
  • Опубліковано 9 лис 2024


  • @雪カワウソ
    @雪カワウソ 5 місяців тому +74

    個人用Time Stamp(現世編・ネザー突入後は返信欄に記載)すみません!すごく長くなりました
    01:45 start
    02:24 今日のBGMはマイクラのBGM
    03:03 今日の予定
     04:35 ねねちの事故について
    05:32 物資状況の確認
    06:12 今日も角刈りのラミィ
    06:46 ねねちの遺品ベット
     08:20 神視点もいいよね 07:57
    09:05 沢山の人と話す事に慣れてないラミィ
    09:54 ねねちの要求にツッコむラミィ
    11:30 マイクラを始めた頃のBGMの思い出
    12:31 モニターの位置変えた 話
    14:04 闘技場イベント告知&パンつくろうとするラミィ
     15:10 ペンタブを購入したラミィ
    16:10 ねねちにベッド撤去を拒否されるラミィ
    18:07 デイリー報酬で賭けたいラミィ
     18:41 ギャンブルしたいラミィ
      19:30 パチンコの知識があまりないラミィ
    22:26 ★こよりちゃんと合流 22:46 ラミこよイチャイチャに怒るねねち、煽る二人
     24:12 ねねちみーてるー
      24:25 ねねちのお墓作成について&これがあなたへの鎮魂歌です
     25:29 ラミこよイチャイチャ→修羅場
      26:50 こよりちゃんにダイヤ全がけを宣言するラミィ&ブラッチング☆マイッチング
    28:07 農場の相方VS嫁の組み合わせを知ったラミィ
     28:47 こよりを信じるこよりを信じろ
    29:12 闘技場発見&ぺこら先輩凄すぎる
    29:34 ★フレア先輩発見&フレア先輩のダイヤ数に驚くラミィ
    31:07 あくぺこの絡みを目撃するラミィ(うそぺこでしょ!? )
     31:27 ★あくあ先輩を驚かそうとするラミィ
    32:31 ぺこら先輩の凄さ
     34:30 ★あくあ先輩に仕返しされるラミィ
    34:44 おかゆ先輩の声がする
     35:03 ★怪しいおかゆ先輩
      35:55 ラミこよの子になるおかゆ先輩
      36:35 記念写真
      37:05 実はシナジーがあったおかゆ先輩
    38:44 いつ4んでもいいように松明を沢山つくるラミィ
     39:31 ベットを持ってベットする
      39:35 この音楽とおかゆ先輩の歌声でに散りたい
    40:27 ねねちのチャットにきがついたラミィ
     41:00 こよのお墓についてツッコむラミィ
    41:28 ★ぺこら先輩から賭けについて教わるラミィ&同期の絆は?
     43:40 ★フレア先輩&おかゆ先輩の賭け先が気になるラミィ
      45:00 パパからお小遣いをもらってたおかゆ先輩
    45:39 ねねちのお墓へ
     46:08 成仏しろぉ&ねねちのお墓の整地をするラミィ
      47:17 ねねちは張り切り過ぎちゃうところがある
    48:06 お花集めへ
     49:20 二つ目の鉄トラップへの道
      49:52 めっちゃいい景色
    50:11 鉄トラップで整理整頓
     51:15 オカンになるラミィ 52:18
      53:05 ラミィの抱き枕は健全です 53:39
    54:06 スバこよのお墓
    54:51 闘技場到着(ホロメンとの絡みが多いので★省略)
     55:20 娘を可愛がるラミィ&フレア先輩と賭けの話
     57:00 噛み噛みラミィ&出場者を見守る見学者
     58:11 家族を応援し同期から責められるラミィ
      58:55 ぺこら先輩に突っかかるねねち&見守りつつツッコむラミィ
     1:00:40 まがまがの絆()
     1:01:31 マウスでハートを書いてくれるラミィ
      1:02:08 労基ASMR
     1:02:40 角刈りのスバル先輩
     1:03:27 角刈りのラミィに爆笑するおかゆ先輩
     1:04:05 角刈りを勧めるスバル先輩&拒否するおかゆ先輩
     1:04:31 武器ガチャ&こよりちゃんを応援するラミィ
    1:06:15 第1試合1R開始
      1:06:40 発狂するラミィ
      1:07:37 2本先取を知るラミィ&脱帽して応援するラミィ
     01:10:04 2R開始
      01:10:54 発狂するラミィ
     1:11:20 旦那を慰めるラミィ
    1:12:15 ねねちを応援するが責められるラミィ
    1:14:10 ねねちの武器ガチャ&盾でなくパンを持つねねち
    1:16:11 あくあ先輩に仕返し出来ないラミィ
     1:16:27 あくあ先輩に仕返しするラミィ
    1:17:44 第2試合1R
     1:18:00 結果
    1:18:15 反省会をするポルこよと嫉妬するラミィ
     1:18:53 攻守逆転
    1:19:27 目の前で展開されるあくポルてぇてぇ
    1:20:20 実況するらでんちゃん&2R開始
     1:20:55 結果
    1:21:15 今日産まれたおかゆ先輩
    1:22:55 武器ガチャ確認
    1:24:07 3R
     1:24:30 結果&煽る勝者
    1:25:39 ???はYagoo説
    1:26:42 らでんちゃん決死の言い訳を聞いてフォローするラミィ
    1:27:57 3回4んでなおたかるバケモノねねち
     1:28:38 ねねちの悪だくみを聞くラミィ
    1:29:43 3試合目の説明&対戦者???の正体
     1:32:14 対戦者決定
    1:32:57 我が子を送り出すラミィ
    1:33:40 武器ガチャ結果
    1:34:03 覚悟を決めたあくあ先輩
    1:35:59 第3試合1R
     1:36:34 結果
    1:37:02 らでん実況が気になるラミィママ
     1:37:25 解説ラミィ
    1:38:12 罪を擦り付けられるラミィ&あくあ先輩の罰ゲームと武器ガチャ
    1:39:47 2R
     1:40:28 結果
    1:41:25 解説のポルみこ&武器ガチャ
    1:42:55 ギャグに辛辣な対応をするねねち
    1:43:25 3R
     1:44:10 結果
      1:44:30 勝利者インタビュー
    1:45:39 みこちの結果を煽るが自分にもダメージが入るラミィ
    1:46:34 娘を褒める夫婦&トンビが鷹を生んだ
    1:47:55 ご飯が欲しいねねち
     1:48:15 タンタンタンタン
     1:48:25 何かを企んでるねねち
      1:49:33 ねねちを処す決意をするラミィ
      1:50:17 過ちを犯す前にねねちを処すラミィ
      1:50:51 処分されるスバル先輩
    1:52:25 ねねちに手向けを送るラミィ 1:53:26
     1:53:41 ねねが生き返ってるぅ!?
    1:56:20 一旦家へ
     1:56:44 ★おかゆ先輩と一緒に勝利を喜ぶラミィ
    1:57:25 今日のデイリーミッション確認
     1:57:44 ★古代のしがい&ワザップみこ先輩
    2:01:10 ★ぺこら先輩に処されるねねち&おまるんから天国視点の辛さについて聞くラミィ
     2:02:30 ★こより合流&ねねちに対してドライすぎるみんな
      2:03:10 デイリー相談&ねねちに煽られる二人
       2:04:00 浮気報告をするが信じられない邪ねねち
    2:07:00 あくあ先輩をネザーに誘うラミィ
     2:07:34 らでんちゃんも誘いたいが危険さに迷うラミィ
     2:08:25 らでんちゃんをお誘い
    2:09:05 ★ねねちにまだ合わない決意をするラミポル&早く4んでほしいねねち
     2:10:34 復活しないつもりを宣言するラミィ
    2:12:14 ★あくあ先輩にウザ絡みするラミィ
     2:13:15 ★みこ先輩合流
     2:13:31 三下ムーブをするあくあ先輩
     2:14:00 この世界に愛着がわいてきたラミィ
     2:14:42 ヘラってるねねちツッコむラミィ
    2:16:08 ゲート前の草むしりをして事故発生
     2:16:50 お菓子モグモグ
     2:18:20 馬回収へ
     2:18:50 行きと同じ方法で馬を現世に戻すラミィ
    2:19:20 チョコモグモグ
    2:19:51 草むしり&お花摘み(トイレではない)
     2:24:00 お墓に花を飾るラミィ
    2:24:48 クォーツブロック発見&クォーツブロックが好きなラミィ
    2:26:23 ねねちの配信を見ようとするラミィ
    2:27:05 ★ねねちの配信を見始めるラミィ&あくあ先輩と合流 (ゲーム音なくなります&ゲーム内の音声ははねねち枠2時間28分24付近でご確認ください)
     2:28:12 イェーイねねち見てる~
     2:28:52 ねねトイレながくな~い
     2:29:10 あくたんにウザ絡みするラミィ2
     2:30:15 ベストポジション発見
     2:30:42 配信を見てねねちとやり取りするラミィ
      2:31:05 ★ねねちとのやり取りを見て困惑するおまるん
      2:32:13 続々集合するメンバーたち
    2:34:10 ゲーム音消去に気がついたラミィ
    2:34:20 ほぼ全員集合
     2:35:37 犬として働くあくたん

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ 5 місяців тому +17

      2:36:45 ネザー突入 2:37:19
       2:39:05 ここ最近であくたんと5年分喋った気がする
       2:39:48 危機一髪&頼りになるあくあ先輩
       2:40:30 ダイヤ剣を落とした事に気がつくラミィ 2:39:57 落とした場面
        2:41:24 みこちに自分のPONを話すラミィ
      2:41:56 ネザー要塞突入
       2:42:19 パーティ分割
        2:42:51 あくあ先輩が回収してくれていたダイヤ剣
       2:44:20 うちの子天才では?
       2:45:15 松明を持っていないこよを心配するラミィ
       2:47:50 ウィザースケルトン発見&初撃破
        2:48:23 ノックバックでマグマダイブするラミィ
      2:48:39 神視点開始&ねねち「お疲れ様なのらね」
       2:49:27 復活をしないつもりのラミィ
      2:50:59 神視点の操作方法を学ぶラミィ
       2:52:22 みこ先輩視点へワープ
       2:52:43 夫と子を見守るラミィ
        2:53:06 おかゆ先輩に憑依
         2:55:05 背後霊に気がつくおかこよ
      2:57:04 宣言を守るか復活するか少し迷うラミィ&決断
       2:57:53 成仏宣言&嘆く二人を見つつスペルをツッコむラミィ
        2:58:37 ゾンビうるさいんだけど!
      2:59:53 自由な神視点を楽しむラミィ
      3:01:34 こよりちゃんとなり二人を見守るラミィ
      3:02:21 俺はキリトになる&三下ムーブをしているあくあ先輩
      3:03:25 俺はみこになる
      3:04:17 ラミィの事故現場で戦うみこ先輩
       3:04:49 ラミィのお墓に手を合わせてくれるみこポル
       3:06:49 野球観戦してるおじさんねねち
      3:07:22 ポルカ視点
       3:07:43 ポルカ視点でマグマダイブを体験するラミィ&復帰を応援するラミィ
        3:08:37 ラミィも(耐火ポーションを)飲んでたら行けたって事?
      3:09:30 おかゆ先輩視点
      3:10:03 あくあ先輩視点
      3:10:55 ぺこら先輩視点
      3:11:26 ラミィちゃんちんだの? &あくあ先輩視点へ
      3:12:02 おかゆ先輩視点
       3:12:19 観光地となったママの墓
        3:12:37 そうだよそうやって落ちたんだよ
        3:13:01 ★ねねち「ママ~」 ラミィ「あんたのママじゃないよ」
      3:14:30 ★ゾンピグを攻撃したおまるん&その結末
      3:16:21 らでんちゃん合流を知ったラミィ
       3:16:50 こよりちゃんを褒めるラミィ&らでんちゃんに危険ムーブをさせていねねち
      3:18:40 あくあ先輩の行動に驚くラミィ
       3:19:08 あくあ先輩目線を楽しみつつソロプレイをツッコむラミィ
        3:20:03 ぺこら先輩のモノマネをするあくあ先輩
       3:20:14 あくぺこを見守るラミィ
      3:21:43 みこ先輩に憑依&ラミィとこよりちゃんが逆の立場になった件
      3:23:43 らでんちゃん視点でフレらでを見守るラミィ
       3:24:31 矢が刺さってるこよりちゃんを心配するラミィ
       3:25:10 要塞組を見守るねぽら
      3:26:20 ぺこら先輩に憑依
      3:28:22 らでん視点でらでんちゃんを可愛がるラミィ
      3:29:14 ずっと不穏な事を言っているねねち
      3:30:08 こよりちゃん視点
       3:30:44 ラミィの墓沸きすぎ問題
      3:31:08 みこち視点
      3:32:07 フレア先輩視点
       3:32:59 ラミィの怨念がおんねん 3:33:42
       3:33:26 晩酌神視点をしたいラミィ
       3:34:05 愛されてるおまるん
        3:34:37 チャットは自重するラミィ&こよりがきっとお墓を作ってくれる
      3:36:07 角刈りのあくあの戦いを見守るラミィ
       3:37:42 三下ムーブをするあくあ先輩ににツッコむラミィ 3:39:04
       3:39:32 あくぺこを見守るラミィ
        3:40:20 あくあ先輩と心を一つにするラミィ 3:41:00
       3:41:18 ぺこら先輩視点
      3:42:59 俺のこより視点
       3:43:32 人の不幸を願うねねポルに怒るラミィ
       3:43:57 (こよりちゃんとおかゆ先輩を)見てる!見てるよ!
       3:45:22 ラミィの視点なんかない 3:44:58
      3:45:33 らでん視点&取れ高を気にするらでんちゃん煽る悪霊二人と止めようとするラミィ
      3:47:54 あくぺこの運営話を聞くラミィ
       3:48:53 ぺこら先輩を煽るあくあ先輩&見守るラミィ
        3:49:56 ★ガストに襲われるあくぺこ&ガストを応援する悪霊二人
        3:50:23 らでんちゃんを心配するラミィ
      3:50:42 あくあの優しさにてぇてぇを感じつつしっかりツッコむラミィ
      3:52:05 ねねポルにあくたんとぺこら先輩の爪の垢を煎じて飲ませたい
      3:52:29 ★おまるんと情報交換
      3:52:58 あくあ先輩とらでんちゃんの絡みを見守るねぽら
       3:53:38 らでん視点&らでんちゃんのオカンになるラミィ 3:55:08 3:55:47 3:56:19
        3:57:32 お母さん静かにして
      3:58:29 要塞組集合&ねぽぼも集合
      3:59:12 襲撃イベント発生
       3:59:46 枠閉じてる場合じゃねぇ!
      4:00:20 ぺこら先輩の声マネ&襲撃イベントに合流
       4:01:22 敵を探すが襲撃イベントがわかってないラミィ
       4:02:27 敵を応援する悪霊たち
        4:02:56 駆けつけキリトに感激する(元)アスナ二人
       4:04:03 ラヴェジャー達の襲撃
        4:04:53 楽しそうで羨ましくなるラミィ 4:05:27
       4:05:56 ファントム襲来に混乱する防衛組
       4:06:50 積極的ならでんちゃんを心配するラミィ 4:07:15
        4:07:31 これは記念撮影したくなる
        4:08:40 やめなさいよ!
       4:08:55 やる気がない襲撃者たち(お前らどうすんねんそこから)
        4:09:40 戦闘開始& やられる側で見物するラミィ
         4:10:25 戦闘勝利&楽しそう…やっぱつれぇよ…
      4:12:25 3人で締め
       4:13:10 ねねちのお墓へ
       4:13:44 お墓到着
       4:15:31 記念写真
      4:15:40 終了挨拶

  • @user-hom5hom7hom03
    @user-hom5hom7hom03 5 місяців тому +1


  • @緋色唯-i6i
    @緋色唯-i6i 5 місяців тому +6


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 5 місяців тому +3


  • @きっしゅ-z8t
    @きっしゅ-z8t 5 місяців тому +1


  • @こたつ-y9f
    @こたつ-y9f 5 місяців тому +1


  • @エンデヴァー-j8h
    @エンデヴァー-j8h 5 місяців тому +1

    4:02:52 キリト参戦

  • @astory1130
    @astory1130 5 місяців тому +2


  • @高橋蓮太郎-y8i
    @高橋蓮太郎-y8i 5 місяців тому +2

    2:48:19 ラミィちゃんの最後…😅

  • @jojo-1999
    @jojo-1999 5 місяців тому +3

    2:48:23 お疲れ様なのらね

  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 5 місяців тому +1

    [Timestamps Part 1] 4th day of Hardcore Mc with Lamy-chan!
    Today we'll accompany Lamy-chan -After being sadly widowed at the nether-
    Let's do our best, as she reunites with Koyo once again! 🧪​
    1:43 Start! Introduction
    1:53 _"It's a bit noisy isn't it?! It's rather noisy around here!... So much info! Just wait a bit"_
    2:13 _"So today we'll also play MineCraft!"_
    2:24 _"Today i'm going with the Minecraft own BGM! I'm letting it play by itself... As i've thought about it, during collabs it's common that due to the BGM it's hard to listen to our voices"_
    3:02 _"Today's plans though, are to clear the event missions and take things relaxedly while doing so"_
    3:17 _"Yesterday Omarun revived, somehow right? Now I think that there's nobody who mainly plays MC dead now, so... Oh, the pumpkins grew there!"_ 🎃​
    4:22 _"Haachama, Lui-nee, and who was it? Nenechi... Ah _*_giggles_*_ i saw that Nene died trying to make iron offstream by skeletons, i was like [Really?]... Those accidents happen too"_

    5:18 _"So today too... I'll be very minute... I wonder if the torches amount decreased?"_
    5:44 _"L: But it seems that Iroha-chan made yet another iron trap, so maybe that helped relief the iron shortage? I'm really thankful to her for making ways we can use iron in the future/C: Do you have the crew cut today too?/L: I wonder? It shouldn't have changed so maybe it's not a crew cut, though since i didn't change from that i feel i may have it, i don't remember"_
    6:46 _"What shoould i do that? Nene's bed is here, but she's no longer in this world, should i break it?"_
    7:17 _"C: Even though It's one of her left-behind proessions?/L: But i don't like if it's a bed! It feels Like it's a bad omen somewhat!"_

    7:57 _"By the way... Today, seems Aqua Senpai is watching today too"_ ⚓​
    8:57 _"C: Hello!/L: Hello, good evening!"_
    9:02 _"Yesterday there was a comment that said [Are you tired of dealing from people?] like [Are you tired of dealing with humans?] or something, but no, can i say it? I'm a shut-in so it's more like i spend my day trying not to talk to lots of people... It's actually more like talking recently with so many people everyday, that more than being tired; i'm just not used to them. Since generally i play games where i talk solo, i feel i'm not used to talking with people and that gets me tired... My everyday is mostly talking alone... I'm talking to you Yukimin right now but..."_
    9:58 _"[N: Make a grave for Nene Koyori!]/L: Oi, how can you say it? I wrote on Nene's grave [Nene's fool (Baka instead of Haka)], but there IS a grave here! How many graves does she want us to make?"_ 🪦
    10:26 _"C: She already has one right?/L: Yeah, if she said that we'd need to make 3 graves for her!/C: Okayun started today/L: I see! It's her precious first day!"_
    10:53 _"C: Animal ASMR tskr/L: Sorry there's a lot of animals here, I reduced their volume but they're still loud, it's Animal ASMR...Endless trees here..."_
    11:30 _"C: Minecraft is ASMR/L: I sometimes like the BGM that plays! When i started MC, people wanting to listening to that (Though i didn't turn the BGM then), they asked me so, so much things like [Lamy-chan, and the BGM?] so i ended up putting one"_

    12:02 _"It's not playing today yet, though! But sometimes it plays, that MC BGM, it's so good"_
    12:23 _"Sorry if i'm looking up, pardon, it's difficult! It's just that i changed the monitor's place! So my face may also get a weird positioning/C: I wonder if it'll play/L: Sometimes it does, i'd like if it played endlessly!"_
    13:07 _"At any rate, before the big amount of members comes in i'd like to finish my torch quota"_ 🔥
    13:25 _"C: If a Holomem becomes a Zombie they'll become Ollie/L: Yeah! Once they died once, they're Ollie, they're zombies"_

    14:36 _"Pardon, if i say what i'm trying to do is make bread... Bread... Paties (Pan-tsu) and store it here..."_
    15:09 _"Ah yeah, i said i changed the monitor right?! Who was it? When i wasn't there some people had a drawing collab... Or when was it, who? Somebody in Regloss said [I bought a Pentab for this day!] Though right now i have one thing i use for work, one thing i use to draw, like for the back parts of the cards and so... I used an iPad for that, but i thought [Indeed, it is pretty convenient!]. So i bought a cheap (Not really cheap though) a pentab! I thought it was easier to use it instead"_
    16:09 _"[N: Whose pantsu are you eating Lamy? (Chat pun)]/L: Everybody's panties, i won't eat Nene's though! Nene's bed! Can i drop it? Take it away please? What do you mean by [Just]?"_
    16:35 _"[N: Don't]/L: Can't help it then, i'll store Nene's left-behind belongings... But if you enter, Nene's sleeping there so, i have Nene's belongings in front of me... The God PoV is too convenient, huh..."_ 🙏
    17:07 _"[Minato aqua has cleared the challenge] she's probably doing some test play... Maybe it's at the arena... [Riches in a moment! The Battle Royale is open! Get diamonds! (I messed up) gather!]"_
    17:19 _"I don't have many but... You can get diamonds from emeralds, and emeralds from paper, can you make diamonds from emeralds i think? I'd like to try that, but i don't know how to..."_
    17:48 _"Yeah I'd like to try the villager thing, but where can i do that..."_

    18:09 _"But (x12)! Because i should have gotten the daily rewards, i'd like to use those today, and then the diamonds i already had on hand... 2 or was it 3? I'll use them today I think"_
    18:41 _"I wanted to play the gambling game! But Chinchiro was over as soon as i realized! So i had zero chance for it, so i must bet today"_
    18:59 _"Though i think you think that already already, but i have 0 talent for gambling, i really don't! It's 0! But i think on the other hand, that because i know i don't have talent, that i won't actually get in gambling"_
    19:28 _"L: Maybe if i was very good at gambling, i'd still be at a Pachinko or something! How do you call it? When you're too into Pachinko or so... Is there that? Shots?/C: One-time winning"_ 💰
    20:31 _"C: The events right now are forbidden/L: What do you mean? The currently established event? Or not that? Well... The memories i have of Pachinkos are pretty old, my info is pretty old/C: There was a [something something] event in the previous establishment/L: So like [Today's setting is now open]"_
    21:02 _"C: Have you went?/L: No! I really haven't went to a Pachinko store, not even once! I couldn't deal with the sounds, it'd make my ears hurt... When in the elevator- I mean, escalato- I mean, the automatic door?"_
    21:31 _"Ah, here it is, the Minecraft BGM! I wonder if you can listen to it since it's pretty qite... It's the classic music, it may be a bit quiet though/C: I hear rustling/L: Let's make it louder, it's at 30%"_
    22:27 _"L: Wait, it's Koyo voice! Was it 30% before wasn't it? KOYOOO~"_
    22:46 _"K: Lamy-tan?!/L: Koyooo!/K: Lamy-tan, welcome back!/L: NO, welcome to you!/K: I'm back! Thank you! For gathering all my gear!/L: I couldn't retrieve the bow though, sorry!/K: It's fine... Couldnt't be helped since it burned as i had it on hand! Sorry for making you sad!/L: Let's go to do our dailies?/K: Let's go!/L: What are you doing now?"_
    23:18 _"K: I was waiting for you/L: Wah really, you love me too much/K: Lamy-tan, you even wrote [KoyoKoyoKoyo] after all!/L: On my thumbnail? That's because i believe in you, i'll believe with you for it all/K: Ah so you meant that!/L: Ahh nyo, have you seen our love nest?/K: But there's a bed of a new person here Lamytan, what do we do?/L: Nene told me not to remove it.../K: www so she already said that/L: Yeah, sorry that there's a Nene bed in our love-love space"_ 🛏
    24:02 _"L: Sorry, but it's the remaining posession of my genmate/K: terrible www, but once night comes i'll sleep by where your feet are... Oh, already sleeping?"_
    24:15 *Sleeping together* _"K: Are you watching Nene?!/L: She provoked you in your grave didn't she?/K: www, She told me to make a grave just now/L: But she already has one!/K: But she died yesterday again so/L: If that's so then she needs three graves right?/K: Doesn't she have 2?/L: Not two, only one..."_ 🪦
    24:43 _"L: I wrote a sign that says [Nene's Fool]/K: wwww!/L: [Thank you for your hard work Nene! *star*] was what was written after all~/K: Ah then let's do that and write [Bye-bye~] instead!/L: Yeah, [Nenechi Byebye~ *star*]"_
    (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 2]
      25:09 _"L: Are you listening Nene-san? This is the Requiem for you"_ 🎶
      25:29 _"K: Saying she believes me.../L: I do believe in you, Koyo.../K: So you believe in me Lamytan *kiss kiss*/L: I luv you *kisses intensify*/K: You're the only one for me!/L: Really? I know you cheated on be before though!/K: Nope.../L: I KNOW YOU CHEATED BECAUSE I WASN'T THERE!/K: I didn't! I only greeted!/L: So you tend to greet at that close distance?/K: How to say, it's like a greeting they do overseas?/L: I see, so you're Open-minded Koyori!"_
      26:09 _"K: Yeah, there were EN members and ID members so i thought i'd do their greeting/L: I see? I'll believe you then~ Is it alright? Joshu-kun are watching and Yukimin are watching too after all!/K: It's fine, fine! There's only Lamytan for me!/L: wwww You're speaking so much! Really?/K: No no, i'm only alive because of you!/L: _*_giggles_*_ i'll believe you then!"_
      26:49 _"K: I'll win for you today~/L: Ah, me too! I believe in you after all!/K: Could it be you're betting diamond?/L: I'll bet all the diamonds i have/K: NO WAY!/L: For you!/K: Trust?/L: I believe in you after all!/K: wwww, i also thought about betting all my diamond though, but i didn't have any"_ 💎
      27:12 _"L: It's fine! If so we'll gather diamonds again!/K: Is that so? We'll do Branching Miching right?/L: Let's do Branching Miching alright?/K: I'll make the grave then... I'm going out!"_
      27:35 _"L: So fun, first time i ever heard it being called [Bratching Miching]"_
      28:04 _"C: In the arena it says It's Omarun vs Koyori/L: REALLY?! That... My farm partner vs my wife... What do i do about that? But i wrote on title that i'll believe in Koyori, so i'll only believe in her today no matter what, So everything is for her, i can ONLY believe her/C: You have to go get your diamonds/L: Yeah! I don't know how many there are... I haven't counted them... I do have 3 at hand right?"_
      28:47 _"C: Who are you supporting?/L: Koyori, i wrote it on the thumbnail right? So i'll believe on Koyori... I wonder what is with her comment going [Amazing, i must go!] that feels like an Amazon review *giggles*"_ 🧪​
      29:05 _Cherry Blossom place _"Amazing! It's like a cherry blossom carpet! She made this?! Amazing... Pekora senpai is crazy! I think she must be tired for sure, checking everything everyday, it's too amazing... Thank you for your hard work!"_
      29:39 *Taking her 18 new diamonds* _"L: All good Flare?/F: I don't know how to take this.../L: It's the book behind this face!/F: Oh, but when i touched it the books reduced/L: Eh? Once more then? You took them all! wwww"_
      30:40 _"F: Are you going to bet now?/L: Yeah! I'll go bet it all! And you?/F: I will bet for the fantastic match, this one i have/L: ONE?! That's too low of a bet!/F: Don't mock me though! I'll win with this! I'll duplicate this!"_

      31:16 Spying on Aqutan. Then trying to spook her by hitting her, but fails. _"A: Eh?..."_
      31:59 _"C: You should hit before/L: I intended to do it at the same time but I didn't do it well"_
      32:32 _"Thank you for the hard work Pekora senpai, you're too amazing!"_ 🥕
      33:02 _"C: Isn't the bet now?/L: Now? Do you mean i must bet now? But it said that at 8 it'd open i think"_
      33:28 _"C: They're taking the bets 30 minutes before/L: Amazing... You're all so knowledgeable, that helps a lot, let's go then!"_
      33:51 _"C: There's 25 minutes for 8, are you ok?/L: It should be fine! But yeah, today the people who died once are fighting at the arena, yeah (People who died once) though it should be (Once or more)... I wonder if Nene will show up though, i don't know who the contestants are/C: Deep fark/L: www, but if they died more than once, but i wonder if there's more people who died more than once no-"_

      34:30 Aqutan revenge with cute spook. *laughs* _"Payback, look... I'll do it again..."_
      35:02 _"L: Okayuuun!/O: Lamy! Did you get married?/L: Tha- the outfit's amazing, are you alright?/O: I've been like 1 year like this wwww... Did you marry?/L: I think we did? For me i'm still a fiancee though, but just in feelings/K: Ah yeah, like calling bride or such still"_
      35:30 _"L: she's my Honey/O: I see, so Koyo is Honey, and Lamy-chan is the bride!/Both: Yeah!/L: www, wait, it's pretty sus though! Wearing pants and sunglasses with a black shirt and pants is like a criminal!/O: True, but i just came here so i'm a baby/L: For a baby that's too suspicious!/K: Should i become this house's baby?/K: We gave birth, Lamy!"_ 🍙
      36:02 _"L: Before i knew it i was both married and got a baby then?/K: It's YOUR child though!/L: Really? Ah this by the way, Nene was the one that made this/K: I thought this was you though and believed in such/L: Ah sorry, i can't do something THAT daring.../K: _*_laughs_*_ But did you write [Come] though?/L: I did write that message!/K: So glad!/O: So lovey-dovey!/K: Let's take a picture to commemorate the birth?"_
      36:48 *Picture poses* _"L: If your happy birthday! Here, if you feel like it please sleep at our bed/O: Really? Can i?! Yay babuuu!"_
      37:07 _"K: Though it somewhat feels right for the parents to sleep besides where their baby is.../L: True.../O: But actually if you mix your hair colors you can get purple right?/L: True! And it feels like with us two we'd have a kitty/O: Yeah!/L: Our child!"_
      37:41 Lamylk.
      38:32 _"L: Thank you! Alright, i'll go bet all my diamonds now!/K: Me too, let me bring mine/O: So everybody's betting their diamonds today/K: But i don't really have them.../L: It's fine, Flare only has one"_
      38:57 _"Let me make sure it's full of torches here, since it's my role"_
      39:36 _"Ahh a nice BGM started playing!"_ 🎵
      39:49 _"I'd like to listen to Okayu Senpai's whispers with this BGM... Ahh that'd be so nice! That'd be so fitting for me~"_
      40:02 _"L: When i leave this world, i'd like if it was by Okayu senpai's singing voice... I say that all days though... I'd like to pass with this music... Where is here?/C: You say it everytime/L: I say it whenever i meet Okayu senpai after all~"_
      40:30 _"Ah yeah, www [Lamy, did you go to visit my grave in front of the Iron trap?] Can't be helped... Good grief, she's dead after all, thrice! And she got 2 graves, can't be helped..."_
      41:00 _"Yesterday, even though they were short of iron they made Koyo's grave with like 6 blocks! Koyori's grave is sure luxurious!"_
      41:22 Spooked by bell toll. 🔔
      41:42 _"P: Am i right to think you'll bet for your husband?/L: Of course! I'll use all of it!/P: ALL?!/L: I'll use it all!/P: But Is that fine for the bonds in NePoLaBo?/L: It's fine! Well even if you say that there's 2 of us here!/P: Ah true, this time it's Nenechi will be participating too!/L: Yeah! My one genmate who just dies too much/Kia: I wrote them now~/P: Oh, all done?/Kia: Please/P: Let's see, 5 for Polka-chan... 5 for Subaru senpai... and 5 for [???] so 15!/L: Who is that?... Isn't there a chance it's Pekora senpai?/P: No no, it may not be me!"_
      42:31 _"P: Alright Kiara-chan, It'll begin at 8 P-M So look forward to it!/Kia: Looking forward!/L: With this... So i put my name and who do i bet for?/P: Yeah, your own Name and who will you bet how many diamonds for"_
      43:12 _"P: Now, please put your bet in this barrell/L: Here, its all! in the barrel/P: 22! If you were to win you'd get 44!/L: That'd be the best!/P: Look forward to wor-i mean, the matches!"_

      44:38 _"O: Everybody's betting! Good afternoon!/L: I wonder who will Flare bet for... Her 1 diamond... Let's listen.../P: Yeah there's a fight Gacha with all weapons, so since there's some luck-element, play skill may not be all it takes!/L: I see.../O: Oh, Kiara!/Kia: Yup?/O: Who did you betfor?/Kia: Polka senpai and... Let's see, Subaru senpai, and for [???]/O: How much, 5 each?/Kia: Yu/O: So whatever we bet will be duplicated?/P: Yeah! It'll come back duplicated! So Just for what you bet though!/O: I see! I'd like bet on Nenechi.../L: You're so kind.../O: Eh?/L: Kindness!"_
      45:00 _"O: Nenechi's sales pitch is her ghostly body!/L: Is that so?/O: And she said [Bet for me please]/L: For real? What happened with that diamond?/O: I got 2 from dad and 3 from Flare.../P: Oh, then wouldn't it be good to bet it all?"_
      45:34 _"The time is 47 minutes right? We have to go visit Nene's grave in this time, and give her flowers there, If i don't she won't be able to pass on... Where was her grave? She said it was before the iron trap so..."_
      46:09 _"C: She just revived though/L: Oi! aren't you completing your transmigration?! Just ascend! But yeah she has to fight... Ah, isn't this it? Oh, www Dirt, i can't see, it's too high, but maybe it gas [Nenechi ByeBye]"_
      46:39 _"As My genmate, i have to do so, thank you for your hard work... Nene, you really did your best... In many things so, as a result... You got a Honorable death"_ (T^T)7
      47:50 Placing a single torch by Nene's grave. _"I only had one www sorry! If one, then here instead _*_laughs_*_ it looks nice though!"_
      48:09 _"With this, Nene, rest in peace... I'd like some flowers with other colors, there's too many yellow..."_
      48:21 _"That cute cherry blossom was so cute, how do i take it?"_
      48:41 _"L: As you may have known, one time i was a florist in MC, long ago.../C: That was a sapling/L: Then there's a chance i can get it from these cherry blossoms here then?!"_
      49:22 Cherry blossom path and amazed Lamy. 🌸
      49:52 _"Look at this view! So good, It's so pink, so cute! Amongst all colors, pink is my favorite! Ohh this is the iron trap?! So stylish!"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 3]
      50:22 _"Let's give these Poppies to Nene's grave too"_
      50:29 *Piling up the iron* _"Ah, i'm too triggered... Sorry! Just let me pile them? There's a lot of iron at home so... Let's store it here.../C: Don't stack them/L: Ah sorry... Here... Should i cover so no poppies get in?"_
      51:13 _"C: Put the poppies in the bottom row/L: Ah, i get it Excuse me... So that's how it's organized... But... When i (Mom) watched yesterday it wasn't like that! Tell me if so, mom doesn't know!"_
      52:20 _"C: Don't just force your way into the room!/L: _*_giggles_*_ What are you hiding from mom you don't want me to see EHH?! What are you hiding! Be wholesome! Dad watches that too, mom knows, boys are like that, can't be helped!"_
      53:04 _"C: Lamy-chan's Dakimakura/L: Oi, treat them as if it was pervy, they aren't even like that!"_
      53:39 _"Do you think my Dakimakura is pervy, everyone? Isn't that terrible? It's not ecchi, it's wholesome! It's R-1! What a big grave..."_
      54:08 _"So ominous for Subaru senpai's grave isn't it?! And yet Koyo's is so pretty... There's nothing decorating her grave but, she's alive after all... And now the soothing BGM is playing... So ominous Let's go back? It's 55 minutes, let's go back to the Arena"_ 🪦
      55:18 _"O: It's mom!/L: There there~!/O: Mamaaa!/F: I feel i saw something i shouldn't/L: Who did you bet for?/F: Me, for [???]/L: I see, the unknown"_
      55:36 _"F: And you Lamy?/L: Eh? I bet it all on Koyori/F: How many?/L: 22/F: You bet quite the amount!/L: I sure did!/F: What about your genmates' bond?/O: Nenechi?/L: Well there's both Nene and Polka this time, so it was too much genmates'! Many of my genmates are dead!/O: True true!"_
      56:24 _"F: I see, It's amazing to get 24 saved though/L: For the most part it was thanks to daily missions!/F: That's nice!/O: So that's a way to get lots of diamonds!/L: It depends on what you do!"_

      57:06 _"The __-tributes-__ participants! They're smiling, almost as if they weren't thinking they'll beat each other up now..."_
      57:27 _"L: It's so cool to fight in the rain!/O: So cool! Will dad win?/L: Dad is strong!/K: I bet 2 on dad/L: You're amazing for treasuring the family!/O: What a good Mama!"_
      58:12 _"O: Do your best dad!/L: Do your best!/K: I'll do my best for your diamonds!/P: Why didn't you bet on me though?/L: Today I bet it all on Koyo!/P: That's strange right?!"_
      58:56 _"N: Hey, Peko-chan senpai, don't you believe in Nene?/P: wwwww!"_ 😆
      59:20 _"P: hear me out, i wanted to bet for Nenechi, but Subaru senpai's debt is too big, That's why it felt a bit wrong and bet on her... But i wanted to bet for you too!"_

      1:00:39 _"N: Hey Lamy, you didn't bet on me!/L: But... Make sure to check your grave later, i put some flowers for you! That way you can go to heaven/N: Hey don't send me to heaven! I want to win this i tell you!/L: Then after you win i'll tell you [I should've bet for you!]/N: Got it, then i'll beat you up myself!/L: WHY Why do you have to lynch me?"_
      1:01:26 _"C: The Tee Tee of Genmates' bonds/L: That's not TeeTee!"_
      1:01:52 Lamy drawing hearts with her mouse for us. ❤
      1:02:46 _"L: Subaru senpai's head is so small, she has the crew cut!/O: It's true! wwww" _
      1:03:15 First Match is Pol vs Koyo.
      1:03:28 _"O: Why is she sporting a crew cut?/L: I wonder why indeed.../O: Eh?! My comments are saying you have one too/L: Wanna see?/O: Eh? Lam-"_ *wheeeze* 🤣
      1:04:51 _"L: Koyo, i'm cheering for you!/O: Do your best dad!/K: I'm nervous!/O: Give it your best dad!"_
      1:05:31 _"S: Do your best Polka/P: Leave it to me"_
      1:06:01 _"L: This is bad, Omarun has a sword.../O: I see, how will it turn out?/L: Will it be fine? It's bad.../O: It's bad to have a hoe.../L: yeah!"_

      1:06:28 It begins!
      1:06:48 Pol won.
      1:07:02 _"O: Wah and you bet 22!/L: sssss*Lamy screams*/O: Dad lost!/L: can't be helped, against a sword a hoe is..."_
      1:07:32 _"P: There'll be a 2nd fight between Koyo-chan and Polka-chan so/L: Oh, 2nd round! Ah so bad, i thought i had lost all the diamonds!"_
      1:08:07 Showing the crew cut to Nene. _"N: I hadn't seen the real deal!/L: Stop drying so dry/N: So funny www/L: HEY THAT'S THE REACTION WHEN YOU DON'T FIND IT FUNNY!"_
      1:09:37 Koyo gets a Gold sword, Omarun gets iron sword.

      1:10:10 Round 2 starts.
      1:10:55 Koyo lost. Lamy screams.

      1:11:12 _"K: _*_crying_*_ I can't even heal if i'm hit like that after! Uwaahh/L: you did your best Koyo!"_ 🫂
      1:11:56 _"Miko: Don't cry, there's a next time!"_

      1:12:15 _"L: Oh you're next Nene? Give it your all/N: Oh, did you bet for me to say i should do my best?/O: I bet 2!/N: Hey you promised one more than that!/O: I couldn't get it.../N; What about you?/L: I bet with feelings/N: How many?/L: 100!/N: Oh!/Suba: What gacha will you try?/N: You can decide"_
      1:12:51 _"L: A good BGM is playing now, what kind of BGM is this.../C: Languid BGM/L: www, it doesn't match the fight either"_ 🎶
      1:13:42 _"L: It's pretty emotional though/N: What does this mean, i got a roasted tandoori chicken, is this Christmas dinner?/L: So are you in a christmas party?/N: Yeah, can i roll?"_

      1:15:17 _"L: This is pretty emotional, Flare and Polka"_
      1:16:26 Hitting and punching Aqutan while trying to spook her. _"L: I did it right now!"_
      1:16:40 _"L: I actually hadn't seen you guys all bare, you're always with gear! I even felt a bit of awkwardness!*Nene boxing* She's so motivated! You change the weapon?!"_
      1:17:09 _"N: So i'll go with the strategy of eating with the fight while fighting/L: Go! Hit them with that Tandoori chicken!/N: Advice... To take my distance and eat, kukukuku/L: You're the assertive type after all... Are you hitting them with the bread? That's soft, but do your best, show us your resolve Nene!"_
      1:17:45 Nenesuba fight starts.
      1:18:03 Nene ded. 👻
      1:18:29 _"L: hey, aren't you too close?! HEY!/P: Ah true, the married couple are doing their best!/K: It's fine!/L: You're too close!"_
      1:18:42 _"L: keep at least 30 cm when talking!/K: That's quite/L: I won't allow that!/K: PolPol!/L: So far www, it was a lie, Omarun.../O: It's bad if you put your face together/K: Hey Lamytan, aren't you close?!/L: Ahh but/K: Did you kiss?/L: NO NO!"_
      1:20:14 _"L: Good Nene, you look cool!"_

      1:20:38 NeneSuba Round 2.
      1:21:02 *Nene wins* _"L: What happens now?/K: There'll be another fight/L: So best of three? So heated!"_
      1:21:31 _"L: There, Okayu senpai was born today Nene!/O: Yeah! I was born today from Lamy!/N: From Lamy?/O: Yeah! her and Koyo-chan's child!/N: PER-VYYY!"_
      1:22:08 Family is together. _"O: Ah but the diamond i got from Dad will all disappear!"_

      1:23:42 _"L: This fight's become impossible to predict now! It'll be such a heated match"_
      1:24:12 NeneSuba final fight.
      1:24:35 Nene won!
      1:25:04 _"S: I AM SO WEAAAK!/K: It's fine, you didn't really lose!/O: Dad, you're so kind your savings.../K: It's fine!/O: Thank you dad!/K: This world only has 3 days remaining after all/L: She's saying scary things..."_

      1:27:00 Raden accidentally hit Okayu while practicing, Lamy hits her back.
      1:28:19 _"L: Oh, Nene you have something nice!"_ (Sakura sapling)

      1:30:00 _"P. the next fight is Aqua vs ????"_ ❓
      1:30:12 _"P: I'll reveal who ??? is now... That is..."_
      1:30:27 _"P: Wait a bit.../L: WHOOO?! WHAT?!/S: This is scary, so this is maybe what it's like to be Peko's dog!"_
      1:30:48 _"P: Somebody from the audience, please participate!/L: Eh...? Yeah, let's not make eye contact/P: Who's the strongest?/O: Peko-chan disappeared"_
      1:31:06 _"P: Sorry about that, so yeah, somebody who thinks they can defeat Aqutan? If nobody participates it'll be chosen by lottery!/R: So if nobody volunteers then lottery?/P: Yes/L: Let's not make eye contact..."_
      1:31:42 _"P: Now if ??? beats Aqutan, you'll get extra Diamonds from me, so definitely win! So, if you lose you don't get anything, but if you win you'll properly get diamonds so, please win!"_ 💎

      1:32:15 Okayu volunteering.
      1:32:56 _"L: Will my baby be alright? My child's going then... True, both dad and child are fighting"_
      1:33:56 _"L: And Aqutan?/C: The looks win/L: She looks super strong already! Oh, she's got the bald head!"_
      1:34:21 _"L: yeah, in looks she's all defeated"_
      1:35:19 _"K: The comments said you got this!/L: www that's fun to say"_

      1:36:12 Aqua vs Okayu fight start.
      1:36:39 Okayu Win! 👏
      1:37:04 _"L: I want to listen to Raden commentary!/R: Ehh?/L: Ah sorry i said it!/R: I'm noisy right?/L: *giggles*/R: I should be quiet right?"_
      1:37:21 Pampering Raden.

      1:38:14 Accidentally hitting shuba. *Nene hits her* _"N: Hey Lamy, you're the worst!/L: That wasn't me!"_
      1:39:03 _"O: This is a stone sword!/L: Well, against an iron sword... Well even if she were to lose they'll get round 3 right?"_
      1:39:46 Round 2 start!
      1:40:10 _"L: Amazing, she's properly using that shield!"_
      1:40:29 Aqutan wins.
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 4]
      1:41:51 Rolling for weapons, Aqutan gets a Hoe.
      1:42:29 _"L: We can't know... (Okayu got a wooden sword)"_
      1:42:40 _"L: But i wonder what kind of Hoe is hers... Stone? I don't think it's that strong/N: So a hoe..."_
      1:42:57 Lamy's pun "Aqua's hoe (Aquanokuwa)"
      1:43:32 Round 3 start
      1:44:12 Okayu Wins! 👏
      1:44:21 _"L: My child won! Amazing, genius!"_

      1:45:19 _"L: But it was such a good match!/Miko: I lost it all!/F: Let's go to the underground then? Or Load back?/M: No... I'm fine..."_
      1:45:38 _"L: Miko senpai, what happened to your diamonds?/M: I bet half of them all, but i lost that half.../L: Who did you bet to?/M: I first bet on Koyo... And then on Subaru... Then Aqutan.../L: You have no talent for that!/M: Shut it!"_ 😭
      1:46:10 _"M: And did you win?/L: Eh... I lost it all though/M: Then you don't have talent for it either! wwww/K: It was my fault!/L: Aw no no! It was a gacha loss!/K: Sorry, i lost it all so forgive me!"_
      1:46:42 _"L: You were amazing, so cool!/O: i did it!/L: Our child's amazing!/K: They're even telling me i'm a chick/L: What are you saying, you're a chi- i mean a hawk right?!"_
      1:47:06 _"K: Lamytan, don't feel sad, are you okay?.../L: I messed up there huh/K: But one day i'll become a swan!/L: You're one already, a beautiful swan!"_ 🦢
      1:48:16 Lamy step noises.
      1:49:28 Nene asking Koyo for items, Koyo gives her a sign after telling Lamy not to be fooled. Peko calls for the ghosts to be dispelled.
      1:50:26 _"L: As your genmate, i must take yor down/N: Ah no, STO-/L: Ah! You shouldn't take advantage of this! NO GOOD!"_ 🙏
      1:50:51 _"P: You killed her right?/L: Yeah/P: Thank you, now that Nenechi's dead, so now it's you"_ *Takes out Shuba*
      1:51:06 _"P: Thank you for your cooperation, Subaru senpai and Nenechi.../R: Ah, i see.../L: Let's go to her grave..."_ 🪦

      1:52:12 _"Where is Nene's grave? Over there right? How should i decorate it..."_
      1:52:37 _"L: Nene's grave, please don't revive ever again, Nene-san, i want to put a bed there, of my color; so she can have everlasting rest"_
      1:53:13 Putting a sign. _"[Nene's fool]"_
      1:53:39 _"C: Nene is revived/L: She did? Why? It's weird..."_
      1:54:08 _"It's nightime... Let's sleep in [Nene the fool]'s grave"_

      1:55:37 _"Should i wait for somebody to come here? Let's go to the iron trap, shall we?"_
      1:56:46 _"L: How many diamond did you get?/O: Wait, i got it now! Let's see... I got 4 for what i bet and then those i earned"_
      1:57:12 _"L: this sapling's so cute, aren't sakura saplings cute?"_
      1:57:27 Checking the dailies _"If there's anything i can finish quickly i should do that"_
      1:58:24 _"L: Hunt 3 wither skeleton heads, 100 diamond?! Isn't that crazy?! How do you take a wither skeleton's head? I've never gotten one though!"_ ☠
      1:58:49 _"C: It's rare and strong/L: I see..."_
      1:59:07 _"C: You just have to defeat it/L: But it's strong for sure, defeating it alone must he hard"_

      2:00:00 _"Let's fish for now?"_
      2:01:01 _"L: She got killed by Pekora senpai... Can't be helped/P: Nene's done for good huh"_
      2:01:22 _"P: Thank you for the torches!/L: Please use them leisurely/P: Nene is no more huh/L: Yeah, she won't come anymore"_ (°-°)7
      2:01:46 _"P: It's very lonely in heaven for sure... So it'd be better to stop/L: The Heaven PoV?/P: Yeah, when i was there i felt so lonely/L: But you came back!/P: Yeah, it was super lonely... But if you saw you'd be able to know/L: The loneliness? Did you want to see me?/P: I wanted to meet with you!/L: For real? I love that cute side of you"_

      2:02:30 Koyo's here🧪​
      2:02:42 _"L: www everybody's too dry towards Nene/P: I mean how many times did she?!/K: Well true www"_
      2:03:10 _"L: I looked at the dailies and nothing seemed like something i could completed/P: there's the wither skeleton/L: But my chat told me to not do it.../K: Really?/L: Should i? It seems pretty strong!"_
      2:03:51 _"L: what if we invite Okayu senpai?/K: true, if she comes we can do it!"_

      2:04:26 _"[N: Poor Lamy]/L: This girl... Post Mortem? Nene is wicked, she's the [Evil one Nene] now"_
      *Preparing her stuff*
      2:05:21 _"Ugh, this assortment feels so gross"_

      2:07:01 _"Aren't you going Aqutan? [Let's go together]"_
      2:07:21 _"L: Let's go with everyone, to the nether!/C: And the potions?/L: They're too good to waste... I wonder if Raden-chan can go, she's a beginner isn't she?"_
      2:08:40 _"L: What about Raden-chan?/P: She was checking the missions, seeing what she could do/L: If so, she wants to go with everyone huh/P: Let's go let's go!"_
      2:09:36 Pink sheep, cute! 🐑
      2:10:18 _"C: It's fun to listen while having Nene in background/L: *giggles*/P: You're increasing them again/L: After all it's better to have more meat!"_

      2:10:32 _"L: She's an inhabitant of heaven? I haven't went there yet, I haven't died once, but as i told you, if i were to die, i wouldn't revive, i won't... That's how i'm living everyday!"_
      2:11:00 _"If i were to die today, that'd be my last light..."_
      2:11:18 _"L: But if i made it this far, if i died at one point i'd think that was just fate... Here... _*_BGM plays_*_ wheat! This emotional BGM is playing, seems fitting!/C: Don't you want to try the ender dragon?"_ 😢
      2:11:47 _"L: I want! But Yesterday it was surprisingly not heavy anymore, and today's been like that too, pretty light! I think i can go to the nether like this! I'd like, i intend to, so i'll try to live for it!"_

      2:12:16 _"A: Ah can i? Can i take some?/L: What are you saying? Akutan, you're our comrade! Also isn't your haircut pretty thin? I can feel the crew cut!"_
      2:12:59 _"L: You're Kirito with the crew cut"_ ⚔
      2:13:49 _"L: What's with Aqutan's underling move? _*_giggles_*_ what happened? She's totally acting like an underling!/C:It's her title/L: Is that so? Nice! I'll get one, it's just 4 days more though... It's pretty emotional! That there's 4 days remaining, i've been logging everyday, so i've gotten somewhat attached to this world... But everything will eventually disappear in this world.../C: She became Pekochan's dog/L: www She's too doggy-like, she's now like everyone's dog instead"_
      2:14:56 _"L: Let's go all the way to the Nether gate... I'm hungry, i haven't had dinner yet"_
      2:15:35 _"C: I had some Cup ramen/L: Wah, jealous! I want to eat some cup yakisoba! I've been addicted to Yakisoba lately... Ahh no good, if i think that i get hungry! And my concentration will disappear!"_ 🍜

      2:16:12 Thought she killed a horse but warped it to nether.
      2:16:37 _"I'll catch a horse and leave it here, offstream, let's sleep, and eat gummies!"_
      2:16:58 _"C: It warped to the nether/L: Did it?! Can it even?/C: You launched it to the nether/C2: What gummies are you eating?/L: Puré gummies! And fruit juice gummies... And Kinoko no Yama (Chocolate snack)"_
      2:17:42 _"C: Are you on the Kinoko side?/L: No, i bought it just because"_🍄🍫

      2:18:01 _"Let's eat some Kinoko~"_
      2:18:24 Into the Nether.
      2:19:08 Returned the horse back.
      2:19:27 Hungry Lamy, one chocolate snapped though.
      2:19:56 _"I'd like to use this time to show you... Look at me trimming these weed..."_
      2:20:15 _"SC: Food Fee/L: Thank you! What should i eat today?"_
      2:20:35 _"I'd like to clean around my husband's (or bride)? I'd like to clean around her grave"_
      2:21:19 _"C: Isn't bride and bride better though?/L Well Koyo self proclaimed herself the husband so... Let's make it Lamy's color?"_
      2:22:20 _"L: There's no blue flowers... Oh, 7 minutes till the operation huh, then in those 7 minutes i'll do my best to find blue flowers, so watch over me"_
      2:22:56 Found a single blue flower.
      2:24:21 _"L: Koyori's soul isn't there though, her soul is with us now"_
      2:24:50 Eating some chocolate while waiting. 🍫
      2:25:16 Cute claps. _"Chocolate's so yummy!"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 5]
      2:26:01 _"In this world, it's quartz that i like the most, if you ask me what my favorite block is, that is *mogu*. Can i check on Nene's stream?"_ ✨
      2:27:12 _"L: She's so close, she's there..."_
      2:27:32 _"Aqua senpai, you're seeing too right?"_
      2:28:47 _"L: Aren't you taking long in the toilet Nene? What are you doing..."_
      2:30:15 _"L: isn't she here?"_
      2:30:43 _"L: Nenechi, are you watching?~ Didn't you spend long in the toilet? That was sus!"_
      2:31:12 _"Nene's soul is there, i can't hear her voice though... But Nene is here!"_

      2:32:07 _"L: Omarun, since Nene's not looking, let's talk about her just because..."_
      2:33:22 _"Yummy! Nene is maybe... Here"_
      2:34:13 _"C: Please turn the game volume/L: Ah, sorry i forgot"_

      2:37:14 Into the Nether! _"L: What happens if Pekora senpai dies though?"_
      2:38:06 _"O: I'd like if everybody made it back alive.../A: If you don't go i'll punch you~/L: What a weak mock www"_
      2:39:12 dondondondon~
      2:39:21 _"L: Aqutan is so fun, recently it feels like if i've spoken with her for 5 years now/A: I can hear you!/L: Ahh sorry! But let's talk a lot from here on!/A: Of course~!"_
      2:39:56 Dropping her sword. 🔪
      2:40:31 _"Wait, i dropped my sword..."_
      2:40:57 _"C: you dropped it when you jumped earlier/L: Ah i messed up... But i still have a sword"_
      2:41:24 _"L: Mikochi, listen... I dropped my diamond sword earlier/Miko: Why?/L: I don't know... I panicked.../M: Why did you drop it?! It's a waste! Hey Lamytan dropped her diamond sword!/K: EHHH Why?!"_
      2:41:58 _"K: It's the fortress!/L: So cool!"_
      2:43:09 Lamy gets her sword back. 🙏

      2:43:38 _"K: I'm lost already/L: Wait, isn't this just the entrance though?"_
      2:44:35 Okayu defeated the magma slime _"L: Genius! Our child's a genius!"_
      2:46:04 _"O: I haven't defeated the Wither yet!/L: Me either"_
      2:48:14 Lamy defeats a wither skeleton. Her last victory... (T^T)7
      2:48:25 Lamy falls in Lava cause of a damn magma, Lamy dies.
      2:48:42 _"L: I messed up, oh, Nene!/N: Thank you for your hard work Nora! I was waiting for the first casualty... Were you flown to it? I didn't see/L: I was flown and did a magma dive, as i defeated the wither skeleton, i went to pick the loot and... There were magma/N: So you're the first one..."_
      2:49:23 _"L: Did you predict it right?/N: I was questioning, whether if it'd be Mikochi ah/[P: Lamy-chan, do you want to revive? If so please gather 7 diamonds in solo server!]/L: No, once i died once, my intention was to end it if so... No good, i ate chocolate so my keyboard's all chocolate-y now"_
      2:49:46 _"N: You can get them in about 30 minutes or so.../L: Ah but.../N: Aren't you going to help them?/L: _*_giggles_*_ What are you doing while eating potato chips?/N: Well i'm in hell, i'm a shinigami so... I'm eating while telling them [Die die...]/L: You're the worst!"_ 👻
      2:50:11 _"N: I'm using my Death Note/L: Did you write my name on the death note?/N: Yup, i was seeing you/L: Terrible! I'll quietly go to Polka's wo/N: Polka finished right away.../L: Eh? Is that so?/N: Yeah, Koyo-chan was doing it parallel too/L: Ah is that so, so you can return to this world so quickly?"_
      2:50:51 _"L: You're nomming and no,ming.../N: Though the God PoV is fun/L: I'd like to become a god for now... How to say?/N: You're one now/L: So how can i look into their world?/N: Press 1 twice, then people show up/L: 1 twice? F1 or just 1?/N: just 1, twice, then their faces show up, you can then go to that person"_
      2:51:36 _"L: Can you hear my sad Keyboard noises?/N: www it's a barrage"_

      2:52:21 Watching Miko from close.
      2:52:32 _"L: amazing! So this is the god's Pov?!"_
      2:53:01 _"L: i want to watch over them!"_ *Getting into Okayu's PoV*
      2:53:20 _"N: Now, i'll write them all/L: STOP WITH THE DEATH NOTE!"_
      2:55:01 _"L: They're so calm.../O: Lamy says she's behind us... LAMYYYY!/K: She became a god/L: I'm watching you, my family..."_

      2:57:04 _"What should i do... But i decided i'd end if i died!"_ *Typing*
      2:57:29 _"[I decided that if i died i'd end there, so i'll rest in peace. Koyori. I'll go ahead. I leave Okayu in your hands]"_
      2:57:55 They Lament Lamy's passing.
      2:58:15 _"O: Do we have to part ways this suddenly?!/L: Yes... Partings are sudden.../K: Our child doesn't have a mom anymore!/O: Dad, please don't die!/L: I'm L now (Meaning, she died to a shinigami, also cause her name starts with L toos)..."_
      2:58:40 _"Shut up though, you zombie around me!"_
      2:59:42 _"The god PoV is crazy, you can see it all..."_

      3:00:22 The fortress view _"C: Don't give advice though/L: I won't! But, look at this god PoV... Don't worry, i won't do support either, what do you think i am? I'm not that foolish! Maybe i can find the wither Skeleton with this PoV"_
      3:01:35 Going back to Okayu's PoV _"I'll become Koyori, i'll properly watch over my wife, i mean husband, and daughter"_

      3:02:21 _"I'm Aqua now, i've become Kirito"_
      3:03:28 _"Now i'll become miko"_
      3:04:27 2 wither skeletons found by Mikochi.
      3:04:48 _"Careful, that's where i fell..."_
      3:05:00 _"P: Lamy... Let's meet again.../L: Thank you Omarun, let's meet in heaven.../M: So she died here.../L: Yeah, i fell there, be careful, Mikochi... _*_Mikochi puts blocks_*_ You're amazing..."_

      3:05:51 _"Let's brighten the game screen"_
      3:07:50 Omarun fell but she has fire res potion.
      3:08:30 _"N: Is this thanks to the Fire Resistance potion?/L: That and she has the revival totem as well... If i had drank it i'd have lived? That's amazing isn't it?"_
      3:09:04 _"L: if only i had drank the potion Koyori gave me, but i didn't think i'd fall..."_
      3:09:35 *Into Okayun's PoV* _"Okayun's so calm, you wouldn't think it was her first day today"_
      3:09:56 _"L: Wait, there's stuff i want to see still"_
      3:10:40 _"Listen to this BGM, isn't it nice to be able to stalk her?"_
      3:11:22 *Peko's PoV* _"C: Lamy-chan, are you ded?/L: yeah i did... And it was a death i could've avoided... I could..."_
      3:11:46 _"C: You died lightly/L: Yeah... I died easily by doing a magma dive... I died simply... I won't return any more... But that's what death is!"_ 🔥

      3:13:04 _"N: Mom/L: i'm not YOUR Mama though! Stop!/N: Who could the next casualty be?/L: There won't be anybody/N: It's pretty peaceful here/L: Stop wishing for misfortune, you!"_
      3:14:29 Pol attacked the Piglin.
      3:14:44 Pol died. _"L: Omarun, fool!/N: Idiot..."_ *Omarun gives all their possessions for them to use*

      3:15:49 _"P: It was up here before!/N: What happened with your resurrection totem?/P: I hit the pig/L: So if you do it it doesn't work?/P: Since if you hit them they'll grow hostile/L: Does that mean it won't work?/P: More like the totem disappears if you die once, but you're left at 1 hit then/L: I see, so that was totally out?"_
      3:16:11 _"L: If Shishiron dies that'd be it for NePoLaBo... Oh, Raden-chan is here!"_
      3:16:58 Koyo's nice aim, took down another wither skeleton
      3:17:48 _"O: It's possible we're being watched/L: We are watching/O: This is Polka's journal, now given to Mikochi/L: Polka's journal is too heavy..."_
      3:18:12 _"L: I wonder where is my journal... You carried the rules with you Omarun? Amazing.../C: Lamy's journal burned/L: Ahh my records! They may be gone then!"_ 😭
      3:19:16 _"Aqutan is amazing, she's just going and going"_ ⚓
      3:19:58 Aqutan going PekoPekoPeko
      3:20:52 _"Aqua senpai, so strong, Pekora senpai too!"_
      3:21:29 _"On the other hand, I feel that these two are so calm, feels like they won't die ever"_
      3:21:55 _"Mikochat: At least make a grave.../M: True... I'll make a grave in the village.../L: _*_giggles_*_ She's talking about graves... I'd like if my grave was decorated with blue flowers, besides Koyori's grave, Or make that my grave, over there i'd like if it said [Koyo + Lamy's grave]"_
      3:22:26 _"C: It became the other way around huh/L: True... When i noticed the tables turned (Koyo lives, Lamy doesn't)"_
      3:23:22 _"C: There's 5 people now/L: Oh, but Raden-chan and Flare came too so they should be 7 now?"_
      3:24:31 _"That's Koyo right? She was shot in the head by an arrow though, she's so poked by them! So many arrows! Okayun too"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill 5 місяців тому

      [Timestamps Part 6 & Afterword]
      3:25:54 _"P: Isn't it pretty lonely with this PoV Nene?"_
      3:26:14 _"L: Nene sure fits with the God PoV... But what would it happen if Pekora senpai died? I'm curious"_
      3:26:30 _"P: Kirito went by herself over there.../L: Kirito is going by herself, she's splitting huh?/P: After the start, it got pretty bad... I was nervous that somebody may have died.../L: Yeah, 3, or rather, 2 died already.../C: The two asunas died/L: True! Theyre's no longer asunas huh..."_
      3:27:52 _"I think the God PoV suits me fine, i like being a listener"_

      3:28:30 _"L: Raden-chan, she hasn't played MC that much right?"_
      3:28:38 _"R: Going on an adventure with everyone, so fun!/L: Ahh so cute! It's fun right? Ahh Raden-chan... It's fun right?"_ 🎭​
      3:30:21 2 more Wither Skeletons were Lamy fell.
      3:31:23 _"L: I can hear some potato chips sounds! They're crunching and crunching!"_

      3:32:15 _"This is Flare's Pov. She's together with Raden-chan"_
      3:33:24 _"I may do a god PoV tomorrow with drinking stream! Since i can only experience god PoV"_
      3:33:49 _"C: Let's call the other gods/L: Drinking sake with other gods is too amazing, quite harsh"_
      3:34:07 _"M: Let's make a grave properly.../F: We have to make it well.../L: I want you to make me too, i made those torches after all!/M: She liked gold right?/L: THEY'RE MAKING HERS IN GOLD!?/F: But you need 9 ingots for one block so.../L: Polka was very loved, Omarun, you were loved..."_ 🏆
      3:34:56 _"C: You are loved too/L: Really? I think Koyo will make my grave, next time i log-in i'll look her PoV while she makes my grave, she'll cry for sure..."_
      3:35:19 *Flare beats a Wither Skeleton*_"F: Miss.../R: this isn't good?/F: That's garbage.../R: Then i'm taking it!/F: To commemorate?/R: This is a commemorative bone!/L: Ah so cute Raden! A commemorative item!"_

      3:36:05 _"Let's change PoV to Aqutan... she's already fighting... With her Crew cut... So stable..."_
      3:38:23 _"L: Take care there Aquan... Aquan?... No good, I'm tired already, i can't think well! I don't understand myself even"_
      3:39:17 _"C: What kind of honorifics are those/L: I wonder, Aqutan's been like an underling though, well i always do honorifics too though!"_
      3:40:19 _"A: I have one favor... I'd like to hear Peko-chan Loving so much song/L: I want to listen to it too!/P: Hey that's painful! I'm- Wait Aqutan..."_
      3:40:51 _"Because of the crew cut the TeeTee went away i feel"_ 💔

      3:43:00 _"Let's switch to my Koyori's PoV"_
      3:43:15 _"My grave again! They always come back here! They love it so much! Don't they? Ah the BGM music is like death's approaching..."_
      3:43:57 _"O: I wonder where are they.../L: I'm watching over you, i am!/O: NePoLa are dead now... Ah, maybe Nenechi is swelling up..."_

      3:44:59 _"Tell me if you'd like to watch any particular PoV! I'm watching here, since i'm a god now"_
      3:45:21 _"C: Lamy's PoV/L: hey, don't say sad things, i don't have a PoV anymore"_

      3:47:55 _"A: I think the Ender Dragon is stronger than Wither/P: The Ender dragon has the ending right?/A: Yeah, so after all it'd have to be the last!/L: What are they talking about?/P: But at least if we do the Wither on a day other than the last they'd be able to revive..."_
      3:48:26 _"C: Which would they defeat first?/L: The ender Dragon right? Pekora senpai's saying she wants to go back"_ 🐉
      3:50:25 _"L: Raden-chan, take care! The Shinigami's aiming for you!/N: She's going right!/L: STOP STOP! What's with them? Let's chase these two, see how far they go, they won't run"_
      3:50:49 _"A: Peko-chan... Because i said [Are you running away?] she's not ending now... I wonder if her throat's alright/L: True, it seems hard for it/A: I'm quite worried for her.../L: Oi oi, you stirred it up!/A: Because since it seemed it'd make them happy if i did..."_
      3:51:12 _"A: It's pretty TeeTee! Do you get it?"_
      3:51:28 _"A: I'd like if she took care of her throat and rest when she can/L: so kind..."_

      3:52:00 _"L: Wait, i'm pretty good about the God PoV now"_
      3:53:59 _"L: So cute Raden-chan/N: That's raising flags no?/L: True... Raden-chan, Aqutan's gone! Chase after her!"_
      3:55:12 _"Don't leave Raden-chan alone!"_

      3:55:50 Raden defeats a wither skeleton. 👏
      3:56:12 _"Raden seems capable of playing games properly though! She's quite good! She can tell the timing well... Don't fall! Isn't this a flag?/N: GOGOGO!/L: No dum dum!/R: I don't need to be pushed, LET'S RUN!/L: Yup, yup! She knows her enemies well though!"_
      3:57:25 _"L: Have you eaten food, are you okay?/C: Mom, keep it quiet/L: Sorry, i was pretty noisy"_
      3:58:09 _"N: She likes the Nether/L: After all it's fun to go on an adventure right?"_
      3:58:36 _"L: There's only one left to get but they're not getting it at all!"_
      3:58:28 _"P: 5th gen!/N: yeah?/L: What's up?/P: Let's end together!/L: The last one's not dropping at all/P: Lamy, come up!/L: Okay, up!/P: I hoped to end stream at 11 and you?/L: It's 11 though/N: Me too, i thought i'd end.../P: Can we let the rest to you?/L: EHHH?!"_
      3:58:59 _"N: I did a 4 hour stream now so/L: Me too though! I've played since 7!/N: Surprisingly/L: They're not dying you'll say?/N: They're strong!/L: www, so are you like that?"_
      3:59:16 _"P: there's a raid!/L: Oh, we have to go!/N: Let's see/L:We must see this raid event!/R: I'm excited, a raid!/L: OIOI Raden-chan, are you fine? It's scary but... She's surprisingly good, can she do this?"_
      3:59:48 _"C: It's not the time to close stream/L: _*_giggles_*_ Yeah, it's not the time!/C: She's raising flags/L: Raden-chan does a lot right? She's raising flags of someone who'll die any time... Scary, mom is worried..."_

      4:00:19 PekoraPekooo! *Warps to overworld* _"There's quite the people!"_
      4:01:08 _"Iroha: Don't die, anyone!/L: Let's see, there's Az-Az, Watame, Kanade-chan, Anya... Let's search?"_

      4:02:28 Raiders spotted. ⚔
      4:02:47 Raider noises. _"L: You feel like doing that too right?"_
      4:02:55 _"L: Somebody came...They came to help! So cool Aqutan! Did you see that?! It was like Kirito running to help!/N: She was like Kirito sure/L: So heated!"_

      4:04:50 _"This seems fun, i wanted to do this too... I'm jealous" _
      4:05:21 Lamy going PonPonPon _"I honestly wanted to do this, fighting alongside everybody... But when i arrived it was all over"_
      4:05:52 Phantoms are here.
      4:06:50 _"Raden-chan is charging in!"_
      4:07:15 _"L:Raden, are you alright?/R: ORAORAORA!/L: Be careful! She's good though! She got poisoned but took it out"_

      4:07:41 _"I'm jealous, this all seems so fun"_
      4:08:39 _"N: Go Raden-chan! Swing your sword and then hit someon-/L: Stop! It'll become a trauma to Raden-chan! Don't traumatize her!"_
      4:09:02 Found the raiders who are standing there menacingly. _"What are you doing?! You're not even moving!"_
      4:09:50 _"Who is it? Aqua senpai? Aqutan huh? She's strong"_
      4:10:26 Victory! _"It feels so sad when you think it's over... Wah, they won! Congratulations to you all! Wah... That... Seems so fun..."_

      4:10:59 _"It's painful though..."_
      4:11:22 _"It's sunny now... And they won... They didn't get the last Wither skeleton head though... Where are Nene and Omarun?"_
      4:11:44 _"C: That's why Polka chose to revive right away/L: Yeah, this seems so fun, i think so too..."_
      4:12:38 _"L: Let's end? Us three ghosts/N: I'm happy though/L: What for?/N: I was waiting as a corpse/P: I didn't think i'd end up here.../L: I didn't intend to be like this at all though.../P: It's painful... Let's take a picture of us three dead"_
      4:13:12 _"P: Let's go to a sakura tree?/L: That'd be painful, but i decorated Nene's grave so let's go there to take it?"_ 🌸
      4:14:00 _"L: Let's end after taking a photo of the 3 deceased/P: What if we go to a more sky-like place?/L: So let's go higher?/P: But Nene's grave/L: We can't so..."_

      4:14:37 _"*P: We're waiting for you Shishiro!/L: That's true, it's only Shishiron, if she dies all of NePoLaBo would be wiped out... So we're all waiting!"_
      4:15:54 _"L: Thank you for the hard work everyone!/All: We're waiting for you!"_

      Without anything else to say, thank you for the stream Lamy-chan!
      You lived as you saw fit, unfortunately the nether is full of fire, in this hot season, it must have been hard for a denizen of the snow country 😭
      But everything you did, from beginning to end; had a meaning, and i'm sure you were very loved in this world too! Besides, you weren't really bested in battle, it was but an accident, no more...
      Thank you for this wonderful 4 day adventure princess, you were wonderful! 🫂
      Thanks to everybody who watched and waited this far! 😊

  • @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎
    @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 5 місяців тому +1


  • @DsGrim
    @DsGrim 5 місяців тому +1


  • @野良猫-x5t
    @野良猫-x5t 5 місяців тому +1


  • @vtange_eng
    @vtange_eng 5 місяців тому

    2:48:23 ラミィちゃんは多分対火ポーションもったいなかったと思うけど、当時ポーションが溶岩にも効くこと 3:07:54 は知らなかったからドンマイだよ!

  • @エアジョーズ
    @エアジョーズ 5 місяців тому


  • @who_250g
    @who_250g 5 місяців тому


  • @ポポ-r6l
    @ポポ-r6l 5 місяців тому


  • @yukimin_shiro
    @yukimin_shiro 5 місяців тому +1


  • @aruthorcarly
    @aruthorcarly 5 місяців тому +1

    This time koyori becomes widow (inheritances sunk in magma)

  • @anyanokotokawaii
    @anyanokotokawaii 5 місяців тому +5


  • @Aki.f-ry9nu
    @Aki.f-ry9nu 5 місяців тому +1


  • @demupe
    @demupe 5 місяців тому


    • @fullmoonj2078
      @fullmoonj2078 5 місяців тому

      フリー松明 角刈り こより 神視点など

  • @らぴす5303
    @らぴす5303 5 місяців тому


  • @クロニクルアッキー
    @クロニクルアッキー 5 місяців тому


  • @suriseru
    @suriseru 5 місяців тому


  • @Vtenco_ch
    @Vtenco_ch 5 місяців тому


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 2 місяці тому

    落ち着いてたら、生き延びてた世界線も見えたの惜しいなあまとも思えたよ。突発的な事柄に、対してラミィちゃんやっぱり弱々なラミィちゃんだったから、らしいといえば、らしいけどね。全力で、生き切ったラミィちゃんの、ハードコア生活楽しかったよ。 2024.8.26

  • @mo-sakuragi2014
    @mo-sakuragi2014 5 місяців тому


  • @fullmoonj2078
    @fullmoonj2078 5 місяців тому

    フリー松明 角刈り こより 神視点などなど楽しかったありがとう!

  • @Sakura_YMD
    @Sakura_YMD 5 місяців тому +3

    2:48:25 ラミちゃん、こんがり焼けてしまう

  • @freon_holon
    @freon_holon 5 місяців тому


  • @mutsukinarugami2822
    @mutsukinarugami2822 5 місяців тому

    ハードコアお疲れ様なのらね… 分かってはいたけど落ちる(落とされた?)とは……

    • @mutsukinarugami2822
      @mutsukinarugami2822 5 місяців тому +1

      @@仮の雪民 お疲れ様やで レバブレと娘(おかゆん)の絡みが見れないのは辛いけども…ラミィちゃん自身が1度きりって決めたことやし致し方なしや……( ߹ᯅ߹ )‪

  • @rororurura
    @rororurura 5 місяців тому


  • @kakiyan_snow
    @kakiyan_snow 5 місяців тому


  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for the tonight's fun Minecraft hardcore mode mass collaboration stream, Lamy-chan!

  • @px9516
    @px9516 5 місяців тому


  • @minase_kori
    @minase_kori 5 місяців тому


    • @野良猫-x5t
      @野良猫-x5t 5 місяців тому +1


  • @雪だるまのやましー
    @雪だるまのやましー 5 місяців тому


  • @T氏-u1x
    @T氏-u1x 5 місяців тому


  • @ぶらっくペンギン
    @ぶらっくペンギン 5 місяців тому


  • @あいうら-d4s
    @あいうら-d4s 5 місяців тому


  • @user-rei_sakuraduki
    @user-rei_sakuraduki 5 місяців тому +1


  • @Clip_bell
    @Clip_bell 5 місяців тому


  • @user-sinamonsugar
    @user-sinamonsugar 5 місяців тому


  • @ネレウス-e8r
    @ネレウス-e8r 5 місяців тому


  • @kururugi_yukima
    @kururugi_yukima 5 місяців тому


  • @tougenkyou1203
    @tougenkyou1203 5 місяців тому +1


  • @Pansy0610
    @Pansy0610 5 місяців тому


  • @Tenebre_Zwei
    @Tenebre_Zwei 5 місяців тому


  • @annadayo962
    @annadayo962 5 місяців тому


  • @俊之入江
    @俊之入江 5 місяців тому


  • @webxxk
    @webxxk 5 місяців тому


  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 5 місяців тому


  • @readryy31
    @readryy31 5 місяців тому


  • @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ
    @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ 5 місяців тому


  • @user-kisaragiyuki
    @user-kisaragiyuki 5 місяців тому


  • @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou
    @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou 5 місяців тому


  • @RomHIRAGA
    @RomHIRAGA 5 місяців тому


  • @Grauzan雪民
    @Grauzan雪民 5 місяців тому


  • @zyuz
    @zyuz 5 місяців тому


  • @sisiou_nyafu
    @sisiou_nyafu 5 місяців тому


  • @三毛プロ
    @三毛プロ 5 місяців тому


  • @murasame_setsura
    @murasame_setsura 5 місяців тому +1

    闘技場なかなかおもしろかったねwこよちゃんは残念ながら負けちゃったけど、あくたんとおかゆんの戦いはベストバウトだった!ねねちの脱走笑ったなぁw ウィザスケ倒しに皆で行けたのもいい思い出かな?しかしやられた相手がウィザスケではなく落下のマグマダイブなのはラミィちゃんらしいかもねw

  • @ズオウかける
    @ズオウかける 5 місяців тому


  • @vtautau
    @vtautau 5 місяців тому


  • @ぷふ-w9f
    @ぷふ-w9f 5 місяців тому

    ラミィちゃん もっと見たかったけど

  • @si-wc4hi
    @si-wc4hi 5 місяців тому


  • @darkness_dragon_kira_
    @darkness_dragon_kira_ 5 місяців тому +2


  • @政諺-j7j
    @政諺-j7j 5 місяців тому +1

  • @石見の人雪民
    @石見の人雪民 5 місяців тому


  • @わにわに-m7c
    @わにわに-m7c 5 місяців тому


  • @raines_2352
    @raines_2352 5 місяців тому


  • @Lostblackbeans
    @Lostblackbeans 5 місяців тому


  • @syara-
    @syara- 5 місяців тому


  • @writedraw8655
    @writedraw8655 5 місяців тому +1


  • @Sonicmaster2008
    @Sonicmaster2008 5 місяців тому

    Nice work today Lamy-chan! Shame about falling/pushed into the lava and the death happened. But quite a ton of stuff today! Thanks for the stream today Lamy-chan! OtsuLamy!

  • @Shimagamaga
    @Shimagamaga 5 місяців тому


  • @homikun0319
    @homikun0319 5 місяців тому


  • @ミンミン-t8x
    @ミンミン-t8x 5 місяців тому


  • @2Pluigi
    @2Pluigi 5 місяців тому +1


  • @tyati_0906
    @tyati_0906 5 місяців тому

  • @やった-r2v
    @やった-r2v 5 місяців тому


  • @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur
    @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur 5 місяців тому


  • @byakkou0427
    @byakkou0427 5 місяців тому


  • @Aaron-555
    @Aaron-555 5 місяців тому

    Thanks for the fun stream Lamy!

  • @grow_moon
    @grow_moon 5 місяців тому


  • @熊-l1m
    @熊-l1m 5 місяців тому


  • @taratara0627
    @taratara0627 5 місяців тому


  • @wrathkal7675
    @wrathkal7675 5 місяців тому +1

    Otsulamy! Too bad Lamy-chan died during this stream, but it was fun watching the commentary while following the other Holomems around!

  • @39teru
    @39teru 5 місяців тому


  • @ywc3330
    @ywc3330 5 місяців тому


  • @ywc3330
    @ywc3330 5 місяців тому


  • @鈴木亮平さん似のまっきー
    @鈴木亮平さん似のまっきー 5 місяців тому


  • @うめめ1115
    @うめめ1115 5 місяців тому


  • @jiho6081
    @jiho6081 5 місяців тому


  • @abdulkadirculha1995
    @abdulkadirculha1995 5 місяців тому

    美しい ありがとう 愛しています Lamy

  • @user-n-d-r1996-a
    @user-n-d-r1996-a 5 місяців тому


  • @雪花たまごドッグ
    @雪花たまごドッグ 5 місяців тому


  • @iintyo21
    @iintyo21 5 місяців тому
