this might be a little late info but, you should have cracked key shard unlocked, the one time use red key, so I will say if you wanna unlock more tainted character you can drop any trinket in a Boss Room or a Treasure Room. then doing the ascent it will become a key shard for you to use in home.
everyone like "Uranus" 👁👄👁
this might be a little late info but, you should have cracked key shard unlocked, the one time use red key, so I will say if you wanna unlock more tainted character you can drop any trinket in a Boss Room or a Treasure Room. then doing the ascent it will become a key shard for you to use in home.
He knows, dont worry
the thing is he alrdy have some tainted unlocked and he do alrdy know this
Im also pretty sure he wants to separate the beast mark run and the unlock run most of the time anyway, like he has said before he isnt in a hurry
convenienty placed upload
10:10 liar...