richard ramirez edit - gangsta’s paradise

  • Опубліковано 14 тра 2021
  • audio credits: oxidazed
    #richardramirez #nightstalker #richardramirezedit #thenightstalker


  • @minjajanicijevic9325
    @minjajanicijevic9325 2 роки тому +233

    His father was more psychopath than Richard, he abused him, why father not in jail? why those who abuse their families walking free?

    • @cafezo87934
      @cafezo87934 2 роки тому +30

      cousin mike was bad too. they're all dead now including now so its ok

    • @user-cw1sw8vu9d
      @user-cw1sw8vu9d 2 роки тому

      @@cafezo87934 yeah, Showing Richard when He was a Kid Polaroid Pictures of decipitated Heads from Vietnamese Woman oral Sex with chopped Heads etc than he killed His wife infront of Richard... ofcourse he will get psycho...

    • @travel4328
      @travel4328 2 роки тому +11

      He didn’t kill anyone and he still loved his kids.

    • @vanessam21
      @vanessam21 2 роки тому

      Richard should kill only his father

    • @angelstar9459
      @angelstar9459 Рік тому +1

      u are weak af… u dont put ur father in jail. its normal to abuse ur kids in mexican household

  • @destinyozdincer3040
    @destinyozdincer3040 2 роки тому +120

    i just don't know how to feel about him do yall ever just have a ton of emotions about someone or something and just have a panic attack. It is like I love him, miss him, feel sorry for him, I'm obsessed with him, obsessed with the history behind why he is the way he is, obsessed with serial killers in the time he was alive, obsessed with true crime. I have so much more to say but it's all becoming overwhelming to type and think and feel all at the same time

    • @gkccc6187
      @gkccc6187 2 роки тому +7

      Same sis big aura

    • @rubixcube3772
      @rubixcube3772 2 роки тому +20

      You love him bc you find him really attractive

    • @karenh9998
      @karenh9998 2 роки тому +12

      I have read and done a lot of research on him and his trial. There's a lot that isn't known about him in the general public and mainstream media. I would gladly discuss RR with you in a private forum. Too many haters on these public sites to go into all these details.

    • @balthasargelt4098
      @balthasargelt4098 2 роки тому

      @@karenh9998 "haters" lol how do you not make fun of people who are in love with a serial killer/rapist/pedo who they never met

    • @Foxii_nico17
      @Foxii_nico17 2 роки тому +8

      You know, i’m gonna tell you something as a future psychologist. Well, i’m gonna be one soon i hope.
      It’s okay. If you feel bad about it, just ask yourself why. It’s absolutely true that he had a messed up childhood and of course he is attractive (good looking). We don’t support his actions and his behavior with the victims, but you just find him physically attractive.

  • @rashi7864
    @rashi7864 Рік тому +6

    0:07 he is looking so cutely innocent🥺 can't believe my eyes that this baby boy grew up in a very wrong environment and became America's one of the most notorious serial killer? 🤧😳

  • @emillyituassu2644
    @emillyituassu2644 Рік тому +28

    00:08 gave me chills 😵‍💫

  • @aestheticgirl374
    @aestheticgirl374 2 роки тому +29

    My Respect for Thanos increases day by day

  • @shuja420
    @shuja420 2 роки тому +53

    The real serial killers are his parents and his cousin who made him turn into this kind of person. They should be blamed for all his murders because they are the one who turned Richard into this kinda monster.
    He was just a poor kid who had to experience his life with abusive parents and a crazy cousin who attempted a murder infront of his eyes when he was just a child.

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому +3

      Pudo haber sido distintos a quienes le hicieron daño y le hizó daño a mucha gente, siendo la misma bestia y peor. Pudo haber sido mejor, él eligió ser la mierda que fue. No lo defiendas.

    • @marchionessamoretto7326
      @marchionessamoretto7326 Рік тому +1

      Don't forget the peeping Tom who is the sister's husband.

    • @stevelleremy1685
      @stevelleremy1685 Рік тому +4

      @@user-nj6nu5qs5g No se trata de una elección, se trata de analizar qué agentes, experiencias o condiciones llevan a un ser humano a cometer actos delincuenciales. Tú y yo detrás de nuestras computadoras si podemos elegir si hacemos A o B, pero hay personas que no, porque cientos de circunstancias las llevaron a distintos transtornos.
      Tampoco se trata de "defender" ni decir "excusas". Richard Ramirez tiene bien merecida la sentencia que tuvo, ya sea pena de muerte, cadena perpetua o lo que sea que le hubieran hecho en la cárcel antes de que muriera. Eso nadie lo discute.
      Pero siempre se debe analizar las CAUSAS que llevan a cometer X actos, mayormente desde la infancia. Con eso logramos que dicha situación no se repita en otras personas. Quizá haya personas con trastornos o problemas que no se conviertan en asesinos en serie, pero también hacen cosas malas y crueles y eso también se debe evitar.
      Si resumimos el problema a que simplemente fue una "elección" de matar o no, no abordamos el problema de la mejor manera. Se debe analizar y entender las causas para que no se vuelvan a cometer por otras personas, como malos padres, familiares o amigos.

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому

      No sé si notas que todas estás pibas son pubertas inmaduras que solo porque encuentran guapo a Richard Ramírez lo están justificando.
      No te niego que esos traumas, ver esa vi0lenc!a, y juntarte con un tipo que mat0 y viol!ó le genero esas cosas. Pero tampoco podemos negar que hay gente que vive en la mismisima m!erda y no se hacen una personas despreciables, aveces hasta toman todo lo malo que vivieron para ser mejores personas.
      Así que si bien esa infancia e adolescencia le provocó esa asquerosidad de mente, fue porque el de por sí tenia una asquerosa mente, porque él pudo haber considerado lo malo y asqueroso que fue lo que vivió y no convertirse en esas personas. Pero él se convirtió en esas personas, y parte su responsabilidad hubo y mucha.
      Creéme, mis hermanas vieron más de un vez a mi papá maltr4tando a mi madre, y no maltratan a sus cercanos ni de manera verbal ni fisica. Ajá no todos somos iguales, pero están los principios, la moral y la ética, y nosotros somos los que más se responsabilizan de eso.
      Richard era consciente de la clase de persona que era, y eligió seguir siéndola. Nadie le obligó a mat4r y vi0lar, él pudo nunca haberlo hecho, pero lo quiso hacer y lo hizó, con SU responsabilidad y voluntad.
      Mi punto es que lo que vives en tu infancia y adolescencia si influye en tus transtorn0s, en tu mente, en tu moral, etc. Pero tú también lo haces, y puedes influirte más que lo que viviste, puedes ser mejor persona que las que conociste. Si tú eliges ir por el mal camino TÚ lo elegiste y es tu culpa e responsabilidad.

    • @stevelleremy1685
      @stevelleremy1685 Рік тому +4

      @@user-nj6nu5qs5g Si sé que hay pubertas que endiosan como si se tratase de un villano guapo de una película, así como endiosan a Magneto de los Xmen después de matar a 100 personas. Para los pubertos no hay diferencia entre un asesino en serie real o un personaje de ficción simpático y "malo" que ven a través de una pantalla. Eso también me parece extremadamente malo pero bueno, ya es otro tema.
      Si consideras que un asesino en serie ya de por sí tiene una asquerosa mente incluso si no consideramos los factores externos, entonces estamos hablando de factores genéticos. Richard (u otro delincuente) ya nacen con una mente asquerosa la cual se suma con todo lo malo que les pasa a través del tiempo. Entonces, también es culpa de ellos haber tenido dicha "mente" desde que nacieron nada más porque sí? Habría que analizar la palabra culpa o responsabilidad para saber si se ajusta a la realidad.
      Por otro lado, sí sé que hay gente que a pesar de haber nacido rodeado de desgracia logran sobreponerse y ser buenas personas o lograr grandes cosas. Incluso conozco personas así, no solo es el caso de tus hermanas. Personas nacidas en abusos que rompieron el ciclo, o personas nacidas en pobreza que ahora les dan una buena calidad de vida a sus hijos sin necesidades.
      Pero esas personas son la minoría, y no se puede juzgar este tema considerando a la minoría o a casos aislados. No se puede decir "las 1000 personas que han nacido pobres y abusadas en este vecindario no tienen justificación para seguir en el mismo ciclo porque de esas 1000, unas 5 lograron tomar el buen camino así que deben seguir sus ejemplos" . No, no se puede decir eso, esas 5 personas fueron la excepción, no el "ejemplo realista a seguir".
      La realidad es que gran parte de esas personas terminan llevando malas vidas o haciendo daño cuando nacen en un entorno así, y las razones son miles.
      Como mencionaba, seguramente esas personas no se convertirán en asesinos en serie. Pero si se convertirán en padres abusadores, en violadores, en delicuentes rateros, sicarios o simplemente en malas personas que (poniendo un ejemplo muy simple) les hacen la vida muy dificil a quienes les rodean haciendo distintos tipos de daño y generando traumas.
      O simplemente no se convierten en malas personas pero sí continuan su rumbo de pobreza en el que engendran 5-10-12 hijos sin educación y llevan a dichos hijos a tomar malas decisiones por haber nacido en malas condiciones. Es todo un universo que considerar.
      Todo esto no lo digo con el afán de justificar, sino con el afán de entender las causas y evitar el INICIO del problema, no el final cuando ya todo está perdido.
      Por eso, a un grupo de personas que están en un entorno complicado, problemático y desastroso, no se les motiva enseñándole casos de excepciones de personas que sí lograron salir de ahi y se convertieron en buenas personas.
      No, todo eso se arregla con educación, programas sociales, programas psicológicos, etc., desde la niñez. Ya es un tema de Estado. Y para establecer este tipo de ayuda primero se necesita comprender el problema.
      Los "principios, la moral y la ética" son cosas que no funcionan todo el tiempo sino abarcas otros temas mucho más importantes.
      NADIE niega que Richard era conciente de lo que hizo, sino fuera conciente entonces lo internarian en un manicomio y no le darían pena de muerte. Cuando una mente llega al punto de querer matar, violar, descuartizar a alguien sin sentir el minimo remordimiento ya estamos hablando del final de esa mente, de algo intratable. La condena ya social, judicial y moral por parte de la sociedad ya está hecha y nadie la niega.

  • @nzzrn
    @nzzrn 2 роки тому +32

    His family made a monster themselves

    • @mishaa4140
      @mishaa4140 2 роки тому +6

      No, his family being abusive doesn’t excuse the stuff he did. He was a grown up man. If you drive through red light and get a fine of £100 , will the police blame your father and try to make him pay it?-No, because it was YOUR fault, not your father’s fault.

    • @samuelmoreno6318
      @samuelmoreno6318 Рік тому +1

      @@mishaa4140 i'd like to see if you could become other thing if you had that family

  • @user-oj3uw1ni2e
    @user-oj3uw1ni2e 2 роки тому +28

    This boy fills me with pride, he was born and raised in a poor family in a poor place, he had bad parents and traumatic experiences but all that made him stronger.
    He did not stay stuck in his birthplace, he did everything to survive in a totally different place, at the expense of others, but he managed to live where he wanted and how he wanted. He was never satisfied with his origin, he did not accept to live on the street in any way, he would have been a great employee if his parents had given him an education outside of a school, he never gave up

    • @chainofheartice.
      @chainofheartice. 2 роки тому +8

      hE diD eVeRyThInG tO sUrViVe sanki bağamalardan çıkmış gelmiş, öldürerek survivor mı olur aw

    • @icyyou.
      @icyyou. 2 роки тому +3

      isnt he a serial killer tho

    • @mryybsn
      @mryybsn 2 роки тому +2

      @@chainofheartice. hahahahhahahahaha çok haklı

    • @enones3762
      @enones3762 2 роки тому +2

      Bro..i am tensed bout u

    • @ferrarilaferrari2131
      @ferrarilaferrari2131 Рік тому

      Employee ????? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  • @shelovesyeat2792
    @shelovesyeat2792 2 роки тому +67

    Imagine how his mom and family felt.

    • @sara-vd2jy
      @sara-vd2jy 2 роки тому +2

      I'm gonna guess he was most likely abused as a child

    • @zeynepsogutcu6781
      @zeynepsogutcu6781 2 роки тому +30

      They made him such a person? Look at him cousin and father what made him do.

    • @iixbby
      @iixbby 2 роки тому +15

      His dad was abusing him so hard so he even was hiding from him
      And his cousin is the reason he's like that he was telling him about he was killing people and proud of it so he got inspired by him
      * his cousin was a soldier I guess.

    • @mishaa4140
      @mishaa4140 2 роки тому +8

      No and his family being abusive doesn’t excuse the stuff he did. He was a grown up man. If you drive through red light and get a fine of £100 , will the police blame your father and try to make him pay it?-No, because it was YOUR fault, not your father’s fault.

    • @iixbby
      @iixbby 2 роки тому +1

      @@mishaa4140 ur right but its more like a reason why hes like a monster like if he had a perfect life he wouldnt do that yk

  • @mrs.ramirez2560
    @mrs.ramirez2560 2 роки тому +45

    i’m in love with this man

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому +11

      "Estoy enamorada de un violador y asesino"

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому +1

      @𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚢 ⛧ *Procede a poner en privado la playlist*

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому +1

      @𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚢 ⛧ ¿Haces qué?

    • @user-nj6nu5qs5g
      @user-nj6nu5qs5g Рік тому

      @𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚢 ⛧ Se nota que estás transtornada, no hace falta que lo digas. !!

    • @weedenjoyner
      @weedenjoyner Рік тому +2

      @@user-nj6nu5qs5g Está guapo y ya wey, no están enamoradas de sus crímenes.

  • @wojskowy1182
    @wojskowy1182 7 місяців тому +1

    damm he had TON of potential
    he was almost as smart as Einstein

  • @blackwolf8288
    @blackwolf8288 2 роки тому +8

    Wow. So cool edit! Keep it up👏

  • @l3j807
    @l3j807 3 роки тому +37

    wow so good🖤you are so talented!!!

    • @shinyramirez6891
      @shinyramirez6891  3 роки тому +5

      thankyou so much i really appreciate it🖤!

    • @blnd_9689
      @blnd_9689 2 роки тому +3

      You girls like Richard ramirez? Like would really fall in love with him?

  • @defunto1853
    @defunto1853 3 роки тому +42


  • @shea2512
    @shea2512 2 роки тому +18

    Y'all only like him bc his fit. Pretty privilege is real 🙄

    • @eyupdiisa
      @eyupdiisa Рік тому +2

      LITERALLY he’s a murderer dude…

    • @shea2512
      @shea2512 Рік тому +2

      @@eyupdiisa FR

    • @somethingamazing3758
      @somethingamazing3758 Рік тому +1


    • @gracey_bun
      @gracey_bun Рік тому +2

      Goodness, you're right. These comments make me sick.

    • @shea2512
      @shea2512 Рік тому +1

      @@gracey_bun right

  • @lilyaforever1
    @lilyaforever1 Рік тому +8

    Love you Richard

  • @meli1735
    @meli1735 3 роки тому +14


  • @youtubeuser3272
    @youtubeuser3272 3 роки тому +10

    Its creepy how people can make a fanbase about a person who killes 13 fucking people. Im hoping that this is a joke.

    • @lamagra7922
      @lamagra7922 Рік тому

      Have you ever thought of trying to understand a murderer?

    • @Rob8n_
      @Rob8n_ 6 днів тому

      @@lamagra7922 lol , you would only try to "understand" a murderer as long as his face made your fried ass brain release some dopamine 🤣

  • @sunmooonn
    @sunmooonn 2 роки тому +7

    Perfect edit and pretty man

  • @ShyerLady
    @ShyerLady Рік тому +3

    :24 Im under his spell.

  • @triaplayzz701
    @triaplayzz701 2 роки тому +3

    He looks like gaddafi

  • @prozacbarbie999
    @prozacbarbie999 2 роки тому +14


  • @themarmotbobak
    @themarmotbobak Рік тому +3

    Bu adam aynı ben

  • @tebuny7338
    @tebuny7338 3 роки тому +17

    Richard ramirez ,forever

  • @veramaria7409
    @veramaria7409 Рік тому +6

    if it weren't for his cousin's influences, he would be a good person

  • @69lo
    @69lo 2 роки тому +21

    I keep coming back to this 👏🏆

  • @La_irreverente
    @La_irreverente Рік тому +5

    I miss you dad, you are the man that would satisfy my fantasies I love you richie.

  • @eyupdiisa
    @eyupdiisa Рік тому +6

    Cool edit I guess, bad man. What if he killed someone in ur family?

  • @tond4ti
    @tond4ti 2 роки тому +6

    OMG love this

  • @beuzebu6667
    @beuzebu6667 Рік тому +4

    The thing is the people who abused him were also probably abused themselves, its a cycle of misery, i think if people are harming others they should be held responsible but that is enough, no need to curse, torture them, and treat them as horrible monsters cause i can't see how that helps in any way, to me when you do this kind of thing you are no different than him, trying to destroy, even if it is in a "smaller" scale, people just have the urge to destroy things they see as bad, i understand that because i feel that as well, but you are rational you can question if what you are doing is helping the world or not, i can understand people like richard cause i had urges like his and i can relate to his pain, even if to an lesser extent, it is not great, i just feel disturbed all the time and i had various panic attacks, having to hold my emotions doesnt help, not gonna get into my problems, no im not just being edgy, this is true and i don't need to prove my suffering, anyway maybe you are confused as to how i feel disturbed if im like him, well im not a "sociopath", and i feel disturbed because i actually TRY to feel my emotions as horrible as they are (i would be disturbed anyways but i think feeling it makes it worse) , i could be classified as "bpd" and "vulnerable narcissism", i think sociopaths just created a wall wich hides their insecurities even from themselves, yet if you look deep you can see they are there, that is why they are so rageful anyway, it is really hard to feel some things, when i cry (almost never, only recently), i just feel so weak and controlled/manipulated, and i only thought about trying to be better recently because of a experience i had after i took a high dose of medication and realized how horrible some things i did were,i also realized how f up i am, for a moment i cared, instead of feeling hatred i felt sadness, before this i NEVER EVER thought about caring about others, didnt even cross my mind, i had read about narcissism and saw i matched it and saw it as "part of my personality", now i reslize that is stupid, idk i just wrote an essay, i like to share my life with strangers, hope nobody can identify me i like to say this as anonymous, also i rushed this text so its posdible i said a bunch of things wrong, i get anxious even writing a comment.

  • @undeadherect9548
    @undeadherect9548 2 роки тому +3

    Nice video

  • @richiegroupi8125
    @richiegroupi8125 2 роки тому +3

    he is a great person

  • @firecontent6841
    @firecontent6841 11 місяців тому +1

    Enjoy the edit weirdly enough still think he need to go to hell but can we pick music that actually fits , he’s a serial killer not a gangbanger 💀

  • @labcabincaliforniasblacksunday
    @labcabincaliforniasblacksunday 3 роки тому +30

    Omfg I hate this..bruh do y’all not know what he did lmao

    • @user-gx8mh7en2f
      @user-gx8mh7en2f 3 роки тому +1

      ong tho

    • @handanturan510
      @handanturan510 2 роки тому +10

      we do and is awful but this doesn't change the fact that he is handsome i don't idolize him tho he is just really charismatic

    • @user-gx8mh7en2f
      @user-gx8mh7en2f 2 роки тому +11

      @@handanturan510 ur rlly fuckin weird

    • @Abhinav-vo5gl
      @Abhinav-vo5gl 2 роки тому +4

      @@handanturan510 lol you think he's handsome.

    • @moxxiemorphine4035
      @moxxiemorphine4035 2 роки тому +1

      i mean the fact that he's a serial killer just kinda makes it better

  • @evathespeaker9537
    @evathespeaker9537 3 роки тому +13

    Omg I love him so much... God help us :'(

    • @klappzam
      @klappzam 3 роки тому +3

      Why you love him? He was a killer.

    • @evathespeaker9537
      @evathespeaker9537 3 роки тому +4

      @@klappzam 😔😔😔 I get so emotional whenever I see his appearance... it breaks my heart. It's a truly cruel world we live in, all a game of chance... none of us are immune. Richard tried, very hard... but he's been dealt a bad card one too many times, and sadly he couldn't keep up with the perverted twisting and turning of this world upon him anymore, and snapped. Only when he gave as good as he got, people recognized him as a human being. And that made Richy happy, for a little while. But he always just wanted to die, and be rid of this world far and behind him, and be finally at peace. Nobody can hurt him now, finally, he's at peace. Or so I pray.

    • @evathespeaker9537
      @evathespeaker9537 3 роки тому +6

      @@klappzam I can't say for sure if Richard did or didn't commit those crimes, but I'd understand his reasoning regardless. Starting life in this world by being systematically, methodically, and sadistically tortured by those who were supposed to protect and love you, can't have been easy. To then have to go to school and try to be away from that evil and put your mind at ease, only to then be molested and raped by the teachers who were supposed to be a barrier against abuse.. can only have further attributed to his perpetually growing rage... To then be bullied by his peers and called names for being dirty because of the neglect he had to endure at home by the hands of his own parents, can't have done much to help either.
      The fact that he tried to self-medicate for years in order to keep the hurt and the rage at bay, is in my opinion a testament to Richard's attempts at rehabilitating himself. He tried, he really did try so hard... yet he succumbed to the weaknesses that are inherent in all of us.
      And I know people will say he's this horrible monster who is undeserving of redemption or love... but the more I read about him the more I realize that it'd be a pretty special, dare I say Extraordinary, maybe even extraterrestrial being/person, who could've gone through those horrors and came out the other end as a person like any other. Truth is, Richard didn't have a chance. The moment he came to earth, the second he was born into that surrounding, his fate was sealed.
      Most people have at least 1 person they can confide in and that has their back, Richard didn't even have 1 soul to keep him somewhat at a human level throughout this ordeal. This is what caused the rage to fester on and on and the frustrations and anger eventually had to come out, naturally.
      Richard himself said he wished he had the capability to have had a family, a wife, and children of his own... he left his long-term girlfriend because he felt he wasn't ''good'' enough and he felt that he didn't deserve anything resembling happiness or love. He truly believed that he was less than dirt and he had to live with the traumas haunting his every step, even seeping into his drug-induced blurring sequences of days and months and years...
      Please, let us not forget that Richard was a human being first and foremost, as any other. He had serious problems and was deeply troubled and a heavy weight was resting upon his soul. It's easy to call him a monster and be done with it, but it's a lot harder to make a serious attempt at putting oneself in his shoes, and following his life path from start to finish, and testing yourself along the way on whether you'd have passed those tests, those torturous barriers and unfortunate events that kept piling up and up at his every step. The guy never got to have a break, everything kept compounding until breaking point inevitably arrived.
      It's easy to look away when a fellow human is being broken down for decades, but then afterward, people should at least have the decency to not be hypocrites and pretend the outcome was at all evitable. Because it was not.
      Furthermore, why should Richard go to hell, as a lot of people pride themselves upon believing? We are all born into circumstances that almost always guarantee either our success or our perceived failure in life. Human logic would dictate that only the lucky and the strong, who's been gifted with the very best that life has to offer (happiness, health, and wealth) get to claim their spots in heaven. I don't agree with this reasoning at all. Richard almost certainly never had a chance, and he shouldn't have to be abandoned in the hereafter and be thrown into a dark corner of hell as he already was on earth. This would be an injustice that'd be too great to comprehend.
      I'm not interested in heaven where uppity people conglomerate and reminisce their easy lives. I'd rather have God help Richard and somehow offer him redemption and his infinite grace, so that he may also one day grace the green pastures of heaven. That'd be something I'd expect God to facilitate. God doesn't follow our restricted human logic and reasonings... he has his own laws, I'm sure of it. And I'll trust on that, and on that alone.

    • @labcabincaliforniasblacksunday
      @labcabincaliforniasblacksunday 3 роки тому +8

      @@evathespeaker9537 so getting bullied when you were younger excuses you to kill a child and a bunch of innocent women?? No matter what happened to you in your childhood, nothing can ever excuse you of murder and rape. People like you excusing his actions because “oh his life was so hard boo hoo hoo” are disgusting. It’s a cruel world we live in because of people like Richard. Because of rapists, murderers, whatever you can think of. He’s not innocent, and if you even feel slightly sorry for him, you’re fucking awful and just as bad as him.

    • @verity9480
      @verity9480 3 роки тому +2

      @@evathespeaker9537 its not that deep

  • @undeadherect9548
    @undeadherect9548 2 роки тому +1


  • @bersigh
    @bersigh 3 роки тому +21

    this guy is great🕊️✨

    • @mrfestive5645
      @mrfestive5645 3 роки тому +14

      Nah adam katil amk

    • @Abhinav-vo5gl
      @Abhinav-vo5gl 2 роки тому +5

      Ya if your relatives had been his victims

    • @mrfestive5645
      @mrfestive5645 2 роки тому +4

      @@bersigh ee bunu bilmem bana yeter zaten adi ustunde 'KATİL'

    • @mrfestive5645
      @mrfestive5645 2 роки тому +2

      Neden katillik yaptigni biliyorum kucukken iyi cocukluk gecirmedi

    • @chainofheartice.
      @chainofheartice. 2 роки тому +1

      @@bersigh Ne yaşarsa yaşasın masum insanları öldüren birisi hakkında konuşuyoruz, hangi kafayı yaşıyorsunuz? Kötü bir çocukluk geçirmesi üzücü olabilir, ama 'o çOk iYi bRisi' ne demek, oksijenle mi full azotla mı yaşıyorsunuz?

  • @hanifealtn859
    @hanifealtn859 2 роки тому +3

    Onun ailesinden nefret ediyorum canavar yaptıkları için

  • @losefer1472
    @losefer1472 2 роки тому

    lava atwanen qsa bkain .

  • @user-ky5fd7gf1e
    @user-ky5fd7gf1e 4 дні тому

    أنا ريتشارد

  • @jenniferrahw
    @jenniferrahw 2 роки тому +2


  • @richiegroupi8125
    @richiegroupi8125 2 роки тому +9


    • @marilj9838
      @marilj9838 2 роки тому +7

      But it's not fair innocent people have to pay for this

    • @ferrarilaferrari2131
      @ferrarilaferrari2131 Рік тому

      There is nothing under the sky that can make his crime somewhat understandable

    • @ItsMobinS
      @ItsMobinS 7 місяців тому

      im sure the victim families would love to hear what you say especially the 9 year old girl he raped and murdered, dickhead

  • @Poliana..
    @Poliana.. 11 місяців тому

    Será que que boa parte dos americanos são problematicos assim,O que se passa? Pelo que vi a vida dele foi muito complicada,e tanto absurdo que li e vi sobre ele ,que as vezes acho que e mentira não e possível.

  • @redmigold370
    @redmigold370 3 роки тому +10

    ❣️❤️💖💟💓💓💓💟 if I was God, I will help him,to have another life, here on earth, not this worst fate that he had_ and I'm so sorry for that Richard ❤️

    • @Rob8n_
      @Rob8n_ 6 днів тому

      Makes sense why you're not God

  • @lamagra7922
    @lamagra7922 Рік тому +4

    He proved that he was superior to others (to most of them):)

  • @emocrybaby9216
    @emocrybaby9216 3 роки тому +8


  • @latinking9793
    @latinking9793 4 місяці тому

    I miss you Richard my friend I will always remember the fond memories of our
    Friendship for ever my dear friend I miss you very much.

  • @sorasorsora
    @sorasorsora 2 роки тому +2


  • @Purp00000
    @Purp00000 Рік тому

    Kampf Sieg Oder Töt

  • @redmigold370
    @redmigold370 3 роки тому +5

    Yesss Richard we are all evil 😉💔💕❣️💞💖

  • @user-op8hf1wl3w
    @user-op8hf1wl3w 6 місяців тому

    i love him

  • @Heyy4989
    @Heyy4989 2 роки тому +2

    Ya werid fr

  • @BaldiBack_
    @BaldiBack_ 3 роки тому +4


  • @1peatler1
    @1peatler1 Рік тому


  • @gbgb3281
    @gbgb3281 2 роки тому +2

    get some help