close but no cookie. He is turkish, not from india :P but does that really matter?.. probably not. Likeminded souls can be found everywhere. I understand no word, but i would love to be sitting at a fire listening to him playing all night. greetings from finland
@@benjaws pretty sure David meant that Baba has a beautiful sense of humility, he is not proud or boastful, not that he's humble as in an uneducated person of low social status. :)
I have loosely translated one of Yunus Emre poems: Lord has given me a heart always ready to sing His praises sometimes it is filled with joy sometimes laden with tribulations at times it feels cold as winter as if caught in the frost of winter created by annunciation at times to become this orchard and this vineyard at times it goes high above at times it sinks deep within what appears to be a mere drop overflows and forms an ocean at times it remains oblivious ignorant of all that there is at times it resides in the realm of ken to become that all-knowing Gallien at times it roams across ruined towns resembling giants or fairies it flies with the Queen of Shabbat, as the Sultan of Man and of the genies at times it takes to visiting the mosque kneeling down on its ground at times it joins the church folk reads the gospel and becomes a monk at times it resuscitates like Jesus did raises people from the dead, joins the ranks of the prudent to observe the Purim with the pharaoh at times it returns to Gabriel and pours God's mercy all around at times it becomes this strayed sinner and that's the one poor Yunus loves
I adore Turkish music of old. There's lots of wisdom in it, musically. It always feels like going into battle with determination in your heart and tears of doom in your eyes, but going there anyway. Though I do not understand a single word
Most of the lyrics are about being one with the god, love of god etc. Written by old Turkish folk poets. I'm pretty sure you can find translations of poems especially those of Yunus Emre. Just Google "Yunus Emre in English".
Tanrıyla doğrudan doğruya bağlantı noktamız, türkülerimiz... Türkülerimiz için son pirimiz Özgür Baba olacak... Doğunun ilmini, derinliğini hal ile anlatmak bir Türk'e nasip olacakmış şükür. Bizim için ilmin kapısı türküler, türkülere ruh veren Yunuslar, Hatailer, Pir Sultanlar, Mısriler... Sesi ile ruhumuza yol veren Baba! Tanrı sana katında rütbe versin... Selam olsun bu yolda nefes alanlara, verenlere...
Absolutely beautiful...this gentle man's video popped up years ago and im extremely grateful for my curiosity that made me click i fell in love at first note...Ozgar Baba Is the only man that can restore my inner peace immediately...before it even plays I just know the gentle, calming voice is soon to follow. I remember to stop, sit, and most importantly breathe again...Amazing man id love to thank you personally, however if you do read this gentle man please reply to me...I would shine so bright inside like a child with her biggest surprise ever...again thank you and never stop spreading the peace that I found with your voice...
He sings as if he has allowed the universal unique spirit to sing through him. This is what the poets of his songs did hundreds of years ago. Hu with the love of Allah in the eternal moment ❤
Bahr içinde katreyim English translate A Drop In The Ocean I am a drop in the ocean, the ocean is my admirer now I am a grain on the earth, the sky is my promenade now The friend has become visible so nothing’s left obscure now If all the world is in a flood, a single drop is flood for me now What is my outer appearance, all my ore lies in the ethics If the Doom dawned on us today, I wouldn’t see it at all as ruins I am the Phoenix from Mount Qaf of heart, I am the knower of mysteries I am the purest of all concerns, I am named as human now In the tongue of Niyazi, Yunus is the one singing now Everyone needs a soul mate, Yunus has become my soul now Niyâzî Mısrî Translated by: İnan Mayıs Aru
I've been listening to Ozgur Baba for a few years now, I think I discovered him in 2017. There's nothing more cultural and mystical than music, in my opinion.
My dear Turkish friends, I can't tell my admiration and gratitude for your great translation works here for our international friends who are walking on the pure paths of the Anatolian music and culture in the seek of the ancient and the mystic, i.e. the truth. Loves and regards deep from my heart. Let's enjoy this real music together!
It's a privilege listening to this music, whose melodic origins are largely unknown, and have been passed down from generation to generation. Later generations will sing these same poems, albeit slightly differently since folk music has a living/fluid nature that is "same but different."
he just oozes humility... and I ♥ how he throws out a statement like 'music from the 13th century'' as if it was yesterday. folk music is timeless. no autotune, no reverb, just acoustic...
Yenilmişlerin söylediği sözler neden ruhumuza bu kadar iyi geliyor? 14. yüzyılda Moğol istilasından sonra Anadolu'dan ne büyük ozanlar çıkmış. Yunuslar, Rumiler, Şah Hatailer iyi ki bu dünyadan geçtiniz.
To listen to this somehow gives me hope for humanity. The beauty of your sound destroys borders, cultures and race! We are all 1 with closed eyes and open ears
BRAVO MR.BABA OZGUR,mirakul,volimo tvoj način svirke,kralj si ove galaksije,prostranstva su tvoja i mirisi cvijeta poslije kiše,jezika nemam a suza koliko,koliko...
How very beautiful this is. In a time when so much seems to mean so little, this feels heart-achingly real. And somehow pure. And somehow without ego. Thank you so much...
2. song Hak bir gönül verdi bana, ha demeden hayran olur, Bir dem gelir şâdân olur, bir dem gelir giryan olur, Bir dem sanırsın kış gibi, şol zemheri olmuş gibi, Bir dem bişâretten doğar, hoş bağ ile bostan olur, Bir dem gelir söyleyemez, bir sözü şerh eyleyemez, Bir dem dilinden dürr döker, dertlilere derman olur, Bir dem çıkar arş üzere, bir dem iner taht-es serâ, Bir dem sanırsın katredir, bir dem taşar ummân olur, Bir dem cehâlette kalır, nesne bilmez na-dan olur, Bir dem dalar hikmetlere, Kâlînos û Lokmân olur, Bir dem dev olur ya peri, viraneler olur yeri, Bir dem uçar Belkıs ile, sultân-ı ins û can olur, Bir dem varır mescitlere, yüz sürer anda yerlere, Bir dem varır deyre girer, incil okur ruhban olur, Bir dem gelir İsa gibi, ölmüşleri diri kılar, Bir dem girer kibr evine, Fir’avn ile (Firavunla) Haman olur, Bir dem döner Cebrail’e, rahmet saçar her mahfile, Bir dem gelir gümrah olur, miskin Yunus hayran olur. Yunus EMRE
3.folk song Bugün ben pirimi gördüm Pirin eşiği güldür gül Eğildim yüzümü sürdüm Pir’in eteği güldür gül Gülden terazi yaparlar Gülü gül ile tartarlar Gül alırlar gül satarlar Çarşı pazarı güldür gül Gülden değirmeni döner Nun ile gül üğünür Akar arkı döner çarkı Bendi pınarı güldür gül Gel ha, gel ha, can Hatayi dostun nefesi güldür gül Şu öten garip bülbülün Derdi figanı güldür gül
1. folk song Bir nefesçik söyleyeyim Dinlemezsen neyleyeyim Aşk deryasın boylayayım Ummana dalmağa geldim Ben Hak’la oldum aşina Kalmadı gönlümde nesne Pervaneyim ateşine Oduna yanmağa geldim Aşk harmanında savruldum Hem elendim hem yuğruldum Kazana girdim kavruldum Meydana yenmeğe geldim Ben Hakk’ın edna kuluyum Kem damarlardan biriyim Ayn-ı cemin bülbülüyüm Meydana ötmeye geldim Pir Sultan’ım der gözümde Hiç hata yoktur sözümde Eksiklik kendi özümde Darına durmağa geldim Region : Aydın
Thank you for posting this wonderful and magical music. I can't stop listening.... very addictive, inspiring, mysterious and peaceful. Hope that 2020 will be the year of peace, love and solidarity for all the world.
Idk the catastrophies of 2019 carried over and worsened. 2019 over half the world's rain forests burned to the ground. Now the world is being swept with plague. Only a matter of time before it gets even worse. It hasn't gotten as worse as it could.. that's why I know it's not time to get better
é muito impressionante existir um espaço em que nós partilhamos a beleza de um som tão profundo, invisível e poderoso, de um tempo e um espaço totalmente diferente do nosso.
You can be the best musician and whatever but you can’t touch the souls like traditional Turkish saz players. Those guys hits different most doesn’t have that much of a vocal talent but they still make you at ease or to be more precise they make you feel understood and they share your deep sadness that even you seem to have forgotten with a weird tone of voice. And I guess we are here for that
Bir nefescik söyleyeyim Dinlemezsen neyleyeyim Aşk deryâsın boylayayım Ummâna dalmağa geldim Aşk harmanında savruldum Hem elendim hem yuğruldum Kazana girdim kavruldum Meydâna yenmeğe geldim Ben Hakk’la oldum âşinâ Kalmadı gönlümde nesne Pervâneyem âteşine Şem’ine yanmağa geldim Ben Hakk’ın kemter kuluyam Kem damarlardan berîyem Ayn-ı cemin bülbülüyem Meydâna ötmeğe geldim Şah Hatâyî’dir özümde Hiç hilâf yoktur sözümde Eksiklik kendi özümde Dârına durmağa geldim ...... Şah İsmail
✨EL AMOR ES UNA FRECUENCIA✨ El Amor no se busca en los estándares de belleza, en la idealización de una persona perfecta que nunca se equivoca, o en quien tiene exactamente las mismas pretensiones que uno en cuestión de pareja. El Amor no se puede "buscar", porque no está oculto a nadie. El Amor es una FRECUENCIA VIBRATORIA, que se agita en ondas energéticas que vibran por todo el Universo. No somos personas que buscan Amor, somos Almas encarnadas que palpitan en esta energía, que atraemos o repelemos de acuerdo a nuestras necesidades evolutivas, nuestro estado de consciencia y nuestras elecciones. El Amor es esa frecuencia, tan cercana y tan simple, que mirando hacia afuera no la podemos ver. Quien "encuentra" Amor, es porque no lo buscó, sino que lo sintió... LA VIBRACIÓN ATRAJO a sus semejantes hacia él. Cuando entendemos que la clave de la experiencia del Amor no está en quiénes somos, en la apariencia que tenemos, o en la imagen que construimos, sino en la capacidad de vibrarlo y de manifestarlo en nosotros, abandonamos las ilusiones, las necesidades del ego y saciamos nuestra sed en esta fuente inagotable. No se trata de estar con alguien. Porque esto es de alguna manera inevitable, si esas son las pretensiones. Siempre habrá alguien con quién estar. Se trata de estar bien contigo mismo, se trata de NO proyectar tus necesidades en los demás, se trata de LIBERARTE de los patrones sociales, los traumas del pasado y aceptarte de una manera tan profunda y hermosa. Y esto NO tiene que ver con encontrar a esa otra persona, sino con trabajar contigo mismo y tu niñ@ interior. La importancia de AMARSE y vibrar en esa frecuencia. Porque este estado es la SANACIÓN de nuestras heridas, es el tesoro que tanto estábamos buscando. No busques Amor, VIBRA en AMOR ... y todo lo demás tendrá sentido... Y todo lo demás te será dado por añadidura... (M. C., corrección A. C.) 🙏🏻🤲🏻🪷✨💖 Ali Cia para Loto Alquimista #conciencia #consciencia #espiritualidad #amor #sanacion #amorpropio #almasgemelas #llamasgemelas #frecuenciadelamor #vibrandoamor #alquimia #alquimiainterior #lotoalquimista
Poland here. Love Ozgur Baba. I guess I'm here because of the Dertli Dolap video with chickens and a cat. Beauty!
The cat is legend
such an amazing video, we get to hang out in the backyard, and enjoy the landscape and the farm life and the infinitesimally beautiful music
Same here :)
Ben de.
same !
I am 88 yrs old but feel eternal when I I am listening to this,and feeling his Presence. Namaste 🙏
close but no cookie. He is turkish, not from india :P
but does that really matter?.. probably not. Likeminded souls can be found everywhere.
I understand no word, but i would love to be sitting at a fire listening to him playing all night.
greetings from finland
Holy cow! Finally someone older than me on youtube!!!
Sending fond regard!
I feel His presence and in His eyes, in this moment of purity, we are perfectly kind to one another. May kindness be renewed every new day.💖🌞
This humble man knows the art of leaving space among the music. So very beautiful
humble? because he doesn't shout like a yankee? his talent is nothing but humble, but he's an educated man.
Benjamin Lemaire a man who can feel and make that music, should and would be nothing but humble... His education is irrelevant.
@@benjaws pretty sure David meant that Baba has a beautiful sense of humility, he is not proud or boastful, not that he's humble as in an uneducated person of low social status. :)
"Humble" is high praise. If you feel compelled to criticise others' praise, go and learn some English first (Benjamin Lemaire).
Ich fange an die türkische Sprache zu lieben. Dieser Mann bringt nur Gutes in die Welt.... seine Augen sagen alles, was es zu sagen gibt.
I have loosely translated one of Yunus Emre poems:
Lord has given me a heart
always ready to sing His praises
sometimes it is filled with joy
sometimes laden with tribulations
at times it feels cold as winter
as if caught in the frost of winter
created by annunciation at times
to become this orchard and this vineyard
at times it goes high above
at times it sinks deep within
what appears to be a mere drop
overflows and forms an ocean
at times it remains oblivious
ignorant of all that there is
at times it resides in the realm of ken
to become that all-knowing Gallien
at times it roams across ruined towns
resembling giants or fairies
it flies with the Queen of Shabbat,
as the Sultan of Man and of the genies
at times it takes to visiting the mosque
kneeling down on its ground
at times it joins the church folk
reads the gospel and becomes a monk
at times it resuscitates like Jesus did
raises people from the dead,
joins the ranks of the prudent
to observe the Purim with the pharaoh
at times it returns to Gabriel
and pours God's mercy all around
at times it becomes this strayed sinner
and that's the one poor Yunus loves
Thank you
thnx so much!
...the heart...
Beautiful thank you
America here. Only love.
I am 82 years old, and this is the most spiritual music, speaks to my hear and soul. God is Most /great!
Wow! Songs from the 14th century. This man is an angel that flies on his strings!
I adore Turkish music of old. There's lots of wisdom in it, musically. It always feels like going into battle with determination in your heart and tears of doom in your eyes, but going there anyway. Though I do not understand a single word
you don´t need to know a word I think you catched the soul of it.
Most of the lyrics are about being one with the god, love of god etc. Written by old Turkish folk poets. I'm pretty sure you can find translations of poems especially those of Yunus Emre. Just Google "Yunus Emre in English".
Tanrıyla doğrudan doğruya bağlantı noktamız, türkülerimiz...
Türkülerimiz için son pirimiz Özgür Baba olacak... Doğunun ilmini, derinliğini hal ile anlatmak bir Türk'e nasip olacakmış şükür.
Bizim için ilmin kapısı türküler, türkülere ruh veren Yunuslar, Hatailer, Pir Sultanlar, Mısriler...
Sesi ile ruhumuza yol veren Baba!
Tanrı sana katında rütbe versin...
Selam olsun bu yolda nefes alanlara, verenlere...
Absolutely beautiful...this gentle man's video popped up years ago and im extremely grateful for my curiosity that made me click i fell in love at first note...Ozgar Baba Is the only man that can restore my inner peace immediately...before it even plays I just know the gentle, calming voice is soon to follow. I remember to stop, sit, and most importantly breathe again...Amazing man id love to thank you personally, however if you do read this gentle man please reply to me...I would shine so bright inside like a child with her biggest surprise ever...again thank you and never stop spreading the peace that I found with your voice...
He looks like a garden elf come to life. This is so incredibly beautiful.
in fact he is a korigan :D
He sings as if he has allowed the universal unique spirit to sing through him. This is what the poets of his songs did hundreds of years ago. Hu with the love of Allah in the eternal moment ❤
Само Мироздание Заглянуло в Его Глаза и Душу❤
I must confess I prefer the courtyard environment
Close your eyes and listen. I find myself teleported to the mountain ranges with a small fire infront of me. You'll reach the courtyard yourself
And also the chickens, right?
You're supposed to find the chicken courtyard within yourself.
of course, but letting more people share it is what is special.
@@Burley_Bert Hey, no audience is too large to add a few chickens.
there is something other-worldly and transcendental about this... audibly as well as visually. thank.
Huge Ozgur Baba fan here !!!! One Heart !!!
“He was so slim, his heart was visible”
― Hafez, The Nightingales are Drunk
Bahr içinde katreyim English translate
A Drop In The Ocean
I am a drop in the ocean, the ocean is my admirer now
I am a grain on the earth, the sky is my promenade now
The friend has become visible so nothing’s left obscure now
If all the world is in a flood, a single drop is flood for me now
What is my outer appearance, all my ore lies in the ethics
If the Doom dawned on us today, I wouldn’t see it at all as ruins
I am the Phoenix from Mount Qaf of heart, I am the knower of mysteries
I am the purest of all concerns, I am named as human now
In the tongue of Niyazi, Yunus is the one singing now
Everyone needs a soul mate, Yunus has become my soul now
Niyâzî Mısrî
Translated by: İnan Mayıs Aru
I absolutely love listening to peaceful and inspiring...thank you for all u from America
Sublime. This is the golden thread all mystical traditions dwell around!!!
thats a terrible translation. awful.
Ahmet Koc Come on, do better then
I love Ozgur Baba. So much humility, raw talent, peaceful voice. Just incredible.
I've been listening to Ozgur Baba for a few years now, I think I discovered him in 2017. There's nothing more cultural and mystical than music, in my opinion.
Ottoman and sufi music and poetry at its best! "But O how fall'n! how chang'd
From him, who in the happy Realms of Light..."
Birisi UA-cam’a hazine bırakmış. Teşekkürler!
Ben ilk defa duydum gördüm bu gece vakti kimdir nedir necidir dinle alakası nedie
I barely speak his language but he speaks mine perfectly
My dear Turkish friends, I can't tell my admiration and gratitude for your great translation works here for our international friends who are walking on the pure paths of the Anatolian music and culture in the seek of the ancient and the mystic, i.e. the truth. Loves and regards deep from my heart. Let's enjoy this real music together!
Congratulations! the message is great
Yunus Emre might easily have become one of the best poets in any language...
It's a privilege listening to this music, whose melodic origins are largely unknown, and have been passed down from generation to generation. Later generations will sing these same poems, albeit slightly differently since folk music has a living/fluid nature that is "same but different."
he just oozes humility... and I ♥ how he throws out a statement like 'music from the 13th century'' as if it was yesterday. folk music is timeless. no autotune, no reverb, just acoustic...
Yenilmişlerin söylediği sözler neden ruhumuza bu kadar iyi geliyor? 14. yüzyılda Moğol istilasından sonra Anadolu'dan ne büyük ozanlar çıkmış. Yunuslar, Rumiler, Şah Hatailer iyi ki bu dünyadan geçtiniz.
He is so sweet. Such a gentle soul. Reminds me of my grandfather.
Love you Ozgur Baba.
Beautiful music, photography, and mystical Ambiance..
I wish I could buy all of them in mp3 format, or even a CD. I watch this performance over and over. Ozgur Baba is in my heart of hearts!
Ғажап орындау, Озгур Баба! Үлкен ілтіпатпен Қазақстан бауырларын!🌹🏵❤👋🥰
Beautifull!!! Greetings from Brazil to the great musician Ozgur Baba!
Turkish Time Wizard casting a spell I never want to end
One of those rare moments where I consider mysel lucky to live in our time.
Out of words... a true bard!
i was there, great experience, very grateful and modest artist. Close your eyes.
bless this man forever, humble people are some of the finest humans in the world
Ozgur!!!! Ya fata. thank you beautiful soul
To listen to this somehow gives me hope for humanity. The beauty of your sound destroys borders, cultures and race! We are all 1 with closed eyes and open ears
love this and Özgür Baba, thanks for sharing
The long round of applause at the end says allot! ❤
Thankyou for sharing your beautiful music🙏🏼✌🏼❤️🙌🏼
Greats from Hungary!
So Geil ...
BRAVO MR.BABA OZGUR,mirakul,volimo tvoj način svirke,kralj si ove galaksije,prostranstva su tvoja i mirisi cvijeta poslije kiše,jezika nemam a suza koliko,koliko...
I haven't found yet, music more beautiful and hunting than Mediterranean music, thank you Ozgur, you are awesome
This is what beauty looks like.
The filming is a masterpiece of understatement. Thank you for keeping it simple and pure.
Sonsuza dek sadece Özgür Baba dinleyebilirim hiç sıkılmadan çok seviyorum Bir insan nasıl bu kadar etkileyici olabilir ki..Eksik olmasın hiç,
How very beautiful this is. In a time when so much seems to mean so little, this feels heart-achingly real. And somehow pure. And somehow without ego. Thank you so much...
2. song
Hak bir gönül verdi bana, ha demeden hayran olur,
Bir dem gelir şâdân olur, bir dem gelir giryan olur,
Bir dem sanırsın kış gibi, şol zemheri olmuş gibi,
Bir dem bişâretten doğar, hoş bağ ile bostan olur,
Bir dem gelir söyleyemez, bir sözü şerh eyleyemez,
Bir dem dilinden dürr döker, dertlilere derman olur,
Bir dem çıkar arş üzere, bir dem iner taht-es serâ,
Bir dem sanırsın katredir, bir dem taşar ummân olur,
Bir dem cehâlette kalır, nesne bilmez na-dan olur,
Bir dem dalar hikmetlere, Kâlînos û Lokmân olur,
Bir dem dev olur ya peri, viraneler olur yeri,
Bir dem uçar Belkıs ile, sultân-ı ins û can olur,
Bir dem varır mescitlere, yüz sürer anda yerlere,
Bir dem varır deyre girer, incil okur ruhban olur,
Bir dem gelir İsa gibi, ölmüşleri diri kılar,
Bir dem girer kibr evine, Fir’avn ile (Firavunla) Haman olur,
Bir dem döner Cebrail’e, rahmet saçar her mahfile,
Bir dem gelir gümrah olur, miskin Yunus hayran olur.
Yunus EMRE
big love from Amsterdam Holland
My Earth , My Soul , My Hearth ,My Love
3.folk song
Bugün ben pirimi gördüm
Pirin eşiği güldür gül
Eğildim yüzümü sürdüm
Pir’in eteği güldür gül
Gülden terazi yaparlar
Gülü gül ile tartarlar
Gül alırlar gül satarlar
Çarşı pazarı güldür gül
Gülden değirmeni döner
Nun ile gül üğünür
Akar arkı döner çarkı
Bendi pınarı güldür gül
Gel ha, gel ha, can
Hatayi dostun nefesi güldür gül
Şu öten garip bülbülün
Derdi figanı güldür gül
thank you :)
it does not matter :)
Özgür nerdesin üçten sonrasını yazmamışsın gözlerim seni aradı 😔 devam hadi gerisini de yaz şarkıyı dinlerken sözleri okuyorduk .
So powerful. All I could do was listen and I was taken on a journey!
if you understan what he saying,then i blive your jorney will start ONEWAY TICET
1. folk song
Bir nefesçik söyleyeyim
Dinlemezsen neyleyeyim
Aşk deryasın boylayayım
Ummana dalmağa geldim
Ben Hak’la oldum aşina
Kalmadı gönlümde nesne
Pervaneyim ateşine
Oduna yanmağa geldim
Aşk harmanında savruldum
Hem elendim hem yuğruldum
Kazana girdim kavruldum
Meydana yenmeğe geldim
Ben Hakk’ın edna kuluyum
Kem damarlardan biriyim
Ayn-ı cemin bülbülüyüm
Meydana ötmeye geldim
Pir Sultan’ım der gözümde
Hiç hata yoktur sözümde
Eksiklik kendi özümde
Darına durmağa geldim
Region : Aydın
Bu nefes Şah İsmail'in, nasıl Aydın bölgesi oluyor? :=)
Pervaneyim ateşine
Oduna yanmaya geldim.
Eksiklik Kendi özümde
Darina durmaya geldim...
Love me some Ozgur Baba! ❤️🙏🌹
Thank you for posting this wonderful and magical music. I can't stop listening.... very addictive, inspiring, mysterious and peaceful. Hope that 2020 will be the year of peace, love and solidarity for all the world.
we are so much to have that hope
2020 became smt else..
Corona could have the paradoxical effect...
Idk the catastrophies of 2019 carried over and worsened. 2019 over half the world's rain forests burned to the ground. Now the world is being swept with plague. Only a matter of time before it gets even worse. It hasn't gotten as worse as it could.. that's why I know it's not time to get better
What a nice dude. you can just tell. Not only that, he makes amazing music too!
I don't know a single word of what he is singing but I love it lol so calming and relaxing
I know what he singing about and.. it is.
@@ahmet8048 is it Turkish
@@hamadas407 old sufi styla turkish.
The only thing this needs is more views.
Ozgur baba gercekten ozgurrr babaaaaaaa
Ruh benden çıkıp bütün güzellikleri görüp müzik bitince yeniden bene dönüyor... Ama arınmış bir biçimde...
какая прелесть!
Baba gibi baba ⚘
Uy qué hermoso SER!!!! ,no sé que dice pero mi alma florece cuando lo escucho .
Dünyada yaşaması gereken insan modeli,kirlenmemiş dünyadan ışınlanmış gibi.
So so so so so so so beautiful, thank you Ozgur
So, so beautiful. I'm glad to live in a world with this man in it.
super sir
Parts of my soul come back to me. Um obrigada do Brasil.
Sözden söze söz olur kalır.
Kalpten kalbe dokunmak baki kalır..
Aşk ile 🌼💫❤️🙏
Poland - music is connecting - lot of harmonics is similar to very, very old polish songs. We love long stories
Turk"un buyk ozanı Sah Hatayı"nın bu deyişi kalbimi kuşa çevirir!
Greetings from Brazil! Thanks Ozgur Baba!!!
é muito impressionante existir um espaço em que nós partilhamos a beleza de um som tão profundo, invisível e poderoso, de um tempo e um espaço totalmente diferente do nosso.
What a beautifully humble man. Surreal.
love this guy! so humble
You can be the best musician and whatever but you can’t touch the souls like traditional Turkish saz players. Those guys hits different most doesn’t have that much of a vocal talent but they still make you at ease or to be more precise they make you feel understood and they share your deep sadness that even you seem to have forgotten with a weird tone of voice. And I guess we are here for that
Gonlune ellerine bedenine sesine saglik💐
Your art accompanies me in meditation, yoga, relaxation. Your music helps me care for myself. Thank you.
Just reading on Wiki of Yunus Emre, that he wrote deeply mystical concepts in a simple way. There are other levels to you, brother
Thanks and love for all you do Ozgur ! Mike H from Miami !
Incredible beauty !
“From here darkness, I don’t see your face, but I know you are here.” You are good my Friend.
Bir nefescik söyleyeyim
Dinlemezsen neyleyeyim
Aşk deryâsın boylayayım
Ummâna dalmağa geldim
Aşk harmanında savruldum
Hem elendim hem yuğruldum
Kazana girdim kavruldum
Meydâna yenmeğe geldim
Ben Hakk’la oldum âşinâ
Kalmadı gönlümde nesne
Pervâneyem âteşine
Şem’ine yanmağa geldim
Ben Hakk’ın kemter kuluyam
Kem damarlardan berîyem
Ayn-ı cemin bülbülüyem
Meydâna ötmeğe geldim
Şah Hatâyî’dir özümde
Hiç hilâf yoktur sözümde
Eksiklik kendi özümde
Dârına durmağa geldim ...... Şah İsmail
El Amor no se busca en los estándares de belleza, en la idealización de una persona perfecta que nunca se equivoca, o en quien tiene exactamente las mismas pretensiones que uno en cuestión de pareja.
El Amor no se puede "buscar", porque no está oculto a nadie. El Amor es una FRECUENCIA VIBRATORIA, que se agita en ondas energéticas que vibran por todo el Universo.
No somos personas que buscan Amor, somos Almas encarnadas que palpitan en esta energía, que atraemos o repelemos de acuerdo a nuestras necesidades evolutivas, nuestro estado de consciencia y nuestras elecciones.
El Amor es esa frecuencia, tan cercana y tan simple, que mirando hacia afuera no la podemos ver.
Quien "encuentra" Amor, es porque no lo buscó, sino que lo sintió... LA VIBRACIÓN ATRAJO a sus semejantes hacia él.
Cuando entendemos que la clave de la experiencia del Amor no está en quiénes somos, en la apariencia que tenemos, o en la imagen que construimos, sino en la capacidad de vibrarlo y de manifestarlo en nosotros, abandonamos las ilusiones, las necesidades del ego y saciamos nuestra sed en esta fuente inagotable.
No se trata de estar con alguien. Porque esto es de alguna manera inevitable, si esas son las pretensiones. Siempre habrá alguien con quién estar.
Se trata de estar bien contigo mismo, se trata de NO proyectar tus necesidades en los demás, se trata de LIBERARTE de los patrones sociales, los traumas del pasado y aceptarte de una manera tan profunda y hermosa. Y esto NO tiene que ver con encontrar a esa otra persona, sino con trabajar contigo mismo y tu niñ@ interior.
La importancia de AMARSE y vibrar en esa frecuencia.
Porque este estado es la SANACIÓN de nuestras heridas, es el tesoro que tanto estábamos buscando.
No busques Amor, VIBRA en AMOR ... y todo lo demás tendrá sentido... Y todo lo demás te será dado por añadidura...
(M. C., corrección A. C.)
🙏🏻🤲🏻🪷✨💖 Ali Cia para Loto Alquimista
#conciencia #consciencia #espiritualidad #amor #sanacion #amorpropio #almasgemelas #llamasgemelas #frecuenciadelamor #vibrandoamor #alquimia #alquimiainterior #lotoalquimista
Selamlar ,Türkiye den
What a beautiful person
Thank you for the great music :) Love you
I find your music and your voice very healing Ozgur Baba. You are a vessel of love by the Divine for all humanity and nature! ❤
Thank you for the beautiful musical journey.
And now I’m officially in tears😂
Ozgar baba...i LOVE your music, it touches my heart...thank you..i hope you are well ❤
I love this man so much. He's such a kind person.
Sunum ve açıklamaların İngilizce ancak meşk-in Türkçe olması çok güzel bir ayrıntı.
Absolutely divine. I make a deep bow to this master of the heart.
Madloba )))) from Georgia
Nefesin daim olsun Özgür Baba...
Thank You! 🌀❤️🌀
J'aime cet Homme, sa musique soigne!!! Sagesse..... Éternité!!!!!
Absolute banger 👌🏽🔥
I love Amenra but I was not expecting to find them in here. Very pleasant surprise.