- 3a doesn't have stun effect, replaced with knock back - bt 22B only have B+K follow-up because low bounce - stun - 2A+B,236A+K,B no longer combo because slower animation (compared to sc4) - triple 66B(fastest input/just frame) 4th hit always miss, and only dealt 37damage, that's the reason 2nd 66B not just frame.
- 3a doesn't have stun effect, replaced with knock back
- bt 22B only have B+K follow-up because low bounce
- stun - 2A+B,236A+K,B no longer combo because slower animation (compared to sc4)
- triple 66B(fastest input/just frame) 4th hit always miss, and only dealt 37damage, that's the reason 2nd 66B not just frame.
glad to see these guides coming back. I would be interested to see what Yoshimitsu can do when you get around to it. well done!
Bang coba cari combo throw yg ga terdapat di command list !! Minta bantuannya
Ditunggu bang saya mohon