1974 at 19 years old I worked on a concrete crew underground on the Washington DC subway construction. I can't even imagine the complexities of those pours. However later I was a snow plow driver so I have a bit of an idea. Thank you for these interesting videos.
Da braucht es Macher und keine Bedenkenträger. Hut ab vor Euch allen.
Wow, cooles Projekt, welches sehr anspruchsvoll scheint. Hut ab! :)
1974 at 19 years old I worked on a concrete crew underground on the Washington DC subway construction. I can't even imagine the complexities of those pours. However later I was a snow plow driver so I have a bit of an idea. Thank you for these interesting videos.
Da scheint wohl ein Tippfehler im englischen Titel unterlaufen zu sein: das T fehlt.