1920s Solo Charleston week 2 of 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @livingincrete7157
    @livingincrete7157 7 років тому

    oh my goodness, this is perfect! A routine .....Great! I am getting the hang of it now. Thank you thank you thank you! I MUST video how it goes it'll give you a laugh if nothing else!

  • @lyndagemma
    @lyndagemma 11 років тому

    please can you tell me the music?

    • @SimonAndTash
      @SimonAndTash  10 років тому +1

      It's called the Livery Stable Blues by Kenny Ball

  • @JoeDoe2
    @JoeDoe2 7 років тому

    Aww, you forgot to wear the tight short shorts. It's just not the same :)