Can we talk about how amazing the production quality on these videos has become? The first one on the Ecto-1 was already very good, but this one... the detailed explanations and schematics, all the little movie clips, the chalk drawings as background (with neon light effects! and freaking animations!), the staging, the editing, the sound effects! This is next level, 11/10. Not only is the video extremely useful for Lego car enthusiasts, but it's also a delight to watch. Hats off to you Mr. Glitch 👏
Wow, thanks! Happy that you see that. Before answering to that I also think this is my best video so far, but honestly I get hardly views compared to other videos. So I am happy if any of you shares this. ---- Yes, the Ecto was my first video. I was not very sure about Do's and Don'ts. I have some experiments by now and got some critical feedback which does help a lot. My 1989 batmobile video has quite some effort and effects too, but I hardly talk in that video. It appears that the audience is less intrigued to keep watching. Friend of mine even said, that it is too fancy to deliver the feeling of 'I can do that too'. The Tumbler appears to work best, so I took up the chalkboard-concept again for the DeLorean. But the actual reason this Video is better is time! The Ecto took me 1 night of filming and 2 weeks of editing. The delorean took me about 2 months of filming and editing (including sound correction, effets etc.) with multiple iterations. And a lot of hassle with huge chalkboard time laps videos :D:D:D I am working on the video for the 76240 tumbler now. Let's see what I can do.
@@recklessglitchYeah, it's sad to find hidden gems on UA-cam only to find out they get way less views than they deserve. Oddly enough I don't know many Lego friends, but I'm definitely sharing it to them. I didn't watch the Batmobile yet, I'm gonna check it out. About the chalkboard time-lapses, they look really great, but I'm not surprised that they take so long... you'll have to find a balance there haha Keep the movie clips and the jokes though, they're part of your style. Keep it up! 👌
Fantastic! I am a software and hardware engineer. Just had my delorean delivered with my light kit just days away. You have inspired me to motorise it. I will likely write a custom Android app to control my Delorean.
Wow.... your explaination is like the old school videosnwe watched in middle wchool and high wchool. Perfect expmainations very detailed. Helps ppl understand it very well. Thisbhelps understand and more motivated to do this to many different models Thank you!!!!!
Thank You, I got the inspired by @FortNine motorcycle videos. I think Ryan mentioned ones being a phycicist (I studied physics in my 20s too) and I like Ryans way of explaining.
one of the best videos I've watched, the story telling and engineering principles were fascinating to me. I was sad to see there's no part 2 but I'm glad you made this all the same.
Can you make a Land Rover defender vidéo on how to make it motorized and with lights? I haven’t found many good tutorials but your delorean tutorial is pretty good
Thank god for all of this shared research and information. I just recently built moc versions of all 3 film cars, and decided that since the part 1 version didn't have a hover conversion at that point that was the one I wanted to try out reckless_glitchs motorisation in. I opted to go for the lego 2.0 Bluetooth battery box version simply because I mistakenly believed I had more experience with those... and boy was I in for a shock! First of all, I tried out no less than 2 different hubs (one pre-owned, one brand new) but neither of them seemed to respond. I asked several online lego communities for help until someone pointed out that the problem would most likely be solved by a firmware update... so simple, I could've kicked myself!! I also decided that seeing as I'm putting in a light kit, I could afford to omit the light brick as well as the back switch and move the flux capacitor back by 2 studs, which meant I had more room to add more details to the interior and the back nuclear reactor. I've also built my own larger scale box of plutonium as well as martys skateboard and camera, as well as a moc twin pines mall sign to display it with. Thanks again reckless glitch for the instructions to motorise, it was an absolute joy to work on this version 😊
You can firmware update the small 88009 PU hubs? I even didn't know that. I thought only the P.U. App gets an update sometimes and the bigger hubs can be firmware updated with the other apps. LEGO is not making it simple, are they?
Happy to hear. I think so too. Instructions already make you understand how things can work, so it's a good start. But they wont tell you the little things, like if certain builds make your gears grind or yur mechanics crack and that is the next step. Anyone can show how to put a nail into a piece of wood, but a carpenter will tell you to hit the nail on the tip before to prevent the wood from splitting, which helps even more.
Wow, I thought you had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, the video quality is exactly at this level 😮! Thank you very much for your creativity and engineering!
ich liebe deine mocs von den großen Fahrzeugen und finde es sehr interessant und beeindruckend, was du da immer alles erschaffst aber Ich würde es auch gerne mal sehen, dass du auch was mit den kleineren sets machst nichts großartig technisches oder so einfach z.B. irgendwie beim kleinen tumbler ein batpod, wie es im film ist oder so würde ich echt feiern du machst gute Arbeit weiter so
I wish UA-cam actually pushed this content out more because it's absolutely brilliant. My one question, though. Why did the Delorean cause the Lego hub to freeze and not any of your previous projects, like the Batmobiles? Seems a bit odd everything suddenly went so wrong with this one. Looking forward to Part II
Thanks. It also took me several weeks to make this. To your question, simple: The Batmobile and the Tumbler are much bigger, so I could use LEGO's Power Functions, which is the previous generation of motors, using only analog motors (not produced by LEGO anymore, but copied by other companies these days). The problem only happens with the small LEGO Powered Up Hub (current generation using Motors with a digital bus system and internal sensors) and I only used that in the ECTO-1 before, which is driven by a medium motor, which does not draw so much current as the L-Motor in the Delorean.
This vid is so underrrated you did marvelous engineering here! I'll be trying this myself with mould king's 6.0 module and of course with my classic flare for fire trails. Thx for the guide!
Ahh, no, it's still power functions. So you will have to use a servo-motor, which is almost double the size of the powered up L-motor. will be difficult to get it under the hood.
Having used exclusively rechargeable IKEA batteries in the original LEGO hubs, I was unaware of these problems. Thank you very much for the in-depth analysis, particularly for the fact from the BuWizz guys that the medium and large motors work differently as servos, was wondering about why my cars work funky with the medium one from the Boost kit. Guess I'll switch to the large one for steering.
Ich fand das Video sehr gut, der ganze Aufbau wirkt sehr strukturiert und gut gescripted unterfüttert mit einigen Einschüben um es etwas aufzulockern. Eigentlich schade, dass so ein Content sich wohl nicht allein durch AdSense als Haupterwerb finanzieren könnte, denn dann könnte man auf mehr hoffen. Ist aber immer schön wenn andere ihre "nerdigen" Interessen auch noch verdammt gut in Videoform verpacken, danke dafür.
Ich hab tatsächlich mal alles rausgehauen, was da war und raus musste. Schön, dass es jemand sieht. Und ja, nur wenige schaffen es, sich mit so etwas zu finanzieren. Danke jedenfalls.
Da der Motor das Hauptproblem zu sein scheint, vermute ich ja, probiert hab ich's nicht. Evtl kannst du zumindest die Motoren stoppen wenn der Bluetooth kontakt abbricht, falls der HUB ansonsten noch funktioniert. Aber ich würde einfach nur noch Akkus benutzen.
Du solltest mal mit dem "Held der Steine" in Kontakt treten. Dein Kanal, warum auch immer, hat scheinbar nicht die nötige Reichweite um deine hervorragende Arbeit zu würdigen. Ich bin wirklich außerordentlich begeistert von der Umsetzung als auch deiner Art und Weise die technischen Details zu erklären. Du hast es dir wirklich verdient.
This is an amazing mod, and I’m looking hard at getting the instructions and components to do it. One question - would the Buwizz 2.0 have worked for the same speed/performance while also reducing a bit of cost? Do you lose anything by using 2.0 vs 3.0?
Hi, you do need the Buwizz 3.0, because the 2.0 is a different System (LEGO Power Functions only) and my DeLorean Mod uses LEGO Powered Up Motors (Buwizz 3.0 only). So it's a bit Apples and Oranges comparing the speeds. But yes, in another scenario using a PU Motor at any buwizz should be a bit faster than a PF Motor on a buwizz 3.0
Awesome. I ended up buying your instructions and doing the build. Currently it does nothing yet as I need to justify $200 Buwizz 3.0 to my wife 😂. It would be nice if there was a sale or discount on that.
dude by going back and forth with such big wheel you make the motor reach the stall current... no wonder why your app dont work anymore...also there are power chips commanding the motors...these h bridge motor drivers also need curent
True, yet that's not the problem: the h-bridges got current, the motors did, . Just the microcontroller browned out all the time while the motors kept running and that's a no-go. They didn't fry or anything, the hub just stopped controlling the car until I restarted the hub. Besides I never had that problem with the much bigger Batmobiles and either the buwizz or my DIY ESP32 (Arduino clone) build, both probably using similar if not the same IC's as h-bridges. The Tumbler is spinning 4 of those wheels, and I definitely made a lot of braking with it, on the floor and while spinning free. So definetly a surprise to me that LEGO's very own Powered Up Hub kept crashing all the time on that featherweight of the DeLorean. Also I believe a capacitor may keep the voltage stable enough but looks like LEGO never really cared.
Was thinking about it, but it's sooooo easy. Yesterday I visited friends, their 8 years old son showed me his favorite technic racing car. It has a similair size. I looked at it, saw how much space was left and said: "whow, I got the perfect motor for this one at home." And he said, "I have some motors." He had a cada Power functions copy set, just never used it. One hour later his LEGO car was driving remote controlled It took so long because he had to find the battery in his room. So just get some motors. Power functions copys will probably work easiest but Powered up should also do. Make sure you have at least one PF servo or PU large motor for the steering.
My building instructions do tell you exactly that, how to add steering and motors. Ofcourse since the original is made for flying you need to take apart the whole car-base. I made seperate instructions for that dissambly, for you not to need to rebuild everything. Please download the file 10300_delorean_RC-Moto-MOC-RETROFIT...pdf from rebrickable. If you have more questions, better write me on rebrickable, thanks.
Excuse me. I don't find the instructions for the dissambly you are talking about. Could you please let me know where I can find that PDF? If so, I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
can't believe the giants waste money whereas an amateur solve the problem with the power supply situation, talk about monopoly!! cool video and im outtatime here!
Wow ! Das video ist einfach krass. Ich dachte ich bin der erste der dieses Auto fahrbar machen wollen würde 😊 Könntest du mir sagen ob ich noch etwas außer den Motoren etc brauche ? Also genau welche bricks werden denn noch zum Umbau benötigt. Das wäre richtig toll zu wissen ❤
klar gibts die komplette Teileliste mit allem du für den umbau brauchst. Ist mit der Bauanleitung auf rebrickable. du findest alle links, Bauanleitungen, Light kit und so auch in der videobeschreibung, clicked 'mehr' unter dem Video. Ich hatte den Delorean schon bevor er rauskam über ein speedbuild video digital nachgebaut, direkt bei Release im Laden gekauft und keinen Monat später die Bauanleitung fertig...
Ja danke!:) Ich hab mich jetzt reingefuchst und schon schon Teile bestellt. Mache erstmal kosmetische Upgrades wie Light Kit etc, die Motorisierung mache ich noch als extra Projekt. Eine Frage habe ich gerade noch: Kann man, wenn man die Lego Powerd Up Motoren nimmt, auch damit das light Kit steuern? Hab in der Beschreibung nur gelesen dass es für den Buwizz geht. Lg
@@ih4zy121 "Eigentlich" nicht, aber ... Diese Licht Kits für LEGO sind kein LEGO sondern nur sehr kleine leds mit sehr dünnen dräten, die man zwischen LEGO steinen verlegen kann. Die laufen alle über USB adapter auf 5 V und sind nicht für die Stromversorgung mit Powered up oder Powerfunktions konzipiert. ABER: Wenn du verstehst, warum es einen - und einen + Pol bei Elektronik gibt, also ein sehr grundlegendes Verständnis für elektrischen strom hast und dir zutraust sehr einfache Lötverbindungen zu löten, kannst du einen Adapter bauen. Beim buwizz kann man den direkt über einen LEGO power functions stecker anschließen. Wenn du den LEGO hub verwendest, musst du den irgendwie (löten oder kleine metall-plättchen reinklemmen) an die Batteriebox anschließen. Für den LEGO 10300 DeLorean mit buwizz Motorisierung habe ich den Bauanleitungen ( ) eine Anleitung für den Adapter beigelegt.
@@recklessglitch okay danke für für die Infos :) denke das bekomme ich hin. Mit etwas Hilfe 😅 Leider ist die Buwizz Version nicht so eine Option für mich. Das ist mit etwas zu teuer.
@@recklessglitch Aaaaber... Wäre es auch noch möglich wenn ich das große LED Set nehme mit Remote + sound etc ? (Also fragen wegen den verbaubaren Platz 😅)
@@MatchstickMan 😂 right, I was wondering if it was a quote. for my excuse I used to watch it dubbed in German. First time I watched it original was to gather scenes and quotes for this edit. Du musst vierdimensional denken, Marty!
really sad the designer of the delorean failed so bad the door / interior proportion as it should be longer, imho at least 2 studs, and the door windows is way too smal, the rest of the car is very fine, but that very visible detail pretty much waste the model
Can we talk about how amazing the production quality on these videos has become? The first one on the Ecto-1 was already very good, but this one... the detailed explanations and schematics, all the little movie clips, the chalk drawings as background (with neon light effects! and freaking animations!), the staging, the editing, the sound effects! This is next level, 11/10.
Not only is the video extremely useful for Lego car enthusiasts, but it's also a delight to watch. Hats off to you Mr. Glitch 👏
Wow, thanks! Happy that you see that.
Before answering to that
I also think this is my best video so far, but honestly I get hardly views compared to other videos. So I am happy if any of you shares this.
Yes, the Ecto was my first video. I was not very sure about Do's and Don'ts. I have some experiments by now and got some critical feedback which does help a lot. My 1989 batmobile video has quite some effort and effects too, but I hardly talk in that video. It appears that the audience is less intrigued to keep watching. Friend of mine even said, that it is too fancy to deliver the feeling of 'I can do that too'. The Tumbler appears to work best, so I took up the chalkboard-concept again for the DeLorean. But the actual reason this Video is better is time! The Ecto took me 1 night of filming and 2 weeks of editing. The delorean took me about 2 months of filming and editing (including sound correction, effets etc.) with multiple iterations. And a lot of hassle with huge chalkboard time laps videos :D:D:D I am working on the video for the 76240 tumbler now. Let's see what I can do.
@@recklessglitchYeah, it's sad to find hidden gems on UA-cam only to find out they get way less views than they deserve. Oddly enough I don't know many Lego friends, but I'm definitely sharing it to them.
I didn't watch the Batmobile yet, I'm gonna check it out. About the chalkboard time-lapses, they look really great, but I'm not surprised that they take so long... you'll have to find a balance there haha
Keep the movie clips and the jokes though, they're part of your style. Keep it up! 👌
@@TKFeather Haha, me too. Most people I know privately who like LEGO are my friend's children :D:D:D Thank you.
Criminally underrated channel, subscribed.
Wow this is awesome!
Great video with lots of detail and humor. This should be show on Netflix 😊
Bro how does this channel have so few subs, the production value for this video is amazing, that intro was awesome!!!!!
Fantastic! I am a software and hardware engineer. Just had my delorean delivered with my light kit just days away. You have inspired me to motorise it. I will likely write a custom Android app to control my Delorean.
Happy you like it. In case you are interested in a bit more DIY, there is the raspberry pi build hat which has 4 powered up connectors.
With I learned engineering and have the skills to do whatever.
Wow.... your explaination is like the old school videosnwe watched in middle wchool and high wchool. Perfect expmainations very detailed. Helps ppl understand it very well.
Thisbhelps understand and more motivated to do this to many different models
Thank you!!!!!
Thank You, I got the inspired by @FortNine motorcycle videos. I think Ryan mentioned ones being a phycicist (I studied physics in my 20s too) and I like Ryans way of explaining.
amazing amazing amazing… so many details in such a great video. thank you so much!
one of the best videos I've watched, the story telling and engineering principles were fascinating to me. I was sad to see there's no part 2 but I'm glad you made this all the same.
Thank you so much
One of the best lego related videos I ever seen. Thanks!! and give us more like this please, love it!
Whow, thanks. Maybe a bit shorter in the future.
I love this video. Never really thought to do this with my Ecto or the Delorean. Now, I’m considering following your instructions
Can you make a Land Rover defender vidéo on how to make it motorized and with lights? I haven’t found many good tutorials but your delorean tutorial is pretty good
This video was honestly so detailed and gave great info, but I tied to go on the rebrickable website and it did not work
It should work again now.
Thank god for all of this shared research and information. I just recently built moc versions of all 3 film cars, and decided that since the part 1 version didn't have a hover conversion at that point that was the one I wanted to try out reckless_glitchs motorisation in.
I opted to go for the lego 2.0 Bluetooth battery box version simply because I mistakenly believed I had more experience with those... and boy was I in for a shock! First of all, I tried out no less than 2 different hubs (one pre-owned, one brand new) but neither of them seemed to respond. I asked several online lego communities for help until someone pointed out that the problem would most likely be solved by a firmware update... so simple, I could've kicked myself!!
I also decided that seeing as I'm putting in a light kit, I could afford to omit the light brick as well as the back switch and move the flux capacitor back by 2 studs, which meant I had more room to add more details to the interior and the back nuclear reactor.
I've also built my own larger scale box of plutonium as well as martys skateboard and camera, as well as a moc twin pines mall sign to display it with.
Thanks again reckless glitch for the instructions to motorise, it was an absolute joy to work on this version 😊
You can firmware update the small 88009 PU hubs? I even didn't know that. I thought only the P.U. App gets an update sometimes and the bigger hubs can be firmware updated with the other apps. LEGO is not making it simple, are they?
absolutely the best video I have seen, very creative and fun to watch. Laughed a lot and learned about lego motors and hubs. KEPP UP THE GOOD WORK
Thank's a lot, that's what I hoped for.
Man, you did a great job, thank you!
Thank you, happy you like it.
This is so well explained! In my opinion this is better thab instructions because you learn about the design decisions!😊
Happy to hear. I think so too. Instructions already make you understand how things can work, so it's a good start. But they wont tell you the little things, like if certain builds make your gears grind or yur mechanics crack and that is the next step. Anyone can show how to put a nail into a piece of wood, but a carpenter will tell you to hit the nail on the tip before to prevent the wood from splitting, which helps even more.
So cool, thanks for the in depth information and guide, loved the production value 😁
This is such an extremely well-produced UA-cam video!
Whow, thanks.
Wow, I thought you had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, the video quality is exactly at this level 😮! Thank you very much for your creativity and engineering!
Thanks a lot. I don't do enough videos for so many subscribers I guess.
Fantastic!!! I am most certainly powering up my DeLorean. One of the best Lego Videos I've seen. Looking forward to more of them.
ich liebe deine mocs von den großen Fahrzeugen und finde es sehr interessant und beeindruckend, was du da immer alles erschaffst aber Ich würde es auch gerne mal sehen, dass du auch was mit den kleineren sets machst nichts großartig technisches oder so einfach z.B. irgendwie beim kleinen tumbler ein batpod, wie es im film ist oder so würde ich echt feiern du machst gute Arbeit weiter so
I wish UA-cam actually pushed this content out more because it's absolutely brilliant.
My one question, though. Why did the Delorean cause the Lego hub to freeze and not any of your previous projects, like the Batmobiles? Seems a bit odd everything suddenly went so wrong with this one.
Looking forward to Part II
Thanks. It also took me several weeks to make this. To your question, simple: The Batmobile and the Tumbler are much bigger, so I could use LEGO's Power Functions, which is the previous generation of motors, using only analog motors (not produced by LEGO anymore, but copied by other companies these days).
The problem only happens with the small LEGO Powered Up Hub (current generation using Motors with a digital bus system and internal sensors) and I only used that in the ECTO-1 before, which is driven by a medium motor, which does not draw so much current as the L-Motor in the Delorean.
You're back!!
Amazing work mate🔥🔥🔥
This vid is so underrrated you did marvelous engineering here! I'll be trying this myself with mould king's 6.0 module and of course with my classic flare for fire trails. Thx for the guide!
You're very welcome. Whow waitaminute, doc! Did mold king finally do a powered up compatible controller?
Ahh, no, it's still power functions. So you will have to use a servo-motor, which is almost double the size of the powered up L-motor. will be difficult to get it under the hood.
Awesome video! I'm still building my DeLorean; I've been slacking 😄
war sehr angenehm anzusehen bitte mehr davon :)
Freut mich. Gern, ich versuch's. Demnächst wäre mal der 2020 Tumbler fällig.
Having used exclusively rechargeable IKEA batteries in the original LEGO hubs, I was unaware of these problems. Thank you very much for the in-depth analysis, particularly for the fact from the BuWizz guys that the medium and large motors work differently as servos, was wondering about why my cars work funky with the medium one from the Boost kit. Guess I'll switch to the large one for steering.
Exactly, LEGO just needed to put some specs on their website - it would even be an advertisement, it would develop a better customer binding etc.
Awesome Job dude ... impressive most impressive
Fantastic video!
Well done! So clever.
Ich fand das Video sehr gut, der ganze Aufbau wirkt sehr strukturiert und gut gescripted unterfüttert mit einigen Einschüben um es etwas aufzulockern. Eigentlich schade, dass so ein Content sich wohl nicht allein durch AdSense als Haupterwerb finanzieren könnte, denn dann könnte man auf mehr hoffen. Ist aber immer schön wenn andere ihre "nerdigen" Interessen auch noch verdammt gut in Videoform verpacken, danke dafür.
Ich hab tatsächlich mal alles rausgehauen, was da war und raus musste. Schön, dass es jemand sieht. Und ja, nur wenige schaffen es, sich mit so etwas zu finanzieren. Danke jedenfalls.
Soooo geil gemachtes Video!!
Reckless Glitch: To drive it I used the LEGO 21809 Medium WeDo 2.0 motor. Who the hell is inventing these names?
LEGO: We Do 😃
LOL, seriously, sitting here loughing, thanks :)
@@recklessglitchglad to hear that 😂, loved the video, super interesting 👍
Würde das brown out auch mit Pybricks passieren? ohne BLE und mehr programiermöglichkeiten könnte das besser funktionieren.
Da der Motor das Hauptproblem zu sein scheint, vermute ich ja, probiert hab ich's nicht.
Evtl kannst du zumindest die Motoren stoppen wenn der Bluetooth kontakt abbricht, falls der HUB ansonsten noch funktioniert. Aber ich würde einfach nur noch Akkus benutzen.
Just genius 😎
Du solltest mal mit dem "Held der Steine" in Kontakt treten. Dein Kanal, warum auch immer, hat scheinbar nicht die nötige Reichweite um deine hervorragende Arbeit zu würdigen. Ich bin wirklich außerordentlich begeistert von der Umsetzung als auch deiner Art und Weise die technischen Details zu erklären. Du hast es dir wirklich verdient.
Danke. Hab ich mal versucht, aber da kam nie eine Antwort.
This is an amazing mod, and I’m looking hard at getting the instructions and components to do it. One question - would the Buwizz 2.0 have worked for the same speed/performance while also reducing a bit of cost? Do you lose anything by using 2.0 vs 3.0?
Hi, you do need the Buwizz 3.0, because the 2.0 is a different System (LEGO Power Functions only) and my DeLorean Mod uses LEGO Powered Up Motors (Buwizz 3.0 only). So it's a bit Apples and Oranges comparing the speeds. But yes, in another scenario using a PU Motor at any buwizz should be a bit faster than a PF Motor on a buwizz 3.0
Awesome. I ended up buying your instructions and doing the build. Currently it does nothing yet as I need to justify $200 Buwizz 3.0 to my wife 😂. It would be nice if there was a sale or discount on that.
dude by going back and forth with such big wheel you make the motor reach the stall current... no wonder why your app dont work anymore...also there are power chips commanding the motors...these h bridge motor drivers also need curent
True, yet that's not the problem: the h-bridges got current, the motors did, . Just the microcontroller browned out all the time while the motors kept running and that's a no-go. They didn't fry or anything, the hub just stopped controlling the car until I restarted the hub.
Besides I never had that problem with the much bigger Batmobiles and either the buwizz or my DIY ESP32 (Arduino clone) build, both probably using similar if not the same IC's as h-bridges. The Tumbler is spinning 4 of those wheels, and I definitely made a lot of braking with it, on the floor and while spinning free.
So definetly a surprise to me that LEGO's very own Powered Up Hub kept crashing all the time on that featherweight of the DeLorean. Also I believe a capacitor may keep the voltage stable enough but looks like LEGO never really cared.
He’s back !!!!!!!!! 😃
Can you please do a video of how to motorize the lego 2022 batmobile? I will subscribe and like❤❤❤
Your work is amazing I don't even know how a motore works😅
Was thinking about it, but it's sooooo easy. Yesterday I visited friends, their 8 years old son showed me his favorite technic racing car. It has a similair size. I looked at it, saw how much space was left and said: "whow, I got the perfect motor for this one at home." And he said, "I have some motors." He had a cada Power functions copy set, just never used it. One hour later his LEGO car was driving remote controlled It took so long because he had to find the battery in his room.
So just get some motors. Power functions copys will probably work easiest but Powered up should also do. Make sure you have at least one PF servo or PU large motor for the steering.
Hello I just got the instructions for this but it’s not telling me how to take it apart and motorize it can you help me?
My building instructions do tell you exactly that, how to add steering and motors. Ofcourse since the original is made for flying you need to take apart the whole car-base. I made seperate instructions for that dissambly, for you not to need to rebuild everything. Please download the file 10300_delorean_RC-Moto-MOC-RETROFIT...pdf from rebrickable. If you have more questions, better write me on rebrickable, thanks.
Excuse me. I don't find the instructions for the dissambly you are talking about. Could you please let me know where I can find that PDF? If so, I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
can't believe the giants waste money whereas an amateur solve the problem with the power supply situation, talk about monopoly!! cool video and im outtatime here!
I would like to buy the instructions, but the rebrickable link doesn't work. Can you fix it please?
Thanks for your interest.
I am working on resolving that issue.
I hope in a week or two my instructions will be available again.
Problem resolved, the link should work again.
Wow ! Das video ist einfach krass. Ich dachte ich bin der erste der dieses Auto fahrbar machen wollen würde 😊
Könntest du mir sagen ob ich noch etwas außer den Motoren etc brauche ? Also genau welche bricks werden denn noch zum Umbau benötigt. Das wäre richtig toll zu wissen ❤
klar gibts die komplette Teileliste mit allem du für den umbau brauchst. Ist mit der Bauanleitung auf rebrickable. du findest alle links, Bauanleitungen, Light kit und so auch in der videobeschreibung, clicked 'mehr' unter dem Video.
Ich hatte den Delorean schon bevor er rauskam über ein speedbuild video digital nachgebaut, direkt bei Release im Laden gekauft und keinen Monat später die Bauanleitung fertig...
Ja danke!:)
Ich hab mich jetzt reingefuchst und schon schon Teile bestellt. Mache erstmal kosmetische Upgrades wie Light Kit etc, die Motorisierung mache ich noch als extra Projekt.
Eine Frage habe ich gerade noch: Kann man, wenn man die Lego Powerd Up Motoren nimmt, auch damit das light Kit steuern? Hab in der Beschreibung nur gelesen dass es für den Buwizz geht.
@@ih4zy121 "Eigentlich" nicht, aber ... Diese Licht Kits für LEGO sind kein LEGO sondern nur sehr kleine leds mit sehr dünnen dräten, die man zwischen LEGO steinen verlegen kann. Die laufen alle über USB adapter auf 5 V und sind nicht für die Stromversorgung mit Powered up oder Powerfunktions konzipiert. ABER: Wenn du verstehst, warum es einen - und einen + Pol bei Elektronik gibt, also ein sehr grundlegendes Verständnis für elektrischen strom hast und dir zutraust sehr einfache Lötverbindungen zu löten, kannst du einen Adapter bauen. Beim buwizz kann man den direkt über einen LEGO power functions stecker anschließen. Wenn du den LEGO hub verwendest, musst du den irgendwie (löten oder kleine metall-plättchen reinklemmen) an die Batteriebox anschließen. Für den LEGO 10300 DeLorean mit buwizz Motorisierung habe ich den Bauanleitungen ( ) eine Anleitung für den Adapter beigelegt.
@@recklessglitch okay danke für für die Infos :) denke das bekomme ich hin. Mit etwas Hilfe 😅
Leider ist die Buwizz Version nicht so eine Option für mich. Das ist mit etwas zu teuer.
@@recklessglitch Aaaaber... Wäre es auch noch möglich wenn ich das große LED Set nehme mit Remote + sound etc ? (Also fragen wegen den verbaubaren Platz 😅)
The instructions are not available on Rebrickable :(
Tried finding them but they seem to have been removed?
There is an issue I am trying to resolve.
I hope for my instructions to be available again any day now.
I solved the issue, they are back on rebrickable.
where is part 2?
Part 2? 😀
Haha, ich hab gerade deinen Klarnahmen gelesen, ich muss die Tage mal wieder vorbei kommen und bringe den Prototypen vermutlich mit ;-)
"You got that thing hooked up to the..... car?"
What now?
@recklessglitch Quote from the movie when Doc pulls out the remote
@@MatchstickMan 😂 right, I was wondering if it was a quote. for my excuse I used to watch it dubbed in German. First time I watched it original was to gather scenes and quotes for this edit.
Du musst vierdimensional denken, Marty!
really sad the designer of the delorean failed so bad the door / interior proportion as it should be longer, imho at least 2 studs, and the door windows is way too smal, the rest of the car is very fine, but that very visible detail pretty much waste the model