
  • Опубліковано 9 лис 2024


  • @雪カワウソ
    @雪カワウソ 5 місяців тому +30

    個人用Time Stamp(ホロメンとの絡みの始まりは最初に★をつけてます)
    01:36 start(待機画面で作業音あり)
     02:09 バーションアップした愛の家
     02:48 ねねちがいるなら一緒にやりたかった
     03:37 イナにプレゼント
     04:26 剣と盾作った&パンつくるか
    05:52 鉄トラップへ
     06:13 今日のチャレンジはまだ未更新
     07:09 鉄トラップ到着&鉄の量に驚くラミィ
      07:43 ぺこら先輩からの報酬情報
      08:13 ロッカーシステムが新しく出来ました
     08:45 整理整頓のために一旦帰還
     10:07 個人ロッカー紹介
     11:40 自宅で所持品整理
      12:21 今日の配信が早い理由
     13:48 わためハウスにお泊り
      14:20 チンチロについて
      14:38 さすがわためぇ
    14:52 鉄トラップの整理整頓開始&ぺこら先輩からチンチロ情報提供
     15:20 シフト押せば何とかなる事を学ぶラミィ
     16:42 整理整頓完了
    17:05 木こりのラミィ開始
     18:20 角刈りはコミュニケーションの一環
    19:08 血液型質問NGなラミィとその理由
     20:03 ラミィの血液型&ゴリラはB型
     20:47 ラミィは何も言っていない
    21:00 シラカバ植林開始
     21:10 ホロメンはB型多い説 22:17 血液型は嫌いだが占いは好きなラミィ&占い雑談開始
      25:38 家族が全員大凶になった話
    26:50 何か声がする!?
     27:14 おじさんと一夜を明かすスキャンダル発覚
     28:45 なにもされてない証明を雪民に求めるラミィVSすっとぼける雪民
     30:12 ★コメントのこよちゃんに圧をかけるラミィ
      30:57 処す? 処しとく?
     31:55 神聖なイナの家に入るおじさんを罵るラミィ
      32:25 厄介おじさんなラミィ
    32:55 いろはちゃんログイン&挨拶に疑問を持つラミィ
     34:00 挨拶の正解は何か?
    35:16 俺のイナの寝込みを襲うのは許せないラミィ
    35:34 釣りがしたい&ラミィがクモに挑んた時の予想
     37:04 みんなのために何かをしたい
    38:54 家の見た目を可愛くしたこよりちゃんに感謝
    39:09 ポルカ牧場のお手入れ
     39:36 羊のマネ?をするラミィ 39:53
     42:05 子づくり
      42:27 羊になるラミィ
      42:44 クセの強い鳴き声&鳴きマネ
      43:32 ニワトリをアヒルだと思ってるラミィ
     45:13 ニャースボイス
    45:34 植林再開話&話のネタ探し
     46:12 日記はぺこら先輩の枠を見て欲しい&書き方がわからなかったラミィ
     47:13 昨日気がついたらボッチになっていたラミィ&青くんへプレゼントを渡せた
     48:28 マイクラ配信で大喜利難しいやろ
    49:46 いろはちゃんに頼ってクモを倒す作戦
     50:40 いろはちゃんに糸を持っているか確認
     54:34 ★いろはちゃんと合流&生成機について知るラミィ
     57:04 材料集めへ&いろはちゃんや他のホロメンを褒め称えるラミィ
      58:42 AKUKIN建設は解散しました
     1:00:51 夜の中いろはちゃんの家を目指すラミィ 
      1:01:36 くらいよこわいよ ~
     1:02:07 ★いろはちゃんと合流&即終了
     1:03:34 いろはちゃんの仮拠点にお泊り&装置作成をお願い
    1:04:22 「ラミィちゃん何もやってない」
     1:04:56 1人でクモと戦う決意をしてフラグをいくつも立てるラミィ
     1:08:51 ねねちゾンビ説
    1:12:13 エモくなったねねちのお墓
    1:14:40 夜&ヤル気をみせるラミィ
     1:15:00 クモを探しに行くが撤退するラミィ
      1:15:56 ウィッチと戦わせたいリスナーVS騙されないラミィ
    1:18:44 いろはちゃんからお呼ばれ
     1:19:08 ★いろはちゃんからのお話&リスナーの発言を伝えるラミィ
     1:20:40 いろはちゃんからハードコアの心得を教わるラミィ
    1:21:23 作業再開&ラミおじさんには厳しい世界
     1:23:10 釣りをする決意を固めるラミィ
    1:25:47 カエラログイン&ホロメンいつ寝てる問題
     1:27:10 カエラちゃんのショートスリーパーエピソード
     1:27:50 ポジティブな病院の先生
     1:29:15 アップルウォッチの機能
     1:30:53 ポケモンスリープが出来なくなった理由
    1:32:01 NTRおじさんとレスバするラミィ 1:33:00
    1:34:00 ケーキを作りたい
     1:34:40 猫ミームラミィ
     1:35:10 ケーキ準備
     1:37:39 ケーキ作成
     1:38:10 こよりちゃんにプレゼントしようとして閉じ込められるラミィ
      1:39:18 こよりちゃんにプレゼント
     1:41:34 動物たちの鳴きマネ
     1:44:15 ケーキ作成(ぺこら先輩、おまるん、いろはちゃん分)
      1:45:20 おまるんへプレゼント
     1:47:47 チェスト整理
      1:49:21 全て生産管理したお肉をこよりちゃんの血肉にしてほしいラミィ
      1:50:49 完成・いつものラミィのチェストって感じ
     1:51:34 かわいそうといいつつ子の前で親を処すラミィ 1:46:55 脱走したニワトリ
      1:52:20 これが命の在り方
    1:55:11 いろはちゃんの元へ
     1:56:00 ★ぺこら先輩への感謝のケーキをプレゼント
     1:56:27 釣りながらいろはちゃんを待つラミィ
      1:58:26 プレゼント方法について雪民と話すラミィ
      2:00:09 日没を眺めるラミィ
     2:00:47 ★いろはちゃんにプレゼント
    2:01:34 釣り再開&喜んでもらえてよかった
     2:02:16 瞳孔が開いている目と言われるラミィと本当に瞳孔が開いた時の目を見せるラミィ
     2:04:15 〇〇変えた?系の話を振る雪民達
      2:05:50 アップで歯を見せてくれるラミィ
    2:07:52 ミッション情報の確認へ
    2:08:27 ★いろはちゃんの懺悔&すぐに作りにいくラミィ
     2:10:30 砂糖の使いどころが増えてハピハピなラミィ
     2:11:45 羊の鳴きマネ 2:12:16
     2:13:08 イナログイン&ケーキあげなきゃ(使命感)
     2:14:35 ★イナちゃんと出会うラミィ
     2:15:57 ★いろはちゃんにプレゼント(かわいいかよ)
    2:16:44 いろはちゃんの後輩感が凄い
    2:17:27 作業再開
     2:17:45 青くんの扱いについて&リグロスメンバーとも喋りたい
     2:19:12 乙ったら運命
    2:19:42 クモ討伐へ
     2:20:59 釣り開始&今日の目標
     2:21:37 フグの使い道
     2:23:45 クモ討伐宣言
      2:24:30 不穏な空気
       2:25:01 名札ゲット
      2:25:50 フグの毒を身を持って証明したいラミィ
       2:29:25 雪民にフグを食べる姿を見せたいラミィ 2:30:07
        2:31:24 家の中で実験しようとするラミィ&もしワザップだったら…
     2:34:23 くらいよこわいよ
    2:35:11 クモ討伐開始
     2:35:59 クモ発見もちびゾンビ達に襲われ逃げ惑うラミィ
      2:36:58 そんな中でもクモを諦めないラミィ
      2:38:41 家に帰還
       2:39:26 フグを食べようとするも食べられないラミィ
     2:41:33 再びクモ討伐に挑戦
      2:41:57 1匹目 2:42:27 2匹目
      2:42:36 3匹目にイキってたらクリーパーに爆発されるラミィ
    2:43:25 牧場で作業再開&これがエンターテイメントってこと
      2:43:55 フラグなんてなかった
     2:45:00 密集しすぎて肉になってしまう牛達
     2:45:48 フグを食べるとどうなるかを見せるラミィ 2:46:14
     2:46:57 ニワトリのダメージボイスでメロディを奏でるラミィ
     2:48:18 一旦ログアウトして再起動待ち&グミ雑談
      2:50:48 ログイン
     2:51:08 この後の行動&松明=stick fireで通じる説
      2:54:15 PON&シフト最強
      2:55:17 なんとかしてくれる シ フ ト ボ タ ン ♪
     2:56:00 松明配布所完成
      2:57:24 急にマイクラの音がなくなった件 2:56:07 音がなくなった瞬間
       2:58:14 なにもやってないのに壊れた
        2:58:42 ランプ付く?漫才をするラミィ
    3:00:36 釣り再開
     3:01:02 2回行動はしない
     3:01:38 ギャンブルは次回
    3:03:03 配信を終えるためにスタート地点へ&今日は重くなくてストレスフリー状態
     3:03:41 今日はかわいいラミィ
     3:04:43 日誌の記入に苦戦するラミィ
      3:05:50 昨日の日記に追記
      3:07:06 今日の日記を記入
      3:09:50 日記完成
     3:10:20 ★あくあ先輩に絡まれるラミィ
      3:11:19 寂しがり屋なあくあ先輩
    3:12:33 終了挨拶
    3:13:13 Cパート

  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 2 місяці тому

    それにしても・・・肉になれぇって中々に怖いワードだよね・・・ケーキ作ってるの見ると懐かしい気持ちになれるねぇハードコアでも緩い空気いいよね。 2024.8.24

  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 5 місяців тому +5

    [Timestamps Part 1] Guerilla Hardcore MC stream, to positions! ⚔
    This is day 2 of her adventure, let's go!
    1:35 Start!
    1:38 _"Nooo, that was embarrassing! Aren't the the MineCraft sounds playing! KonLamy everyone!"_
    1:54 _"This is LamyKoyo's Love House, the Love Nest where i'm starting from... Today is Guerilla! Yeah, she made the kitchen!"_
    2:14 _"This love house seems to have been upgraded, looks nice! As you'd expect of a love nest... Today, since i thought that not many holomem would be playing at this time, i think we won't get as much encounters, so... Oh it's night, let's sleep?"_
    2:48 _"C: Nene played/L: Yeah, but not right now... So it's like we passed each other, I do want to play with her though. I'd like to plant birch, as i couldn't do yesterday"_ 🌳​

    3:25 _"Ah i noticed that i got a mouth ulcer now! This is nice, i lived in Ina's house yesterday so i want to give her a present"_
    4:06 _"I'd like to plant Birchwood today so, i want to get mass quantities of it"_
    4:32 Out of iron _"I'll get some from the iron trap... Shall i make some Bread=Pan (tsu)?"_ 🍞
    5:01 _"C: shields are necessary/L: For sure! I think it's better to have one! It's just that i don't know if i can really use it well, but that's another issue"_
    5:39 _"Kaela entered? When i joined there said [0 people], but it was for a moment"_
    6:00 _"C: She logged-in before/L: When i logged there was nobody though!"_
    6:10 _"I saw the challenge for today earlier, it seems it hasn't been refreshed yet... We still don't know what the missions for today are though... I thought about maybe doing those i can clear... This shield is in the way!"_
    6:35 _"It's a bother since i'm not used to it... Yesterday there were so many Holomems, it was fun! So much birch here!"_
    7:19 WAO!
    7:55 Thanking Peko in chat _"Pekora senpai's amazing for being logged in always"_
    8:29 _"L: I'll show you later when we go back, because yeah, yesterday i finished before writing my diary so i couldn't show you how it looked!"_
    9:40 _"L: Oh yeah, i thought i'd make a sign that reads [Please use as many torches as you want].../C: May be good to leave it by the house at the beginning/L: I thought about placing it by the village would be nice, since they'll open the Nether right? So in that time, i think it'd be easier to find if i put it right before there"_
    10:10 _"This is my personal locker, i had diamonds inside of this one. I wonder if everybody has too... No, i shouldn't look into others' lockers so let's stop"_ 👀
    10:25 _"C: Where could they do the gate?/L: I have no clue! I think that maybe they'll set up someone to do it now, maybe... Once we get the gate, i'd like to make the torches easy to find i think... I think a pretty skilled person will make it though/C: I wonder if Peko-chan will make the gate too/L: Well... I wonder, i think someone good will make it, Iroha-chan made that iron one right? So probably somebody who is good at it i think..."_

    11:20 _"L: Let's put the [Free torches] besides here the free Bed and food... I feel it'll get eggs from time to time though... Ah, i don't have a chest..."_
    12:20 _"C: Isn't today's stream earlier?/L: Yeah, sorry, there's no actual reason for it! I don't have one at all! If I say why, it's because i had free time now!"_
    12:48 _"And because i think that a lot of people will log in today, and if there's a lot of people my PC will go heavier and start lagging. So i logged in here at this time, if by any chance some holomems log right now, it'd be good i think"_
    13:14 _"It's not like my PC's specs are bad, but it can't play heavy games... That's why, lately i've tried to use the PC2 which was considerably good for games"_
    13:34 _"But the Voice function... It couldn't detect the Mic in that PC so... (Let me stay at someone's house) I can't play at my PC2, excuse me, good night!"_
    14:18 _"C: Are you playing the chinchiro (Dice game)?/L: Well there's 5 diamonds reward for that right? We can only do that once... Yeah, 5 diamonds!"_ 🎲​
    15:38 Making iron blocks.
    16:11 _"Pardon, i know that i esentially went back to beginner in MC, but somehow it can work by pressing shift! for anything, Shift!"_
    17:16 _"I won't forget about being lumberjack Lamy though, i won't forget that feeling i first had..."_
    17:37 _"C: This is a delight for A-Blood types too/L: (I messed up)... Give me Birch saplings!"_
    18:11 _"Everybody will be working hard crafting today so it's my personal delight to bring lots of wood to them!"_
    18:21 _"C: Your 2nd name is [Crew cut]/L: www That crew cut is a link for communication... I think i'm not sporting it today though, i haven't watched myself... Because i have a helmet, i don't know if i have one or not"_
    18:46 _"C: Isn't it Type-A?/L: Pretty methodical, whose blood are we talking about?... Sapliiings!/C: Ina of the crew cut/C2: What type are you?/L: I haven't said my blood type yet! Isn't it amazing? I don't know why for, but i think that's no good to say!"_
    19:33 _"L: Because people will go like [Ha, i knew it], like, if i were a B-type they'd go [I knew she was B-blood type!] and if i say it's Type-A they'll say [That's why she's so methodical!] I don't want to be assigned a personality for my blood type, so no... Cause i'll go [SHUT IT!]/C: It's a beetle (Kuwagata, the pun is that it's like saying Beetle-type) right?/L: Yup, I'm a Yamagata's rattling beetle"_
    20:15 _"C: That's B type already/L: NO WAY! I don't get what you mean by [that's so B-type], and it doesn't have anything to do with blood type anyway! It's like saying B-types are gorillas! Isn't that wrong?"_ 🦍
    20:35 _"L: I'll call all Yukimins who are B-type a gorilla, are you fine with that? You don't like that right?/C: So Kanata was that?/L: I never said anything! Wah, monsters are growing again..."_ 🩸
    21:10 _"C: Peko-chan is also B-type/L: I feel lots of Holomem are B-type, like they're generally B... I don't know for sure, though...There's plenty of B-types... I don't like how big this grew..."_
    21:51 Cute Lamy hop sounds.
    22:04 _"C: SO in short there's a lot of gorillas amongst the holomems?/L: You could say that/C: Isn't that a weird image for blood people?/L: I keep telling you, don't decide an image for blood types, it has no relation with it after all!"_
    22:32 _"I like things like fortunetelling though"_ 🔮
    22:56 _"C: Fortunetelling is fun right?/L: I wonder what's so fun about it? It's like it can be applied to everyone right? For what you're told i mean... Like, you can't know for sure but you feel like it is... There's fortunetelling for birthdays too right? It makes me think how much people have the same birthday as i do, so i tend to look while thinking that it's not something that would apply to everybody"_
    23:36 _"C: Fortunetelling is just mind wars/L: It feels like that, but i like it"_
    24:04 _"When i see TikTok i suddenly get images like [This is the fortune for people with birthdays today] and they give some fortunetelling! It's really sudden! And it's not like i believe it, but i still searched my birthday, and if it isn't right you'd feel a bit down, but if it was you'll be like [Lucky!]" _ 🙏

    25:06 _"Omikuji (Fortune slips) are the same right? When you get Big fortune you get happy, if you get it for today it means it can't go any lower than that, so you think positively that things can only keep improving"_
    25:26 _"C: There's a lot of slips with [Excellent Luck]/L: There's many with that right? I've heard... I don't know for sure, but i think it depends on the shrine! I think i've mentioned it once before or not? (Ah... I'm out of Birch saplings...) I said it before, but all of my family got [Terrible Luck], it really surprised me!"_ 😨
    26:06 _"That time for real i thought that if the family got into an accident we'd all die... Because what it had written was also pretty unsettling! And moreover, we'd have went to a trip, but before that we went to a certain famous shrine, and we went up a big mountain, while completely exhausted!"_
    26:32 _"And then we pulled the omikuji at the same time like [Here goes!] and when it gave [Terrible Luck] for us all and i was like [Guess we'll die] I really thought we'd die back then! And i thought we should pull once again but, we couldn't... I hear a voice, this may be bad... There's something here!"_
    27:16 _"Oy! This is bad, i spent the night with this person! GO OUT! GO OUT! Who are you?! Sorry, i spent the night with an unknown peddler, what will you do Yukimin? Don't get angry everyone, nothing happened, really!"_
    27:37 _"C: This is a scandal/L: wwww, Sorry Yukimin!/C: We were NTR/L: To say so, this guy just entered the house by themselves, when i woke up he was already there"_ 👴
    28:12 _"C: There's no way nothing happened with the peddler/L: _*_giggles_*_ Nothing happened though!"_
    28:43 _"C: You got something hard-sold/L: I didn't get anything though, he was only there when i woke up/C: Can i believe you?/L: But you were there to see, we were together! You're my proof! Say instead [I was there and saw, nothing happened]"_
    29:20 _"C: I was asleep so i don't know/L: _*_laughs_*_ Hey give me a hand would you?"_
    (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 2]
      29:44 Koyo in chat. 🧪​
      30:17 _"C: KonKoyo was here/L: Ah true/[K: I must kill that old guy...]/L: wwww, but! I saw Koyo on stream yesterday! After she saw me off, i got info that she cheated on me! Who were with you?! I know it!"_
      30:44 _"I egosurfed and saw people saying [Koyo-chan chan, after saying bye to Lamy-chan she's cheating on her!] and i was SAD! Very sad!"_
      31:00 _"L: This person is unnecesary though aren't they? Do i off him?/C: Stop.../L: It'd be foolish to die in such place wouldn't it? _*_giggles_*_ If i died here i'd never be able to meet honey again, it'd make me sad... It would be unforgivable, to bump into that old guy and then being killed"_
      31:39 _"C: Treasure life/L: Yeah, it's because of that, that it may also be good to get rid of the old man too, it's possible too!"_

      32:25 _"C: Maybe it's Ina's butler/L: No way I'd allow it right? For her to have a peddler as butler... Do you think i would? I won't! I'm the troublesome oji-san, she's my Ina'nis!"_ 🐙
      33:00 _"Iroha-chan, I feel this is offstream work, is she streaming?"_ *Iroha greets*
      33:11 _"L: Good... Morning? Maybe it is good morning for Iroha though!/C: She's streaming!/L: I see, i wonder what she's doing!/C: It's according to business setting/L: I see, so it's like when you go [Good morning/Thank you for your hard work], true"_
      33:59 _"But yeah, back when i started streaming i wasn't sure what i should say [Good morning/afternoon/KonLamy? and i was awkwardly saying [Kon... Lamy...]"_
      34:34 _"Even now, i don't know the right thing to say is sometimes... Hey, this old guy is staying at Ina's house! Please stop being in my Ina's house? We retreat... Move out, old man!"_
      35:16 _"C: He's waiting for you to fall asleep/L: That's dangerous... At this rate he'll be after Ina being asleep...Unforgivable, She is MY Ina! What to do today, make a lot of torches and put them in the present box"_
      35:45 _"I want to make fishing rods, i want to fish more than anything, it's just that since i don't have the string... I would need to go hunt spiders, think i can do it?"_
      36:25 _"C: There's a chance you cart/L: Since i'm not too used to the technique, maybe... Yeah, there's a 2 or 3 chance i may fall and you'd go like [Aaa Lamy-chan, she did it now...]"_
      37:17 _"I want to do something for everyone though! And, yesterday i was told [In the end you didn't do anything!]... And i thought it was true, in the end all i did yesterday was cut trees endlessly, that's it... I didn't do anything"_
      37:47 _"C: You fell in a hole/L: Well... That's different though"_

      38:21 Coughing. 🫂
      38:55 _"By the way, i hadn't come see it well, it's cute now! Thank you for making it cuter, Koyo!"_
      39:39 Lamy sheep sounds.
      39:55 _"C: What?/L:"_ *sheep sounds*
      40:29 _"C: Your bride will get angry/L: No way, why would she? (Koyo)"_

      40:59 Daily Diary Lamynglish~
      41:40 _"Oh, you guys liked wheat? No? What about seeds?"_
      42:11 _"There, increase in number, become meat!"_
      42:29 _"C: Breeding is important/L: Sure is.. Ah i became a sheep now!"_
      42:47 Lamy getting an answer from an animal.
      43:28 _"These ducks are cute... I like them the most in all animals in MC, their faces are so cute! These are ducks right?"_ 🐔
      43:51 _"C: it's chicken/L: .... So chicken www, sorry!"_
      44:25 _"So cute! Blue flowers are blooming,a nd there's cute kitties too! Ahh i'm feeling the pressure, scary"_
      44:48 Shearing the sheep.
      45:11 Meowth. 🐱
      45:27 _"Baked Potatoes, should i make some?"_ *Meowth* _"Let's cut more wood, to make a birch forest here too"_
      45:39 _"If you mean Birch, that means Lamy, and viceversa"_

      46:18 _"C: The diary?/L: I did write it yesterday, it was read at Pekora senpai's stream so please watch there"_
      46:27 _"C: Can i really see?/L: yeah it's just that i didn't know how to write on it, so i felt there were too few characters, there was a lot i wanted to write, and i wasn't sure about how to write in page to, so i crammed as much as i could in one page, i'll ask everyone how to do so today"_
      47:11 _"Ah yeah, after the stream i met Ao-kun, i said i wanted to go to her house, but there was that visit to Pekora senpai's house, and i lost Ao-kun as she was like [I'll go see her house!]"_ 🏃‍♀
      47:40 _"There was also Watame senpai and Iroha-chan, but when i noticed i lost them they were all gone! Nobody was around me, so in the end i didn't know where Ao-kun's house was"_

      48:15 _"C: She's living at a sus cave/L: www, but, i think it's similar since i also live in a cave-like underground"_
      48:50 _"L: When Ao-kun said [Over there!] I thought she meant like by Nene, Aquatan and Noetan's place, so she meant like [Right there], did i get it wrong?/C: It's in the mountains/L: I see, so it's by Aqua senpai's house"_
      49:44 _"C: You have to hunt spiders right?/L: if i go with Iroha-chan, i think i can manage! _*_giggles_*_ I can fight them if i'm with her"_ 🍃
      50:08 _"Let me try asking her? [Wanna go to hunt spiders?]"_
      50:50 Iroha-chaaaaaan!
      51:36 _"Iroha: Sure!/L: Yay!"_

      52:11 _"Alright, let's go get lots of string"_
      53:00 _"C: Once you can fish you can change jobs/L: I think it'll be a whole world change for me/C: Can you properly fight spiders?/L: I wonder, will it be fine? Won't i die? I'm nervous! It think it'll be fine with Iroha-chan, so let's get into the mentality that we can win"_
      53:29 _"Actually, before we connect with Iroha-chan let me blow my nose, cause if i do when i'm with her i'd show on her stream so let me do so"_
      54:00 _"IROHA-CHAAAN!"_ *Lamajima intensifies*

      54:38 Meeting with angel Gozaru. _"L: Hey, would you come with me to beat spiders?/I: Of course!/L: Do you know where are they?/I: Well once it's nightime they show up so i think hunting them at night is faster than making a spawn machine.../L: Can you make a respawn?/I: I'm not sure about the version but, could you need string?/L: Yeah!/I: Well, You can spawn them endlessly, if you have 2 of them you can make them endlessly... Maybe/L: Is that so? I only have one.../I: We can defeat one together and make it?"_
      55:28 _"L: What do you need for that? I'll give you the mats/I: Ah i don't know, what was it..."_ *Cutely Iroha thinking*
      56:05 _"I: It can be made simply, if we have iron and stick we can make it/L: I have it all!/I: *cute hops*/L: I worked in all sorts of things so, could you make it?/I: Of course!/L: And i also have the iron from you/I: you can use it endlessly/L: You're amazing..."_
      56:51 _"L: How many wood do you have?/I: I think i should have enough, but maybe some logs? If you havelike 10 logs it'd help/L: I get it, so i'll go bring the logs, string and sticks/I: Got it! don't forget to tell people you'll fight spiders so nobody sleeps!"_ 😴🚫
      57:15 _"Isn't Iroha-chan amazing? She can do it all for real! As you'd expect, she makes very big projects in MC!"_
      57:35 _"C: She's the MC master/L: I heard that she was very good when she entered, but didn't have the chance to.../C: This is a pri/L: She's sure a MC pro! There's a lot of Pros in the Holomems, if we're talking about architecture, Shiraken is good, but i think Haachama is a pro as well, a genius at architecture designs"_

      58:40 _"C: What about AKUKIN?/L: It disapeared, didn't you know? It's no longer around. We separated!"_
      59:15 _"C: What about Doroken?/L: Doroken and Kanaken are around, it's Akukin that disappeared though, but i'm a freelancer, i'm not under part of any group!"_
      59:48 _"We still have time until night, so let's do this at our leisure"_
      1:00:02 _"C: I thought you cried cause you got all lonely/L: No, not really! More like, i didn't play much MC so there wouldn't be much i could do at one of those Construction groups"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 3]
      1:01:11 Scared Lamy, takes fall damage.
      1:01:36 Frieren Lamy. 🧝‍♀
      1:02:16 _"L: Oh, string!/I: Oh, we got it/L: We're done then!/I: This gave two.../L: It means you got 2 then?/I: Yeah!/L: Eh?! So it's over here!/I: We can still get more, let's search for more, we may get more/L: Let's look for spiders?/I: sure, absolutely! They're necessary for fishing rods so let's look for them together!/L: So for that infinite string, how much does it take to make it?/I: Uhhh, a single moment maybe/L: So at what pace does it bring things out?/I: Well if you turn it on it'd make it endlessly/L: Amazing!/I: Since if you don't stop it it'll bug sometimes, so only activate when using!"_
      1:03:21 _"L: But yeah, since i wanted a fishing rod i needed 2/I: *nods*/L: But if you made that i'd go get it from there, let's make it morning?"_
      1:04:03 Giving Iroha-chan the materials. _"L: please tell me if you make it?/I: Absolutely, i will!/L: Thank you!"_
      1:04:19 _"L: She's a goddess... A god's appeared/C: Lamy-chan didn't do anything/L: But she was done when i arrived! Can't be helped! I did have the intention though! But she had finished, couldn't do anything about it!"_
      1:04:57 _"Then i'll look for spiders tonight and fight, will you be alright with that? And i'll make my fishing rod! I won't die, it'll be fine, i can!"_ 🎣
      1:05:27 _"C: That's a flag/L: I have honey, i wont die that simply! For my Honey's sake, i'll survive! (Koyo)" _
      1:06:02 _"C: Is that a flag too?/L: We just started co-living yesterday! If i were to die, Koyo's spirits would die out! Koyori would go crazy!"_
      1:06:48 _"L: For the sake of Honey i'll make the fishing rods, i'll do my part!/C: But it's been a year since you played!/L: More like only yesterday now though, yesterday it was 1 year since i last played, but today is only since yesterday"_
      1:07:37 _"C: That's a flag to be killed by something other than spiders/L: wwww that may happen though"_
      1:07:56 _"C: You'll be killed by a creeper it seems/L: Nah, i'll show you my pro evasion! My godlike dodge!"_
      1:08:14 _"Though maybe i can hear the flags due to it all... I want to show you my cool side, i'll defeat the spiders myself, and make the fishing rods!"_
      1:08:55 _"C: You'd be the 2nd in 5th gen/L: Nene was revived though! It's not like she's dead"_
      1:09:18 _"L: So in short nobody has died yet!/C: Nenechi is a zombie/L: That's Ollie though? Did my genmate became ollie without me knowing? That's..."_ *Crazy* 😎
      1:09:45 _"C: Nenechi dove in magma/L: That seems something she'd do... _*_giggles_*_ thinking it'd be fun for sure... It's like when you're scolded for going with your friends for too long, then scolded by the teacher, and the day after that you get fever... After all Nene was a grade schooler"_
      1:10:40 _"But, Nene's somebody you just can't hate, she's cute... our Nene grade schooler, she's cute right? My genmate"_

      1:11:40 _"C: Wasn't it close to home?/L: Her grave? Yeah, it's close to my home"_
      1:12:11 _"I think that Iroha-chan would make lots of beds... Wait, isn't this cherry blossom blooming pretty emotional?"_
      1:12:31 _"It's emotional that it blooms by Nene's grave, like [RIP nene], and then in front of there Koyo and i have our love nest... Emotional"_ 🪦
      1:13:39 _"C: I want to see your grave too/L: What kind of psychopatic things are you saying? So scary to say that! What kind of feeling would you need to say that... I saw some darkness now..."_

      1:14:37 _"It's night, i'm nervous... Let's tell Iroha-chan... [Don't sleep], i'll show you my motivation..."_
      1:15:41 _"There's a dangerous one, let's sleep! there's a dangerous old guy"_
      1:16:06 _"There's that one wizard-like old guy, that's bad news!_
      1:16:31 _"C: Indeed/L: He's bad news right? I know it for sure!"_
      1:17:04 _"I want spider silk, but the wizard/witch is too dangerous"_

      1:18:46 _"C: She's calling for you/I: [Where are you Lamy senpai? can we chat a bit?]/L: Okay, [I'm on my way]!"_
      1:19:29 _"L: there was the one witch/I: Witch?/L: One that throws bottles, or is it a warlock?/I: Isn't that dangerous?! Are you alright?/L: Listeners told me i should've fight it!/I: THAT'S NO GOOD, DON'T! Let it despawn! Don't!"_
      1:20:02 _"I: With the current gear even, even if i played seriously i may not beat it and die..."_
      1:20:39 _"L: Thank you a lot, if you want to make something else please let me know?"_
      1:20:45 _"I: Alright, i'll make one so that old guys work endlessly, i'll generate them, since i think it's pretty tough to have to make the gear myself i'll gave the old men make it/L: wwww! You're pretty savage/I: Oh no, i'm not, for the sake of survival in Hardcore minecraft Lamy senpai, we must employ the old guys/L: _*_laughs_*_ I'll pay a visit then, do your best!"_ 🔨
      1:21:26 _"L: So i couldn't, that happens too, this world isn't so kind..."_
      1:21:44 _"C: Lamy-oji-san?/L: It's a pretty rough world for Lamy Oji-san... But, i mean, i've just gotten rusty"_

      1:23:16 _"Unfortunately it seems i can only become the torch granny... Fishing and getting the enchantment book would be nice... But fishing rods' endurance goes away too fast, feels like a waste"_
      1:24:04 _"C: After all you must look for the spiders in the underground/L: If i did that i'd die right away, you, i'd be retired on the 2nd day!"_
      1:24:51 _"L: This thing's a monster!/C: Also for enchantments!/L: yeah! That's also what we'll fish for!"_
      1:25:20 _"If i got a bow with infinity it'd be amazing, but there's no way this world's that sweet!"_
      1:25:40 _"C: I think Peko-chan made enchant dye?/L: yeah, there's that too!"_
      1:26:10 _"Kaela-san is always sleeping, there's plenty of Holomem who had that. When we played ARK Aki senpai and Choco sensei were like always there, i'd go [Do they really sleep?]"_
      1:26:40 _"L: Did they also play at night? I think holomems are too immersed at streaming/C: They're shortening their lives/L: I can't really laugh... That's actually pretty real though, because it's actually that"_ 😟

      1:27:07 _"C: Kaela went [Good night] and one hour later she went [Good morning]/L: HAHAHA! That's crazy! That's so amusing, is she a genius?"_
      1:27:26 _"L: I wonder how to call that, that's too real/C: She's a short sleeper/L: Well, even saying that i'd get worried! Like, i'd prefer if they valued their health..."_
      1:27:51 _"Before starting this stream i went to the Dr. In the morning, and they tend to tell you [Any changes since the last time Yukihana-san?] right? and i went [No changes, though there are still days recently where i'm unable to sleep at night, and when i notice it's already morning bright] and then she told me [But you said that before you couldn't sleep at all, if you think about it, doesn't it mean there's been days you can sleep now?] _*_giggles_*_ and i thought [Well, that's one way to take it]"_
      1:28:34 _"And also said [I've recently went out to take walks sometimes] and she said [That's so good! Because with the sunlight you get a reset! It's very good!] She praised me too, so, taking sunlight is important to be able to sleep"_ ☀
      1:29:06 _"C: Sunlight is important/L: Yeah it is, you have to sunbathe. I've been wearing the Apple watch recently... It takes the record of how many steps i did on each day, seeing that i've gotten a bit too concsious of it, and thinking [I should walk more often]"_
      1:29:51 _"C: The healthcare function?/L: Yeah, that one, i track my sleep everyday, it's amazing! Though i'm not very well versed on it, i don't move from home that much either. But when i look at the records i think i should walk, or if i'm sleeping properly or not though. Like, even though it tells you about how much sleep time you get, it's hard to know right? And it says [In average you sleep this much]"_
      1:30:36 _"L: But yeah, it's very convenient to have such an App to let you know when you sleep soundly! So convenient!/C: I do Pokemon sleep/L: Yeah! i think that people who play Pokemon Sleep get pretty conscious about it. I stopped playing it thought! Since i didn't make the habit of setting it at nightime!"_
      1:31:24 _"I really only played Pokemon Sleep for a moment"_
      1:31:41 _"C: I can't use it in the morning/L: Yeah, because there's things you have to do right after waking up in Pokemon sleep right? That's something i found hard to do, since your brain is still not working right? Doing many things was hard for me... Oh, you're still there? Cheating Old-guy! His voice sounded"_
      1:32:39 Arguing with the trader in their language. 💢
      1:33:01 _"L: What are you doing old guy? Oh, it escaped..."_
      1:34:05 _"Yay! With all these seeds we can make bread, i want to make a cake too, if i have sugar, milk and eggs i should be able to_
      1:34:38 _"Let's make a Happy Cake"_ *Happy happy happy* (please repeat this one a lot)
      *Prepping the ingredients*
      1:37:35 _"I can make a happy cake! Let's give them cake!"_
      1:37:56 Lamy's happy cake is made! _"Let's give this to Koyo"_
      1:38:14 _"C: Koyo and Gozaru too/L: yeah, let's share with Iroha-chan too/C: Also yukimin please!/L: Alright! "_ *Lamy traps herself and screams*
      1:38:51 _"I must break it... Sorry Koyo..."_

      1:39:25 Lamy placing the cake besides Koyo's bed.
      1:39:34 _"Next, let's make Iroha-chan's, i want to make one for Pekora senpai as well, a cake with my gratitude"_
      1:41:32 Lamy doing animal sounds.
      1:42:11 _"There's too many of you, and it gets laggy so... _*_Offing some chicken_*_ I'll do this and keep making more of you"_
      1:43:31 _"And you too, allow me..."_ *sacrificing some cows* 🐄
      1:44:11 _"I forgot about the milk, give me some more! And with this, we can make Iroha-chan's cake"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 4]
      1:44:41 _"And also let's make a cake for Pekora senpai too"_
      1:44:59 _"C: Will you name the cake?/L: Naming a cake? How should i?"_ 🍰
      1:45:20 _"It's fine, thank you always Omarun!"_ *Puts a cake in her room* _"It'll be fine, she'll know it's from me for sure"_
      1:46:16 _"Don't they take damage? Do they really birth like this?"_ *Placing eggs under the chicken*
      1:46:55 _"Ahh a little one went outside! Do your best and live strong!"_
      1:47:17 _"C: Run!/L: Yeah, one day it'll be eaten if it doesn't, it should run away"_
      1:48:14 Trying to remember how to make paper.

      1:48:44 _"Should i make another cake shop here?"_
      1:49:27 _"Let's give this meat to Koyo, saying [i did my best to cook it]"_
      1:49:45 _"C: Cookies seem convenient/L: I haven't made them, but they seem fitting for Iroha-chan!"_
      1:50:06 _"C: Can't without Cacao/L: True, it's impossible then, i don't have any..."_

      1:51:34 _"Ahh i feel sorry for it! Your mommy is inside there..."_
      1:52:01 _"Look, so pitiful, it's always around here!"_
      1:52:23 _"This is the way life is, do you get it, everyone? Lives are precious..."_ 🙏
      1:52:50 Lamy cute hops + sounds
      1:53:11 _"If i don't get rid of this monster tree i can't plant birch here... Shall i get rid of it?"_

      1:54:21 _"With this we can plant birch now, all of this is meant to be birch i mean!"_
      1:55:11 _"Alright, then let's go to Iroha-chan's place and give her her cake"_
      1:55:44 _"Yeah, it's a cake full of gratitude"_ 🍰
      1:55:56_"L: Pekora senpai! This is for you Pekora senpai! Thank you always *kiss*/P: [THANK YOUUUU!]/L: Maybe she didn't put her mic sounds"_

      1:56:51 _"What is this, does it mean i can fish here?"_ *fishing*
      1:57:54 _"If she doesn't arrive, i'll put the cake in front of her place"_
      1:58:28 _"C: You can put it in her chests/L: That'd be hard to tell it was from me right? Want to go to her entrance and _*_bam_*_ cake in front of her place/C: Isn't it scary to see an unfamiliar cake in front of your door?/L: Ah but... You'd think it comes from someone logged in now right?"_
      1:58:51 _"C: It'll get in the way/L: It won't! She'll definitely go [Wah! A cake from Lamy senpai!] And be happy about it!"_ ❤
      1:59:35 _"C: Won't that make 6th gen make an image of Lamy being a cake-person?/L: That's fine, i'd like if they got that now actually! I'm trying to do that now"_
      2:00:13 _"What a nice view... Look this way... The sun is setting.. Can you believe it? This is hardcore... We can take life so camly, i can't believe it.../C: The setting sun is bright/L: So pretty!"_ 🌅
      2:00:48 Iroha spotted!
      2:01:18 _"L: I put it inside this barrel, i made it for you/I: A CAKE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!/L: I made it for you, can i fish at your place??/I: Absolutely, go ahead! Thanks!"_
      2:02:00 _"Iroha-chan being so happy, she's so cute... I want to treasure the fishing rod i get from her, i'll feel sad if it loses endurance"_ 🎣
      2:02:14 _"C: Sorry, i've started watching since yesterday, and sorry if it's rude, but why are your pupils dilated?/L: Shut it, these are my usual eyes! Like this! When i open my eyes it's like this! This is how it looks!"_
      2:02:45 _"C: Yandere Lamy?/L: No, those are really my normal eyes/C: Did you change?/L: Okay, first, kook this way alright? From here on..."_ *Yandere Lamy* _"Can you tell?"_
      2:02:31 _"L: I was told back during debut that my eyes were scary, people who watch for the first time may be watching in fear, sorry, it's my face/C: Can't it change with makeup?/L: No, i was born with this face, sorry!"_
      2:04:34 _"C: Did you change your nails?/L: yeah i did, with this outfit they're polished in green"_ 💅

      2:05:11 Mane-chan DM. But all good.
      2:05:25 _"C: Did you brush your teeth?/L: What, my teeth? I brushed them in the morning though?/C: I'm triggered by your chin when you turn upwards/L: So noisy! What's with you! What will get you satisfied?/C: Do you even have teeth?/L: I DO! Look! Oi Oi!"_ 🦷
      2:06:06 Zooming into her cute teeth.
      2:06:23 _"C: HUGE!/L: Either way you end up complaining, geez!/C: You have the upper front teeth/L: And also molars i'll have you know!"_
      2:07:06 _"There's people who draw it right or who don't, but i have canine fangs on both sides"_
      2:07:38 _"C: You have the vampire mode too/L: I don't!/C: you can make that into bonemeal (Bone)/L: Yeah but without a way to use it"_
      2:08:28 _"I: Lamy senpai, i came to confess a sin... I was so happy about the cake you gave me and as i tried to place it... I did something wrong and broke it.../L: No worries, it's fine!/I: i wanted to put a name on it! 😭*sobbing*/L: i'll make another one for you! *Kiss kiss*/I: it was so yummy though so i wanted to name it! *sobbing*/L: I get it, i'll do another one then! *runs off like a boss*/I: Oh don't overdo it!"_
      2:09:20 _"C: give her 10/L: Yeah, i should make many"_
      2:10:23 Checking ingredients.
      2:10:38 _"Let's make that for Iroha-chan, it's Happy Happy Happy after all!"_

      2:11:39 _"Let's make this again"_ *Lamy animal impression sounds*
      2:12:15 _"C: There's a weird sheep/L:_ *Lamy sheep sounds*
      2:12:37 _"C: I won't sleep well tonight/L: No, this is a soothing voice right? It's a nice BGM"_

      2:13:07 _"INA! I must give her a cake too!"_ 💜
      2:13:39 _"Ah true, Kaela's there too... We have just 3. Let's give it first to Iroha-chan since she's waiting for it"_
      2:14:04 _"C: You have paper on you, that's not sugar/L: Oh, i brought the paper in the end"_

      2:14:38 INA APPEARS! _"L: You're amazing, you have Diamond gear!/Ina: i was lucky!"_
      2:15:45 _"L: I made this by hand/I: Thank you!/L: *giggles*/Ina: So cute..."_
      2:16:05 Giving a cute Iroha her cake. _"I: Yay! I'm sorry i broke it! Thank you!/L: Eat a lot~ She's so cute..."_
      2:16:33 _"L: I'd like to give Kaela her cake, but i wouldn't like to just put it in her locker/C: You've been so senpai-like today/L: No, it's Iroha-chan who is so dependable! But also, she feels very kouhai like! It feels like she isn't even a senpai, when i see her chatting with Regloss, she just keeps so many honorifics"_
      2:17:20 _"Iroha-chan is very polite, no matter who it is"_ 🙏
      2:17:45 _"C: But Iroha-chan is very strong when dealing with Ao-kun/L: _*_giggles_*_ it's very fun, is that so? So she's strong when dealing with Ao-kun's, Ao-kun's amusing, though she's fun when you handle her roughly, i think that's correct"_
      2:18:09 _"L: From regloss i also haven't talked to Kanade-chan, i'd like to, but i can only do so if she's logged in/C: She's the kind that makes sounds if hitting/L: _*_laughs_*_ yeah! Isn't her way of turning her head amazing? Doing that in MC is genius i think. it's so fun!"_
      2:18:58 _"If we live, we can meet their house/C: Don't fall, alright?/L: Well It's fate after all, i may end up dead in this world, but that's the custom in this world"_
      2:20:21 _"Can we do it? I don't want to die like that..."_
      2:20:44 _"Today i'll do that... I'll fight spiders... Ah i don't wanna die though!"_
      2:21:11 _"There's a chance even if i get an explosion i can survive... Today's goal is to defeat 3 spiders"_
      2:21:56 *Lamy gets fugu* _"C: Feed the Fugu to Ao-kun/L Shall i? wwww Let's do that... Nothing good's coming!/C: Ao-kun's a master of the fugu/L: Then let's give her lots?"_ 🐡
      2:22:48 _"It's getting dark, i'm nervous!"_
      2:23:30 _"It feels like today everybody has to sleep"_
      2:23:54 _"[Tonight i'll hunt spiders so... Please don't sleep if so, it'd make me happy]"_
      2:25:06 _"I got a name tag!"_
      2:25:34 _"C: If you get the enchanted book you get 5 diamonds/L: That's crazy! It's so heated if so! I want 5 diamonds!/C: You got a name tag!/L: Yeah, i got that... Oh A fugu! For Ao-kun then!"_
      2:25:55 _"I'll give all fugu that i fish today to Ao-kun as present"_
      2:26:18 _"L: As i said that, i'm getting lots of fugu/C: What is Hardcore?/L:In normal MC if you die you can respawn, but in Hardcore, once you die you can't go back. That said, i'm not sure about the more detailed rules day by day"_
      2:27:20 _"L: But, you won'td die just because of eating would you? Nene was revived also, true, so the detailed rules may have set before, like setting up what circumstances can a person revive under or so, and nobody has fallen to those that wouldn't apply"_
      2:27:59 Water Bottle spook.
      2:28:13 _"L: it's hard to know when is night/C: You don't need that/L: Yeah I got too excited for getting something different, just a water bottle huh..."_ 💧
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 5 & Afterword]
      2:29:10 _"C: The nether/L: Yeah it'll open tomorrow, but if i go there i'll die for sure!"_ 🔥
      2:30:05 _"C: we already saw him/L: I mean i was him, but there's people who haven't seen Ao-kun! And i need to give things to my Kouhai as well! So i must show my senpai side, i must take the initiative! Since i'd be giving her something that may kill her, while her being half forced to eat it cause she's a kouhai, it's too hellish"_
      2:30:39 _"C: Try eating a lot/L: What would happen if i eat a lot? Maybe 2 or 3 are enough to die right? Or maybe if i eat one... But with one i mean, it'd fall all the way down to 0.5 right?"_
      2:31:18 _"C: It won't go any lower than 0.5?/L: In the first place what happens if i did? Would it go to 0? Or will it be to 1 or 0.5?/C: That's as far as it goes/L: I see, so even if i ate 5 it would only go as far as 0.5 huh, i see!"_
      2:32:03 _"L: By the way if i eat 2 or 3 will it also bring me to 0.5 won't it?/C: It won't change/L: Then let's try munching on them?"_ *giggles*
      2:32:15 _"Sorry, it's just that i thought about eating them at home where it's safe, but If i died all by myself at home by eating i'd look crazy, if it's false info i'd be a lone death! So painful! But even if i did it in front of someone it'd become a trauma! Like [Lamy died by eating poisoned food in front of you]"_ ☠
      2:32:55 _"It'd be cause of your misinfo if it happened! How would i look when i'm facing judgement by Pekora senpai and saying [I poisoned myself to death believeing the false tips of my listeners so i ate fugu] that'd be too embarrassing!"_
      2:33:38 _"C: They'd tell you [You're a fool...]/L: For sure they would"_
      2:34:29 Frieren Lamy again.
      2:35:10 Hunting spiders now.
      2:35:50 _"A horse! I want one!"_
      2:36:03 First spooder found. _"There's a lot of enemies"_
      2:36:58 _"You're sure feeling chilly right? There's many zombies, but i'm not giving up on the spider"_
      2:38:12 _"There's spiders but there's a lot of dangerous enemies there"_
      2:38:38 _"I'm being attacked from behind by bows all this time... No good..._
      2:39:10 _"But i told them not to sleep so, they're doing their best... So let's not..."_
      2:39:29 _"I want to show you what happens if you eat Fugu though... Ah no, i don't have milk! Shall i show you?"_
      2:40:00 _"C: Stop now.../L: Oh, i can't eat because i'm not hungry? I see"_
      2:41:20 Iron Axe song~ 🪓

      2:41:43 _"It's still night, shall i go?"_
      2:42:00 1 Spider down!
      2:42:27 2 Spiders down.
      2:42:38 _"What are you doing?! Oh, a big sound came from behind, alright, that's 3 defeated!"_
      2:43:19 _"C: Yeah it's 3 now/L: I did it! It was close right? You were on the edge of your seat right? This is entertainment"_

      2:43:56 _"C: What about the flags?/L: There was no such thing!"_
      2:44:29 _"C: With this you'll get the 5 diamonds/L: It was 5 diamond? That'd make me so happy"_
      2:44:39 _"C: Enderman is damn strong, be careful/L: i know that, it's fine"_ *Lots of animal SFX*

      2:45:59 _"Look well what happens when you eat Fugu"_
      2:46:26 _"So it's like this, it's the first time i see it!"_
      2:47:13 _"This was like playing a melody with an instrument"_ 🎶
      2:47:33 _"A song for one's final moments... I want to give it a title, it is [The last words]"_

      2:48:18 Logging out, waiting as she drinks coke.
      2:48:38 _"Right now i have fruit mandarin fruit gummies and Puré gummies, from gummies, if we're talking about the soft-side of them, these are the top 2: [Fruit Juice gummies and Puré gummies]!"_
      2:49:23 _"C: Tough gummies are the best/L: Hard gummies are, well, hard gummies very yummy, there's a lot of good ones, for the soft gummies there's the acid ones, the fruit juice gummies that are like eating fruit or drinking juice, i love that sensation, they're yummy. Can i reply to Mane-chan?"_
      2:50:14 Peko in Chat. [P: Sorry Lamy-chan! The update's over!] 🥕
      2:50:48 Logging back in _"Does it seem fine? Everybody's in right? What was i going to do?"_
      2:51:27 _"I wanted to offer Free torches... How do i say that in english? Stick Fire?"_
      2:52:18 _"But it's a stick fire right?"_ 🔥

      2:52:40 Making the sign, chest.
      2:54:11 _"Oy, how did they do so it didn't fuse? Ah shift, SHIFT is the best!"_
      2:54:48 _"Free Torches, let's say that"_
      2:55:37 Noming more gummies.
      2:55:58 Writing the sign in english.
      2:56:44 _"C: Aren't you adding [Take]?/L: So [Take Free torch?]"_

      2:57:20 _"It suddenly went silent, i can't hear their voices anymore..."_
      2:58:03 No more game sounds.
      2:58:35 _"L: You have the BGM so i don't think it's too awkward"_
      2:59:37 _"I can fuse the chests right? gross! Them piling up at the bottom feels so wrong!"_
      3:00:28 _"[Gold Boots coming soon] for real?"_
      3:00:46 Fishing until the rod breaks
      3:00:50 _"L: Ah true, i have to write the diary to show you/C: Will you join later?/L: i can't, seems there'll be a lot of people so it'd get all laggy"_
      3:01:54 _"C: Today at 9 P.M people will join/L: I do want to join when people's there but... Just yesterday, when being together with 4 or so people the PC got all heav/C: I want to see you more/L: But... If i get too carried away i'll hurt my throat, sorry... When i do i ruin my throat right away"_
      3:02:30 _"So, for the hunting events... I'd like to go them, i wonder if i can, if there's not just a few people my PC will go all slow... But going to hunt the Ender Dragon makes me feel dread... That's impossible, too hard!"_
      3:03:18 _"Today is smoother right? People who watched yesterday noticed i think, but when i got with people it started lagging and going slow, so today is petty stress-free"_
      3:03:49 _"Oh, i had my hair, i was cute Lamy today... I may not be able to hear everybody's voices... Oh, maybe it was because of the update?"_

      3:04:45 *Taking her diary* _"How to write on the next page?"_
      3:05:38 _Ah, the magic Shift isn't doing a thing..."_
      3:05:54 Correcting yesterday's entry. 📖
      3:06:28 _"[05/14:Today i was able to talk with Regloss members, it was fun. Ao-kun is funny]"_
      3:08:05 _"[05/15: Today i became a patissiere and properly distributed cake, and defeated spiders, 3 of them! Amazing right?]"_
      3:08:38 _"[And i also made Free Torches for everybody! So, i'd be happy if they used them]"_
      3:09:27 _ "[Also i ate Fugu... It was bad.] Yup, how is it?"_
      3:09:49 _"[-Lamy.] That final dot feels gross... Alright!"_
      3:10:07 _"Sorry Aqua senpai, i can't hear your voice"_
      3:10:22 _"There's a lot of those here... But sorry, i can't talk!"_
      3:11:27 _"Sorry Aqua Tenpai, i can't talk! Are you feeling lonely?"_
      3:12:01 _"She's gone... Sorry Aqua senpai! Ahh, Ina's here too, sorry, i can't talk!"_ ⚓

      3:12:32 _"So sorry, i'm in a void world, but i'd like to end things now"_
      3:12:49 _"I'd like to try the Chinchiro game tomorrow!"_
      3:13:03 _"OtsuLamy! Wait www we place the ending in this space!"_
      3:13:18 _"Today i'll fix the sounds setup, bye-bye everyone!"_ 🫂
      Without anything further, thank you so much for the stream and for watching and reading this far! 🙏
      Sorry it took me longer than i thought, there was plenty of things to work on this time too ( °-°)7
      But we somehow made it, so it's just a matter of waiting.
      Tomorrow (Now today) the princess will be working on making lots of torches, so she won't be streaming, but she'll be on MC, so make sure to try and find her in other streams!
      Love you Lamy-chan! ❤

  • @zt_alpha_test
    @zt_alpha_test 5 місяців тому +1


  • @user-hom5hom7hom03
    @user-hom5hom7hom03 5 місяців тому +1

    Free torchもたくさん用意できて

  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 5 місяців тому +2


  • @らいちゃん-h9e
    @らいちゃん-h9e 5 місяців тому +1


  • @らぴす5303
    @らぴす5303 5 місяців тому +1


  • @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ
    @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ 5 місяців тому

    描画距離 とか減らしたりはしたっけ?

  • @user-SarasaLa
    @user-SarasaLa 5 місяців тому

    2:55:12 上手い言われて嬉しい自分用

  • @高橋蓮太郎-y8i
    @高橋蓮太郎-y8i 5 місяців тому


  • @yukimin_shiro
    @yukimin_shiro 5 місяців тому


  • @fenrir...
    @fenrir... 5 місяців тому


  • @onsi-i
    @onsi-i 5 місяців тому


  • @Grauzan雪民
    @Grauzan雪民 5 місяців тому


  • @user-rei_sakuraduki
    @user-rei_sakuraduki 5 місяців тому


  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 5 місяців тому +1

    1:35 配信開始

  • @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎
    @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 5 місяців тому


  • @暗黒盆踊りおじさん
    @暗黒盆踊りおじさん 5 місяців тому


  • @raines_2352
    @raines_2352 5 місяців тому


  • @user-決意ROM
    @user-決意ROM 5 місяців тому


  • @sisiou_nyafu
    @sisiou_nyafu 5 місяців тому +1


  • @39teru
    @39teru 5 місяців тому


  • @Vtenco_ch
    @Vtenco_ch 5 місяців тому

    45:10 異物混入に゛ゃ゛ーん゛

  • @クロニクルアッキー
    @クロニクルアッキー 5 місяців тому


  • @わにわに-m7c
    @わにわに-m7c 5 місяців тому


  • @ぷふ-w9f
    @ぷふ-w9f 5 місяців тому


  • @anyanokotokawaii
    @anyanokotokawaii 5 місяців тому

    過去一パティシエールしてた…? 皆の喜んだ声が聞けて良かったねぇ

  • @かとう-m4w
    @かとう-m4w 5 місяців тому


  • @歩-g5r
    @歩-g5r 5 місяців тому


  • @Tenebre_Zwei
    @Tenebre_Zwei 5 місяців тому


  • @Clip_bell
    @Clip_bell 5 місяців тому


  • @根付作家道甫どうほ雪民
    @根付作家道甫どうほ雪民 5 місяців тому

    今日も楽しかった~!ラミィちゃんのマイクラはほんわかもドキドキも同時に摂取できるからすごいぜ! 次も楽しみ 

  • @肉じゃが蓮根
    @肉じゃが蓮根 5 місяців тому


  • @grow_moon
    @grow_moon 5 місяців тому


  • @suriseru
    @suriseru 5 місяців тому


  • @araiarai8355
    @araiarai8355 5 місяців тому +1


  • @zyuz
    @zyuz 5 місяців тому


  • @user-kisaragiyuki
    @user-kisaragiyuki 5 місяців тому


  • @寺島一孝
    @寺島一孝 4 місяці тому


  • @NTD_11
    @NTD_11 5 місяців тому


  • @kakiyan_snow
    @kakiyan_snow 5 місяців тому


  • @tougenkyou1203
    @tougenkyou1203 5 місяців тому


  • @avezans
    @avezans 5 місяців тому


  • @ルナティック鬼島
    @ルナティック鬼島 5 місяців тому


  • @taratara0627
    @taratara0627 5 місяців тому


  • @石見の人雪民
    @石見の人雪民 5 місяців тому


  • @政諺-j7j
    @政諺-j7j 5 місяців тому +1

  • @チャアクック
    @チャアクック 5 місяців тому

    ケーキ配達できたりクモ討伐できたりFree Torch BOXができたりして良かったね!!

  • @murasame_setsura
    @murasame_setsura 5 місяців тому


  • @Sonicmaster2008
    @Sonicmaster2008 5 місяців тому

    Thanks for day 2 of the hardcore stream Lamy! Hope you get some good rest. OtsuLamy!

  • @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou
    @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou 5 місяців тому


  • @si-wc4hi
    @si-wc4hi 5 місяців тому


  • @2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT
    @2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT 5 місяців тому


  • @darkness_dragon_kira_
    @darkness_dragon_kira_ 5 місяців тому


  • @kururugi_yukima
    @kururugi_yukima 5 місяців тому


  • @T氏-u1x
    @T氏-u1x 5 місяців тому


  • @ズオウかける
    @ズオウかける 5 місяців тому


  • @ネレウス-e8r
    @ネレウス-e8r 5 місяців тому


  • @寺島一孝
    @寺島一孝 4 місяці тому


  • @matusitasan
    @matusitasan 5 місяців тому


  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for today's fun Minecraft stream with Ina, WAHmy!

  • @syara-
    @syara- 5 місяців тому


  • @はとおじさん
    @はとおじさん 5 місяців тому

  • @プロコン
    @プロコン 5 місяців тому


  • @wrathkal7675
    @wrathkal7675 5 місяців тому

    Otsulamy! Great job with the cake and spider slaying, and nice talk you had with Iroha and Ina! Hope you get to do more next stream!

  • @askayukimin
    @askayukimin 5 місяців тому


  • @Aaron-555
    @Aaron-555 5 місяців тому

    Thanks for the fun stream!

  • @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur
    @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur 5 місяців тому +3


  • @iintyo21
    @iintyo21 5 місяців тому


  • @crimsonitacilunarnebula
    @crimsonitacilunarnebula 5 місяців тому


  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 5 місяців тому


  • @cjlee981
    @cjlee981 5 місяців тому


  • @卓根寬
    @卓根寬 5 місяців тому

    辛苦啦 可愛的雪花女王❤❤😊😊

  • @雪花たまごドッグ
    @雪花たまごドッグ 5 місяців тому


  • @buls0519
    @buls0519 5 місяців тому


  • @Yukich4n_
    @Yukich4n_ 5 місяців тому

    OtsuLamy Thank you for the stream! I was able to catch the archive just now
    Day 2 of Minecraft hardcore was fun! You helped a lot with making more torches for everyone! fishing is always so nice and peaceful!
    It was nice seeing you and iroha interact with each other a lot too! Even got to talk with Ina abd pekora as well! They all even loved your cake🍰 you gave them it was so sweet of you to do

  • @yukihane_wamy
    @yukihane_wamy 5 місяців тому


  • @arcaixsaberhand
    @arcaixsaberhand 5 місяців тому


  • @5210702
    @5210702 5 місяців тому
