How wonderful is God's gift of music -- that we can enjoy something that soothes our souls -- written over 100 years ago by a priest that was born in Belgium. I have always loved Panis Angelicus. My father and brothers used to sing it together.
Thank you for listening, even though the front part is Korean. I've never known Lambillote was Belgian.^^ I pray you and your family are full of God's grace.😍
하느님 계시는 광명의 나라로 당신백성 이끄소서~~ 아멘!
하느님 감사합니다~~
이춘희님🤩 찾아주셔서 감사합니다
거룩한 사순시기 되세요🙏
How wonderful is God's gift of music -- that we can enjoy something that soothes our souls -- written over 100 years ago by a priest that was born in Belgium. I have always loved Panis Angelicus. My father and brothers used to sing it together.
Thank you for listening, even though the front part is Korean. I've never known Lambillote was Belgian.^^ I pray you and your family are full of God's grace.😍
영성체 특송으로 부를때의 감격
라틴어로 할때는 더욱더 큰 감격...
감사합니다 🙏
모두모두 행복하세요.😊
찾아주셔서 감사합니다 🤩
기쁜 부활시기 되세요🙏