The UDP need to get their act together and have a massive ground game to be able to convince the 21% ...but the UDP cannot win with Shyne Barrow as the leader...we need a more dynamic and future driven leader who cares for the people and not for him or herself...
For me it is who have the most migrants to vote for them. When it comes to development now you should be trute full about that.The U D P has always up grading Roads drains and Bridges. and also some farm Roads and villages Roads.and also the PUP in there time dump up Villages Roads and farms lands Roads the true facts the both political party has good things and all so do Rong things. They need to realize that what so ever they sow all of us Belizean will reap Bless to the two political party and the real Belizean who really Love this Country BELIZE may Jehovah my God mercy and Grace and kindness and Love Fall upon this country through JESUS Christ his son our Savior messiah mediator Redeemer Advocator Recomsiler and Eternal King
John is doing good we have to be with him god bless him
The UDP need to get their act together and have a massive ground game to be able to convince the 21% ...but the UDP cannot win with Shyne Barrow as the leader...we need a more dynamic and future driven leader who cares for the people and not for him or herself...
you got this belize
For me it is who have the most migrants to vote for them. When it comes to development now you should be trute full about that.The U D P has always up grading Roads drains and Bridges. and also some farm Roads and villages Roads.and also the PUP in there time dump up Villages Roads and farms lands Roads the true facts the both political party has good things and all so do Rong things. They need to realize that what so ever they sow all of us Belizean will reap Bless to the two political party and the real Belizean who really Love this Country BELIZE may Jehovah my God mercy and Grace and kindness and Love Fall upon this country through JESUS Christ his son our Savior messiah mediator Redeemer Advocator Recomsiler and Eternal King
Who is Vikings Strategies? Curious minds wants to know...
Lol... the economy is terrible in my view. Everything is expensive! Gas is at $12 a gallon since 2022!
Hard to say the lesser of 2 evils
Stay pan track