When you’ve had an experience like this you need to talk about it to process it and help you put it behind you. Natural childbirth is built up to through the entire Labour process, it’s not turned on 0 to 100% at the flick of a switch, no one can handle that! Your body didn’t have the pain managing hormones built up to help you cope. You’ve had a shock in your experience but it will fade away with a little time, healing also zaps all of your strength, so be extra generous with yourself, don’t apologise for talking about how you’re feeling or compare yourself to others who have chosen to have a natural birth, your experience is as unique as you are. Congratulations on bringing your beautiful healthy daughter into the world, take care of yourself 🥰
I feel bad for her. I think it's awful to mentally expect pain relief from an epidural to suddenly just not have that. I had both my births without an epidural, but I tell everyone my body went through a like natural progression and preparation of that pain. I can't imagine the epidural wore off thing after you are already so relieved and expecting a pain-free (or less pain) experience. That is going from 0 to 100. Well said. I hope she feels better soon.
Very well said! I gave birth to my second child within 45 minutes, we did not make it to the hospital. This sounds nice, but within 45 minutes from 0% to 100% was extremly painful, I screamed my hart out!I was afraid to give unexpected homebirth, my husband did all he could to comfort me till the 144 (as we call it in Switzerland) came. It took me months to get over that feeling of so much pain.
Well said. Pain is subjective! We can, as women, perform feats of strength that even amaze ourselves! But being thrown into the ‘ring of fire’ and tearing - oh my Lord. I will send prayers! You and your sweet baby went through a traumatic experience and may you heal as quickly as possible. ❤️
omg this was so very well said!! when you get the drugs your body cannot prepare for the pain so true!! my first labor no drugs lasted abou 8 gradual hours it was great my body progressed well pain was managable...2nd baby was born in 2hrs most intense pain in my life obviously no time for any kind of pain management lol even the body couldnt compete with that but it was amazing when it was done you felt better immediately!
Doctors and nurses need to STOP dismissing women's pain and when they say something is wrong period. Makes me so mad that they just were unwilling to even acknowledge something wasn't right with the epidural. So sorry you had to go through that when it could have been so much less dramatic. You baby girl is so beautiful and I am sure worth every second. Congrats!!
I couldn't agree more! It was usually the nurses who were dismissive when I had each of my four boys. I finally told one nurse that I knew my body far better than she did and had given birth enough times to know when something wasn't right.
Totally agree, i was in severe pain with my first baby but not dilating according to their expectation. Nurse kept telling me im overreacting, turns out i was having placental abruption. Thank God both me and my son survived🙏, speak up, let your voice be heard.
Don’t let anyone dismiss your trauma under the guilt trip of, “you have a healthy baby.” You are 100% allowed to feel upset. You did well Brittany. Hang in there and don’t let the after care doctors dismiss you either. Women deserve to have their feelings validated around birth and to have their trauma corrected to the fullest extent of medicine. xx
You never need to apologize for your feelings when you have go through something that traumatic. Your feelings are valid no matter what. As for updating us, this is your actual life. You live it and update only when you're able. Congratulations to you and Ryan on your sweet baby girl !
I had 4th degree lacerations when I had my baby 4 years ago. Till today, no one around me fully understands or acknowledged what I went through emotionally and physically. Just know that you have absolutely no reason to apologize for the way you feel and felt and no need to explain to anyone. Congrats on the birth of baby girl 💞 Hoping you have a great recovery 💗
I am so sorry for what you went through. I don’t have kids, but find it disgusting to minimize someone’s terrible experience just because it is about childbirth. Yes, you love your child more than anything, but going through hell to have a baby is not how it should be.I am sorry. Stay strong.
Girl I feel you. I end up with c section I didn’t want. But needed due to baby’s health dropping. It sucked and it hurt. Having someone mess with your guts while you’re awake is extremely trippy and odd sensation. So I get you and i feel you. I think Mother’s Day should be more like mothers month at least based on the pain we have to go through. 💙
That is absolutely so nice , in Brazil where I’m from , mothers make or buy souvenirs for the people who come to visit the baby . I left some chocolates for the nurses but that was a great idea (I won’t be doing bc I have 3 kids already 🤪🤪🤪)
As a mom of 2 boys, both 4th degree tearing, no epidural, only gas I can totally sympathize. You will heal!! Take care of your perineum, a little salt in 2-3 inches of warm bath water. Air dry a bit after, change pads frequently, take ibuprofen to reduce swelling........you will heal! 💗 sending hugs and kisses 💗💐
Omg 4th degree! I had a 3b and have NEVER been the same since! It’s actually quite traumatic and emotionally difficult. I had to get a C-Section the second time around because I didn’t want to have permanent damage and I am soooo happy I did! How are you down there if you don’t mind me asking??
Kudos to Ryan for being your voice. It is horrific whenmedical professionals don't listen to us. I'm so sorry it was traumatic. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh, Brittany! I’m so sorry that was such a painful, crazy experience! You’re allowed to feel upset about your birth experience, it doesn’t negate the fact that your baby is worth it all! I’m so happy that you’re doing incrementally better and that your lovely daughter is healthy ❤️ Get your rest and know that we’ll be here waiting! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy and your ever-growing family ♥️♥️♥️
It hurts my heart that I understand your need to clarify that you know lots of women have gone through this. I know others can be dismissive and try to act superior but your trauma is your trauma, no matter what other people's qualifications of trauma are. I am so glad that it worked out in the end and I hope you're doing well.
I also experience that... Which is why I almost gave birth to my firstborn in the toilet... Only after that incident that the nurses rushed me to the labor room and I gave birth a few minutes later.
I don’t understand why they don’t listen though. I almost had my first son in the toilet. I told them I feel like he’s about to fall out and they told me no. Like I didn’t know what I was feeling. They said try to go to the bathroom that’s probably what I’m feeling. I sat down put my hand down there and his head was out. I hobbled back to the bed and the nurse still didn’t believe me. She said she’d try a catheter to relieve pressure. Pulls up the sheet and there’s my son. No doctor in the room yet. Now everyone is in frenzy. He wasn’t breathing. They had to resuscitate. I didn’t get to see him until the next day in the nicu on oxygen and feeding tubes. I don’t understand the not listening part.
The pain was so intense, I begged them to give me an epidural but they didn't. They said doctor was busy with other patients so I gave birth with no pain relief. I was so traumatised . I vowed I will never have another baby. I vowed I would never let my husband any where near me. But I went on to have another children . Once you see the little bundle of joy before your very eyes you forget the pain. I just want you to know that you are not alone. Don't feel oh maybe you don't have a strong pain threshold. Doctors and nurses, midwives were dismissing my pain. God, it was real. I know what I felt. And thank you for this vlog as now I know I'm not the only one. You have helped so many women out there. The doctors were all making me feel like I was a baby, telling to pull myself together, even telling me I'm such a baby
Mind set is huge when having an unmedicated birth. You weren’t ready for that plus you had the previous injury on top of it. I’m so sorry sweet mama. I hope you heal quickly and the pain subsides. Please consider going to some counseling to process your experience. Sending you love!
Yes your right it's about mind set because I had 4 kids so far and 3 of them were unmedicated births and I'm actually pregnant now with the 5th and thinking of doing natural once again!
Agreed, mindset is everything! I absolutely loved my second birth, completely unmedicated and perfect, BUT I prepared for it lots. Mindset! But I can imagine how horrified I would feel if my anesthesia wore off at the dentist - omg!!! Sending you lots of love and hoping for a swift recovery!
I’ve been praying for you this week as I knew your baby girl was due. I also had a traumatizing delivery with one of mine, which left me sobbing afterwards in complete brokenness. But of course, there is also no greater joy. Would I do it again? A thousand times for my boy. I have healed completely. Take heart and don’t worry... the body can do incredible things. I wish I could hug you and let you feel the embrace of every mother throughout history who has suffered similarly. You are amazing, Brit! So proud of you!
No shame! Childbirth is the hardest work I’ve ever done. Two natural with no pain killers and it’s tough. I feel you girl! Prayers for your healing while you take care of your little boy and your baby girl! You’ve got this Mama!
I’m so sorry that your pain wasn’t taken seriously and wasn’t well managed. It doesn’t matter if you have a low or high pain tolerance, if you are in pain, you are in pain. Please don’t beat yourself up over this or excuse your pain tolerance away as being low, you had a traumatic, painful experience where medical professionals failed you. Medical PTSD is real and it sucks, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Take care of yourself, mama!!
When you described how your contractions felt 15 out of 10. I'm with you girl! I was hyperventilating and my hands were numb from not breathing. Labor is no freaking joke!
I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how dealing with all that felt... with that being said you are allowed to be upset! It doesn’t come off as ungrateful or anything like that.. you experienced something traumatizing! Don’t minimize that! You’re a beast! You did that! You made it! No matter how hard or painful it was YOU did it! And you have every right to feel however you want about the situation! Congratulations on baby girl! I cannot wait to find out her name! She is absolutely gorgeous!!
Aw Brittany! I can totally empathize with you on the pain! My births sound very similar to yours. I had an involuntary natural birth with my first and my next 2 the epidural wore off and I felt everything completely. The level of pain you’re describing I can 100% relate with. It’s excruciating. I’m so sorry you had such a traumatic birth. She is an absolute doll though! I’m so happy for you! Praying for a fast recovery! Congratulations 💗💗
Sounds like the hospital you went to was understaffed, even though they had an emergency there should be enough staff to go around to make sure the others are ok. I genuinely don’t think this was ok, I’m sorry you had to go through that. giving birth is such a scary experience even if you’re prepared! You rely so much on those experts and when they let you down it can feel very isolating. Congratulations on your baby girl I’m glad it all worked out in the end❤️
Yes, girl 100% make your voice heard, child birth is no time for politeness, when mine started wearing off my nurse literally darted out of the room to grab the anesthesiologist because he was a few rooms over bless her heart. So sorry you had traumatic experience!! Your feelings are valid even if people do it all the time or whatever that isn't what you chose so your birth plan going off the rails is a valid reason to feel upset and the pain you experienced was real!! Don't feel guilty for feeling that way. I hope all is well for you now. Your baby girl is beautiful!
Brittany I have watched many of your videos but lost you after your baby. One of your videos popped up yesterday and I've been binging on all the baby videos. I cried my eyes out so much. I have so many very similar experiences. Fertility, miscarriage and terriable labors. The birth of my babies were the worst and best days of my life. I wanted several children but stopped at 2. Both natural and c-section were so bad I could not do it again. My epideral wore off, baby stuck in birth canal, tore up so bad, I hemeraged my second who was 2 month premature, 3 lb baby, almost lost my baby and I almost died. What I really wanted to say watching you brings me happiness even tho I cried and cried watching your pregnancy experience. You are so talented and knowledgeable in everything. And you are such a good person. You are the sweetest a real angel. You are such a good mama your children will grow up to be so successful with guidance like yours. Don't doubt yourself! Capri is a beautiful name and the meaning is lovely. I just wanted to thank you and wish you well. You are beautiful and ambitious. Congratulations for baby Capri, your wonderful family and all the success you have.
"Epidural is the best thing that was ever invented in the history of mankind" YES Brittany! Never a truer phrase has been said! I couldn't agree more!!
I’ve heard too many stories about women being dismissed when they know their epidurals aren’t working. I’ve decided I will be an absolute nightmare bitch until they listen to me when I give birth.
That’s just it . They don’t listen to the birthing woman! They believe they know best which is complete BS ! Epidural wearing off is just one scenario! That’s why I chose to birth completely on my own and on my own terms ! My body And my baby
Dani Ann that’s how it was for my sister in law. The epidural didn’t work, she had to have one at least twice. It took a long time for her to get the second one though.
It happened to me too and they didn't listen to me either. The ho kept blowing me off. I told her I felt wetness, she told me I couldn't feel anything. As I sat up to push the epidural was laying on the bed dripping! 🤬🤬🤬
Don’t even apologize for sounding like complaining, women shouldn’t go through all of this pain in this day and age but unfortunately I expect anything to happen in 2020. I feel like this is something that would happen to me too... looking into every single detail, preparing, planning, thinking and overthinking what to do.. but then things never go the way I plan. I’m so sorry this wasn’t ideal, but I’m happy to see you holding it together like you do ❤️ can’t wait to hear more about baby girl!
I'm so so sorry to hear about the horrible experience you had Brittany. I was praying so hard for a smooth, easy delivery for you because I know how hard you had it with Carter. Praying for complete healing. Capri is absolutely BEAUTIFUL
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! I really hope that you can take some time when you’re ready to deal with the emotions that come along with a traumatic birth experience. If possible and comfortable, maybe even have a chat to a professional about your experiences so that you get a proper chance to process and deal with them. It’s easy to want to shove things down and try and forget, especially when it’s painful. I think in our society we try to minimise our experience by saying ‘as long as the baby is healthy, that’s all that matters’. Yes that does matter, but so do you and your mental health, as well as physical health. Praying for a speedy recovery for you and all the goodness that is being in the beautiful newborn baby bubble.
Oh sweetie, I was literally crying when you were talking about how much pain it was for you not to mention the physical damage but then you flashed that picture of your sweet baby girl wrapped up with the pink bow on her head.... oh my goodness, what an angel she is and such a blessing for your family. Praying for a full and speedy recovery for you and don't forget to ask for help and get all the help you can while you are healing. God speed.
Oh Brittany, you don’t have low level of pain tolerance, that’s how natural contractions feel! That kind of pain is the worst!!!! I delivered 3 babies naturally and it’s was always traumatic! But yes, if didn’t want to do it naturally I feel SO bad for you!!!! And CONGRATULATIONS!!! She looks precious!!!!
Girl, big big big hug for you. I had the same experience and it was awfulness to the max. After six years I still suffer from the birth injuries. Just express yourself if you feel the need. Congratulations with your babygirl. She is adorable
I remember when my epidural wore off I was crying for another one. I was pleading please give me another epidural. But then I ended up having a emergency C-section. I feel so bad for you I can't even imagine what you went through. You are an amazing Mom, congratulations on your daughter can't wait to find out her name I have been watching all of your update videos on baby girl congratulations Mama she's beautiful.
Ditto for me! I can totally relate to feeling like the epidural has worn off and pressing that button thinking...."why am I in so much pain?". Then bam-emergency c-section! But all ended well and here we are 16 years later ;)
Watching this at 30 weeks pregnant. Thank you for sharing this experience, even though it was so traumatic - I'm sorry! I would rather hear about all different types of birthing experiences to be prepared for anything so again thanks for taking the time to record and share with us.
I was looking for a preggy mom along the comments when she said this video should not be watched by pregnant ladies.. hehe.. and you're the first one.. xD
I just wanted to share my comment with you... "I don't care how selfish or weak it sounds; epidurals and C-sections are gifts for continuing humanity!!! I would plead with any woman to accept those gifts readily & gratefully!". We have nothing to prove to anyone, not even ourselves. And remember it's much easier & faster to heal from a straight surgical cut on the belly then the alternative in an area you still have to use every day... I wish you well in whatever you decide, I just wanted to make sure you felt empowered to do either. Xo
I'm 33 weeks and I'm all on bored to hearing all the stories from baby's collar bones breaking, mother's tail bones cracking, giving birth with no nurse or Dr in a room standing up it happened so fast, emergency C-sections after both heart rates dropped and baby getting stuck, I want to know and hear all of it to be prepared and get an idea of what I'm going into soon.
@@emilamaa I think being aware can help to be calm and well prepared. All the best ladies! Epidurals rock though and if on back keep feet on the bed don't let them push legs up to squeeze or whatever that really messed up my third delivery. Feet on the bed and push get epidural on time and within one hour baby should be pushed out. Otherwise they need to intervene because of lack of oxygen for baby.
This makes me so sad... I remember how traumatic your first labour was, and I was really rooting for you to have a more positive experience... 💛 So happy to hear that baby girl made it safely into the world though 💛💛💛
We comment so often about what a creative, organized, beautiful bargain finding hot mama you are. Can we please just take a moment and acknowledge your STRENGTH?!? Just wow. So many unexpected curve balls thrown at you. But you dug deep and in three pushs brought your beautiful daughter into the world. And are now sharing and encouraging others. Your strength is inspiring! God bless you and your family!
My momma because a doula because of my extremely traumatic birth stories. With my son I wanted a natural birth but they forced pain meds on me, did an episiotomy without my consent and stitched me up live. With my daughter... I had both symphesis pubis dysfunction and constant excruciating round ligament pain throughout the entire pregnancy and then a prelapsed cord causing me to have to be induced then having an emergency c section with FOUR botched spinal taps due to my scoliosis. All of that plus I have Aspergers, found out during my second pregnancy otherwise I'd not have had children because my son is like me.
Everything you went through, I went through too. The only thing different is that my epidural hurt extremely bad when they put it in my back. It numbed me for a little while but my feeling came back. I felt like they didn't brlieve me because they ignored it and I went through natural childbirth not expecting to. I thought I would die too. I'd never felt that level of pain. I screamed and cried too. I was only 18 years old. I'm now 66 and I have never forgotten that experience. I'm sorry you went through all that too. On the bright side you look great and your baby is absoluty beautiful.
Congratulations Brittney, I first started watching you when you weren't even pregnant with Carter and now proud momma of two!! Love to you and the little angel 💕
I had an epidural with my son and the exact same thing happened to me. I was pain-free for about an hour and then it rapidly went down hill. It was so painful but I got my precious son in the end. Your daughter is adorable!! Congratulations!!
I had a very similar experience I was in labor for 50 hours, I was 2 weeks late from my delivery date and they still wouldn’t pop my water bag. After they finally did my doctor was busy with another birth so I had a doctor that I had never seen before come in and was complaining how he was already supposed to be off. I also push 3 times but that is because he cut me all the way and I didn’t feel it. I didn’t even know there was stitches until a week later and a stitch popped. I couldn’t sit or walk for 2 months. The reason I couldn’t feel anything during her birth was because my labor was so long that my epidural wore off and right before I had her they had to shoot more into my spine. Absolutely a nightmare experience. Yes it is worth it in the end, but my daughter is my one and only child. I’m glad you are doing better and hope for a speedy recovery.
I know you keep saying that you'll be okay and you have your sweet girl and that's all that matters, but that's not true. You matter, the mother matters in this! And it sounds like you've been really, really hurt from this and the trauma is super fresh, emotionally, physically, all of it. I strongly encourage you to seek help and talk about it with someone ❤️❤️
You are a rockstar. This sounds so traumatizing. That’s how my contractions felt too. Like I was dying. Take care of yourself and hope there are lots of people supporting you.
I’m so glad you filmed this video and talked about your experience. First, it’s good for your own recovery and post-traumatic coping. Second, you did experience the worst case scenario and putting your story out there may help other pregnant ladies and like you said, make sure your voice is heard. Congratulations on your bundle of joy and I hope your recovery is fast and completion
So sorry you experienced that. You don’t need to justify your feelings you have every right to feel upset or frustrated about how things went. It is very traumatizing and the worst pain one can possibly go through. At least you get to hold your sweet baby girl now :) wishing you a speedy recovery
I was as well. I usually don't get on instagram, but I've been checking multiple times a day, along with UA-cam, looking for an update to the point I was worried. So happy you're home with a healthy baby girl. Now anxiously awaiting the 2nd part.
I had my last baby boy 26 years ago and I still remember the pain. I also split open and had to be stitched up afterwards. I would not trade him for the world but it is a pain you always remember. I am so happy for you.
I’m sorry for such a traumatic experience. You can’t seem to catch a break. I’m glad you got your healthy baby girl and she is the cutest, most perfect little girl. I wish you a quick and easy recovery❤️
Thanks for sharing your story. I'll be giving birth soon myself and I'm dreading labor. It's the thing that has scared me away from getting pregnant for so long. I appreciate the advice and please don't apologize for how you feel. No one knows your body like you. Take the time you need to recover physically and mentally. You're just as important as baby.
I just want to hug you! You did an amazing job bringing that precious angel into this world - bravo, mama!!! I’m so sorry for the pain you went through - happened to me 26 years ago with my first... epi wore out and I thought I was going to die. Horrible experience, so I understand. Sending you lots of love - enjoy your beautiful little family! Love your channel. 💕
Ironically I went through the same thing on the same day. My baby boy was born August 26, 2020 at 10:56 so I can totally relate on every level. Congrats on your baby girl!
Holy moly Brittany. . . you've been put through the ringer twice! You're a champion! Don't worry about ppl downplaying your suffering. They clearly have not experienced it.
Congratulations!!🎉 Baby girl is beautiful!!💕 I'm so sorry to hear about your painful delivery experience. Prayers for a fast recovery. You are one strong mama Brittany!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I’ve been watching since you were pregnant with Carter and I just happy cry every time you post an update 🤣 I feel like you’re my actual friend when I watch your content! EDIT: I’m so sorry for how much pain you’re in and for your experience. Please don’t ever feel bad for not updating. We aren’t going anywhere!
YOU ARE AMAZING! I cannot even imagine!! So proud of you! But praise the Lord you made it & have baby girl! Definitely praying for your healing, mentally and physically! Sendings hugs! 💛
The most healing thing I ever heard is that pain is pain. If it's painful for you, it just is. You don't need to compare it to anyone else's experience or justify your pain. I'm so sorry this was your experience ❤️
I'm so sorry that happened. A similar thing happened to my sister, the epidural only "worked" on half of her body. So thankful my epidurals went well for both my kids. I would absolutely never want to give birth naturally; the contractions pre-epidural were painful enough! So glad baby girl arrived safely though!
Dear Brittany, I’m 65 and I clearly remember my giving birth experience to my son. I had all back labor and no epidural and I really don’t think I received anything. Don’t apologize for your birthing experience. You’ve been through a lot so go easy on yourself. Time is a great healer. Sending hugs and prayers your way. God Bless you and your family 🌟🌟
Thank you so much for sharing your story! We only saw her for a second, but clearly she's gorgeous! Please take it easy, sleep and just cuddle up with your family. Edit whenever you feel up for it. We'll be waiting for you no matter how long it takes!
The anticipation has been killing me!! I’m so glad you and baby are ok!! Take all the time you need and just enjoy this time with your beautiful baby girl!! Love you guys! By the way I bet Carter is being the cutest big brother ever!! 🥰
As someone who had an “epidural” Labor and a non epidural labor, I agree with you 100%. Nothing was more painful than a failed epidural Labor. It was much more painful than my non epidural birth. The mixture of going into it thinking I’d get the epidural and it would work with being forced to lay down during that pain ... I thought I was dying too!
I had almost the exact same experience! I just had my baby girl in May! My epidural stoped working! I had my little girl natural as well! Congratulations she is beautiful!
Bless your heart. I appreciate you keeping it real about your experience. You are a soldier! My experience gave me some PTSD and I decided to never have another baby so don't feel bad. What a beautiful little baby girl!
Your candor about your experience is amazing. Talking about it is so healing. So many have been through the same thing you are not alone. Your little baby nugget is just adorable! Looking forward to part two. You brought tears to my eyes , the body feels like it’s turning against you. Omgosh am so glad Ryan was there for you. Am anxious to see Carter with the baby. Blessings and luvs from Texas.
Oh Brittany, she is absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry the nurses didn't listen to you in regards to your pain. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself, you have 2 little precious people who depend on you.
@@marabookstagram it's the same with me. Even though I've very less knowledge about what she experienced but man I'm so scared now. But overall I'm so glad she's better and happy now
Crazy ! something similar happened to me in December. I was ready to push and the epidural was wearing off when the only 2 doctors on call were in the OR for an emergency c section and the nurse told me to hold off on pushing! You can't hold off pushing you just have to push! I feel you girl! Women are strong and mighty for what they go through. Congratulations on your baby girl! She beautiful!❤
Girl you are amazing!! Don’t be so worried about what other people think. I can’t believe all you went through, it is no small thing! Warrior mom all the way!
I never had a baby. I can’t even imagine. I am so sorry you had to go trough such a pain. You are a brave and a strong woman. And your baby girl is perfect. Lots of love from Germany ❤️
I had a kidney stone a couple weeks ago, and people told me it equates to childbirth. After hearing this story, I don't think so. I'd say I was a nine on the pain scale, but I didn't feel like I was dying.
Jett Allyson It depends on the birth. It also depends on the kidney stone. There are people here commenting about how Brittany has a low pain tolerance because their births didn’t hurt that much. But every birth is different. Some are straight out of a horror story.
As soon as you said you had the same damage happen again, I wanted to hand you a cup of hot tea, give you a hug and cry along with you. ❤ You are So strong momma! Congrats on your new baby girl!!
Oh my word you poor thing!!! You’re amazing for powering through that! I hope and pray your healing will be quick and painless!! Congratulations on having a healthy baby girl!
I feel for you so much. With my first son, my epidural didn't work either and although now (24 years later) I don't actually remember the actual pain, I do still remember the ordeal. Take care of you and take it easy and heal. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
I feel your pain 😭,,,10 years passed since having my first baby and I am still traumatized!! I'm crying watching you as every thing is coming back to me 😭😭😢 all I can say that it gets better ❤️
My first epidural wore off and it was terrible, he came in to give me a second one while I was in labor I could barely hold still to get it. Then as soon as he walks out the door I had to push she was coming. She was out within 5 mins but it was the worst pain ever. My second epidural didn’t take effect until I already had her. It was the craziest experience ever my first labor was so easy but with my daughter it was awful. My mom has always told me, you forget all that pain after the baby is born well she is wrong I remember it all. Your daughter is beautiful congratulations.❤️
I wanted a natural birth and once contractions started I was like “Give me all the drugs!” My labour progressed to quickly so never got an epidural. I had two Tylenol and some laughing gas which does absolutely NOTHING. It was the worst pain of my life and I was traumatized after(which I forgot until watching your video). I have a high pain tolerance, I don’t ever take Tylenol for anything. I feel like some people have worse contractions than others. I described the pain as what I imagine it would feel like to have a limb ripped off slowly. Glad you and baby are doing well and I hope your trauma subsides quickly.
Yes, it’s like having a leg ripped off. Like if someone wrapped a chain around each leg and hooked the other end to 2 trucks going in opposite directions, ripping your body in half. The first 13 hours or so are manageable, intense pressure, some stabbing pain....but transition and pushing are 😫🤯😱🔥☄️
I was born in the 60's when most mothers took something called twilight, where they woke up and there was a baby in their arms. That is what happened with my mother. And there was no memory of pain.
I just watched this and felt a huge feeling of empathy for you and my lady parts hurt just listening to you. I know it been over 6 months now so I hope you have recovered and are doing well. I don’t even know how you did this and continue to look amazing as always. Never apologize for your feelings or your pain. Omg. I don’t have children and am in awe of you. Your level of pain is your truth and should be validated - period. God speed and God Bless. 😌
She’s gorgeous! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s video! Sorry about all the “damaged”... but you did great! You’re such a strong woman! Everything is going to be alright! ❤️
Sis you brought a whole child into the world, nobody can underrate that. Congrats 🍾
RIGHT? She’s a beast😍
Love the honesty in this video. Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. Really hope you heal and feel more yourself soon x
When you’ve had an experience like this you need to talk about it to process it and help you put it behind you. Natural childbirth is built up to through the entire Labour process, it’s not turned on 0 to 100% at the flick of a switch, no one can handle that! Your body didn’t have the pain managing hormones built up to help you cope. You’ve had a shock in your experience but it will fade away with a little time, healing also zaps all of your strength, so be extra generous with yourself, don’t apologise for talking about how you’re feeling or compare yourself to others who have chosen to have a natural birth, your experience is as unique as you are. Congratulations on bringing your beautiful healthy daughter into the world, take care of yourself 🥰
I feel bad for her. I think it's awful to mentally expect pain relief from an epidural to suddenly just not have that. I had both my births without an epidural, but I tell everyone my body went through a like natural progression and preparation of that pain. I can't imagine the epidural wore off thing after you are already so relieved and expecting a pain-free (or less pain) experience. That is going from 0 to 100. Well said. I hope she feels better soon.
This, yes 💯 XOXOXO
Very well said! I gave birth to my second child within 45 minutes, we did not make it to the hospital. This sounds nice, but within 45 minutes from 0% to 100% was extremly painful, I screamed my hart out!I was afraid to give unexpected homebirth, my husband did all he could to comfort me till the 144 (as we call it in Switzerland) came. It took me months to get over that feeling of so much pain.
Well said. Pain is subjective! We can, as women, perform feats of strength that even amaze ourselves! But being thrown into the ‘ring of fire’ and tearing - oh my Lord. I will send prayers! You and your sweet baby went through a traumatic experience and may you heal as quickly as possible. ❤️
omg this was so very well said!! when you get the drugs your body cannot prepare for the pain so true!! my first labor no drugs lasted abou 8 gradual hours it was great my body progressed well pain was managable...2nd baby was born in 2hrs most intense pain in my life obviously no time for any kind of pain management lol even the body couldnt compete with that but it was amazing when it was done you felt better immediately!
Doctors and nurses need to STOP dismissing women's pain and when they say something is wrong period. Makes me so mad that they just were unwilling to even acknowledge something wasn't right with the epidural. So sorry you had to go through that when it could have been so much less dramatic. You baby girl is so beautiful and I am sure worth every second. Congrats!!
I couldn't agree more! It was usually the nurses who were dismissive when I had each of my four boys. I finally told one nurse that I knew my body far better than she did and had given birth enough times to know when something wasn't right.
Say it again!!!!!!
Totally agree, i was in severe pain with my first baby but not dilating according to their expectation. Nurse kept telling me im overreacting, turns out i was having placental abruption. Thank God both me and my son survived🙏, speak up, let your voice be heard.
@@bonitasmith5043hope you sued her for it
Don’t let anyone dismiss your trauma under the guilt trip of, “you have a healthy baby.” You are 100% allowed to feel upset. You did well Brittany. Hang in there and don’t let the after care doctors dismiss you either. Women deserve to have their feelings validated around birth and to have their trauma corrected to the fullest extent of medicine. xx
You never need to apologize for your feelings when you have go through something that traumatic. Your feelings are valid no matter what. As for updating us, this is your actual life. You live it and update only when you're able. Congratulations to you and Ryan on your sweet baby girl !
I had 4th degree lacerations when I had my baby 4 years ago. Till today, no one around me fully understands or acknowledged what I went through emotionally and physically. Just know that you have absolutely no reason to apologize for the way you feel and felt and no need to explain to anyone. Congrats on the birth of baby girl 💞 Hoping you have a great recovery 💗
I am so sorry for what you went through. I don’t have kids, but find it disgusting to minimize someone’s terrible experience just because it is about childbirth. Yes, you love your child more than anything, but going through hell to have a baby is not how it should be.I am sorry. Stay strong.
@@honey_bunny281 thank you so much 💖
Girl I feel you. I end up with c section I didn’t want. But needed due to baby’s health dropping. It sucked and it hurt. Having someone mess with your guts while you’re awake is extremely trippy and odd sensation. So I get you and i feel you. I think Mother’s Day should be more like mothers month at least based on the pain we have to go through. 💙
@@ThePixidust333 haha. Yaay to mother's month. I actually celebrate my son's birthday as an anniversary for myself too. 💛
I acknowledge you. It’s horrible. Everyone says you forget the pain and that’s why you have more. I didn’t forget.
This is one of the nicest thing I’ve heard that someone who’s in labor prepares a snack basket for the nurses
Yes it’s nice of her but I wish,that nurse listened to her when she said she is feeling the contractions
That is absolutely so nice , in Brazil where I’m from , mothers make or buy souvenirs for the people who come to visit the baby . I left some chocolates for the nurses but that was a great idea (I won’t be doing bc I have 3 kids already 🤪🤪🤪)
what nurses?
That's her all over, loveliest woman on youtube!
But yea when I heard what happened to her at the end of the video , the least she could do is sue the hospital
As a mom of 2 boys, both 4th degree tearing, no epidural, only gas I can totally sympathize. You will heal!! Take care of your perineum, a little salt in 2-3 inches of warm bath water. Air dry a bit after, change pads frequently, take ibuprofen to reduce swelling........you will heal! 💗 sending hugs and kisses 💗💐
Omg 4th degree! I had a 3b and have NEVER been the same since! It’s actually quite traumatic and emotionally difficult. I had to get a C-Section the second time around because I didn’t want to have permanent damage and I am soooo happy I did! How are you down there if you don’t mind me asking??
Kudos to Ryan for being your voice. It is horrific whenmedical professionals don't listen to us. I'm so sorry it was traumatic. I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear about what you went through but that Angel face was worth it like you said. Congrats to all.❤
Oh, Brittany! I’m so sorry that was such a painful, crazy experience! You’re allowed to feel upset about your birth experience, it doesn’t negate the fact that your baby is worth it all! I’m so happy that you’re doing incrementally better and that your lovely daughter is healthy ❤️ Get your rest and know that we’ll be here waiting! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy and your ever-growing family ♥️♥️♥️
Don’t even feel the need to apologize to ANNNNNNNYONE mama, you just delivered a baby! I hope you have a quick recovery, she’s stunning.
It hurts my heart that I understand your need to clarify that you know lots of women have gone through this. I know others can be dismissive and try to act superior but your trauma is your trauma, no matter what other people's qualifications of trauma are. I am so glad that it worked out in the end and I hope you're doing well.
Don’t apologize for all you went through. Everyone’s child birth is different. GOD bless you and your family. She’s precious❤️
Your daughter is so beautiful. I truly care about everything you went through to get her. Please rest and take care of yourself.
As an RN, what I’m concerned with is your nurse didn’t listen to you. I’m really sorry!
I also experience that... Which is why I almost gave birth to my firstborn in the toilet... Only after that incident that the nurses rushed me to the labor room and I gave birth a few minutes later.
This was my experience also....not once but twice!
exactly, the good thing is everyone was ok in the end Congratulations to your little family.
I don’t understand why they don’t listen though. I almost had my first son in the toilet. I told them I feel like he’s about to fall out and they told me no. Like I didn’t know what I was feeling. They said try to go to the bathroom that’s probably what I’m feeling. I sat down put my hand down there and his head was out. I hobbled back to the bed and the nurse still didn’t believe me. She said she’d try a catheter to relieve pressure. Pulls up the sheet and there’s my son. No doctor in the room yet. Now everyone is in frenzy. He wasn’t breathing. They had to resuscitate. I didn’t get to see him until the next day in the nicu on oxygen and feeding tubes. I don’t understand the not listening part.
Same! I'm going into my next semester of RN school, and I wanna be a L&D or maternity nurse. That was the first thing that caught me off guard
The pain was so intense, I begged them to give me an epidural but they didn't. They said doctor was busy with other patients so I gave birth with no pain relief. I was so traumatised . I vowed I will never have another baby. I vowed I would never let my husband any where near me. But I went on to have another children . Once you see the little bundle of joy before your very eyes you forget the pain. I just want you to know that you are not alone. Don't feel oh maybe you don't have a strong pain threshold. Doctors and nurses, midwives were dismissing my pain. God, it was real. I know what I felt. And thank you for this vlog as now I know I'm not the only one. You have helped so many women out there. The doctors were all making me feel like I was a baby, telling to pull myself together, even telling me I'm such a baby
Mind set is huge when having an unmedicated birth. You weren’t ready for that plus you had the previous injury on top of it. I’m so sorry sweet mama. I hope you heal quickly and the pain subsides. Please consider going to some counseling to process your experience. Sending you love!
Nobody is ready for unmedicated birth, I had 2 because epidural wasn't an option in Serbia few years ago... It's horror.
Yes your right it's about mind set because I had 4 kids so far and 3 of them were unmedicated births and I'm actually pregnant now with the 5th and thinking of doing natural once again!
So true, she might need some therapy .
Milena M some hospitals are slaughterhouses and traumatize women , I know . But with good assistance some women can navigate thru the pain
Agreed, mindset is everything! I absolutely loved my second birth, completely unmedicated and perfect, BUT I prepared for it lots. Mindset! But I can imagine how horrified I would feel if my anesthesia wore off at the dentist - omg!!! Sending you lots of love and hoping for a swift recovery!
I’ve been praying for you this week as I knew your baby girl was due. I also had a traumatizing delivery with one of mine, which left me sobbing afterwards in complete brokenness. But of course, there is also no greater joy. Would I do it again? A thousand times for my boy. I have healed completely. Take heart and don’t worry... the body can do incredible things. I wish I could hug you and let you feel the embrace of every mother throughout history who has suffered similarly. You are amazing, Brit! So proud of you!
I love how Ryan has he THINKS it's around 6, not realizing there is a clock literally right behind him. LOL. I'm so happy for you guys!
😂 noticed that too 😂
No shame! Childbirth is the hardest work I’ve ever done. Two natural with no pain killers and it’s tough. I feel you girl! Prayers for your healing while you take care of your little boy and your baby girl! You’ve got this Mama!
I’m so sorry that your pain wasn’t taken seriously and wasn’t well managed. It doesn’t matter if you have a low or high pain tolerance, if you are in pain, you are in pain. Please don’t beat yourself up over this or excuse your pain tolerance away as being low, you had a traumatic, painful experience where medical professionals failed you. Medical PTSD is real and it sucks, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Take care of yourself, mama!!
Jane Walker You said this perfectly !!! Yes, there certainly is medical PTSD. I’m so so very sorry you were treated that way. Much Love ❤️
When you described how your contractions felt 15 out of 10. I'm with you girl! I was hyperventilating and my hands were numb from not breathing. Labor is no freaking joke!
I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how dealing with all that felt... with that being said you are allowed to be upset! It doesn’t come off as ungrateful or anything like that.. you experienced something traumatizing! Don’t minimize that! You’re a beast! You did that! You made it! No matter how hard or painful it was YOU did it! And you have every right to feel however you want about the situation!
Congratulations on baby girl! I cannot wait to find out her name! She is absolutely gorgeous!!
Yees! Feel your feelings! It sound so traumatic. I hope she sees a therapist do deal with both of her traumatic birth experiences!
Exactly! I hope she does too.. I can imagine it being a very scaring experience.
Aw Brittany! I can totally empathize with you on the pain! My births sound very similar to yours. I had an involuntary natural birth with my first and my next 2 the epidural wore off and I felt everything completely. The level of pain you’re describing I can 100% relate with. It’s excruciating. I’m so sorry you had such a traumatic birth. She is an absolute doll though! I’m so happy for you! Praying for a fast recovery! Congratulations 💗💗
Sounds like the hospital you went to was understaffed, even though they had an emergency there should be enough staff to go around to make sure the others are ok. I genuinely don’t think this was ok, I’m sorry you had to go through that.
giving birth is such a scary experience even if you’re prepared! You rely so much on those experts and when they let you down it can feel very isolating. Congratulations on your baby girl I’m glad it all worked out in the end❤️
Most hospitals have one anesthesiologist per shift especially overnight. this happened to my friend as well - they need to fix this issue- poor moms!
Lots of smaller places only have one OB doctor on staff at a time.
Yep! I agree with Mariama Bah.
My sweet girl. Do not let anyone minimize your pain! What you feel is real!
True, I hope she tells them her complaints.
My son is now 53 and he is an "ONLY CHILD" - end of story! Brittany, congratulations to you, Ryan and Carter. XOXO
Mine is 36, same. Once was enough.
I felt this ♥️😂
I have a 25 year old and I was good after one myself!
I feel exactly the same, absolutely no intention to go through that again 😂😂
I have a 5 month old son and he will be my one and only child of I want more kids I will adopt
Never going thru labor again
Yes, girl 100% make your voice heard, child birth is no time for politeness, when mine started wearing off my nurse literally darted out of the room to grab the anesthesiologist because he was a few rooms over bless her heart.
So sorry you had traumatic experience!! Your feelings are valid even if people do it all the time or whatever that isn't what you chose so your birth plan going off the rails is a valid reason to feel upset and the pain you experienced was real!! Don't feel guilty for feeling that way. I hope all is well for you now. Your baby girl is beautiful!
Brittany I have watched many of your videos but lost you after your baby. One of your videos popped up yesterday and I've been binging on all the baby videos. I cried my eyes out so much. I have so many very similar experiences. Fertility, miscarriage and terriable labors. The birth of my babies were the worst and best days of my life.
I wanted several children but stopped at 2. Both natural and c-section were so bad I could not do it again. My epideral wore off, baby stuck in birth canal, tore up so bad, I hemeraged my second who was 2 month premature, 3 lb baby, almost lost my baby and I almost died.
What I really wanted to say watching you brings me happiness even tho I cried and cried watching your pregnancy experience. You are so talented and knowledgeable in everything. And you are such a good person. You are the sweetest a real angel. You are such a good mama your children will grow up to be so successful with guidance like yours. Don't doubt yourself!
Capri is a beautiful name and the meaning is lovely. I just wanted to thank you and wish you well. You are beautiful and ambitious. Congratulations for baby Capri, your wonderful family and all the success you have.
"Epidural is the best thing that was ever invented in the history of mankind" YES Brittany! Never a truer phrase has been said! I couldn't agree more!!
I agree
Agreed, mine saved my experience to want another baby not scarred
Omg this story!!! My eyes were so wide the whole time I have chills. I am so glad you and baby are ok now. WOW.
Oh wow that nurse's basket is so cute. Such a caring idea❤
I know! definitely doing it for my next pregnancy
I am preggy myself and i am in tears listening to your story. I feel you as a mum. You are a very strong lady!! Hugs to you!!
I’ve heard too many stories about women being dismissed when they know their epidurals aren’t working. I’ve decided I will be an absolute nightmare bitch until they listen to me when I give birth.
Same girl
That’s just it . They don’t listen to the birthing woman! They believe they know best which is complete BS ! Epidural wearing off is just one scenario! That’s why I chose to birth completely on my own and on my own terms ! My body And my baby
Dani Ann that’s how it was for my sister in law. The epidural didn’t work, she had to have one at least twice. It took a long time for her to get the second one though.
Yes, do it!!! And make sure you have an equally bitchy advocate to insist because you will be slightly distracted by bringing life into the world.
It happened to me too and they didn't listen to me either. The ho kept blowing me off. I told her I felt wetness, she told me I couldn't feel anything. As I sat up to push the epidural was laying on the bed dripping! 🤬🤬🤬
I just want to hug you! You’re a warrior momma! Never think any differently! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
Don’t even apologize for sounding like complaining, women shouldn’t go through all of this pain in this day and age but unfortunately I expect anything to happen in 2020. I feel like this is something that would happen to me too... looking into every single detail, preparing, planning, thinking and overthinking what to do.. but then things never go the way I plan. I’m so sorry this wasn’t ideal, but I’m happy to see you holding it together like you do ❤️ can’t wait to hear more about baby girl!
So true Alina. 👍
I'm so so sorry to hear about the horrible experience you had Brittany. I was praying so hard for a smooth, easy delivery for you because I know how hard you had it with Carter. Praying for complete healing. Capri is absolutely BEAUTIFUL
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
I really hope that you can take some time when you’re ready to deal with the emotions that come along with a traumatic birth experience. If possible and comfortable, maybe even have a chat to a professional about your experiences so that you get a proper chance to process and deal with them. It’s easy to want to shove things down and try and forget, especially when it’s painful.
I think in our society we try to minimise our experience by saying ‘as long as the baby is healthy, that’s all that matters’. Yes that does matter, but so do you and your mental health, as well as physical health. Praying for a speedy recovery for you and all the goodness that is being in the beautiful newborn baby bubble.
Oh sweetie, I was literally crying when you were talking about how much pain it was for you not to mention the physical damage but then you flashed that picture of your sweet baby girl wrapped up with the pink bow on her head.... oh my goodness, what an angel she is and such a blessing for your family. Praying for a full and speedy recovery for you and don't forget to ask for help and get all the help you can while you are healing. God speed.
Oh Brittany, you don’t have low level of pain tolerance, that’s how natural contractions feel! That kind of pain is the worst!!!! I delivered 3 babies naturally and it’s was always traumatic! But yes, if didn’t want to do it naturally I feel SO bad for you!!!! And CONGRATULATIONS!!! She looks precious!!!!
Girl, big big big hug for you. I had the same experience and it was awfulness to the max. After six years
I still suffer from the birth injuries. Just express yourself if you feel the need. Congratulations with your babygirl. She is adorable
I remember when my epidural wore off I was crying for another one. I was pleading please give me another epidural. But then I ended up having a emergency C-section. I feel so bad for you I can't even imagine what you went through. You are an amazing Mom, congratulations on your daughter can't wait to find out her name I have been watching all of your update videos on baby girl congratulations Mama she's beautiful.
Ditto for me! I can totally relate to feeling like the epidural has worn off and pressing that button thinking...."why am I in so much pain?". Then bam-emergency c-section! But all ended well and here we are 16 years later ;)
Watching this at 30 weeks pregnant. Thank you for sharing this experience, even though it was so traumatic - I'm sorry! I would rather hear about all different types of birthing experiences to be prepared for anything so again thanks for taking the time to record and share with us.
I was looking for a preggy mom along the comments when she said this video should not be watched by pregnant ladies.. hehe.. and you're the first one.. xD
I just wanted to share my comment with you... "I don't care how selfish or weak it sounds; epidurals and C-sections are gifts for continuing humanity!!! I would plead with any woman to accept those gifts readily & gratefully!". We have nothing to prove to anyone, not even ourselves. And remember it's much easier & faster to heal from a straight surgical cut on the belly then the alternative in an area you still have to use every day... I wish you well in whatever you decide, I just wanted to make sure you felt empowered to do either. Xo
I had a baby 5 months ago. The birth and delivery is easy compared to what comes after. Being sleep deprived has been the real challenge for me.
I'm 33 weeks and I'm all on bored to hearing all the stories from baby's collar bones breaking, mother's tail bones cracking, giving birth with no nurse or Dr in a room standing up it happened so fast, emergency C-sections after both heart rates dropped and baby getting stuck, I want to know and hear all of it to be prepared and get an idea of what I'm going into soon.
@@emilamaa I think being aware can help to be calm and well prepared. All the best ladies! Epidurals rock though and if on back keep feet on the bed don't let them push legs up to squeeze or whatever that really messed up my third delivery. Feet on the bed and push get epidural on time and within one hour baby should be pushed out. Otherwise they need to intervene because of lack of oxygen for baby.
This makes me so sad... I remember how traumatic your first labour was, and I was really rooting for you to have a more positive experience... 💛 So happy to hear that baby girl made it safely into the world though 💛💛💛
We comment so often about what a creative, organized, beautiful bargain finding hot mama you are. Can we please just take a moment and acknowledge your STRENGTH?!? Just wow. So many unexpected curve balls thrown at you. But you dug deep and in three pushs brought your beautiful daughter into the world. And are now sharing and encouraging others. Your strength is inspiring! God bless you and your family!
Ryan “I think it’s like maybe 6am” ::giant clock behind him:: 😂
Congratulations! Beautiful Blessings. Happy you get to enjoy her now 🥰
Gina Marie I was dying at Ryan and the clock 😂
Haha poor Ryan!
I'm dying lmfao
I noticed this too, and was just dying! 😂 He didn’t really need to tell us what time it was. It was there for us to see.
“When u feel the urge there’s no turning back” Amen, Sister !
I love when they say "don't push," as if you have any control over that at all.
Ain’t that the truth! My second midwife almost didn’t make it!
This made me cry! It flooded back the tramatic delivery my daughter went through both times! Congratulations though she’s beautiful!
My momma because a doula because of my extremely traumatic birth stories. With my son I wanted a natural birth but they forced pain meds on me, did an episiotomy without my consent and stitched me up live. With my daughter... I had both symphesis pubis dysfunction and constant excruciating round ligament pain throughout the entire pregnancy and then a prelapsed cord causing me to have to be induced then having an emergency c section with FOUR botched spinal taps due to my scoliosis. All of that plus I have Aspergers, found out during my second pregnancy otherwise I'd not have had children because my son is like me.
Everything you went through, I went through too. The only thing different is that my epidural hurt extremely bad when they put it in my back. It numbed me for a little while but my feeling came back. I felt like they didn't brlieve me because they ignored it and I went through natural childbirth not expecting to. I thought I would die too. I'd never felt that level of pain. I screamed and cried too. I was only 18 years old. I'm now 66 and I have never forgotten that experience.
I'm sorry you went through all that too. On the bright side you look great and your baby is absoluty beautiful.
Congratulations Brittney, I first started watching you when you weren't even pregnant with Carter and now proud momma of two!! Love to you and the little angel 💕
I had an epidural with my son and the exact same thing happened to me. I was pain-free for about an hour and then it rapidly went down hill. It was so painful but I got my precious son in the end.
Your daughter is adorable!! Congratulations!!
Omgggg I’m so excited she’s here!
So sorry you experienced such trauma! You are a strong woman! I’m 35 weeks with my first so prayers it goes well.
I had a very similar experience I was in labor for 50 hours, I was 2 weeks late from my delivery date and they still wouldn’t pop my water bag. After they finally did my doctor was busy with another birth so I had a doctor that I had never seen before come in and was complaining how he was already supposed to be off. I also push 3 times but that is because he cut me all the way and I didn’t feel it. I didn’t even know there was stitches until a week later and a stitch popped. I couldn’t sit or walk for 2 months. The reason I couldn’t feel anything during her birth was because my labor was so long that my epidural wore off and right before I had her they had to shoot more into my spine. Absolutely a nightmare experience. Yes it is worth it in the end, but my daughter is my one and only child.
I’m glad you are doing better and hope for a speedy recovery.
I know you keep saying that you'll be okay and you have your sweet girl and that's all that matters, but that's not true. You matter, the mother matters in this!
And it sounds like you've been really, really hurt from this and the trauma is super fresh, emotionally, physically, all of it. I strongly encourage you to seek help and talk about it with someone ❤️❤️
Yes! I think we all tell ourselves these things too often!
You are a rockstar. This sounds so traumatizing. That’s how my contractions felt too. Like I was dying. Take care of yourself and hope there are lots of people supporting you.
I’m so glad you filmed this video and talked about your experience. First, it’s good for your own recovery and post-traumatic coping. Second, you did experience the worst case scenario and putting your story out there may help other pregnant ladies and like you said, make sure your voice is heard. Congratulations on your bundle of joy and I hope your recovery is fast and completion
So sorry you experienced that. You don’t need to justify your feelings you have every right to feel upset or frustrated about how things went. It is very traumatizing and the worst pain one can possibly go through. At least you get to hold your sweet baby girl now :) wishing you a speedy recovery
I've been so worried I kept refreshing Instagram 😭 so glad ur okay!! Congrats!!
Me too!!!!!
I was as well. I usually don't get on instagram, but I've been checking multiple times a day, along with UA-cam, looking for an update to the point I was worried. So happy you're home with a healthy baby girl. Now anxiously awaiting the 2nd part.
Hahaha! Same! Like I would have for my sister or something!😆
Haha, me too!
That was me too. I started to worry. Congrats sweetie.
I had my last baby boy 26 years ago and I still remember the pain. I also split open and had to be stitched up afterwards. I would not trade him for the world but it is a pain you always remember. I am so happy for you.
I’m sorry for such a traumatic experience. You can’t seem to catch a break. I’m glad you got your healthy baby girl and she is the cutest, most perfect little girl. I wish you a quick and easy recovery❤️
Thanks for sharing your story. I'll be giving birth soon myself and I'm dreading labor. It's the thing that has scared me away from getting pregnant for so long. I appreciate the advice and please don't apologize for how you feel. No one knows your body like you. Take the time you need to recover physically and mentally. You're just as important as baby.
I just want to hug you! You did an amazing job bringing that precious angel into this world - bravo, mama!!! I’m so sorry for the pain you went through - happened to me 26 years ago with my first... epi wore out and I thought I was going to die. Horrible experience, so I understand. Sending you lots of love - enjoy your beautiful little family! Love your channel. 💕
Ironically I went through the same thing on the same day. My baby boy was born August 26, 2020 at 10:56 so I can totally relate on every level. Congrats on your baby girl!
You’re so strong, thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you speedy recovery and health to you and your family.
Holy moly Brittany. . . you've been put through the ringer twice! You're a champion! Don't worry about ppl downplaying your suffering. They clearly have not experienced it.
Congratulations!!🎉 Baby girl is beautiful!!💕 I'm so sorry to hear about your painful delivery experience. Prayers for a fast recovery. You are one strong mama Brittany!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I’ve been watching since you were pregnant with Carter and I just happy cry every time you post an update 🤣 I feel like you’re my actual friend when I watch your content!
EDIT: I’m so sorry for how much pain you’re in and for your experience. Please don’t ever feel bad for not updating. We aren’t going anywhere!
YOU ARE AMAZING! I cannot even imagine!! So proud of you! But praise the Lord you made it & have baby girl! Definitely praying for your healing, mentally and physically! Sendings hugs! 💛
The most healing thing I ever heard is that pain is pain. If it's painful for you, it just is. You don't need to compare it to anyone else's experience or justify your pain. I'm so sorry this was your experience ❤️
I’ve been following you since before Carter, my heart goes out to you and I’m wishing you a full recovery omg you are so strong mama. 🙏🏾💖🙏🏾
I'm so sorry that happened. A similar thing happened to my sister, the epidural only "worked" on half of her body. So thankful my epidurals went well for both my kids. I would absolutely never want to give birth naturally; the contractions pre-epidural were painful enough! So glad baby girl arrived safely though!
I've been watching you since you had your apartment and I'm so happy for you
Dear Brittany, I’m 65 and I clearly remember my giving birth experience to my son. I had all back labor and no epidural and I really don’t think I received anything. Don’t apologize for your birthing experience. You’ve been through a lot so go easy on yourself. Time is a great healer.
Sending hugs and prayers your way. God Bless you and your family 🌟🌟
No drugs with my first but with my second morphine to stop my labor and let me tell you we almost both died!
Mommas are amazing!
Thank you so much for sharing your story! We only saw her for a second, but clearly she's gorgeous! Please take it easy, sleep and just cuddle up with your family. Edit whenever you feel up for it. We'll be waiting for you no matter how long it takes!
The anticipation has been killing me!! I’m so glad you and baby are ok!! Take all the time you need and just enjoy this time with your beautiful baby girl!! Love you guys! By the way I bet Carter is being the cutest big brother ever!! 🥰
Congratulations! Your baby daughter is adorable. I can’t wait to see Carter’s reaction when he sees his baby sister for the first time. ❤️
At my birthing class, the instructor said that if a nurse ever tells you that, you should say ”anyone can catch my baby”
Underrated comment. Love it.
As someone who had an “epidural” Labor and a non epidural labor, I agree with you 100%. Nothing was more painful than a failed epidural Labor. It was much more painful than my non epidural birth. The mixture of going into it thinking I’d get the epidural and it would work with being forced to lay down during that pain ... I thought I was dying too!
I had almost the exact same experience! I just had my baby girl in May! My epidural stoped working! I had my little girl natural as well! Congratulations she is beautiful!
Bless your heart. I appreciate you keeping it real about your experience. You are a soldier! My experience gave me some PTSD and I decided to never have another baby so don't feel bad. What a beautiful little baby girl!
Your candor about your experience is amazing. Talking about it is so healing. So many have been through the same thing you are not alone. Your little baby nugget is just adorable! Looking forward to part two. You brought tears to my eyes , the body feels like it’s turning against you. Omgosh am so glad Ryan was there for you. Am anxious to see Carter with the baby. Blessings and luvs from Texas.
I’m so glad you’re okay, I been checking Instagram everyday for you 😩😩
Me too 😇
I cried at the end when her picture showed up, she's literally the sweetest~~ 😢😢❤️
Congratulations 🥳 and yes contractions are extremely painful , I was also only able to cry , scream as well ! You are so strong and resilient
Oh Brittany, she is absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry the nurses didn't listen to you in regards to your pain. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself, you have 2 little precious people who depend on you.
You’re so brave Brittany! I’m proud of you, you did it! I’ll be praying for your recovery❤️
I'm so glad you're healthy and getting back into shape.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was worried. I've grown so attached to Brittany despite not knowing her IRL!
@@marabookstagram it's the same with me. Even though I've very less knowledge about what she experienced but man I'm so scared now.
But overall I'm so glad she's better and happy now
Crazy ! something similar happened to me in December. I was ready to push and the epidural was wearing off when the only 2 doctors on call were in the OR for an emergency c section and the nurse told me to hold off on pushing! You can't hold off pushing you just have to push! I feel you girl! Women are strong and mighty for what they go through. Congratulations on your baby girl! She beautiful!❤
Girl you are amazing!! Don’t be so worried about what other people think. I can’t believe all you went through, it is no small thing! Warrior mom all the way!
I never had a baby. I can’t even imagine. I am so sorry you had to go trough such a pain. You are a brave and a strong woman. And your baby girl is perfect. Lots of love from Germany ❤️
I had a kidney stone a couple weeks ago, and people told me it equates to childbirth. After hearing this story, I don't think so. I'd say I was a nine on the pain scale, but I didn't feel like I was dying.
Jett Allyson It depends on the birth. It also depends on the kidney stone.
There are people here commenting about how Brittany has a low pain tolerance because their births didn’t hurt that much.
But every birth is different. Some are straight out of a horror story.
I hope the nurse that didn't listen to your concerns got her snacks from your lovely gift basket taken away.
As soon as you said you had the same damage happen again, I wanted to hand you a cup of hot tea, give you a hug and cry along with you. ❤ You are So strong momma! Congrats on your new baby girl!!
Thanks for being real with us 🌻its okay to talk about this. Your not complaining! What a strong women. Sending lots of positive thoughts.
“That’s not that bad” false. Your pain is valid and birth is HARD no matter what. I’m sorry you had to go through that! glad you’re both okay! ❤️
Oh my word you poor thing!!! You’re amazing for powering through that! I hope and pray your healing will be quick and painless!! Congratulations on having a healthy baby girl!
I feel for you so much. With my first son, my epidural didn't work either and although now (24 years later) I don't actually remember the actual pain, I do still remember the ordeal. Take care of you and take it easy and heal. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
I feel your pain 😭,,,10 years passed since having my first baby and I am still traumatized!! I'm crying watching you as every thing is coming back to me 😭😭😢 all I can say that it gets better ❤️
My first epidural wore off and it was terrible, he came in to give me a second one while I was in labor I could barely hold still to get it. Then as soon as he walks out the door I had to push she was coming. She was out within 5 mins but it was the worst pain ever. My second epidural didn’t take effect until I already had her. It was the craziest experience ever my first labor was so easy but with my daughter it was awful. My mom has always told me, you forget all that pain after the baby is born well she is wrong I remember it all. Your daughter is beautiful congratulations.❤️
I wanted a natural birth and once contractions started I was like “Give me all the drugs!” My labour progressed to quickly so never got an epidural. I had two Tylenol and some laughing gas which does absolutely NOTHING. It was the worst pain of my life and I was traumatized after(which I forgot until watching your video). I have a high pain tolerance, I don’t ever take Tylenol for anything. I feel like some people have worse contractions than others. I described the pain as what I imagine it would feel like to have a limb ripped off slowly. Glad you and baby are doing well and I hope your trauma subsides quickly.
Yes, it’s like having a leg ripped off. Like if someone wrapped a chain around each leg and hooked the other end to 2 trucks going in opposite directions, ripping your body in half. The first 13 hours or so are manageable, intense pressure, some stabbing pain....but transition and pushing are 😫🤯😱🔥☄️
@@JennyLouRN accurate! So painful!!
The laughing gas did all the difference for me! Sad it didn’t work for you!😭
I have a low pain tolerance and contractions were so easy for me🙈
I was born in the 60's when most mothers took something called twilight, where they woke up and there was a baby in their arms. That is what happened with my mother. And there was no memory of pain.
Yes, I think to some extent every mama experiences labor and the pain differently. It is intense no matter what though!
I just watched this and felt a huge feeling of empathy for you and my lady parts hurt just listening to you. I know it been over 6 months now so I hope you have recovered and are doing well. I don’t even know how you did this and continue to look amazing as always. Never apologize for your feelings or your pain. Omg. I don’t have children and am in awe of you. Your level of pain is your truth and should be validated - period. God speed and God Bless. 😌
She’s gorgeous! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s video! Sorry about all the “damaged”... but you did great! You’re such a strong woman! Everything is going to be alright! ❤️