Dear Dr. John Chang, Within 2 hours after applying nano-grade eye drops, drusen will be excreted to surface of cornea. Is it so amazing! If drusen can't be removed from RPE/Bruch's membrane, it's impossible to effectively treat and reverse dry as well as wet-AMD. If you're interested in nano-grade eye drops, you can contact me for further discussion. Frankly speaking, Australian wet-AMD patients treated by nano-grade eye drops are so shocked. Do you believe that retinal regeneration can be done by nano-grade eye drops too. All glory belongs to God ! David Chi Kang Lo
Dear Dr. John Chang,
Within 2 hours after applying nano-grade eye drops, drusen will be excreted to surface of
cornea. Is it so amazing! If drusen can't be removed from RPE/Bruch's membrane,
it's impossible to effectively treat and reverse dry as well as wet-AMD. If you're
interested in nano-grade eye drops, you can contact me for further discussion.
Frankly speaking, Australian wet-AMD patients treated by nano-grade eye drops
are so shocked. Do you believe that retinal regeneration can be done by
nano-grade eye drops too.
All glory belongs to God !
David Chi Kang Lo