The hardest thing is to witness so many good people not questioning the absurd, as though they were under a spell, now discovering their lives will probably be changed in unfortunate ways. They were afraid before based on manipulation of truth, now terrifying hard reality is being revealed more every day
Yes but in that hrd reality there is an opening to wake up those under the spell. At least the ones that were manipulated, the otherwise normal people who don't truly wish harm and we ant to do the right thing deep down. There are always "true believers" who know exactly what they are supporting and willingly commit to it but they will be a small number in comparison. Sadly most people don't care about things untill they directly effect them.
What is absurd? If everything that is not in line with the government is absurd (Ukraine war, Corona, LTB, CO2,...) and object to lynchisme, it is propaganda.
"History is important. If you don't know history it's as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it." ~Howard Zinn
What learning from history means: Do what worked before and don't repeat mistakes. What people hear: That used to belong to us and you hurt us once, we have to get back for that.
I'm writing an essay on how to crack down populism in the EU today: this video was a gold mine: simply take the 3 points written behind and think a lot about them today. for example: foster an alternative community: not one based on nationality but maybe on class, on a neighbourhood and a sense of local community (that one that in the 60s existed), on some idk being gentle or respectful to people, caring about the environment, food whatever... and now with social media is super easy to do. its difficult to engage people online but once you succeed in it its super easy
@@sciamachy9838But who is physically going to do this? Who will provide the funding? I think it's very unlikely that it will happen. I would love it to, but authoritarian propaganda will always be 1000 times more powerful than anything from free countries.
Great TED talk The man is right - ignoring, assaulting or insulting people stuck in a echo chamber will not make overall situation better. We need, somehow, reach out to them.
Problem: the social media platforms that would be an essential part of this project are owned and operated by and for the right wing billionaires who caused the original problem.
UA-cam does seem pretty neutral as a platform and getting off right wing platforms is easy. You can't help others but like the example above, they used alternate platforms (radio) to draw the deluded away.
@@gopodgeThe problem is the algorithmic approach only lets you see what you want to see. You can easily sit in an echo chamber. That doesn't make it biased one way or another. UA-cam is designed to confirm your biases, regardless of affiliation.
That's a key phrase, 'facts which are counter to someone's identity bounce off'. In my part of the world for example, climate change denial is directly linked to how much of your identity, including job and finances, is linked to how important the oil and gas industry is to you. In fact, I know very intelligent people such as engineers and technicians who should know better but simply refuse to learn anything factual, out of sheer self-interest. Like someone said, 'The ability to convince someone of something is zero if their pay check is dependent on not believing it'. And pay check is just the most obvious 'identity' motivation. Politics is a motivation. Race is a motivation. Gender is a motivation. They all involve your most personal myths.
Lots of intelligent people, including scientists, disagree about climate change. Lots of people know there’s no human solution to the natural patterns of the earth. Tell yourself whatever you want about other people. I see a lot of individuals whose entire personality is gone, they really believe they have something to fight for with global warming. They feel a sense of belonging and also a feeling of superiority. Kind of like flat earthers.
@@RunninUpThatHillh You may want to tell yourself that but it's nothing more than a denier catch-phrase. The blunt reality is that the more you know about science the more you realize that the body of knowledge about climate and climate change is not really contestable anymore. Virtually all those who still contest it do so because their livelihood is reliant on fossil fuels, their prosperity is dependent on fossil-fuel driven basis, or increasingly their political fortunes are reliant on opposing measures to combat climate change for purely cynical and selfish reasons of political power. But you go ahead and comfort your inability to wrap your head around the implications of climate change by pretending there is a basis for your denial. It's too important to your identity.
The "learning" you demand they do is just propaganda. Science hasn't been based on truth for probably decades. You don't even know there is a "crises of science", you wouldn't know where to find the documentary or who created it.
I want to ask this guy... with regard to the election and to this: Are you hired to dissuade truth?? I know it sucks bro but i watched legit propaganda videos both on Al Jazeera and through an islamic news source which showed fake acts of war. I dissuade them and they either disappear or i get blocked from seeing that video any longer. / Snowden is a cautionary tale, but a good one.
Teaching the public about cognitive biases and fallacies is the most effective way to reduce the "alternative reality" he's talking about that people are living in.
Unfortunately, this would require people to understand what cognitive biases and fallacies even mean. Comprehension and critical thinking skills are poorly addressed in schools on purpose. "Alternative reality" is grounded in confirmation bias, so they don't feel a need or desire to learn anything new. We end up preaching to the choir, and the people who need the message think that "wokeness" (enlightenment/consciousness) is problem.
People trapped in a reality shaped by propaganda can easily fall victim to false beliefs due to religious indoctrination. Raised to believe in something regardless of objective reality, they are more inclined to accept the claims of oligarchs that align with their desires. This false reality offers comfort, and their religious upbringing has prepared them to believe in anything.
This guy makes me despair. Facts and logic don't count for much. You persuade most effectively through emotions. Principles long discovered by the advertising industry. And a sad summary of humanity.
Putin & trump use the same playbook, I imagine people in early 1940's eastern Europe must have witnessed the same with one huge difference- internet access to fact checking, which too many were too worked up to want to use. Its like they were under a terrifying spell
@@tiarabelle6155 Then you are against freedom and human rights. And you seem to prefer lies over reality. Check you facts and don't let yourself be manipulated by other senses.
It's odd to see an example from history in which the counter-propaganda clearly failed to prevent the world's greatest atrocities used as an example of how we can succeed. The real lesson of WWII is that once a population has become convinced that injustice is justice, there is little recourse but to restore justice through force. That doesn't mean that counter-propaganda can't reduce harms, however.
you only perceive the atrocities which occurred while this counter-propaganda effort was under way as "the world's greatest" because you did not grow up - and do not now live - in the world which saw those atrocities eclipsed and/or no such counter-propaganda effort. In the absence of a 2 by 2 controlled trial (with/without both counter-propaganda and military intervention) you conclusion is unfounded. That's why, as was noted in the video, "success" was measured by, e.g. percentage of adversary soldiers choosing to listen to the broadcasts. "Are we reaching them?" is about the only figure of merit worth discussing in psywar unless you have access to a multiverse, in which case, just fix the Treaty of Versailles and be done with the whole thing, right?
@GarageExperimental you make it sound very complicated, but it just isn't. The measures were taken, yet the atrocities happened, ergo the measures did not prevent the atrocities. I clearly stated that I don't think that makes the measures valueless, and they may have reduced harm, but they obviously weren't sufficient to prevent the spread of evil.
@crawkn I invite you to reread your second last sentence, and imagine yourself to be a late Weimar German facing farcical hyperinflation and an ascendant and well-supported-from-abroad domestic Communist movement. A counter-narrative emerges which casts the economic downfall of post-imperial Germany as directly consequent from the treaties which ended the First World War, which no Francophone European, British nor American government seemed the least bit interested in walking back. Would that constitute an "injustice they had become convinced was justice"? If you can't see the propagandist's ability to weaponise your point of view to their own ends even when you so readily demonstrate the path they would need to take with you, it isn't a surprise that you hold your views. Perhaps I can convince you there lies peril in your preference for might-is-right, perhaps not. But people who research such things and use those findings have perhaps devoted more thought to this question than you or I, and perhaps that expertise should be respected for coming from more than a two-phrase summary of the social background to two-three decades of European history, whether mine or yours.
@@GarageExperimental In a comments forum, it's usually necessary to use some shorthand, assume some generally accepted knowledge, and elide some nuances. Yes I'm fully aware of the predicament the Germans put themselves in following WWI by causing massive destruction, for which they were then reasonably held liable. The lesson that some allowances must be made for the loser of a war to rebuild their economy in spite of their financial and moral debt is one that is hard to accept, and has had to be relearned numerous times throughout history. Yes, I can sympathize with the German point of view, but that is not the same as accepting it as morally justified. Hitler's propaganda was _lies,_ and the majority of Germans knew that, and followed him anyway. I have no preference for might-is-right. I would prefer that all resources be shared equitably and amicably among all peoples, but good luck with that. There is a real qualitative difference, however, between might in primary expansionist aggression, and might in defense against it. Also don't make the error of assuming that what propaganda works on a population works on every individual, for example the one you happen to be talking to.
@@GarageExperimental My reply disappeared, so this one will be briefer. Try to assume some common knowledge. Germany incurred debt through their expansionist aggression in WWI, which the allies weren't wise enough to forgive, which isn't the same as injustice. Hitler's propaganda was _lies,_ which most Germans knew, and followed him anyway. Don't assume that propaganda which works on a majority works on every individual. There is a real qualitative difference between might employed in expansionist aggression and that exerted in defense. Those were not fine lines in the world wars.
I speak with friends who voted for Brexit and several still believe in it despite the evidence that they made a mistake. A clear case of cognitive dissonance and not wanting to admit to a mistake. Someone cleverer than I said, "When the facts change I change my mind ".
Here's a question. How many of those who voted either way for Brexit actually considered the ramifications of the EU in 50 years time? The EU was initially sold as a common market when I voted to join. Now becoming a political union. Big difference. Concentrating and centralising power. Don't believe me or this talking head. DYOR. The enemies of freedom are closer than you think. Even TED bans Rupert Sheldrake for his ideas. So much for freedom of thought and information.
I guess the people you refer to don't watch late night comedy shows. The absurdity is explained in complete detail every weeknight. (Late night comedy is actually more accurate editorial than ANY newspaper or traditional television "news" channel.)
Hollywood's problem is that they're too expensive. This makes them dependent on the rich, and on the industries that create the rich. They're not going to bit the hand that feeds them.
Being for profit (Hollywood) as opposed to having no requirement to generate income, but instead have free access to a large amount of funds and expertise in order to combat misinformation (Delmer) is a major part of it. As long as it's for profit business, then usually most good intentions will fade into the background of trying to make more money. A billionaire can happily spend ten million dollars on right-wing misinformation, making it back tenfold in backroom contracts and tax cuts for the wealthy. And there are quite a few billionaires around the world willing to do so - in addition to tech companies with algorithms that pushes the right-wing misinformation. It's a tall order to put together a competitive amount of manpower, expertise and resources to combat it.
With VR and social media it can be hard for people to completely exit their alternate reality. A world of their making is purely a preference to occupy. Meaning mainly the flight response afflicted paint themselves a better or acceptable world.
People need to learn to think critically and vet sources, both of which are sorely lacking these days. When I watch a video, for example, I want to know who this is and why I should listen to them. In the "About," there is usually little or...nothing.
@@dino0228 Sad and dangerous. Democracy is preferred, but we need an educated and informed electorate for it to work well. HOWEVER, I know educated people who voted for Trump for all the wrong reasons. Issues lose their significance if we lose the Constitution and the rule of law.
Democracy only works well when the population is informed and act rationally most of the time. Unfortunately, information can be controlled, and humans regularly act irrationally, as any economist will tell you.
I also think a thoughtful person would start by highlighting their own biases. I mean he's from Ukraine 🤔 a country that is being decimated. It would take a very specific kind of person to be remotely objective in his situation.
Finally a discussion of the solution instead of just narrating the demise of truth, fact, compassion, and reason in our political discourse. Unfortunately, the right wingers, christian-nationalists, and Putin trolls are WAY ahead on this tactic. Who do we have on the side of democracy and freedom that is willing to employ such tactic? The media is content to cash checks by playing to their echo chamber. Let’s keep this discussion alive and try to win our country back before the narcissists and ignoramuses drive it into the ground.
Вступительный анекдот, представленный спикером, является ярким напоминанием о том, кто такие «плохие парни», а кто «хорошие». Военные преступления, совершенные российскими солдатами в агрессивной войне, развязанной их руководством, являются еще одним примером жестокости и бесчеловечности, с которыми мы сталкиваемся в отношении тех, кто позволил себя извратить. Тот факт, что некоторые члены новой администрации американского президента предлагают Украине пойти на «территориальные уступки», является еще одним доказательством того, на чьей они стороне. Мы ясно видим это, даже если другие отказываются принимать реальность. На чьей стороне ты? История запомнит.
Again what learned! Sehr interessant fand ich, mal was über die Zusammenhänge im Hintergrund zu erfahren! Schade fand ich dass jetzt nicht so recht klar wurde, ob oder wie erfolgreich die Me163 war!
I watched a doco and a lady in Ukraine whose cousin was Russian had the same. She called her and found that her cousin thought it was all made up and that she was lying about the whole thing. Also spouted all of the Russian lines and rhetoric to her and wouldn’t believe anything she said, even when she video called her and showed her the cousin said it was fake
Great Topic!! With useful bulletpoints, would love modern day Examples. But maybe that’s a lazy stance..The use of German Comedians in that time is brilliant. Though John Cleese once heared somebody say about German Humor: “It’s not a Laughing Matter”😆 To be fair we have modern day examples like Jonathan Pie in England and Jon Stewart in the US. Now all we have to do is get those politicians to react to these truths, live on air. Basically what i’m pushing is to get John Oliver, Pie and Stewart to hold debates💡💡💡
This might be helpful for cutting through the corporate echo chamber that envelops the US, and feeds the RepubliCratic duopoly and the donor class that sponsor them. Good luck!
@legittaco5899 I think it’s a very slow process. Also independent voices sell out. I’m about to give up and start rooting for a king tbh. The majority were never meant to contemplate politics. It’s why everything sounds like village gossip and everyone is so emotional.
@@RunninUpThatHillhgiving up and ceding power to some higher authority so you can wash your hands of any perverse outcomes is... the exact intent of most of this propaganda... Don't do that.
At the end of this video, there is an advertisement for the McRib at participating McDonald’s. In America's history, when McDonald’s brings classic menu items back, things are about to get serious.
All humans will always choose to believe that which they believe is best for them at that moment. Except if you love the truth more than yourself. A hard truth will always cost a person something. Otherwise there is no distinction between a liar and an honest man.
A US and Russian politician are both drinking at a bar together. After awhile of friendly banter, the US politician bumps the shoulder of his Russian peer. "I gotta give it to you, Russian propaganda really is quite convincing!" The Russian politician seems quite flattered by this. "Well, thank you, but our propaganda is nothing compared to US propaganda! It's the most convincing in all the nations!" The US politician looks dumbfounded. "What do you mean? There's no propaganda in the US..." (If you don't get it, that means you're still under the spell of US propaganda!)
An important point of this is the level of media owned by MAGA-supporting outlets, especially local news. We need to create a new media ecosystem to combat it. If putin takes over Google, we won't have a choice
Goodness .. this hit so many notes right! First - you make people powerless, second - present them with “strong” narcissistic leader , third - prepare to commit vile things in the name of “better whole”.
Every single TED talk that discusses American issues should start with this quote: "330 households-or the top 0.0001% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population." It underscores every single other issue in this country, down to every single last one , all of them, each individually, in totality, conclusively, completely, and comprehensively. The fact that there is NOT A SINGLE TED talk that specifically addresses these words even made in 2024... shows what TED talks are all about. ALOT OF ENTERTAINMENT that never gets to the point. For example, using this golden fact to contextualize Peter Pomerantsev's talk here: misinformation in the United States has been constnat, but really took off in 2015-2016 with the rise of specific candidates, who explicitly use it as their political strategy. This candidate rose to popularity because of mounting frustrations over rising inequality. Its a fact that will accurately juxtapose every single other topic into context supported by reports research and evidence. I used to love listening to TED. I still like listening to intelligence at work, but none of what i see from this channel ever gets to the point. Its just another channel adding to the noise of the modern web and "entertainmentification" of issues and real problems. Everything i said above is how i KNOW liberals and liberalism in america is losing the battles and the war. Even the fast talking misinformationist mentions the issue by accident or in passing.
Bruh what? This is a talk about Russian disinformation it literally has nothing to do with American wealth inequality. Have one too many weed brownies today?
You are incorrect according to official sources. If you google "federalreserve Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989": 2024:Q2 Top 0.1% have 13.5% of wealth 2024:Q2 Bottom 90% have 33.2% of wealth It would be accurate to say that in the US the Top 1% (30.2% of wealth) have almost as much as the bottom 90%, or the Top 0.1% have more than 5 times more than the Bottom 50% (2.5%). If I have gotten something wrong, please let me know and add sources so it is not just based on blind trust.
I think the idea is great, but I think the implementation in the modern world will be challenging. It is not that an average Russian does not know about the corruption, I think people just know they cannot speak up because they are living in a police state. In the case of right wing people a lot of social networks just reinforce the bubble some of the people are in, so they never see the other side even if the other side speaks in the same language...
Peter Pomerantsev discusses strategies for combating disinformation and propaganda, drawing lessons from a WWII British operation. He emphasizes the importance of tapping into emotions, providing relevant facts, and fostering alternative communities to reach people trapped in propaganda-shaped realities.
Excellent explanation for today's extreme politics, whether on the left or on the right. How do we answer the question of the existence of narcissism and innate cruelty? Is it a feature or a bug?
Apparently there are Israelis who view the current conflict as a fight for survival, given the imbalance of forces favours them dramatically I don't see how this makes sense.
Well, it's not that easy. It's been tried many which ways. I'm at the point of: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And you'll be less stressed day to day, too!
I'm not convinced that throwing rocks at people is justified with the schoolyard "well, THEY started it!" defense. So when is it okay to do this? (Beyond "If it supports values _I_ agree with"?) I think real and actual war qualifies, but when he alludes to fighting autocratic politics within one's country, when is it okay to smear those who smear? Not rhetorical or Socratic. I'm really pondering the ethics, here.
Which war are you referring to? Ukraine's war for freedom and self determination? The war in Syria? Sudan? Yemen? Israel and Iranian backed Hamas & Hezbollah?
I love Israel! I love AIPAC! Criticism of Netanyahu is antisemitic! Israel has done nothing wrong in it's history! There is no apartheid! We must give another $160 billion to Israel over the next four years, and then the next totally different admin will give another $160 billion, and the next, and the next, and the next, and...
It would be feasible to program ai to deliver that kind of 'conversive' content on social media. Someone is bound to do that soon. And then, all good intentions aside, what are we doing 😊
You must watch news and comment from both sides of the political spectrum. I don't know how to convince people in a media bubble to do this, but it is one way to break the programming.
Not accurate. In many cases these "news" sources are just copy-paste propaganda themselves. It's much easier to spread lies than the truth. So you'll find much more of those lies across the media/web.
Yes, do watch CNN and NBC (conservative) and also get your hands on true left-wing literature representing communist ideology (leftist.) Fox News should be shut down and its staff put in jail.
giving your brain a pile of crap to process from both sides doesn't help that much either. It's probably better, but not good enough and not time efficient imo. The processes and conclusions derived from a bunch of misinformation is just another misinformation. Personally I choose the 3rd option of just giving up on politics and enjoying my life. The propaganda machine is levels of magnitude stronger than the average person's political capabilites. Dissociating and judging politics based on how it directly affects your life gives you the best most efficient outcome for the average person.
@@radvin1417 staying out of politics completely is the surest way to be completely manipulated by it. You owe it to yourself, and to this country, to stay informed on both sides. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, fellow American.
Because he is so impartial.I clicked on the video hoping for insides against any propaganda. I am not saying he should not have a Ted talk, I am saying the title is misleading.
I try to answer with facts on UA-cams comment sections, but UA-cam keeps deleting when I do replies. Its infuriating when a Top comment is nonsense and I am not allowed to say anything educational so young people that might be misinformed aren't
Faster answer that everyone denies that we can do is to end autonomy and make clear the number of post that any user has made obviously if you’re making 10,000 posts a day you’re not real and of course there’s a huge argument for autonomy, but this in of itself is the propaganda Because the social media platforms profit from what they sell to advertisers and if 3/4 of the users aren’t real then what are they selling? So while you are the products that they sell to the advertisers, 3/4 of the products are bots, advertisers, and people who have sold their lives to show products for money sucked into the game the social media video profit model is destroying society
I disagree. Much as I loathe what Trump wants to create in my country, not all who voted for him are the same. A number of my extended family voted for him the first time, came to see what he was doing and formally left the Republican party, disappointed with what it's become. They voted Harris/Walz and though we lost, they have no regrets. Some Trumpers will never budge, but it's not all of them. We have to support and encourage the slightest opening for discussion.
@greentara291 we can't coddle them. They need to become introspective and admit their rationale. Shame can be a good thing, and a first step towards changing. Do not normalize and justify their ignorance and arrogance when others tried to tell them otherwise.
@@greentara291 At best they are appeasers. No sympathy for them. I agree that some of them aren't in deep enough to be irredeemable, but all are in deep enough to ignore their own better instincts.
@bobgardin2347 Coddle? These aren't children, regardless of how poor we may find their choices. They're voters. Adults. Citizens. Fellow citizens. We have to offer something that enough of these voters choose over their autocrat. This lurch toward autocracy is happening globally, and those autocrats are working together. As should we.
"Only the English, with their highly literary sense, would concoct an atrocity in a town called Bucha". Apparently, they've never heard of Bernie Madoff.
I wonder if he thinks that Israel is the victim in the Middle East conflict, does he know bout the speech of Benjamin Freedman and the Balfour declaration?
Thought experiment somebody has the bright idea to give all the monkeys in the zoo. Cell phones their behavior becomes erratic because their monkeys in a zoo you take the cell phones away in our case we’re going to have to evolve.
The hardest thing is to witness so many good people not questioning the absurd, as though they were under a spell, now discovering their lives will probably be changed in unfortunate ways. They were afraid before based on manipulation of truth, now terrifying hard reality is being revealed more every day
"Those who can convince you to believe absurdities Can convince you to commit atrocities". -Voilaire
Lol, I wonder what you are referring to? As a former scientist turned teacher, I too am concerned with the anti intellectual movement occuring.
Yes but in that hrd reality there is an opening to wake up those under the spell. At least the ones that were manipulated, the otherwise normal people who don't truly wish harm and we ant to do the right thing deep down. There are always "true believers" who know exactly what they are supporting and willingly commit to it but they will be a small number in comparison. Sadly most people don't care about things untill they directly effect them.
What is absurd? If everything that is not in line with the government is absurd (Ukraine war, Corona, LTB, CO2,...) and object to lynchisme, it is propaganda.
Well said.
"History is important. If you don't know history it's as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it." ~Howard Zinn
Sefton Delmer: fighting fire with fire.
Unpersuaded by a faulty syllogism, nevertheless sympathetic.
"We learn from history that we do not learn from history."
- Georg Hegel, (1770-1831)
What learning from history means: Do what worked before and don't repeat mistakes.
What people hear: That used to belong to us and you hurt us once, we have to get back for that.
We need more conversations like this. Hanging out with our bubble buddies doesn't move the nations narrative.
This gives me a little hope. I’d love to hear about who’s running these operations and how to get involved.
I wish he went more into detail on how we could do this today.
I'm writing an essay on how to crack down populism in the EU today: this video was a gold mine: simply take the 3 points written behind and think a lot about them today. for example: foster an alternative community: not one based on nationality but maybe on class, on a neighbourhood and a sense of local community (that one that in the 60s existed), on some idk being gentle or respectful to people, caring about the environment, food whatever... and now with social media is super easy to do. its difficult to engage people online but once you succeed in it its super easy
The real tricky thing in the US, I guess is to figure out how to get through the Fox News propaganda machine.
@@sciamachy9838But who is physically going to do this? Who will provide the funding? I think it's very unlikely that it will happen. I would love it to, but authoritarian propaganda will always be 1000 times more powerful than anything from free countries.
What I took from this video is it isn't about details. It's about emotions.
So don't waste your time with facts and logic.
@@stevep4131 Sefton Delmer and his broadcasts are facts and the way they worked is logic.
Great TED talk
The man is right - ignoring, assaulting or insulting people stuck in a echo chamber will not make overall situation better. We need, somehow, reach out to them.
And listen to them.
Absolutely. But listen without approving any of their BS@@Zen_gineer
Problem: the social media platforms that would be an essential part of this project are owned and operated by and for the right wing billionaires who caused the original problem.
Unfortunately true!
Then do it via the mainstream media! Oh wait...
UA-cam does seem pretty neutral as a platform and getting off right wing platforms is easy. You can't help others but like the example above, they used alternate platforms (radio) to draw the deluded away.
@@gopodgeThe problem is the algorithmic approach only lets you see what you want to see. You can easily sit in an echo chamber. That doesn't make it biased one way or another. UA-cam is designed to confirm your biases, regardless of affiliation.
Create a platform that appears to be right wing, get a lot of listeners, and then work in the ideas suggested here.
That's a key phrase, 'facts which are counter to someone's identity bounce off'. In my part of the world for example, climate change denial is directly linked to how much of your identity, including job and finances, is linked to how important the oil and gas industry is to you. In fact, I know very intelligent people such as engineers and technicians who should know better but simply refuse to learn anything factual, out of sheer self-interest.
Like someone said, 'The ability to convince someone of something is zero if their pay check is dependent on not believing it'. And pay check is just the most obvious 'identity' motivation. Politics is a motivation. Race is a motivation. Gender is a motivation. They all involve your most personal myths.
Lots of intelligent people, including scientists, disagree about climate change. Lots of people know there’s no human solution to the natural patterns of the earth. Tell yourself whatever you want about other people. I see a lot of individuals whose entire personality is gone, they really believe they have something to fight for with global warming. They feel a sense of belonging and also a feeling of superiority. Kind of like flat earthers.
@@RunninUpThatHillh You may want to tell yourself that but it's nothing more than a denier catch-phrase. The blunt reality is that the more you know about science the more you realize that the body of knowledge about climate and climate change is not really contestable anymore. Virtually all those who still contest it do so because their livelihood is reliant on fossil fuels, their prosperity is dependent on fossil-fuel driven basis, or increasingly their political fortunes are reliant on opposing measures to combat climate change for purely cynical and selfish reasons of political power.
But you go ahead and comfort your inability to wrap your head around the implications of climate change by pretending there is a basis for your denial. It's too important to your identity.
The "learning" you demand they do is just propaganda. Science hasn't been based on truth for probably decades. You don't even know there is a "crises of science", you wouldn't know where to find the documentary or who created it.
What are you thoughts about carbon and co2?
@@Ninja9JKD I read the science. If you read it you will know my thoughts.
It’s shocking the amount of Russian disinformation trolls are in this comment, or Trump supporters. These days, you can’t tell the difference
its coz they're both legends
There's a difference?
magats disseminating ruzzian disinformation makes them ruzzian assets in my book.
The non partisan trolls are my favorite
Russian disinformation?
Tell me you've swallowed a shitload of US propaganda without telling me you've swallowed a shitload of US propaganda. lol
As an urban raised, lower middle-class white male, I understand Trumpers very well and to be willfully ignorant and selfish individuals.
Trump is a charlatan who has only managed to keep a small fraction of the wealth he has deprived others of.
Let us not forget arrogant
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” ― Edward Snowden
I want to ask this guy... with regard to the election and to this: Are you hired to dissuade truth?? I know it sucks bro but i watched legit propaganda videos both on Al Jazeera and through an islamic news source which showed fake acts of war. I dissuade them and they either disappear or i get blocked from seeing that video any longer. / Snowden is a cautionary tale, but a good one.
...and he became a propagandist for sadistic dictator Putin...
Like palestinian
A quote by a Russian asset, who himself is Russian propaganda has nothing to do with this video.
@@AshLee-jb1khSo you disagree with the comment?
Teaching the public about cognitive biases and fallacies is the most effective way to reduce the "alternative reality" he's talking about that people are living in.
Unfortunately, this would require people to understand what cognitive biases and fallacies even mean. Comprehension and critical thinking skills are poorly addressed in schools on purpose. "Alternative reality" is grounded in confirmation bias, so they don't feel a need or desire to learn anything new. We end up preaching to the choir, and the people who need the message think that "wokeness" (enlightenment/consciousness) is problem.
people dont even know what those are, and they dont even care which is the problem
Falsification of this assumption appears to be casual empirism... POMERANTSEV's talk was all about exactly this
More people need to watch this.
More people need to watch the speech Benjamin Freedman bout the Balfour declaration..
People trapped in a reality shaped by propaganda can easily fall victim to false beliefs due to religious indoctrination. Raised to believe in something regardless of objective reality, they are more inclined to accept the claims of oligarchs that align with their desires. This false reality offers comfort, and their religious upbringing has prepared them to believe in anything.
Incorrect. It is those suffering from faithlessness and nihilism who will fall for anything.
@@RunninUpThatHillh I'm not going to argue with you. It's pointless to try to reason with someone who is irrational.
@@W-H-O everything you think about others…maybe spend some time looking in the mirror. I have no intentions of reading another reply.
The religion of woke
I have question for you, what yor arguement for palestine israel war
Amazing Ted talk. Don’t give up, we are strong and peace deserves to win ❤💙
"You cannot make a man understand something if his salary depends on him not understanding it."
-- Upton Sinclair
This guy gives me hope!
This guy makes me despair.
Facts and logic don't count for much. You persuade most effectively through emotions.
Principles long discovered by the advertising industry. And a sad summary of humanity.
Very informative talk!
Putin & trump use the same playbook, I imagine people in early 1940's eastern Europe must have witnessed the same with one huge difference- internet access to fact checking, which too many were too worked up to want to use. Its like they were under a terrifying spell
and I like both men. :)
@@tiarabelle6155 Then you are against freedom and human rights. And you seem to prefer lies over reality. Check you facts and don't let yourself be manipulated by other senses.
Trump indeed uses russian methods to manipulate the people.
@@joeferreti9442 don’t tell me what to do
@tiarabelle6155 Indeed; we can all see you'd prefer someone else do the thinking for you 🤡
It's odd to see an example from history in which the counter-propaganda clearly failed to prevent the world's greatest atrocities used as an example of how we can succeed. The real lesson of WWII is that once a population has become convinced that injustice is justice, there is little recourse but to restore justice through force. That doesn't mean that counter-propaganda can't reduce harms, however.
you only perceive the atrocities which occurred while this counter-propaganda effort was under way as "the world's greatest" because you did not grow up - and do not now live - in the world which saw those atrocities eclipsed and/or no such counter-propaganda effort. In the absence of a 2 by 2 controlled trial (with/without both counter-propaganda and military intervention) you conclusion is unfounded.
That's why, as was noted in the video, "success" was measured by, e.g. percentage of adversary soldiers choosing to listen to the broadcasts. "Are we reaching them?" is about the only figure of merit worth discussing in psywar unless you have access to a multiverse, in which case, just fix the Treaty of Versailles and be done with the whole thing, right?
@GarageExperimental you make it sound very complicated, but it just isn't. The measures were taken, yet the atrocities happened, ergo the measures did not prevent the atrocities. I clearly stated that I don't think that makes the measures valueless, and they may have reduced harm, but they obviously weren't sufficient to prevent the spread of evil.
@crawkn I invite you to reread your second last sentence, and imagine yourself to be a late Weimar German facing farcical hyperinflation and an ascendant and well-supported-from-abroad domestic Communist movement. A counter-narrative emerges which casts the economic downfall of post-imperial Germany as directly consequent from the treaties which ended the First World War, which no Francophone European, British nor American government seemed the least bit interested in walking back. Would that constitute an "injustice they had become convinced was justice"?
If you can't see the propagandist's ability to weaponise your point of view to their own ends even when you so readily demonstrate the path they would need to take with you, it isn't a surprise that you hold your views. Perhaps I can convince you there lies peril in your preference for might-is-right, perhaps not. But people who research such things and use those findings have perhaps devoted more thought to this question than you or I, and perhaps that expertise should be respected for coming from more than a two-phrase summary of the social background to two-three decades of European history, whether mine or yours.
@@GarageExperimental In a comments forum, it's usually necessary to use some shorthand, assume some generally accepted knowledge, and elide some nuances. Yes I'm fully aware of the predicament the Germans put themselves in following WWI by causing massive destruction, for which they were then reasonably held liable.
The lesson that some allowances must be made for the loser of a war to rebuild their economy in spite of their financial and moral debt is one that is hard to accept, and has had to be relearned numerous times throughout history. Yes, I can sympathize with the German point of view, but that is not the same as accepting it as morally justified. Hitler's propaganda was _lies,_ and the majority of Germans knew that, and followed him anyway.
I have no preference for might-is-right. I would prefer that all resources be shared equitably and amicably among all peoples, but good luck with that. There is a real qualitative difference, however, between might in primary expansionist aggression, and might in defense against it. Also don't make the error of assuming that what propaganda works on a population works on every individual, for example the one you happen to be talking to.
@@GarageExperimental My reply disappeared, so this one will be briefer. Try to assume some common knowledge. Germany incurred debt through their expansionist aggression in WWI, which the allies weren't wise enough to forgive, which isn't the same as injustice. Hitler's propaganda was _lies,_ which most Germans knew, and followed him anyway. Don't assume that propaganda which works on a majority works on every individual. There is a real qualitative difference between might employed in expansionist aggression and that exerted in defense. Those were not fine lines in the world wars.
He just described what Russia is doing to the west. It would be nice to think someone on our side has a reply but I think that’s a bit optimistic
People talk a lot about nineteen-eighty-four, but according to this, we should be talking more about Animal Farm.
Agree but regardless, people should be talking about Orwell more often.
And Brave New World.
Atlas contains the most articulate critique of the issue. And a solution.
@@Triple_J.1 Pretty sure Orwell never wrote a book called Atlas :l
Animal Farm would definitely be more apt. There are lots of pigs who just will not see that they will be on the menu soon enough.
I speak with friends who voted for Brexit and several still believe in it despite the evidence that they made a mistake. A clear case of cognitive dissonance and not wanting to admit to a mistake. Someone cleverer than I said, "When the facts change I change my mind ".
Here's a question. How many of those who voted either way for Brexit actually considered the ramifications of the EU in 50 years time? The EU was initially sold as a common market when I voted to join. Now becoming a political union. Big difference. Concentrating and centralising power. Don't believe me or this talking head. DYOR. The enemies of freedom are closer than you think. Even TED bans Rupert Sheldrake for his ideas. So much for freedom of thought and information.
That clever person, to the best of my knowledge, was the economist John Maynard Keynes.
I’ve been wondering why Hollywood has so consistently failed to do this, to reach the audience they can help.
I guess the people you refer to don't watch late night comedy shows. The absurdity is explained in complete detail every weeknight. (Late night comedy is actually more accurate editorial than ANY newspaper or traditional television "news" channel.)
Hollywood's problem is that they're too expensive. This makes them dependent on the rich, and on the industries that create the rich. They're not going to bit the hand that feeds them.
Being for profit (Hollywood) as opposed to having no requirement to generate income, but instead have free access to a large amount of funds and expertise in order to combat misinformation (Delmer) is a major part of it. As long as it's for profit business, then usually most good intentions will fade into the background of trying to make more money. A billionaire can happily spend ten million dollars on right-wing misinformation, making it back tenfold in backroom contracts and tax cuts for the wealthy. And there are quite a few billionaires around the world willing to do so - in addition to tech companies with algorithms that pushes the right-wing misinformation. It's a tall order to put together a competitive amount of manpower, expertise and resources to combat it.
This should be showen on tv every 14 day
Thank you!
World should know
Great speech
With VR and social media it can be hard for people to completely exit their alternate reality. A world of their making is purely a preference to occupy. Meaning mainly the flight response afflicted paint themselves a better or acceptable world.
Every maga person is living in a bizarre fantasy world! Talk about the trees voting for the axe!
Maga is a stone mountain.
Lol you perfect example of propaganda.
People need to learn to think critically and vet sources, both of which are sorely lacking these days. When I watch a video, for example, I want to know who this is and why I should listen to them. In the "About," there is usually little or...nothing.
The point is that half the country doesn’t respond to that tactic.
@@dino0228 Sad and dangerous. Democracy is preferred, but we need an educated and informed electorate for it to work well. HOWEVER, I know educated people who voted for Trump for all the wrong reasons. Issues lose their significance if we lose the Constitution and the rule of law.
Democracy only works well when the population is informed and act rationally most of the time. Unfortunately, information can be controlled, and humans regularly act irrationally, as any economist will tell you.
I also think a thoughtful person would start by highlighting their own biases. I mean he's from Ukraine 🤔 a country that is being decimated. It would take a very specific kind of person to be remotely objective in his situation.
Agreed and where their funding comes from. Follow the money. Who does not want the war in Ukraine to cease? The military industrial complex.
Finally a discussion of the solution instead of just narrating the demise of truth, fact, compassion, and reason in our political discourse. Unfortunately, the right wingers, christian-nationalists, and Putin trolls are WAY ahead on this tactic. Who do we have on the side of democracy and freedom that is willing to employ such tactic? The media is content to cash checks by playing to their echo chamber. Let’s keep this discussion alive and try to win our country back before the narcissists and ignoramuses drive it into the ground.
Вступительный анекдот, представленный спикером, является ярким напоминанием о том, кто такие «плохие парни», а кто «хорошие». Военные преступления, совершенные российскими солдатами в агрессивной войне, развязанной их руководством, являются еще одним примером жестокости и бесчеловечности, с которыми мы сталкиваемся в отношении тех, кто позволил себя извратить.
Тот факт, что некоторые члены новой администрации американского президента предлагают Украине пойти на «территориальные уступки», является еще одним доказательством того, на чьей они стороне. Мы ясно видим это, даже если другие отказываются принимать реальность. На чьей стороне ты? История запомнит.
This is the first actually useful advice I've heard on how to defeat the far right
11:00, wow sounds PERFECT for internet comment sections in the modern age! Would do wild great numbers on social media
Again what learned!
Sehr interessant fand ich, mal was über die Zusammenhänge im Hintergrund zu erfahren!
Schade fand ich dass jetzt nicht so recht klar wurde, ob oder wie erfolgreich die Me163 war!
I watched a doco and a lady in Ukraine whose cousin was Russian had the same. She called her and found that her cousin thought it was all made up and that she was lying about the whole thing. Also spouted all of the Russian lines and rhetoric to her and wouldn’t believe anything she said, even when she video called her and showed her the cousin said it was fake
Great Topic!! With useful bulletpoints, would love modern day Examples. But maybe that’s a lazy stance..The use of German Comedians in that time is brilliant. Though John Cleese once heared somebody say about German Humor: “It’s not a Laughing Matter”😆
To be fair we have modern day examples like Jonathan Pie in England and Jon Stewart in the US. Now all we have to do is get those politicians to react to these truths, live on air. Basically what i’m pushing is to get John Oliver, Pie and Stewart to hold debates💡💡💡
This might be helpful for cutting through the corporate echo chamber that envelops the US, and feeds the RepubliCratic duopoly and the donor class that sponsor them.
Good luck!
It’s pretty fucking simple. Don’t watch lamestream news.
@legittaco5899 I think it’s a very slow process. Also independent voices sell out. I’m about to give up and start rooting for a king tbh. The majority were never meant to contemplate politics. It’s why everything sounds like village gossip and everyone is so emotional.
@@RunninUpThatHillhgiving up and ceding power to some higher authority so you can wash your hands of any perverse outcomes is... the exact intent of most of this propaganda... Don't do that.
The irony of this talk isn't lost on me...
Share this!!!!
There is a song from "A perfect circle" called "Pet" which is about that what he is explaining in 15 minutes
Merc'ing a CEO seems to have started a good conversation....
The issue is that many people don’t believe the propaganda, but want to, and act accordingly.
This sounds reasonable and do-able but by who? Who will be implementing this advice?
Every single one of us, including you
This was excellent but we really didn't get any solutions
Any link to this "Harken"(?)-program he's talking about?
I haven’t found it yet. Appreciate if anyone in the know would post it here to share!
At the end of this video, there is an advertisement for the McRib at participating McDonald’s. In America's history, when McDonald’s brings classic menu items back, things are about to get serious.
All humans will always choose to believe that which they believe is best for them at that moment. Except if you love the truth more than yourself. A hard truth will always cost a person something. Otherwise there is no distinction between a liar and an honest man.
Warning: trash Russian trolls abound in this comment section
He is teaching us how to do propaganda ourselves
A US and Russian politician are both drinking at a bar together. After awhile of friendly banter, the US politician bumps the shoulder of his Russian peer.
"I gotta give it to you, Russian propaganda really is quite convincing!"
The Russian politician seems quite flattered by this. "Well, thank you, but our propaganda is nothing compared to US propaganda! It's the most convincing in all the nations!"
The US politician looks dumbfounded. "What do you mean? There's no propaganda in the US..."
(If you don't get it, that means you're still under the spell of US propaganda!)
Except Russians think the truth is propaganda and that the CIA is behind everything, including all popular uprisings.
There are no "politicians" in russia. It is a dictatorship. It has only the leader, the bureaucracy and the dissidents.
An important point of this is the level of media owned by MAGA-supporting outlets, especially local news. We need to create a new media ecosystem to combat it. If putin takes over Google, we won't have a choice
War is a (series of) crimes. What is held as criminal is dependent on who is the victor
A lot of common sense in this, sadly no politician nor media companies want to do it.
Goodness .. this hit so many notes right! First - you make people powerless, second - present them with “strong” narcissistic leader , third - prepare to commit vile things in the name of “better whole”.
Every single TED talk that discusses American issues should start with this quote:
"330 households-or the top 0.0001% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population."
It underscores every single other issue in this country, down to every single last one , all of them, each individually, in totality, conclusively, completely, and comprehensively. The fact that there is NOT A SINGLE TED talk that specifically addresses these words even made in 2024... shows what TED talks are all about. ALOT OF ENTERTAINMENT that never gets to the point.
For example, using this golden fact to contextualize Peter Pomerantsev's talk here: misinformation in the United States has been constnat, but really took off in 2015-2016 with the rise of specific candidates, who explicitly use it as their political strategy. This candidate rose to popularity because of mounting frustrations over rising inequality. Its a fact that will accurately juxtapose every single other topic into context supported by reports research and evidence.
I used to love listening to TED. I still like listening to intelligence at work, but none of what i see from this channel ever gets to the point. Its just another channel adding to the noise of the modern web and "entertainmentification" of issues and real problems.
Everything i said above is how i KNOW liberals and liberalism in america is losing the battles and the war. Even the fast talking misinformationist mentions the issue by accident or in passing.
When most of that is tied up in corporate shares it is not true wealth. Yes they can borrow against it but ultimately it is a job qualification.
Bruh what? This is a talk about Russian disinformation it literally has nothing to do with American wealth inequality. Have one too many weed brownies today?
The point of this talk was to put facts like that in simpler more emotional terms and put it on X and TikTok videos; MAGA doesn’t listen to TED Talks.
You are incorrect according to official sources. If you google "federalreserve Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989":
2024:Q2 Top 0.1% have 13.5% of wealth
2024:Q2 Bottom 90% have 33.2% of wealth
It would be accurate to say that in the US the Top 1% (30.2% of wealth) have almost as much as the bottom 90%, or the Top 0.1% have more than 5 times more than the Bottom 50% (2.5%).
If I have gotten something wrong, please let me know and add sources so it is not just based on blind trust.
I think i missed the part where he gave the successrate.
Yeah… This probably didn’t make a lick of difference. The allies just invaded Berlin. You can only fight fascism by force.
I think the idea is great, but I think the implementation in the modern world will be challenging. It is not that an average Russian does not know about the corruption, I think people just know they cannot speak up because they are living in a police state.
In the case of right wing people a lot of social networks just reinforce the bubble some of the people are in, so they never see the other side even if the other side speaks in the same language...
Peter Pomerantsev discusses strategies for combating disinformation and propaganda, drawing lessons from a WWII British operation. He emphasizes the importance of tapping into emotions, providing relevant facts, and fostering alternative communities to reach people trapped in propaganda-shaped realities.
Excellent explanation for today's extreme politics, whether on the left or on the right. How do we answer the question of the existence of narcissism and innate cruelty? Is it a feature or a bug?
Why simple people argue over what media says... It's couse conflicts, not peace. We in war with each other over nothing. Let's leave in peace.
The "(and Win)" has been done already; the owners of your data chose misinformation.
Started strong but lost me half way through boss.
I heard "bring back MAD Magazine stat!"
Apparently there are Israelis who view the current conflict as a fight for survival, given the imbalance of forces favours them dramatically I don't see how this makes sense.
Great playbook für the upcoming German elections
Well, it's not that easy. It's been tried many which ways. I'm at the point of: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And you'll be less stressed day to day, too!
I thought this was Hank green from the picture
I'm not convinced that throwing rocks at people is justified with the schoolyard "well, THEY started it!" defense.
So when is it okay to do this? (Beyond "If it supports values _I_ agree with"?) I think real and actual war qualifies, but when he alludes to fighting autocratic politics within one's country, when is it okay to smear those who smear?
Not rhetorical or Socratic. I'm really pondering the ethics, here.
Is this a when does the end justify the means?
If the end is to survive, I’d say reciprocal means is justified.
We are also watching tons of propaganda for another war that’s happening now
And watching propaganda for actual genocide.
Middle East conflict doesn’t preclude action at home.
Which war are you referring to? Ukraine's war for freedom and self determination? The war in Syria? Sudan? Yemen? Israel and Iranian backed Hamas & Hezbollah?
@ only two wars appear on the news everyday currently.
I love Israel! I love AIPAC! Criticism of Netanyahu is antisemitic! Israel has done nothing wrong in it's history! There is no apartheid! We must give another $160 billion to Israel over the next four years, and then the next totally different admin will give another $160 billion, and the next, and the next, and the next, and...
Snowden's comment applies to US 2021 until the present moment.
Fight fire with fire?
Time for a reset
If this is not Hasbara. I don’t know what it is!!!!!
It would be feasible to program ai to deliver that kind of 'conversive' content on social media. Someone is bound to do that soon.
And then, all good intentions aside, what are we doing 😊
You must watch news and comment from both sides of the political spectrum. I don't know how to convince people in a media bubble to do this, but it is one way to break the programming.
Not accurate. In many cases these "news" sources are just copy-paste propaganda themselves.
It's much easier to spread lies than the truth. So you'll find much more of those lies across the media/web.
Yes, do watch CNN and NBC (conservative) and also get your hands on true left-wing literature representing communist ideology (leftist.) Fox News should be shut down and its staff put in jail.
giving your brain a pile of crap to process from both sides doesn't help that much either. It's probably better, but not good enough and not time efficient imo. The processes and conclusions derived from a bunch of misinformation is just another misinformation. Personally I choose the 3rd option of just giving up on politics and enjoying my life. The propaganda machine is levels of magnitude stronger than the average person's political capabilites. Dissociating and judging politics based on how it directly affects your life gives you the best most efficient outcome for the average person.
@@radvin1417 staying out of politics completely is the surest way to be completely manipulated by it. You owe it to yourself, and to this country, to stay informed on both sides. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, fellow American.
@@meanderinorangesExactly. Checking out is part of the problem. Apathy doesn’t help anyone & we are interdependent upon one another.
Only answer to Autocracy Inc. is Democracy Inc.
Because he is so impartial.I clicked on the video hoping for insides against any propaganda. I am not saying he should not have a Ted talk, I am saying the title is misleading.
I try to answer with facts on UA-cams comment sections, but UA-cam keeps deleting when I do replies.
Its infuriating when a Top comment is nonsense and I am not allowed to say anything educational so young people that might be misinformed aren't
Often the top comment is meant to trigger emotions and facilitate engagement (hot debates/hate wars). More activity on their page means more revenue.
Faster answer that everyone denies that we can do is to end autonomy and make clear the number of post that any user has made obviously if you’re making 10,000 posts a day you’re not real and of course there’s a huge argument for autonomy, but this in of itself is the propaganda Because the social media platforms profit from what they sell to advertisers and if 3/4 of the users aren’t real then what are they selling? So while you are the products that they sell to the advertisers, 3/4 of the products are bots, advertisers, and people who have sold their lives to show products for money sucked into the game the social media video profit model is destroying society
Wow, you released this A MONTH AGO??!
Follow this dudes paycheck 😊
Health insurance would have been a perfect in in the USA. And yet...
But did those methods work?
Michael Bolton?
We should never forget and never forgive a Trump voter
I’m right there with you!
I disagree. Much as I loathe what Trump wants to create in my country, not all who voted for him are the same. A number of my extended family voted for him the first time, came to see what he was doing and formally left the Republican party, disappointed with what it's become. They voted Harris/Walz and though we lost, they have no regrets.
Some Trumpers will never budge, but it's not all of them. We have to support and encourage the slightest opening for discussion.
@greentara291 we can't coddle them. They need to become introspective and admit their rationale. Shame can be a good thing, and a first step towards changing. Do not normalize and justify their ignorance and arrogance when others tried to tell them otherwise.
@@greentara291 At best they are appeasers. No sympathy for them. I agree that some of them aren't in deep enough to be irredeemable, but all are in deep enough to ignore their own better instincts.
@bobgardin2347 Coddle? These aren't children, regardless of how poor we may find their choices. They're voters. Adults. Citizens. Fellow citizens.
We have to offer something that enough of these voters choose over their autocrat. This lurch toward autocracy is happening globally, and those autocrats are working together. As should we.
How can our propaganda beat their propaganda? That should be the title.
Propaganda é sempre uma coisa má que o nosso inimigo faz. Nós só falamos a verdade, sem interesse geopolítico algum.
"Only the English, with their highly literary sense, would concoct an atrocity in a town called Bucha".
Apparently, they've never heard of Bernie Madoff.
Dude looks like John Green.
"Sadistic strongmen" ... so ... the US state and defense departments?
These principles seem harder to use in a lot of ways, but he only mentioned how they're easier.
watch ted
That’s when you realize just how bad is the humain brain 🧠!
I miss SPOCK 🖖🏼
I wonder if he thinks that Israel is the victim in the Middle East conflict, does he know bout the speech of Benjamin Freedman and the Balfour declaration?
Thought experiment somebody has the bright idea to give all the monkeys in the zoo. Cell phones their behavior becomes erratic because their monkeys in a zoo you take the cell phones away in our case we’re going to have to evolve.