I listened to this on my 1hr+ commute home today, driving through the hills with my windows rolled down. Super relaxing, and the pauses give room to let things sink in. Seems like a pretty cool guy. I'd like to see him do a cooking show.
First listen to Frank...such a beautiful perception of the rules that govern us.. His excitement for his field left me smiling, like listening to a motivational video!
This lecture is one of the best lecture I ever heard. From knowing nothing about symmetry. I am now full of idea and imagination about it and how the world is shaped by this idea.
Tiled floor from a different perspective is like visiting the plane of 3 D from a higher perspective …….an exercise to ponder change without change- might be the secret to solving our divided ness…. DIFFERENT BY SAME--ALL IN IT TOGETHER !
+ozbodozzy Nice trick, almost made the whole thing watchable. Too bad there isn't a "focus" setting to crank waaaay up as well (and another one for "eloquence" and... yeah, ok, I'll stop there).
Frank is a genius he lays the foundation for a true understanding of our Universe and how everything and everyone is an integral part in this muti-dimensional existence.
'Beauty' - hmm... I'm sure Richard Feynman (talking about 'guesses' or hypotheticals) said something like: "It doesn't matter how elegant or beautiful your hypothesis is, or who said it; if it doesn't match experiments, _then it's wrong!_ *_:0)_*
The concept of existence is an amorphous information cloud of fluid motion, and the occurrence of dominant probability of synchronized change in motion forms space time. This process is exemplified by boiling fluid, one that emits and combines throughout existence, then has the "residual" asynchronous spectrum of motion excluded from synch that is fields of quantized connection, - Quantum Fields. The properties of async are arranged by the math of probability distribution, in sync, duality/symmetry, 3D, ..to the limit of improbablity at the boundary of zero, beyond completeness. To represent this ultimate vanishing point of information, distribution requires a completeness of combined techniques that inform the perception of a connected universe, and this process is dependent on total reflection of the information as "spin", so apparently, a spin/wave "writes" the point origin of connection into the structure of space time by combinations of probability duration. We like what we believe we are in tune with / understand.
Okay what am I missing? Isn't he getting it wrong when he says the fields/particles always occur in pairs? Isn't the Higgs field an implicit third in the cases where the particle has mass? Also aren't virtual particles implicit in all of the pairings? They're just mostly one-sided random noise with the occasional "Whoops, we just broke the symmetrical beauty by making Hawking radiation, what do we do with this extra bit?" What about entanglement, doesn't that break the pretty picture if you entangle pairs of particles and send the entangled ones off in random directions. Suddenly every "beautiful" symmetrical operation you do locally results in just crap/white noise elsewhere in the universe. Doesn't seem to make any testable predictions...seems more like a bit of mental entertainment than science.
I never had considered the deep conceptual parallel of the ancient yin and vang and the field-particle duality. It occurs to me now that the important aspect of both paradigms is the shared qualities, not the apparent contrast, exemplified as the small opposite circles within each half of the yin and yang. The point is that the basic idea that there are opposites is wrong. The truth is how apparently different things can be one and the same, invoking their own existence through their relations as one. Gravity is a great example. But I appreciate the added complexity of the color force which is nevertheless just another duality.
Although I appreciate this video with all of my heart, I am shocked! That Frank Wilczek did not once credit the great dutch Artist Maurits Cornelis Escher of whose work is used as an example here in this lecture. Wilczek blithely assumes that Escher's brilliant work on perspective and symmetry is somehow ubiquitous in the Art World. It is NOT! Please give credit where it is due, thank you very much
Eloquently put yet with the subtly of a sledge hammer. My sincerest gratitude for the for this artist enlightenment. Recently I feared the well had gone dry but this comment was a gem! Among the cesspool that YT comments generally inhabit.
Suppose we change yang /yang for light / gravity For now we find light and gravity are same speeds. Isn’t already unification....like pi and phi resolved though so many rungs of expressions.?
Symmetry also tends to be an indicator for good biological health which why most of us instinctively find symmetrical faces beautiful. We are preprogrammed to seek healthy mates which will hopefully provide healthy offspring. The sciences and the arts inform each other. This lecture beautifully illustrates this. Art can inspire intuitive leaps in science.
"Metric Fluid" = Time Duration Timing in Eternity-now. If a particular chosen wave length of sound or light is chosen as a quantum metric, the cause-effect of AM-FM conduction of the reciprocal frequencies in zero-infinity range of prime multiples combine, zero-infinity, from the ground state synch to every combination and permutations of that standard length to the inflated by exclusion outer vanishing point, and the superimposed inner vanishing point.., which is the natural occurring construction of a specific resonance holographic imaging space such as exists in the Observable Universe. Actuality is the reverse process of observation, "Superfluid time duration timing" is naturally self-identified virtual-projection quantization of e-Pi-i resonance imaging. This temporal Superposition-> projection by "priming" point Singularity quantization is Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry in the Spacetime Hologram.., the cause-effect of the Central Limit constant of zero difference, one eternal connection symmetric synchronicity, distributed by exclusion-inflation (connection one implied potential possibilities for numberness superimposed on potential infinity), of this graduated prime, sync-interference principle, called quantization.
It's a shame but I can't help wondering if this would be more accessible and more interesting delivered by a more engaging speaker. Public speaking is clearly not Wilczek's forte. Bringing the speed to 1.25 at least makes him appear to speak at a normal pace. Truly interesting subject though.
The "Yoga" of all the forces comes from mechanics. You have a potential determined by configuration of the system (position and velocity). The negative spacial derivative of the potential represents a force. Forces cause the configuration to change and evolve over time. The updated configuration alters the potential field. All this comes from the definition of what a force is, and is not necessarily an inherent property of nature; just how physicists like to think about it.
I didn't say "position and momentum". I said position and velocity. The potential is a function of your position and velocity (where you are in the phase-space) and the field you are talking about. Magnetic potentials depend on velocity.
We will learned the secrets of quantum mechanics the problem is that the next Einstein is yet to be born. Someone will unite quantum mechanics with general relativity it’s coming hopefully my son will crack these secrets.
his glee for the matter is always enjoyable- especially increasing the playback speed as per +ozbodozzy suggests, he reminds me of a robotic Ed Wynn :) m.imdb.com/name/nm0943956/
As within as without - This is the ultimate symmetry of existence. The inner abstract world of thinking moves as the outside solid of showing. Thought IS inner spacetime. Think of a tree: an image of it is known, and together with it a non-tree is known - duality within. This is an experiential fact, above thought. A fact has no thought in between, hence no spacetime, that is why it IS - This is the nature of the movement of within. Observe and know this. This fact within and this fact without: Quantum entanglement IS: No outer Spacetime interaction. As within as without. Within: when the observer is known to be the observed and not divided - Without: quantum teletransportation. Within: thought settled and in no inner spacetime known - without: matter(star, planet, etc.). Within: the movement of thought as warping of inner spacetime - without: the movement of show as warping of outer spacetime. Within: when a thought questions itself through thinking looking for an illusory answer of itself (warp of inner spacetime affected by non-seen thoughts (dark matter) to make known the answering thought). Without: gravity (warping of outer spacetime), matter and dark matter interact, orbits. Within: No thought movement - Without: singularity in black hole. Within: The process leading to the non-experience experience of enlightenment - without: the process of the death of a star leading to the the non-experience experience show of the whole out in no outer spacetime. Within: low thought activity, all perception slows down - without: near black hole, outer time slows down. The within and without merges in WITHINOUT. This is a direct experience, rather than an intellectual concept. Don't use thought to try to understand this. That's, the orbit. Rather, observe and know the mechanism of thought within and know the without by observation.
Sad , how viewers tune in and fail to be entertained , then comment . entertainment in this portion of science is a far secondary value to gaining knowledge.
This isn't a university course. It's a public lecture in a place that has a long tradition of being entertaining to the public in general. Anyway, I don't see people complaining about lack of entertainment; I see people complaining about poor video editing (not showing the appropriate slides, etc.) and... extremely... long pauses between... words. Which is actually entertaining, in a way (like watching a baby trying to walk), just makes it harder to follow the meaning.
he makes odd sounds ,it's a nervous tick he has ,If you watch his 2005 lecture he was worse with a very hysterical laugh,seems to have quietened down as he's got older
He brings forward interesting and captivating points... but something about this talk feels very pseudo-scientific. Am i missing part of the big picture here or anything? Seems like he took a concept based in math and science and extrapolated it in his own interpretation to parallel science appropriately. Similar to what you see in the new age stuff with crystals and vibrations. My thoughts are maybe he is bringing forward scientific ideas, but is trying to convey them in an easily understandable way at the expense of rigor?
A slightly random thought which arises from this, however: a work of art is a thing, an object. (Which may be beautiful, although beautiful art is currently unfashionable). An idea is a concept, something captured by the mind. Beauty is neither an object nor a concept, but results from the way life survives every attempt to objectify or conceptualise it. Beauty is the effect of life upon itself. That much is true at both the galactic and sub-atomic scales - or so I insist in believing...
'Intelligent Design' is a rather problematic phrase... 'Universal Consciousness' I can live with. A process rather than an event, whereby consciousness emerges from its own inherent possibility (?) A little 'Neoplatonist' perhaps, but all of this Phi and Pi and constantly repeating patterns somewhat support the idea. The initial conditions of the universe are interesting too - anyone who studies them scratches their heads and says 'something's wrong - this shouldn't be so perfect' :)
This is a public talk using metaphor to relate what the current understanding is. Something is always lost in metaphor. If you really want to understand this then check out Lennard Susskind's lectures. He is also a slow talker though.
No not at all pseudo-scientific, just poetry and art. It's simply a way to find inspiration and find metaphors to try to look at the fundamental laws from different perspectives. You could argue that scientists try to find symmetry or universality and thereby introduce bias - "wishing it was" and creating models based on it. But rigorous scientific methods should weed that out at least over time with experiments.
This should be course curriculum in History because History should mean "History of grey matter".Instead we read about fucking kings and their territories .
Very interesting, but this video relies on the assumption that quantum particles play a role in what is perceived by living organisms - reference frames. How can we be so sure of that? Where's the neurological evidence? While it would be nice to believe this (fingers crossed), I think we need more evidence.
It's a confusing and slightly disturbing thing that aesthetics like symmetry serve us so well in science and mathematics. It's rich material for the philosophy of science
Spoiler alert, It didint work. They didint find any super-symetrical particles. Now stop conjuring mystical assumptions and do actual materialistic science. Thanks
Shame the really intelligent guys aren't 'very good communicators or lecturers, except Feynman, it's the lesser mortals like Sean Caroll and Lawrence Krauss who are best at explaining this stuff Lol,
I think he needs to check up his health as he does some heavy breathing sounds a lot and very loudly as he got constantly in a hard-time extenuative situation!
You people with your short attention spans. Read one of his many books and maybe if you read it fast enough, you can then comprehend his briliance. Brats.
Some people (like, Kevin Smith or John Carmack) are natural born storytellers, and can keep you listening for hours. Sadly, this guy is totally the opposite of that. Even his breathing alone is unbearable. But even the subject sucks anyway.
I am so annoyed matters doesn't bend space whats happening is theres an event and you trying to count the space that's now an event in the past so now theres less space at the point of an event so space expands into point this is why when you zoom into atoms particles seem to almost teleport and jump cause the space its in is now some were else when you get to the more massive scales you only experience an average influence from all the events around gravity is just where there is more events then there is expanding space then events will fall to one another can I have my Noble prize or will some random scientist see this and take credit for it i don't Know i don't really care i just want to get off this planet already and that's not going to happen as long as people keep on seeing space as this static soup we move through and some how bend and curve
This is a good example of how someone with very interesting ideas and vast knowledge of a subject, alas, destroys it by being inept in rhetoric. He needs help in this regard. He lost me halfway in. :/
I listened to this on my 1hr+ commute home today, driving through the hills with my windows rolled down. Super relaxing, and the pauses give room to let things sink in. Seems like a pretty cool guy. I'd like to see him do a cooking show.
John Beckwith, you may be some relation to me and to Abraham Lincoln. Our back with side of the family is linked to Abraham Lincoln so there you go.
This guy gives amazing lectures. His calm, percise voice is hypnotic.
I love the timbre of his voice.
As an artist who loves physics, I find Frank Wilczek inspirational ❤
First listen to Frank...such a beautiful perception of the rules that govern us.. His excitement for his field left me smiling, like listening to a motivational video!
This lecture is one of the best lecture I ever heard. From knowing nothing about symmetry. I am now full of idea and imagination about it and how the world is shaped by this idea.
I'm in the same boat. So glad I happened upon it
You guys Get a life! this guy is just another idiot with a PhD, nothing new here.
The lecture perfectly served its purpose in your case! x
Looks like it reflected well on you.
Wilczek is brilliant. His book "The Lightness of Being" is really a great start for anyone who wants to understand the strong force via QCD.
Tiled floor from a different perspective is like visiting the plane of 3 D from a higher perspective …….an exercise to ponder change without change- might be the secret to solving our divided ness…. DIFFERENT BY SAME--ALL IN IT TOGETHER !
Frank, you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it -- people like you! Now settle down and wow us!
+Daxxon Jabiru He needs a Sudafed tablet.
if he would slow it down a notch it would facilitate my ability to absorb the content..but i'm with the nature of the message..
Settings -> Speed -> 1.25 (or 1.5 if you prefer)
you're welcome lol
+ozbodozzy LOL it was like a completely different lecture....he seemed a lot more dynamic....LOL
+ozbodozzy Wow. That makes a lot of difference. Also, nice name.
+ozbodozzy Nice trick, almost made the whole thing watchable. Too bad there isn't a "focus" setting to crank waaaay up as well (and another one for "eloquence" and... yeah, ok, I'll stop there).
+ozbodozzy hey, it works
+ozbodozzy It really works!
Frank is a genius he lays the foundation for a true understanding of our Universe and how everything and everyone is an integral part in this muti-dimensional existence.
Dr. Wilczek evoke equaion with nature. Now this is intrique. I would like to find out more. Thanks for provoking me to learn more about it.
That tie that Frank is wearing has the same ( or very similar) design on it as the design on the wall behind him.
'Beauty' - hmm...
I'm sure Richard Feynman (talking about 'guesses' or hypotheticals) said something like: "It doesn't matter how elegant or beautiful your hypothesis is, or who said it; if it doesn't match experiments, _then it's wrong!_
Werner Heisenberg would disagree.
Tim Palmer's "Invariant Set Postulate" does explain beauty in nature
near the end he comments on whether it is illusion or really and the LHC might elucidate
The worst kind of killjoy is an ignorant one.
Frank would agree with this still..
The lecture was great and informative! Thank you!
Those two railroad tracks meeting in the distance is an illusion.
Great job Frank - I really enjoyed the pace and tone of this lecture.
This picture will gives us understanding, and reminding us, the parallel worlds
Fantastic speaker, fascinating topic. I usually consume the drier science talks and lectures that UA-cam offers, and found this very gratifying
I cannot afford to have an ad free experience but The Royal Institution surely can afford to cut down on the innumerable ads.
28:00 This is the first picture of Maxwell I have seen where he doesn't have a beard.
The concept of existence is an amorphous information cloud of fluid motion, and the occurrence of dominant probability of synchronized change in motion forms space time. This process is exemplified by boiling fluid, one that emits and combines throughout existence, then has the "residual" asynchronous spectrum of motion excluded from synch that is fields of quantized connection, - Quantum Fields.
The properties of async are arranged by the math of probability distribution, in sync, duality/symmetry, 3D, ..to the limit of improbablity at the boundary of zero, beyond completeness.
To represent this ultimate vanishing point of information, distribution requires a completeness of combined techniques that inform the perception of a connected universe, and this process is dependent on total reflection of the information as "spin", so apparently, a spin/wave "writes" the point origin of connection into the structure of space time by combinations of probability duration.
We like what we believe we are in tune with / understand.
Great thinker, challenged speaker.
Children are the embodiment of an idea in a very non-abstract way and in the most physical way
Okay what am I missing? Isn't he getting it wrong when he says the fields/particles always occur in pairs? Isn't the Higgs field an implicit third in the cases where the particle has mass?
Also aren't virtual particles implicit in all of the pairings? They're just mostly one-sided random noise with the occasional "Whoops, we just broke the symmetrical beauty by making Hawking radiation, what do we do with this extra bit?"
What about entanglement, doesn't that break the pretty picture if you entangle pairs of particles and send the entangled ones off in random directions. Suddenly every "beautiful" symmetrical operation you do locally results in just crap/white noise elsewhere in the universe.
Doesn't seem to make any testable predictions...seems more like a bit of mental entertainment than science.
A complicated topic explained with language. Good work. Will purchase the book.
I never had considered the deep conceptual parallel of the ancient yin and vang and the field-particle duality. It occurs to me now that the important aspect of both paradigms is the shared qualities, not the apparent contrast, exemplified as the small opposite circles within each half of the yin and yang. The point is that the basic idea that there are opposites is wrong. The truth is how apparently different things can be one and the same, invoking their own existence through their relations as one. Gravity is a great example. But I appreciate the added complexity of the color force which is nevertheless just another duality.
You would have done better not to consider it now, either.
Although I appreciate this video with all of my heart, I am shocked! That Frank Wilczek did not once credit the great dutch Artist Maurits Cornelis Escher of whose work is used as an example here in this lecture. Wilczek blithely assumes that Escher's brilliant work on perspective and symmetry is somehow ubiquitous in the Art World. It is NOT! Please give credit where it is due, thank you very much
Eloquently put yet with the subtly of a sledge hammer. My sincerest gratitude for the for this artist enlightenment. Recently I feared the well had gone dry but this comment was a gem! Among the cesspool that YT comments generally inhabit.
I never gave up and found quantum gravity intersects with the charge at this level
Suppose we change yang /yang for light / gravity
For now we find light and gravity are same speeds.
Isn’t already unification....like pi and phi resolved though so many rungs of expressions.?
Beautiful, inspiring, both in content and in personal style.
A great talk. Sadly, most times we can't see what he's showing the public.
+fredamel Agreed. Horrible camera direction.
There is beauty in asymmetry too. Enter the randomness of probability curves.
Symmetry also tends to be an indicator for good biological health which why most of us instinctively find symmetrical faces beautiful. We are preprogrammed to seek healthy mates which will hopefully provide healthy offspring.
The sciences and the arts inform each other. This lecture beautifully illustrates this. Art can inspire intuitive leaps in science.
Beauty is everywhere!!!
"Metric Fluid" = Time Duration Timing in Eternity-now.
If a particular chosen wave length of sound or light is chosen as a quantum metric, the cause-effect of AM-FM conduction of the reciprocal frequencies in zero-infinity range of prime multiples combine, zero-infinity, from the ground state synch to every combination and permutations of that standard length to the inflated by exclusion outer vanishing point, and the superimposed inner vanishing point.., which is the natural occurring construction of a specific resonance holographic imaging space such as exists in the Observable Universe.
Actuality is the reverse process of observation, "Superfluid time duration timing" is naturally self-identified virtual-projection quantization of e-Pi-i resonance imaging.
This temporal Superposition-> projection by "priming" point Singularity quantization is Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry in the Spacetime Hologram.., the cause-effect of the Central Limit constant of zero difference, one eternal connection symmetric synchronicity, distributed by exclusion-inflation (connection one implied potential possibilities for numberness superimposed on potential infinity), of this graduated prime, sync-interference principle, called quantization.
6:37 🙋♀️ Mr.Wilczek Sir, that's a triangle...
I love quantum physics
Frank packed the house this night.
It's a shame but I can't help wondering if this would be more accessible and more interesting delivered by a more engaging speaker. Public speaking is clearly not Wilczek's forte. Bringing the speed to 1.25 at least makes him appear to speak at a normal pace. Truly interesting subject though.
Y they put image in the background, it hurts me , so much ,
Excellent and wonderful!
The "Yoga" of all the forces comes from mechanics. You have a potential determined by configuration of the system (position and velocity). The negative spacial derivative of the potential represents a force. Forces cause the configuration to change and evolve over time. The updated configuration alters the potential field. All this comes from the definition of what a force is, and is not necessarily an inherent property of nature; just how physicists like to think about it.
potential doesn't come from "position and momentum"
I didn't say "position and momentum". I said position and velocity. The potential is a function of your position and velocity (where you are in the phase-space) and the field you are talking about. Magnetic potentials depend on velocity.
your onto it. just need the equations.
L>S where L is large and S is small.
Someone should get him a comb and sit him down and explain how to use it.
We will learned the secrets of quantum mechanics the problem is that the next Einstein is yet to be born. Someone will unite quantum mechanics with general relativity it’s coming hopefully my son will crack these secrets.
Wow wow wow!!! So amazing!!
his glee for the matter is always enjoyable- especially increasing the playback speed as per +ozbodozzy suggests, he reminds me of a robotic Ed Wynn :)
I agree 1.25x is the way to go
"Anachromic Art" looks a lot like some of Warhol's work.
As within as without - This is the ultimate symmetry of existence. The inner abstract world of thinking moves as the outside solid of showing. Thought IS inner spacetime. Think of a tree: an image of it is known, and together with it a non-tree is known - duality within. This is an experiential fact, above thought. A fact has no thought in between, hence no spacetime, that is why it IS - This is the nature of the movement of within. Observe and know this. This fact within and this fact without: Quantum entanglement IS: No outer Spacetime interaction.
As within as without. Within: when the observer is known to be the observed and not divided - Without: quantum teletransportation. Within: thought settled and in no inner spacetime known - without: matter(star, planet, etc.). Within: the movement of thought as warping of inner spacetime - without: the movement of show as warping of outer spacetime. Within: when a thought questions itself through thinking looking for an illusory answer of itself (warp of inner spacetime affected by non-seen thoughts (dark matter) to make known the answering thought). Without: gravity (warping of outer spacetime), matter and dark matter interact, orbits. Within: No thought movement - Without: singularity in black hole. Within: The process leading to the non-experience experience of enlightenment - without: the process of the death of a star leading to the the non-experience experience show of the whole out in no outer spacetime. Within: low thought activity, all perception slows down - without: near black hole, outer time slows down. The within and without merges in WITHINOUT. This is a direct experience, rather than an intellectual concept. Don't use thought to try to understand this. That's, the orbit. Rather, observe and know the mechanism of thought within and know the without by observation.
He is so happy its funny.
Godspeed now I need a qomputer
By the way... great tie!
If you know how to drive, you can drive any vehicle’s to anywhere, to the universes
Why did he pick out that tie?
Is this guy describing particle spaces my theory is 1kg /electron mass =particle spaces per kg
He say aah every few seconds
Sad , how viewers tune in and fail to be entertained , then comment . entertainment in this portion of science is a far secondary value to gaining knowledge.
This isn't a university course. It's a public lecture in a place that has a long tradition of being entertaining to the public in general.
Anyway, I don't see people complaining about lack of entertainment; I see people complaining about poor video editing (not showing the appropriate slides, etc.) and... extremely... long pauses between... words. Which is actually entertaining, in a way (like watching a baby trying to walk), just makes it harder to follow the meaning.
Light speed is not C. Light is different from the energy of light which is traveling at C.
right? thanks.
Wrong. Light waves travel at c.
Horrible slides. He should have let one of his grad sudents design the power point presentation ;)
Are you one of the grad students?
Dude should get his nose checked out
he makes odd sounds ,it's a nervous tick he has ,If you watch his 2005 lecture he was worse with a very hysterical laugh,seems to have quietened down as he's got older
Jet lag?
Those pregnant pauses make this unwatchable
He brings forward interesting and captivating points... but something about this talk feels very pseudo-scientific. Am i missing part of the big picture here or anything? Seems like he took a concept based in math and science and extrapolated it in his own interpretation to parallel science appropriately. Similar to what you see in the new age stuff with crystals and vibrations.
My thoughts are maybe he is bringing forward scientific ideas, but is trying to convey them in an easily understandable way at the expense of rigor?
A slightly random thought which arises from this, however: a work of art is a thing, an object. (Which may be beautiful, although beautiful art is currently unfashionable). An idea is a concept, something captured by the mind. Beauty is neither an object nor a concept, but results from the way life survives every attempt to objectify or conceptualise it. Beauty is the effect of life upon itself. That much is true at both the galactic and sub-atomic scales - or so I insist in believing...
'Intelligent Design' is a rather problematic phrase... 'Universal Consciousness' I can live with. A process rather than an event, whereby consciousness emerges from its own inherent possibility (?) A little 'Neoplatonist' perhaps, but all of this Phi and Pi and constantly repeating patterns somewhat support the idea. The initial conditions of the universe are interesting too - anyone who studies them scratches their heads and says 'something's wrong - this shouldn't be so perfect' :)
This is a public talk using metaphor to relate what the current understanding is. Something is always lost in metaphor. If you really want to understand this then check out Lennard Susskind's lectures. He is also a slow talker though.
the sock and the dryer effect?
No not at all pseudo-scientific, just poetry and art. It's simply a way to find inspiration and find metaphors to try to look at the fundamental laws from different perspectives.
You could argue that scientists try to find symmetry or universality and thereby introduce bias - "wishing it was" and creating models based on it. But rigorous scientific methods should weed that out at least over time with experiments.
This should be course curriculum in History because History should mean "History of grey matter".Instead we read about fucking kings and their territories .
Was Andy Warhol an anachromic artist?
No, he just wasn't very good :)
Wow, so Slow ...
+Philippe Gonnissen the tie matching the decor is a nice touch!...
Very interesting, but this video relies on the assumption that quantum particles play a role in what is perceived by living organisms - reference frames. How can we be so sure of that? Where's the neurological evidence? While it would be nice to believe this (fingers crossed), I think we need more evidence.
It's a confusing and slightly disturbing thing that aesthetics like symmetry serve us so well in science and mathematics. It's rich material for the philosophy of science
The ideas, proof that’s, even, small particles, can be much smaller
Hi i am just playing
Spoiler alert, It didint work. They didint find any super-symetrical particles.
Now stop conjuring mystical assumptions and do actual materialistic science. Thanks
As of yet. We don't know what happens at 10TeV and 100TeV. There is a lot of air all the way to the Planck scale.
Shame the really intelligent guys aren't 'very good communicators or lecturers, except Feynman, it's the lesser mortals like Sean Caroll and Lawrence Krauss who are best at explaining this stuff Lol,
I think you're setting the bar too high... not many people in history have been as engaging as Feynman.
Very weird. He just keeps jumping from one topic to another and sprays keywords and symmetry nonsense.
He sounds like he's constipated, but trying to soldier on.
Actually hi
more cowbell.....
Downhill Phil Frank Wilczek is More Cowbell in Physics.
yes, I was just being silly.....
Probably the least compelling RI presentation available on UA-cam. Unprepared, uninspiring. Thumbs down Frank, we all know you can do much better.
The world would have been so much more beautiful if humans were never ever on it.
Brutally boring.
Though the topic is very interesting, I gave up after 15 minutes. This is so not watchable. I realise now, the significance of public speaking.
nice trick tho
Este gajo não tem jeito para palestras...
I think he needs to check up his health as he does some heavy breathing sounds a lot and very loudly as he got constantly in a hard-time extenuative situation!
Not the best lecturer
That coughing woman should leave . She is very annoying
Worst Royal Institute presentation upload on UA-cam. Seriously.
Sadly, not even close. :P
this video also works as a sleeping pills
Very beautiful theory, very boring presentation.
Hey Frank!
Where's those Axions?
Soon, theoretical physics will go back to physics.
You people with your short attention spans.
Read one of his many books and maybe if you read it fast enough, you can then comprehend his briliance.
Some people (like, Kevin Smith or John Carmack) are natural born storytellers, and can keep you listening for hours. Sadly, this guy is totally the opposite of that. Even his breathing alone is unbearable. But even the subject sucks anyway.
I am so annoyed matters doesn't bend space whats happening is theres an event and you trying to count the space that's now an event in the past so now theres less space at the point of an event so space expands into point this is why when you zoom into atoms particles seem to almost teleport and jump cause the space its in is now some were else when you get to the more massive scales you only experience an average influence from all the events around gravity is just where there is more events then there is expanding space then events will fall to one another can I have my Noble prize or will some random scientist see this and take credit for it i don't Know i don't really care i just want to get off this planet already and that's not going to happen as long as people keep on seeing space as this static soup we move through and some how bend and curve
This is a good example of how someone with very interesting ideas and vast knowledge of a subject, alas, destroys it by being inept in rhetoric. He needs help in this regard. He lost me halfway in. :/
SUSY is DEAD! Back to the drawing board.
I got bored before he even started..
Prof.... why do you seem so nervous?? poor presentation and bad slides !!!
Boring and useless! No information.
He seems extremely nervous