Cardiff is a good place to live in Wales ! Seems like the council tax is a bit expensive, Is your flat new built or moderate new ? If yes, that is fair enough
Hi Am I correct your Landlord pays for the Building & Contents Insurance?How about your Travel Insurance ? How about your annual Holidays. How about your Life Insurance ? How about your car MOT & repairs if any? How about your car new tyres meet Legal requirement ?ALL ADDS UP TO YOUR MONTHLY BUDGET.
Thanks for your comment! Just to clarify, we don’t pay for any insurance, so that’s not part of our monthly budget. As for the MOT and car expenses, they can vary quite a lot, so I didn’t include them in this particular breakdown - though you’re right, they’re worth keeping in mind! The aim of this video is to give a general idea of our regular monthly costs, not to predict things like travel or car repairs, which can be unpredictable. If you’ve figured out a way to know exactly where I’ll travel and how much it’ll cost, do let me know 😉
Cardiff 大學 Colum Road 附近一帶,也有很多出租屋,約一千多磅。日常生活,是非常方便,不用賣車、養車。若要到倫敦,在步行到市中心,去坐晨咁早(ETD 5:00 a.m.) 的平價火車、或到倫敦的 巴士,價錢比較平,也不用英花精神開車,及付費開車進入倫敦及泊車。
如果,是在 Cardiff 大學修讀 Part Time course, 也可考慮近市中心偏少少的地點。如, 好相逢酒樓,Happy Gathering, 233 Cowbridge Road E 那邊,不過,那裡的樓齡,是大了一點,裝修也頗舊。
做 IT 及其他工作如翻譯、教語文……的,也可在網上找到很多兼職,去增加收入。
在英國的很多工作,即使是在倫敦的職位,很多,都比不上香港的人工高。不過,英國的生活質索,是不錯,尤其不用擔心國安法及 23條。英國的住屋,比香港大,有時間去享受英國小中產、平凡一點的人生。
祝 網主及伴侶, 在 Cardiff 生活愉快,體健吉祥。並早日,搞個 UK 第二代 Project, 提升工作,及日常的 [生產力]。
我地都係住係Cardiff,覺得佢係一 個harbour city,似香港;而我地住係Cardiff Bay,你地都可以黎睇下,好似Ferry Court,有室內泳池,一房至三房單位都有,附近亦都有個Gym同retail park。(利申:千祈唔好以為我係sales,亦都唔係住係上述屋村,只係係度住左差唔多三年,比較熟悉周圍環境。😁)
我哋上年有睇過Cardiff Bay,一房flat都要£900,雖然係方便啲,但係地方細啲,同埋唔係咁想住得咁近公司🤣
Cardiff arcades 影相幾靚
不過前幾年去入面d 鋪都好多執左
你 水 同ctax 都好平
唔用voxi 可以考慮用lebara 應該每人平5磅
我兩個人住Chester 每月 衣食住行約1100左右 (唔洗租樓)
Btw 你哋兩個人用1100真係好抵!
Cardiff is a good place to live in Wales !
Seems like the council tax is a bit expensive,
Is your flat new built or moderate new ?
If yes, that is fair enough
The flat is about 5 years old so it’s quite new
固定緊係可以減啦 ,起瑪唔做gym , 揎車可以單車 ,唗錢 !!
你都啱… 唔做gym、去附近圖書館wfh、行兩個鐘返工、食meal deal 應該可以慳好多錢
Hi Am I correct your Landlord pays for the Building & Contents Insurance?How about your Travel Insurance ? How about your annual Holidays. How about your Life Insurance ? How about your car MOT & repairs if any? How about your car new tyres meet Legal requirement ?ALL ADDS UP TO YOUR MONTHLY BUDGET.
Thanks for your comment! Just to clarify, we don’t pay for any insurance, so that’s not part of our monthly budget. As for the MOT and car expenses, they can vary quite a lot, so I didn’t include them in this particular breakdown - though you’re right, they’re worth keeping in mind! The aim of this video is to give a general idea of our regular monthly costs, not to predict things like travel or car repairs, which can be unpredictable. If you’ve figured out a way to know exactly where I’ll travel and how much it’ll cost, do let me know 😉
@@matt.matters 可以
我做IT的,喺Cardiff搵到份工所以搬過嚟,雖然坦白講Cardiff工作機會冇其他城市咁多,不過都有好多唔錯嘅大公司e.g. BBC, Admiral, Deloitte, Legal & General
@@matt.matters 咁希望樓主在Cardiff 搵到各下想要的東西,本人的認知全英比較高薪的職位都在倫敦啫!Cardiff 係傳統英國人退休的首選地之一。本人之前都認識一位朋友,他年紀比我大,是收成期的人,他聽佬婆意見去Cardiff 定居,車買了屋買了,最終因生活太單調和看病不方便,選擇回流了。希望樓主適應倒啦!
@@matt.matters 搵得多🫡