underscores 'You don't even know who I am' Official Video

  • Опубліковано 6 чер 2023
  • #shotoniphone


  • @beestings22
    @beestings22 Рік тому +778

    I feel like a lot of people are talking about the surface level stuff about this song being about a stalker, but the thing that immediately stuck out to me about this song is the sincerity of it. This song to me feels like hating yourself and your life so much and wishing your life was someone else’s, so much that it becomes an obsession. It’s obviously pushing this all to an extreme but it really felt like this song was about dysphoria, and the horrible thoughts it can lead someone to have. I live every day wishing I had the life of a lot of cis girls I know. For me personally this thought has never become an obsession with a particular person or anything like in this song, but it’s such a weird feeling to have that I’ve always found really hard to unpack. The envy and jealousy that comes with being trans can be very powerful, and this song feels like the worst and most extreme version of that. Idk I’m rambling at this point I just am so fascinated by where this album is going and the fact that she could make a song about a stalker this beautiful is insane

    • @yupekosi
      @yupekosi Рік тому +67

      it makes me so unendingly happy to know that you feel the same way. the "and for once i felt just like you" line makes me feel such powerful things. what else would know everything about me, feel like a creeping sensation, stalking me, knowing everything ive done or will ever do, but manages to be the one thing i dont know about but dysphoria?

    • @maya_void3923
      @maya_void3923 Рік тому +39

      This is same way i interpreted the song before finding out the artists is also transgender, i denied it at the time but after I found out I was like oh no way so it IS about that. Also for me it's not just about dysphoria but much more things, I live in constant pain due to my illness, I'm also mentally in pain because of my OCD ASD crippling anxiety ADHD and something I forgot about, I'm also addicted to opioids (morphine) because of the pains and dependent on psychiatric medicine, I'm also homeless for half a year now and when I thought I finally found a person I will spend my life with and coexist in a symbiotic relationship helping out each other with our disorders, they left me all alone in the shit their parents are mostly responsible for, my whole life I'm dissociated and I can't fully feel that I am myself, I thought one day that I'll never be truly free and happy bevause I would never be able to jump around as a pure consciousness from person to person and experience all the other lives that aren't for me, I always wanted so desperately to experience everything I could and couldn't in my life, probably because my own life is so uncomfortable and I'll never be truly who I am, I was given someone else's body and life that never will truly feel like it's mine, everyone got one to play this game, to have this experience, this unique, extremely personal and intimate experience, and i got a glitches, bugged, broken version of it, I got the one where someone already clicked play and created the avatar for me, where someone for shits and laughs just started new playtrough and selected randomised look and opposite gender before I got my controller being the next in line, and in forbidden to start again, I could only throw the controller away tell the game to fuck off and end it, or play through with the feeling of disappointment and frustration, get the spoiled experience and end up unfulfilled, there's truly no good way out of that, and it's horryfing because it's an actual real life for me not a game and there's nothing past the end, there's nothing more to be, to experience, it's all there is all I get and I can't do anything about it. people seem to forget how fucked up and dire existentially the situation for trans people actually is, we ourselves forget about it, we want to, we are expected to live happily once we get on hrt and somehow be cured, we want to believe it ourselves and get shit scared when the dysphoria is still there sometimes even worse, it's tragic honestly, the blind person may miss out on the visual part of the experience but it's still inherently their experience, it's even more unique in ways, all the horrible things you can be born with are so fucked up like chronic pain for example but honestly the trans experience is exceeding all of them in one crucial way, while all of them are horrible and much more hard in certain ways even deadly, the trans experience means you don't get to be yourself, ever. You're born okay fine then you start puberty and In most cases and the ones Im focusing on, your body your entire physical form starts to drive away the other way, the other road and then you're expected to be in the same route but you aren't, everyone assumes you are so you slowly desintegrate when the "you" everyone assumes you are starts to develop in a crooked way like a tumor where your true self was supposed to grow, and people will never understand how truly disgusting and degenerated it feels, how easy it is to fall into drugs or kill yourself by neglect when you can't even feel that the person you're playing as is in fact you, the process of ripping off that cancerous growth from every fiber of your existence, literally from your brain, and being expected to suddenly grow there as yourself like a healthy person that grows since the beginning of their life, when you just got born and just now have a place to grow and develop, to form a regular human being, this time yourself, with all the social development inter personal and the good stuff etc how this process is excruciatingly painful and confusing, and in most cases we get absolutely no support or guidance from our culture or psychologists, what we do get is actually the opposite, were called pedophiles for some reason, we are told we will never be ourselves, that we aren't who we think we are and we're deluded, that they know better ourselves than we do, that were degenerated, ill, weird, deranged, disgusting, perversed, that we are whores, that we do it for attention when the attention is worst thing that happens to us recently, that we want to spread some ideology, our bodies are called mishapen and they point out our differences, they loudly point out the things we want to rip off from our body, we are forced into the opposite genders bathrooms where we stick out and are ashamed, into the opposite prisons where we're raped (I'm about to go into a male prison if I won't escape my country soon) into the hospital Branches of opposite gender where we are abused, pointed out, our intimacy stripped publicly in news, online debates, ourd bodies literały metaphorically stripped down and discussed by people who have no idea what they're talking about, used for politics without our consent, socially raped so to say. It's honestly paralysing, it's making you speechless, your legs weak and your mind starts to look for all the exits but there are none, it's now what your life will be and you can't do shit about that, and it can get even worse with what's seems to come in the future. Sorry for so much rambling but I'm baked as fuck and just had some trans thoughts,I hope it's not too rough

    • @yupekosi
      @yupekosi Рік тому +2

      @@maya_void3923 my names maya too :D

    • @tormint5294
      @tormint5294 Рік тому +9

      ​@@maya_void3923I'm so sorry and genuinely at a loss of words after reading this. It really isn't fair. I hope you keep fighting, despite how hard existence itself is fighting back each day. It's naive to say from the comfort of my phone but I want to believe that there are better days waiting for you. Days that will alleviate some of the constant struggle. I won't find the right words here but I'm wishing you the best of luck

    • @JupeGiggles
      @JupeGiggles Рік тому

      I hope that you overcome envy. Keep going I’m proud of u for keeping ur head up. Jesus loves u ❤️

  • @cmv928
    @cmv928 Рік тому +582

    underscores with a label budget is unstoppable, what an amazing artist and artistic vision.

    • @RaccoonSpeaks
      @RaccoonSpeaks Рік тому +20

      True I also think mom+Pop is a good label

  • @razyboi
    @razyboi Рік тому +485

    "I know that I scare you,
    but I'm nowhere near the worst you've seen"
    what a good fucking line man wow

    • @prod_paragon
      @prod_paragon Рік тому +2

      pretty sure its i know im nowhere the worst youve seen which is even brtter imo

    • @razyboi
      @razyboi Рік тому +2

      ​@@prod_paragon ah ur so right it definitely is!

    • @ratsinpublic
      @ratsinpublic Рік тому

      @@prod_paragon i'm a bit confused, what does this mean. the phrasing has me confused

    • @prod_paragon
      @prod_paragon Рік тому +1

      ⁠​⁠@@ratsinpublic i was coreecting the original commenter saying that the lyric is avtually “im nowhere near the worst youve seen”

    • @MsGenesisgamer
      @MsGenesisgamer Рік тому +1

      @@ratsinpublic That he is scared by them but them arent the worst he has seem

  • @nbtn
    @nbtn Рік тому +190

    i’m a semi-new underscores fan but i haven’t been this enamored with a rollout’s visuals, production, songwriting, imagery, etc etc in a really long time. i’m so excited to see where this all leads to. i am super interested in video production and these last two have been so stunning and really unlike anything i’ve ever seen

    • @lucyloveskouta
      @lucyloveskouta Рік тому +6

      Reminds me of the time when twenty one pilots was dropping Trench. I'm enamored with Wallsocket era.

  • @y0uwish
    @y0uwish Рік тому +246

    this album is going to go insane

  • @okkmin
    @okkmin Рік тому +181

    the album will hit different

    • @the_boss45
      @the_boss45 Рік тому

      Ur just saying words

    • @PurpleRegulator
      @PurpleRegulator Рік тому +17

      @@the_boss45 that's what communication usually entails, yeah, especially a comment section. usually to say words, yeah. you're right

    • @the_boss45
      @the_boss45 Рік тому

      @@PurpleRegulator do you not know what I’m trying to say? That’s not how u use “hit different” im saying they don’t really know what they’re saying

    • @Selfency
      @Selfency Рік тому +7

      @@the_boss45 Language and slang evolves with every passing day, just because you don't understand something- that doesn't mean they're the one who's wrong.

    • @the_boss45
      @the_boss45 Рік тому

      @@Selfency white people on the internet think they own black culture and aave only someone who thinks they’re owed the world can use words from another vernacular incorrectly with good conscience and only white people would come together to defend that as they know they’re equally as guilty

  • @DIGlCO
    @DIGlCO 8 місяців тому +47

    Returning to this MV after listening to Wallsocket a good amount really makes everything that makes this video phenomenal shine through even more.
    The amount of callbacks to Shoot to kill, kill your darlings and Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, deftly conveying aspects and themes from all three songs into one MV to demonstrate the collective lack of understanding people can develop towards one another based on surface level information, could only have been pulled off with an insane amount of foresight and planning.
    The final shot of S*nny sobbing after what she goes through is my favorite part as it especially contrasts Mara's feelings throughout this track perfectly; Mara feels S*nny doesn't know or understand who she is, when she herself doesn't fully understand S*nny, either.
    underscores, unsurprisingly, has done it yet again. Brilliant, compelling, subtle, and captivating. MV of the year. Wallsocket AOTY.

  • @lummo
    @lummo Рік тому +213


    • @jhx97
      @jhx97 8 місяців тому +3


    • @jamesisbored2940
      @jamesisbored2940 3 місяці тому


  • @noodletongs2664
    @noodletongs2664 11 місяців тому +38

    To me this song is someone who’s fundamentally changed throughout their life singing to their younger self.

  • @mcride1242
    @mcride1242 Рік тому +66

    im mc ride from the band death grips and once again i endorse this message! wallsocket? more like albumoftheyearsocket amirite!

    • @manoelcastro363
      @manoelcastro363 Рік тому +6


    • @13lue-27
      @13lue-27 Рік тому

      hi mc ride its your wife here, i just wanted to tell you your pun sucks.

    • @beckl3
      @beckl3 Рік тому +5

      holy shit mc ride from death grips

    • @username-1999
      @username-1999 Рік тому +2


    • @itskae19
      @itskae19 Рік тому +1

      Y U H!!!

  • @ComandoBurrito
    @ComandoBurrito Рік тому +67

    been waiting a year 4 this one, Ü r literally one of my fav artists since 2020

  • @oshaviolation
    @oshaviolation Рік тому +92

    i don't know why but this song made me cry so hard. the parasocial stalker tones are obvious, but the sincerity of the vocal and the genuine sadness/loneliness hit so hard.
    extremely excited for this new underscores direction. hyperpop goddess and also an alt legend.

  • @beestings22
    @beestings22 Рік тому +11

    The like “I think I’m in love with the cards you were dealt” fucked me up the second I heard it oh my god

  • @jennings4951
    @jennings4951 7 місяців тому +17

    I know this ties into S*nny's story but ive always visualized this song as April expressing herself of channeling another person's experience through their reflection of gender dysphoria and post-transition catharsis. I hear April looking back at her past self and as happy as she is now, she envies the innocence she used to have. She envies how things were, and she is distraught about the fact that this kid version of her will never know who she is now.
    This really feels established in the second bridge and then on. "Wore your clothes, took your pills, cried your makeup off and for once I felt just like you"
    This was a time when April and/or this character was less free, wore clothes they didnt want, didnt express themself, and took medication.
    As free as they are now, a part of them aches to feel that innocence again. To for once re-experience the child who hasnt gone through the trauma that they were bound to endure.
    This feels supported by April's production attachment to the DDR4 samples that represent this shallow form of support. Showcasing what little genuine love she and/or this character may have had at a time when they had needed it most.
    One of the most beautiful and complex songs in recent years. Underscores never fails to break ceilings with their expression and artistry.

  • @viewsonic798
    @viewsonic798 Рік тому +64

    oh my god I'm so excited for this new underscores era u have NO idea

    • @notxenogenisis4336
      @notxenogenisis4336 Рік тому +13

      SHES EVOLVED SO MUCH and yet she still NAILS the aesthetic she's going for every time its insane . Both from a lyrical standpoint AND a songwriting standpoint AND the visual aspect of it all. it is Crazy

    • @viewsonic798
      @viewsonic798 Рік тому +7

      @Not Xenogenisis u took the words right out of my mouth, she's so unique and always manages to add that underscores spark to her music that you can recognize every time

    • @xenonn_54
      @xenonn_54 Рік тому

      yay gd player underscores fan

    • @lummo
      @lummo Рік тому

      hi four

    • @hifurcatfood
      @hifurcatfood Рік тому

      Is this the four bfb

  • @joshietom
    @joshietom Рік тому +75

    yooo! the directing and acting in this video flows so well with the lyrics, super excited to see what direction you take us next!

  • @olliemcphersonartist
    @olliemcphersonartist Рік тому +36

    The video for this is crazy and the lyrics really hit home!! Definitely going to be listening on repeat.

  • @fwurbz
    @fwurbz 2 місяці тому +3

    this song actually means so much to me

  • @bruxism666
    @bruxism666 Рік тому +45

    god this song is viscerally relatable to me,,,, very excited for the album

    • @JaneCogan05
      @JaneCogan05 Рік тому +59

      thats prolly not healthy

    • @lottakoiravili
      @lottakoiravili Рік тому +14

      dawg are you a stalker

    • @randomloserdontthinkaboutit
      @randomloserdontthinkaboutit Рік тому +55

      ​@@JaneCogan05 i'm assuming they're referring to the feeling of being dissociated and distant from those around you, sort of idealizing people in your life and seeing them as more real and authentic than you. feeling as if you're watching others from afar and wishing you were like them. like, relating to deeper meaning or general human emotion in it than the very literal context of the song
      at least that's the aspect of it i relate to

    • @bruxism666
      @bruxism666 Рік тому +28

      @@randomloserdontthinkaboutit yeah i actually didnt realize it could be read in a stalker way because i got the figurative meaning first oops

    • @randomloserdontthinkaboutit
      @randomloserdontthinkaboutit Рік тому

      ​@@starchild199x as a certified borderline bitch i hereby declare it a BPDpilled song, intentional or not

  • @spootjohnson4872
    @spootjohnson4872 Рік тому +27

    100% hyped for this album and future show!!!!

  • @scriptxyoufurry
    @scriptxyoufurry 11 місяців тому +9

    because of this song i felt so in touch with it.. i couldn’t stop crying from the lyrics and the voice was so perfect.. i felt this song was about that self hatred and awareness you have of it.. knowing you cant take compliments or anything nice numb to those words because your heart has light but runs cold.

    @DEEP-WEB Рік тому +38

    Studio version let’s goooo
    Also, amazing cinematography as always 🎉

  • @decembersleeps5522
    @decembersleeps5522 Рік тому +30

    I'm so excited, I'm seeing her in October ❤ taking my older cousin with me to show her hyperpop lol

    • @Ozzan
      @Ozzan Рік тому +4


    • @prod_paragon
      @prod_paragon Рік тому +1

      this is Not Hyperpop😂

    • @decembersleeps5522
      @decembersleeps5522 Рік тому +13

      ⁠@@prod_paragon I’m talking about underscores as a whole lol fishmonger is literally considered a hyperpop album lmfao

    • @jadeblades
      @jadeblades Рік тому

      ​@@decembersleeps5522 i would say fishmonger is a lot more pop & alt rock than hyperpop too

  • @crystal_rizz
    @crystal_rizz Рік тому +12

    These music videos have me going insane trying to figure out the story in the best fucking way possible oh my god

  • @bencrystalofficial
    @bencrystalofficial Рік тому +12

    This is so wild haha, love the dystopian claptrap AI helperbot backdrop 🤖

  • @zzzemoji
    @zzzemoji Рік тому +20

    underscores was my most streamed artist in 2022 and will probably be the same in 2023

  • @Renna2004
    @Renna2004 Рік тому +20

    Underscores never disappoint ☮️

  • @GirlSlimerPainting
    @GirlSlimerPainting 4 місяці тому +2

    3:22 That shot of the dude with the flair smoke making it look like he's lost a arm and is billowing blood is so smart and good foreshadowing that his deployment will not go as he wanted. Trans excellence on display.

  • @Koko-ku3io
    @Koko-ku3io Рік тому +17

    I dont know what i was expecting from the demo to now but its like absolutely perfect i love this so fucking much

  • @suushwin
    @suushwin Рік тому +8

    incredibly common underscores W, never a miss

  • @claynumbers
    @claynumbers Рік тому +5

    Watching this a second time and finding the eerie hidden things in this one hit different

  • @adridoesthings3703
    @adridoesthings3703 Рік тому +4

    this MV is insane, love it to pieces, prolly my favorite song of 2023 already

  • @sanholobeats
    @sanholobeats Рік тому +6


    • @hifurcatfood
      @hifurcatfood 8 місяців тому


  • @buttogetherfrvr
    @buttogetherfrvr 10 місяців тому +6

    please never stop making music, this is so beautiful i haven’t heard anything like it

  • @randomloserdontthinkaboutit
    @randomloserdontthinkaboutit Рік тому +40

    i can't believe they made creep for gay people

  • @epicosity1224
    @epicosity1224 Рік тому +13

    it still surprises me how inspiring your music is even after like five or six years. keep rocking

  • @keebard5655
    @keebard5655 11 місяців тому +5

    i need to hear this song live...... also i love how layered this song is alongside its music video, so good.............

    • @venny_lol
      @venny_lol 11 місяців тому

      Here it was performed live for the first time. It was amazing irl.

  • @Yikesimbella
    @Yikesimbella Рік тому +7

    you MUST have known how desperately i needed this apparently you know who i am better than i do

  • @beestings22
    @beestings22 Рік тому +1

    I was so busy when this came out that I wasn’t here to see it premiere, but now that I’ve finally seen it… wow. Chills. Thank you April.

  • @mossy1123
    @mossy1123 7 місяців тому +2

    something to be said about this particular song guiding us through a showcase of every story told in wallsocket. it's like we're being invited to consider how authors regard their stories. oh god is that another layer of subtext in seventy seven dog years? how does a story or the author's tending to it change now that it's been told? i'm very high

  • @Boykotron
    @Boykotron Рік тому +8

    Damn that tune is horrifying
    Sounds like end credits OST from horror movie

  • @sul4632
    @sul4632 Рік тому +6

    Bro the sound of this one 🥹 Its so beautifully cinematic AAAA

  • @timestamptramp
    @timestamptramp 9 місяців тому +7

    That knowing smirk at 2:43....you're so good at portraying emotion in a genuine way. Says so much, this video. You are doing what all of us could never put into words on so many levels and songs. Hoping you're having a good today- you deserve. ❤

  • @springsight
    @springsight Рік тому +4

    this just oozes menace to me, so excited to hear what's next.

  • @erikkumitsubashi1048
    @erikkumitsubashi1048 Рік тому +4

    Mandela catalog vibes with the background vocal sample on repeat.

  • @DjEphixa
    @DjEphixa Рік тому +2

    This one's a spooker

  • @ffawn
    @ffawn Рік тому +4

    Im addicted to these lyrics

  • @ffawn
    @ffawn Рік тому +4

    april imma stream this whenever i can, your songs are so comforting.

  • @blackjackson11
    @blackjackson11 10 місяців тому +2

    This is the greatest Underscores of All Time

  • @evenwhenthesunisgone
    @evenwhenthesunisgone Рік тому +8


  • @gydcki
    @gydcki Рік тому +17


    • @brozzy9423
      @brozzy9423 Рік тому +13

      I read this in the “it’s a new wave of the future” tone lmaooo

    • @fffmpeg
      @fffmpeg Рік тому

      not this era

    • @gydcki
      @gydcki Рік тому +1

      ​@@fffmpeg But very suitable, especially for the trailer :р

    • @BlackDeckerRiceCooker
      @BlackDeckerRiceCooker Рік тому +2


  • @oxiary
    @oxiary Місяць тому +1

    underscores makes timeless music

  • @yourcakeeater
    @yourcakeeater Рік тому

    yall are dam amazing...I cant wait omggg

  • @timestamptramp
    @timestamptramp Рік тому +3

    You give me chills and hold my soul. I love you.

  • @SharkeySpice
    @SharkeySpice 8 місяців тому +1

    This might be the best music video I've ever seen....

  • @milopurpose
    @milopurpose Рік тому +2

    this is the most excited ive been for an album ever

  • @NolanPilgrim
    @NolanPilgrim Рік тому +8

    Just phenomenal

  • @nagato2519
    @nagato2519 Рік тому +4

    Oh damn the mv is sooo good 👁👄👁

  • @Auriniam
    @Auriniam Рік тому +1

    I don't think I can get more excited

  • @nshvllmusic
    @nshvllmusic Рік тому +5

    i love underscores

  • @randomtissue
    @randomtissue Рік тому +4

    This is actually amazing, I need more!

  • @timestamptramp
    @timestamptramp 6 місяців тому +1

    I'll never get over this one.

  • @heyyitsbenji
    @heyyitsbenji 6 місяців тому +2

    creepy song but very beautiful and striking

  • @snazzaroolu7907
    @snazzaroolu7907 4 місяці тому

    Getting to see this song performed live in portland last year was actually one of the highlights of my entire life

  • @dyo42
    @dyo42 Рік тому +2

    obsessed with this song lately

  • @loon2994
    @loon2994 Рік тому +94

    Finally a song for the girlies who form parasocial relationships and then get overwhelmed by their own expectatives

    • @nickstratmann9209
      @nickstratmann9209 Рік тому +13

      Holyy that's actually a really good interpretation. I just thought that this was a song that's sung from the perspective of a stalker, but I kinda like this perspective of a parasocial relationship for the song, even if it doesn't match some of the verse lyrics

    • @xxgirlb0yxx
      @xxgirlb0yxx Рік тому +7

      i LOVE hearing all the different interpretations, I read into parts of it as a continuation of the bank teller's id theft/embezzlement from the last one and other parts as someone failing to hide their inner thoughts and self in general

    • @qmos
      @qmos Рік тому +3

      @@nickstratmann9209 it matches perfectly with the original demo for this song

  • @roboben_
    @roboben_ 9 місяців тому +5

    holy shit it's johnny

  • @uniworkhorse
    @uniworkhorse 2 місяці тому +1

    bro brought a girl home just to show off his gundam collection what a king

  • @JimKretschmer
    @JimKretschmer Рік тому +3

    this is gorgeous april

  • @capernum
    @capernum Рік тому

    woahhhh, this is stunning

  • @Renna2004
    @Renna2004 Рік тому +6

    This will be awesome, #wetsocket

  • @Digital_Angels
    @Digital_Angels Рік тому +1

    this is actually amazing.

  • @tykomarquer
    @tykomarquer Рік тому

    Absolutely amazed

  • @jairlopez9436
    @jairlopez9436 4 місяці тому +1

    this is the most seen i ever felt listening to music

  • @AeroDucko
    @AeroDucko 3 місяці тому +1

    this came out while i was mentally unwell and i think it fucked me up for months

  • @wishes_._
    @wishes_._ Рік тому +1

    Well I'm excited for this album

  • @kirbyusbwarmer
    @kirbyusbwarmer Рік тому +5

    that gundam scene way too familiar to me 😨

  • @Imgonraidurstreamlilbro
    @Imgonraidurstreamlilbro Місяць тому +1

    I was looking for a song and this one got a 10% chances. Im never taking chances again

  • @phf-official
    @phf-official Рік тому +3

    her music videos are so fkn good ughhh

  • @pedroantonio5565
    @pedroantonio5565 4 місяці тому +1

    She's insane for this

  • @helixxmusic
    @helixxmusic Рік тому +3

    whenever i have a bad day i listen to this song

  • @Weehole
    @Weehole 8 місяців тому +3

    After letting the album settle for a bit there is genuinely no song that strikes me like this one. It's just absolutely gutting. One of the top comments said it's dealing with dysphoria and I couldn't agree more. I'm not trans but I do experience dysphoria regularly and every word of this song brings that forward for me. I feel like it's not even talking about stalking, it's just two versions of oneself or yourself and the image of who you'd want to be.

  • @djmagikkal
    @djmagikkal Рік тому +10

    This was recommended to me from the song “Gandi - Lugata” 👍👍

  • @collage_zzz
    @collage_zzz 6 місяців тому

    Man I love this

  • @jackthehumanofficial
    @jackthehumanofficial Рік тому +4


  • @mdnghtppl7722
    @mdnghtppl7722 Рік тому

    oh absolutely

  • @conrens
    @conrens Рік тому +4

    this shits crazy

  • @MicahCallari
    @MicahCallari Рік тому


  • @vncsmontr
    @vncsmontr Рік тому +5

    Gorgeous, shot on iPhone 15 for sure!

  • @Johnfree
    @Johnfree Рік тому +2

    I am SO HYPE

  • @evrton
    @evrton 8 місяців тому

    this song made me cry live last night :,) hits different

  • @korneliusoderso
    @korneliusoderso Рік тому +1

    This is awesome

  • @notxenogenisis4336
    @notxenogenisis4336 Рік тому


  • @mihcael
    @mihcael Рік тому +1

    love the off-kilter sample chop intro

  • @damagesuppressor
    @damagesuppressor Рік тому +3

    this is so cool

  • @itscharlie2751
    @itscharlie2751 Рік тому


  • @roboben_
    @roboben_ Рік тому

    the gunpla grindr date is a vibe I never knew existed till this

  • @entabruh
    @entabruh Рік тому


  • @superdupertrooper970
    @superdupertrooper970 Рік тому +2

    I love the aesthetic

  • @SamFranklinMusic
    @SamFranklinMusic Рік тому

    wow, incredible