Im a muslim and Islam is the religion of peace, but there's no verse in Quran that tell Muslim to do things like this with the LGBT. The only one who can judge other people is God. i don't think they understand the meaning of Quran at all. That's the cause why this things happened. God meantioned tons of time in the Quran that if other people didn't do anything that harm you, just leave them alone. And they're creating their own sins by doing this with the LGBT. Muslim shouldn't support the LGBT but doesn't mean we allow to do all of this in the name of God
Is it allowed in Christianity to be a transgender? All religions are of peace. When you say Islam is a religion of peace it means it will bring you peace in your heart and in your mind... Inside of you.
3 роки тому+12
@@popescumarinaclaudia7287 but you missed something... In Christianity if you are gay we don't throw you off a building. Get it little Eichmann?
Exactly. I don't get this shit why some fools think they can stick their noses in everybody's business, who have nothing to do with them. Only the weak of mind would think everybody should be the same.
Everytime we turn around its these "chosen/special/confused" people in EVERYONE elses face telling US what is normal, moral, right, how to talk, what words to use, stepping around egg shells, and that WE must accept all this egoic stupid shit. KEEP YOUR SEXUAL PRACTICES TO YOURSELF !! NOOOOOOOO, they must attract attention.......... OK, GO RIGHT AHEAD. 😀
Pix_d MOST OF THEM HAPPEN IN CALIFORNIA, literally one of the most liberal and progressives state in America. Don’t let that shit fool you into thinking that trans people are gaining control when majority are still facing rampant transphobia especially in Islamic countries. Also, the comment is another excuse to be transphobic. Calling people with gender dysphoria (AKA A MENTAL DISORDER) “confused” is plain disrespectful and the whole comment is shitting on people’s efforts to spread awareness about the trans community.
Extremists say it is "Western immorality", but transgender existed here long before Islam. It is Islam that is new to Indonesia, and should accommodate the native culture.
@Daniel Qu extremists include all modern religions which arrived in Indonesia when LGBT was already there, including Christians, Confucianists and Muslims.
It will never happen in Malaysia and Indonesia. These nations will preserve their morals and centuries old values. They are not like other nations with weak faith that give up in the end. Muslims are always firm in their values no matter what threats / challenges they face. It's essential for the wellbeing of their generations. They cannot let such and other kinds of evil ideologies root in their beloved countries.
Yeah, they should get out of Europe before it's too late I want to show this to the "queers for Palestine" people, or the ones that are Saying we need to protect Muslims by bringing them into our countries multicultural environments will only work without islam, atleast we can. Live with Jews and some Christians
in other religions and also also just regular societies all over the world non-cis-male people are threated horrible. yes extremist religions are big part of the problem but so is the rest of the society. only blaming extremist people for these problems isnˋt the solution for these equal rights problems.
@@noraschultz689 countries that allow gay marriage continues to exist and ironically the best countries to live in what is this drama about population? you people are out of your minds
I swear that guy who hated trans so much is so disgusting. I believe there’s no religion taught people to hate other human being. God created them that way, you don’t hv the right to tell ppl what to do, telling them whats right or wrong. Regarding theyre going to heaven or hell, God will decide and not you.
How dare you ignore it? There are certain rules and regulations in all religions. People are divided based on their deeds. It's obvious if a person is right or wrong by what they do. If the person is ignoring the will of the God, rejecting the laws of the creator, then he is committing the biggest sin. And he/she deserves punishment, hatred and hell. Of course we cannot tell if the person is going to hell or heaven, but as the most intelligent of all species we can identify them clearly. All religions teach us what's right and what's wrong, what's good deed and what's evil. Is it that hard to realize this simple truth? Stop justifying the wrong thing!
@@twitteringothers5059 Paedophilia is detrimental to children. On the other hand, transgenders aren't hurting anyone. They are not the same in any way.
@@bryanloke2216 right, as adults. When you are legally an adult you should be able to live as you please within the laws of your country. But, there is a huge push to give hormones and operate to remove healthy body parts of CHILDREN! That is wrong!
I saw a guy on the street that looked like this, I know the look on my face he was use to,he politely said hi good morning, and I smiled and said same to you🤗
@@AymenAli-on8dq First , if your gonna make a comment, spell the name correctly! Second, your comment has nothing to do with the subject🤔🤫🤐🫡!O, have a good day!
Trans women are rare, and there is a high demand for Trans women in s*x work. They can’t get a better job. In ancient times, Trans women usually ended up as priestesses.
I think I underestimate how tolerant, loving and patient christians are. Christians don't agree with you but they don't go out of their way to make life hard for people who are different.
That’s how it should have been. God gave man free will to choose. These extremist take it upon themselves to do away with them. They have so much blood on their hand. Gay ppl have suffered in the hands of these criminals. Many cried for help with no one to hear them. They have been beaten tortured light up on fired thrown from buildings decapitated impaled and the list goes on of the horrendous tortures they have endured. On top of already being oppressed hated. Their crime? Being gay. This makes me tear up. The injustices the gay community has suffered by sadistic men and women who only spew hate.
Why can't they live a normal life, they are human too, if we can accept an animal to be a part of our family, why can't we accept our child, being different is not a curse it's a blessing..
Binatang mana yang Punya Orientasi seksual Terhadap Sesama Binatang? Ayam yang Engkau Makan Bukannya Berasal dari Persilangan Jantan dan betina? ATAU JANTAN DENGAN JANTAN
Only a small percentage of humanity ever does that. No matter who you are, some group of people is going to try to ruin life. That's actually pretty much definitive of humanity itself. A bunch of people trying to make other people suffer as much as they can.
@Skumbag Steven.. just for records.. we have muslim students in Private Catholic School in Indonesia.. this due to majority of private schools are Catholic owned.
@@gemilangsibarani4310 not sure which school does that.. but the public school I was in for a two years...had no such requirements forced upon me. Nor the Muslims students in the Catholic school I was in had been told to removed their hijab.
It's not disgusting, women say it's disgusting because they are afraid that men are superior and will be with men. Maybe you have bad women in your family.
what a misleading title, her own family, catholic also cut him off. most religions and cultures in Indonesian many tribes have similar curiousity and distain to waria community. Indonesia is still a developing country and ever since colonization era, we still try to overcome the colonization way of thinking that has embeded for hundreds of year. we slowly but progressively try to fix every aspect of the damage left and followed by colonized brainwashed of indonesia people in power . economy, education, standard of living, children protection and elderly well being (many left behind by their own parents and children), salary, tax system, law, and many others that should be prioritize in order to support such as vulnerable minority groups (not just warias) How do you expect our govt and citizens to prioritize minority rights when we still deals with many aspect to improve All tribes as a whole while keeping our unity in check? do not compare the state of our country to western country and any other country, because development and history differ from each other
I am ashamed of being indonesian, i apologize for the intolerances my disgusting mayorities do and say, they are doctrined by a book since they are a kid, its scary what brainwashing can do
@@makkawaru. pedophiles convicted of abusing children, keyword convicted. There exist a victim in thats case, in this case tell me who is their victims? If you dont like it dont follow them, if you say oh thats bad example and contagious, means you cant educate your kids well, or u urself are weak willed...
The ONLY thing that I dislike is how people literally tell God he placed them in the wrong body. God NEVER makes mistakes and to tell him so is terrifying tbh. Other than that , be free to live your life how you chose as long as it isn’t physically harming other individuals. I hope that they continue to remain safe in their land ❤️
@@CazabichosManny God does exist, but do you know that God says atheists doesn’t exist? Romans 1:18-25: (18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (19) Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. (20) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. (22) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (23) And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. (24) Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (25) Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
@@clovers1962 Everything is truly very good Genesis 1:31a, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” but sin made it worse, you need to know the essence of good and sins, so you will have a conclusion to what God has done rightly...
Auntie Semite so if sweeden and the west is so terrible and a terrible place then why are all these people from muslim countries killibg themselves to get out of MUSLIM countries. muslims come to the west , but why dont westeners run to these muslim countries. simple FREEDOM !!!!. muslim countries dont belueve in freedom only submission and slavery and obedience from its citizens. just the fact that muslims run away from muslim countries is telling in itself.
What you see on the screen isn't always right. I'm an Indonesian, and a Muslim. It is Haram to be an lgbt. But killing is prohibited to anyone unless for self defense or wars. So, we can only tell them that what they're doing is wrong, but hurting them is not allowed. So, attacking them is not what Islam teach. I've seen LGBT parade in 2019, and they were walking freely. No one hurt them. But, not gonna lie...I hoped that they got arrested to do that. Because, I'm afraid if they have right to do what they want, our youth could be attracted to be like them. Naudzubillah
Fun fact! 1) Indonesia is the largest muslims country in the world but if you check the statistics of transgender and LGBT populations in Indonesia, Indonesia produced 3% of transgender and LGBT populations in the world. 2) If you check the statistic, 99.998% population of LGBT and transgender in Indonesia are coming from muslim peoples. 3) If you check the statistic, the highest populations of LGBT and transgender in Indonesia was born and living in West Java province. Where West Java province is a known as a very muslim and religous province.
1:19 - 1:54 Ms Kabaya Pageant. Similar to the Philippine version of "Muchakang Pangkalawakan" ("Muchaka" has no specific meaning in gay lingo. "Pangkalawakan" means "for the whole" or "For Universe", a copycat version of Ms. Universe). The version also relates to Ms. Q and A (Ms. Question and Answer) in the Philippine television noontime show "It's Showtime".
I don't agree with the lifestyle choice but I think this lady is a angel because if she was not protecting them from violence some may even be dead its so s ad people cant have love and accept to diasagree bashing folks and hurting them is so wicked . its their choice why should they have to be subject to joblessness and violence
Thats true. Even if we will never be able to understand why these transgender women want this (look and live and be treated like women) , it doesn't mean we are allowed to treat them badly. If they are working to support themselves, and helping others in their community we should support their dignity and independence instead of attacking or judging or having them. Nobody benefits from oppressing each other, that just feeds into a harsh and cold society. I would not want to be part of a cruel society nor would I want my children to grow up in it
It is not a lifestyle choice these people were simply born in the wrong body they are more women than men , who would deliberately choose to be ostracised and ridiculed .???? No one , leave them alone they cannot help who they are and they have the exact same mannerisms the world over proving it’s the way they were born not a life choice .
Menurut saya komunitas transgender atau "waria" di Indonesia ini sekarang sudah berubah. Dari yang tidak berpendidikan , sekarang banyak sekali dari mereka yang sudah lulus kuliah. Saya juga berpendapat bahwa masyarakat juga perlu memahami pentingnya empati dalam masyarakat. Menggunakan bahasa yang tidak menghakimi mereka bisa membantu menciptakan lingkungan yang aman tanpa adanya diskriminasi untuk kelompok atau komunitas apapun itu di Indonesia.Perlakuan perlakuan yang komunitas waria alami sangatlah tidak manusiawi, menurut saya tidak ada manusia di dunia ini yang berhak mendapatkan perilaku seperti itu karena semua orang memiliki hak asasi manusia.
I wonder how they all are today, I really hope they are all fine.That learned young man made such an impression-his mother should be proud to have a glorious and kind hearted son like him.We can all clearly understand his mothers fear of those hateful extremists. Bless
@@makkawaru. Because pedos hurt other people. Transgender people are not hurting others. They are trying to live in peace, but bigots have a desire to hurt them.
if you live in a society where speak japanese you will speak japanese later,if you live in a society where using hand to eat you use hand to eat later,if you live in a society where doing LGBT you will do LGBT later.. if you born from a parents who speak japanese you will speak japanese later or parent who speak english you will speak english later,,if you born from a parents who use hand to eat you will use hand to eat later,,if you born from a parent who doing LGBT you will do LGBT later,,so its according to their practice what will they become,
@@selaluoposisisiapapunpresi7982 Kebodohan bagamaina Orang LGBT menjadi sama dengan Bahasa Jepun? Ya kamu bodoh, tapi ada orang orang mereka adalah orang gay dan berkahwin dengan perempuan tapi apa yang hasilnya? Mereka punya anak gay! Kalau yang orang gay dan lesbian memassukkan kahwin lawan jenis, adalah possibiliti mereka jadi punya anak gay atau lesbian. Kamu ingin orang LGBT tak jadi banyak? Mereka tak akan masuk kahwin lawan jenis.
@stan mamamoo for quality gay content It's just a fact that the Philippines is a poor country, whereas countries like the US, England, Germany, etc. are wealthier countries. The number of people living in poverty in the Philippines is STAGGERING compared to first world countries.
Imagine if every country in the world accept transgender as new normal...they are in the TV, movies, school doing what their doing in the public seeing by it good for long term family life who have male and female parents??? There is no more male and female, because everyone has their own name. Everyone has freedom, but also have to responsible to their choice in the public.
If everyone will just have the word 'acceptance" we can build a world without having conflicts to each and everyone. Before we born we did not choose from god to be a man or women. Sadly if you born to be a man but with a woman's spirit and that's were a gay person become. We cannot rewrite what destiny awaits for us but to accept the truth, this is what god made people.
Which is why Islam forbids and will never accept LGBT. The young man protesting is only stating facts and rules in Islam. There’ll be no mankind reproduction if LGBT is completely accepted and legalised throughout the whole world. Everyone will just say that they’re born in the wrong body.
They are not responsible for anyone else's children, leave people alone and stop hiding behind excuses. They deserve to live and not hide their identity, just like everyone else.
They are our sisters 💙 I am not judging them 💕 Anyone here who know a song "Magic penny"? 😊 it say : love is something if you give it away, it will come right back to you. We are all human, we must learn to love and not to hate.
Yes they are our brothers and sisters... but they are supposed to live right and clean especially in the eyes of man supposed to change his birth identity into a woman likewise a woman into a man.... it's not right.... things like this does bring mother's nature wrath's....on a nation and don't forget that they have two of the most powerful killers that mother nature produces and they have their history. Mt tambora and krakatoa... and they been sleeping for over 100 years watching, waiting to do their killing once things are not going right.
@@nemesisprime2993 There are creatures on our earth that change their sex… clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies, butterfly, cardinals, frogs, snakes, bearded dragons, sea turtles…
I agree with the other person that does not make mistakes not at all. It is this society that has confuse people into letting them think that they are something that they are not. I will pray for these people because they need it we all do!!!
Please respect transgenders. Treat like a human being. They are all living God on this earth. To whom, you are believing as God today, HE will help you 100 times tomorrow.
India is mostly hindu isnt it? And the transgenders are given a spiritual title and considered fairly important because of the dieties theyre tied to. I could be wrong but thats what i learned about india. Idk about indonesia but i know in india theres a tradition to have a baby blessed by those people.
I'm pretty traditional and conservative man from eastern Europe but I don't understand why would anyone try so hard to make anyone's life miserable just because of their nature. If you truly believe in god you should embrace anyone as your brother and sister and help them if they need help.
@bnast6849 you can love the sinner BUT hate the sin ..dont say they r right in their sin ..its a lie and against Gods plan of salvation..the devil is the father of all sin
in this modern world, nobody deserved to suffer abused or attacked for making their own decision, not in the name of religions, religion is about love and compassion and forgiveness so have respect for all living beings in this planet.
@@makkawaru.because unlike gays, pedophiles harm other people, they harm minors, they can't be in a consensual relationships because minors can't give consent.
Religion is about love and forgiveness It is also a blessing and acode given from allah to us to make us live a good respectful life to our bodies and to nature
saya ada adik gay mcm prampuan....aku sangat sayang dia walaupun dia gay sebab dia ada lah adik kndung ku tapi aku selalu kasih ingat dia bagi nasihat pelhan2x mmohon do'a kpada Allah agar dia kehidayatan dan ktaupikan ...itu dah cukup biar lah Allah yang bagi hidayat dan taupik.. kita cuma kasih ingat dan bagi nasihat aku tak putus asa suatu hari nanti trbuka hati adikku takda mustahil bagi Allah doakan ... yng penting kaw sudah bagi tau dia dan dah selamat dari penaksilan di akhirat ..👍🧡😊🙏 sya minta maaf kalaw ada ngomongan x sedap di hati korang ....
@@sakin_videos7864 elu pergi belajar agama habis sok sok tau pulak. Agama kurang, di indonesia bisa pula islam kahwin kristen, elu pikir islam bisa diubah ikut negara lo. Fok, obey the law, paham gak
tapi faktanya Muslim Indonesia "kebanyakan" sangat tdk toleransi dgn kaum minoritas seperti transgender. Mencaci maki LGBT tapi mreka sendiri jrang sholat, sex bebas, teroris dan banyak lagi lol
Islam was spread by force over the centuries because it is a core fundamental principle of their laws to spread it by every means possible. This is an in depth report on the matter that makes it very easy to understand.
The Persians brought Islam in South east Asia and in Asia in general during the barter/trade "era". Same with Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, China.
Intersex have the right to pick as they know what hormones are in charge because they feel it physical. No 1 should pick for Dr.should cut anything until they themselves say so.... As for the others everyone picks there own way 1 can push them or judge them.. Its up 2 the Almighty
ALL chose their gender pre incarnation. All have been BOTH genders. This is just more confusion to further stall these utterly lost souls and keep them trapped in reincarnation here, due to unresolved karma.
Activation Codes 🔥💚🔥 Shut the actual fuck up. Gender and sex is dictated by CHROMOSOMES NOT SOME UNRESOLVED KARMA BS. Intersex is a condition that does not happen by choice. Stop using your quackery to justify your transphobia.
If god teach us to be love each other why dont we just let them be what they want. As long the dont bother u guys just respect them , if u dont like them just treat them as human being. They also one of HIS creature
This group has been around for hundreds of years They are in India too I saw them myself In Pakistan Also in the Philippines saw them myself they've been there way before the transgender movement
Look, I’m a gender critical feminist, however, transgender people deserve the same protection as anyone else, to live their life as they wish without fear of stigma, persecution and hate. It sickens me that anyone would abuse, bully or malign someone because they’re different to them. We need to do better, as people.
How changing your own body in the way that you desire have anything to do with you? Honestly if your only issue is with religion or the fact that It makes you feel disconfort that's YOUR problem not them. Not every human Is gonna have your values and you have to respect that. Pedophilia (CRIME) it's violence and assault against minors, how's that comperable?
Muslims shouldnt be being cruel to locals in their community just because theyre different. That's just wrong. I dont think i ever heard of tha5 area beimg under sharia law. Im pretty sure its not. So they need to mind their amd worry about themselves their families and loved ones and their relationship with allah. Something i say to rude judgmental christians here in america is tbat gods the judge not them amd gods not hiring and to worry about their relatio ship with god not the person theyre being rude too
@@wanshah1377 we are spirit before we are human. Spirit has no gender or color. It shouldn't matter as long as they're not hurting anyone. The real issue is most of these men have fragile ass egos and secretly like it but don't want others to know gtfoh.
Why we defend religion so much instead of defending humanity? Is this what God asked to do? Sure it's a sin for us to be Homosexual but it's God and it's own peoples business, and us should not judge them here. Although I'm not support the movement but I can't feel disgusted being near this people, let's just treat them like a human.
Iam trans i was born in phippines and iam thankful and bless because my family accept me and also people here they are also aware about LGBT. Ever since ive never experience torture anything bad experience. When i saw this video im pityful to all trans in. Indonesia. And also in india.and pakistan..
Sorry but india doesn't discriminate against transgenders as they play a very important role in our society. They give blessings to newly born children.
Some muslim accept "Transgender" some don't. But Muslim made the statement under "Islam" religion. So who is right? The lady said Islam in Indonesia is lot more tolerant and she even call it "tropical islam" but did she do some research before saying it? I doubt is she knows what she is talking about. GO LGBT!
@@vallorypoole8117 Yes just like how he planned to let the little children in Africa and the poorest places on Earth starved to death and let them eat dirt and soil right?
Donitz Sexuera that is such a lie I went to India as a tourist and I felt 0% danger maybe in Pakistan or China I would be robbed and killed but in India everyone is religious and proper.
Donitz Sexuera what I’m Greek and I felt 0% danger in 4 months I was there they are very religious and righteous people. I don’t know many Muslims but I want to find a very religious Muslim to see how they are like.
The Abrahamic religions are strictly against homosexuality. Being gay (& acting on it) is illegal in most Muslim majority countries...Some even have the death penalty! If our nations truly respected human rights they would follow the USA’s suggestion (2019) & financially penalise countries that have laws making homosexuality a crime. 💥 If YOU care then please write your local & national politicians demanding that ‘homophobic governments’ are sanctioned & receive no foreign aid until they change their laws!! 💥
@@danialishak7673 You’re not getting this properly. They’re a man physically but not spiritually, emotionally and mentally. It’s not that they don’t like being men, it’s that they don’t feel like men, they are not men, they are trans-women.
Not Muslims hating, I thought it was a religion of peace?
Im a muslim and Islam is the religion of peace, but there's no verse in Quran that tell Muslim to do things like this with the LGBT. The only one who can judge other people is God. i don't think they understand the meaning of Quran at all. That's the cause why this things happened. God meantioned tons of time in the Quran that if other people didn't do anything that harm you, just leave them alone. And they're creating their own sins by doing this with the LGBT. Muslim shouldn't support the LGBT but doesn't mean we allow to do all of this in the name of God
Is it allowed in Christianity to be a transgender? All religions are of peace. When you say Islam is a religion of peace it means it will bring you peace in your heart and in your mind... Inside of you.
@@popescumarinaclaudia7287 but you missed something... In Christianity if you are gay we don't throw you off a building. Get it little Eichmann?
You thought wrong
Stop hating each other.
In every group of people, there will be some morons. Simply don't give your shit to them.
"They cant be allowed to feel normal". ..smh....How about just leaving them alone?
Exactly. I don't get this shit why some fools think they can stick their noses in everybody's business, who have nothing to do with them. Only the weak of mind would think everybody should be the same.
Everytime we turn around its these "chosen/special/confused" people in EVERYONE elses face telling US what is normal, moral, right, how to talk, what words to use, stepping around egg shells, and that WE must accept all this egoic stupid shit.
NOOOOOOOO, they must attract attention.......... OK, GO RIGHT AHEAD. 😀
Activation Codes 🔥💚🔥 Stfu, honestly.
@@okbutatwhatcost9087 he's kinda right
Pix_d MOST OF THEM HAPPEN IN CALIFORNIA, literally one of the most liberal and progressives state in America. Don’t let that shit fool you into thinking that trans people are gaining control when majority are still facing rampant transphobia especially in Islamic countries. Also, the comment is another excuse to be transphobic. Calling people with gender dysphoria (AKA A MENTAL DISORDER) “confused” is plain disrespectful and the whole comment is shitting on people’s efforts to spread awareness about the trans community.
Extremists say it is "Western immorality", but transgender existed here long before Islam. It is Islam that is new to Indonesia, and should accommodate the native culture.
No. It is unacceptable. Go to the west and do it.
@@Ahmed-bv9rc no, LGBT was here first. Islam can get out if it can't handle native culture.
@Daniel Qu extremists include all modern religions which arrived in Indonesia when LGBT was already there, including Christians, Confucianists and Muslims.
u are sick!
@@RA-yz6vl no u
I hope transgender in indonesia would have a same rights to the transgender in Philippines and Thailand
The situation in the Philippines is still not as advanced as that of Thailand. We still hope for improvement. Hoping.
It will never happen in Malaysia and Indonesia. These nations will preserve their morals and centuries old values. They are not like other nations with weak faith that give up in the end. Muslims are always firm in their values no matter what threats / challenges they face. It's essential for the wellbeing of their generations. They cannot let such and other kinds of evil ideologies root in their beloved countries.
Indonesia needs to give up Islam first for that to happen. It's the religion that villifies being trans.
Considering how women in general are treated in this extremist religion, I wouldn't expect any different
@Im Hani like how morons choose the majority
😊❤yea agreed 👍 fabiwillams.4644.
Yeah, they should get out of Europe before it's too late I want to show this to the "queers for Palestine" people, or the ones that are Saying we need to protect Muslims by bringing them into our countries multicultural environments will only work without islam, atleast we can. Live with Jews and some Christians
in other religions and also also just regular societies all over the world non-cis-male people are threated horrible. yes extremist religions are big part of the problem but so is the rest of the society. only blaming extremist people for these problems isnˋt the solution for these equal rights problems.
"extermist religion", u are just the next bigot who knows absolutely NOTHING, about Islam.
They aren't hurting anyone, my goodness, leave them alone to enjoy their life.
They aren’t hurting anyone but what are we teaching the young generation? And how about human reproduction?
@@noraschultz689maybe teaching tolerance which is not bad. You can’t teach kids to be gay or straight that’s something they develop on their own.
@@noraschultz689 countries that allow gay marriage continues to exist and ironically the best countries to live in what is this drama about population? you people are out of your minds
I swear that guy who hated trans so much is so disgusting. I believe there’s no religion taught people to hate other human being. God created them that way, you don’t hv the right to tell ppl what to do, telling them whats right or wrong. Regarding theyre going to heaven or hell, God will decide and not you.
@Robin C no cause i am not a Muslim. But i know whether its Quran or Bible there’s none of it taught people to hate what God has made
but its better to tell them to repent before its too late
😊yea agreed 👍 gratted.carrot.
How dare you ignore it? There are certain rules and regulations in all religions. People are divided based on their deeds. It's obvious if a person is right or wrong by what they do. If the person is ignoring the will of the God, rejecting the laws of the creator, then he is committing the biggest sin. And he/she deserves punishment, hatred and hell. Of course we cannot tell if the person is going to hell or heaven, but as the most intelligent of all species we can identify them clearly. All religions teach us what's right and what's wrong, what's good deed and what's evil. Is it that hard to realize this simple truth? Stop justifying the wrong thing!
It's internalized. The odds are that he abuses homeless or runaway boys when he's "working late." Pedophilia is rampant in the Islamic world.
I wish people would just mind their own business and let people live.
How about paedophiles ? Should we mind our own business and let them live the way they want to live ?
@@twitteringothers5059 Paedophilia is detrimental to children. On the other hand, transgenders aren't hurting anyone. They are not the same in any way.
@@bryanloke2216 right, as adults. When you are legally an adult you should be able to live as you please within the laws of your country. But, there is a huge push to give hormones and operate to remove healthy body parts of CHILDREN! That is wrong!
😊✋❤️ hi there Amanda agreed 💯 percent
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
Mama Yuri. You are a warrior and one of a kind! Stay strong Sister. Love from Norway
Amen daisy saelen hafstad
I saw a guy on the street that looked like this, I know the look on my face he was use to,he politely said hi good morning, and I smiled and said same to you🤗
Ted bandy too smiled a lot
@@AymenAli-on8dq First , if your gonna make a comment, spell the name correctly! Second, your comment has nothing to do with the subject🤔🤫🤐🫡!O, have a good day!
@@AymenAli-on8dqWho’s that?
That guy that killed the gay guy was really sick,its one thing to kill someone but coock and eat them to.ffs
This is soo sad. Most off them will not pass as a woman and will not be accepted as one. Why is the only profession for them in the sex industry?
Trans women are rare, and there is a high demand for Trans women in s*x work.
They can’t get a better job.
In ancient times, Trans women usually ended up as priestesses.
Sometimes it’s culture but in no culture should there be bigotry and hate for simply ones preference. The extremist are the real criminals
I think I underestimate how tolerant, loving and patient christians are. Christians don't agree with you but they don't go out of their way to make life hard for people who are different.
That’s how it should have been. God gave man free will to choose. These extremist take it upon themselves to do away with them. They have so much blood on their hand. Gay ppl have suffered in the hands of these criminals. Many cried for help with no one to hear them. They have been beaten tortured light up on fired thrown from buildings decapitated impaled and the list goes on of the horrendous tortures they have endured. On top of already being oppressed hated. Their crime? Being gay. This makes me tear up. The injustices the gay community has suffered by sadistic men and women who only spew hate.
Why can't they live a normal life, they are human too, if we can accept an animal to be a part of our family, why can't we accept our child, being different is not a curse it's a blessing..
Binatang mana yang Punya Orientasi seksual Terhadap Sesama Binatang? Ayam yang Engkau Makan Bukannya Berasal dari Persilangan Jantan dan betina? ATAU JANTAN DENGAN JANTAN
Preet .. binatang saja tidak ada yang suka dengan sesama jenis .
Itu petaka bukan berkah
@@P.E.K.A-Yac berarti anda kurang wawasan. ADa binatang penyuka sesama jenis. Coba cari infonya di google kawan.
@@ZainalHusin-cx9yqberarti anda kurang wawasan. ADa binatang penyuka sesama jenis. Coba cari infonya di google kawan.
😊❤yea true 👍 mithubose.1
We waria from Philippines are grateful that even if not 100% accepted still treated equally
indonesia is a fake democracy
I thing philipines say bakla not waria
Aswangs you call yourselves? Is that clear?
But not in Islam it's haram..
@@Neng1011 haram to the hypocrites only. Waria is the biggest threat to the hypocrites.
Let people live their lives! let people be what they want to be in peace!
Yes true Angie 🤩🤩🤩🤩👍👋👋👋👋👋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚🧡🧡🧡🧡🔥🔥🔥👋👋
Only a small percentage of humanity ever does that. No matter who you are, some group of people is going to try to ruin life. That's actually pretty much definitive of humanity itself. A bunch of people trying to make other people suffer as much as they can.
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
@@makkawaru. Double Standard mode ON. They are truly fckng Hypocrites 🤮
Poor girls, hope their life can be better.
Kızlar mı???😄🦂🦂🦂🦂🕷🕷🕷🦀🦀🦀🦀😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
Girls v??? wTF
The replies are right, you should say Women their clearly adult women not young girls
them: we don't practise violence and hatred
also them: we don't like people who arent like us, disgisting
n how do they speak for the rest of muslims some people forcing others doesn’t mean all muslims hate peoples who are different
@@shitomoha6927 I'm talking about the general population over there in Indonesia
A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man that's just basic basic common sense u people don't understand and start forcing issues😂😂
a christian transgender graduating from an islamic university... okay
Confusion at it's best
@Skumbag Steven.. just for records.. we have muslim students in Private Catholic School in Indonesia.. this due to majority of private schools are Catholic owned.
Catholic* honestly
Well even students of religions other than Muslims, must wear hijab at school
@@gemilangsibarani4310 not sure which school does that.. but the public school I was in for a two years...had no such requirements forced upon me. Nor the Muslims students in the Catholic school I was in had been told to removed their hijab.
ok this is disgusting, but nobody has the right to kill you for being gay or trans or any other reason.
Disgusting? all Greek to me.
It's not disgusting, women say it's disgusting because they are afraid that men are superior and will be with men. Maybe you have bad women in your family.
What’s disgusting ??
What’s disgusting?
what a misleading title, her own family, catholic also cut him off. most religions and cultures in Indonesian many tribes have similar curiousity and distain to waria community.
Indonesia is still a developing country and ever since colonization era, we still try to overcome the colonization way of thinking that has embeded for hundreds of year.
we slowly but progressively try to fix every aspect of the damage left and followed by colonized brainwashed of indonesia people in power .
economy, education, standard of living, children protection and elderly well being (many left behind by their own parents and children), salary, tax system, law, and many others that should be prioritize in order to support such as vulnerable minority groups (not just warias)
How do you expect our govt and citizens to prioritize minority rights when we still deals with many aspect to improve All tribes as a whole while keeping our unity in check?
do not compare the state of our country to western country and any other country, because development and history differ from each other
I am ashamed of being indonesian, i apologize for the intolerances my disgusting mayorities do and say, they are doctrined by a book since they are a kid, its scary what brainwashing can do
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
@@makkawaru. pedophiles convicted of abusing children, keyword convicted. There exist a victim in thats case, in this case tell me who is their victims? If you dont like it dont follow them, if you say oh thats bad example and contagious, means you cant educate your kids well, or u urself are weak willed...
Shame? Should feel proud disregards. These gay people bring nothing but plagues to the community
Are you atheist Chu ? Because in Indonesia only atheists don't have guide book.
Pray 🙏 for them
The ONLY thing that I dislike is how people literally tell God he placed them in the wrong body. God NEVER makes mistakes and to tell him so is terrifying tbh. Other than that , be free to live your life how you chose as long as it isn’t physically harming other individuals. I hope that they continue to remain safe in their land ❤️
God doesn't exist you idiot.
@@CazabichosManny don't be mean lol to each their own 🤷🏻♂️
Are you serious? God has made a lot of mistakes, just look around.
@@CazabichosManny God does exist, but do you know that God says atheists doesn’t exist?
Romans 1:18-25:
(18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
(19) Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
(20) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
(21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
(22) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
(23) And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
(24) Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
(25) Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
@@clovers1962 Everything is truly very good Genesis 1:31a, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” but sin made it worse, you need to know the essence of good and sins, so you will have a conclusion to what God has done rightly...
Why don't they just move to Sweden? Sweden loves gays and Muslims, it is a match made in heaven!
Visa issues.
Auntie Semite so if sweeden and the west is so terrible and a terrible place then why are all these people from muslim countries killibg themselves to get out of MUSLIM countries. muslims come to the west , but why dont westeners run to these muslim countries. simple FREEDOM !!!!. muslim countries dont belueve in freedom only submission and slavery and obedience from its citizens.
just the fact that muslims run away from muslim countries is telling in itself.
@@jackme-off3468 yeah, and Muslim get mistreatment & genocide from their own brothers by bombing
This is another way religious extremism is inherently oppressive.
What you see on the screen isn't always right. I'm an Indonesian, and a Muslim. It is Haram to be an lgbt.
But killing is prohibited to anyone unless for self defense or wars. So, we can only tell them that what they're doing is wrong, but hurting them is not allowed. So, attacking them is not what Islam teach.
I've seen LGBT parade in 2019, and they were walking freely. No one hurt them. But, not gonna lie...I hoped that they got arrested to do that. Because, I'm afraid if they have right to do what they want, our youth could be attracted to be like them.
@@raesah9519h shut you up bloody radicals
@@raesah9519Islam is a false religion. It has always pushed oppression and hate. Islam has so
Much blood in its hand. Innocent blood even.
Leave people alone to live the fife they see fit. It’s none of your business. Those people who are passing judgements on other people are hypocrites.
Fun fact!
1) Indonesia is the largest muslims country in the world but if you check the statistics of transgender and LGBT populations in Indonesia, Indonesia produced 3% of transgender and LGBT populations in the world.
2) If you check the statistic, 99.998% population of LGBT and transgender in Indonesia are coming from muslim peoples.
3) If you check the statistic, the highest populations of LGBT and transgender in Indonesia was born and living in West Java province. Where West Java province is a known as a very muslim and religous province.
Incredibly brave people
Bravery over what? Against God? Thats absurdly stupid even idiots understand this.
@@mikec5400 nothing is funny.. weird transphobe. maybe instead of sitting on your ass all day maybe work on the fact you're intolterant.
Very. To be who you are, and not care if you live, or die… that’s very brave. My heart goes out to these beautiful souls ❤
God bless Mama Yuri.
So sad how some people have to survive. I pray for these people.
Pray? Exactly what does that do?
1:19 - 1:54 Ms Kabaya Pageant. Similar to the Philippine version of "Muchakang Pangkalawakan" ("Muchaka" has no specific meaning in gay lingo. "Pangkalawakan" means "for the whole" or "For Universe", a copycat version of Ms. Universe).
The version also relates to Ms. Q and A (Ms. Question and Answer) in the Philippine television noontime show "It's Showtime".
Muchaka simply means 'mukhang chaka' which translare to english as Ugly Face.
@@angelo.2559 Oh I love the slang.
@@leandrobayonito but the true meaning is not good isnt it. But its alright.
A sin is a sin. It doesn’t make you an extremist if you follow your religion properly, you can’t change religion to suit your own way of life
Really it’s not extreme to murder a person for living life as lgbt f..her like you is what wrong with this world
go and talk bullshit to another place
Woman = WAnita (Indonesia)
Man = PRia ( Indonesia)
WAnita + PRia = WARIA .!!
so True. People these days just cancel their brains .
All transgender people around the world should have free scholarships
Prostitution is not the way for transgender women
Heart breaking 😢😢
I don't agree with the lifestyle choice but I think this lady is a angel because if she was not protecting them from violence some may even be dead its so s ad people cant have love and accept to diasagree bashing folks and hurting them is so wicked . its their choice why should they have to be subject to joblessness and violence
Yeah, why bother these people? They're already trying to deal with living their lives, these other guys need to go and take care of their own lives.
Thats true. Even if we will never be able to understand why these transgender women want this (look and live and be treated like women) , it doesn't mean we are allowed to treat them badly. If they are working to support themselves, and helping others in their community we should support their dignity and independence instead of attacking or judging or having them. Nobody benefits from oppressing each other, that just feeds into a harsh and cold society. I would not want to be part of a cruel society nor would I want my children to grow up in it
I call this cross dressing.
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
It is not a lifestyle choice these people were simply born in the wrong body they are more women than men , who would deliberately choose to be ostracised and ridiculed .???? No one , leave them alone they cannot help who they are and they have the exact same mannerisms the world over proving it’s the way they were born not a life choice .
Religion Ruins Everything.
Very true legions brings chaos
Menurut saya komunitas transgender atau "waria" di Indonesia ini sekarang sudah berubah. Dari yang tidak berpendidikan , sekarang banyak sekali dari mereka yang sudah lulus kuliah. Saya juga berpendapat bahwa masyarakat juga perlu memahami pentingnya empati dalam masyarakat. Menggunakan bahasa yang tidak menghakimi mereka bisa membantu menciptakan lingkungan yang aman tanpa adanya diskriminasi untuk kelompok atau komunitas apapun itu di Indonesia.Perlakuan perlakuan yang komunitas waria alami sangatlah tidak manusiawi, menurut saya tidak ada manusia di dunia ini yang berhak mendapatkan perilaku seperti itu karena semua orang memiliki hak asasi manusia.
I'm doing this for humanity...May Allah bless you more man!
A true surrounded by muslims friends but they are not extremist,radical or whatsoever they have sympathy and empathy towards people.
I wonder how they all are today, I really hope they are all fine.That learned young man made such an impression-his mother should be proud to have a glorious and kind hearted son like him.We can all clearly understand his mothers fear of those hateful extremists. Bless
Can you visual a woman in a man's body. So keep your opinion and respect her as a person.
@@mannsengshoo1657 whattttt?I didn't disrespect him🤣Kindly read it again and watch his story, so u can understand.
@@Jrman42 Stupid
She explains her situation, says she's traumatised and the reporter asks why
bruh. Stupid🤦♀️
😳✋🌄 hi there animo.agreed 💯percent
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
@@makkawaru. Because pedos hurt other people. Transgender people are not hurting others. They are trying to live in peace, but bigots have a desire to hurt them.
since when she? he is he
Philippines is garden of Eden all waria can live there with the respect they want. It’s more fun in the Philippines!
if you live in a society where speak japanese you will speak japanese later,if you live in a society where using hand to eat you use hand to eat later,if you live in a society where doing LGBT you will do LGBT later..
if you born from a parents who speak japanese you will speak japanese later or parent who speak english you will speak english later,,if you born from a parents who use hand to eat you will use hand to eat later,,if you born from a parent who doing LGBT you will do LGBT later,,so its according to their practice what will they become,
Oh yes. Living in complete poverty in a run down shack, often no indoor plumbing - sounds like paradise to me! 😒
@@selaluoposisisiapapunpresi7982 Kebodohan bagamaina Orang LGBT menjadi sama dengan Bahasa Jepun? Ya kamu bodoh, tapi ada orang orang mereka adalah orang gay dan berkahwin dengan perempuan tapi apa yang hasilnya? Mereka punya anak gay! Kalau yang orang gay dan lesbian memassukkan kahwin lawan jenis, adalah possibiliti mereka jadi punya anak gay atau lesbian. Kamu ingin orang LGBT tak jadi banyak? Mereka tak akan masuk kahwin lawan jenis.
@stan mamamoo for quality gay content thats treatment,but also if they practicing it
@stan mamamoo for quality gay content It's just a fact that the Philippines is a poor country, whereas countries like the US, England, Germany, etc. are wealthier countries. The number of people living in poverty in the Philippines is STAGGERING compared to first world countries.
Why not just let people be. All they want to do is live their life.
greetings fron cape town .. we are all blessed humanity
Imagine if every country in the world accept transgender as new normal...they are in the TV, movies, school doing what their doing in the public seeing by it good for long term family life who have male and female parents???
There is no more male and female, because everyone has their own name.
Everyone has freedom, but also have to responsible to their choice in the public.
💯 %
If everyone will just have the word 'acceptance" we can build a world without having conflicts to each and everyone. Before we born we did not choose from god to be a man or women. Sadly if you born to be a man but with a woman's spirit and that's were a gay person become. We cannot rewrite what destiny awaits for us but to accept the truth, this is what god made people.
Which is why Islam forbids and will never accept LGBT. The young man protesting is only stating facts and rules in Islam. There’ll be no mankind reproduction if LGBT is completely accepted and legalised throughout the whole world. Everyone will just say that they’re born in the wrong body.
They are not responsible for anyone else's children, leave people alone and stop hiding behind excuses. They deserve to live and not hide their identity, just like everyone else.
@@flipflop-zg8kd everybody is responsible for children and the wellbeing of society.
They are our sisters 💙
I am not judging them 💕
Anyone here who know a song "Magic penny"? 😊 it say : love is something if you give it away, it will come right back to you.
We are all human, we must learn to love and not to hate.
If something is dangling
Between their legs
It's a Man
@@murielwagstaff3030 And if they have reassignment surgery what do you say they are, then?
Yes they are our brothers and sisters... but they are supposed to live right and clean especially in the eyes of man supposed to change his birth identity into a woman likewise a woman into a man.... it's not right.... things like this does bring mother's nature wrath's....on a nation and don't forget that they have two of the most powerful killers that mother nature produces and they have their history.
Mt tambora and krakatoa... and they been sleeping for over 100 years watching, waiting to do their killing once things are not going right.
@@nemesisprime2993 There are creatures on our earth that change their sex… clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies, butterfly, cardinals, frogs, snakes, bearded dragons, sea turtles…
@@barbarageddis1584 yeah,but they have the ability to do so without doing surgeries and such
This is so sad, i hope yall stay strong
I agree with the other person that does not make mistakes not at all. It is this society that has confuse people into letting them think that they are something that they are not. I will pray for these people because they need it we all do!!!
@@starlisswhitmyer508 pray for your dvmb brain because god doesn't exist
We are all human.
Based Muslims.
Keep going Mama Yuli..
Mama yuli is so cool 💪🏾💜💪🏾💜
No hes gay
@@muhamadq1744 she's beautiful.
@@cheshirecat7819 He's***
@@wind0wcleaner837 she's***
@@lilmisskristy5467 So, you're going to tell me that he was born a woman? But somehow had a dick?
I am a Muslim and I support Trans people.
😢😢😢😢😢iam sorry for them
Please respect transgenders. Treat like a human being. They are all living God on this earth. To whom, you are believing as God today, HE will help you 100 times tomorrow.
Jigsaw at 20:56 - Want to play a game" ?
NO !!!!!!!
that trans woman has been viral a few times
@@Sailor-Alpha It's still virus. 😂
the government must ensure the rights of LGBT in Indonesia
over my dead body
Sometimes religion make us forget about human rights
WAN Shah Vicious cycle. Then everyone are victims, depends on the point of views and what ever side are their on.
Yuan Yuan
Nope. Victim and criminal, right and wrong. Its very clear cut in religion. Human who make it grey by adding human right
Morphing your body to achieve the impossible is a mental illness. I think the government should put these people in psychiatric care instead of jail.
We stand in judgement for ourselves
I commend the Brave & Courageous Waria! EVERY Living Creation deserves Love, Empathy & Understanding!!❤️
This love is not Godly love,it’s lust ,and it temporarily …
@@flick1232and your almighty god fail her since the day she is born🤷
Under threat seriously. It is protection of healthy human kind for generations to come
i agree this is insane......
It's a tradition older than you
India is mostly hindu isnt it? And the transgenders are given a spiritual title and considered fairly important because of the dieties theyre tied to. I could be wrong but thats what i learned about india. Idk about indonesia but i know in india theres a tradition to have a baby blessed by those people.
They work as templee proosstitutee btw...india has so many problemss
Islam should stop already
People have human rights. Respecting these rights keeps us all safe.
All the worst aspects of humanity converge in one unfortunate place. I feel for the non NPC people caught in such a place. 🍃
Thank you 💕
As one of the unfortunate citizens. I can confirm
@Mrn Mos very cool 👍
Good thing Philippines is more open and tolerant for the lgbtqs community specially Davao City LGBTQ friendly.👍😉
I'm pretty traditional and conservative man from eastern Europe but I don't understand why would anyone try so hard to make anyone's life miserable just because of their nature. If you truly believe in god you should embrace anyone as your brother and sister and help them if they need help.
You support homosexuality?
@@truefaith1718nah I think what they meant was live and let live unless someone is attacking you and imposing it on you.
@@truefaith1718I support humanity.
@bnast6849 you can love the sinner BUT hate the sin ..dont say they r right in their sin ..its a lie and against Gods plan of salvation..the devil is the father of all sin
live & let live aren't issue here.
Some of them promote homosexuals prostitution which is crime.
in this modern world, nobody deserved to suffer abused or attacked for making their own decision, not in the name of religions, religion is about love and compassion and forgiveness so have respect for all living beings in this planet.
But Is'lam stuck at 7th century Arab world.
you can have your own modern and adaptive church thanks
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
@@makkawaru.because unlike gays, pedophiles harm other people, they harm minors, they can't be in a consensual relationships because minors can't give consent.
Religion is about love and forgiveness
It is also a blessing and acode given from allah to us to make us live a good respectful life to our bodies and to nature
We must be don't discriminate them cz they r human which same like us.
Waria with an h = wariah means hero in Malay.
mp arthur wira is hero in Malay...waria is heroin in Malay..LOL...Malay is from Sanskrit wira or satria is male hero..waria or warias is female hero
In Somali language it sounds like “he boy”.
Nope,there is no word in malay that sound like waria
0:31 He must be the purest person and also not an animal :)
Sometimes Religious beliefs Destroying Human rights 🙄
We Only Live One Time On Earth. Just Do Anything We Loved. Don't Be Restricted By Religion's Rules 💋
Its your religion..not my religion ....
@@meokpian6910then why can do the same with waria? their reigion, it's their life, their and their god.
@@nawasanga-dr8nz Im muslim and i cant forced them to accept islam So many rules and law in islam. So maybee they don't like
@@meokpian6910 I'm not asking you to force them to convert to Islam, just asking to leave them alone.
Does that idea of freedom of yours, include fucking bovine animals as well. Na hahaha
saya ada adik gay mcm prampuan....aku sangat sayang dia walaupun dia gay sebab dia ada lah adik kndung ku
tapi aku selalu kasih ingat dia bagi nasihat pelhan2x mmohon do'a kpada Allah agar dia kehidayatan dan ktaupikan ...itu dah cukup biar lah Allah yang bagi hidayat dan taupik.. kita cuma kasih ingat dan bagi nasihat
aku tak putus asa suatu hari nanti trbuka hati adikku takda mustahil bagi Allah doakan ...
yng penting kaw sudah bagi tau dia dan dah selamat dari penaksilan di akhirat
sya minta maaf kalaw ada ngomongan x sedap di hati korang ....
Kau kena bimbing dia bro, supaya tak terpesong, lawan perasaan tu, solat jgn tinggal mesti boleh
@@Z若い komen mu alasan aku tidak percaya dalam Agama.
@@sakin_videos7864 elu pergi belajar agama habis sok sok tau pulak. Agama kurang, di indonesia bisa pula islam kahwin kristen, elu pikir islam bisa diubah ikut negara lo. Fok, obey the law, paham gak
ingin selamat tu taubat lah
why your god created him like that?
Thank You So Much ! Very Interesting well done brave people who participated for giving the world knowledge !
Suka dengan Islam yg toleransi, benci sama yg suka teriak2 ! Merasa suci dan paling benar !!!
tapi faktanya Muslim Indonesia "kebanyakan" sangat tdk toleransi dgn kaum minoritas seperti transgender. Mencaci maki LGBT tapi mreka sendiri jrang sholat, sex bebas, teroris dan banyak lagi lol
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
Why and how was Indonesia turn into islam.
because silk road "sea route"
Islam was spread by force over the centuries because it is a core fundamental principle of their laws to spread it by every means possible. This is an in depth report on the matter that makes it very easy to understand.
since indian ocean is a trading route for Arabs Indians and Chinese. Indonesia is a gateway for traiding goods among it's asian neighbors
The Persians brought Islam in South east Asia and in Asia in general during the barter/trade "era". Same with Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, China.
Nils Westman desperation and lack of education
Full suport for the lgbdq communitys and there rights and equality
8:00 boo boo your nipple is out, you gotta fix that for the nice gentlemans on the skeets.
Believe in your own faith.❤️
There you have it again: islam, the religion of tolerance...😆😆
they are extremism. extremism not part of islam. thank you
@@rafaeldecember6527your right it's not part, their one in the same, your welcome
Intersex have the right to pick as they know what hormones are in charge because they feel it physical. No 1 should pick for Dr.should cut anything until they themselves say so.... As for the others everyone picks there own way 1 can push them or judge them.. Its up 2 the Almighty
ALL chose their gender pre incarnation. All have been BOTH genders. This is just more confusion to further stall these utterly lost souls and keep them trapped in reincarnation here, due to unresolved karma.
Activation Codes 🔥💚🔥 Shut the actual fuck up. Gender and sex is dictated by CHROMOSOMES NOT SOME UNRESOLVED KARMA BS. Intersex is a condition that does not happen by choice. Stop using your quackery to justify your transphobia.
@@okbutatwhatcost9087 Autistic much ?
@@ThePoehladian I’m not the one naming myself « Activation Codes » at least.
@@okbutatwhatcost9087 WE create our reality.
Why can’t people just let other people live their lives??? Just love not hate
The mortal enemy of human is another human.
It's a tragedy, catastrophe, and so sad for everyone involved.
idk who ur talkin bout😂
@@sakmadik69420 Everyone involved. Bigotry is not helpful to anyone and being hateful for being different is sad and divisive.
I have never seen transgender people in my country.I'm from Malawi 🇲🇼
Is that country oppressive and hateful to gay ppl. Because if it is that’s why.
If god teach us to be love each other why dont we just let them be what they want. As long the dont bother u guys just respect them , if u dont like them just treat them as human being. They also one of HIS creature
There is no reason to respect them
@@englishexpert1989 hahaha then keep it for uself and keep being ignorant lol
Why u dont respect god creation? Cos god only creat 2 gender
This group has been around for hundreds of years They are in India too I saw them myself In Pakistan Also in the Philippines saw them myself they've been there way before the transgender movement
Look, I’m a gender critical feminist, however, transgender people deserve the same protection as anyone else, to live their life as they wish without fear of stigma, persecution and hate. It sickens me that anyone would abuse, bully or malign someone because they’re different to them. We need to do better, as people.
Nah, take them to live with you 🤭🙂
Completely agree! I’m also gc.
How about paedophiles ? SHould we allow them to live the way they want ?
If you answer NO, then my next question is WHY NOT ?
How changing your own body in the way that you desire have anything to do with you? Honestly if your only issue is with religion or the fact that It makes you feel disconfort that's YOUR problem not them. Not every human Is gonna have your values and you have to respect that.
Pedophilia (CRIME) it's violence and assault against minors, how's that comperable?
Muslims shouldnt be being cruel to locals in their community just because theyre different. That's just wrong. I dont think i ever heard of tha5 area beimg under sharia law. Im pretty sure its not. So they need to mind their amd worry about themselves their families and loved ones and their relationship with allah. Something i say to rude judgmental christians here in america is tbat gods the judge not them amd gods not hiring and to worry about their relatio ship with god not the person theyre being rude too
Wow- prayers for these amazing and strong humans.. May one day they find peace
Kathryn Quella
Human right... so u need to choose to call men or women.
@@wanshah1377 we are spirit before we are human. Spirit has no gender or color. It shouldn't matter as long as they're not hurting anyone. The real issue is most of these men have fragile ass egos and secretly like it but don't want others to know gtfoh.
culture of hypocrisy
Vera is absolutely stunning! A ravishing beauty!
Why we defend religion so much instead of defending humanity? Is this what God asked to do? Sure it's a sin for us to be Homosexual but it's God and it's own peoples business, and us should not judge them here. Although I'm not support the movement but I can't feel disgusted being near this people, let's just treat them like a human.
Yea it's literally are,y know a lot of people use that excuse
@sassysam6998 "is this what God asked to do"
@@sassysam6998 eh? Can't you read
@sassysam6998 my point wouldn't be so hard to receive if you can read
Iam trans i was born in phippines and iam thankful and bless because my family accept me and also people here they are also aware about LGBT. Ever since ive never experience torture anything bad experience. When i saw this video im pityful to all trans in. Indonesia. And also in india.and pakistan..
india is against homosexuality , but nothing is being done against transgenders
Sorry but india doesn't discriminate against transgenders as they play a very important role in our society. They give blessings to newly born children.
@@llj500my guy just decide to make his own lord
Giving birth is exactly what they can't do
@@basic_avarage_person did i say that they can give birth lmfao.🤣
I bet your Catholic priests are also happy that you are trans.
Let them be happy as well they have rights .At least Indonesia Islam is more open minded and tolerant then their counterparts in the Middle East.
Some muslim accept "Transgender" some don't. But Muslim made the statement under "Islam" religion. So who is right? The lady said Islam in Indonesia is lot more tolerant and she even call it "tropical islam" but did she do some research before saying it? I doubt is she knows what she is talking about. GO LGBT!
Everyone has the right to live in peace, if you don’t respect or like them you can move on 😅
Then they spoil the whole community?😂naah this stupidity needs to stop a man is not a woman a woman is not a man basic sense people don't understand
LGBT people are respectful people , hetero people need to learn from them a lot of wisdom thing
lol delusional
Most of them are SO gorgeous!!!! Yes, they have COURAGE speaking up. May they get full acceptance for being who they are!!❤❤❤
But they are not living as God planed..They are sinning ..this is not what God wants
@@vallorypoole8117 Well, then, there is no God.................................
@@vallorypoole8117 Yes just like how he planned to let the little children in Africa and the poorest places on Earth starved to death and let them eat dirt and soil right?
@@hakobangz25so let me ask you this,what happen if the entire population on earth becomes billionaire
@@vallorypoole8117 God bless you
Hare Krishna we hindus support everyone ! JAI IRAVAN!!!
It's dangerous to be ANYTHING in India, unless of course, you're a cow.
Donitz Sexuera that is such a lie I went to India as a tourist and I felt 0% danger maybe in Pakistan or China I would be robbed and killed but in India everyone is religious and proper.
@@Becausethearthisnotflat 0% ?
Finland people had no judgement..
Donitz Sexuera what I’m Greek and I felt 0% danger in 4 months I was there they are very religious and righteous people. I don’t know many Muslims but I want to find a very religious Muslim to see how they are like.
@@Becausethearthisnotflat So you're not a black muslim ?
No wonder why..
Hoping that Indonesian accept the LGBTQ+a love from Philippines 💕😘
*_Never ever_* .....!!!!!!
_Keep dreaming_
Stop your nonsense. Come on be real !! Whats wrong being just a man? Its the whisper of the devil that keeps u being someone u are not!!
The Abrahamic religions are strictly against homosexuality. Being gay (& acting on it) is illegal in most Muslim majority countries...Some even have the death penalty!
If our nations truly respected human rights they would follow the USA’s suggestion (2019) & financially penalise countries that have laws making homosexuality a crime.
💥 If YOU care then please write your local & national politicians demanding that ‘homophobic governments’ are sanctioned & receive no foreign aid until they change their laws!! 💥
You’re not getting this properly.
They’re a man physically but not spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
It’s not that they don’t like being men, it’s that they don’t feel like men, they are not men, they are trans-women.
All humans created by the Almighty have equal rights to live sharing all things created by the Almighty. Don't ill treat others.
No we are not.
And he didn't create
Every thing....he allowed it
To be created....THE LIE