These points dont make you THINK tengu is better you KNOW tengu is better. Search your feelings Karpath you know it to be true! :P Also the toronto vs columbus card pool changes what is t1 in tengu and the format is too fluid. If tengu plants dominates too much then beast stun becomes nuts, if stun decks become dominant than x-sabers become nuts, if Agents or chaos strats become dominant than GK becomes nuts. The diversity is definitely there and the edge on that 100% goes to tengu as more people play the format. There are so many cracked decks that see 0 representation in the format right now. (I peep all the tournament spreadsheets) Nordics, gk, quickdraw, scraps, gadgets, psychics are all really good and underrepresented in the format. Overall I think this was a reasonably fair video so well done. That being said you should play in the tengu plant tournament this weekend because I am streaming it and it would be fun content. Ps: To continue my positive reinforcement on making tengu plant videos.... OOOOOHHHH YEAAAAAHHH BABYYYY WOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Karpath makes another interesting deck profile for Edison format - TCG Rewind: "I sleep" The nanosecond Karpath drops a video comparing Edison to Tengu Plant format - TCG Rewind: "R E A L S H I T"
Tengu seems to have more tier 2 decks as a whole, I played the format and I remember janking with so many different things, even Glad Beasts lol that space for creativity attracts me more, Edison also looks fun but every other deck is birds or frogs lol
I’d love to see a video on how you identify a card like amaryllis, kuraz, or convert contact and say to yourself “I can break this card.” And after you’ve identified a card like that, at what point do you realize “ok there’s definitely something here”
Started playing around the time of Edison through to Monarch format. I was always a pro Maxx C guy, especially in those earlier years. There's still decisions to be made for turn player when under Maxx C, and you aren't losing the following turn every time like you do in later formats if you don't take the challenge
Also it interesting coming back because all the best player were playing sabers in Edison format because of its match up vs qd and to see the deck unplayable now is funny lol
I play both Edison and tengu format, maybe it's because our plant tengu stuff is less competitive and more chill but we have a wide net of playable decks running around. I tend to lend out some of my decks being dragunity assault, combo gravekeepers ft. Ultimate offering, chaos piper and remove brainwashing all being viable, then we have a burn and infernity player, zombie, dark world (we are using Columbus for now just so it's a bit more accessible for people to join by buying the new dark world structure deck), X-saber, agents, gadget stun, Nordic, plant tengu, resonator synchro, blue eyes stun, six Sam etc (the only bad decks are the infernity because there is only 1 beetle in the deck, remove brainwashing and blue eyes stun because that was just 3 structure decks and some bulk thrown together
Pros of edison: since everything is bricky af a lot of fun decks can actually do kinda well. Cons of edison: 2 oppression, FTD, trap dust, bricking means luck is a heavy component. Pros of Tengu: decks are a lot faster and have more synergy in itself, mainly due to a heavy amount of archetypes, overall more consistency Cons: kinda everything. Game dominating cards everywhere(2 warning, rai oh, maxx c, veiler and many more), extreme sack potential(BLS, reborn, dark hole, many archetype exclusive boss monsters) and whatnot
All of the cards you talked about can be played around (maybe BLS not) with deckbuilding or during a game. Veiler is an amazing handtrap that adds interaction to games and also opens up synchro plays for decks that do not run in-archetype tuners. The fact is that in this format, everyone is running almost the same cards/engines so it isn't that hard to make guesses.
@@CocTheElf first of all: all the mentioned cards etc completely castrate a lot of fun decks. Second of all: if you dont see an out to rai oh or your out gets outed, you can easily lose (solely) to him even with some meta decks or you atleast go hard minus etc. Warning can easily seal the deal or, especially turn 1 or 2, can easily strengthrn your position by either preventing your opps only play or simply by putting him back 1 turn. The summon negate effect is one major reason why Dinorabbit was so dominant. Maxx C is also a fun deck killer, but even against a lot of the top tier decks he can easily be the reason you lose, simply because you had to stop while your opponent then can do all his plays freely, if you yourself dont have Maxx C. None of the cards is inhwrently broken(aside from BLS) and definately win you the game if yiu draw them, but due to the way the format works all of those cards can easily dominate and win you the game if your opp just isnt lucky enough to draw the way to answer them.
@@Tools-yt4sk I don't what you mean by fun decks. And no, you have ways of dealing with Rai-Oh. There's not a single match I've lost because of a single Rai-Oh. The best deck in the format is Agents and is extremely vulnerable to Rai-Oh: doesn't stop it from being the best deck. There are so many ways on deck building to deal with the cards you mentioned. Dimensional Prison, Book of Moon or Cyber Dragon can easily out Rai-Oh. The real fun killer is Trap Dustshoot. Warning is a card you plau around, but with MST at 3, it's not impossible to deal with it. Sure, BLS can seal games, but you always have ways of dealing with BLS or preventing it from being summoned. The power spells keeps matches interesting, and comebacks are possible even in disadvantageous situations. You never too comfortable in a match, and blinding playing into Dark Hole or Gorz can only be blamed on you. Playing conservatively and maintaining your advantage is rewarded. By the way, Tengu Plant is a deck which is extremely vulnerable to Maxx C and doesn't stop it from being a top tier deck.
As someone who has played both formats and still do, my current opinion is that Tengu is overall more enjoyable. I'm of the opinion that one of the worst things in old yugioh is bricking, and in Edison that happens a lot. Sure you can make the argument that it's fine because it's slow, however there are plenty of decks that will "win" on turn 3 if you pass. for example diva zombie getting very far ahead in advantage and/or otking you, fairy LS milling and setting up way too much if they are unchecked, dragon turbo etc. Since tengu is more consistent, and you can pick decks that rarely ever brick it's a lot more consistent. coupled with the format being faster so upstart is way better, as the card quality is a lot higher. control decks have duality and better engines etc. Regarding diversity I, like you said, believe it's very much due to the format being undeveloped. We've just left the stage of playing with/without dark world (and wind hero) since konami's official legacy side events at YCS dortmund excluded dark world (luckily) and we can finally begin the exploration of the actual format and not half the community playing something entirely different. Diversity will change, I do not believe any of the current "best decks" are 100% the definitive best deck. There are plenty of other decks in the format (combo decks mainly) which no one plays and are currently the better decks from my testing. My opinion of this may be skewed as I'm the best player at my locals and no one has yet to learn how to beat those decks/main/side for them but poing being the format is far from solved, and will be more diverse once it gets more explored. Also edison is getting less and less diverse by the minute as the formats gets more solved. GB is not real for example, quickdraw awful as well. BLS is the worst card in both formats, unfortunately. Luckily veiler somwhat mitigates its power so you don't automatically die the turn it's summoned, and maxx c and veiler being apart of tengu is what makes it way less potent to "ftk" decks like dragon turbo and other set up and otk next turn decks.
The 2011 tagforce game had quasar so I always assumrd it existed at the time but nobody played if due to the summoning conditions. I was very let down when I found out it came out 3 years after trngu plant format.
from my experience tengu plant format is more diverse and there are more decks playable because of royal oppression being gone and the chaos engine being more splashable. for instance chaos blackwing is a good deck in tengu plant format despite whirlwind and kalut being at 1 thanks to the chaos engine. the problem of tengu plant format is royal tribute: gravekeepers will start with royal tribute on turn 1 basically 1 game out 4 and since chaos agents is a tier 1,many people may start playing gravekeepers once the tengu plant scene gets competitive like edison and royal tribute isn't healthy for the game and limits what kind of decks you wanna bring to a tournament in the same way royal oppression does,other than being an auto-win button. but beside that i had much more fun in tengu plant than in edison due to the absence of royal oppression and frog monarchs being much less than a threat. the playable decks are really much more and the gap between the tier 1 and other deck isn't that much, so everything can be playable.
I agree with essentially everything you've said, however I don't agree with your comment regarding TG Stun. I haven't matched again that deck in months.
3 JD, BLS, 2 chaos sorc, 2 tragoedia, glow-up bulb, effect veiler. looks pretty fun for twilight. think I prefer tengu format. best deck in edison probably vayu and tengu plant is a cooler deck than vayu and you at least have the 3 original generic hand traps with crow, veiler, maxx C. people get carried too hard by trap cards in edison IMO my takeaway from this video. tengu is more fun / better overall
Essentially not playing like a dumbass. With Maxx C there are often tons of decisions for both players. For the person who has the Maxx C, it comes down to how threatening the opponents play might be and what the person who has the maxx c can follow up with: - Can my opponent just pass here and ignore the card? If they do, can I change the gamestate substantially on my turn or I am just simply buying a turn? - Should I wait for more special summons to let them commit more? For the person anticipating Maxx C: - Can I bait the card? - Would my opponent habe dropped the card a turn earlier? For the person having Maxx C dropped on them, it really comes down to what position they anticipate to be in after the maxx c: - Can I afford to just pass here? Is this my only chance to make a comeback? - Can I afford to give my opponent cards at all or are their bigger cards already gone? - Can i marginaly push and be fine? - If i fully push, what other things will stop me to essentially sead the deal. So tons and tons of decisions while with oppression you flip it hurray. Also.. if you really need to answer maxx c, adjust your deck accordingly. You can also side Debunks.
@@YohananYGO Youre literally just talking about Debunk here, ignoring everything else I was talking about. Oppression was banned too, whats your point? Evaluating the power of a card needs context. Maxx C was banned later on because the game changed. When it comes to 2011, Maxx C is great card design because there are few decks that rely on special summoning a ton and on top of that in 2011 you can oftentimes pass and be fine.
Playing in Edison format I use to complain about how broken going 1st was and said they needed to change the rule ppl always told me qq more time is awesome lol
Things I dislike about Tengu Plant: 1. Maxx C: I enjoy Combo Decks. If you play a format that has a thousand cards more than Edison, you wanna use them right? Not just normal summon every turn and pass. But Maxx C ruins that plan and forces me to end my turns after my NS way too often. 2. Floodgates: You thought 2 Oppression was bad? Wait until you see 3x Vanitys Emptiness (no cost and can be removed by user) and 3x Skill Drain. One of the strongest Strategies of the Format is Stun so you will encounter those a lot. Also because Ryko got a lot worse after Floaters like Reborn Tengu and T.G. were introduced, every Deck started maining multiple copies of Thunder King Rai-Oh. Yay. 3. Higher speed, worse pacing: The pacing of Edison isn't too different from GOAT, which is widely regarded as the best Retro Format. I like back and forth gameplay, which cards like Caius and Ryko strongly encourage. And those happen to be the most used monsters in Edison! Also there's less negates and handtraps in Edison. This is personal bias but I don't want to get hit by a Veiler/Maxx C/Warning every turn. Edison only has DD Crow (a very well designed card) as a handtrap so it feels way more classic and fun to me. 4. Less diversity: Because the Power Level of Decks like Agents or TG Stun is so high, Rogue Decks have a harder time competing with them. You already explained it very well. 5. More sacky BS: Or should I say BLS? After being the strongest monster in every format he was in for years, he's finally unbanned to do the exact thing he's been doing since 2004. You just have to pray your opponent doesn't draw him first because he can and will win games completely on his own. But that's not all sadly. Decks like Dark Worlds (=Viruses) and Gravekeepers (=Royal Tribute) are pretty consistent and strong in TP and will make the game unplayable for their opponents. Things I dislike about Edison: The ban list isn't perfect. I love everything else about it.
-Yes, Maxx C is a meta check and it affects deckbuilding. But like... you just stop. Your opponent won't just make a board full of big monsters and OTK you. Passing is a viable strategy. -So... almost no one plays Vanity's Emptiness in Tengu except cheesy stun decks. At least the Discord I'm in (Tengu Plant Town), we're playing Toronto so no DW. Also, MST is at 3 so floodgates are kind of fine. -Veiler and Maxx C actually create that back and forth games. Getting stopped is fine, it's not a handtrap = gg format. Also Veiler doubles as a tuner, so you can make synchro plays even in decks that don't run tuners normally. - BLS is BS, but not all decks run BLS. The sacky one-offs of the format (Heavy, Dark Hole and Monster Reborn) are cards that can be played around. They warp the game into a kind of midrangey play style where card advantage and resource management are extremely important or you'll get punished.
Wow can't believe you like Tengu more. Idiot. Jk haha. Great video, definitely hope to see more like it in the future. When you lay it out the way you have here, I actually kind of agree that Tengu seems better on paper. But I guess the thing that keeps me higher on Edison is the pace of gameplay. I find Tengu is too fast for my liking and Edison feels like just the right pace.
For me the defining factor of liking tengu format more is that my favorite decks can actually thrive with their support, x sabers finally have dark soul. Six samurai finally have their tuner and synchro. Debri dragon has scrap dragon and trishula. When i play edison and i summon debri dragon, i look at my extra deck and theres no scrap dragon/trishula, I get pissed off
I love Starstrike because it was the first time I ever won a local, but it is not a good format lol. I played the fish deck during the time and it is honestly rly toxic that you can OTK through everything. This isn't even mentioning that GK is the best deck. If you want to play Starstrike though, I'm down anytime.
I love that format, summoning formula synchron 9000 times, drawing 9000 cards. Synchroing my stardust and formula into shooting star so that my opponent cant crash into it anymore with ab zero/machina fortress.
I actually like subsitoad in Edison Format. The FTK decks are there, but not dominant at all, comparable to Empty Jar in Goat. And on the other hand, subsitoad is a big reason why Frog Monarch decks are viable, which O think are an important component to the meta
Im a frog monarch player and i think the deck is toxic and it'd be better if it was powered down in Edison. Some duels are just auto-play, you don't even have to think about your moves
@@guaritalksaboutcards I agree to an extent. I personally think Blackwings are a bigger problem though, and Karpath just mentioned the FTK/OTK decks, which i think are negligible. So Toad itself isn't more harmful IMO than DDV or Whirlwind imo or any other of these cards that enable toxic archetypes
Obviously this is your channel so you don't have to take this feedback if you don't want to, but I would appreciate if you didn't use the term 'helmet' since it's origin is ableist, referencing how a lot of neurodivergent kids in schools are made to wear bike helmets :( there are terms like autopilot that get a similar idea across that don't have that kind of connotation to them
These points dont make you THINK tengu is better you KNOW tengu is better. Search your feelings Karpath you know it to be true! :P
Also the toronto vs columbus card pool changes what is t1 in tengu and the format is too fluid. If tengu plants dominates too much then beast stun becomes nuts, if stun decks become dominant than x-sabers become nuts, if Agents or chaos strats become dominant than GK becomes nuts. The diversity is definitely there and the edge on that 100% goes to tengu as more people play the format. There are so many cracked decks that see 0 representation in the format right now. (I peep all the tournament spreadsheets) Nordics, gk, quickdraw, scraps, gadgets, psychics are all really good and underrepresented in the format.
Overall I think this was a reasonably fair video so well done. That being said you should play in the tengu plant tournament this weekend because I am streaming it and it would be fun content.
Ps: To continue my positive reinforcement on making tengu plant videos.... OOOOOHHHH YEAAAAAHHH BABYYYY WOOOOOOOOO!!!!
love me some quickdraw
Karpath makes another interesting deck profile for Edison format - TCG Rewind: "I sleep"
The nanosecond Karpath drops a video comparing Edison to Tengu Plant format - TCG Rewind: "R E A L S H I T"
Tengu seems to have more tier 2 decks as a whole, I played the format and I remember janking with so many different things, even Glad Beasts lol that space for creativity attracts me more, Edison also looks fun but every other deck is birds or frogs lol
These 2 formats should be more popular than modern ygo, and dueling book should asap put edison ranked so i can start grinding like in goat :D
Swear to God it's been a year since the mods said they'd add it.
I’d love to see a video on how you identify a card like amaryllis, kuraz, or convert contact and say to yourself “I can break this card.” And after you’ve identified a card like that, at what point do you realize “ok there’s definitely something here”
Started playing around the time of Edison through to Monarch format. I was always a pro Maxx C guy, especially in those earlier years. There's still decisions to be made for turn player when under Maxx C, and you aren't losing the following turn every time like you do in later formats if you don't take the challenge
Also it interesting coming back because all the best player were playing sabers in Edison format because of its match up vs qd and to see the deck unplayable now is funny lol
I play both Edison and tengu format, maybe it's because our plant tengu stuff is less competitive and more chill but we have a wide net of playable decks running around. I tend to lend out some of my decks being dragunity assault, combo gravekeepers ft. Ultimate offering, chaos piper and remove brainwashing all being viable, then we have a burn and infernity player, zombie, dark world (we are using Columbus for now just so it's a bit more accessible for people to join by buying the new dark world structure deck), X-saber, agents, gadget stun, Nordic, plant tengu, resonator synchro, blue eyes stun, six Sam etc (the only bad decks are the infernity because there is only 1 beetle in the deck, remove brainwashing and blue eyes stun because that was just 3 structure decks and some bulk thrown together
Loving this style of content
One day people will become enlightened to the beauty that is Providence format.
What’s providence?
Pros of edison: since everything is bricky af a lot of fun decks can actually do kinda well. Cons of edison: 2 oppression, FTD, trap dust, bricking means luck is a heavy component.
Pros of Tengu: decks are a lot faster and have more synergy in itself, mainly due to a heavy amount of archetypes, overall more consistency
Cons: kinda everything. Game dominating cards everywhere(2 warning, rai oh, maxx c, veiler and many more), extreme sack potential(BLS, reborn, dark hole, many archetype exclusive boss monsters) and whatnot
@@mustafakamaran5195 first turn draw.
All of the cards you talked about can be played around (maybe BLS not) with deckbuilding or during a game. Veiler is an amazing handtrap that adds interaction to games and also opens up synchro plays for decks that do not run in-archetype tuners. The fact is that in this format, everyone is running almost the same cards/engines so it isn't that hard to make guesses.
@@CocTheElf first of all: all the mentioned cards etc completely castrate a lot of fun decks. Second of all: if you dont see an out to rai oh or your out gets outed, you can easily lose (solely) to him even with some meta decks or you atleast go hard minus etc. Warning can easily seal the deal or, especially turn 1 or 2, can easily strengthrn your position by either preventing your opps only play or simply by putting him back 1 turn. The summon negate effect is one major reason why Dinorabbit was so dominant. Maxx C is also a fun deck killer, but even against a lot of the top tier decks he can easily be the reason you lose, simply because you had to stop while your opponent then can do all his plays freely, if you yourself dont have Maxx C. None of the cards is inhwrently broken(aside from BLS) and definately win you the game if yiu draw them, but due to the way the format works all of those cards can easily dominate and win you the game if your opp just isnt lucky enough to draw the way to answer them.
@@Tools-yt4sk I don't what you mean by fun decks. And no, you have ways of dealing with Rai-Oh. There's not a single match I've lost because of a single Rai-Oh. The best deck in the format is Agents and is extremely vulnerable to Rai-Oh: doesn't stop it from being the best deck. There are so many ways on deck building to deal with the cards you mentioned. Dimensional Prison, Book of Moon or Cyber Dragon can easily out Rai-Oh. The real fun killer is Trap Dustshoot. Warning is a card you plau around, but with MST at 3, it's not impossible to deal with it. Sure, BLS can seal games, but you always have ways of dealing with BLS or preventing it from being summoned. The power spells keeps matches interesting, and comebacks are possible even in disadvantageous situations. You never too comfortable in a match, and blinding playing into Dark Hole or Gorz can only be blamed on you. Playing conservatively and maintaining your advantage is rewarded. By the way, Tengu Plant is a deck which is extremely vulnerable to Maxx C and doesn't stop it from being a top tier deck.
I have always been fascinated by the T.G archetype so it would be fun to try a pure T.G deck
I played a TG Plant list on dueling network back in the day when EXVC came out. It's a lot of fun
more content!!! keep it up 🖤
As someone who has played both formats and still do, my current opinion is that Tengu is overall more enjoyable. I'm of the opinion that one of the worst things in old yugioh is bricking, and in Edison that happens a lot. Sure you can make the argument that it's fine because it's slow, however there are plenty of decks that will "win" on turn 3 if you pass. for example diva zombie getting very far ahead in advantage and/or otking you, fairy LS milling and setting up way too much if they are unchecked, dragon turbo etc. Since tengu is more consistent, and you can pick decks that rarely ever brick it's a lot more consistent. coupled with the format being faster so upstart is way better, as the card quality is a lot higher. control decks have duality and better engines etc.
Regarding diversity I, like you said, believe it's very much due to the format being undeveloped. We've just left the stage of playing with/without dark world (and wind hero) since konami's official legacy side events at YCS dortmund excluded dark world (luckily) and we can finally begin the exploration of the actual format and not half the community playing something entirely different. Diversity will change, I do not believe any of the current "best decks" are 100% the definitive best deck. There are plenty of other decks in the format (combo decks mainly) which no one plays and are currently the better decks from my testing. My opinion of this may be skewed as I'm the best player at my locals and no one has yet to learn how to beat those decks/main/side for them but poing being the format is far from solved, and will be more diverse once it gets more explored. Also edison is getting less and less diverse by the minute as the formats gets more solved. GB is not real for example, quickdraw awful as well.
BLS is the worst card in both formats, unfortunately. Luckily veiler somwhat mitigates its power so you don't automatically die the turn it's summoned, and maxx c and veiler being apart of tengu is what makes it way less potent to "ftk" decks like dragon turbo and other set up and otk next turn decks.
There is no BLS in Edison.
In my opinion:
" Edison is without a shadow of a doubt better than Tengu "
The 2011 tagforce game had quasar so I always assumrd it existed at the time but nobody played if due to the summoning conditions. I was very let down when I found out it came out 3 years after trngu plant format.
Technically, NA got the jump promo in 2012 but by that point a bunch of the synchro cards had been nerfed
from my experience tengu plant format is more diverse and there are more decks playable because of royal oppression being gone and the chaos engine being more splashable. for instance chaos blackwing is a good deck in tengu plant format despite whirlwind and kalut being at 1 thanks to the chaos engine.
the problem of tengu plant format is royal tribute: gravekeepers will start with royal tribute on turn 1 basically 1 game out 4 and since chaos agents is a tier 1,many people may start playing gravekeepers once the tengu plant scene gets competitive like edison and royal tribute isn't healthy for the game and limits what kind of decks you wanna bring to a tournament in the same way royal oppression does,other than being an auto-win button.
but beside that i had much more fun in tengu plant than in edison due to the absence of royal oppression and frog monarchs being much less than a threat. the playable decks are really much more and the gap between the tier 1 and other deck isn't that much, so everything can be playable.
I agree with essentially everything you've said, however I don't agree with your comment regarding TG Stun. I haven't matched again that deck in months.
It is a strong deck for sure, but it rarely sees play.
3 JD, BLS, 2 chaos sorc, 2 tragoedia, glow-up bulb, effect veiler. looks pretty fun for twilight. think I prefer tengu format. best deck in edison probably vayu and tengu plant is a cooler deck than vayu and you at least have the 3 original generic hand traps with crow, veiler, maxx C. people get carried too hard by trap cards in edison IMO
my takeaway from this video. tengu is more fun / better overall
I love Tengu Plants, you should bring it more to the channel
Your voice sounds like Ray Rizzo
Oppression has cards to counter it max c what does it have?
Essentially not playing like a dumbass.
With Maxx C there are often tons of decisions for both players.
For the person who has the Maxx C, it comes down to how threatening the opponents play might be and what the person who has the maxx c can follow up with:
- Can my opponent just pass here and ignore the card? If they do, can I change the gamestate substantially on my turn or I am just simply buying a turn?
- Should I wait for more special summons to let them commit more?
For the person anticipating Maxx C:
- Can I bait the card?
- Would my opponent habe dropped the card a turn earlier?
For the person having Maxx C dropped on them, it really comes down to what position they anticipate to be in after the maxx c:
- Can I afford to just pass here? Is this my only chance to make a comeback?
- Can I afford to give my opponent cards at all or are their bigger cards already gone?
- Can i marginaly push and be fine?
- If i fully push, what other things will stop me to essentially sead the deal.
So tons and tons of decisions while with oppression you flip it hurray. Also.. if you really need to answer maxx c, adjust your deck accordingly. You can also side Debunks.
@@YGO_Renaissance oppression has answers and debunk is cope bro, if all that was true we wouldn't have had it banned later on
@@YohananYGO Youre literally just talking about Debunk here, ignoring everything else I was talking about.
Oppression was banned too, whats your point? Evaluating the power of a card needs context. Maxx C was banned later on because the game changed. When it comes to 2011, Maxx C is great card design because there are few decks that rely on special summoning a ton and on top of that in 2011 you can oftentimes pass and be fine.
@@YohananYGOit was banned because of the SS shit fest the game became a few years later. At that time Maxx "C" was completely fine
Tengu has two call of the haunted enough said
Tengu has fully fleshed out archetypes of the 5ds era enough said
Tengu just sounds like a better Edison tbh
Playing in Edison format I use to complain about how broken going 1st was and said they needed to change the rule ppl always told me qq more time is awesome lol
We know you like edison more lol. Don't be scared of those tengu fan boys thumbs downing you.
Things I dislike about Tengu Plant:
1. Maxx C: I enjoy Combo Decks. If you play a format that has a thousand cards more than Edison, you wanna use them right? Not just normal summon every turn and pass. But Maxx C ruins that plan and forces me to end my turns after my NS way too often.
2. Floodgates: You thought 2 Oppression was bad? Wait until you see 3x Vanitys Emptiness (no cost and can be removed by user) and 3x Skill Drain. One of the strongest Strategies of the Format is Stun so you will encounter those a lot. Also because Ryko got a lot worse after Floaters like Reborn Tengu and T.G. were introduced, every Deck started maining multiple copies of Thunder King Rai-Oh. Yay.
3. Higher speed, worse pacing: The pacing of Edison isn't too different from GOAT, which is widely regarded as the best Retro Format. I like back and forth gameplay, which cards like Caius and Ryko strongly encourage. And those happen to be the most used monsters in Edison! Also there's less negates and handtraps in Edison. This is personal bias but I don't want to get hit by a Veiler/Maxx C/Warning every turn. Edison only has DD Crow (a very well designed card) as a handtrap so it feels way more classic and fun to me.
4. Less diversity: Because the Power Level of Decks like Agents or TG Stun is so high, Rogue Decks have a harder time competing with them. You already explained it very well.
5. More sacky BS: Or should I say BLS?
After being the strongest monster in every format he was in for years, he's finally unbanned to do the exact thing he's been doing since 2004. You just have to pray your opponent doesn't draw him first because he can and will win games completely on his own.
But that's not all sadly. Decks like Dark Worlds (=Viruses) and Gravekeepers (=Royal Tribute) are pretty consistent and strong in TP and will make the game unplayable for their opponents.
Things I dislike about Edison: The ban list isn't perfect. I love everything else about it.
-Yes, Maxx C is a meta check and it affects deckbuilding. But like... you just stop. Your opponent won't just make a board full of big monsters and OTK you. Passing is a viable strategy.
-So... almost no one plays Vanity's Emptiness in Tengu except cheesy stun decks. At least the Discord I'm in (Tengu Plant Town), we're playing Toronto so no DW. Also, MST is at 3 so floodgates are kind of fine.
-Veiler and Maxx C actually create that back and forth games. Getting stopped is fine, it's not a handtrap = gg format. Also Veiler doubles as a tuner, so you can make synchro plays even in decks that don't run tuners normally.
- BLS is BS, but not all decks run BLS. The sacky one-offs of the format (Heavy, Dark Hole and Monster Reborn) are cards that can be played around. They warp the game into a kind of midrangey play style where card advantage and resource management are extremely important or you'll get punished.
I also don't like the rulings in Edison.
Edison >>>>>>>
Wow can't believe you like Tengu more. Idiot. Jk haha. Great video, definitely hope to see more like it in the future. When you lay it out the way you have here, I actually kind of agree that Tengu seems better on paper. But I guess the thing that keeps me higher on Edison is the pace of gameplay. I find Tengu is too fast for my liking and Edison feels like just the right pace.
For me the defining factor of liking tengu format more is that my favorite decks can actually thrive with their support, x sabers finally have dark soul. Six samurai finally have their tuner and synchro. Debri dragon has scrap dragon and trishula.
When i play edison and i summon debri dragon, i look at my extra deck and theres no scrap dragon/trishula, I get pissed off
Starstrike format was a pretty lit format in between these two. Abusing fishborg and formula synchron was nuts.
I love Starstrike because it was the first time I ever won a local, but it is not a good format lol. I played the fish deck during the time and it is honestly rly toxic that you can OTK through everything. This isn't even mentioning that GK is the best deck. If you want to play Starstrike though, I'm down anytime.
@@SunnyYGO lol yeah the fish deck was pretty OP. Nobody at my locals really played it though. It was more xsaber, lightsworn, gk and monarchs.
I love that format, summoning formula synchron 9000 times, drawing 9000 cards. Synchroing my stardust and formula into shooting star so that my opponent cant crash into it anymore with ab zero/machina fortress.
I actually like subsitoad in Edison Format. The FTK decks are there, but not dominant at all, comparable to Empty Jar in Goat. And on the other hand, subsitoad is a big reason why Frog Monarch decks are viable, which O think are an important component to the meta
Empty Jar isn't even good in GOAT. Reversal Quiz FTK is, but it rarely sees play.
Im a frog monarch player and i think the deck is toxic and it'd be better if it was powered down in Edison. Some duels are just auto-play, you don't even have to think about your moves
@@guaritalksaboutcards I agree to an extent. I personally think Blackwings are a bigger problem though, and Karpath just mentioned the FTK/OTK decks, which i think are negligible. So Toad itself isn't more harmful IMO than DDV or Whirlwind imo or any other of these cards that enable toxic archetypes
Obviously this is your channel so you don't have to take this feedback if you don't want to, but I would appreciate if you didn't use the term 'helmet' since it's origin is ableist, referencing how a lot of neurodivergent kids in schools are made to wear bike helmets :( there are terms like autopilot that get a similar idea across that don't have that kind of connotation to them
Ah, sry about that. I’ll avoid saying it in the future.
Thanks :)
Give me a break
Grow a pair smh
thumbs down for substitoad slander 🙏