Emmett plays emotionally/mentally unstable brilliantly. That little fidgety shake thing he does at 6:00, part rage/part inability to resist, is so captivating and scary at the same time. Warning sirens were going off in my head before he even kissed Ste so I wasn't really surprised to see he'd hit him again. Brendan always has his reasons but the fact of the matter remains, Ste's hurt yet again. Sigh...these writers. Also, really don't appreciate Noah making the situation about him. I mean yes, he's jealous and upset, but if your bf who you supposedly care about comes to you battered and bruised you don't drag him back in front of his abuser to declare your relationship. Even if things HAD gone down as innocently as Ste claimed, in what world would that even make sense?
I love your description of Brendan's shake @ 6.00. I myself kind of thought part of him was enraged because just about all of him couldn't resist Steven. And you're so right about Noah dragging Steven in front of Brendan! The fact that going to see Brendan after he beat up Steven is totally insane and improbable. Always enjoy reading your comments and you always seem to get their relationship on point. :)
June Marie Hehe. Thanks. And Gosh, Noah.. The biggest mistake HO ever made in Ste's storyline. Well, that and his current drug addiction/relationship but that's another story.
VampireMadonna Yes, Noah was a HUGE mistake in Steven's SL. They just really didn't do well together. I think a huge part of that was because of the actor that played Noah and how terrible an actor he was. And his current story is definitely not a good one. I mean, is there really a point to having him and JP together, apart from the fact they're both gay?
June Marie Yes, the actor who played Noah was HORRIBLE. A lot of people hated on him bcuz he wasn't that attractive but I wouldn't have cared if he'd at least been able to deliver a decent line. Instead, his acting was deplorable, his body-language was awkward as hell. I swear he looked like a ridiculous stage actor in ever single scene. And the emotional/romantic scenes really challenged my gag-reflex. It was just...Ugh. I could barely stomach it. In regards to JP, that's exactly how I feel. I can't blame the actor for wanting to come back to H.O when his last acting stint ended but I genuinely feel that they just threw them together because both chars are gay. The chemistry just isn't there and there's no real reason for them to be together otherwise, especially since Ste had walked in on Brendan with JP. Like seriously, that's not something Ste would forget. But ever since Bren went to jail, Ste's personality has had a complete overhaul so every choice he makes is questionable. Part of me selfishly wishes that Kieron would decide to leave H.O so that Emmett can come back, since he promised to whenever Kier decides to leave, and we can have one last Stendan reunion. I just want to see them together one more time.
VampireMadonna God you're so right! Noah was just unable to do anything right the entire time he was in HO! As much as I don't like JP and Steven together, imo they're a little bit better to stomach the Steven and Noah. But with everything that happened in Dublin, I can't believe Steven would even want to be with JP since he's been with Brendan. I couldn't agree with you more about Kieron leaving so we can finally have our Stendan happily ever after, but it would be sad to see Steven leave HO. But I'm also afraid the only way he'll ever et his act together and get off the drugs is if Brendan comes back, because getting off them for JP has obviously not worked!
Haha, the beginning is awesome. "Did you just kiss me?!" - Does that sound familiar, anyone? I just have beautiful memories of their first kiss, when it was Brendan who said that line then.
Damn, writing is all over the place once again. Like Ste bashing Brendan with the bat never happened. And not just that, Ste actually admitted it to Amy that he wanted to kill Brendan. And now Ste acts like nothing happened?!
Every single time that Ste says "please" to Brendan just breaks my heart. It's always this desperate sounding whisper. In previous and future episodes, it's so similar. Poor thing. =( Oh my goodness... I've been re-watching because they new episodes seem so far away. omfg. I forgot about Noah though. I think I repressed the memory. ugh. Cannot stand him.
Did Brendan hit Ste in order to protect him from Warren? If Ste showed up all bruised and battered Foxy would think that BB doesn't give a toss about him..and he would be safe from Warrens vengeance against Brendan. One of many (im)plausible theories..
Egu022 It could be true Because to begin with brendan kissed ste and said to foxy that he was done with him,to show him to he doesn't care about steven So yeah it does make sense to assume that and it could be that he was angry with ste for sleeping with noah,or just plain jealous for that matter Or even for vengeance for hitting him with a bat Could be either way
Noah is really a drama queen but then, it's explainable if you're with someone like Ste. I guess Ste saying "I don't love you anymore" even if it's not entirely true, still hurts more than it should for Brendan.
Brendan, Brendan.. now why did you go and do that luv. Ste is the only person that still loves you despite all you´ve done. I know you think you´ve helped him but he belongs with you, we know that, he knows that and you know that. Accept it. And here I am talking to a character....I need help. Therepy anyone?
Definitely not a set up, Ste is genuinely terrified of Brendan. This time they are really over... and I'm not sure I can keep wacthing not only because I'm a Stendan fan but also because I'm not sure I can still support a character like Brendan. He is not redeemable
I honestly don't think there was a plan between ste and brendan...I mean bren got that punched I the gut look whe ste said he didn't love him anymore and then after ste and Noah left he got angry and threw his mug across the room!!! This was definitely not a plan between the two!!!!
I'm going to go so far as to say that Brendan didn't beat Ste up to "drive him away", "save him from Warren", nothing like that, he beat him up for the same reasons he always does, he won't accept that he is gay and in love with another man, he kissed Ste because he thought he had to in order to stop Warren, that was the only reason, he even went so far as to try and deny being gay again to Cheryl, I have loved the Stendan chemisty and hoped for the best but Ste should be with Noah......
Also, it's kinda funny that Brendan is STILL denying being gay. "Yeah, I kissed a bloke in front of everyone, Warren knows I killed for this guy, I've had at least three affairs with men, tried it on with my best mate, have confessed feelings for this bloke… but that don't mean I'm gay!"
I'm not gonna call Ste stupid for staying or running back to Brendan because I think that if I was in Ste's position I would run back to Brendan at the snap of his fingers. I might be wrong but its just something about Brendan that when he is being really "loving" and "nice" that it's worth it. Even with ALL his flaws I can't help but to love Brendan.
@amayrllis The talk of a positive outcome was long before Mr. Scanlan had his contract extended and the storyline was reworked. I am pretty sure we are long past the planned endgame for the story arc which I do think originally included Noah, but at this point the story seems to revolve around Brendan rather than Ste. (to my eyes at least) and the writers have now gone to great lengths to show us Noah and Ste are not suited for one another. I think Stedan will continue until Emmett moves on.
@mlorocker It just sucks that they were SOOOOO close to finally being able to be together and to be happy. Brendan came out, Ste gave him another chance, and they both wanted to be with each other. I guess the only way they are going to make it is if Bren gives up the shady business and cleans up his act. Ugghh, the look on Brens face when Noah and Ste showed up killed me. He had to keep a poker face to really convince Ste he was through, but jealousy and angst was seeping through his pores.
"well i won't live the rest of my life wondering if i was second best" hah really noah honestly not even close that was the worst cliche ever wow writers at least give him better lines
I don't get this scene ... wasn't it Ste who bashed Brendan's head in and said they were done? I understand that he still loves him but why is he suddenly the one coming back to Brendan, hoping they aren't "done" yet?
Ste bashed him in the head for beating him up. However, the reason Brendan would beat Ste is because of self-loathing about being gay. Chances are Ste figures now that Brendan is out, he isn't self-loathing anymore and so Brendan won't beat him up if he got back together with him
Athasin Then why did he beat Ste up at the end of this clip? He's out now AND he can have Ste if he wants. Brendan bashing Ste in this instance just makes no sense whatsoever ... :(
Pers Godiva in Brendan's sick way it's his way of trying to protect him remember Warren threatened Ste and if Ste's not with him he think he's going to be safe
If its real I'm a little sad that Ste's tough guy with a bat stuff didn't last longer. I loved when he stood up for himself and now he's cowering again...kind of sucks. I thought if Bren hit him again we'd at least see a fiery Ste fight back. I don't even like that he went to Bren so soon wanting him back before the unseen beating.But theres a lot of mystery to this for some reason, waiting for it to unfold
This is like the weirdest episode. It seems like they are trying to make it look mysterious, but I can't figure how it happened. They always show the beatings, not that I'm in love with seeing that but they always show it no matter how sad. If Bren did it to push him to Noah it'd be more effective to show how hard that was for him. Very strange what went down, but ste's so upset seems Bren had to of really hit him. I need more scenes with talking and flashbacks...
i don't think brendan hit ste. at first i did, but after replaying the ep, i am now convinced that it was warren who beat him up, and threatened to kill him or bren if he didn't tell bren that he doesn't love or want to be with him. i just can't see why the writers would fuckin write something as fucked up as this storyline now seems to be. it makes no sence.
@anyusa0030 I don't know how long Emmett is signed for now. Last time (as i recall) he had an 8 month contract (emmettscanlanfans please correct me if I am wrong) but as a fan I can't help but hope he goes on to bigger and better things despite how much i will miss double B. The one thing i am sure of is that when it comes his exit will be epic. :)
Brendan did what he always does....he beat up his lover, they did have sex, then he beat Ste up, Brendan hates himself, he kissed Ste in public because he thought he had to, he wanted to protect Ste, but the ironic part is Brendan is the biggest threat to Ste...I'm so disappointed the abuse has started all over again, thought some progress had been made but nope, I don't know what will stop Brendan's behavior, maybe nothing, I love Stendan and their chemistry, but am tired of the violence!!!!!
Brendan, Brendan, Brendan....Don't you want to be happy? You love Ste, he loves you.I guess the hate you have for yourself is stronger than your love for Ste. Oscar Wilde: ""Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard Some do it with a bitter look Some with a flattering word The coward does it with a kiss The brave man with a sword"
@matilda8888 I agree, I also remember the writers talking about a positive outcome for Ste at the end of this dark storyline and it's quite clear Noah will be that outcome
@anyusa0030 There's a whole block of time missing, nothing adds up. Some how did warren attack ste? I don't know the whole thing, i'm just godsmacked.....
@tihkon2 I see nothing strange about Brendan throwing the mug at the end. It fits in with my theory as well. He's upset that he has to go through with this charade (letting Ste act like he's with Noah) to keep Foxy off of Ste's ass. Anyhow, it's just my theory. I may be wrong, I may be right. :-D
@anyusa0030 That's a good point, but there is something off about this whole thing, it doesn't feel like the other times brendan hit ste. Look at the final scene again how they (brendan and ste) exchange glances throughout almost like the communicating and how noah is almost leading ste to say these things, it just feels weird. I still understand if someone beat him so bad why stay the night?
Everytime Brendan has hit Ste, the writers have made it a point to show it. There is no way they would have ste beaten and not show it. Especially if it was Brendan. There is no reason to hide it now. I think warren did it or Ste had it done. Warren has to think they are over. I bet Ste and Brendan will secretly meet somewhere to be together.
@BrockYoung87 He did it alright, but not because Ste turned him down. We know from the last clip that Ste was definitely not turning him down. That relationship-saving discrepancy is the source of any confusion displayed by Brendan, I would surmise.
@TheShima66 Ste is the love of Brendan's life and Brendan has made it clear he will do anything to keep Ste safe. Just because Brendan beat Ste to keep him away so he'd be safe. Doesn't mean Brendan has to like Noah being with Ste, no one wants to see the person they love with another person even if it's for the best. Could see Brendan's bravo breaking when Ste told him he'd didn't love him anymore. And I doubt Brendan cared for Noah getting smart with him either.
@aretmisia I couldn't agree more. Imo Ste should do what Macca told him and run away as fast as he can because as long as he stays in the village Brendan will never EVER leave him alone
@Egu022 yep!! That's my theory and you are soooo correct!!! You can tell by Brendan's reaction at the very end when he had chunked the glass that he's not over Ste. However, it needed to be done (well, it could have been handled differently). And why would he need to make Ste hate him or push him away??? It has to be because of Warren. So, I agree!!!
@brken now I realized Ste & Noad walked down those stairs before Brendan showed up in front of Ste. But I don't think Brendan still lives with Cheryl. So Ste didn't go back from Brendan's place . But maybe he did and went to see Noah but he wasn't home, he came home and Noah was there. What do you think?
I think that beating was for Ste being with Noah in the first place and secondly for the reason emmttscanlanfans gives. I would prefer it to be a clever plan, but I don't think it is, and I have a feeling most, if not all of Ste's injuries were acquired during the sex rather than after. I remember back just before Rae caught them together Ste was stretching his shoulder between rounds like his arm had been twisted behind his back. This time it looks like Brendan nearly broke it.
@TheShima66 I really don't think its a plan between Ste and Bren. If it were, Ste wouldn't be so obviously shaken up by it all and Bren wouldn't have been so completely jealous of Noah and Ste holding hands and setting him straight. Plus Ste wouldn't have bluffed that he didn't love Bren anymore, and Bren wouldn't have thrown his cup. I think Bren's plan is to convince Ste he is an abusive person so that Ste wants nothing to do with him, thus making it easier to convince Warren that theyre thru
I know that's why he did that to Steven! I can't see why other people can't see it! Brendan is very much in love with Steven! So he knew he had to let Steven go! Because Ste would want to be with him! He didn't want Warren hurting Steven! So he had to let Steven leave him for good!
@mlorocker The good news is, the storyline will continue to build up and will not be put on the backburner. I don't want a happily ever after just yet, since that only means less screen-time and storylines for Stendan. I hope by summertime they reunite though. I really hope Ste quits soon. He can't keep hanging around the bar knowing Bren is there. Plus absense makes the heart fonder, and it will show Bren how much he misses and loves Ste. Awesome storyline and I am not the least bit disappointd
@Star4lovers his bruises are real and his face is damaged or you think Noah wouldn't notice it's a fake? and why Brendan broke his mug at the end? and why Ste asked Noah don't tell anyone about beating if they want Warren knows about it?
So the way I see it, Bren had to beat Ste up to convince Ste he wouldn't change. The sad thing is, Ste is really convinced that Bren is a lifetime abuser now and is giving up on the relationship. By pushing Ste away, he is proving to Warren that Ste doesn't mean anything to him, thus protecting Ste in the process. I guess he can either protect Ste or be with him, and he chose to protect Ste in his twisted way. Just sucks that Ste knows nothing about Warren's threats and gave up on Bren.
I'm sure It's a scheme!! when Ste told noah to not tell anyone, it was to make sure he would not make a fuss about it. Foxy is the one they are trying to fool and sooner or later Ste will see him in the club and maybe Ste will blame him for what happened to him. Maybe Brendan explained the situation to Ste and he made him understand why they can't be in the open together and Ste would do anything to protect and be with Brendan even betray Noah.
@ddscurtis I just think in my option that Ste and Brendan planned all this why because of Warren he won't go after Ste.Ste lied to Noah he did sleep with Brendan and he choose Brendan he wanted to be with him.Ste just lied about everything and he really wanted to convince Noah that he wanted to be with him not Brendan.The looks Brendan and Ste where giving each other while Noah was talking to Brendan it just looked weird.I really hope i am right.
I just figured it out I think... How do you keep Warren Fox from going after Ste? You and Ste make Foxy think that Ste means nothing to you and that he's a couple with Noah. I think Ste and Brendan cooked this whole thing up and that's why we didn't see the beating. We'll see if I'm right...I'm betting we'll get a flashback of Ste smacking his own face with a door or something. :-)
@aretmisia Sorry Artemisia, but obviously it's not clearly anything as many many people are disagreeing on if it is or isn't a set up. It might be better if you posted ..."It's clear to me..." ;-D
@luckyduck152 As someone who as excessively read about DID, I can say that Brendan has definitely NO kind of sign of this disorder. I'd say he's simply messed up. Everyone has different "aspects", it doesn't mean you have multiple personalities - because those have not only distinct personalities, but memories and in parts different ways of moving. (Including Handwriting.) After the horrible stunt that Hollyoaks pulled with Schizophrenia however, it would be possible they do this wrongly, too.
Those stairs he hobbles down...I don't think their Brendons or Cheryls...whatever. They look like the same ones he came down with Noah in the ep before this one, from Noahs flat. So does that mean anything?
The way I look at it is that there are some very suspicious activity going on in this episode and a bunch of people are sensing it. We're all getting the same weird vibe... it can't be just a coincidence.
One line was interesting. Brendan said "Like you said Stephen, you let me know what you wanted last night." Maybe the beating was sex play but in the light of day, and getting beat up more than he wanted, then seeing Noah waiting for him, Ste realizes it's all wrong. He may love Brendan but they're toxic when together and with Noah, it's safe. I think after that night, he realizes even though he's in love and rather be with Brendan, the best thing is to be with Noah.
argh i thought them sleeping together this time would be the start of an ok relationship, lazy writing, ste being beaten up again doesn't make sense unless brandon really does get a sick kick out of it
Brendan said that he will make cheryl proud of him again. There is no way he would lay another finger on Ste. Cheryl wouold never forgive him for that. She knows all about the previous beatings. He is making progress with Cherly. He would not risk that. I think Brendan text Ste after his little chat with Warren. This is a plan that Brendan and Ste came up with. Brenadan cannot kill warren like he did danny. This was the only way they could keep Ste safe. ste will not let a person be kill again.
The only reason why Brendan had physically abused Stephen (and this being the worst abuse thus far) is because of Warren....point blank!!! There's no excuse in the world for abuse....BUT, that's why Brendan did it SO Ste does not be a threatened by Warren since he knows he had stolen his money. It could have been handled differently...BUT, that's Brendan's psychotic way of handling situations. Plus, the way he chunked his glass at the end clearly shows how he still loves Ste.
That last part when Ste said I'm with Noah now Brendan let out a low growl.Warren is trying what Danny did,using Becs,so I can't wait to see what he tries next.No matter Brendan is one step ahead always.Mitzeee makes me laugh everytime she says our money.Becs and Doug are in way over there heads.Emmett has got to win best actor and villian :)
@candylover233able (cont) writers are doing a brilliant job at keeping us entertained while stretching out the storyline. They always give us a sweet/explosive/unforgettable/passionate scene that we rewind for hours on end before they break the boys up, which is totally fine with me. I guess Emmerdale really messed with my head, having to wait months for a little peck. Bleh. I think this storyline is a bit dry at the moment because a lot of issues are being resolved. Cant wait for more though.
And what if...Foxy tried the other way around, he beat Ste and told him to keep away from BB or he would tell the police about Danny's death. Probably he tries to make B miserable? And Ste decided to tell Noah that B beat him up, to fix him and bc he is really a nice guy and this way he can show B that he is over him and he can protect him that way bc he knows B killed for him once and he doesnt't want that happen again. And I don't thin Ste spent the night at B's.
There's definitely something going on here. I can't believe Brendan would do something like this. Can't wait till monday - hopefully it will all make sense then.
I agree that there's a lot that doesn't add up here. Either the HO writers are even stupider than I thought they were, or there's something fishy going on with Ste. When Brendan says "you let me know what you wanted last night" he's definitely referring to Ste telling him he wanted to be with him. Like Ste never said he'd rather be with Noah. And if Ste's lying about that, he could be lying about being beaten up by Brendan. I have a feeling that this is some f'd-up plan of Ste's...
Am I the only one who doesn't really think Brendan did it at all this time? He really seems shocked at the end by what Ste is saying. Like it's not at all what he was expecting. After everything with the bat I don't think Brendan would hit Ste again or that Ste would stand for it. I don't have any idea what may have actually happened instead, but I don't think it's cut and dry. Brendan seems confused and upset at the end. If he had actually hit Ste don't think he would have reacted that way.
For me It's not because I think that Brendan would not hit Ste anymore, because I don't think he change all that much while he was away and he definitely didn't became a teddybear over the night but the fact that they didn't show the beating smell fishy to me, there's definitely something going on there...
I think brendan and ste have a plan, everyone is to think they aren't together. That includes Noel, Warren Mitzeee and cheryl. It's to keep ste safe and heat off brendan. Look at all the signs, no scares on brendan's hands, ste texted him to say that he was coming, everything just seemed like it was a plot between them.
Well, someone beat up Ste, and he spent the night with Brendan. If they didn't have sex, what did they do? Watch an all night marathon of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" ? I think Noah would have noticed if Ste was wearing "I've been beaten up" make-up.
I will NEVER CONDONE what Brendan did to Ste!!! However i do know that Brendan LOVE Ste VERY MUCH!!! Let's jus see where this storyline will be leading us.....
Somethings fishy, they didn't show Brendan hitting Ste but obviously he's been beaten up and when he told Noah they didn't sleep together I don't believe him. If Brendan wanted to beat him up he would have done it when Ste put his arms around his neck. Although Brendan was obviously pissed when Ste and Noah left. Foxy and Brendan scene's are entertaining. And Cheryl at a royal wedding, in her tacky tasting ensembles, ha. No one's going to be looking at the bride.
God... poor little Ste, he fell again into the same trap... and got hurts again.... Brendan haven't changed,he still the same homophobic psychopath and he needs serious psychiatric help as soon as possible. I've read Noah and Brendan gonna have a lot scenes together,you think guys Noah has the balls to stand against psycho Brendan?
Ohhh... When Brendan Brady comes out.. He COMES OUT!! 😂😂
Emmett plays emotionally/mentally unstable brilliantly. That little fidgety shake thing he does at 6:00, part rage/part inability to resist, is so captivating and scary at the same time. Warning sirens were going off in my head before he even kissed Ste so I wasn't really surprised to see he'd hit him again. Brendan always has his reasons but the fact of the matter remains, Ste's hurt yet again. Sigh...these writers.
Also, really don't appreciate Noah making the situation about him. I mean yes, he's jealous and upset, but if your bf who you supposedly care about comes to you battered and bruised you don't drag him back in front of his abuser to declare your relationship. Even if things HAD gone down as innocently as Ste claimed, in what world would that even make sense?
I love your description of Brendan's shake @ 6.00. I myself kind of thought part of him was enraged because just about all of him couldn't resist Steven. And you're so right about Noah dragging Steven in front of Brendan! The fact that going to see Brendan after he beat up Steven is totally insane and improbable. Always enjoy reading your comments and you always seem to get their relationship on point. :)
June Marie Hehe. Thanks. And Gosh, Noah.. The biggest mistake HO ever made in Ste's storyline. Well, that and his current drug addiction/relationship but that's another story.
VampireMadonna Yes, Noah was a HUGE mistake in Steven's SL. They just really didn't do well together. I think a huge part of that was because of the actor that played Noah and how terrible an actor he was. And his current story is definitely not a good one. I mean, is there really a point to having him and JP together, apart from the fact they're both gay?
June Marie Yes, the actor who played Noah was HORRIBLE. A lot of people hated on him bcuz he wasn't that attractive but I wouldn't have cared if he'd at least been able to deliver a decent line. Instead, his acting was deplorable, his body-language was awkward as hell. I swear he looked like a ridiculous stage actor in ever single scene. And the emotional/romantic scenes really challenged my gag-reflex. It was just...Ugh. I could barely stomach it.
In regards to JP, that's exactly how I feel. I can't blame the actor for wanting to come back to H.O when his last acting stint ended but I genuinely feel that they just threw them together because both chars are gay. The chemistry just isn't there and there's no real reason for them to be together otherwise, especially since Ste had walked in on Brendan with JP. Like seriously, that's not something Ste would forget. But ever since Bren went to jail, Ste's personality has had a complete overhaul so every choice he makes is questionable.
Part of me selfishly wishes that Kieron would decide to leave H.O so that Emmett can come back, since he promised to whenever Kier decides to leave, and we can have one last Stendan reunion. I just want to see them together one more time.
VampireMadonna God you're so right! Noah was just unable to do anything right the entire time he was in HO!
As much as I don't like JP and Steven together, imo they're a little bit better to stomach the Steven and Noah. But with everything that happened in Dublin, I can't believe Steven would even want to be with JP since he's been with Brendan.
I couldn't agree with you more about Kieron leaving so we can finally have our Stendan happily ever after, but it would be sad to see Steven leave HO. But I'm also afraid the only way he'll ever et his act together and get off the drugs is if Brendan comes back, because getting off them for JP has obviously not worked!
Haha, the beginning is awesome.
"Did you just kiss me?!" - Does that sound familiar, anyone?
I just have beautiful memories of their first kiss, when it was Brendan who said that line then.
+Angie511 ha ha ha its look like vise versa between
Brendan & Ste.
Angie511 omg yessssss 😂😂😂😂
Damn, writing is all over the place once again. Like Ste bashing Brendan with the bat never happened. And not just that, Ste actually admitted it to Amy that he wanted to kill Brendan. And now Ste acts like nothing happened?!
i don't think Brendan would have kissed ste if he wasn't threatened, and Brendan is mad at Ste for sleeping with Noah.
Every single time that Ste says "please" to Brendan just breaks my heart. It's always this desperate sounding whisper. In previous and future episodes, it's so similar. Poor thing. =(
Oh my goodness...
I've been re-watching because they new episodes seem so far away. omfg.
I forgot about Noah though. I think I repressed the memory. ugh. Cannot stand him.
Did Brendan hit Ste in order to protect him from Warren? If Ste showed up all bruised and battered Foxy would think that BB doesn't give a toss about him..and he would be safe from Warrens vengeance against Brendan. One of many (im)plausible theories..
It could be true
Because to begin with brendan kissed ste and said to foxy that he was done with him,to show him to he doesn't care about steven
So yeah it does make sense to assume that
and it could be that he was angry with ste for sleeping with noah,or just plain jealous for that matter
Or even for vengeance for hitting him with a bat
Could be either way
I think so too, this time, Brendan hits Ste to protect him from Foxies, not b/c of anger
Noah is really a drama queen but then, it's explainable if you're with someone like Ste.
I guess Ste saying "I don't love you anymore" even if it's not entirely true, still hurts more than it should for Brendan.
oh ste...get yourself together. he's the one who's all over the place now!
Brendan, Brendan.. now why did you go and do that luv. Ste is the only person that still loves you despite all you´ve done. I know you think you´ve helped him but he belongs with you, we know that, he knows that and you know that. Accept it. And here I am talking to a character....I need help. Therepy anyone?
Definitely not a set up, Ste is genuinely terrified of Brendan. This time they are really over... and I'm not sure I can keep wacthing not only because I'm a Stendan fan but also because I'm not sure I can still support a character like Brendan. He is not redeemable
I honestly don't think there was a plan between ste and brendan...I mean bren got that punched I the gut look whe ste said he didn't love him anymore and then after ste and Noah left he got angry and threw his mug across the room!!! This was definitely not a plan between the two!!!!
I'm going to go so far as to say that Brendan didn't beat Ste up to "drive him away", "save him from Warren", nothing like that, he beat him up for the same reasons he always does, he won't accept that he is gay and in love with another man, he kissed Ste because he thought he had to in order to stop Warren, that was the only reason, he even went so far as to try and deny being gay again to Cheryl, I have loved the Stendan chemisty and hoped for the best but Ste should be with Noah......
Also, it's kinda funny that Brendan is STILL denying being gay. "Yeah, I kissed a bloke in front of everyone, Warren knows I killed for this guy, I've had at least three affairs with men, tried it on with my best mate, have confessed feelings for this bloke… but that don't mean I'm gay!"
Yes i think you are totally right in this, hurting Steven was the only way to protect him from Warren, I sure it took its toll on Brendan as well.
Foxy Brendan chemistry makes my daaaays!!
Wait.what happened after 6:15??they were just doing amazing.what happened to the poor kid??
Brendan beat him up as usual
I'm not gonna call Ste stupid for staying or running back to Brendan because I think that if I was in Ste's position I would run back to Brendan at the snap of his fingers. I might be wrong but its just something about Brendan that when he is being really "loving" and "nice" that it's worth it. Even with ALL his flaws I can't help but to love Brendan.
@amayrllis The talk of a positive outcome was long before Mr. Scanlan had his contract extended and the storyline was reworked. I am pretty sure we are long past the planned endgame for the story arc which I do think originally included Noah, but at this point the story seems to revolve around Brendan rather than Ste. (to my eyes at least) and the writers have now gone to great lengths to show us Noah and Ste are not suited for one another. I think Stedan will continue until Emmett moves on.
Brendan Brady: One step forward and 10 steps back.
At least this is promising for the longitivity of his story *lol*
@mlorocker It just sucks that they were SOOOOO close to finally being able to be together and to be happy. Brendan came out, Ste gave him another chance, and they both wanted to be with each other. I guess the only way they are going to make it is if Bren gives up the shady business and cleans up his act. Ugghh, the look on Brens face when Noah and Ste showed up killed me. He had to keep a poker face to really convince Ste he was through, but jealousy and angst was seeping through his pores.
Did Brendan really beat Ste?? I'm so confused..
Yeah he did after they had sex
"well i won't live the rest of my life wondering if i was second best"
hah really noah honestly not even close
that was the worst cliche ever wow
writers at least give him better lines
Does anyone know the song that was playing when Brendan and Warren were arguing over Warren telling Becks that Brendan killed Danny?
I don't get this scene ... wasn't it Ste who bashed Brendan's head in and said they were done? I understand that he still loves him but why is he suddenly the one coming back to Brendan, hoping they aren't "done" yet?
Ste bashed him in the head for beating him up. However, the reason Brendan would beat Ste is because of self-loathing about being gay. Chances are Ste figures now that Brendan is out, he isn't self-loathing anymore and so Brendan won't beat him up if he got back together with him
Athasin Then why did he beat Ste up at the end of this clip? He's out now AND he can have Ste if he wants. Brendan bashing Ste in this instance just makes no sense whatsoever ... :(
Pers Godiva in Brendan's sick way it's his way of trying to protect him remember Warren threatened Ste and if Ste's not with him he think he's going to be safe
Dayliah1 It still feels like there's a scene missing there though ...
Pers Godiva true you have to use your imagination
If its real I'm a little sad that Ste's tough guy with a bat stuff didn't last longer. I loved when he stood up for himself and now he's cowering again...kind of sucks. I thought if Bren hit him again we'd at least see a fiery Ste fight back. I don't even like that he went to Bren so soon wanting him back before the unseen beating.But theres a lot of mystery to this for some reason, waiting for it to unfold
This is like the weirdest episode. It seems like they are trying to make it look mysterious, but I can't figure how it happened. They always show the beatings, not that I'm in love with seeing that but they always show it no matter how sad. If Bren did it to push him to Noah it'd be more effective to show how hard that was for him. Very strange what went down, but ste's so upset seems Bren had to of really hit him. I need more scenes with talking and flashbacks...
ok if your theory is right, how you will explain last scene?
i don't think brendan hit ste. at first i did, but after replaying the ep, i am now convinced that it was warren who beat him up, and threatened to kill him or bren if he didn't tell bren that he doesn't love or want to be with him. i just can't see why the writers would fuckin write something as fucked up as this storyline now seems to be. it makes no sence.
@anyusa0030 I don't know how long Emmett is signed for now. Last time (as i recall) he had an 8 month contract (emmettscanlanfans please correct me if I am wrong) but as a fan I can't help but hope he goes on to bigger and better things despite how much i will miss double B. The one thing i am sure of is that when it comes his exit will be epic. :)
Boa noite! Onde posso assistir essa série completa?
this must me some plan... Brendan must have told ste or something....
Brendan did what he always does....he beat up his lover, they did have sex, then he beat Ste up, Brendan hates himself, he kissed Ste in public because he thought he had to, he wanted to protect Ste, but the ironic part is Brendan is the biggest threat to Ste...I'm so disappointed the abuse has started all over again, thought some progress had been made but nope, I don't know what will stop Brendan's behavior, maybe nothing, I love Stendan and their chemistry, but am tired of the violence!!!!!
Brendan, Brendan, Brendan....Don't you want to be happy? You love Ste, he loves you.I guess the hate you have for yourself is stronger than your love for Ste.
Oscar Wilde:
""Yet each man kills the thing he loves
By each let this be heard
Some do it with a bitter look
Some with a flattering word
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword"
@matilda8888 I agree, I also remember the writers talking about a positive outcome for Ste at the end of this dark storyline and it's quite clear Noah will be that outcome
At first when I saw Ste coming down the steps and the way he walked, I thought Brendan slammed Ste's back door a little too hard. LOL
@anyusa0030 There's a whole block of time missing, nothing adds up. Some how did warren attack ste? I don't know the whole thing, i'm just godsmacked.....
I see nothing strange about Brendan throwing the mug at the end. It fits in with my theory as well. He's upset that he has to go through with this charade (letting Ste act like he's with Noah) to keep Foxy off of Ste's ass.
Anyhow, it's just my theory. I may be wrong, I may be right. :-D
@anyusa0030 That's a good point, but there is something off about this whole thing, it doesn't feel like the other times brendan hit ste. Look at the final scene again how they (brendan and ste) exchange glances throughout almost like the communicating and how noah is almost leading ste to say these things, it just feels weird. I still understand if someone beat him so bad why stay the night?
can anybody tell me the songs playing between 12:33 - 14:35??
Everytime Brendan has hit Ste, the writers have made it a point to show it. There is no way they would have ste beaten and not show it. Especially if it was Brendan. There is no reason to hide it now. I think warren did it or Ste had it done. Warren has to think they are over. I bet Ste and Brendan will secretly meet somewhere to be together.
@BrockYoung87 He did it alright, but not because Ste turned him down. We know from the last clip that Ste was definitely not turning him down. That relationship-saving discrepancy is the source of any confusion displayed by Brendan, I would surmise.
Well this confused the hell out of me :)
I liked Law in this episode and he looked gorgeous :)
@TheShima66 Ste is the love of Brendan's life and Brendan has made it clear he will do anything to keep Ste safe. Just because Brendan beat Ste to keep him away so he'd be safe. Doesn't mean Brendan has to like Noah being with Ste, no one wants to see the person they love with another person even if it's for the best. Could see Brendan's bravo breaking when Ste told him he'd didn't love him anymore. And I doubt Brendan cared for Noah getting smart with him either.
@aretmisia I couldn't agree more. Imo Ste should do what Macca told him and run away as fast as he can because as long as he stays in the village Brendan will never EVER leave him alone
@Egu022 yep!! That's my theory and you are soooo correct!!! You can tell by Brendan's reaction at the very end when he had chunked the glass that he's not over Ste. However, it needed to be done (well, it could have been handled differently). And why would he need to make Ste hate him or push him away??? It has to be because of Warren. So, I agree!!!
@brken now I realized Ste & Noad walked down those stairs before Brendan showed up in front of Ste. But I don't think Brendan still lives with Cheryl. So Ste didn't go back from Brendan's place . But maybe he did and went to see Noah but he wasn't home, he came home and Noah was there. What do you think?
I think that beating was for Ste being with Noah in the first place and secondly for the reason emmttscanlanfans gives. I would prefer it to be a clever plan, but I don't think it is, and I have a feeling most, if not all of Ste's injuries were acquired during the sex rather than after. I remember back just before Rae caught them together Ste was stretching his shoulder between rounds like his arm had been twisted behind his back. This time it looks like Brendan nearly broke it.
@TheShima66 I really don't think its a plan between Ste and Bren. If it were, Ste wouldn't be so obviously shaken up by it all and Bren wouldn't have been so completely jealous of Noah and Ste holding hands and setting him straight. Plus Ste wouldn't have bluffed that he didn't love Bren anymore, and Bren wouldn't have thrown his cup. I think Bren's plan is to convince Ste he is an abusive person so that Ste wants nothing to do with him, thus making it easier to convince Warren that theyre thru
I know that's why he did that to Steven! I can't see why other people can't see it! Brendan is very much in love with Steven! So he knew he had to let Steven go! Because Ste would want to be with him! He didn't want Warren hurting Steven! So he had to let Steven leave him for good!
@mlorocker The good news is, the storyline will continue to build up and will not be put on the backburner. I don't want a happily ever after just yet, since that only means less screen-time and storylines for Stendan. I hope by summertime they reunite though. I really hope Ste quits soon. He can't keep hanging around the bar knowing Bren is there. Plus absense makes the heart fonder, and it will show Bren how much he misses and loves Ste. Awesome storyline and I am not the least bit disappointd
@Star4lovers his bruises are real and his face is damaged or you think Noah wouldn't notice it's a fake?
and why Brendan broke his mug at the end? and why Ste asked Noah don't tell anyone about beating if they want Warren knows about it?
So the way I see it, Bren had to beat Ste up to convince Ste he wouldn't change. The sad thing is, Ste is really convinced that Bren is a lifetime abuser now and is giving up on the relationship. By pushing Ste away, he is proving to Warren that Ste doesn't mean anything to him, thus protecting Ste in the process. I guess he can either protect Ste or be with him, and he chose to protect Ste in his twisted way. Just sucks that Ste knows nothing about Warren's threats and gave up on Bren.
I'm sure It's a scheme!! when Ste told noah to not tell anyone, it was to make sure he would not make a fuss about it. Foxy is the one they are trying to fool and sooner or later Ste will see him in the club and maybe Ste will blame him for what happened to him. Maybe Brendan explained the situation to Ste and he made him understand why they can't be in the open together and Ste would do anything to protect and be with Brendan even betray Noah.
@GreenBeanLovin7 Yes, It's true. It's really sad to see Brendan with this expression.
@kusahello That was my theory too. Hope we´re right. Bren looked pretty upset at the end though....
@ddscurtis I just think in my option that Ste and Brendan planned all this why because of Warren he won't go after Ste.Ste lied to Noah he did sleep with Brendan and he choose Brendan he wanted to be with him.Ste just lied about everything and he really wanted to convince Noah that he wanted to be with him not Brendan.The looks Brendan and Ste where giving each other while Noah was talking to Brendan it just looked weird.I really hope i am right.
I just figured it out I think...
How do you keep Warren Fox from going after Ste? You and Ste make Foxy think that Ste means nothing to you and that he's a couple with Noah. I think Ste and Brendan cooked this whole thing up and that's why we didn't see the beating. We'll see if I'm right...I'm betting we'll get a flashback of Ste smacking his own face with a door or something. :-)
Sorry Artemisia, but obviously it's not clearly anything as many many people are disagreeing on if it is or isn't a set up.
It might be better if you posted ..."It's clear to me..."
@luckyduck152 As someone who as excessively read about DID, I can say that Brendan has definitely NO kind of sign of this disorder. I'd say he's simply messed up. Everyone has different "aspects", it doesn't mean you have multiple personalities - because those have not only distinct personalities, but memories and in parts different ways of moving. (Including Handwriting.)
After the horrible stunt that Hollyoaks pulled with Schizophrenia however, it would be possible they do this wrongly, too.
Those stairs he hobbles down...I don't think their Brendons or Cheryls...whatever. They look like the same ones he came down with Noah in the ep before this one, from Noahs flat. So does that mean anything?
The way I look at it is that there are some very suspicious activity going on in this episode and a bunch of people are sensing it. We're all getting the same weird vibe... it can't be just a coincidence.
One line was interesting. Brendan said "Like you said Stephen, you let me know what you wanted last night." Maybe the beating was sex play but in the light of day, and getting beat up more than he wanted, then seeing Noah waiting for him, Ste realizes it's all wrong. He may love Brendan but they're toxic when together and with Noah, it's safe. I think after that night, he realizes even though he's in love and rather be with Brendan, the best thing is to be with Noah.
argh i thought them sleeping together this time would be the start of an ok relationship, lazy writing, ste being beaten up again doesn't make sense unless brandon really does get a sick kick out of it
Charlotte D
I think it has to do with bren not being okay with being gay
and he has a lot of anger issues so he takes it out on ste and beats him ip
Only explanation really
Brendan said that he will make cheryl proud of him again. There is no way he would lay another finger on Ste. Cheryl wouold never forgive him for that. She knows all about the previous beatings. He is making progress with Cherly. He would not risk that. I think Brendan text Ste after his little chat with Warren. This is a plan that Brendan and Ste came up with. Brenadan cannot kill warren like he did danny. This was the only way they could keep Ste safe. ste will not let a person be kill again.
i don't knwon what but something feels a little off. Special in the last scen. I mean we often see the beating...this time we didn't. Hm wonder why.
The only reason why Brendan had physically abused Stephen (and this being the worst abuse thus far) is because of Warren....point blank!!! There's no excuse in the world for abuse....BUT, that's why Brendan did it SO Ste does not be a threatened by Warren since he knows he had stolen his money. It could have been handled differently...BUT, that's Brendan's psychotic way of handling situations. Plus, the way he chunked his glass at the end clearly shows how he still loves Ste.
Brendan is like the business version of the joker
That last part when Ste said I'm with Noah now Brendan let out a low growl.Warren is trying what Danny did,using Becs,so I can't wait to see what he tries next.No matter Brendan is one step ahead always.Mitzeee makes me laugh everytime she says our money.Becs and Doug are in way over there heads.Emmett has got to win best actor and villian :)
@candylover233able (cont) writers are doing a brilliant job at keeping us entertained while stretching out the storyline. They always give us a sweet/explosive/unforgettable/passionate scene that we rewind for hours on end before they break the boys up, which is totally fine with me. I guess Emmerdale really messed with my head, having to wait months for a little peck. Bleh. I think this storyline is a bit dry at the moment because a lot of issues are being resolved. Cant wait for more though.
And what if...Foxy tried the other way around, he beat Ste and told him to keep away from BB or he would tell the police about Danny's death. Probably he tries to make B miserable? And Ste decided to tell Noah that B beat him up, to fix him and bc he is really a nice guy and this way he can show B that he is over him and he can protect him that way bc he knows B killed for him once and he doesnt't want that happen again. And I don't thin Ste spent the night at B's.
I would love if this all ended up being a set up. It would be beyond creative but I don't know if the writers could do it.
the music playing in the background of cheryl's is the worst shit i've heard in ages. and the radio just played enrique iglesias.
Brendan beat Stephen ,I guess he did not forget Stephen bash him in the head and remember Cheryl said Brendan don't forget
There's definitely something going on here. I can't believe Brendan would do something like this. Can't wait till monday - hopefully it will all make sense then.
I think that if Brendan had in fact beat Ste up he wouldn't have admitted it to Noah or even deliberately run into Noah the way he did.
@anyusa0030 You're right, but after everything Brendan has put him through I think that in the end the writers will give Ste some happiness with Noah
I agree that there's a lot that doesn't add up here. Either the HO writers are even stupider than I thought they were, or there's something fishy going on with Ste. When Brendan says "you let me know what you wanted last night" he's definitely referring to Ste telling him he wanted to be with him. Like Ste never said he'd rather be with Noah. And if Ste's lying about that, he could be lying about being beaten up by Brendan. I have a feeling that this is some f'd-up plan of Ste's...
Am I the only one who doesn't really think Brendan did it at all this time? He really seems shocked at the end by what Ste is saying. Like it's not at all what he was expecting. After everything with the bat I don't think Brendan would hit Ste again or that Ste would stand for it.
I don't have any idea what may have actually happened instead, but I don't think it's cut and dry. Brendan seems confused and upset at the end. If he had actually hit Ste don't think he would have reacted that way.
For me It's not because I think that Brendan would not hit Ste anymore, because I don't think he change all that much while he was away and he definitely didn't became a teddybear over the night but the fact that they didn't show the beating smell fishy to me, there's definitely something going on there...
did no one hear the breaking of the cup? oh, guess it was too loud.
*Omo...Brendan is super angry at Steven because he slept with Noah*
i dont see how brendan can get mad wen hes the one that put ste in that position
why people let love goes that easy, and never admit his true feelings
I think brendan and ste have a plan, everyone is to think they aren't together. That includes Noel, Warren Mitzeee and cheryl. It's to keep ste safe and heat off brendan. Look at all the signs, no scares on brendan's hands, ste texted him to say that he was coming, everything just seemed like it was a plot between them.
did Brendan do that on purpose?coz he wants to protect Ste?OMG THIS IS =(
Well, someone beat up Ste, and he spent the night with Brendan. If they didn't have sex, what did they do? Watch an all night marathon of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" ?
I think Noah would have noticed if Ste was wearing "I've been beaten up" make-up.
I will NEVER CONDONE what Brendan did to Ste!!! However i do know that Brendan LOVE Ste VERY MUCH!!! Let's jus see where this storyline will be leading us.....
lol...and even beating Ste up is only a temporary fix. Nothing can keep that boy away from Brendan!
Somethings fishy, they didn't show Brendan hitting Ste but obviously he's been beaten up and when he told Noah they didn't sleep together I don't believe him. If Brendan wanted to beat him up he would have done it when Ste put his arms around his neck. Although Brendan was obviously pissed when Ste and Noah left. Foxy and Brendan scene's are entertaining. And Cheryl at a royal wedding, in her tacky tasting ensembles, ha. No one's going to be looking at the bride.
Ste to Brendan, i know what you want
@tihkon2 you know to be honest i want your theory to be truth, cos Brendan has enough to make up already,especially for poor Ste.
I know right
I love Noah for facing the "Jerk" but irresistible and hot Brendannnn....
What the hell is going on? Are Ste and Brendan doing some scheme or what???
I iz confuzzled.
Honey, you don't have to be right, and I don't have to be right. We'll see in a while how this plays out. :-)
God... poor little Ste, he fell again into the same trap... and got hurts again....
Brendan haven't changed,he still the same homophobic psychopath and he needs serious psychiatric help as soon as possible.
I've read Noah and Brendan gonna have a lot scenes together,you think guys Noah has the balls to stand against psycho Brendan?
Talk about passive aggressive..Ste just needs to come to terms with the fact that he likes to be hit..He chooses when..By whom.And is wiling to wait..
Unfortunately for me it's not a set up either. Maybe Brendan did it to protect Ste, I don't know, but what he has done it's simply unacceptable.