Ah, everyone are still filys you know? When they get exited.. EVERYONE get exited expeshialy when they remember about they're past times, when THEY were a filly...
Luna's gonna be piiiissseeed. Especially since no one is throwing her a party for raising the moon. More of the usual issue of Princess Luna getting overlooked even though she's just as important as Princess Celestia
@E Lindig I am with you. I hope that whatever it is is nothing as stylish as this. That is not Luna. For she's the fun, loving, caring princess. For her, I could see them doing something simple. That being have everypone write down how much they love Luna helping them in their dreams and writing down one dream that he/she really would want to have while she/he is dreaming.
@@jessedale4287 I am with you. I hope that whatever it is is nothing as stylish as this. That is not Luna. For she's the fun, loving, caring princess. For her, I could see them doing something simple. That being have everypone write down how much they love Luna helping them in their dreams and writing down one dream that he/she really would want to have while she/he is dreaming.
I loved this one, we get an extended glimpse behind Celestia's public mask to a degree we have not really had before. What is funny is that she is can act and she is required to every day. Every time we see the regal majestic Celestia in action we are looking at a very well rehearsed character she has crafted and refined over time to fit what Equestria needs in a ruler, however handing her a script and wanting her to go on cue falls flat because it is such an alien setting for her to operate in. Put that in contrast to mere minutes later when she is the one solving problems on the fly to save the play, she is an old hoof at taking an impending disaster and fixing it so well you never knew it was there.
7:23 Hi mom, I'm on the stage 12:47 Lyra approve this 13:56 P. Celestia just broke Raspberry beret 20:55 Princess luna does not approve this Canterlot Royal voice P. Celestia - checked P. Luna - checked P. Twilight - checked now we only need P. Cadance.
In "The Hoofields and the McColts", Twilight is NOT using The Royal Canterlot Voice, she is specifically and visibly using a spell on her voice to enhance it. When Luna and Celestia used it, neither used any visible spell, they just used the voice.
ShadowBolt and this is why Luna is the best princess. No one ever asks her to move the moon Except for that one time when she was PMS-ing, but who's counting.
Princess Celestia didn't want to raise the sun for Twilight's festival because she didn't think Twilight needed the added wow effect, her festival was powerful on her own without the need of the sun, and Twilight had to shine on her own as well in her position as Princess of Friendship
Even though it was a bit odd, I think the reason why Celestia did it this time was because the play was about her, and the fact they were missing a prop due to destructive mishaps. That does sound selfish when I put it like that, but hear me out; in the Friendship Festival, I would assume she thought that it would not be a good idea because she wanted Twilight to shine as being herself, without the aid of her or Luna, since it was all about Friendship, the literal concept Twilight is a princess of. I believe she conveyed this by telling Twilight that "you have all the magic that you need". But, in the play's case, even though it is abusing the natural order she and her sister created, it was not about Twilight, or anypony else; it was about her first sunrise. Besides, no one actually asked her to do it, she did it on her own accord seeing that there was no prop to represent the sun. So, I personally think her actions were justified, but that's just my opinion.
Of course Applegeek just wrote it off as "lol no logic" without putting some thought into it. Look I like the guy's commentaries, but TOO many people just have this awful habit of making rash assumptions about something without even bothering to spend a bit more time figuring it out. Hell, I feel like that describes more than half of the analyst community.
I like how Celestia waits for Spike to confirm that her acting in the play is approved. Almost like she knows Twilight will agree to nearly anything she says, and Spike is her common sense interpreter. Which makes sense, as often as he is ignored...
Damn, Starlight wrecked Twilight harder than when she stole her cutie mark. Also, the only way this episode could have been better is if Celestia made Starlight the “princess.” Having her troll the entire fandom like that would have been amazing.
I see it as Starlight showing how close she has become to Twilight. She feels comfortable being her confident self around her. Reminds me when Starlight said Trixie was ok with being second best. It's good natured ribbing.
I feel like a certain blue male unicorn would kill someone if that happens /Meanwhile on tespio's channel/ Tespio: A-CHU!!! ha. I feel like someone is talking about me
11:17 - 11:23 Fun Fact Applegeek. We have seen On Stage and Raspberry Beret of the Method Mares before. They first appeared in Season 5 Episode 16 Made in Manehattan.
I thought it was a bit odd that Rainbow Dash went around promoting the hell out of Celestia being in the play, and then at showtime, Celestia doesn't appear at all really in the show and the crowd doesn't seem to mind. False advertising! Also, check out Luna getting a little miffed at Celestia raising the sun during Luna's shift:) Twilight saying she looks up to Celestia more than her own parents. That was a bit ouchy, but then again, Celestia appears to have been involved in Twilight's life more than Nightlight and Twilight Velvet ever were! Celestia appears to be naive to a a fault. She's wise in the ways of magic and politics but it seems like she lived a very sheltered and rigorously scheduled life.
It's so amazing to see that after AJ kept telling Twilight to be honest with Celestia for the whole day, when the inevitable happened, AJ wasn't mad, upset, or anything ; she just helped Twilight to get back up and cheerfully told her to go get Celestia... :,) Also, I would love to see a version of this episode that disregards continuity, and where Twilight doesn't have her wings, and at the end, she just tries to lift herself up to Celestia while she's flying away and trying to keep up with her but struggling (since, unlike Starlight, she hasn't really done that before), and Celestia would react like "I'm upset, but this is adorable" :)
Love twilight's faces on this one. Celestia is so cute on this episode. BTW, 5:05, bug Bertha??? Reminds me of a huge canon from the first world war. Not you?
I never noticed Luna looking annoyed about the sun coming out, good catch! I LOVED this episode, it was so fun and the characters bounced off each other perfectly and Celestia was AMAZING AND I LOVE HER!
Top 5 lines you never should say 5. What could go wrong? 4. I got a bad feeling about this 3. Don't look down 2. Is it over? 1. How can it get any worse?
this episode is so entertaining and funny, there is no time when you can breathe, it's awesome! I think this episode will be one of the best in the series for me so far ^^
This episode is my favorite of Season 8 so far I love the portrayal of Celestia as a bad actress which Nicole Oliver is a great actress and yet another check ☑ on your list of the season wish list
Now this... is what I call a great episode... I love how all of the kids got scared (they are shaking like hell) of Celestia's voice... all except the pony since he's used to it... nice touch. Also B O O T L E G F I R E W O R K S The shot of Celestia and Twilight flying reminds me a lot of the Music Video of "Children of the Night" "Is this how its gonna go EH sis?" -Luna
This might be my favourite episode of the season so far. Almost as good as last season's A Royal Problem. Here are my highlights: 0:41-0:48 "Ones-versary...the 1111th anniversary of when [Celestia] first raised the sun." 0:48 I agree with both Spike and Applegeek. 0:52 I agree with that, too. Pinkie Pie keeps records of things even Celestia doesn't. 1:02-1:21 Geez Celestia! What got into you?! Also, Applegeek's reaction. 1:18-1:37 Celestia explains why she's always been a fan of plays. Also, the stained-glass window becomes a video screen (Applegeek said it first). 1:37 That smile. It looks like the one she had when she first got her Cutiemark. Also, she's an Alicorn, Applegeek. 1:42-1:51 That's a very good point, Applegeek. Also, we know where this is going right? 1:51-2:10 There it is. Als- PLUS, Applegeek, Spike and Celestia's reactions. 2:36 Yes, she is. 2:37 Celestia is shocked. 2:40 Just now, I guess. 2:48-3:06 It's nice that she's trying to do something thoughtful for her. But you just know something is going to go wrong. 2:49 Applegeek's reaction to the title. 3:08-3:16 That's true actually. She has been absent for most of those. 3:11-3:14 What's that you're saying about Celestia being a "warm, calming voice over [your] shoulder"? XD 3:14 Celestia makes Spike and Twilight jump. 3:21-3:32 That is another very funny point, Applegeek. 3:36 THAT SMILE! XD 3:44 Pinkie floats down to earth, Mary Poppins style. 3:51 "Wormy apple cores." 3:53-4:02 Pinkie is a record-keeping mastermind. 4:02 Squee. Also, that smile. 4:03 Applejack rolls her eyes. 4:03-4:14 I said before that Fluttershy should take up acting. Now it seems she has the confidence to do it. 4:18 Applepsychic. 4:20 "Brava"? 4:28 I just love seeing them all together like this. Starlight doesn't look like a pony who's just associated with the group. She genuinely feels like part of the 'Mane 7'. 4:43-4:50 Thanks for pointing that out. It's priceless. 4:50-5:00 Rarity panics that she has to upgrade the costumes for Celestia. Also Applegeek's impression. 5:00-5:10 Pinkie brings out Big Bertha - her largest party canon ever. 5:10-5:15 That's right, Applegeek. 5:12-5:17 Rainbow Dash sonic rainbooms away to tell everypony she's knows, and even the ones she does. 5:18-5:24 That's very true, Applegeek. And Applejack. 5:24-5:38 Umm, Starlight? Are forgetting the causal time you spent with both Celestia and Luna last season (A Royal Problem)? You're last pony I'd expect to have concerns like these. 5:38 That face. 5:38-5:50 What's that supposed to mean, Starlight? Also, Applegeek's reaction. 5:53 Those smiles. 5:57-6:02 Applejack is so causal about the whole thing. She plays a pivotal role in this episode, too. 6:03-6:10 Rule 1 Applejack: Never EVER say that! Applegeek agrees with me. 6:10-6:18 Wow. Got much of an ego, Twilight? 6:12 Yes, nice outfit indeed. 6:22-7:22 A history of how ponies raised the sun before Celestia - which is apparently taken directly from the Journal of the Two Sisters. Also, I guess now we know how Celestia got her Cutiemark. Not that there was any doubt. 6:29 Hi Young 6. 6:34 Perhaps she is. Also, wouldn't it be crazy if they'd asked the real Starswirl to be part of the play too? I doubt he'd agree to it, but still. 6:57-7:02 Fluttershy is really getting into this. 7:32-7:45 Celestia doesn't know she has to speak up while acting. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 7:35 You're right, she did. XD 7:46 Twilight's face. 7:47 Twilight lying. 7:49 Twilight's smile. It's like the one she had when speaking to Tempest for the first time. 7:53-7:57 Applepsychic. 7:55-8:06 No, no, no, not that loud! Also, I think this is the first time we've heard Celestia use that voice instead of Luna. 8:15 Twilight is being too nice. This is what Starlight said before about her being biased. 8:19-8:26 No, not literally talking to her, Celestia. Also, you're right about the robot thing, Applegeek. 8:26-8:33 Too much energy. Also, I agree, Applegeek. 8:32-8:35 Applejack tries to be honest about Celestia's performance, but Twilight stops her. 8:35-8:40 So biased. 8:41 You're right about that, Applegeek. 8:43-8:49 Celestia in a dance number. 8:54-9:05 Some more bad acting. Also, I'm sure it must have been tough for Nicole Oliver to do it deliberately. But it just proves much of how professional she really is. 9:06 Trap door incident. 9:14-9:25 How indeed? I guess the best way is to be honest, but kind. 9:22-9:32 Twilight contemplating the problem. 9:32 There's been a big emphasis on honesty the last couple of seasons. Episodes like Honest Apple, Once Upon a Zeppelin, and Secrets and Pies all teach this lesson, too. 9:37-10:21 The Mane 7 consider cancelling the show. Only to find out Rainbow Dash has told everypony in Equestria. 10:24-10:47 We all know how much you want to do this for her, Twilight, but Applegeek and Applejack are right. 10:50-11:02 Twilight still not being honest. 10:54 The way she said that line. 11:05-11:16 It's funny how you mention "trust and honesty" Celestia. 11:21 "On Stage and Raspberry Beret." How do you get names like that? 11:33 "Equestrian thespian." 11:48-11:56 Celestia doesn't understand mime. 11:57 Twilight's face. 12:02 The sun is broken. 12:11-12:21 Perfect until it pops. 12:30-12:35 A bold prediction. But no. 12:33-12:43 Celestia takes the performance too seriously. 12:44-12:54 Celestia can't picture herself on a train. 12:46 The way she's sitting! 12:47 Hi Lyra. I know you like to sit that way too (Slice of Life). 12:58-13:12 Yep, seriously not getting it. 13:13 That line. 13:15-13:25 A giant flaming marshmallow. 13:27-13:32 Technically, yes Pinkie. But it's not the most practical choice. Woah, I'm starting to sound like Applejack/Rarity (Honest Apple). 13:35 Blow drier magic. 13:36-13:55 Sharades. Celestia is no expert like Spike. 13:48 What?! 13:50 There was? I'd like to see that. 13:52-14:00 Twilight couldn't have lied more if she tried. 13:59-14:03 Twilight's face. Also, twitchy ear. 14:04 Show night already?! And Luna's there?! 14:06 Hi Fancy Pants, Fleur, Berry Punch and Thunder Lane. 14:08 That face. 14:13-14:24 She's still trying so desperately. 14:19 Applegeek's frustration. 14:35-14:39 Holy crap, that is dangerous. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 14:40-14:45 Did you seriously just ask that question Pinkie? Also, is there really a part of Trixie that still holds a grudge? 14:48 Good question. 14:52 Oh boy. Also, it has Trixie's Cutiemark. 14:54 They heard that. 14:59-15:03 Trixie's face as a firework. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 15:04-15:19 Twilight looses it to the point of calling Celestia the "worst lead actress in Equestria". 15:15-15:20 You said it before me, Applegeek. 15:20-15:26 The backdrop falls revealing Celestia heard the whole thing. 15:24 Twilight's face. 15:29-15:48 Celestia confronting Twilight. 15:42 That frown. 15:48-16:02 This is painful to watch. 16:07 This is bad. 16:10-16:16 This is not the time to be congratulating yourself Dash. 16:17 Technically you're correct. 16:26 You'll find out. 16:30-16:46 Poor Spike. This is almost as bad as when he improvised lyrics at the Equestrian Games. 16:46 That smile. 16:47-18:14 Twilight tries talking to Celestia. 16:55 You're right. She really is. 17:19-17:33 Twilight has had this problem ever since the series began. She tries too hard to impress her mentor. 17:35-17:42 Celestia gives an important lesson. Applegeek's gets it. 17:42-17:46 What did I tell you? Applejack, really has a pivotal role in this episode. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 18:05-18:10 Twilight finally being honest. 18:10 That smile. 18:14 Spike getting destroyed by an unhappy crowd. Also, how/why would they have tomatoes on standby? I've never understood that. 18:34-18:42 Rarity panicking. 18:41-18:45 Rarity's face. 18:45-19:14 Celestia taking charge. 18:56 Applegeek's face. 19:12-19:27 Fluttershy's fear is extremely justified here. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 19:21-19:27 That's right, she did. 19:22-19:26 Paper bag breathing. 19:25-19:36 So she couldn't learn it herself, but she knows how to teach it to other ponies? 19:37 You got that right. 19:53-20:25 Hecklers and improvisation. 20:27 Princess Fluttershy. 20:54-21:14 Celestia raises the sun at night and everypony thinks it's special effects. 20:55-20:57 I can imagine she would be. 20:58-21:03 Applegeek's reaction. Also, how is it cheating? 21:24-21:36 Celestia explains she didn't need to be on stage. She was just happy to be involved with the play. 21:41-22:15 I thought she was just going to say to call her Celestia from now on - not Princess Celestia. But wow, talk about a serious sense of humour. Also, Applegeek's reaction. 22:06 And the curtains have closed. Overall, this was a hilarious and also rather touching episode. I don't think we've ever seen Celestia this down to Earth before. It was great seeing the Young 6 again - even if they didn't have speaking roles - and Starlight blends in so well with the Mane 6 you'd think she's been with them since the beginning. However, the best part was definitely Twilight and Celestia's reaffirmed bond. We tend to forget how close these two really are and how much they've been through. The show's new aspects are brilliant, but it's nice revisiting the old ones, too. All in all, I think Season 8 is finally starting to pick up after these last couple of episodes. Let's see if it can keep the momentum going.
i have the dirtiest mind in the universe and even i didn't catch that. pardon me while i find my shotgun incase the zombie of my grandma comes to life.
I think it’s interesting how in the beginning of the series Celestia was like hugely respected and she still is but she loved alone and now she’s got Luna cadence and shining armor and everyone
Easily one of my favorite episodes. A perfect balance of all elements and so much information. The main reason I love it is because it proved my timeline theory canon!! All my theories I will post at Everfree Northwest 2018 but this one will come out ASAP!!! One Flaw: Starlight is not like that around Princesses, S7 E10 already confirmed that. In any case, Rarity should have said those lines and then Starlight would jab about being a "princess" princess.
This episode was a nice followup from the previous one, I had fun with it! Props to Nicole Oliver for putting on a great performance as Celestia in this episode!! From getting all giddy, prancing around, even using her "royal Canterlot voice" for the first time was nothing short of amazing moments from her. Even though the students didn't have a bigger role(or speaking role) in the plot, it was still nice to see them participating in this episode. Now there is one con that I want to point, Twilight brushing off Applejack's words of wisdom in telling Celestia the truth of her lack in acting. I could rant on this but, I'd be on this for a bit. Let's just say that I strongly disagreed with Twilight's mindset in this episode, even though she had good intentions and she admitted to herself that she was in the wrong(so I can let that slide). On another note, I once again admire the character progression of Fluttershy. She is getting past her stage fright and fear of being in the spotlight, how cool is that!? Also, I really like how Celestia coached her in playing her role, that was a very nice moment, especially seeing Fluttershy in her Celestia outfit from "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!" Again, a nice episode to follow from the last and also, very nice reaction. :)
3:13 I was thinking totally the same, lolol. I was expecting your reaction to this episode, especially at Celestia's Royal Canterlot Voice, Celestia upset with Twilight and the finale.
That face Twilight made at 14:00 looked like she was passing kidney stones while at the same time having an orgasm, it freaking killed me and now I need a doctor. XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Did anyone else find it adorable how Starlight's first act after the fireworks went off, was to be there comforting Fluttershy? 😊 Between this and what she looked like she was going to do to that pony that was harassing Fluttershy in Fame and Misfortune.... I kinda want a Fluttershy /Starlight episode.
Bonus because it would also have Angel Bunny, who seems to have a crush on Starlight.😂 He was awfully enthusiastic in Starlight's classroom. I kinda liked this when we first saw it. Kinda wish they had kept it going more. Angel, who is normally mean to everypony including Fluttershy, being absolutely adorable whenever Starlight is there.
Princess Twilight still has a lot to learn about friendship. And she really should learn to handle her angry freakouts better. She did the same thing during the Pinkie sense episode and the movie, her anger gets the best of her and she says VERY hurtful things. It's not okay to just apologize, you gotta do better too. She's a Princess, people have expectations of her and she is a role model to the people of Equestria. Hopefully she'll learn in time like the other Princesses have
My favourite part was Celestia's reaction to being chosen as the play's star! WHAT A CHANGE IN PERSONALITY!! Now I really want to see a background story on Celestia. I though we'd get one when she revealed that she always wanted to be part of a play and used magic on the window - I REALLY HOPE we get an episode on her background as a filly and perhaps even hers and Luna's parents??? That would be the biggest episode by far!
So far this season has been a bit mediocre. I hope this weeks episode is a good one. (prologue starts with Celestia acting like a school girl) Oh yeah! Get your popcorn ready! I just hope this episode doesn't break Applegeek! My favorite episode of season 8, but I'm not sure I would put it in the top 10, maybe on the bubble.
15:05 - "AaaAaaaaAaaaaaaAAAA!!!! I CAn'T tAKe IT ANyMOre!!! It wAs sUpPOSed to Be A sIMpLE PlAY, JUsT ONe SiMPLe pLAy. AnD ThEN EVEryTHIng gOEs wRONg fRoM ThE STAgE tO ThE pROPs RiGHt DOwn To tHE WoRsT LeAd AcTrESs In eQuEStRIAAA!!!!!!!!"
Fun fact, in spanish version (the castillian version) Princess Celestia and Pikie Pie have the same voice actress so it's going to be hard for her to do the excited Celestia without making the Pinkie Pie Voice (That happens once with Luna who has the same voice as Fluttershy)
0:48 okay, Celestia and Luna took over the duties of moving the sun and moon a little over a 100 years before shit hit the fan (Sombra, Discord and, of course, Nightmare Moon)? Okay then. 6:52 okay, that's actually really dark, when you think about it. How many unicorns had to give up their magic forever each and every day? I'm shocked that the unicorns even survived before Celestia came along
Maybe the sun thing’s along the lines of, with Sunset Serenade, they have lighting, but it would be perfect with the other three princesses help, but here, the needed a sun of some kind, and they’d already gone through Pinkies plans A through D, and were out of options. One was making what was better, the other is when they have nothing on their own.
I actually would have loved if she just says they don't have to address her as Princess anymore and just Celestia, cementing the fact that they are close friends of hers, also a followup would have been awesome how Luna lectures her.
Not enough runtime for that to happen. Also might have been out of character a little bit because not everyone that watches the show knows about the fan works.
as to why twilight thought telling celestia the truth would be bad freindship, it was likely guilt talking, she had built celestia up for this, made her think this was going to be the bestest thing...the thought of kicking that right back out from under her...yeah.
the fact that Celestia is a millennia years old princess but acts like a 15 years old valley girl really makes her awesome.
Well she was a grown up kid, she at least needs a break from time to time to act like a child
I love when she is girly.
I have 19 years old and I am totally soft sometimes and I act like a sweet girl.
@@princesslightningstrike4592 Same.
Ah, everyone are still filys you know? When they get exited.. EVERYONE get exited expeshialy when they remember about they're past times, when THEY were a filly...
i'm glad i wasn't the only one who saw Luna looking a little annoyed that the sun was rising when it shouldn't have been.
flyflip87, lol.
“Last time I tried to do that, you banished me to the moon.”
@@durdleduc8520 LMAO
@@durdleduc8520 I know, the hypocrisy!
Nicole Oliver acting like she has no idea how to act. Give this lady an award
Indeed, pretending to be inept at something you know well is not an easy task.
Mad Mulligan agreed
give her an emmy
give her all of them. i love her in this episode
Mad Mulligan yeah
Applejack: DeAr PrInCeSs CeLeStIa,
I DiDnT LeArN AnYtHiNg, I WaS RiGhT AlL AlOnG!
Vulu god dammit XD
That callback tho 😂
Yeah for once in the show she didn’t screw up
I love that AppleJack line
Oh boy. Josh is probably fangazming like crazy right now.
/Meanwhile on JoshSchorcher's Channel/
Yeees 😀😀
True. I love her here.
Yes she is awesome.
@@princesslightningstrike4592 thanks for reminding me of my cringe brony phase
I love the fact that Nicole Oliver had to pretend to be bad at acting, it's funny and ironic at the same time!😆
VeemonFan yeah😂
It be like trying to teach a child how to act lol
She is so adorable here.
it’s like trying to teach an artist to draw
It takes a good actor to act like they're bad at acting
Can you imagine the conversation between Luna and Celestia about Celestia raising the sun when they got back to the castle or on the way.
Luna's gonna be piiiissseeed. Especially since no one is throwing her a party for raising the moon. More of the usual issue of Princess Luna getting overlooked even though she's just as important as Princess Celestia
arcanezira yea. Hopefully we get something for Luna involving whenever her birthday is supposed to be :)
To the SUNNN!!!!!!
@E Lindig I am with you. I hope that whatever it is is nothing as stylish as this. That is not Luna. For she's the fun, loving, caring princess. For her, I could see them doing something simple. That being have everypone write down how much they love Luna helping them in their dreams and writing down one dream that he/she really would want to have while she/he is dreaming.
@@jessedale4287 I am with you. I hope that whatever it is is nothing as stylish as this. That is not Luna. For she's the fun, loving, caring princess. For her, I could see them doing something simple. That being have everypone write down how much they love Luna helping them in their dreams and writing down one dream that he/she really would want to have while she/he is dreaming.
I like to think Celestia has been trolling them through the whole episode.
Well she is trolestia.
Well, Luna was NOT amused
Celestia raising the sun in the middle of the night?! Not on Luna’s watch!
Luna's like, "When I did that, I got sent to the moon"
Wonder why we never got to see her reaction of Celestia not being good at acting?
I loved this one, we get an extended glimpse behind Celestia's public mask to a degree we have not really had before. What is funny is that she is can act and she is required to every day. Every time we see the regal majestic Celestia in action we are looking at a very well rehearsed character she has crafted and refined over time to fit what Equestria needs in a ruler, however handing her a script and wanting her to go on cue falls flat because it is such an alien setting for her to operate in. Put that in contrast to mere minutes later when she is the one solving problems on the fly to save the play, she is an old hoof at taking an impending disaster and fixing it so well you never knew it was there.
7:23 Hi mom, I'm on the stage
12:47 Lyra approve this
13:56 P. Celestia just broke Raspberry beret
20:55 Princess luna does not approve this
Canterlot Royal voice
P. Celestia - checked
P. Luna - checked
P. Twilight - checked
now we only need P. Cadance.
Where does Twilight do the voice?
Bryan Prime s7 ep14.
Bryan Prime S5 hoofields and mcolts
In "The Hoofields and the McColts", Twilight is NOT using The Royal Canterlot Voice, she is specifically and visibly using a spell on her voice to enhance it.
When Luna and Celestia used it, neither used any visible spell, they just used the voice.
Celestia’s Joke at the end foreshadows season 9
Celestia wouldn't move the sun for a festival, but moves it for a play...
ShadowBolt and this is why Luna is the best princess. No one ever asks her to move the moon
Except for that one time when she was PMS-ing, but who's counting.
Black_ Fog No offend but in my opinion luna is not the best princess (I don't wanna sound mean )
Princess Celestia didn't want to raise the sun for Twilight's festival because she didn't think Twilight needed the added wow effect, her festival was powerful on her own without the need of the sun, and Twilight had to shine on her own as well in her position as Princess of Friendship
Even though it was a bit odd, I think the reason why Celestia did it this time was because the play was about her, and the fact they were missing a prop due to destructive mishaps. That does sound selfish when I put it like that, but hear me out; in the Friendship Festival, I would assume she thought that it would not be a good idea because she wanted Twilight to shine as being herself, without the aid of her or Luna, since it was all about Friendship, the literal concept Twilight is a princess of. I believe she conveyed this by telling Twilight that "you have all the magic that you need". But, in the play's case, even though it is abusing the natural order she and her sister created, it was not about Twilight, or anypony else; it was about her first sunrise. Besides, no one actually asked her to do it, she did it on her own accord seeing that there was no prop to represent the sun. So, I personally think her actions were justified, but that's just my opinion.
Of course Applegeek just wrote it off as "lol no logic" without putting some thought into it. Look I like the guy's commentaries, but TOO many people just have this awful habit of making rash assumptions about something without even bothering to spend a bit more time figuring it out. Hell, I feel like that describes more than half of the analyst community.
20:22 Originally Spike said”Starswirl’s so stressed,he’s already going grey” guess it wasn’t kid friendly enough😂
Seeing Celestia prance
Applegeek.exe has stopped working (sort of)
Applegeek error.
I like how Celestia waits for Spike to confirm that her acting in the play is approved. Almost like she knows Twilight will agree to nearly anything she says, and Spike is her common sense interpreter. Which makes sense, as often as he is ignored...
Luna looking pissed that the sun was coming out early was such a great addition.
Damn, Starlight wrecked Twilight harder than when she stole her cutie mark.
Also, the only way this episode could have been better is if Celestia made Starlight the “princess.” Having her troll the entire fandom like that would have been amazing.
starslayer159 that right
I see it as Starlight showing how close she has become to Twilight. She feels comfortable being her confident self around her.
Reminds me when Starlight said Trixie was ok with being second best.
It's good natured ribbing.
That woulda been brilliant.
titan hades right
I feel like a certain blue male unicorn would kill someone if that happens
/Meanwhile on tespio's channel/
Tespio: A-CHU!!! ha. I feel like someone is talking about me
11:17 - 11:23 Fun Fact Applegeek. We have seen On Stage and Raspberry Beret of the Method Mares before. They first appeared in Season 5 Episode 16 Made in Manehattan.
Here's a good joke: On Stage, On Stage where are you?
Who's on stage?
Nobody that's who.
Nicole Oliver deserves an Oscar for this.😂🤣🤣🤣
This is television, not movies.
She deserves an Emmy.
@@fictionfan0 Get a life, you pedantic loser.
@@latheredtrillionaire5701 That was uncalled. And under MLP:FiM video too. Sheesh!
I loved seeing Celestia like this! There's nothing like celebrities acting like normal people, especially ones in political power!
Trollestia strikes again =3
I love celestia Personality in this episode she was great lol
I thought it was a bit odd that Rainbow Dash went around promoting the hell out of Celestia being in the play, and then at showtime, Celestia doesn't appear at all really in the show and the crowd doesn't seem to mind. False advertising! Also, check out Luna getting a little miffed at Celestia raising the sun during Luna's shift:)
Twilight saying she looks up to Celestia more than her own parents. That was a bit ouchy, but then again, Celestia appears to have been involved in Twilight's life more than Nightlight and Twilight Velvet ever were! Celestia appears to be naive to a a fault. She's wise in the ways of magic and politics but it seems like she lived a very sheltered and rigorously scheduled life.
It's so amazing to see that after AJ kept telling Twilight to be honest with Celestia for the whole day, when the inevitable happened, AJ wasn't mad, upset, or anything ; she just helped Twilight to get back up and cheerfully told her to go get Celestia... :,)
Also, I would love to see a version of this episode that disregards continuity, and where Twilight doesn't have her wings, and at the end, she just tries to lift herself up to Celestia while she's flying away and trying to keep up with her but struggling (since, unlike Starlight, she hasn't really done that before), and Celestia would react like "I'm upset, but this is adorable" :)
At (15:03) I've never seen or heard Tara Strong voiced Twilight that angry that you could hear her voice starting to distort a little.
Love twilight's faces on this one. Celestia is so cute on this episode. BTW, 5:05, bug Bertha??? Reminds me of a huge canon from the first world war. Not you?
she actually says *BIG BERTHA!* :)
After every MLP episode, I want to see your reaction of it, and you never disappoint!!
I noticed how Celestia actually did learn some things, because she brought them to bear when she became the director. That was a nice touch.
I never noticed Luna looking annoyed about the sun coming out, good catch! I LOVED this episode, it was so fun and the characters bounced off each other perfectly and Celestia was AMAZING AND I LOVE HER!
Rainbow Dash doing a sonic rainboom.... ON TAKEOFF!!! Wow, just wow!
Star Sapphire yeah just wow!
Celstia: *starts prancing like a giddy school girl when her crush speaks to her*
Me: ._. Ummm.....whos she and what did she do with Princess Celestia?
The first real tia episode in the entire show :D this further proofs that tia is best princess. Best episode in the season yet
Luna after the show: and you want her ruling Equestria
Celestia sitting down like a person is the most adorable thing I seen
Nice. This episode was awesome. We sure are getting more Celestia than... ever. These last seasons have rocked when refering to Celestia and Luna.
Also, I think the episode Fake it until you make it foreshadowed this, because it showed how a great actress Fluttershy can be
I'd love to see some fan art of Pinkie's backalley deal with Trixie. I'll bet Pinkie wears her mustache!
13:35 - Back To The Future reference - "DRYING MODE ON...DRYING... YOUR MANE IS NOW DRY" )))
Good eye.
"What could possibly go wrong?"
Murphy: There's my cue.
Top 5 lines you never should say
5. What could go wrong?
4. I got a bad feeling about this
3. Don't look down
2. Is it over?
1. How can it get any worse?
Aren't 5 and 1 the same?
this episode is so entertaining and funny, there is no time when you can breathe, it's awesome! I think this episode will be one of the best in the series for me so far ^^
This episode is my favorite of Season 8 so far I love the portrayal of Celestia as a bad actress which Nicole Oliver is a great actress and yet another check ☑ on your list of the season wish list
It's funny how the end of this episode was just foreshadowing Celestia's actual retirement
16:56 hard to imagine this happens right after their 2017 movie lol
Now this... is what I call a great episode...
I love how all of the kids got scared (they are shaking like hell) of Celestia's voice... all except the pony since he's used to it... nice touch.
The shot of Celestia and Twilight flying reminds me a lot of the Music Video of "Children of the Night"
"Is this how its gonna go EH sis?" -Luna
20:56 (applegeek) THAT IS CHEATING!!! (me) does it really matter dude?
This might be my favourite episode of the season so far. Almost as good as last season's A Royal Problem. Here are my highlights:
0:41-0:48 "Ones-versary...the 1111th anniversary of when [Celestia] first raised the sun."
0:48 I agree with both Spike and Applegeek.
0:52 I agree with that, too. Pinkie Pie keeps records of things even Celestia doesn't.
1:02-1:21 Geez Celestia! What got into you?! Also, Applegeek's reaction.
1:18-1:37 Celestia explains why she's always been a fan of plays. Also, the stained-glass window becomes a video screen (Applegeek said it first).
1:37 That smile. It looks like the one she had when she first got her Cutiemark. Also, she's an Alicorn, Applegeek.
1:42-1:51 That's a very good point, Applegeek. Also, we know where this is going right?
1:51-2:10 There it is. Als- PLUS, Applegeek, Spike and Celestia's reactions.
2:36 Yes, she is.
2:37 Celestia is shocked.
2:40 Just now, I guess.
2:48-3:06 It's nice that she's trying to do something thoughtful for her. But you just know something is going to go wrong.
2:49 Applegeek's reaction to the title.
3:08-3:16 That's true actually. She has been absent for most of those.
3:11-3:14 What's that you're saying about Celestia being a "warm, calming voice over [your] shoulder"? XD
3:14 Celestia makes Spike and Twilight jump.
3:21-3:32 That is another very funny point, Applegeek.
3:44 Pinkie floats down to earth, Mary Poppins style.
3:51 "Wormy apple cores."
3:53-4:02 Pinkie is a record-keeping mastermind.
4:02 Squee. Also, that smile.
4:03 Applejack rolls her eyes.
4:03-4:14 I said before that Fluttershy should take up acting. Now it seems she has the confidence to do it.
4:18 Applepsychic.
4:20 "Brava"?
4:28 I just love seeing them all together like this. Starlight doesn't look like a pony who's just associated with the group. She genuinely feels like part of the 'Mane 7'.
4:43-4:50 Thanks for pointing that out. It's priceless.
4:50-5:00 Rarity panics that she has to upgrade the costumes for Celestia. Also Applegeek's impression.
5:00-5:10 Pinkie brings out Big Bertha - her largest party canon ever.
5:10-5:15 That's right, Applegeek.
5:12-5:17 Rainbow Dash sonic rainbooms away to tell everypony she's knows, and even the ones she does.
5:18-5:24 That's very true, Applegeek. And Applejack.
5:24-5:38 Umm, Starlight? Are forgetting the causal time you spent with both Celestia and Luna last season (A Royal Problem)? You're last pony I'd expect to have concerns like these.
5:38 That face.
5:38-5:50 What's that supposed to mean, Starlight? Also, Applegeek's reaction.
5:53 Those smiles.
5:57-6:02 Applejack is so causal about the whole thing. She plays a pivotal role in this episode, too.
6:03-6:10 Rule 1 Applejack: Never EVER say that! Applegeek agrees with me.
6:10-6:18 Wow. Got much of an ego, Twilight?
6:12 Yes, nice outfit indeed.
6:22-7:22 A history of how ponies raised the sun before Celestia - which is apparently taken directly from the Journal of the Two Sisters. Also, I guess now we know how Celestia got her Cutiemark. Not that there was any doubt.
6:29 Hi Young 6.
6:34 Perhaps she is. Also, wouldn't it be crazy if they'd asked the real Starswirl to be part of the play too? I doubt he'd agree to it, but still.
6:57-7:02 Fluttershy is really getting into this.
7:32-7:45 Celestia doesn't know she has to speak up while acting. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
7:35 You're right, she did. XD
7:46 Twilight's face.
7:47 Twilight lying.
7:49 Twilight's smile. It's like the one she had when speaking to Tempest for the first time.
7:53-7:57 Applepsychic.
7:55-8:06 No, no, no, not that loud! Also, I think this is the first time we've heard Celestia use that voice instead of Luna.
8:15 Twilight is being too nice. This is what Starlight said before about her being biased.
8:19-8:26 No, not literally talking to her, Celestia. Also, you're right about the robot thing, Applegeek.
8:26-8:33 Too much energy. Also, I agree, Applegeek.
8:32-8:35 Applejack tries to be honest about Celestia's performance, but Twilight stops her.
8:35-8:40 So biased.
8:41 You're right about that, Applegeek.
8:43-8:49 Celestia in a dance number.
8:54-9:05 Some more bad acting. Also, I'm sure it must have been tough for Nicole Oliver to do it deliberately. But it just proves much of how professional she really is.
9:06 Trap door incident.
9:14-9:25 How indeed? I guess the best way is to be honest, but kind.
9:22-9:32 Twilight contemplating the problem.
9:32 There's been a big emphasis on honesty the last couple of seasons. Episodes like Honest Apple, Once Upon a Zeppelin, and Secrets and Pies all teach this lesson, too.
9:37-10:21 The Mane 7 consider cancelling the show. Only to find out Rainbow Dash has told everypony in Equestria.
10:24-10:47 We all know how much you want to do this for her, Twilight, but Applegeek and Applejack are right.
10:50-11:02 Twilight still not being honest.
10:54 The way she said that line.
11:05-11:16 It's funny how you mention "trust and honesty" Celestia.
11:21 "On Stage and Raspberry Beret." How do you get names like that?
11:33 "Equestrian thespian."
11:48-11:56 Celestia doesn't understand mime.
11:57 Twilight's face.
12:02 The sun is broken.
12:11-12:21 Perfect until it pops.
12:30-12:35 A bold prediction. But no.
12:33-12:43 Celestia takes the performance too seriously.
12:44-12:54 Celestia can't picture herself on a train.
12:46 The way she's sitting!
12:47 Hi Lyra. I know you like to sit that way too (Slice of Life).
12:58-13:12 Yep, seriously not getting it.
13:13 That line.
13:15-13:25 A giant flaming marshmallow.
13:27-13:32 Technically, yes Pinkie. But it's not the most practical choice. Woah, I'm starting to sound like Applejack/Rarity (Honest Apple).
13:35 Blow drier magic.
13:36-13:55 Sharades. Celestia is no expert like Spike.
13:48 What?!
13:50 There was? I'd like to see that.
13:52-14:00 Twilight couldn't have lied more if she tried.
13:59-14:03 Twilight's face. Also, twitchy ear.
14:04 Show night already?! And Luna's there?!
14:06 Hi Fancy Pants, Fleur, Berry Punch and Thunder Lane.
14:08 That face.
14:13-14:24 She's still trying so desperately.
14:19 Applegeek's frustration.
14:35-14:39 Holy crap, that is dangerous. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
14:40-14:45 Did you seriously just ask that question Pinkie? Also, is there really a part of Trixie that still holds a grudge?
14:48 Good question.
14:52 Oh boy. Also, it has Trixie's Cutiemark.
14:54 They heard that.
14:59-15:03 Trixie's face as a firework. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
15:04-15:19 Twilight looses it to the point of calling Celestia the "worst lead actress in Equestria".
15:15-15:20 You said it before me, Applegeek.
15:20-15:26 The backdrop falls revealing Celestia heard the whole thing.
15:24 Twilight's face.
15:29-15:48 Celestia confronting Twilight.
15:42 That frown.
15:48-16:02 This is painful to watch.
16:07 This is bad.
16:10-16:16 This is not the time to be congratulating yourself Dash.
16:17 Technically you're correct.
16:26 You'll find out.
16:30-16:46 Poor Spike. This is almost as bad as when he improvised lyrics at the Equestrian Games.
16:46 That smile.
16:47-18:14 Twilight tries talking to Celestia.
16:55 You're right. She really is.
17:19-17:33 Twilight has had this problem ever since the series began. She tries too hard to impress her mentor.
17:35-17:42 Celestia gives an important lesson. Applegeek's gets it.
17:42-17:46 What did I tell you? Applejack, really has a pivotal role in this episode. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
18:05-18:10 Twilight finally being honest.
18:10 That smile.
18:14 Spike getting destroyed by an unhappy crowd. Also, how/why would they have tomatoes on standby? I've never understood that.
18:34-18:42 Rarity panicking.
18:41-18:45 Rarity's face.
18:45-19:14 Celestia taking charge.
18:56 Applegeek's face.
19:12-19:27 Fluttershy's fear is extremely justified here. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
19:21-19:27 That's right, she did.
19:22-19:26 Paper bag breathing.
19:25-19:36 So she couldn't learn it herself, but she knows how to teach it to other ponies?
19:37 You got that right.
19:53-20:25 Hecklers and improvisation.
20:27 Princess Fluttershy.
20:54-21:14 Celestia raises the sun at night and everypony thinks it's special effects.
20:55-20:57 I can imagine she would be.
20:58-21:03 Applegeek's reaction. Also, how is it cheating?
21:24-21:36 Celestia explains she didn't need to be on stage. She was just happy to be involved with the play.
21:41-22:15 I thought she was just going to say to call her Celestia from now on - not Princess Celestia. But wow, talk about a serious sense of humour. Also, Applegeek's reaction.
22:06 And the curtains have closed.
Overall, this was a hilarious and also rather touching episode. I don't think we've ever seen Celestia this down to Earth before. It was great seeing the Young 6 again - even if they didn't have speaking roles - and Starlight blends in so well with the Mane 6 you'd think she's been with them since the beginning. However, the best part was definitely Twilight and Celestia's reaffirmed bond. We tend to forget how close these two really are and how much they've been through. The show's new aspects are brilliant, but it's nice revisiting the old ones, too. All in all, I think Season 8 is finally starting to pick up after these last couple of episodes. Let's see if it can keep the momentum going.
I met Nicole Oliver too, and I can most definitely agree that she's an amazing person. She's actually the first MLP actor I've ever met.
That’s a weird title... “Horse Play” that sounds wrong...
Or do I have a dirty mind
Horse Play = Messing about
Horse Play = A play with horses
There's 2 kinds of people. XD
The Mystery Pal eh maybe both
i have the dirtiest mind in the universe and even i didn't catch that.
pardon me while i find my shotgun incase the zombie of my grandma comes to life.
I think it’s interesting how in the beginning of the series Celestia was like hugely respected and she still is but she loved alone and now she’s got Luna cadence and shining armor and everyone
I feel like it would have been really funny if you could hear Luna shout at Celestia in the end.
The bit where Celestia tries to say 'It is time for a new day in Equestria' just cracked me up 🤣🤣🤣
Easily one of my favorite episodes. A perfect balance of all elements and so much information. The main reason I love it is because it proved my timeline theory canon!! All my theories I will post at Everfree Northwest 2018 but this one will come out ASAP!!! One Flaw: Starlight is not like that around Princesses, S7 E10 already confirmed that. In any case, Rarity should have said those lines and then Starlight would jab about being a "princess" princess.
Actually, considering what Starlight experienced there, she might have been a little humbled by what she witnessed.
This episode was a nice followup from the previous one, I had fun with it! Props to Nicole Oliver for putting on a great performance as Celestia in this episode!! From getting all giddy, prancing around, even using her "royal Canterlot voice" for the first time was nothing short of amazing moments from her. Even though the students didn't have a bigger role(or speaking role) in the plot, it was still nice to see them participating in this episode. Now there is one con that I want to point, Twilight brushing off Applejack's words of wisdom in telling Celestia the truth of her lack in acting. I could rant on this but, I'd be on this for a bit. Let's just say that I strongly disagreed with Twilight's mindset in this episode, even though she had good intentions and she admitted to herself that she was in the wrong(so I can let that slide). On another note, I once again admire the character progression of Fluttershy. She is getting past her stage fright and fear of being in the spotlight, how cool is that!? Also, I really like how Celestia coached her in playing her role, that was a very nice moment, especially seeing Fluttershy in her Celestia outfit from "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!" Again, a nice episode to follow from the last and also, very nice reaction. :)
I was thinking totally the same, lolol.
I was expecting your reaction to this episode, especially at Celestia's Royal Canterlot Voice, Celestia upset with Twilight and the finale.
14:45 -14:56 All we needed was a Leslie Nielsen pony saying 'Nothing to see here. Please disperse.'
"Horse Play" ties with "Celestial Advice" and "A Royal Problem" as the best depiction of Princess Celestia in recent years.
That face Twilight made at 14:00 looked like she was passing kidney stones while at the same time having an orgasm, it freaking killed me and now I need a doctor. XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Never seen celestial so happy
Did anyone else find it adorable how Starlight's first act after the fireworks went off, was to be there comforting Fluttershy? 😊
Between this and what she looked like she was going to do to that pony that was harassing Fluttershy in Fame and Misfortune.... I kinda want a Fluttershy /Starlight episode.
A Starlight/Fluttershy episode? ...All right, who do I have to give my money to in order for us to get that?
Bonus because it would also have Angel Bunny, who seems to have a crush on Starlight.😂 He was awfully enthusiastic in Starlight's classroom.
I kinda liked this when we first saw it. Kinda wish they had kept it going more. Angel, who is normally mean to everypony including Fluttershy, being absolutely adorable whenever Starlight is there.
Now I really need to know who to give my money to! :D
Princess Twilight still has a lot to learn about friendship. And she really should learn to handle her angry freakouts better. She did the same thing during the Pinkie sense episode and the movie, her anger gets the best of her and she says VERY hurtful things. It's not okay to just apologize, you gotta do better too. She's a Princess, people have expectations of her and she is a role model to the people of Equestria. Hopefully she'll learn in time like the other Princesses have
I love how the camera shakes when you laugh
“SpEcIaL eFfEcTs”
My favourite part was Celestia's reaction to being chosen as the play's star! WHAT A CHANGE IN PERSONALITY!! Now I really want to see a background story on Celestia. I though we'd get one when she revealed that she always wanted to be part of a play and used magic on the window - I REALLY HOPE we get an episode on her background as a filly and perhaps even hers and Luna's parents??? That would be the biggest episode by far!
I swear, your reactions for MLP are just the best! I love watching your react videos so much!
Celestia is so adorable when she gets excited omg
The first little "gotcha" moment was way back in season 1. Now it's has returned in its FORMER GLORY!
13:28 I love seeing pinkie with flat hair (When shes not sad)
18:42 Realization of having a chance to getting banished to the moon
So far this season has been a bit mediocre. I hope this weeks episode is a good one.
(prologue starts with Celestia acting like a school girl)
Oh yeah! Get your popcorn ready! I just hope this episode doesn't break Applegeek! My favorite episode of season 8, but I'm not sure I would put it in the top 10, maybe on the bubble.
This season has been awesome so far. I hope this weeks episode is just as goo-
Oh wait, it was. ;)
celestia sitting down
15:05 - "AaaAaaaaAaaaaaaAAAA!!!! I CAn'T tAKe IT ANyMOre!!! It wAs sUpPOSed to Be A sIMpLE PlAY, JUsT ONe SiMPLe pLAy. AnD ThEN EVEryTHIng gOEs wRONg fRoM ThE STAgE tO ThE pROPs RiGHt DOwn To tHE WoRsT LeAd AcTrESs In eQuEStRIAAA!!!!!!!!"
Excellent use of saying "Daaash!" through gritted teeth.
I saw that you uploaded this and immediately jumped up from my seat and screamed at the top of my lungs, "YES! YES!"
Luckily I'm not in public... lol
That cannon is so big, we'll need a tank the size of an elephant for that thing to fit!
Fun fact, in spanish version (the castillian version) Princess Celestia and Pikie Pie have the same voice actress so it's going to be hard for her to do the excited Celestia without making the Pinkie Pie Voice (That happens once with Luna who has the same voice as Fluttershy)
He shouldve pulled out the checkmark for his wish list for season 6 or 7 cause this was technically a Celestia focused episode.
The faces and the cringe comedy was golden as well as your expressions
Fluttershy is best princess ^w^
11:58 - How's that for a Sci Fi disaster? "Oh, God, you broke the sun!"
Applegeek that little "gehh" at 19:14 had me lmao
You and blank slate or blank check are officially my favorite reactions to watch. Keep up the amazing content.
0:48 okay, Celestia and Luna took over the duties of moving the sun and moon a little over a 100 years before shit hit the fan (Sombra, Discord and, of course, Nightmare Moon)? Okay then.
6:52 okay, that's actually really dark, when you think about it. How many unicorns had to give up their magic forever each and every day?
I'm shocked that the unicorns even survived before Celestia came along
1:03 LMAO
9:06 6:36 3:13 3:58 7:53 7:58 7:59 8:00 8:49 8:50 8:51 10:15 10:16 13:18 13:19 13:20 13:21
I just wanna say congrats for your growing channel, I remember when you had like 2k, crazy.
I remember when this aired.
I needed this episode after getting back from Infinity War.
7:35 [Celestia just became Fluttershy.]
Hmmm... reverse foreshadowing, perhaps?
20:22 I watched the incomplete episode on DM and I believe the original joke was, “Starswirls looking a little grey”, or something like that
1:03 When there is a giant spider on the wall, and it's suddenly gone
Maybe the sun thing’s along the lines of, with Sunset Serenade, they have lighting, but it would be perfect with the other three princesses help, but here, the needed a sun of some kind, and they’d already gone through Pinkies plans A through D, and were out of options. One was making what was better, the other is when they have nothing on their own.
I actually would have loved if she just says they don't have to address her as Princess anymore and just Celestia, cementing the fact that they are close friends of hers, also a followup would have been awesome how Luna lectures her.
Who is the best acting couch for Celestia?
A. Arnold Schwarzenegger
B. Harrison Ford
C. Michael Fasbender
D. Nicholas Cage
At 15:10, “The Play that goes Wrong” portrayed by MLP 😆
20:24 Luna should have dropped to the floor laughing at that Starswirl jab.... followed with Celestia doing the same.
Not enough runtime for that to happen. Also might have been out of character a little bit because not everyone that watches the show knows about the fan works.
The one lesson they never learned “never say what can go wrong”
I'm e a r l y -
*Also Celestia's legs stopped working-*
as to why twilight thought telling celestia the truth would be bad freindship, it was likely guilt talking, she had built celestia up for this, made her think this was going to be the bestest thing...the thought of kicking that right back out from under her...yeah.