My group started a new game and That Player had high level gear. He said he inherited from a previous character. The GM said the character looses his balance and falls to his death. The player tried to embellish it to make it look like a cool death etc and the GM said. "No. You slip, you fall, you die." And refused to fuel the guys ego.
I think it is a far better choice to just pull the classic "Someone drugs your drink in the tavern and you wake up the next day in an alley with all your stuff, your clothes, and your dignity missing."
@@n0vabubble867 You just have to use it sparingly. Too many DMs use that approach to absolutely cripple characters pointlessly, like making a wizard's spell book disappear.
I knew That Player was fudging her rolls, because, seriously, NO ONE ever rolls that many Nat 20s and NEVER rolls low.... A lesson needed to be taught. So for the last year of our campaign, one of the sub-plots was That Player trying to find a high level enough sorcerer to remove her two brothers from her daggers, where a spell gone wrong had accidentally imprisoned them. I printed out a chart in advance, where a Nat 1 would have her brothers just vanish forever, but a 2 would have them return at their normal age, with each successive higher number DELETING a year, so if she rolled another miraculous "nat 20" her brothers would return at 2 years old. Toddlers. She rolled a 19. The table erupted when they started complaining about having to go through puberty AGAIN, because their minds were 20, but their bodies were very smol. The resulting improv was delicious, as her face fell, realizing that she now has to explain THIS to her mother, the Tiefling Crime Boss. It was my finest moment as a DM.
@@pogggaming4470 - I got to role play as a VERY ticked off 15th level Tiefling Rogue Soulknife crime boss MAMA and dress her down quite thoroughly, threaten to break her legs and keep her locked in a room for the next twenty years, and then made her fight her childhood bestie for the right to leave with her legs intact. This, while the rest of the party got to drink, gamble, and visit the brothel….the paladin was the only one, besides her, to not have a glorious good time.
I liked that Copper Curse story, interesting way to deter the guy from stealing anything not held down, but even cooler was that the guy actually used the Copper Touch to help in combat at least once, so it had a definite downside but the fact it could still be used to help the team in some instances is actually incredibly cool.
I appreciate that the guy didn't just whine or complain about it, and even worked with the curse to an extent to use it in combat. I'm sure his kleptomania was infuriating but at least hew as there to play and enjoy the game with everyone and not be the guy who wants everything to go well for him no matter what.
What the hell is that last story?! The rules for rolling stats in the Player's Handbook say that you get a reroll if your combined stat modifier is less than +1, or if your highest stat is a 13 or less.
That varies depending on what edition of D&D you're using, and gets even more variable if you're using a different system. That's before accounting for the 1st rule of D&D: DM can ignore any rule that gets in the way of the game they want to run. I've got some 1e AD&D second-hand horror snippets where the DM insisted on 3d6, six times, place in the order you roll them, no re-rolls. The player who told me about it said his character only survived as long as he did by buying attack dogs to do the actual fighting, fleeing after the dogs died, and coming back later to loot the corpses of his dead companions... which he would then sell to buy more dogs and maybe upgrade his gear a bit. That character managed to survive long enough to actually level up. Never heard the whole story of all that, and no idea what happened to the DM, but I'm pretty sure that campaign would sound like the first part of the WH40k All Guardsmen Party (with less "FOR THE EMPEROR!" and more "Run away! Run away!"). There was a funny bit where they had actually managed to capture a gargoyle (none of them had a magical weapon, so they couldn't actually harm/kill it) and had it all wrapped up in chains with a mace holding it's jaws open so it couldn't bite. They dragged it back to town and propped it up against the end of the bar while they went looking for a wizard or someone who would buy it, perhaps for spell components or something.
For rolling (3.5), we had a rule in which we roll four dice, reroll all ones, and add the three highest for the number and assign it to whatever stat we wanted. We could roll as many stat blocks as we wanted for character creation, but we couldn't mix and match numbers from different blocks. I always rolled like 20 stat blocks and chose one with at least one 18.
Depends on edition/system, and how the DM wants to run character creation. Some people are EXTREMELY rigid in going “by the dice” and if it sucks, then it sucks. It’s not how I like to run things, but to some folks making exceptions like that ruins the “purity” of the game or something. They enjoy the comfort and consistency from that dogmatic adherence to pure chance and the will of the dice. It’s generally a minority opinion in the TTRPG community (especially to the extent in the story) but it works for some people. I’d actually say that for that story, nobody was in the wrong, they were just coming in with EXTREMELY incompatible expectations and preferences. Which is something that SHOULD come out in a session zero. Hopefully, eventually the DM found a group of players who prefer that kind of excessively rigid consistency, and the players found groups with DMs that are more flexible and forgiving.
As a DM, the closest I ever came to having a “That Guy” in my campaign, shut himself down for me before we even started. I was running a very heavily honebrewed 5e campaign. With guns, custom clases, homebrew setting, etc. the party at the time consisted of: a wendigo (basically) sniper that was a master of camouflage, a megalomaniac angel who wanted to kill god (angels were the antagonists of the story, and he went about it in a silly way that still fit with the lore and story) a fallen angel who was trying to keep the angels at bay, and an alcoholic doctor who left the military but still has his training. Either way, I get a friend interested and he wants to join… the issue is, we are both gun nuts, and discuss the weaponry and such. It eventually gets to the point though where he starts asking for what class can have an anti-material rifle (imagine if a sniper was less focused on infantry, and more on killing engine blocks and armoured equipment) Sure, that is the sniper class… Then he started asking about heavy weaponry, and to shorten the story, he demanded that I let him, at level 1, have a 30MM AUTOCANNON (which are large guns meant to destroy armoured vehicles), and drive an armoured vehicle around. And he continued to push things, I got very hesitant, pointing out how all of this conflicted with the lore. His response? “You’re the DM, it’s your job to make it fun for the players!” Even after explaining that I cannot just give in to his ever demand, and that there should be some semblance of a story and cohesive lore, which all players followed, he said “then make the story and lore fit!” It couldn’t. In the end, he gave me an ultimatum, give in to his demands, or he will leave. My game is not plagued by some random idiot with oversized weaponry from a century in advance that makes so sense in lore.
I love how pieces of shit like that always think they have ANY sort of leverage. "Well, I'm not playing with you, if you don't let me win!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Alright then, we aren't children anymore. Good riddance."
Not as a DM but as a player The half elf warlock would always butt in and override my half elf bard/life cleric in any given social situation where I couldn't get a word in at any time. To remedy this I put my hand on his mouth and cast inflict wounds, Dropping him to 1 hp I was the only healer and we had no potions and had just used our long rest. I told him when his tongue learns to be polite it may be healed. For the rest of that session we had a 1 hp warlock who's mouth was shredded and was unable to perform any vocal components to spells or speak. After the next long rest he was much more polite
13:37 D&D 3.x rules as written "Rerolling If your scores are too low, you may scrap them and roll all six scores over. Your scores are considered too low If your total modifiers (before changes according to race) are 0 or less, or if your highest score is 13 or lower." That DM was By The Book wrong.
@Playradise Keep rules lawyering to when it doesn't detract from other people's fun. nothing is more annoying then explaining to the table how our rogue made an impossible leap, barely grabbed the earth on the other side of the ravine, scraping at earth to find purchase, only for a player to say they can't jump that far. seriously, if you are ever that guy, calmly perish please. If you cannot tell, i have had a very recent run in with a bad lawyer.
Fun little detail: my character's starting roll was so busted that DM approached me and asked if I can tune the +4 (after race mod) str to +3 so that he doesn't need to throw in too much insanity to keep the combat reasonable, I said sure. We proceed to nat 20 the living hell out of the first encounter.
My First char ever was a half elf wizard with no experience in dnd at all. And then I rolled my stats. 3d6 7 times lowest roll isn't used. My lowest roll was a 7 and was the one that didn't get used. My second lowest was a 16. A wizard who would have 20 in all their stats at level 12. Needless to say the char got banned from existing and I sort of never ended up playing that game. I thought it would be kinda fair that the person who had no dnd knowledge at all could have above average stats, especially considering that I didn't know anything about the spells of this game and had no plan in mind for the char, but my brother, the dm, decided that if my chars lowest was higher then his highest (he's been playing dnd for a year or so and had enough experience to understand things) that my char needed to be deleted from existence
Not a that guy story, but I played a character once who reminded me of one of these stories, the human/balor/angel. The difference was my fighter only THOUGHT he was a mix of Balor and Angel. He was not actually a mix. He was actually human. The DM and I discussed the character in detail before hand. Between us it took the rest of the party over two months to realise that my Fighter was not right in the head, and much longer for them to work out exactly how unhinged he was. It was the hardest character I have ever played, and in many ways the most rewarding. Very occasionally the DM sprang a little surprise on me, like on one occasion I had 'switched' to Angel to fight off a group of undead who had cut myself and our Sorcerer off from the rest of the party, sorcerer was out of spell slots, and the undead... hesitated (remember, he is NOT actually an angel, the DM threw me a bone there). Eventually the party worked it out, then hatched a convoluted plan to (mostly) heal him, which in itself led to a full ten sessions of play. It was great. It was a real balancing act to make sure I was never being disruptive, but I think I got it mostly right, and the DM was quick to subtly steer me right if I was going a little overboard, so it ended up going really well. Barnor Twin Souled remains to this day one of my favourite characters, and I use him on occasion in my own games. In fact with their permission I often use all the members of that particular party in my own games as NPC's, as they were all fantastic. One of the finest groups I have ever played with, run by a DM who was a mistress of the craft.
Not the GM, this was a collective effort by the other players. We were playing Warhammer Fantasy and our dwarf was rollplaying his attempt to gain the alcoholism ability. He would pick the absolute worst times to do this. Every time we turned around he was getting drunk. He ruined social interactions with important NPCs by being belligerent and missed out on combat because he was passed out. Eventually we got to a point where we had to sell the wagon and horses we were using, and surprise he was passed out in the back. The buyer pointed it out and our forger rogue offered to throw him into the deal for free. He wrote up the bill of sale to legalize the enslavement of the dwarf, and as one final insult my elf cut off his beard. The dwarf's player sat there stunned before getting up and leaving. The remainder of the campaign went on very well without him.
"His highest roll for a NINE" Basic peasants in 5e have a 10 in each of their stats, basic peasants in 3.5e have an 8, if the highest roll this dude got was a 9 then DM was probably doing the "3d6 keep whatever you roll" type thing. Why would a character who is probably weaker then a peasant go out and be an adventurer?
Started a new campaign last week and we used the 4d6 drop the lowest. The DM also gave us a mulligan and allowing us to reroll one of our character rolls should it be that disastrous
as a DM i would make it part of the PC's backstory, take a sickly or cursed back story and if/when you overcome it you get a boon, if the player still refuses then reroll WITH the agreement from the party. DM has got to be fair but flexible but in the end their job is to make things fun.
I personally do "roll 4 d6, reroll 1s and 2s, drop the lowest" so that no matter what, the lowest stat will be a nine to PREVENT this issue. What's wrong with that DM!?
I as a DM and my own DM uses 'roll 4 d6, drop the lowest', I recently rolled a secondary character with their stats being 5,6,9,9,10,11, I had to keep it, sure, it's annoying, but it's fair, that same DM would let me keep my stats if I got 18s across the board, as he should, whatever you roll, you get
Final boss (a warlock-god I believe)- *Makes a speech about wanting to create an infinite war* Me (Druid)- Mayyybe instead of that let's make some war in my bed? DM- .....Roll Me- Nat1 Boss- OH HELL NO *Anihilates my character instantly*
@@alexkuhn5188Since it's homebrew, it's entirely possibly that it is not the case. Also, not every character has access to Radiant damage (the closest damage type to light in DnD 5e), so the problem player may not have had access to it after the angel form got consumed.
I once watched a DM let a very insistent player "commune with the presence on the other side of the thinning spot in the Veil" (after about ten consecutive demands that he be allowed to do so). After the DM described gibbering madness beginning to descend on the character, the player said, "Okay, I'm good, I'll stop now." The DM, straight-faced, said: "Roll to see if IT will let you." Player: "Oh." The session ended with the rest of the party having to destroy the quivering mass of flesh that the character once was, before it became a portal to hell. (The player was a sport about it, though, and when he showed improvement after rerolling, we did a side series to help him recover the lost character.)
New DM at the time running a home brew pathfindercampaign. That guy was playing your typical dwarf fighter and constantly arguing for minutes at a time that his stone sense acted as tremor sense. As a new DM I made the mistake of not looking up stone sense and let it go the first session. After that session my friend pm me with a snip of what it is. Ok cool, next section I explain I made a mistake and stone sense will not work that way. Start the arguing... for 6 2 hour long sessions. Finally I gave him a boss fight reward that gave him tremor sense. But it had a curse on it that nearly removed all physical sense he had. (I let the rest of the party know just so they wouldn't think im picking on a single player and they were cool with it). That guy attuned to item but nobody passed the DC to detect the curse. (Rest of the party is ping me that they are trying not to piss themselves laughing and thats why they are all muted). 2 sessions latter and that guy finally catches on that he is constantly surprised by enemies despite doing tremor sense rolls. He asks why I'm being a bad DM. "I'm not, your just not able to feel them". Another 2 sessions and that guy goes down to a surpris attack from a boss arachnid (not dead but making death saves). Cleric stabilized him but left him unconscious and the rest of the party kills the boss then bring him back to. "As you wake up you realize the arachnid has broken the medallion that gave you tremor sense but also that you can feel every detail in everything you are touching again". That guy goes silent for a good 15 seconds. (Other players muted again). He finally says "wait... I can feel everything again?" Me "Yes, like you have the sense of touch back" that guy "your a dick" me "then don't try to bullshit a new DM just cuz you think they don't know anything. (I had done my research on every part of each players character sheets to know what I needed to at this point). That guy didn't show up for 2 session then I get a pm from him. "Hey, I was a dick and I'm sorry. Can I come back?" Me "you were never kicked out. Next session is in 2 hours." That guy appologises to the whole group and surprised me by actually being respectful. 2 bosses latter u guve him a true medallion of tremor sense (not cursed) and he used it to save the party from a roaving hard of barbarian orcs hunting them on 4 separate occasions. (I put them in there to keep the party on their toes cuz they had started to get lazy and the rouge saw them and realized the hord incounter would be a TPK) TLDR: that guy tried to lie to a new DM and gets cursed medallion, gets shown he is being that guy and straightens up and ends up being the hero.
My older sister used to play with a guy whose go-to for shutting down players with weird quirks involving certain objects was to have a mimic attack them. One guy liked to talk to every statue they encountered. One statue turned out to be a mimic, and attacked him. Another player would jump on every bed they found. Eventually one of them turned out to be a mimic and ate them.
I disagree. I don't know the full situation, but usually if players opt to roll, they're assuming risk for the chance at getting amazing stats. Letting someone do over you might as well just have them use another method. It's like buying a lottery ticket and then demanding a free replacement if it doesn't win.
@@MannyBrum basic DND guideline is that the average for an adventurer should be +1. It can suck having no stat naturally above +2, but that would still be manageable. Not having any stat in the positive is ridiculous.
@@thomaslacroix6011 my most recent character's highest stat at initial roll was two +0s, I chose to roll, I keep that roll, simple as that, there's plenty of ASI's, feats, and magic items that can increase ability scores, and if the other players truly think that player deserves better stats, then they should have no problem sacrificing those magic items so they can have better stats
@@MannyBrum Except it's not like a lottery ticket that requires real money since it's a game, and it's literally free to give a free replacement to ensure the player has a good amount of fun.
@@YaboiAware you can choose to have your stats as low as you want. That's your prerogative. I don't remember which edition of DND, but it was explicitly stated that if your average is under +1 after rolling you should be allowed to reroll
3.5 had the “hopeless character” rule. If either your highest stat is a 13, or your total bonuses/penalties come to 0 or worse (both *before* adding race modifiers), you can choose to scrap the rolls and start again. That DM was just trying to screw the player.
During a warhammer fantasy roleplay session I happened to be "that player" who was too set on playing a Dwarf according to the Lore even when it didn't make it fun or fit with the group... so the GM summoned a bunch of Dwarf NPCs who changed my character's mind... It was cool because everyone saw it as character development and I learned a lot from this myself!
I was playing a human Constitution Barb raised by Dwarves (abandoned as an infant), and we were going through a bit of my character arc in our game, which involved proving myself having the heart of a true dwarf by running an ancient gauntlet and not dying. One of the traps was a room with a single button on the far wall, a slowly descending ceiling, and nothing else. No perceptible escape or hidden door. Since this was a test, I was thinking outside the box, and decided "fuck it, I'm gonna Samson the ceiling." DM was thrilled at the idea, and kept giving me rolls every three seconds to push back against the ceiling. The rest of the party was fuckin hollering in the background (which was in this case literally the hallway approaching that room which was a sort of safe zone for them). When I was forced to my knees by the ceiling, I asked DM if I could Rage, and he allowed it, and since he really wanted to see me try, he allowed my nanosecond of superstrength to bring me back to my feet. It was a brutal slog, I held that ceiling up over the course of like 30 rolls, but when my Rage faded I was forced to my back, trying to bench press the ceiling. Five rolls later and it was compressing my chest. DM then called a halt, and said right before the ceiling crushed my now-turned head, there was a very loud _CLICK,_ and the ceiling stopped lowering. After a second, some unseen gears were heard tumbling behind the walls, and it slowly lifted back up. A previously unseen description was now above the button on the far side of the room - "The Heart of a Dwarf". I was told specifically to push the button. I was "That Guy", but we all had our little arcs to go through, just something to give a little living history to our characters, and our DM was a total bro about it. We still play.
The story of the Rogue stealing the cursed dagger makes me wonder about times in which "curses" actually were at times blessings like turning the enemy's armor to copper?
In reference to the first story, if you are gonna ever make a character with an alter like a creature inside you, make it work for the character level, my current character has an arch devil sealed inside him, but the arch devils powers are limited to my characters level, the devil acts as my warlock patron, and the powers i gain are given to me as i level up and “can handle the power and not die” , thats how you make a character with a monstrous side.
I was put in mind of a one shot I participated in at a local convention. DM started us all at first level, and within 30-45 minutes, total TPK. "Hunh, my lvl 13 party with plenty of gear made it through with no issue......"
I have a bit of a quirk: at least once per campaign, I do mention my character using the loo. A DM knew of that quirk and laid a trap in the form of a hole in the ground used for... waste. Yeah, I fell into it
I just got back into your channel after like a random one year hiatus of not seeing your constant randomly. I don’t know why I just never saw it on my algorithm for literally an entire year. And then after I started watching your playlist of DM shutting down that player, this one just came out today which I think is hilarious timing. Gonna make an effort to keep up with the content now
I just had the same experience with Seth Skorkowsky, found him again after years (couldn't remember his name but loved his videos and wanted to share them). Once I found him, I had to subscribe to make sure I wouldn't lose him again. It's weird how the algorithm will conspire to remove someone from sight, only to suddenly decide they're cool again. :D
@@danielhale1 another reason we should remove 230 immunities from these platforms who operate as publishers with platform protections. UA-cam/Google has been really shitty and needs to get their monopoly on entertainment busted up
A channel I watch has had that problem recently too. Instead of recommending the videos which actively give the channel money, UA-cam only recommends their shorts.
I think it is 10, which was a house rule I was introduced to 30 years ago under 2nd Edition. It seems to be pretty common, nothing for heroes below a 10 or a 9, depending on the house.
"The GM is here SPECIFICALLY to make the game fun for the players." No sir. He SHOULD make the game fun for the players, but he has a right to have fun too. He's not a slave to the players' whims. That GM was a bastard, but this idea that the only purpose a GM has is to please the players is a problem.
The GM is a player too, and 100% deserves to have fun. No GM, no game. And you can tell when somebody who has never run a game before is telling GMs how to do their job. Shame.
The GM is here to make the game fun for the players, but the players are also here to make the game fun for the GM. If someone is being an a-hole, they're doing it wrong. A GM making the game unfairly difficult for the players is bad. A player trying to force the GM to make them overpowered and allow them to do outrageous things is also bad. There must be a balance because the players and GM are working together to create the story, not against each other.
I understand the DMs want to let the players play what they want and have fun but that first DM probably should’ve shut that shit down when he heard I play 3 characters
Hey, never expected one of my stories to make it into a video! In the first space, no less! Honestly, I have no fucking clue why the DM allowed him to have all that stuff. I’ve since left that group and cut ties with the DM because of a massive argument we had, which ironically I left in another video. Keep up the great work!
@@Zephyroxas So sorry for the long wait! Yeah, he did pull shit like that often, and the DM was just as bad. I left my comment here.
I was the DM. That Guy was: -probably fudging his rolls (we were online, and there were waaaay too many NAT20s rolled) -cheating on his character sheet (everything but strength was +3 or higher with 2 20s due to his "balanced" race -acting like the main character (he was a good RPer, I admit) -Complaining that I "changed the DnD lore" in my HOMEBREW WORLD -Didn't arrive on time for half the sessions -attacked the character of a first-time player and almost killing him in one hit (he was a rogue) To top it all off, he tried scamming a shopkeeper of a magic shop. Said shop was able to sell Very Rare magic items, and the shopkeeper was an archmage. I thought it would just be a fun NPC. Then, after trying to bargain for a higher deal on a stubborn dwarf archmage and being told to roll with disadvantage, then tying and failing bc house rules, he ragequit. Good riddance. We've since wiped his existence from reality.
Hi Brian! Congrats on the 200K sub milestone. That "merge-the-bickering-PCs" story was a stroke of genius on the DM's part. I can't which Mr.Ripper story was my first, but if I had to guess then I would say it was one of the "I can't believe that actually worked" vids.
I needs to know more about the merged character story. What stats did it have? I’m in a group where there’s 2 siblings that do the same thing of arguing and might incorporate the merged character if they don’t get their crap together👀
Depending on how mean you wanna be they could either take the highest or lowest of each stat between the two. But if one is a caster that could easily screw them over if you go low.
That guy who played his dwarf thinking he was "that guy". From my perspective, he was "this guy". He played his dwarf extremely well, not knowing that dwarves and elves didn't get along well.
Really old one I wish I could find again, there was a vid with a story where, if I remember right, the party was looking for a black dragon, and a dwarf wound up face to face with it and shouted "...Found it!"
I've known someone to take the "my dead character's twin brother shows up to avenge him" nonsense to a whole new level before. He randomly decided when his character died, that his character has 7 souls inside him that would possess his own dead body and continue to exist in the dead character's body, this really meant his death was basically a change of hairstyle, as every time he died (which was super often cause he was really dumb, I mean two fell to their death jumping off high places trying to do some kind of stunt) but they all had the *exact same personality* "I hate the party for no reason and I'm super emo, my soul is black and you will never understand me".
it would be creative if every time he died his personality and way of handling things changed drastically (Not that it justified his metagaming,this should have been decided before the campaign started ) otherwise this is just plain stupid
"That Guy" was a grade 10 in my high school DnD club. He had a character who's name was an anagram for "fuck machine", and his character's only goal was to live up to that name. Think it might have been minmaxed, but the campaign was a combat focused dungeon crawl anyway. Midway through a dungeon where any attempt to rest would likely meet an ambush, he finds a humanoid encased in ice, he asks, and I quote, "is it fuckable?" His character tries to live up to his name despite my suggestions not to. He would then find out, the ice was homebrew armor, that had an AoE effect to attempt to freeze anyone nearby, and that the foe had a wand that would also freeze anyone it hits that couldn't pass a high DC consave. (freeze meant incapacitated, and had to be thawed somehow to move again.) Unfortunately, this being my first attempt to DM anything, I myself made PLENTY of mistakes, so the whole campaign was a trainwreck, but I at least tried. I will not be meddling with much homebrew again until I feel more confident running proper 5e or oneDnD.
My favorite was by far the hag and her copper knife. I kinda want to absorb that one into my games, not even as a "gotcha" moment, as all my players are great, just an interesting side quest or so.
So this isn’t as much of a DM taking care of “that player” story, as much as it is the players taking care of “that player” for the DM story. This starts back a few years ago when I was home brewing my own campaign. The player was interested before I ever did session 0 and had his character done by the time session 2 is rolling around. He decided to play a rogue Dragonborn, and I was quite open to that idea and really wanted to explore his character and help him get involved in DND as it was his first time ever playing. And as the sessions kept going we got up to a max amount of players. This was happening in a place where a lot of people wanted to watch my campaign and wait for a chance to slip in and put in their own character and play the campaign. It got to the point where we were playing at least twice a week. As the sessions went on it became extremely more difficult to try and keep this player from trying to cause situations in the sessions. It even got to the point where he asked me if he could just slap any of the other players characters in the game and a random gold coin would drop from the sky for his player character, I obviously refused this request like many of his requests. Throughout many of the times where I was waiting for my rides I would be talking to other players and expressing things about the lore trying to help them out so that they can get a better idea of how they wanted to format their characters back stories, multiple of these players had came up to me complaining about this specific player. Until one day they decided to take matters into their own hands. All the players were at a pub in the wildlands in my campaign, and they had realized that something fishy was going on. So all the players band together and knew that it would be a good idea to follow some mysterious character to where they were trying to go to. They follow the mysterious character, take down a giant hill giant, and waltz into the cave that the suspicious character went into. Between them and the next room was a giant spike pit with a very narrow and weak stone bridge, every player had to roll for an acrobatic check to be able to get past this point. At the other end was a chest with lots of loot. I had made it clear that when anyone person kills an enemy everyone gains the XP, and whenever there is loot found it is spread across all players so then everyone has a fair chance to get what their character needs. This specific player succeeded his acrobatics check and got to the other side he then proceeded to open the chess. He obviously found a lot of good loot and I look to all the players and ask them how they want to spread it out between one another. He then looks at me “that player” and says “no, I think I’m going to keep it all”. The rest of the players look at me and look at him, they all saw that I had no understanding of how to respond to this as this was my first time being a genuine DM. This is when they took matters into their own hands. A good three players all went about succeeding their acrobatics checks going to the other side grappling his character all together and tossing him into the spike pit, he then proceeded to do an acrobatics check to try and get back over the edge. Those three players then proceeded to stomp on his characters hands and made him fall to his death, then proceeded to make a noose tie over his characters neck and drag back over to their side so then they could collect all the loot off of his body. That has to be one of the most rewarding situations I have ever been in as a DM, i’ve never seen any players have that much commitment towards their DM and the rest of their team. End story…
Kind of awkward cause That Guy was me,but long story short the DM just gave me a serious vibe check with the first boss one shotting a party member with hilarious ease. Rolled like 20 damage over her max HP. Basically forced me to swallow my pride and team up with everyone and the group's frankly been better for it.
@@isaiahhallett9871 Sit em down, talk to em, say they're being annoying. If they don't listen talk to the DM. In my case I just fundamentally misunderstood the setting, but sometimes what the guy really needs is a fight in game that'll push him so far to his limit that he has no choice but to get help.
That story from the Dwarf sounded like some bullshit on the part of the DM. Guy was apparently getting insulted by an elf and the DM's response to him not simply taking it is to have a 7 year old assassin kick a player characters ass to a degree that would take a clearly very high level pc equivalent. That sounds like the DM was "That Guy" and not the player.
Tbf, a gm of mine pulled the same thing on me I was playing a hot headed 'be the strongest' character, but not in a that guyish way, gave him a kind sweet side under that tough guy carapace and all. But ye, he managed to pick a fight with one rather normal seeming guard who was also a part of the resistance that the players joined and the guard whooped him so hard it was like he was an extremely higher level guy bc gm wanted to teach me a lesson I guess(my character still played it off like 'woah, you are strong as hell, lets do it again sometime). Well, skip to the next session, an evil lord attacking the city we supposed to protect...forcing us to stay even though we had plans to depart...the problem is, the lord is supposed to be defeated by us Come another player "Wait, isnt that random guard like magnitudes more powerful than the evil lord guy? This city will be fine. Lets just leave." And so we kinda did. And thats how a gms decision to punish my character derailed the entire campaign and made one of his bosses look like a cannon fodder.
I had a couple friends yesterday who wanted to play, so I tried to make a one shot in about 5 minutes....wasn't the greatest, but my first real time dming. It was like a candy land oneshot. I had a kid who had never played, he kept trying to derail the quest. So after about 5 minutes of him talking over everyone and trying to derail. I said alright, you can eat the candy around, but it's stuck in your mouth and you can't talk. Everyone was happy that they could finnaly talk to the npc and start the quest.
…I have no words. I have been trying to find your channel again for weeks, and gave up this morning. But then, a crit crab video i was watching ended, and this was the auto play’s next video. Praise the gods of either youtube, dungeons and dragons, or both!
I used to run a one on one campaign with my dad, but I always attacked anything I found slightly threatening, so he pinned me agains a orb that deflected damage back at me, and that felt multiplying damage each turn (1 dmg, next turn, 2dmg ect) the way I beat it was by leaving it alone. a very good lesson
My go to has been to give them 3 strikes, once out of game, if they continue they get a warning in game (typically in the form of a magical shadow crocodile disarming (literally) them resulting in a quest for them to reclaim the arm). If all that fails and they go back to their antics I pause the game and remove them
I used to have a player in Hackmaster who would dump everything into seduction and try to use it constantly on any female NPC he came across, one cursed ring of gender bending later and he was too embarrassed to go on, particularly when it was mandatory to roleplay the encounter.
My favorite is the homebrew campaign my friend made. "That Guy" was a player that didn't take roleplay as seriously as the rest. His character was a lizardman scientologist who spent all of the first session garnering attention for himself and making jokes about pushing his religious objective, and ignoring every single plot hook on top of just being plain obnoxious. I think I had my rogue punch him at some point. Though unamusing, we ended up taking him out of the campaign by talking to him irl. However, the in-character reason his character wasn't with us anymore? Got smited by god in front of our Cleric. He had trauma about watching that lizard man die.
Man my first dm (3.5) .....phew he was a doozy surprised the campaign lasted as long as it did. In short he tried to forcebly control what our characters *should* do based on alignment or *should* look like (i was a duskblade pretending to be a non magical fighter) he kept saying everyone knew i was a mage because "Looked like a mage" he tried to forcebly convert my friends CE character to LE by an amulet that made him screw with the party cause my friend wasnt screwing with the party because he had no need too. (Which the DM disagreed with) there's so much more thst went wrong but it was just bad all around.
Ate a players npc sister! Buddy was all like "I have to do evil things to save my dying sister..." We were all groaning, because he killed important npc's, justified mugging, tried to take over our town as the mayor. The list of bs was much larger, but hey, let's get to the good part. After a dungeon delve we came back to town to find out a large group of ghouls swarmed the infirmary and only ate one person, buddies sister!
This is from around 20 years ago, so I'm more than a little hazy on the details. The DM wanted to try some type of superhero game. I don't remember what one it was, or really much about it... Just trying to create a character. Each stat was a d100 with (something like) 1-20 being average person, 21-40 being like minor superhero, up to 80-100 being like Thor or Superman level of power. The rules said you had to have at least one stat above 20 for the character to be playable, otherwise reroll. I spent over 30 minutes rolling and couldn't get above a 20. I switched dice several times, even the dm grabbed some dice and rolled for me a few times, still everything was below 20. Eventually I get something like a 22 for a single stat (with all the rest being 12 or lower). The DM was sick of waiting so insisted I play that character... in a group where everyone else had 40+ for all their stats (I think some were near 80). I got 1 power (invisible forcefields), but since how strong they were was based off my abysmal stats, they were basically worthless.
Yeah dude!!! The way you ruined his fun by fucking him up the way every player ever would hate was totally cool and epic!!! He sure understood what he did wrong and will remember his time at your table as he being in the wrong when you tossed Satan at him and just gave it infinite everything because you didn't like the build you allowed him to have
As I was preparing to DM my first campaign for my d&d group, my family said they would be up for a little one-shot so I could practice. My dad played before when he was younger, my mam and brother had no idea but were up for trying. My mam's druid and brother's rogue were great and really put effort in, my dad's fighter on the other hand... I was doing a pre-written one-shot for 3-4th level characters. Simple story, clues to follow, varied combat, satisfying ending. My dad's fighter left his weapons in a tavern (I double checked with him twice that this was what he wanted to do) so when combat broke out, he spent every turn investigating a weapons stall to find a weapon he actually wanted to use then kept running away from the bad guys (not the role of a fighter, especially when your only other allies are a druid and rogue) putting the others in serious danger. He then wandered off to do his own thing and literally sat in the town square to see if an NPC showed up there whilst my mam and bro were fighting giant spiders in a tunnel because they actually followed the easy clues. I had to magically teleport him to the boss battle because the others would have been destroyed just the two of them. He again avoided melee fighting at all costs. I was incredibly annoyed and frustrated and I could tell how annoyed the others were getting too. I felt really deflated afterwards. Thankfully my actual players are much better. No idea why he pulled that crap though.
I say players were in the right with that dm being unreasonable about stats. One of my recent dm’s were were rolling stats for had a rule that if we rolled two sets of stats we could choose either but if we rolled a third set we had to keep it. I decided to take a chance (given I was going to play a monk) and rolled. My god, other than the 18, all the rest were negative. My monk would be unplayable and a detriment to the party as pretty much all of them rolled decently if not really well. So I asked dm to make an exception. They took a look at all my stats, made some adjustments between the two original sets and told me these were my stats but this was the only exception they would make. I thanked them. They did this only because they know how to balance encounters and knew better than to throw a obviously too weak class that relies on way too many stats to be high to work and helped me but my stats in line with he rest of the group. I wasn’t overpowered but I was relieved as to it being workable again. Anyway, that’s what a good dm does. I don’t think I would have minded running low stats but not with the monk class and not when the rest of the party isn’t running low stat builds either. And it also depends on the story the group is playing. Very important to be the same level of workable as the rest of the group.
when “that” player’s character died, the DM ripped his character sheet in half in front of everyone. guess who showed up to the next session with a laminated character sheet?
I play with friends over discord. Usually, we can all roll our own physical dice because I trust my friends but I almost had to stop that because we strongly suspected one of our players of cheating. We all agreed that rolling nat17 at the lowest was definitely not realistic and planned to unfortunately switch to a dice bit that shows the rolls for the PCs (I’m the dm, so my rolls would still get to stay secret and physical). Thankfully, he seems to have dropped the campaign before we actually put that into action… the last several sessions have been a case of no call no show
I'm that guy... We are doing a homebrew demon slayer inspired campaign... And I basically made Dean Winchester with a double barrel shotgun. I have +10 added to dex and my weapon does poison damage. I pretty much can't miss. And my damage is 10d6 and I can fire both shots in one turn. So far nothing has been done to nerf me... But the way the dm looks at me during any combat has me scared
That last story irritates me, too. When I DM, I allow my players to reroll any stat under 10 if they want. Usually because I end up going a bit nutty with numbers, and would rather my players, you know, live through the first five encounters(which usually ends tallying up to about 30-50 opponents in total...). That being said... dude, if you roll all below 10, I'll personally burn that for you. And try to cleanse your die, because they be curst
My dm cursed the ever living heck out of our problem player who was a glory hog, kill sniping, murderhobo, loot troll. The idiot decided to steal from a misfortune God's trove of magic items. He stupidly attuned something like 11 items with curses ranging from sneezing fit at the start of every round to on a failed roll caused him to fall to 0 hp who needed to role death saves on disadvantage. He was humbled by this and made a new PC, and an attitude change.
That first story shadow thing kinda reminds me of Aku lol. Also, cam kinda throw the whole plot out the window and have the party find a way to destroy the shadow demon thing before it starts laying waste to stuff given that there's pretty much nothing anyone can do about it given its immunities
That first story, I think that kind of character could work but only if they roll a D20 and whatever number it lands on within a certain range, is attributed to whatever character they transform into. Kinda like the wild magic table except they have no control on who they turn into. Obviously not to the point where any of their alter egos are god modding, but I think it could be done in a neat way.
Another potential solution to that last scenario is to make an effectively suicidal character - say put the lowest roll into Constitution, play as a Wizard, and pick a fight with the first reasonably well-armed person they see.
One campaign we had found a baby displacer beast (saved it from some dogs, convinced its mother to let it stay with us, named it, etc) and That Guy kept trying to name it himself, say it was his, etc. Our very kind DM shut him down quick when he not only made the beast prefer MY name suggestion (obsidian) and everyone else legitimately liked it so we kept it, he made the displacer beast prefer MY lizardfolk. It’s even in character since my lizardfolk grew up on a farm and was good with animals.
I played a game with “That DM”. I was playing a Bugbear Barbarian (stereotypical low intelligence high strength brute kinda guy) and he found and item that the dm made called The Bag of 100, which if opened made the DM roll a d100 and whatever happened happened. The problem was that his roll managed to sick a FLAMING SKULL on a LEVEL 2 PARTY OF 5. Long story short he nuked everyone with fireballs, and forced us to make new characters on the spot which he also nuked. You’d best believe that guy was banned from DM’ing at the club ever again
It’s a long one but here we go: Currently playing in a dnd group with brother and his roommates. 3.5E and the roommate was the DM. I played a Dragonborn barbarian and that player, was the roommate’s childhood friend, played a LG human paladin. The Paladin constantly looked and talked down to any and everyone and thing. One time which was most recent session his bs nearly got us all killed. I managed to survive and kill a 8 headed hydra while the paladin was throwing death saves since 2nd initiative. After he was revived, he went up to the pet hydra’s master and did his normal bs. The owner snapped his fingers and the hydra was brought back to life. This brought a heated debate in and out of game. The DM had enough with his bf and had his god take away his paladin powers and said he could never obtain them again unless he apologized to everyone and thing he acted superior too. Karma/Justice well served.
I had a that DM story, we used to be really close friends and I was already looking for a way to break it up and we got to the session and she was a control freak. It ended before we’d finished making our characters.
When I joined My high schools DnD club my teacher who ran it, when making characters, if we ever got a stat roll 10 or lower we had all the right to re roll until we got a more desirable number. When I became captain in my last year (graduated last year) that would be the first I told new players when helping them “if you ever get number 10 or less Feel free to roll it as many times until you get a better number you want. You don’t have to, but you can”
A perfect way to counter a "that guy" by making a type of creature or affliction that, if they are killed without warning (ie, a sneak attack or being cut off in dialogue) they would become unstable, they're best stats being boosted, and them becoming a mess of what they were, attacking everything in sight, but they live for a short amount of time, like a few turns, so they won't be a problem if they're far away or immediately killed, but can easily kill someone if they get a grab, as they will basically try to fuse with the target to extend they time, though having high magic or mental resistance, (depending on what the unstable was before) would save players, except they try to focus on the target that triggered the transformation.
I actually kind of agree with the DM in the last story. This coming from when I made a character who had all negative stats but 1, and we started at level 5. The DM of my game was reasonable enough and asked if I wanted to reroll but I embraced the cards I was given. My character was insanely weak throughout the campaign but it made the character memorable and whenever things worked out for me everyone always cheered and there was always comedic comments of how the illiterate half elf who could barely do 1 push-up and couldn't keep a poker-face to save her life managed to get anything done. Honestly one of my most beloved characters.
Cast: Players 1-4 (P1, P2, P3, P4) That Player (TP) DM (me) (This is paraphrasing of what actually happened) I had a player that tried a few times to correct me, the DM, and say, that what was happening in the session was not allowed. The example I remember best goes as follows. P1, a tabaxi rogue, wanted to attack P2, a human fighter or something like that. P1 was sitting in the rafters above the party, but specifically P2. So what I had P1 do was roll for stealth and attack, to which P1 was able to get past the DC. TP: "Uh, what was that, that's not in the core rules." Me: "I'm the DM, this is my first time DM'ing, and I'm trying to have fun with you guys, so please be helpful with rules." *MURMUR OF AGREEMENT FROM P1-4* Later in the *SAME F@#&ING SESSION,* I allow a bit of a roof top chase to happen, and again we get... TP: "Uh, why is he doing that? That shouldn't be allowed." Me: *ANNOYED* "Like I said before, I'm the DM, this is my campaign, and I'm also trying to have fun with you guys. So I ask again, please help with the rulings I give." And then not even *20 F@#&ING MINUTES LATER,* another thing happens, I can't remember what, and he says something, again referencing the core rules, and I say: Me: *CLEARLY NOT HAVING HIS SHIH TZU ANYMORE, BUT STILL BEING CIVIL* "Let's stop arguing," I then look directly at TP as I say, "Or we end the session here." He stfu'ed after that, and the rest of us had fun, including me for the rest of the session. Later, I made the decision to cancel that campaign less than a week later, but I put in the Discord that it was gonna be suspended until further notice so that TP wouldn't be suspicious. I invited Players 1-4 to join the other campaign of the same setting (Strahd) I was running. And yes, I know Strahd is hard enough for any DM with xp, but I wanted to run at least one campaign so I could let my friend, who is kind of a forever DM, finally play for once, as he was the DM for the campaign that had my first character ever.
There was one time I was in a session and a bee queen miniboss appeared, my character had a scifi tech piece as apart of his arm and incerated the boss mid speech with a NAT 20. I wasn't allowed to use the fire setting again for the rest of the game.
I just recently started DMing and I gave my players the option to roll stats. I was VERY reasonable and told them to roll their stats twice, pick whichever one you like and drop your lowest stat roll on the selected stats for your highest stat roll on the other rolls you didn't select. One guys lowest stat is 12 and the rest are 14-17, nutty. Somehow one of my players rolled the highest stat of 12 with quite a few single digit numbers and was like well, this sucks. I just instinctively said, hey you can do point buy or standard array instead if you'd like. We were on Discord and making characters on Roll20 and his voice had such a rebounding happy tone and seemed thankful for the last second decision. I get some people want to play completely by the rules, but at the end of day we all just want to have fun.
The copper equipment could be very useful. A pact of blade, hexblade warlock with a bit of homebrew to pact summon a sling, you could be a magic stone slinger, with the ability to cripple metal.
2:40 What? No! Bad DM! Yeah, that guy sucked, but the DM, instead of talking to him (unless he did and I just missed it), decided to 'punish' him with an unwinnable encounter, what was that supposed to accomplish? If he was really that unbearable, talk to him or kick him out if that fails!
My group started a new game and That Player had high level gear. He said he inherited from a previous character. The GM said the character looses his balance and falls to his death. The player tried to embellish it to make it look like a cool death etc and the GM said. "No. You slip, you fall, you die." And refused to fuel the guys ego.
I think it is a far better choice to just pull the classic "Someone drugs your drink in the tavern and you wake up the next day in an alley with all your stuff, your clothes, and your dignity missing."
@@KertaDrakeounds so perfect that you could use it for every player character when they come in with high tier stuff and excuses for them.
@@n0vabubble867 You just have to use it sparingly. Too many DMs use that approach to absolutely cripple characters pointlessly, like making a wizard's spell book disappear.
It be funnier if gm proceeds to slap that player every word
You could also just not let them do that?
I knew That Player was fudging her rolls, because, seriously, NO ONE ever rolls that many Nat 20s and NEVER rolls low....
A lesson needed to be taught.
So for the last year of our campaign, one of the sub-plots was That Player trying to find a high level enough sorcerer to remove her two brothers from her daggers, where a spell gone wrong had accidentally imprisoned them. I printed out a chart in advance, where a Nat 1 would have her brothers just vanish forever, but a 2 would have them return at their normal age, with each successive higher number DELETING a year, so if she rolled another miraculous "nat 20" her brothers would return at 2 years old. Toddlers. She rolled a 19. The table erupted when they started complaining about having to go through puberty AGAIN, because their minds were 20, but their bodies were very smol. The resulting improv was delicious, as her face fell, realizing that she now has to explain THIS to her mother, the Tiefling Crime Boss.
It was my finest moment as a DM.
That is some beautiful karmic justice
What happens to her next?
@@pogggaming4470 - I got to role play as a VERY ticked off 15th level Tiefling Rogue Soulknife crime boss MAMA and dress her down quite thoroughly, threaten to break her legs and keep her locked in a room for the next twenty years, and then made her fight her childhood bestie for the right to leave with her legs intact. This, while the rest of the party got to drink, gamble, and visit the brothel….the paladin was the only one, besides her, to not have a glorious good time.
@@naomihatfield3015 Can I join the party? This sounds way too much fun 🤣.
I liked that Copper Curse story, interesting way to deter the guy from stealing anything not held down, but even cooler was that the guy actually used the Copper Touch to help in combat at least once, so it had a definite downside but the fact it could still be used to help the team in some instances is actually incredibly cool.
I appreciate that the guy didn't just whine or complain about it, and even worked with the curse to an extent to use it in combat. I'm sure his kleptomania was infuriating but at least hew as there to play and enjoy the game with everyone and not be the guy who wants everything to go well for him no matter what.
I say buy the cheapest metal you can find and turn it to copper for a profit.
What the hell is that last story?! The rules for rolling stats in the Player's Handbook say that you get a reroll if your combined stat modifier is less than +1, or if your highest stat is a 13 or less.
The one time the rules lawyer is wanted in that scenario
That varies depending on what edition of D&D you're using, and gets even more variable if you're using a different system. That's before accounting for the 1st rule of D&D: DM can ignore any rule that gets in the way of the game they want to run.
I've got some 1e AD&D second-hand horror snippets where the DM insisted on 3d6, six times, place in the order you roll them, no re-rolls. The player who told me about it said his character only survived as long as he did by buying attack dogs to do the actual fighting, fleeing after the dogs died, and coming back later to loot the corpses of his dead companions... which he would then sell to buy more dogs and maybe upgrade his gear a bit. That character managed to survive long enough to actually level up. Never heard the whole story of all that, and no idea what happened to the DM, but I'm pretty sure that campaign would sound like the first part of the WH40k All Guardsmen Party (with less "FOR THE EMPEROR!" and more "Run away! Run away!").
There was a funny bit where they had actually managed to capture a gargoyle (none of them had a magical weapon, so they couldn't actually harm/kill it) and had it all wrapped up in chains with a mace holding it's jaws open so it couldn't bite. They dragged it back to town and propped it up against the end of the bar while they went looking for a wizard or someone who would buy it, perhaps for spell components or something.
For rolling (3.5), we had a rule in which we roll four dice, reroll all ones, and add the three highest for the number and assign it to whatever stat we wanted. We could roll as many stat blocks as we wanted for character creation, but we couldn't mix and match numbers from different blocks. I always rolled like 20 stat blocks and chose one with at least one 18.
Depends on edition/system, and how the DM wants to run character creation. Some people are EXTREMELY rigid in going “by the dice” and if it sucks, then it sucks.
It’s not how I like to run things, but to some folks making exceptions like that ruins the “purity” of the game or something. They enjoy the comfort and consistency from that dogmatic adherence to pure chance and the will of the dice. It’s generally a minority opinion in the TTRPG community (especially to the extent in the story) but it works for some people.
I’d actually say that for that story, nobody was in the wrong, they were just coming in with EXTREMELY incompatible expectations and preferences.
Which is something that SHOULD come out in a session zero. Hopefully, eventually the DM found a group of players who prefer that kind of excessively rigid consistency, and the players found groups with DMs that are more flexible and forgiving.
While I'm against everything having to be balanced, life isn't after all, a player ought to be happy with their character, else why would they play?
That first story was a dumpster fire from the start. Why even give them all that garbage?
First time dm that has never played or seen the game played? Only thing i Can think of
Frankly the way it was handled was also garbage. They could have just told him to reroll something more reasonable or leave.
Hey, that was actually my story! I have genuinely no fucking clue, man.
Did you ever ask the DM what they were thinking?
@@mdalsted we did, yeah, but he always dodged the question.
As a DM, the closest I ever came to having a “That Guy” in my campaign, shut himself down for me before we even started.
I was running a very heavily honebrewed 5e campaign. With guns, custom clases, homebrew setting, etc. the party at the time consisted of: a wendigo (basically) sniper that was a master of camouflage, a megalomaniac angel who wanted to kill god (angels were the antagonists of the story, and he went about it in a silly way that still fit with the lore and story) a fallen angel who was trying to keep the angels at bay, and an alcoholic doctor who left the military but still has his training.
Either way, I get a friend interested and he wants to join… the issue is, we are both gun nuts, and discuss the weaponry and such. It eventually gets to the point though where he starts asking for what class can have an anti-material rifle (imagine if a sniper was less focused on infantry, and more on killing engine blocks and armoured equipment)
Sure, that is the sniper class…
Then he started asking about heavy weaponry, and to shorten the story, he demanded that I let him, at level 1, have a 30MM AUTOCANNON (which are large guns meant to destroy armoured vehicles), and drive an armoured vehicle around. And he continued to push things, I got very hesitant, pointing out how all of this conflicted with the lore.
His response? “You’re the DM, it’s your job to make it fun for the players!”
Even after explaining that I cannot just give in to his ever demand, and that there should be some semblance of a story and cohesive lore, which all players followed, he said “then make the story and lore fit!”
It couldn’t.
In the end, he gave me an ultimatum, give in to his demands, or he will leave.
My game is not plagued by some random idiot with oversized weaponry from a century in advance that makes so sense in lore.
"Final offer: a wheelock blunderbuss or maybe a 3 pounder."
"NOOO I need my M1 Abrams!!!11!1!!"
I love how pieces of shit like that always think they have ANY sort of leverage.
"Well, I'm not playing with you, if you don't let me win!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Alright then, we aren't children anymore. Good riddance."
Not as a DM but as a player
The half elf warlock would always butt in and override my half elf bard/life cleric in any given social situation where I couldn't get a word in at any time.
To remedy this I put my hand on his mouth and cast inflict wounds,
Dropping him to 1 hp
I was the only healer and we had no potions and had just used our long rest.
I told him when his tongue learns to be polite it may be healed.
For the rest of that session we had a 1 hp warlock who's mouth was shredded and was unable to perform any vocal components to spells or speak.
After the next long rest he was much more polite
Oh thats beautiful.
...what was stopping him from stabbing himself and leaving?
@@chrisonewiththesalt no sick pay , no workers compensation , no unemployment benifits
Sounds like it’s time to unalive this cleric.
Just pure *Chefs Kiss* 😂
13:37 D&D 3.x rules as written "Rerolling If your scores are too low, you may scrap them and roll all six scores over. Your scores are considered too low If your total modifiers (before changes according to race) are 0 or less, or if your highest score is 13 or lower." That DM was By The Book wrong.
Rules Lawyer alert!
@@LugiatheOceanGuardian it would have actually been acceptable if there was a rules lawyer in that time though
@@LugiatheOceanGuardian No no no, this time it's fine. This rule is necessary.
@Playradise Keep rules lawyering to when it doesn't detract from other people's fun. nothing is more annoying then explaining to the table how our rogue made an impossible leap, barely grabbed the earth on the other side of the ravine, scraping at earth to find purchase, only for a player to say they can't jump that far. seriously, if you are ever that guy, calmly perish please.
If you cannot tell, i have had a very recent run in with a bad lawyer.
@@itshunni8346follow the rules then
Fun little detail: my character's starting roll was so busted that DM approached me and asked if I can tune the +4 (after race mod) str to +3 so that he doesn't need to throw in too much insanity to keep the combat reasonable, I said sure.
We proceed to nat 20 the living hell out of the first encounter.
My First char ever was a half elf wizard with no experience in dnd at all. And then I rolled my stats. 3d6 7 times lowest roll isn't used. My lowest roll was a 7 and was the one that didn't get used. My second lowest was a 16. A wizard who would have 20 in all their stats at level 12. Needless to say the char got banned from existing and I sort of never ended up playing that game. I thought it would be kinda fair that the person who had no dnd knowledge at all could have above average stats, especially considering that I didn't know anything about the spells of this game and had no plan in mind for the char, but my brother, the dm, decided that if my chars lowest was higher then his highest (he's been playing dnd for a year or so and had enough experience to understand things) that my char needed to be deleted from existence
@@FiereTheCatBoy Hah. maybe he should've used point buy(
Not a that guy story, but I played a character once who reminded me of one of these stories, the human/balor/angel. The difference was my fighter only THOUGHT he was a mix of Balor and Angel. He was not actually a mix. He was actually human. The DM and I discussed the character in detail before hand.
Between us it took the rest of the party over two months to realise that my Fighter was not right in the head, and much longer for them to work out exactly how unhinged he was. It was the hardest character I have ever played, and in many ways the most rewarding.
Very occasionally the DM sprang a little surprise on me, like on one occasion I had 'switched' to Angel to fight off a group of undead who had cut myself and our Sorcerer off from the rest of the party, sorcerer was out of spell slots, and the undead... hesitated (remember, he is NOT actually an angel, the DM threw me a bone there).
Eventually the party worked it out, then hatched a convoluted plan to (mostly) heal him, which in itself led to a full ten sessions of play.
It was great. It was a real balancing act to make sure I was never being disruptive, but I think I got it mostly right, and the DM was quick to subtly steer me right if I was going a little overboard, so it ended up going really well. Barnor Twin Souled remains to this day one of my favourite characters, and I use him on occasion in my own games. In fact with their permission I often use all the members of that particular party in my own games as NPC's, as they were all fantastic. One of the finest groups I have ever played with, run by a DM who was a mistress of the craft.
Not the GM, this was a collective effort by the other players. We were playing Warhammer Fantasy and our dwarf was rollplaying his attempt to gain the alcoholism ability. He would pick the absolute worst times to do this. Every time we turned around he was getting drunk. He ruined social interactions with important NPCs by being belligerent and missed out on combat because he was passed out. Eventually we got to a point where we had to sell the wagon and horses we were using, and surprise he was passed out in the back. The buyer pointed it out and our forger rogue offered to throw him into the deal for free. He wrote up the bill of sale to legalize the enslavement of the dwarf, and as one final insult my elf cut off his beard. The dwarf's player sat there stunned before getting up and leaving. The remainder of the campaign went on very well without him.
My life is better having known this story, thank you.
"His highest roll for a NINE"
Basic peasants in 5e have a 10 in each of their stats, basic peasants in 3.5e have an 8, if the highest roll this dude got was a 9 then DM was probably doing the "3d6 keep whatever you roll" type thing.
Why would a character who is probably weaker then a peasant go out and be an adventurer?
Started a new campaign last week and we used the 4d6 drop the lowest. The DM also gave us a mulligan and allowing us to reroll one of our character rolls should it be that disastrous
Also 3.5 rules specifically say you can reroll if your stats are that low.
as a DM i would make it part of the PC's backstory, take a sickly or cursed back story and if/when you overcome it you get a boon, if the player still refuses then reroll WITH the agreement from the party. DM has got to be fair but flexible but in the end their job is to make things fun.
I personally do "roll 4 d6, reroll 1s and 2s, drop the lowest" so that no matter what, the lowest stat will be a nine to PREVENT this issue. What's wrong with that DM!?
I as a DM and my own DM uses 'roll 4 d6, drop the lowest', I recently rolled a secondary character with their stats being 5,6,9,9,10,11, I had to keep it, sure, it's annoying, but it's fair, that same DM would let me keep my stats if I got 18s across the board, as he should, whatever you roll, you get
Final boss (a warlock-god I believe)- *Makes a speech about wanting to create an infinite war*
Me (Druid)- Mayyybe instead of that let's make some war in my bed?
DM- .....Roll
Me- Nat1
Boss- OH HELL NO *Anihilates my character instantly*
Boss is a cry baby
@@pogggaming4470couldn’t handle being hit on. What a wimp
Little did you know that you had stepped in dog poop on your way in.
@@crona3316weakness personified. That druidussy is divine how cant they see this?!
If my players nat 1 a seduction check, it's just insta death
"The Shadow Demon is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical"
"You just said you figured out the Shadow Demons weakness !"
Damm you mimir!
"Then just kill the demon with cringe 🙂"
I know NOTHING about DnD but considering it’s a SHADOW Demon wouldn’t it be weak to light?
@@alexkuhn5188Since it's homebrew, it's entirely possibly that it is not the case. Also, not every character has access to Radiant damage (the closest damage type to light in DnD 5e), so the problem player may not have had access to it after the angel form got consumed.
I once watched a DM let a very insistent player "commune with the presence on the other side of the thinning spot in the Veil" (after about ten consecutive demands that he be allowed to do so). After the DM described gibbering madness beginning to descend on the character, the player said, "Okay, I'm good, I'll stop now."
The DM, straight-faced, said: "Roll to see if IT will let you."
Player: "Oh."
The session ended with the rest of the party having to destroy the quivering mass of flesh that the character once was, before it became a portal to hell. (The player was a sport about it, though, and when he showed improvement after rerolling, we did a side series to help him recover the lost character.)
We had a “edgy rogue guy” and our wizard casted some orb of light spell on him every 5 minutes so he could never sneak
I just used lightning. Dude deadass got struck by lightning every time he tried to cheat
"Even the gods are tired if your bullshit" 😆
"And then along came Zeus!"
New DM at the time running a home brew pathfindercampaign. That guy was playing your typical dwarf fighter and constantly arguing for minutes at a time that his stone sense acted as tremor sense. As a new DM I made the mistake of not looking up stone sense and let it go the first session. After that session my friend pm me with a snip of what it is. Ok cool, next section I explain I made a mistake and stone sense will not work that way. Start the arguing... for 6 2 hour long sessions. Finally I gave him a boss fight reward that gave him tremor sense. But it had a curse on it that nearly removed all physical sense he had. (I let the rest of the party know just so they wouldn't think im picking on a single player and they were cool with it). That guy attuned to item but nobody passed the DC to detect the curse. (Rest of the party is ping me that they are trying not to piss themselves laughing and thats why they are all muted). 2 sessions latter and that guy finally catches on that he is constantly surprised by enemies despite doing tremor sense rolls. He asks why I'm being a bad DM. "I'm not, your just not able to feel them". Another 2 sessions and that guy goes down to a surpris attack from a boss arachnid (not dead but making death saves). Cleric stabilized him but left him unconscious and the rest of the party kills the boss then bring him back to. "As you wake up you realize the arachnid has broken the medallion that gave you tremor sense but also that you can feel every detail in everything you are touching again". That guy goes silent for a good 15 seconds. (Other players muted again). He finally says "wait... I can feel everything again?" Me "Yes, like you have the sense of touch back" that guy "your a dick" me "then don't try to bullshit a new DM just cuz you think they don't know anything. (I had done my research on every part of each players character sheets to know what I needed to at this point). That guy didn't show up for 2 session then I get a pm from him. "Hey, I was a dick and I'm sorry. Can I come back?" Me "you were never kicked out. Next session is in 2 hours." That guy appologises to the whole group and surprised me by actually being respectful. 2 bosses latter u guve him a true medallion of tremor sense (not cursed) and he used it to save the party from a roaving hard of barbarian orcs hunting them on 4 separate occasions. (I put them in there to keep the party on their toes cuz they had started to get lazy and the rouge saw them and realized the hord incounter would be a TPK) TLDR: that guy tried to lie to a new DM and gets cursed medallion, gets shown he is being that guy and straightens up and ends up being the hero.
Apologies, stone cunning not stone sense. It's been a while and never had a dwarf sense.
Pretty much how we want all of these stories to turn out. Also props to giving them a second chance, glad to see they used it well
My older sister used to play with a guy whose go-to for shutting down players with weird quirks involving certain objects was to have a mimic attack them. One guy liked to talk to every statue they encountered. One statue turned out to be a mimic, and attacked him. Another player would jump on every bed they found. Eventually one of them turned out to be a mimic and ate them.
That’s no fun. The weird quirks are fine, and removing them isn’t right. It isn’t an op item, so it should be fine.
That DM sounds like a pain to play with if you are even barely different.
If the other players all think you deserve a reroll, you probably deserve that reroll!
I disagree. I don't know the full situation, but usually if players opt to roll, they're assuming risk for the chance at getting amazing stats. Letting someone do over you might as well just have them use another method. It's like buying a lottery ticket and then demanding a free replacement if it doesn't win.
@@MannyBrum basic DND guideline is that the average for an adventurer should be +1. It can suck having no stat naturally above +2, but that would still be manageable. Not having any stat in the positive is ridiculous.
@@thomaslacroix6011 my most recent character's highest stat at initial roll was two +0s, I chose to roll, I keep that roll, simple as that, there's plenty of ASI's, feats, and magic items that can increase ability scores, and if the other players truly think that player deserves better stats, then they should have no problem sacrificing those magic items so they can have better stats
@@MannyBrum Except it's not like a lottery ticket that requires real money since it's a game, and it's literally free to give a free replacement to ensure the player has a good amount of fun.
@@YaboiAware you can choose to have your stats as low as you want. That's your prerogative. I don't remember which edition of DND, but it was explicitly stated that if your average is under +1 after rolling you should be allowed to reroll
3.5 had the “hopeless character” rule. If either your highest stat is a 13, or your total bonuses/penalties come to 0 or worse (both *before* adding race modifiers), you can choose to scrap the rolls and start again. That DM was just trying to screw the player.
During a warhammer fantasy roleplay session I happened to be "that player" who was too set on playing a Dwarf according to the Lore even when it didn't make it fun or fit with the group... so the GM summoned a bunch of Dwarf NPCs who changed my character's mind...
It was cool because everyone saw it as character development and I learned a lot from this myself!
I was playing a human Constitution Barb raised by Dwarves (abandoned as an infant), and we were going through a bit of my character arc in our game, which involved proving myself having the heart of a true dwarf by running an ancient gauntlet and not dying.
One of the traps was a room with a single button on the far wall, a slowly descending ceiling, and nothing else. No perceptible escape or hidden door. Since this was a test, I was thinking outside the box, and decided "fuck it, I'm gonna Samson the ceiling."
DM was thrilled at the idea, and kept giving me rolls every three seconds to push back against the ceiling. The rest of the party was fuckin hollering in the background (which was in this case literally the hallway approaching that room which was a sort of safe zone for them).
When I was forced to my knees by the ceiling, I asked DM if I could Rage, and he allowed it, and since he really wanted to see me try, he allowed my nanosecond of superstrength to bring me back to my feet. It was a brutal slog, I held that ceiling up over the course of like 30 rolls, but when my Rage faded I was forced to my back, trying to bench press the ceiling. Five rolls later and it was compressing my chest.
DM then called a halt, and said right before the ceiling crushed my now-turned head, there was a very loud _CLICK,_ and the ceiling stopped lowering. After a second, some unseen gears were heard tumbling behind the walls, and it slowly lifted back up.
A previously unseen description was now above the button on the far side of the room - "The Heart of a Dwarf".
I was told specifically to push the button.
I was "That Guy", but we all had our little arcs to go through, just something to give a little living history to our characters, and our DM was a total bro about it.
We still play.
insanely awesome concept, love it
The story of the Rogue stealing the cursed dagger makes me wonder about times in which "curses" actually were at times blessings like turning the enemy's armor to copper?
In reference to the first story, if you are gonna ever make a character with an alter like a creature inside you, make it work for the character level, my current character has an arch devil sealed inside him, but the arch devils powers are limited to my characters level, the devil acts as my warlock patron, and the powers i gain are given to me as i level up and “can handle the power and not die” , thats how you make a character with a monstrous side.
I was put in mind of a one shot I participated in at a local convention. DM started us all at first level, and within 30-45 minutes, total TPK. "Hunh, my lvl 13 party with plenty of gear made it through with no issue......"
My tip is to play-test before the first session.
I have a bit of a quirk: at least once per campaign, I do mention my character using the loo. A DM knew of that quirk and laid a trap in the form of a hole in the ground used for... waste. Yeah, I fell into it
I just got back into your channel after like a random one year hiatus of not seeing your constant randomly. I don’t know why I just never saw it on my algorithm for literally an entire year. And then after I started watching your playlist of DM shutting down that player, this one just came out today which I think is hilarious timing. Gonna make an effort to keep up with the content now
Cheers buddy, YT is a strange beast
I just had the same experience with Seth Skorkowsky, found him again after years (couldn't remember his name but loved his videos and wanted to share them). Once I found him, I had to subscribe to make sure I wouldn't lose him again. It's weird how the algorithm will conspire to remove someone from sight, only to suddenly decide they're cool again. :D
@@danielhale1 another reason we should remove 230 immunities from these platforms who operate as publishers with platform protections. UA-cam/Google has been really shitty and needs to get their monopoly on entertainment busted up
A channel I watch has had that problem recently too. Instead of recommending the videos which actively give the channel money, UA-cam only recommends their shorts.
I have a rule of if you roll more than 2 stats under 10 you can reroll them that last dm was just too unreasonable hope that player found a better dm
0:22 Thanks for including us!
That last story has me thinking, "I thought MY rolls were bad!"
In 3.5. IIRC, there is a rule that says if your stats rolls were like 13 or less or something like that, you were entitled to a reroll.
I think it is 10, which was a house rule I was introduced to 30 years ago under 2nd Edition. It seems to be pretty common, nothing for heroes below a 10 or a 9, depending on the house.
9:02 dude lost it, love the lil chuckle
"The GM is here SPECIFICALLY to make the game fun for the players." No sir. He SHOULD make the game fun for the players, but he has a right to have fun too. He's not a slave to the players' whims. That GM was a bastard, but this idea that the only purpose a GM has is to please the players is a problem.
The GM is a player too, and 100% deserves to have fun. No GM, no game. And you can tell when somebody who has never run a game before is telling GMs how to do their job. Shame.
The GM is here to make the game fun for the players, but the players are also here to make the game fun for the GM. If someone is being an a-hole, they're doing it wrong. A GM making the game unfairly difficult for the players is bad. A player trying to force the GM to make them overpowered and allow them to do outrageous things is also bad. There must be a balance because the players and GM are working together to create the story, not against each other.
I understand the DMs want to let the players play what they want and have fun but that first DM probably should’ve shut that shit down when he heard I play 3 characters
Hey, never expected one of my stories to make it into a video! In the first space, no less!
Honestly, I have no fucking clue why the DM allowed him to have all that stuff. I’ve since left that group and cut ties with the DM because of a massive argument we had, which ironically I left in another video.
Keep up the great work!
I would really apreciatte a link to that, also did he pull stuff like that often?
@@Zephyroxas So sorry for the long wait! Yeah, he did pull shit like that often, and the DM was just as bad. I left my comment here.
@@albinoreaper2949 which one is your story in that video
@@KrazyKrulez first one
I was the DM. That Guy was:
-probably fudging his rolls (we were online, and there were waaaay too many NAT20s rolled)
-cheating on his character sheet (everything but strength was +3 or higher with 2 20s due to his "balanced" race
-acting like the main character (he was a good RPer, I admit)
-Complaining that I "changed the DnD lore" in my HOMEBREW WORLD
-Didn't arrive on time for half the sessions
-attacked the character of a first-time player and almost killing him in one hit (he was a rogue)
To top it all off, he tried scamming a shopkeeper of a magic shop. Said shop was able to sell Very Rare magic items, and the shopkeeper was an archmage. I thought it would just be a fun NPC. Then, after trying to bargain for a higher deal on a stubborn dwarf archmage and being told to roll with disadvantage, then tying and failing bc house rules, he ragequit.
Good riddance. We've since wiped his existence from reality.
Hi Brian! Congrats on the 200K sub milestone.
That "merge-the-bickering-PCs" story was a stroke of genius on the DM's part.
I can't which Mr.Ripper story was my first, but if I had to guess then I would say it was one of the "I can't believe that actually worked" vids.
I needs to know more about the merged character story. What stats did it have? I’m in a group where there’s 2 siblings that do the same thing of arguing and might incorporate the merged character if they don’t get their crap together👀
Depending on how mean you wanna be they could either take the highest or lowest of each stat between the two. But if one is a caster that could easily screw them over if you go low.
If you want to improve their relations, make them capable of being strong when working together successfully. So highest stats is probably ideal.
My ruling for that: Add both stats from characters and the merged character uses those stats
My husband had to tweak the chemical properties of certain substances when a player showed up with a copy of the Anarchists Cookbook.
That guy who played his dwarf thinking he was "that guy". From my perspective, he was "this guy". He played his dwarf extremely well, not knowing that dwarves and elves didn't get along well.
Really old one I wish I could find again, there was a vid with a story where, if I remember right, the party was looking for a black dragon, and a dwarf wound up face to face with it and shouted "...Found it!"
He a little confused but he got the sprit
I've known someone to take the "my dead character's twin brother shows up to avenge him" nonsense to a whole new level before.
He randomly decided when his character died, that his character has 7 souls inside him that would possess his own dead body and continue to exist in the dead character's body, this really meant his death was basically a change of hairstyle, as every time he died (which was super often cause he was really dumb, I mean two fell to their death jumping off high places trying to do some kind of stunt) but they all had the *exact same personality* "I hate the party for no reason and I'm super emo, my soul is black and you will never understand me".
it would be creative if every time he died his personality and way of handling things changed drastically (Not that it justified his metagaming,this should have been decided before the campaign started )
otherwise this is just plain stupid
"That Guy" was a grade 10 in my high school DnD club. He had a character who's name was an anagram for "fuck machine", and his character's only goal was to live up to that name. Think it might have been minmaxed, but the campaign was a combat focused dungeon crawl anyway. Midway through a dungeon where any attempt to rest would likely meet an ambush, he finds a humanoid encased in ice, he asks, and I quote, "is it fuckable?" His character tries to live up to his name despite my suggestions not to. He would then find out, the ice was homebrew armor, that had an AoE effect to attempt to freeze anyone nearby, and that the foe had a wand that would also freeze anyone it hits that couldn't pass a high DC consave. (freeze meant incapacitated, and had to be thawed somehow to move again.)
Unfortunately, this being my first attempt to DM anything, I myself made PLENTY of mistakes, so the whole campaign was a trainwreck, but I at least tried. I will not be meddling with much homebrew again until I feel more confident running proper 5e or oneDnD.
My favorite was by far the hag and her copper knife. I kinda want to absorb that one into my games, not even as a "gotcha" moment, as all my players are great, just an interesting side quest or so.
So this isn’t as much of a DM taking care of “that player” story, as much as it is the players taking care of “that player” for the DM story. This starts back a few years ago when I was home brewing my own campaign. The player was interested before I ever did session 0 and had his character done by the time session 2 is rolling around. He decided to play a rogue Dragonborn, and I was quite open to that idea and really wanted to explore his character and help him get involved in DND as it was his first time ever playing. And as the sessions kept going we got up to a max amount of players. This was happening in a place where a lot of people wanted to watch my campaign and wait for a chance to slip in and put in their own character and play the campaign. It got to the point where we were playing at least twice a week. As the sessions went on it became extremely more difficult to try and keep this player from trying to cause situations in the sessions. It even got to the point where he asked me if he could just slap any of the other players characters in the game and a random gold coin would drop from the sky for his player character, I obviously refused this request like many of his requests. Throughout many of the times where I was waiting for my rides I would be talking to other players and expressing things about the lore trying to help them out so that they can get a better idea of how they wanted to format their characters back stories, multiple of these players had came up to me complaining about this specific player. Until one day they decided to take matters into their own hands. All the players were at a pub in the wildlands in my campaign, and they had realized that something fishy was going on. So all the players band together and knew that it would be a good idea to follow some mysterious character to where they were trying to go to. They follow the mysterious character, take down a giant hill giant, and waltz into the cave that the suspicious character went into. Between them and the next room was a giant spike pit with a very narrow and weak stone bridge, every player had to roll for an acrobatic check to be able to get past this point. At the other end was a chest with lots of loot. I had made it clear that when anyone person kills an enemy everyone gains the XP, and whenever there is loot found it is spread across all players so then everyone has a fair chance to get what their character needs. This specific player succeeded his acrobatics check and got to the other side he then proceeded to open the chess. He obviously found a lot of good loot and I look to all the players and ask them how they want to spread it out between one another. He then looks at me “that player” and says “no, I think I’m going to keep it all”. The rest of the players look at me and look at him, they all saw that I had no understanding of how to respond to this as this was my first time being a genuine DM. This is when they took matters into their own hands. A good three players all went about succeeding their acrobatics checks going to the other side grappling his character all together and tossing him into the spike pit, he then proceeded to do an acrobatics check to try and get back over the edge. Those three players then proceeded to stomp on his characters hands and made him fall to his death, then proceeded to make a noose tie over his characters neck and drag back over to their side so then they could collect all the loot off of his body. That has to be one of the most rewarding situations I have ever been in as a DM, i’ve never seen any players have that much commitment towards their DM and the rest of their team. End story…
Kind of awkward cause That Guy was me,but long story short the DM just gave me a serious vibe check with the first boss one shotting a party member with hilarious ease. Rolled like 20 damage over her max HP. Basically forced me to swallow my pride and team up with everyone and the group's frankly been better for it.
Glad that helped you! I’m dealing with a guy who I’m afraid might end up being that guy. I’m not a DM so what would you suggest I do?
@@isaiahhallett9871 Sit em down, talk to em, say they're being annoying. If they don't listen talk to the DM. In my case I just fundamentally misunderstood the setting, but sometimes what the guy really needs is a fight in game that'll push him so far to his limit that he has no choice but to get help.
@@spartanhawk7637 If it gets worse I’ll do that. Thanks for the advice man!
That story from the Dwarf sounded like some bullshit on the part of the DM. Guy was apparently getting insulted by an elf and the DM's response to him not simply taking it is to have a 7 year old assassin kick a player characters ass to a degree that would take a clearly very high level pc equivalent. That sounds like the DM was "That Guy" and not the player.
Tbf, a gm of mine pulled the same thing on me
I was playing a hot headed 'be the strongest' character, but not in a that guyish way, gave him a kind sweet side under that tough guy carapace and all.
But ye, he managed to pick a fight with one rather normal seeming guard who was also a part of the resistance that the players joined and the guard whooped him so hard it was like he was an extremely higher level guy bc gm wanted to teach me a lesson I guess(my character still played it off like 'woah, you are strong as hell, lets do it again sometime).
Well, skip to the next session, an evil lord attacking the city we supposed to protect...forcing us to stay even though we had plans to depart...the problem is, the lord is supposed to be defeated by us
Come another player "Wait, isnt that random guard like magnitudes more powerful than the evil lord guy? This city will be fine. Lets just leave." And so we kinda did.
And thats how a gms decision to punish my character derailed the entire campaign and made one of his bosses look like a cannon fodder.
I had a couple friends yesterday who wanted to play, so I tried to make a one shot in about 5 minutes....wasn't the greatest, but my first real time dming. It was like a candy land oneshot.
I had a kid who had never played, he kept trying to derail the quest. So after about 5 minutes of him talking over everyone and trying to derail. I said alright, you can eat the candy around, but it's stuck in your mouth and you can't talk. Everyone was happy that they could finnaly talk to the npc and start the quest.
…I have no words. I have been trying to find your channel again for weeks, and gave up this morning. But then, a crit crab video i was watching ended, and this was the auto play’s next video. Praise the gods of either youtube, dungeons and dragons, or both!
sounds like a series of nat 1 investigation checks ended with a nat 20
Hearing this while painting some minis, couldn't ask for a better evening
If you want something good to listen to while painting minis check out Lution09 and Baldermort.
I used to run a one on one campaign with my dad, but I always attacked anything I found slightly threatening, so he pinned me agains a orb that deflected damage back at me, and that felt multiplying damage each turn (1 dmg, next turn, 2dmg ect) the way I beat it was by leaving it alone. a very good lesson
Bro, that story about the Hag with the copper dagger was fucking brutal. I might steal it and make it a quest or something. It was sick
9:16 you have heard of a get along shirt now presenting the get along character
My go to has been to give them 3 strikes, once out of game, if they continue they get a warning in game (typically in the form of a magical shadow crocodile disarming (literally) them resulting in a quest for them to reclaim the arm). If all that fails and they go back to their antics I pause the game and remove them
0:40 “this one might be long, that’s what she said” hold up-
I used to have a player in Hackmaster who would dump everything into seduction and try to use it constantly on any female NPC he came across, one cursed ring of gender bending later and he was too embarrassed to go on, particularly when it was mandatory to roleplay the encounter.
My favorite is the homebrew campaign my friend made. "That Guy" was a player that didn't take roleplay as seriously as the rest. His character was a lizardman scientologist who spent all of the first session garnering attention for himself and making jokes about pushing his religious objective, and ignoring every single plot hook on top of just being plain obnoxious. I think I had my rogue punch him at some point. Though unamusing, we ended up taking him out of the campaign by talking to him irl. However, the in-character reason his character wasn't with us anymore? Got smited by god in front of our Cleric. He had trauma about watching that lizard man die.
Man my first dm (3.5) .....phew he was a doozy surprised the campaign lasted as long as it did. In short he tried to forcebly control what our characters *should* do based on alignment or *should* look like (i was a duskblade pretending to be a non magical fighter) he kept saying everyone knew i was a mage because "Looked like a mage" he tried to forcebly convert my friends CE character to LE by an amulet that made him screw with the party cause my friend wasnt screwing with the party because he had no need too. (Which the DM disagreed with) there's so much more thst went wrong but it was just bad all around.
Ate a players npc sister! Buddy was all like "I have to do evil things to save my dying sister..." We were all groaning, because he killed important npc's, justified mugging, tried to take over our town as the mayor. The list of bs was much larger, but hey, let's get to the good part.
After a dungeon delve we came back to town to find out a large group of ghouls swarmed the infirmary and only ate one person, buddies sister!
This is from around 20 years ago, so I'm more than a little hazy on the details. The DM wanted to try some type of superhero game. I don't remember what one it was, or really much about it... Just trying to create a character. Each stat was a d100 with (something like) 1-20 being average person, 21-40 being like minor superhero, up to 80-100 being like Thor or Superman level of power. The rules said you had to have at least one stat above 20 for the character to be playable, otherwise reroll. I spent over 30 minutes rolling and couldn't get above a 20. I switched dice several times, even the dm grabbed some dice and rolled for me a few times, still everything was below 20. Eventually I get something like a 22 for a single stat (with all the rest being 12 or lower). The DM was sick of waiting so insisted I play that character... in a group where everyone else had 40+ for all their stats (I think some were near 80). I got 1 power (invisible forcefields), but since how strong they were was based off my abysmal stats, they were basically worthless.
The shared body one reminds of how my middle school used to make kids that fought hold hands for the whole day.
Yeah dude!!! The way you ruined his fun by fucking him up the way every player ever would hate was totally cool and epic!!! He sure understood what he did wrong and will remember his time at your table as he being in the wrong when you tossed Satan at him and just gave it infinite everything because you didn't like the build you allowed him to have
As I was preparing to DM my first campaign for my d&d group, my family said they would be up for a little one-shot so I could practice. My dad played before when he was younger, my mam and brother had no idea but were up for trying. My mam's druid and brother's rogue were great and really put effort in, my dad's fighter on the other hand... I was doing a pre-written one-shot for 3-4th level characters. Simple story, clues to follow, varied combat, satisfying ending. My dad's fighter left his weapons in a tavern (I double checked with him twice that this was what he wanted to do) so when combat broke out, he spent every turn investigating a weapons stall to find a weapon he actually wanted to use then kept running away from the bad guys (not the role of a fighter, especially when your only other allies are a druid and rogue) putting the others in serious danger. He then wandered off to do his own thing and literally sat in the town square to see if an NPC showed up there whilst my mam and bro were fighting giant spiders in a tunnel because they actually followed the easy clues. I had to magically teleport him to the boss battle because the others would have been destroyed just the two of them. He again avoided melee fighting at all costs. I was incredibly annoyed and frustrated and I could tell how annoyed the others were getting too. I felt really deflated afterwards. Thankfully my actual players are much better. No idea why he pulled that crap though.
I say players were in the right with that dm being unreasonable about stats. One of my recent dm’s were were rolling stats for had a rule that if we rolled two sets of stats we could choose either but if we rolled a third set we had to keep it. I decided to take a chance (given I was going to play a monk) and rolled. My god, other than the 18, all the rest were negative. My monk would be unplayable and a detriment to the party as pretty much all of them rolled decently if not really well. So I asked dm to make an exception. They took a look at all my stats, made some adjustments between the two original sets and told me these were my stats but this was the only exception they would make. I thanked them. They did this only because they know how to balance encounters and knew better than to throw a obviously too weak class that relies on way too many stats to be high to work and helped me but my stats in line with he rest of the group. I wasn’t overpowered but I was relieved as to it being workable again. Anyway, that’s what a good dm does. I don’t think I would have minded running low stats but not with the monk class and not when the rest of the party isn’t running low stat builds either. And it also depends on the story the group is playing. Very important to be the same level of workable as the rest of the group.
when “that” player’s character died, the DM ripped his character sheet in half in front of everyone. guess who showed up to the next session with a laminated character sheet?
4:08 don't mess with this guy
I play with friends over discord. Usually, we can all roll our own physical dice because I trust my friends but I almost had to stop that because we strongly suspected one of our players of cheating. We all agreed that rolling nat17 at the lowest was definitely not realistic and planned to unfortunately switch to a dice bit that shows the rolls for the PCs (I’m the dm, so my rolls would still get to stay secret and physical). Thankfully, he seems to have dropped the campaign before we actually put that into action… the last several sessions have been a case of no call no show
I'm that guy... We are doing a homebrew demon slayer inspired campaign... And I basically made Dean Winchester with a double barrel shotgun. I have +10 added to dex and my weapon does poison damage. I pretty much can't miss. And my damage is 10d6 and I can fire both shots in one turn. So far nothing has been done to nerf me... But the way the dm looks at me during any combat has me scared
That last story irritates me, too. When I DM, I allow my players to reroll any stat under 10 if they want. Usually because I end up going a bit nutty with numbers, and would rather my players, you know, live through the first five encounters(which usually ends tallying up to about 30-50 opponents in total...). That being said... dude, if you roll all below 10, I'll personally burn that for you. And try to cleanse your die, because they be curst
9:00 actually Alien X from ben 10
My dm cursed the ever living heck out of our problem player who was a glory hog, kill sniping, murderhobo, loot troll. The idiot decided to steal from a misfortune God's trove of magic items. He stupidly attuned something like 11 items with curses ranging from sneezing fit at the start of every round to on a failed roll caused him to fall to 0 hp who needed to role death saves on disadvantage. He was humbled by this and made a new PC, and an attitude change.
First "That Guy" should never have been given those forms to begin with.
That first story shadow thing kinda reminds me of Aku lol. Also, cam kinda throw the whole plot out the window and have the party find a way to destroy the shadow demon thing before it starts laying waste to stuff given that there's pretty much nothing anyone can do about it given its immunities
That first story, I think that kind of character could work but only if they roll a D20 and whatever number it lands on within a certain range, is attributed to whatever character they transform into. Kinda like the wild magic table except they have no control on who they turn into. Obviously not to the point where any of their alter egos are god modding, but I think it could be done in a neat way.
Another potential solution to that last scenario is to make an effectively suicidal character - say put the lowest roll into Constitution, play as a Wizard, and pick a fight with the first reasonably well-armed person they see.
If anyone has seen sao abridged I imagine that last player sounding like Tiffany 15:09
The sequel I've been waiting for.
One campaign we had found a baby displacer beast (saved it from some dogs, convinced its mother to let it stay with us, named it, etc) and That Guy kept trying to name it himself, say it was his, etc. Our very kind DM shut him down quick when he not only made the beast prefer MY name suggestion (obsidian) and everyone else legitimately liked it so we kept it, he made the displacer beast prefer MY lizardfolk. It’s even in character since my lizardfolk grew up on a farm and was good with animals.
9:03 that's absolutely genius
I played a game with “That DM”. I was playing a Bugbear Barbarian (stereotypical low intelligence high strength brute kinda guy) and he found and item that the dm made called The Bag of 100, which if opened made the DM roll a d100 and whatever happened happened. The problem was that his roll managed to sick a FLAMING SKULL on a LEVEL 2 PARTY OF 5. Long story short he nuked everyone with fireballs, and forced us to make new characters on the spot which he also nuked. You’d best believe that guy was banned from DM’ing at the club ever again
It’s a long one but here we go: Currently playing in a dnd group with brother and his roommates. 3.5E and the roommate was the DM. I played a Dragonborn barbarian and that player, was the roommate’s childhood friend, played a LG human paladin. The Paladin constantly looked and talked down to any and everyone and thing. One time which was most recent session his bs nearly got us all killed. I managed to survive and kill a 8 headed hydra while the paladin was throwing death saves since 2nd initiative. After he was revived, he went up to the pet hydra’s master and did his normal bs. The owner snapped his fingers and the hydra was brought back to life. This brought a heated debate in and out of game. The DM had enough with his bf and had his god take away his paladin powers and said he could never obtain them again unless he apologized to everyone and thing he acted superior too. Karma/Justice well served.
Wooooo! 200K!!! Congrats!!!
I had a that DM story, we used to be really close friends and I was already looking for a way to break it up and we got to the session and she was a control freak. It ended before we’d finished making our characters.
When I joined My high schools DnD club my teacher who ran it, when making characters, if we ever got a stat roll 10 or lower we had all the right to re roll until we got a more desirable number. When I became captain in my last year (graduated last year) that would be the first I told new players when helping them “if you ever get number 10 or less Feel free to roll it as many times until you get a better number you want. You don’t have to, but you can”
Point Buy exists precisely for the last story.
Making to arguing players share one PC body is one of the biggest brain moves I’ve ever heard 👏 👏👏
You need to find a way to make a dragon steal that cursed dagger.
remember the dagger also ages you that is one hell of a way to get a very angry ancient dragon hunting your ass
Would it turn into a copper dragon?
A perfect way to counter a "that guy" by making a type of creature or affliction that, if they are killed without warning (ie, a sneak attack or being cut off in dialogue) they would become unstable, they're best stats being boosted, and them becoming a mess of what they were, attacking everything in sight, but they live for a short amount of time, like a few turns, so they won't be a problem if they're far away or immediately killed, but can easily kill someone if they get a grab, as they will basically try to fuse with the target to extend they time, though having high magic or mental resistance, (depending on what the unstable was before) would save players, except they try to focus on the target that triggered the transformation.
holy shit the first story i swear i had That guy in my campaign like almost literally the exact character.
That last one was quite mature for the players.
I actually kind of agree with the DM in the last story. This coming from when I made a character who had all negative stats but 1, and we started at level 5. The DM of my game was reasonable enough and asked if I wanted to reroll but I embraced the cards I was given. My character was insanely weak throughout the campaign but it made the character memorable and whenever things worked out for me everyone always cheered and there was always comedic comments of how the illiterate half elf who could barely do 1 push-up and couldn't keep a poker-face to save her life managed to get anything done. Honestly one of my most beloved characters.
Players 1-4 (P1, P2, P3, P4)
That Player (TP)
DM (me)
(This is paraphrasing of what actually happened)
I had a player that tried a few times to correct me, the DM, and say, that what was happening in the session was not allowed. The example I remember best goes as follows.
P1, a tabaxi rogue, wanted to attack P2, a human fighter or something like that. P1 was sitting in the rafters above the party, but specifically P2. So what I had P1 do was roll for stealth and attack, to which P1 was able to get past the DC.
TP: "Uh, what was that, that's not in the core rules."
Me: "I'm the DM, this is my first time DM'ing, and I'm trying to have fun with you guys, so please be helpful with rules."
Later in the *SAME F@#&ING SESSION,* I allow a bit of a roof top chase to happen, and again we get...
TP: "Uh, why is he doing that? That shouldn't be allowed."
Me: *ANNOYED* "Like I said before, I'm the DM, this is my campaign, and I'm also trying to have fun with you guys. So I ask again, please help with the rulings I give."
And then not even *20 F@#&ING MINUTES LATER,* another thing happens, I can't remember what, and he says something, again referencing the core rules, and I say:
Me: *CLEARLY NOT HAVING HIS SHIH TZU ANYMORE, BUT STILL BEING CIVIL* "Let's stop arguing," I then look directly at TP as I say, "Or we end the session here."
He stfu'ed after that, and the rest of us had fun, including me for the rest of the session.
Later, I made the decision to cancel that campaign less than a week later, but I put in the Discord that it was gonna be suspended until further notice so that TP wouldn't be suspicious. I invited Players 1-4 to join the other campaign of the same setting (Strahd) I was running.
And yes, I know Strahd is hard enough for any DM with xp, but I wanted to run at least one campaign so I could let my friend, who is kind of a forever DM, finally play for once, as he was the DM for the campaign that had my first character ever.
Lord have mercy. I thought it was lame of me to make a fighter who can cast firebolt. Some of these people need a hug.
There was one time I was in a session and a bee queen miniboss appeared, my character had a scifi tech piece as apart of his arm and incerated the boss mid speech with a NAT 20. I wasn't allowed to use the fire setting again for the rest of the game.
The body merge thing is just a great way to stop any "that guy" in general. They can't be shitty if their bodymate disagrees.
I just recently started DMing and I gave my players the option to roll stats. I was VERY reasonable and told them to roll their stats twice, pick whichever one you like and drop your lowest stat roll on the selected stats for your highest stat roll on the other rolls you didn't select. One guys lowest stat is 12 and the rest are 14-17, nutty. Somehow one of my players rolled the highest stat of 12 with quite a few single digit numbers and was like well, this sucks. I just instinctively said, hey you can do point buy or standard array instead if you'd like. We were on Discord and making characters on Roll20 and his voice had such a rebounding happy tone and seemed thankful for the last second decision. I get some people want to play completely by the rules, but at the end of day we all just want to have fun.
The copper equipment could be very useful. A pact of blade, hexblade warlock with a bit of homebrew to pact summon a sling, you could be a magic stone slinger, with the ability to cripple metal.
2:40 What? No! Bad DM!
Yeah, that guy sucked, but the DM, instead of talking to him (unless he did and I just missed it), decided to 'punish' him with an unwinnable encounter, what was that supposed to accomplish? If he was really that unbearable, talk to him or kick him out if that fails!
Oh of these stories is literally the get along shirt, but instead of a shirt, it's a body.