I installed one time and woks fine, so i try to install an upper version os lineage and dont wipe arquives anymore, and cant install the new lineage. Show failed: error in 'data' cannot be find. Do you know how to solve this??
I have same problem on stock 5.1.1. Mind that in 2012 and so on Samsung had problems with memory chips. Stock rom was able to handle that well, but custom roms on some devices were killing one of the partiotion holding IMEI number. That was I killed two Samsung Note 2s...
Will it work smoothly with SM-P600? I also wonder if the s pen and other drivers such as wifi, bluetooth, camera, microphone, gps, speaker, flashlight etc work or not
bom a tarde nao sei se vera esse comentario,mas estou tentando atualizar o mesmo modelo.porem na parte de pressionar o power e volume + a tela so pisca o logo da samsung não fica como a sua no video,poderia me ajudar
Three buttons under screen work or no? If just back light screen is off, you can try unplug the lcd cable, clean the circuit and then plug again. After this, just reboot.
My boot it time so much.what to do take so much.j reset or what to do. I reinstall lineage sofware. Sir plz give me idea.i reset it.no problem solve.plz idea sir
Can i upgrqde my sm-p 605 to android 9.0 ? Because vanced apps will download only after 9.0 .in case u didnt know UA-cam Vanced is UA-cam but without adds
I have this device and have never changed the system since 2014. Now youtube cannot work nor any recent application. Will this upgrade benifit me? Mine is the middle east version. Will I find the Arabic language?
TWRP nya sdh disamain versinya, jgn pakai versi lain. Tekan tombol Power dan Volume Up bersamaan dicoba lg, mungkin kurang nekan utk bisa masuk Recovery Mode. Jika msh gagal, kalo tetap tdk bisa masuk twrp, coba flash lg twrp nya via odin3. Kalo sdh, dicoba maz.suk Recovery Mode lg utk Factory Reset.
Good video, Hey my note 10.1 2014 (spm 600)android 5.1 only reproduce videos at 720p and others in 1080p but when i buyed some years ago let me reproduce videos at 1440p, if i do the rom i could reproduce videos at 2k again or is something else the problem? Looks very good android 7
Thanks for the video, I have a question. At the last part of the lineage download, the tablet shuts down, the installation cannot be completed, what should I do?
@@tutorreview4623 I did it but it didn't work, I saw the installation with Odin in another place, I upgraded it from 4.2.2 to 5.1 with it, I am using it now
I install this but I have few problem : 1.can't turn off vibration and its on my nerve 2. Can't turn off button light and its annoying and home button won't work (I used it in perivious version to switch between apps and can't do it right now. I must close every program and go home screen and open another app )
@Alfa Wipe kısmından tekrar silerek forum.donanimhaber.com/samsung-tab-note-10-1-2014-edititon-p602-cyanogenmod-13-0-rom--140379250babanın buradaki adımları uyguladım lineage OS olmuyormuş buradaki farklı bir rom ama bende oldu şuan gayet iyi çalışıyor bir sorun yok siz de deneyebilirsiniz.
Tergantung penggunaan Mas. Coba dulu ke Android 5.1.1 Lollipop dulu, explore dulu fitur bawaan samsung msh nyaman. Kecuali kalo penggunaan utk game yg hanya bisa berjalan di atas Lollipop baru upgrade ke Nougat. Kalo saya msh butuh fitur s pen dan s note, multi window nya samsung krn utk kerja (multitasking dan corat coret) jd saya balik lg ke lollipop. Kalo punya mas msh di Kitkat, bnyk aplikasi yg sdh tdk bisa jalan, misal Zoom, Ms Powerpoint for windows, dll.
@@tutorreview4623 betul banget mas, bahkan twitter aja udah gak jalan di kitkat. Saya juga butuh fitur S Pen sama S Note nya. Tutorial upgrade ke lolipop dalam bahasa indo adakah mas? 🙏
Cari saja video di channel ini yg berjudul HOW TO INSTALL STOCKROM LOLLIPOP 5.1.1 ON SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 10.1 2014 EDITION SM-P601. Kalo sdh upgrade minimal Lollipop sdh nyaman mas, secara tablet lama tp ram cukup lmyn utk mengimbangi tablet baru msh bisa. Bahkan saya editing video sederhana pake Lollipop msh kuat.
@@tutorreview4623 Mantap mas Salah satu hal yg masih bikin suka sama tablet ini krn fitur S Pen nya mas. Kemarin ada niat mau beli tab a 8.0 2019 tapi masih ragu. O iya kok ini tablet gak dapet pembaruan langsung dari samsung kenapa ya mas??
Pasti ada user yg kepikiran menjual tablet ini atau mau ganti tablet keluaran baru krn sdh tdk support aplikasi terkini (msh kitkat). Padahal hanya dgn upgrade android di atasnya msh layak di thn 2020 ini. Kalo samsung hanya menyediakan update maksimal Lollipop, ya wajar mas, mungkin utk produk lama kan ada batasan kebijakan update OS dr vendor (biar spt mas kepikiran beli tablet baru, hehehe... bercanda). Makanya kita berterimakasih pd developer custom rom semisal CM dll yg mengeluarkan update android utk tablet ini.
Im scared because i think its not gonna work for me ,,mine is 5.1.1 ,, i have a question if i turn it into android 7 will it be compatible with the apps that were not compatible in android 5.1.1😁😊😀
This custom rom just for sm-p601. You have to choose specific lineage os 14 for sm-p600, but unlock bootloader must be started from android 5.1.1 (lollipop)
@@tutorreview4623 hey there is 2 kind of tablets on this model there is the LTE model and there is the normal model, the LTE model contains a snapdragon 800 processor and the normal model contains an exynos 5 processor, but my question is can i play PUBG on the exynos 5 model??? plz reply
@@mathclass8371 Yup. Thank for your explaining. But, i have been roll back again to android 5.1.1. I need s note app without paying, because s note not include on lineage os 14 nougat.
Bang, saya dah donlot custom nya (lineage) sesuai link yg di atas. Nama ROmnya tertulis "7.X.zip". Apakah harus di unzip dulu atau tidak sebelum di install atw di biarkan bgitu saja? Krn saya liat di dlm folder 7.X trsebut, setelah di unzip ada 3 varian ROM lienage yang berbeda seri nya. Mohon penjelasannya bang. Terimkasih
Biarkan saja begitu, krn file nya memang ekstensinya .zip (file zip cara flashingnya pakai TWRP, tdk pakai Odin). Jd harus install TWRP dulu utk bisa flashing Lineage OS tsb.
bang, bootloader saya ga support ya. hehehe punya saya P601xxucnj4 (vietnam). pas instal filed mulu. mohon saran terbaik bang. terimakasih dan sukses selalu
Can you please give instructions for flashing twrp recovery to note 10.1 2014. I installed twrp using odin but when I try to access twrp recovery it access to stock recovery. Why is that? I have model SM-P605L. It's a korean version(LG U+)
@@tutorreview4623 I have a tablet Samsung galaxy S3 with the original stockrom. As I noticed that the post is about the Note 10.1 and I had one, I just need the original apk files of the S Note application. The new version is not great as the old one
Keuntungan yg paling kerasa jika kita mau menggunakan aplikasi android tp ternyata syarat aplikasi tsb minimal berjalan di Marsmallow. Dgn Nougat aplikasi tsb bisa jalan. Yg kedua Ram tersisa lbh longgar krn custom rom ukurannya kecil, sedikit aplikasi bawaannya.
Please note that booting the OS for the first time will take more than 5 minutes. This is normal and you should let it boot up
Can you make a video on how to install Android 11 go (xda) on this device?
I installed one time and woks fine, so i try to install an upper version os lineage and dont wipe arquives anymore, and cant install the new lineage. Show failed: error in 'data' cannot be find. Do you know how to solve this??
I intalled lineage 10 first, and the 14 in a second time, now stay in lineage logo screen running forever 😢
Unable to mount "/data" when wipe 😢
Maybe you can watch video on youtube how to fix unable to mout .....
@@tutorreview4623I hadn't thought about that. I watched it here and it solved the problem 👍
Tank you bro! Stylus on my device is working
You are welcome bro
Thank you, it worked
You're welcome.
Mas Joko Mantul! Tapi bukan orang Bantul!
@@tutorreview4623 mas, untuk android 8 atau diatasnya sudah ada kah tutornya? suwun
HI Tutor Review !! MANY THX FOR YR. USEFUL ANSWERS !! I´ll proceed as indicated. Thank U.
You're welcome.
I hope you successfully.
Funciona com o P601UBSDSA2 ?????? não funcionou aqui SM-P601 - Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 (Wi-Fi + 3G)
Descarga según stockrom según tu región
Flash o bootloader cerdo via Odin que vai funcionar
You are king
I have just done it but it is not stable, it is restarting with many apps
I have same problem on stock 5.1.1.
Mind that in 2012 and so on Samsung had problems with memory chips. Stock rom was able to handle that well, but custom roms on some devices were killing one of the partiotion holding IMEI number. That was I killed two Samsung Note 2s...
is this also working with samsung note 10 c2014 edition p600 wifi version?
No. Only for P601
Will it work smoothly with SM-P600? I also wonder if the s pen and other drivers such as wifi, bluetooth, camera, microphone, gps, speaker, flashlight etc work or not
bom a tarde nao sei se vera esse comentario,mas estou tentando atualizar o mesmo modelo.porem na parte de pressionar o power e volume + a tela so pisca o logo da samsung não fica como a sua no video,poderia me ajudar
Você precisa primeiro instalar o PWRP
I download the twrp and it doesn't work it only says "Unable to connect Recovery"
Install twrp via odin?
@@tutorreview4623 how?
спасибо вам за туториал очень помогли!
Thanks mate 😁
I update 100 %
very nice ;)
Congratulation brother
Is it working well? My is failing with some apps, I can’t play roblox for example
Bro i need your help i have sm-p602 and it doesnt work.its on black screen when i tried the open tablet.Pls helpp
its 16gb
Three buttons under screen work or no?
If just back light screen is off, you can try unplug the lcd cable, clean the circuit and then plug again.
After this, just reboot.
@@tutorreview4623 screen is opened but black screen
@@tutorreview4623 lcd is working
@@tutorreview4623 buttons are not working because i cant get android setup screen
My boot it time so much.what to do take so much.j reset or what to do. I reinstall lineage sofware. Sir plz give me idea.i reset it.no problem solve.plz idea sir
Yup. Hard reset if booting can't reach menu
@@tutorreview4623 sir again clean system and flash again sir.then solve the problem
Why does your reboot and mine is different,, mine is not blue like that mine is just like other reboot looks
Lollipop reboot or Lineage OS reboot what do you mean?
Maybe different model.
Do you mean that I must upgrade to Android 5.1.1 (Lollipop) first? What if I flash it from 4.4.2 ? Will it work ?
Flash from 4.4.2 maybe you'll get bugs. I suggest you upgrade to 5.1.1 first, and then flashing lineage os 14.1 (nougat) for safety.
@@tutorreview4623 Hi, Tutor! I want to buy now this tablet. How can I install TWRP and other files?
@@tutorreview4623 From your list Twrp doesn't exist any more there!
Can U help me please? I have WhatsApp number
@@ernarnurbek2014 u can install twrp
With odin3
Can i upgrqde my sm-p 605 to android 9.0 ? Because vanced apps will download only after 9.0 .in case u didnt know UA-cam Vanced is UA-cam but without adds
Custom Rom Android 9.0 is not yet available for 2014 edition.
I have this device and have never changed the system since 2014. Now youtube cannot work nor any recent application. Will this upgrade benifit me? Mine is the middle east version. Will I find the Arabic language?
I suggest you upgrade your tablet to android lollipop stockrom samsung. There are a lot of many languages choices.
@@tutorreview4623 thank you. Can it be something more recent such as Android 7?
@@bartoomaجرب عليه اصدار 6
Does this Upgrade work on a SPANISH SAMSUNG TABLET 10.1 GT-8000 P601 (WIFI+3G), now running on Android V.4.4.2 ?
This is for SM-P601 2014 edition.
If your tablet P601 2014 edition, it's work, but bootloader must be started from android 5.1.1 (lollipop).
bang setelah saya instal lineagenya dan reboot cuma sampai logo lineage nya doank, mau masuk ke recovery mode juga engk bisa, itu bagaimana ya
TWRP nya sdh disamain versinya, jgn pakai versi lain.
Tekan tombol Power dan Volume Up bersamaan dicoba lg, mungkin kurang nekan utk bisa masuk Recovery Mode.
Jika msh gagal, kalo tetap tdk bisa masuk twrp, coba flash lg twrp nya via odin3. Kalo sdh, dicoba maz.suk Recovery Mode lg utk Factory Reset.
@@tutorreview4623 kalau saya colokkan ke PC itu usb not recognise padahal semua driver sudah terinstal
@@syamsulbahri8857 di odin nya gakebaca? Coba ganti kabel
Good video, Hey my note 10.1 2014 (spm 600)android 5.1 only reproduce videos at 720p and others in 1080p but when i buyed some years ago let me reproduce videos at 1440p, if i do the rom i could reproduce videos at 2k again or is something else the problem?
Looks very good android 7
Lineage OS 14.1 for sm-p601 maximum 1080p.
La rom también es para SM P600 o solamente 601??
I tried install it but after reboot loading appears more that 30 min
What i can do?
Hard reset.
If still bootloop, try install again
Thanks for the video, I have a question. At the last part of the lineage download, the tablet shuts down, the installation cannot be completed, what should I do?
Download or flashing?
Reflash again via twrp
@@tutorreview4623 I did it but it didn't work, I saw the installation with Odin in another place, I upgraded it from 4.2.2 to 5.1 with it, I am using it now
@@tutorreview4623 mmy tablet is sm ~ p600 maybe it wasn't from her
@@burakelci how
The problem error -7 , please install android 5 before intall 7.12.
If the tablet os is android 4.4 kitkat, please flashing android 5 lollipop first, and then flashing android 7.12
Halo om, itu seluruh file instalan disimpan di sdcard atau di dalam internal memory
I install this but I have few problem : 1.can't turn off vibration and its on my nerve 2. Can't turn off button light and its annoying and home button won't work (I used it in perivious version to switch between apps and can't do it right now. I must close every program and go home screen and open another app )
Maybe you need to reinstall / flashing your tablet from begin.
Hello and thank you. Does the phone function work with this OS? What about multitasking?
Multitasking work on this customrom.
Simcard fod 3G data only
@@danill4381 stylus pen can for drawing and writing
@@danill4381 yup. Air command not working.
sm-p602 cihaz için aynısını yaptım ama lineage yazısı gelmedi ekrana siyah olarak ekran kaldı napmam gerekiyor
bende de aynısı oldu :(
@Alfa Wipe kısmından tekrar silerek forum.donanimhaber.com/samsung-tab-note-10-1-2014-edititon-p602-cyanogenmod-13-0-rom--140379250babanın buradaki adımları uyguladım lineage OS olmuyormuş buradaki farklı bir rom ama bende oldu şuan gayet iyi çalışıyor bir sorun yok siz de deneyebilirsiniz.
@Alfa aynen bu videodaki olmuyor attığım linkteki adımları uygula. Ben öyle yaptım oldu
@Alfa inşallah
@Alfa bildirim gelmemiş görmedim yapabildin mi?
Kl masih kitkat bawaan tabletnya,sebaiknya langsung upgrade keandroid 7,6 atau 5 dulu om? Mohon bimbingannya! Punya saya masih kitkat bawaan
Tergantung penggunaan Mas.
Coba dulu ke Android 5.1.1 Lollipop dulu, explore dulu fitur bawaan samsung msh nyaman.
Kecuali kalo penggunaan utk game yg hanya bisa berjalan di atas Lollipop baru upgrade ke Nougat.
Kalo saya msh butuh fitur s pen dan s note, multi window nya samsung krn utk kerja (multitasking dan corat coret) jd saya balik lg ke lollipop.
Kalo punya mas msh di Kitkat, bnyk aplikasi yg sdh tdk bisa jalan, misal Zoom, Ms Powerpoint for windows, dll.
@@tutorreview4623 betul banget mas, bahkan twitter aja udah gak jalan di kitkat. Saya juga butuh fitur S Pen sama S Note nya. Tutorial upgrade ke lolipop dalam bahasa indo adakah mas? 🙏
Cari saja video di channel ini yg berjudul
Kalo sdh upgrade minimal Lollipop sdh nyaman mas, secara tablet lama tp ram cukup lmyn utk mengimbangi tablet baru msh bisa. Bahkan saya editing video sederhana pake Lollipop msh kuat.
Mantap mas
Salah satu hal yg masih bikin suka sama tablet ini krn fitur S Pen nya mas. Kemarin ada niat mau beli tab a 8.0 2019 tapi masih ragu.
O iya kok ini tablet gak dapet pembaruan langsung dari samsung kenapa ya mas??
Pasti ada user yg kepikiran menjual tablet ini atau mau ganti tablet keluaran baru krn sdh tdk support aplikasi terkini (msh kitkat). Padahal hanya dgn upgrade android di atasnya msh layak di thn 2020 ini.
Kalo samsung hanya menyediakan update maksimal Lollipop, ya wajar mas, mungkin utk produk lama kan ada batasan kebijakan update OS dr vendor (biar spt mas kepikiran beli tablet baru, hehehe... bercanda). Makanya kita berterimakasih pd developer custom rom semisal CM dll yg mengeluarkan update android utk tablet ini.
Este procedimento funciona para Samsung SM T-530 NU ?
Esta rom personalizada es solo para samsung galaxy note P601
Im scared because i think its not gonna work for me ,,mine is 5.1.1 ,, i have a question if i turn it into android 7 will it be compatible with the apps that were not compatible in android 5.1.1😁😊😀
If your tablet is sm-p601 it's works.
Yup, upgrade to android 7 caused the apps were not compatible on 5.1.1 to be compatible with 7.12
@@tutorreview4623 thank u haha ,, ohhh mine is Sm-p600😢😕
Im sad😢😥😰
hi my tablet is not openning can you help me
its waiting and closing
Factory Reset.
If still waiting and closing, you need to flash again. After flashing, try factory reset/ hard reset, and then reboot to system.
does it work with sm-p600 android 4.4.2 ?
it works with all the platforms i guess ;)
This custom rom just for sm-p601.
You have to choose specific lineage os 14 for sm-p600, but unlock bootloader must be started from android 5.1.1 (lollipop)
@@tutorreview4623 hey there is 2 kind of tablets on this model there is the LTE model and there is the normal model, the LTE model contains a snapdragon 800 processor and the normal model contains an exynos 5 processor, but my question is can i play PUBG on the exynos 5 model??? plz reply
@@lilsnaxx owner ua-cam.com/video/cVzt3eXYouY/v-deo.html playing pubg with sm-p601 exynos on Lineage OS 14 , the same as i have.
@@tutorreview4623 what about the saint galaxy tab 4 can I play PUBG??
mi tablet es una samsung galacy note 10.1 sm-p600 cres que le funcione????
Esta rom personalizada é apenas para Samsung P601.
Does the pen still have the full function?
Stylus Pen, Palm rejection still works.
But, S Note app not include in this costom rom.
@@mathclass8371 thank you for quick answer👍
can you play PUBG on it??
@@lilsnaxx I haven't tried yet, but any one can play it on this custom rom. Check this
@@mathclass8371 Yup. Thank for your explaining. But, i have been roll back again to android 5.1.1.
I need s note app without paying, because s note not include on lineage os 14 nougat.
Hello can I ask p605 can use this ?
No, only for P601
@@tutorreview4623 okay thankyou
Bang, saya dah donlot custom nya (lineage) sesuai link yg di atas. Nama ROmnya tertulis "7.X.zip". Apakah harus di unzip dulu atau tidak sebelum di install atw di biarkan bgitu saja? Krn saya liat di dlm folder 7.X trsebut, setelah di unzip ada 3 varian ROM lienage yang berbeda seri nya. Mohon penjelasannya bang. Terimkasih
Biarkan saja begitu, krn file nya memang ekstensinya .zip (file zip cara flashingnya pakai TWRP, tdk pakai Odin).
Jd harus install TWRP dulu utk bisa flashing Lineage OS tsb.
@@tutorreview4623 cara pasang TWRP gimana bang?
how much available ram and memory?
halo mas, mau tanya untuk oem unlocking gimana caranya ya? terima kasih
Langkah-langkahnya di internet ada mas. Saya sdh lama tdk pakai P601 meskipun msh ada tp posisi unmount failed kayaknya.
porfavor tengo la misma tablet sm-p601 3g con chip me sale error la rom lineage 14.1 al cargar con el twrp ayuda especifica bien la rom porfavor
bang, bootloader saya ga support ya. hehehe punya saya P601xxucnj4 (vietnam). pas instal filed mulu. mohon saran terbaik bang. terimakasih dan sukses selalu
TWRP nya pastikan minimal versi
Kalo msh failed, coba pakai TWRP di atasnya Bang.
Cara masuk ke TWRP gimana bang? Punya saya koq gak ada yah?
Ya diflash trwp dulu biar ada.
@@tutorreview4623Alhamdulillah, berhasil.
Berkali² gagal rupanya terinstal versi lama.
First link takes too long to download..
Is there any alternative links??
What if mine is sm-p600😣😓😭
Is it still gonna work??
No. This is only for P601, but you can download Custom Rom for P600 and then flashing step same as P601
Hi. ! Link for Custom Rom Lineage OS 14.1 Nougat for Samsung SM-P601 broken ? Couldn't access the download page. Thx.
Thank for your information.
Link was updated.
Please how about SM-P602, can it be installed on it?
I don't know works or not.
But, there is Mod custom rom from xda developer for P602 based P601, but no cellular, only 3G data.
Hi, after upgrading to 7.1.2, it does not allow me to connect to wifi, do you know how to fix it?
Lolipop to Nougat update done or not
I have flashed modified rom 6.0.1 on it
Can falsh 7.12 on it i have p601 tablet
que tal funciona para un SM-P600 ?
No. Only for P601, Sir.
saya udh instal twrp yg di link, tpi kok mah official aja ya mas?
Sdh ada tanda hijau / sukses ?
Hrsnya sdh ada twrp jika sdh sukses flashingnya. Atau coba diulangi lagi
It was too hard add a music on this video? We just heared voice of hammer during watching all video 😁
I'm so sorry bro.... my friend is repairing something
Im gonna try it even its not p601
Mine is p600
have you tried? If you have tried, is it successful?
will this work with p605
Can i use this for SM-P605 ?
No Sir. Don't try this for SM-P605.
Only for P601
Can you please give instructions for flashing twrp recovery to note 10.1 2014. I installed twrp using odin but when I try to access twrp recovery it access to stock recovery. Why is that? I have model SM-P605L. It's a korean version(LG U+)
machan. do you find any way to update firmware for SM-P605L Korean model? i also need to upgrade firmware.
By tge way can you still play games like AMONG US
Hey... Please check the links... none of them work
All of links is work
guys...... how do i install twrp on this tablet???
Flash via odin3
do you have a tutorial on how to install twrp, why can't I get it?
@@tutorreview4623for some reason it gets stuck on connecting or shi, is it the problem of my wire that connects that pc to tab or something else?
Hello, i put the link on Video Description.
p602 de uyum sağlar mı?
Is there a Rom for SM-P602 ?
I thing there is a Rom for P602.
Please googling for get the Rom, or check on xda developer.
mehmet be sm p602 için rom bulabıldınız mı benim model sm p602 yardımcı olursanız sevinirim
I installed LineageOS and it's ok but Sim card' function is not available. What is the solution for this problem? Can you help me, please ?
Have you setting network?
Does this upgrade work on p605?
yup, but with Lineage os 14 Custom Rom for P605
@@tutorreview4623 punya link nya ga gan?
It works on SM-P605 ??
Does 3G sim card work with this rom?
Yup. 3G works
@@tutorreview4623 Thank you!
Hey guys! Could someone send me please the original S Note apk file? Thanks!
Now, what stockrom of your tablet?
@@tutorreview4623 I have a tablet Samsung galaxy S3 with the original stockrom. As I noticed that the post is about the Note 10.1 and I had one, I just need the original apk files of the S Note application. The new version is not great as the old one
Keuntunganya apa ya?
Mau coba takut rusak
Keuntungan yg paling kerasa jika kita mau menggunakan aplikasi android tp ternyata syarat aplikasi tsb minimal berjalan di Marsmallow. Dgn Nougat aplikasi tsb bisa jalan.
Yg kedua Ram tersisa lbh longgar krn custom rom ukurannya kecil, sedikit aplikasi bawaannya.
@@tutorreview4623 oh iya mas betul ya.
Kalau ke android 10 bisa juga kah?
Blm ada custom rom android 10 nya mas.
Salut est ce qu je peux l installer sur p600
Bang, pressure sensitivity dari si s pen nya masih jalan?
Tergantung apk nya, kalo apk yg khusus utk drawing maka pressure nya jalan, kalo apk hanya notes ya hanya satu ketebalan saja.
Does it works?
Yup. It's works.
Sirve para p600 o solo para el 6001?
probe para el p600 pero no me funciona
Semua s pen samsung hilang ya??
Air command s pen hilang
someone has tried it with the samsung galaxy note 10.1 edition 2014 tablet model (SM P600)
if ı aplly this process for p602 .is it work or brick ?
Only for P601, Sir
İs it work on gt-n8020?
Just for SM-P601
Plis master rom android 7 atau linenge 14 tidak bisa di download link nya master...
Ada nomor yg bisa dihubungi ga om? Tinggal dimana om?
Ada mslh ketika upgrade kah?
Sama ada yg mau saya tanya2 mas, boleh dibagi no wa nya?
@@limitbreak1309 tinggalin email mas, nanti saya kirim via email.
@@limitbreak1309 sdh via email saya mas.
For p602 ?
No. This is for P601
Is this rom still working?
There is an Android 11 version, I recommend you to look at it.
does it work with sm-p600 as well?
lo descubriste?
@@PARCA0902 what?
@@PARCA0902 ok so i tried it with my tab the twrp works but the custom rom doesn't work sadly.
3G signal working?
sy punya stuck on off on off saja
Stuck on off, after upgrade Lineage OS or not yet?
@@tutorreview4623 after upgrade..
Does the pen work
Yes. Stylus pen can for writing on this custom rom, but pen button features not work
@@tutorreview4623 yes it has pressure-sensitive sketch book
@@tutorreview4623 how was the speed
Ok ;)
Que tan bueno es? Porque al menos la mia oor mas que resetee o formatee ya es demasiado lento :/
Sm-p605k ???
Only for P601, Sir
I got problem. Everything is fine but my device when sleep battery drain faster even charging 😂
serve fare il root del dispositivo???
No root needed.
Just use twrp for flashing.
What can I do 4 U Bro?
@@tutorreview4623 My tablet's volume buttons don't work, and it turns off when I turn on the bricked tablet. the computer does not accept the tablet
bang, ada cara buat upgrade dari versi 4.4.2 ke versi 5.1.1 (lolipop) ? Makasih bang
Cek video di channel ini yg berjudul
@@tutorreview4623 oke bang, nanti saya cek videonya. Oh ya bang, klo upgrade software gitu bisa bikin data hilang? Makasih bang
Kalo di internal memory hilang, tp kalo di sd card ya tidak.
@@tutorreview4623 jdi harus di back up dulu ya bang?
@@budiarjonotonagororaharjo2090 iya Bang, yg di internal hrs di backup dulu.
Link is not working
how to root ?
Check the video on this channel :
How to Root Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition SM-P601 Without PC | Lineage OS 14.1 |
@@tutorreview4623 thank
bg, cara install twrp nya gimna bang.??
Download saja twrp filenya, kmdn flash pake odin3, tutorial banyak di internet Mas
Boleh minta rekomendasi ny mas, channel yg mna msti ane liat..
Kmren dh smpat ane coba, tpi yah gagal..
@@ahmadsyaibatulhamdi6595 ua-cam.com/video/9sOnh3zr3A0/v-deo.html
Kalo dari Kitkat bisa gk bang
Bisa. Tp mungkin ada bugs beberapa.
Coba dulu yg update lollipop, lancar dan batere msh awet jg.
Ada fitur floating windows nya ga mas di lineage os ini?
Multi windows gitu ya? Gak ada mas. Mungkin bisa install aplikasi pihak ketiga.
@@tutorreview4623 ini bisa ake tipe SM-P605 ga?
@@haritshasanbaisa8127 gak bisa mas. P605 sdh LTE, beda dgn P601 yg msh 3G