Jesus Christ - Doctrine of Christ|Christology|Theology|Humanity|Divinity of Christ|Bro Shyam Chevuri

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • #shyamchevuri #theologyintelugu #doctrines #bible #carmelbiblechurch In this video, we are going to explain the Humanity and Divinity of Christ, The personality of Christ, Hypostatic Union, 100% Man, 100% God, 100% God-Man. You must watch this Video and Know Christ and Grow in Everyday.
    In the person of Jesus God physically entered in to our world. An infinite God came to live in a finite world. The one who knew exactly how things were supposed to become to a place where things obviously weren’t. In Jesus God and man became one person, a person unlike anyone else the world has ever seen or will ever see.
    Jesus Christ was, and forever will be, fully God and fully man in one person. And that one person changed the course of history forever.
    Jesus - Fully Man
    Jesus was fully and completely human. He was conceived in the womb of his mother by a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit. This is made clear in Matthew 1:18: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph,
    before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.” While many things could be said about this, one thing is clear: Jesus was born of a human mother. His ordinary human birth affirms his humanity.
    Just as we have a human body, so did Jesus. As a child, he “grew and became strong” (Luke 2:40), and as he grew older, he “increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). He became “wearied” from a journey (John 4:6); after a fast,
    “he was hungry” (Matt. 4:2); and while on the cross, he said, “I thirst” (John 19:28). His body was, in every respect, just like ours.
    Jesus rose from the dead in a physical, human body that was no longer subject to weakness, disease, or death. As he told his disciples, who were astonished at the risen Christ, “See my hands and my feet,
    that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39). Jesus continues to reside in this perfect but human body in heaven.
    Jesus’ mind was like ours as well. He went through a learning process as other children do. Luke, for example, tells us he “increased in wisdom” (Luke 2:52). Like a normal child, he learned how to do things such as talk, read, write, and eat. In his human nature, he did
    not know the day he would return to earth, “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32).
    In addition, Jesus felt the full range of emotions: he “marveled” at the faith of the centurion (Matt. 8:10); he “wept” at the death of his friend Lazarus (John 11:35), and he prayed to God “with loud cries and tears” (Heb. 5:7). Before his crucifixion, he said, “My soul
    is very sorrowful, even to death” (Matt. 26:38) and “Now is my soul troubled” (John 12:27).
    Jesus was like us in every respect but one: he was without sin.
    That is why at the end of his life he could say, “I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love” (John 15:10). That is why Paul refers to Jesus as “him . . . who knew no sin” (2 Cor. 5:21). Peter tells us that Jesus “committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth” (1 Peter 2:22). John tells us that “in him there is no sin” (1 John 3:5).
    Clearly, Jesus is “one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15).
    Jesus - Fully God
    As we stated earlier, Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother by a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit. Again, this is made clear in Matthew 1:18. Jesus’ virgin birth was a supernatural work of God.
    Through the work of the Holy Spirit inside Jesus’ mother, Mary, the human and the divine were united in a way they never will be in any other people.
    As we saw when we discussed the full deity of the Trinity, the Bible clearly says that Jesus is fully God. For example, Paul writes of Jesus in Colossians 2:9, they were employing a term that was used over six thousand times in the Greek translation of the Old Testament to refer to God or “the Lord.” Therefore, when the angels announced Jesus’ birth
    by saying, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11), they were saying that the Lord God himself was born.
    When asked if he had seen Abraham, Jesus responded by saying, “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:57 - 58). Those who heard him say this “picked up stones to throw at him” (John 8:59), which is what any self-respecting religious leader would have done if someone
    claimed to be God. They understood that Jesus was claiming the same title God claimed for himself in Exodus 3:14 - “I AM WHO I AM.”
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    Bro. Shyam Chevuri, Pastor-Teacher,
    Carmel Bible Church (We Believe The Bible)
    Carmel Bible Seminary (We Teach The Bible)
    Rajam, Srikakulam District, A.P., Cell: 8790873190