5% hit is Physical Dmg minimum PvP ability hit-cap. 4% is Caster PvP minimum spell hit-cap basically vs a Lvl 80 player. Bosses require more hit because they are lvl 83. 5% and up, for a caster, would only be used to counter certain racials, such as Belf, or talents such as Heightened Senses. You'll still miss often, even with high hit, vs some abilities such as Sacred Cleansing. Hope this helps!
Is this stat range taking into account self buffs (inner fire, fort, spirit) or is it based on a completely unbuffed character? Thanks for the good content!
Im new and would be lost without your guides, appreciate it!
Thank you!
Appreciate this, look forward to seeing you stream soon!
Friday is the next one!
Hello :)
Could we get a refresh of this video for the last season? :) thanks!
Yes, soon!
why is it 4% instead of 5% that most classes use? Not saying you're wrong either just want to understand before i drop the hit
5% hit is Physical Dmg minimum PvP ability hit-cap. 4% is Caster PvP minimum spell hit-cap basically vs a Lvl 80 player. Bosses require more hit because they are lvl 83. 5% and up, for a caster, would only be used to counter certain racials, such as Belf, or talents such as Heightened Senses. You'll still miss often, even with high hit, vs some abilities such as Sacred Cleansing. Hope this helps!
Why 4% hit chance if u got 3% from talents?
4% is baseline offensive dispel hit cap because it is a Disc ability, some SP's run up to 6% hit for dispels.
Is this stat range taking into account self buffs (inner fire, fort, spirit) or is it based on a completely unbuffed character? Thanks for the good content!
Yes! Although the BiS link only has Inner Fire buff applied, with Fort the HP should be around 26k (my full BiS troll has 26600).