met de onderwereld).
Could Forseti be somehow related to the Dutch word Voorzienigheid (Providence)? That's not so much karma, but more like a lucky fate connected to the quality of your soul specifically. Like the outside world bringing to you that which befits your soul most optimally.
Mooi ga door! Het is jammer dat de reacties overspoeld wordt door christelijke trollen. Volgens mij zijn er meer mensen geofferd aan Jahweh dan aan de "goden".
Ik heb geleerd dat Holstein in Duitsland komt van het woord HOLZ oftewel hout. Holstein betekent "houtland". Dat is volgens mij hetzelfde met Holland. Een land dat vol stond met bomen die gekapt zijn voor de scheepsbouw. Kortom Holland betekent houtland. ❤❤❤Lodewijk from the Netherlands
Consider also that that German language was until recently considered to be made of the two versions; hoch deutsch und niederdeutsch. So I disagree it has a connection with Nehalennia. I think the key to her name has a deeper meaning. No pun intended. What do you hunt with a dog?
Well ''pagan'' is a Latin concept anyway. Of course there were other traditions before Christianity. Nice talk, good to know some names and traditions behind the Dutch gods and culture.
Wil graag met je in contact komen over de manier waarop Freyr, de godheid die uit het Oosten kwam en stichter vader was van het Noordzee volk dat uiteindelijk Nederland zou vormen en de eerste koning van de Zweden zou worden, werd gezien in "Hollandse" traditie. Wil graag een aantal appels tot mij nemen.
The region that the Romans called Germania is the region of Central and Northern Europe, which is the north of the Roman country. The tribes living in the Germania region at that time were the Turks, the westernmost Sak (Scythian) tribes, and they had been living in this region for centuries. Many Turkish tribes lived in Germany, who could not unite among themselves. The most important of these were: 1. This name, which is mentioned as Alamanni in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word ala, which means mixed color ALAMAN. 2. This name, which is mentioned as Angli in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word ANGIL, which means all / whole. 3. This name, which is mentioned as Axones or Saxones in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word AKAN, which means flowing, flocking. 4. This name, which is mentioned as Baiuvari in Roman sources, has been transformed from the words BAYU VAR, which means being rich, having wealth in Old Turkish. 5. This name, which is mentioned as Burgundi or Burgundiones in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish words BURKUNT, which means to scare, and BURKUNTAN, which means frightening. 6. This name, which is mentioned as Buri in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BÜR, which means buran, buren, büzen. (Shirring) 7. This name, which is mentioned as Chaedini in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KADING, which means beech, hard and beech tree. 8. This name, which is mentioned as Cherusci in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KERİŞÇİ, which means quarrelsome, warrior. 9. This name, which is mentioned as Dani in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word TAN (skin), meaning long, wide and trunk. 10. This name, which is mentioned as Franci in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BURANG, which means gust / storm. 11. This name, which is mentioned as Frisi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the word BIRİŞ, which means compound in Old Turkish. 12. This name, which is mentioned as Gepidae in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KEPİT, which means large, bulging, large. 13. This name, which is mentioned as Rugi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word URUG, which means ancestry, seed. 14. This name, which is mentioned as Suione in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word SUYAN, which means throwing, throwing, flowing. 15. This name, which is mentioned as Thuringi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the word TURING, which means quarrelsome in Old Turkish. 16. This name, which is mentioned as Vandili in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BANDAL, which means thick stick. 17. This name, which is mentioned as Vinnili in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word MINGLIG (thousand / thousand). 18. This name, which was mentioned as Suebi in Roman sources, has been transformed into SUBI, which means long and pointed object in Old Turkish.
Vrouw Holle is toch niet de vrouw van Wodan/Odin?!? Wellicht omdat Wodan/Odin een wandelaar was, zou het wel goed kunnen, dat Vrouw Holle een soort van (tijdelijke) minnares was... ^^
Yep Hóland or Hāl / Hál -land & Neðer -lands for misty foggy low lands- Niþ. I feel Hólle & Hel are the same, ruling the Niða regions/ aspects of life ( & death) & the world & with etymological connections to Hál Hāl Heil Heal Health Whole. Wasshail!
L'etimologia della parola paganesimo deriva dalla parola "pagus"che altro non è che una circoscritta zona rurale,ognuna di queste zone aveva il suo genius loci,uno spirito derivante dalla natura,poi il cattolicesimo ha costruito chiese sui templi e ci ha detto che la natura era inerte e al contempo demoniaca...bello che le persone si pongano delle domande su ciò che l'umano e il divino sono stati in epoche remote...😊
Jammer van de reclame dan haak ik af en zoek ik op een ander platvorm naar deze info en vaak zijn deze films van youtube daar ook geplaats maar dan reclame vrij en gratis te downloaden, maar succes en doei 😊
@@jwelke9With Seth and Osiris we are talking about cycles too,, would not surprise me we would go that far back together, I see also even similarities with the maya and atzecs creation stories
Dutch was Frisia. Roads on water for trade. Canals. Behind wall street in NY you find Canal Street after the Dutch was there. The road north on water ..nordwegen. Norwegian. Norwegians saild always south to their main trading hub. Dorestad. It got sacked when Dutch got anti pagan rules. Today still the Dutch is a logistic trafing hub. For ships. The only god you would ever need there is the god everybody knew existed . Forsett. The god of fairness and justice. You feel screwed on your trade too often..so all needed that god to push forward the trade. Forseti means front sitter. Or one seated at the front.. Love to speculate in what way . In front of the ship? Did the frisian have a certain figure on the front of their ships? Or front in the hall of judges? Forseti had a holy island also located in Norway. That island may been a secondary trading hub for ships not wanting to go all rhe way south. The first god you mentioned is huldra in Norway. She is not snow related as snow is the name of i jotne or giant.
In dutch we use the word 'voorzitter' aka chairman or president. Voorzitter or chairman literally means 'sitting at the front'. In this case you can compare voor and for as similar.
Zijn kanaal is internationaal en hij heeft nu eenmaal ook veel volgers buiten Nederland. Best begrijpelijk dat hij dan voor Engels kiest en z'n Engels is prima.
Very important name in combination Berlin München Moskau also working for BMW Ilona Reichl also Saudi Arabia Relation with some One Roman Russian in Berlin
I made a whole video on the helm of awe…if you care to know why i like it. I am quite fond of icelandic magc. ua-cam.com/video/Zwcu1jUYGnU/v-deo.htmlsi=fjge-iW5bGDmk4ug
Bro please research logical fallacies before trying to formulate an argument. Your arguments are absolutely nonsensical and I get the impression you've emotionally overinvested in the symbol to a point where you cant let it go
Super interessant om eindelijk wat goeie info over nederlandse heidense dingen te horen
I can not agree more!
i am so glad that the Dutch/Germans slowly start to realize that their culture and religion is much older than Christianity, with deep spiritual roots and knowledge of the universe. Much respect 🙏
In the East of the world there is Dharma (natural law), hence the term Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc) and every pre-Abrahamic region in the world had a similar concept of natural law. I am sure you are on to something here!!
I find it very facinating....Forseti`s role as a deity of justice and reconciliation symbolizes the restoration of balance and harmony, which are core principles of natural law in many ancient traditions. This connection reflects a broader (Proto)-Indo-European belief that justice, morality, and the natural order are deeply intertwined.
Forseti's origins can be tied to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) worldview, which often equated moral and legal principles with natural and cosmic laws:
Ṛta (Vedic): In the Vedic tradition, Ṛta represents the natural order or cosmic law that governs both the universe and moral behavior. Gods like Mitra and Varuna, who are responsible for contracts, truth, and justice, reflect similar principles to Forseti.
Hellenic Logos: In Greek philosophy, logos represents reason and the organizing principle of the cosmos, akin to a natural law that ensures balance.
Forseti's role as a mediator of disputes can be seen as the Norse expression of maintaining this cosmic balance, connecting human justice to a broader, universal order.
The idea of ''natural law'' is quite Greek and Christian in itself. Most Hindu's might not call it that way.
In the Greek new testament like in Greek culture, the spiritual law had to be divided from natural law and human made law/traditions.
So it is not pre-Abrahamic, since Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Islam don't work with these concepts really. It is Latin and the Roman Catholics who started to use concepts like ''pagans'' (Latin) and wanted to divide Alchemy into Chemistry and spiritual law.
Indeed the Western world is based mainly upon Greek(somewhat Babylonian) dualism. But that is not the fault of Abraham, but of Christianity mainly.
@@cordes6900yes and no. Christians called us all pagan. Because they met the pagans at first. And acording to your pre abrahamic religions thing. Google yawism you will find yaweh osirus Poseidon huballah and manny more.
As a Frisian in heart and kidney's :D (sorry kan het niet laten) this made me smile. The way you channelled Forsetti by tuning in to the Frisian people is awsome. And now you made me very curious about Forsetti and also Nehallenia and afcourse vrouw Holle. Thank you for another good video and making us re-connect to the old gods and goddesses
Wauw....wat een mooie uitleg! Laatste dagen vertel ik dat N Ether Lands een HEEL bijzonzder land is in de Heling voor de Wereld....kom ik deze uitleg tegen❤
Vanuit ZuidAmerika helemaal naar Nederland te mogen komen om hier mee te helpen🎉
Interesting...Very special to hear a new sound about our past.
Thank you and I'm looking forward to new videos from you. Good luck.
Ik ben zo blij dat ik deze channel heb gevonden 🎉 Eindelijk iemand die me NIET probeert te overtuigen van een boek. Ik vraag me enkel af waar het woord DUTCH vandaan komt 🐺❣
Great video again remi! Bedankt voor je goede werk! Magna frisia!
Ik was je kanaal helemaal vergeten, een lange tijd te bekijken. Maar dat gaat goed komen. Food for the brain. Ben zelf veel bezig met het onderzoeken en ervaren van onze voor ouders etc. Veel energie hier in Zweden.
Ben benieuwd wat je allemaal gevonden heb over onze voor ouders.
Heb dit kanaal net gevonden dus ga me er in verdiepen
I just learnd something new. Thank you for your video. I subscribed your channel. 🥰
I just came across this video on Telegram. Great work. I've watched it twice already. I have been intrigued with the Frisian people and The Netherlands since Asha Logos introduced me to the Oera Linda Book. I don't have much of a family history so I've been learning about everyone else's history. 😊 So far The Frisians are my favorite and should be the model for all peoples.
The orign of the name 'Holland' as deriving from 'Vrouw Holle' could be a valid connexion: If you draw a line between 'Externsteine' in Germany to the upper part of the province of Noord-Holland, you will find the 'Upper Hellway' (oftewel Bovenste Helweg). And if you draw a line between Externsteine and Walcheren, you will find the 'Lower Hellway' (oftewel Onderste Helweg).
If you regard Walcheren as the souhern part of the socalled Zuid-Hollandse Islands/Eilanden, then as well Noord- as well as Zuid-Holland are exactly situated between de Upper- and Lower Hellways.
VrouwnHolle (also known as mother Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Berchta, Brigid, Hell or Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld. The souls of the people who died are brought there by a swan. The interesting point now is, that you find along the line of the Lower Hellway, you find three copy's of the Zodiac sign (= Sterrenbeeld) 'Swan' on the ground: one copy round Externsteine, one round Bokhoven, and if you continue the line of the Lower Hellway to England, round Stonehenge. The stars in the firmament are represented on the ground by certain citty's/villages, churches, castles, artworks and so on. Source/bron of this information: 'Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (Eelco de Boer). I really would recomment this booklet to anyone interested in paganism for some basic but very interesting information. You can order this booklet at: thatsthespirit.com. If this information is not correct than find the information at the podcast 'the Trueman show' hosted by Jorn Luka.
Beetje ver gezocht, vind je niet ?
Mooie video!
Ik weet niet hoe goed je Duits is maar ik volg Wolf-Dieter Storl. Hij heeft een grote schat aan kennis over de oude goden , tradities en kruiden! Ook een mooie video j er oa Frau Holle.
I see Forceti many times in old world inscriptions.
I am a Frisian and you are right about that and we are very independant folks. Thx for your work. Love the old architecture many Gods and Wisdom there
6:16 hol meant woods land as land or island. Yes we used to call islands lands
love this man im from Netherlands and i feeel alot connected with my feeling ! Amen
Very nice, Im also Dutch but will write in English for more English speakers. Im a follower of Freya but I deeply believe Frigg and Vrouwe Holle are the same and a different entity than Freya. Thank you for the info as I was recently researching Vrouwe Holle because I was intrigued as she is being compared to Frigg. Im really into Norse Gods and their Legends so this is a great addition to my research :D Thank you!
I need to know more. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed.
Sidenote: It drives me crazy when the internet claims hinduism is the oldest religion. It's like they are erasing the pagans.
It is the oldest surviving religion. Sorry but that’s a fact. And they are our cousins so show them some respect
@RyanTucker-r5d Oh, I love India and the Bhagavad Gita.
They are not older than the Pagans who have been around since the caveman first worshipped the fire and are still around today.
@ than the “Pagans”? Depending on how you view that word many would consider them “pagan” too. And what “pagans” are you even referring too? They weren’t just some massive group. Each region in “pagan” times had their own rites and customs and knew the gods with different names than the next region.
@RyanTucker-r5d My comment was removed.. :) I will paste it if it doesn't reappear. :) If it doesn't appear above or below, you know that Google has a problem with common shared history. :(
@@RyanTucker-r5d @RyanTucker-r5d Yes, but giving Hinduism, the title is disingenuous, especially when Paganism encompasses and predates it.
It's like saying Catholicism is the oldest Christian religion, even though Christianity predates it.
When I say Paganism, I mean all, but to win the argument, I refer to cave paintings showing the worship of fertility, fire, the hunt, nature, the moon, and the sun. Eons before organized religion and monotheism were invented around 3000 B.C.
Paganism is the right answer. Modern society just pretends everybody was converted.
I LoveYour Presentations! I'm a partial Peckenpaw (Beckanbaw) on my Moders side, from what i can see we areFrisii/ Frisian...Dankuvel for the Great Exploration of Forseti & the Dissertation on Natural Law & the Spirit of Mine Germanic Ancestry!!!
Wonderful Reny!
Thank you 🙏😀
My gran used to tell me about Mevrouw Holle, when it was snowing, me & my sister used to believe Mevrouw Holle had been busy!
Great job!
It has never been as dark, or the light shall return. Alles komt goed.
Super interessante video! Trotste Fries hier 💪🏻
Imho. Ancient deities had more balance to nature. Where one feels more connected to the forces and rule of natures law and therefore live by it.
This connection is mainly broken by Christianity/bible and Islam/koran where they mainly worship one God but don't or severely lack of personal connection to nature. This is now very observable by how we treat and handle our natural environment around us.
Great video ❤
Most of this is Frisian heritage.. even our weekdays are named after Ding (Dinges), Wodan (Weda), Donar (Donder), Friya.
Leuk dat gedeelte van vrouw Holle, ik hrb daar ooit een kunstwetk van gemaakt. Een kunstzinnige afberlding van vrouw Holle, die ik in mn kamer heb staan op een klein schilder ezeltje ik keek er nu rven naar, maar redlijk Godin achtig. Leuk 💫
In the end we will come to the simple conclusion, that what we were looking for always was staring at us right in the eye!
There is a place in Friesland called "It Heidenskip" what literally means "paganism", and not far from there a really tiny area what is called "De Hel" (The Hell). Can't be a coincidence ❤
Thank you for sharing. I didnt know about vrouw holle.
I recommend everyone to read the Oera Linda book
Helaas... Al relatief kort na het 'ontdekken' van bovengenoemde 'oude tekst' heeft men de nep van dit werk aangetoond. Het betreft een vrij goed geslaagd mystificatie van studenten. Voor zo ver mij bekend een aardige grap van studenten (Vrijmetselaars? 🤔) Wel aardig dat je dit ter sprake brengt.
@@RyanTucker-r5d ik soe it net oanrikkemandearje, d'r binne wat korrupsjes fan âldere myten, mar oer it algemien is it nep, nei alle gedachten út 'e 1800's, dus noch fierder fuort as de geskriften fan snorri oer it Noarsk
@@RyanTucker-r5d ik soe it net oanrikkemandearje, d'r binne wat korrupsjes fan âldere myten, mar oer it algemien is it nep, nei alle gedachten út 'e 1800's, dus noch fierder fuort as de geskriften fan snorri oer it Noarsk
Oja, “aangetoond”? Het is geroepen ja, maar “aangetoond” niet. Er wordt zoveel geroepen…en ook zomaar “aangenomen”. Ik weet niet of het waar is, maar de onwaarheid is ook niet hard bewezen. Tot zover blijf ik er nog steeds voor open staan.
I’m sorry but I don’t know how to read your language(s)
Freya goddes of 💛💛💛
I always learned that Holland was derived from Holt-(Hout/Wood)land…
Yes me too, but this explanation to the connection of Vrouw Holle makes more sence,as naming the land after the god happened more often in the past, likeFriesland is actually Frya's Land = Friës' land, the land of Frya and Ierland is from the god Iru, as told in this video. Also Allemannenland has became 'Allemanje' (Germany), a splintering folk that at first exists of only men, see Oere Linde Book.
@@1408annaful LMAOOO
A highschool in Zeeland is called Nehalennia. Good school!
There weren’t just three, we had all the Germanic gods. Odin and Tyr are the most well represented in the material records, but as a cattle raising, raiding, seafaring people who thrived in hardship, very similar to the Norse. It’s a shame the Christians didn’t record our history.
Tell me more please i never had inner piece ik wil meer weten
@ the UA-camr history with Hilbert has a lot of content on Frisia, jo sille mear witte nei it besjen fan syn fideo's
De inquisitie heeft een einde gemaakt aan alle wetenschap der natuurgeneeskunde enzovoorts.
Uit angst om te sterven.
Sterven is niet iets om bang voor te zijn. Sterven is uiteindlijk het doel van ieder leven.
Wij (iedereen op aarde) bezitten de gehele waarheid, echter vanwege xenofobie (angst voor het vreemde/onbekende) zullen we nooit achter de waarheid komen... Helaas...
Odin it's not germanic its nordic!!
@ Nordic is Germanic.
Tranformation Of The Turks/Tatars (Saka/Scythians) into Frisians/Dutch (Part of the people Living İn Holland/Netherlands)
Birişler: This name, which is mentioned as Frisi in Roman sources,
It has been transformed from the word biriş, which means united in Turkish. old
Old Pliny (23-79 AD), the lands of Turkish tribe were covered with forests.
He writes that they lived by farming and feeding cattle.
In the late 1st century BC, the Romans
living in near the ren the east of Lake Flevo, in the region extending from they called the Great Frisi, and those living in the west were called the Little Frisi.
Birişler are the one of the ancestor of the present-day Dutch nation called Holland/Netherlands With Angli AND SUEBİS... OTHER TURKİC TRİBES.
Passages from Arif Cengiz Ermans books origin Of Germans and Slavs
Great stuff mate
Vrouw holle is de "tovervrouwe" waar Annie MG Smidt een mooi liedje over maakte naar het mythologische middeleeuwse verhaal van de gebroeders Grimm: je mag haar(Hulda, Holda, Perchta, Brechta,Berchta of Bertha) niet op een hoop gooien met Freya, Frauwa, Freia noch verwarren met Frigg en Hella, Hel ook niet met Frigg. Het Oudnederlandse woord hol of hul werd soms ook gebruikt om moerassige of laaggelegen gebieden aan te duiden. Friesland bv is de naam die de Romeinen gaven aan de FrisiÏ, dat wil zeggen de vrije mensen. Niet van de Noorse godin Freia dus. Verleidelijke insinuaties dus, maar etymologisch niet onderbouwd genoeg. Evenzogoed een inspirerende uitleg! Holland komt waarschijnlijk van laaggelegen (hol of hul) moerasgebied. Dat neemt niet weg dat 'Frauke Hulde' ook een verwijzing is naar een onderwereld. Dus Den Helder zou net zo goed Den Hulder genoemd kunnen worden. Maar of Hel van Hella komt? Heldert of Heldertje komt van "kale open plek"!
Dank je voor deze kennisvolle en inspirerende comment!
Thanks for the information
Ik ben in de tempel van Nehalennia geweest interessant aan de éne kant verwacht niet teveel maar je voelt toch de aanwezigheid van iets .p.s in het archeon is er ook een tempel gewijd aan Nehalennia daar had ik het zelfde gevoel als in Zeeland je voelt de aanwezigheid van iets 🤘groetjes uit Vlaardingen 🇳🇱🇳🇱
Maybe Forseti means 'voorzitter' (speaker) in modern Dutch. Like it was more of a title. Perhaps it's the same god as "Mars Thingsus".
Great explanation,. Also the way u express urself
Wow gaaf dat dit zoveel volgers heeft
Thank-you Reny ✨️
The book brings a fresh perspective into a stagnated view of the Turkic nations and their past.
Primarily based on the genetic findings, backed by the archeological, historical, linguistic facts and testimonies of the ancient scholars, historians, and geographers, this work reveals breaking new evidence about the biblical origins of the Turkic nations who were related to the ancient Akkadians, Sumerians.
It unshrouds the Turkic pedigree of the Germanic nations, the natives of ancient Media, and the Scythians.
The deciphered cuneiforms of the Behistun inscription in Persia, along with their detailed lexico-grammatical analysis shed light on the revolutionary facts about the Turkic origin of the Medes and their language.
A large portion of this volume is devoted to the Scythians and most of their derivative tribes, including those located in Scythia and beyond, such as the As, Sacai, Parthians, Bactrians, Huns, Sarmats, Getai, Celtic, Iberian, Gallic, Germanic, and Thracian tribes - the Trojans with a detailed classification of the related tribes, including the most renowned Illyrians, Spartans, Phrygians, Etruscans, Pelasgi.
The in-depth lexico-grammatical analyses of the languages of two major Thracian nations - the Etruscans and the Phrygians ascertain their Turkic origin.
The book also demystifies the history of the ancient Armenians who were a Phrygian colony, sets them apart from the modern Armenians, and gives a chronological, historical account of the modern Armenian people, also known as the Hays, under the authority of their first historian Movses Khorenatsi.
The comparative analyses of 20 ancient alphabets reveal their (Armenians) common Turkic root.
Crucial archeological, cultural, political, linguistic, and genetic evidence points to the Turkic beginning of many Native Americans.
Among the numerous quotes from the ancient statesmen and reputable scholars, Dr. A. Sanducci brings forward the statement made by the father of Swedish Historiography prof. Sven Lagerbring: "Our ancestors are Turks who are comrades of Odin.
We have got enough evidence on this subject...
Odin and his comrades were Turks...
We, the Germanic people, are in origin, are Turks.
We must not be ashamed of this fact. The Turks are a very honorable and proud people."
Sanducci, A.
Having an extensive academic background in Turkic Studies, a former visiting professor to UC Berkeley, USA, Dr. A. Sanducci - the author of the research "Ancient Scholars about the Turks and the Turkic Nations", as well as of many other educational books and articles, gave speeches and lectures in many prestigious Universities worldwide, including Stanford University and UC Davis.
Sanducci, A.
Mooi Reny❤
Friesland, Fryslan, Freya'slan?
Makes sense when Holland, 'Holtland', Holda or Holle land, and Nehalennia for Nederland are the matriarchal goddesses. To piggyback on your statement about Forseti for Fryslan, if I may. Its all possible, as we don't know the pronunciation, and dialects of the time and aria.
Not getting into the Frisii, or the later Frisian tribes, The Frisians, and all the other Germanic tribes, including the upper Nordics and the Greeks (Hellas, or Hellos), are considered Indo-German from origin.
They came from the Indus valley and shared a common predecessor with the Vedic, Hindu cultus. The 'Karma' statement you made, could might as wel stam from those origins, as karma is a lot about causality, cause and effect, and its consequences. The form evolved in several ways, depending on where. The Christian (Taken from the Germanics?)Faith from the faiths?, (The Nornen. ), Kismet or 'Al karima' for the Islam etc. All cultures have a version.
Karma has not much to do with the Christian turning of the cheek. Therefore, I would assume that Forseti is associated with Destany(Lot), Doom,(Noodlot), Fortune and the afterlife towards Ragnarok in Hellheim, or Valhalla, and to some extent to prophecy(Foresite), which was connected to Wodan (Odin The seer).
Gods and goddesses often started out as a particular god, and over time evolved into separate gods, or goddesses. Hence Freya, Holda, Frik etc. (As with Zeus and Poseidon, or the many appearances of Shiva, which all separately are worshiped as gods in their own right.
Subscribed. You got my attention :-)
IDD we zijn van god los, ons morele kompas is volledig de weg kwijt, maar ben we kunnen prima de weg terug vinden naar de natuurlijke manier van leven. Leuke video en vanuit Westland (Cananefaten) groet.
I think the Holle Holland connection is not impossible and worth looking into. However Netherlands just seems to be from Nether which is an increasingly archaic English word for low/down(like in German Nieder, Niederlande). So I disagree Netherlands comes from Nehallenia.
That’s a valid point
The orign of the name 'Holland' as deriving from 'Vrouw Holle' could be a valid connexion: If you draw a line between 'Externsteine' in Germany to the upper part of the province of Noord-Holland, you will find the 'Upper Hellway' (oftewel Bovenste Helweg). And if you draw a line between Externsteine and Walcheren, you will find the 'Lower Hellway' (oftewel Onderste Helweg).
If you regard Walcheren as the souhern part of the socalled Zuid-Hollandse Islands/Eilanden, then as well Noord- as well as Zuid-Holland are exactly situated between de Upper- and Lower Hellways.
VrouwnHolle (also known as mother Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Berchta, Brigid, Hell or Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld. The souls of the people who died are brought there by a swan. The interesting point now is, that you find along the line of the Lower Hellway, you find three copy's of the Zodiac sign (= Sterrenbeeld) 'Swan' on the ground: one copy round Externsteine, one round Bokhoven, and if you continue the line of the Lower Hellway to England, round Stonehenge. The stars in the firmament are represented on the ground by certain citty's/villages, churches, castles, artworks and so on. Source/bron of this information: 'Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (Eelco de Boer). I really would recomment this booklet to anyone interested in paganism for some basic but very interesting information. You can order this booklet at: thatsthespirit from Jorn Luka (host of the podcast 'the Trueman Show')
Thanks from Brazil !
Dank je wel. En ik denk dat er een soort bewust wording gaande is. Zoals je zei. Ze zijn nooit weg geweest. Lieve groet Gerdina
vroeg me al een tijdje af, waar dat HOL is... hehe tnx DUIDELIJK
Ik ben overtuigd gelovig in onze Heer, Schepper. Uw video's en uw kennis en liefde voor uw vaderlandse geschiedenis is puur genieten en zeer aan te bevelen! Dank en moge onze Heer uw en uw naasten beschermen en zegenen., InshAllah, Much Love!
I stil like to say Nether (lands) or Hellland both refering to the same.
Together with the saying that the Netherlands is 'het afvoerputje' (drain) for europe..
Not only for the water but also for the souls...
Precies, De onderwereld ;)
Wowww, net dat moeras in Lord of the Rings 😂
It is where all those rivers meet the sea..
Could be some interesting symbolism there
@@DefneDance Nederland is van oorsprong ook het moeras van Duitsland (germania) :p
En we zijn ook redelijk 'middle earth'
@@DefneDance zo voelt het wel hier in Eind😮hoven
Holland comes from Holtland, which means Wood-land (houtland). Is (Vrouw) Holle associated with wood or the Forest?
Interessante video 👍
Yes that could be: Vrouw Holle (moeder Hulda, Huldra, Frau, Freya, Frigg, Brigid, Berchta, Hel of Hella) is the goddess of the Underworld (also known as 'Hell' not to be confused bij the christian Hell-a place of pain and torture to make you scary-) and her house can be reached by entering a hollow tree. Her task is e.g. to prepare the death on reïncarnation by holding a mirror to reflect on your past life and thus what to learn in your next life. Source/Bron: Mysteries in Nederland Ontrafeld' (by Eelco de Boer).
Ja weet je wat voor mij nou het verwarrende is.
Holtland... had helemaal geen flinke hoeveelheid bos.
Het is helemaal uitgepolderd nu, maar originele bossen waren er niet veel want alles was water.
Als íets holtland zou moeten zijn dan zou je meer oosterlijk moeten gaan kijken, maar niet t westen, dat is moeras en water. En een duinenreeks langs de kust natuurlijk
Holland is named after the woods that used to be there: "Holzland"
Holz is High German and that was never spoken in The Netherlands (except during 40-45). In some Low Saxon areas they call it Holt. And to be more precise, the provinces of Noord and South Holland never had that much woord compared to other provinces, so that name doesn't make any sense.
@xXTheoLinuxXx Sorry, but you are wrong. Completely wrong. (I am fine with a spelling correction to Holtland, but that's not the issue here).
Dit jaar Land van Holle festival op Ruigoord?
Vrouw Holle is similar to Baba Dochia in romanian folklore :)
And Sinterklaas (St, Nicholas) is also celebrated in Bulgaria, small world :)
Karma betekent letterlijk: actie. Daarmee wordt bedoeld dat jijzelf verantwoordelijk bent voor elke actie die je doet of maakt. Doe je iets goeds of positiefs, dan zullen goede dingen jou overkomen, doe je iets slecht of negatiefs, dan zullen slechte dingen jou overrkomen. Karma is dus niets anders dan oorzaak en gevolg.
Ik en mijn beste vriend hebben wel eens een theorie uitgedacht waar Friesland (de naam) vandaan komt. Uiteraard van de Frisii, maar we hebben wel eens bedacht dat die naam ook weer voortkomt uit Frigg's land, of Freya's land. Waarschijnlijk is dit niet het geval, maar wie weet? 😉
Oera Linda book???
I’ve read it
It’s most likely acedemic trolling.
I want it to be true… but the further you get in the book the more outlandish it gets…
dank u voor uw mening
Hey geweldig dit
Ik denk dat 'the Netherlands' voor onderwereld staat. Als je een keer tijd hebt, kan je eens luisteren naar Eelco de Boer. Uiteindelijk is alles met elkaar verbonden.
Hij heeft er ook een heel interessant boek over geschreven, zeer aan te raden!
@NagnarInaste Klopt. Ik heb er 2 met kerst gekregen. 1 is iets uitgebreider dan de ander.
Pleuris means rain, plueris means majority, pluris means high prices, I am Venetian. I speak Latin, the ancient Dutch thought that Pleuris is a cuss word. But you say pleuris, when it rains. Regards, Alex.
What about,krijg de pleuris..lol
Its a diseas
Inflammation of the lung membrane's also known as pleura.
@@GonzoJohnny thanks
@@titaniumaura You are welcome
Wat zeg je daar: vrouw Venus? Tell me more...(oh and as far as I know it's not her pillow, but her duvet)
Ik dacht altijd al dat het woord ''nederland'' van de naam ''netherworld'' kwam, de onderwereld dus! (Frau Holle heeft ook iets te maken met de onderwereld).
Could Forseti be somehow related to the Dutch word Voorzienigheid (Providence)? That's not so much karma, but more like a lucky fate connected to the quality of your soul specifically. Like the outside world bringing to you that which befits your soul most optimally.
Intresting 👍🏻
Still waiting for an Urker fisherman to net a piramide
Mooi ga door! Het is jammer dat de reacties overspoeld wordt door christelijke trollen. Volgens mij zijn er meer mensen geofferd aan Jahweh dan aan de "goden".
Me oma was Fries en mijn held is koning Radboud.
I am Head of the House of Arbouet reputed descendants of Merovingians ie Salian Franks; my theory is that Chlodio’s tribal god was Thor am I correct?
Ik heb geleerd dat Holstein in Duitsland komt van het woord HOLZ oftewel hout. Holstein betekent "houtland". Dat is volgens mij hetzelfde met Holland. Een land dat vol stond met bomen die gekapt zijn voor de scheepsbouw. Kortom Holland betekent houtland. ❤❤❤Lodewijk from the Netherlands
Forseti, Forseti, voor "c'est tief, hoor!" C.T.
Consider also that that German language was until recently considered to be made of the two versions; hoch deutsch und niederdeutsch. So I disagree it has a connection with Nehalennia. I think the key to her name has a deeper meaning. No pun intended. What do you hunt with a dog?
Well ''pagan'' is a Latin concept anyway. Of course there were other traditions before Christianity.
Nice talk, good to know some names and traditions behind the Dutch gods and culture.
Reïncarnatie in de folklore van holland; wow mijn aandacht heb je
Wil graag met je in contact komen over de manier waarop Freyr, de godheid die uit het Oosten kwam en stichter vader was van het Noordzee volk dat uiteindelijk Nederland zou vormen en de eerste koning van de Zweden zou worden, werd gezien in "Hollandse" traditie. Wil graag een aantal appels tot mij nemen.
The region that the Romans called Germania is the region of Central and Northern Europe, which is the north of the Roman country.
The tribes living in the Germania region at that time were the Turks, the westernmost Sak (Scythian) tribes, and they had been living in this region for centuries.
Many Turkish tribes lived in Germany, who could not unite among themselves. The most important of these were:
1. This name, which is mentioned as Alamanni in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word ala, which means mixed color ALAMAN.
2. This name, which is mentioned as Angli in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word ANGIL, which means all / whole.
3. This name, which is mentioned as Axones or Saxones in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word AKAN, which means flowing, flocking.
4. This name, which is mentioned as Baiuvari in Roman sources, has been transformed from the words BAYU VAR, which means being rich, having wealth in Old Turkish.
5. This name, which is mentioned as Burgundi or Burgundiones in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish words BURKUNT, which means to scare, and BURKUNTAN, which means frightening.
6. This name, which is mentioned as Buri in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BÜR, which means buran, buren, büzen. (Shirring)
7. This name, which is mentioned as Chaedini in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KADING, which means beech, hard and beech tree.
8. This name, which is mentioned as Cherusci in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KERİŞÇİ, which means quarrelsome, warrior.
9. This name, which is mentioned as Dani in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word TAN (skin), meaning long, wide and trunk.
10. This name, which is mentioned as Franci in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BURANG, which means gust / storm.
11. This name, which is mentioned as Frisi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the word BIRİŞ, which means compound in Old Turkish.
12. This name, which is mentioned as Gepidae in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word KEPİT, which means large, bulging, large.
13. This name, which is mentioned as Rugi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word URUG, which means ancestry, seed.
14. This name, which is mentioned as Suione in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word SUYAN, which means throwing, throwing, flowing.
15. This name, which is mentioned as Thuringi in Roman sources, has been transformed from the word TURING, which means quarrelsome in Old Turkish.
16. This name, which is mentioned as Vandili in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word BANDAL, which means thick stick.
17. This name, which is mentioned as Vinnili in Roman sources, has been transformed from the Old Turkish word MINGLIG (thousand / thousand).
18. This name, which was mentioned as Suebi in Roman sources, has been transformed into SUBI, which means long and pointed object in Old Turkish.
Vrouw Holle is toch niet de vrouw van Wodan/Odin?!?
Wellicht omdat Wodan/Odin een wandelaar was, zou het wel goed kunnen, dat Vrouw Holle een soort van (tijdelijke) minnares was... ^^
Odin, de eerste reizende f*ckboy
St.Boniface pray for us
Yep Hóland or
Hāl / Hál -land & Neðer -lands for misty foggy low lands- Niþ. I feel Hólle & Hel are the same, ruling the Niða regions/ aspects of life ( & death) & the world & with etymological connections to Hál Hāl Heil Heal Health Whole.
Believe what you read, don't read what you believe.
I was told that pagan is simply an slur to all religions that weren't Christianity.
I am curious to know the actual name of this older religion.
L'etimologia della parola paganesimo deriva dalla parola "pagus"che altro non è che una circoscritta zona rurale,ognuna di queste zone aveva il suo genius loci,uno spirito derivante dalla natura,poi il cattolicesimo ha costruito chiese sui templi e ci ha detto che la natura era inerte e al contempo demoniaca...bello che le persone si pongano delle domande su ciò che l'umano e il divino sono stati in epoche remote...😊
We are the "Gods" of the world. The Dutch rule the world, past and present.
Ik kende Forseti door de naam, bedankt voor de geschiedenis... er is ook een band met de naam Forseti .....ua-cam.com/video/72R_mSAuRQs/v-deo.html
Jammer van de reclame dan haak ik af en zoek ik op een ander platvorm naar deze info en vaak zijn deze films van youtube daar ook geplaats maar dan reclame vrij en gratis te downloaden, maar succes en doei 😊
Alles moet gratis? Met premium heb je nergens last van he, maarja, dat is ookal niet gratis, verdorie
Forsaekle ?
Ik mis Badhuenna, mijn "lerares"
Ik moet nog wat overhouden voor deel 2 😉
Can Forseti come from Seth brother of Osiris?
His name is very simply Germanic meaning forth-set, the one who precedes. So based on linguistics I doubt it. But that’s interesting.
@@jwelke9 ja maar t zou kunnen dat er meer wegen naar Rome zijn,
@@jwelke9With Seth and Osiris we are talking about cycles too,, would not surprise me we would go that far back together, I see also even similarities with the maya and atzecs creation stories
@@visjesvanger what does this mean?
@@jwelke9 can you be more specific?
Where did u buy that hat?
Dutch was Frisia. Roads on water for trade. Canals. Behind wall street in NY you find Canal Street after the Dutch was there.
The road north on water ..nordwegen. Norwegian. Norwegians saild always south to their main trading hub. Dorestad. It got sacked when Dutch got anti pagan rules.
Today still the Dutch is a logistic trafing hub.
For ships.
The only god you would ever need there is the god everybody knew existed . Forsett. The god of fairness and justice. You feel screwed on your trade too often..so all needed that god to push forward the trade. Forseti means front sitter. Or one seated at the front..
Love to speculate in what way . In front of the ship? Did the frisian have a certain figure on the front of their ships? Or front in the hall of judges?
Forseti had a holy island also located in Norway. That island may been a secondary trading hub for ships not wanting to go all rhe way south.
The first god you mentioned is huldra in Norway. She is not snow related as snow is the name of i jotne or giant.
In dutch we use the word 'voorzitter' aka chairman or president. Voorzitter or chairman literally means 'sitting at the front'. In this case you can compare voor and for as similar.
Spreek Nederlands.. Ik haak na 8sec al af, beetje jammer weer..
Zijn kanaal is internationaal en hij heeft nu eenmaal ook veel volgers buiten Nederland. Best begrijpelijk dat hij dan voor Engels kiest en z'n Engels is prima.
Is belangrijk dat mensen ook internationaal kennis met elkaar kunnen delen.
Nice jacket.
Holland I though that was from aholtzlad
jew worshipper
Holle ,,, van holle bolle gijs? ,,,papier hier!!
Very important name in combination
Berlin München Moskau also working for BMW
Ilona Reichl also Saudi Arabia
Relation with some One Roman Russian in Berlin
Dutch pagan but you wear a christian symbol on your head
Make up your mind
I made a whole video on the helm of awe…if you care to know why i like it.
I am quite fond of icelandic magc.
Bro please research logical fallacies before trying to formulate an argument. Your arguments are absolutely nonsensical and I get the impression you've emotionally overinvested in the symbol to a point where you cant let it go
Ave Christus Rex!