Cross Movement made me feel comfortable to be a Christian and still rock sneakers, jerseys, timbs, etc. They actually dissected scripture to where young people can get into it more.
Thats a fact and thats exactly how it should be without compromise. You should walk away with more than your head and ears should feel something in your heart.
I have being saved for over 30 years and was introduced to the Cross Movement a little after my salvation. I have actual enjoyed their music ever since. Thank you Cross Movement for the music.
Cruz Cordero. You guys were the best Christian rappers ever hands down. One of the best rap groups ever. I loved the House of Representatives album. Be blessed always. No one is perfect .God be with all of you 🙏
5:50 hits a point that many of us skate around. There was a degree of racism in CCH. If you were African American, your lyrics had to be Theo-centric and theologically sound or they would be rejected by churches and Pastors. Meanwhile, Toby Mac, KJ-52 and others could spit about love and skittles, with no theology and be accepted without reservations.
Whatever come what may, I believe the Cross Movement set a fine example for Christian young men and severely impacted my growth and dedication for the Lord. I believe they walked according to the Word and tried their best to exemplify Christ. Their songs definitely encouraged me to give up some sinful positions along my sanctification process.
Dope interview @ruslankd. Great insight. I totally agree the statement swift made and Paul said it best " I planted, apollos, watered, but God gave the increase." At the end of the day we should never but God in a box and dictate how the gospel should be spread cause I'm telling you of your stuck in your ways (or old way of doing things) you'll miss how God moves and never know it or call it something it's not!
Still listening to The Cross Movement in 2020...because they were so theologically sound & I get filled just listening to it. Don't listen to "Christian" hip hop that isn't.
Thank God for Cross Movement. It is unfortunate to see that the label is not around like it was. But I am grateful to still be able to glean from and enjoy the music. I actually enjoy CMR more than most music out today.
I never looked at CrossMovement as perfect l just seen a Group of men trying to do the right thing u threw Jesus The human Emergency was the first album l got from them and as a new believer it was good to see that rap could be used in a positive Godly way wish they would make another album its needed.
Enjoyed when Seantana introduced me to Swift at SWSX 2018 and I asked Swift what his best album was to which he smacked his chest & replied, "EVERY NEW ALBUM I COME OUT WITH IS MY BEST ALBUM!!!!" You killed it that night too, Ruslan, I was very impressed with how precise & passionate your rapping was. Great collection of Brothers in Christ that night
This is a great very insightful interview. I recall when Crossmovement came out a few years after Gospel Gangstaz and King Shon and the S.S. M.O.B. had debuted. They were both opposite ends of the spectrum to a degree, but in some ways very similar. I saw them both as seed planters and waterer's. Many people in churches who attend faithfully are leading double lives or are defeated by lifestyles of sin. They attend church but somehow are not believers. Crossmovement then becomes a seed planter within the church world. Likewise with OGG's and SS MOB when ministering to drug dealers, gangs pimps and hookers...they often can come across people who became believers but fell back into the street and sin though they had truly been saved. They in turn become seed waterer's. Both extremes are very needed. There are plenty of Christian Hip Hop artist who fall in between these examples but all should respect and pray for the lane that God has placed them in.
I truly believe these brothers fulfilled their purpose and their calling at a time where what they did was taboo(in church too). At some point everyone grows and moves on. I know some in CR had families and financial responsibilities, next generation was going to eventually take over the torch
Great interview. Big R-Swift fan. CM was my initial introduction to CHH so they did set the bar. i would listen to whomever was on their label or they collaborated and so I was big into the Gospel being preached in the music. I did resist the "secular" outreach but I also began to accept that and understood. R-Swift's explanation of planting seeds and watering seeds was definitely on point. Great interview. I know this isn't about him but I look at Lecrea's music and he went from watering to planting.
I never understood the divide. But you hit the nail on the head. How Christi centric the content needed to be. When I was a youth group leader I would differentiate between Christian hip hop and Christians that are hip hop artists. The foundation is the supposed to be the same, how they deliver the message might vary, but neither is greater than the other. Amen brothers
I love Cross Movement. I love R-Swift. I'm glad that he's talking about this... because the whole of the church needs to think about things and reassess how we're working together and loving one another.
Not only a divide in CHH but also with everyday Christians it's a divide! We get into it about doctrine and philosophy to the point of we almost go at each other's throats! GOD'S not pleased with that! We can disagree on things but in the end we must be on one accord that Jesus is the savior! And just on that we need to be there for each other🙏
Crossmovement inspired me that it was ok to wear baggy jeans but not sagging basketball and football jerseys hair in cornrows wave caps and rock a pare of jordans and still put Christ Jesus first and when they rapped about God they hearts were really in it so shout out to them bros.
Great convo. I would like to hear more on what a planter and one who waters really looks like. I think its important to define that less we drift into a pragmatic gospel approach or have we already?
"Do what God has called you to do and be diligent in that..." This is exactly where I'm at. Yo this dude dropped so many jewels, ya'll might need to rewind that and play it back again. Very Dope. Super Dope. If you wanna hear more of Swifts musical Jewels, check my channel, but Ruslan, good work man, you definitely ask the right questions... #Facts
I feel like race isn't the issue here. It is that CCH came out with a clear and explicit Jesus Centric Gospel centric music that's straight up preaching and telling people to be a soldier for Christ and stuff, then when they come out with a toned down song where Jesus or the gospel isn't even mentioned it's very jarring to their fans. It makes them wonder what happened to their stance. Basically some CHH artists have set up an expectation through their music and lyrics that the fans expected and wanted, when they come out with something different or more similar to music of the "world" it's off putting to us. This happens to other bands also that isn't evening CHH where they got famous for a certain sound and then later on in their career when they get more "mature" and experiments with different sound they losses a lot of fans because of it. People will say they got soft or sold out. This happens in Rock bands, punk bands, hip hop artists etc... I think that's what happens a lot.
I feel you on how the switch up can come off. However there was always christian hip hop artist that weren’t explicitly preachy. La symphony, 4th Avenue Jones, mars ill, etc.
@@RuslanKD very True. Japhia Life is another who NEVER got anyone confused where he was coming from. He NEVER tried to fit in the CM CHH model of rap. From what I saw of him, he always just expressed his faith in Christ in more abstract ways. There are more ways to skin a cat. I liked Swift's analogy about offensive and defensive players on same team. Perfect analogy. Offense and Defense have different strategies. And the Holy Spirit is the strategist. With that in mind, I remember thinking back then after the CM fall went down, how much heat Lecrae got for Church Clothes and other later work.... was like but there has NEVER been a cheating scandal made public about him. He's managed his business well because it's clearly growing and thriving. He's giving back. He's humbly in Church in the pews not pressed to be some seen as some LEADER. Not to say he's perfect--there could be scandal lurking awaiting the time of exposure. But so far crickets...he has a good name. I was like his music is NOT theologically ready to be taught at Westminster seminary...but HIS LIFE reveals a humility, a fear of God and A COMMITMENT TO DOING WHAT'S RIGHT by his family, his staff, and community. At the same time, I'm no fool. I know the human nature (Psalm 14). Therefore, I fall more in the camp that appreciates Christian emcees who are unapologetic theology and Jesus heavy lyrically. Stephen The Levite is an example of a great balance and a beast at being theological, abstract, and unequivocally Jesus in his music--AT THE SAME TIME. The Missionary is one of my favorite songs by him. It is a freggin A MASTER PIECE that any secular emcee or Christian emcee would marvel. As with many other selections from his catalog. This guy is underrated. I think he's my fav Christian emcee. Anyhoo as I was saying, discernment, human nature and wisdom reveal that it can, often, be spiritually dangerous when you start going to great lengths to disassociate yourself with being clearly unapologetic Christian as an artist--in this day and time. I feel like the more you fraternize with unbelievers --in the music industry especially--I feel like one's Christian conviction can weaken and our social vanity can take over. That is IF you are more concerned about if you are being perceived as PREACHY by them. For we can start caring more about wanting to NOT prove the nonbeliever right about the negative perceptions about Christians in culture. And I find a lot of push back Jesus heavy because we are kind of ashamed of the Gospel a bit. We don't want to come off fanatical or preachy. I'm guilty of this. But the more I renew my surrender and repent..the less I'm caring. Especially when I see what the world is going hard at promoting and being unapologetic about. . Many Christians, today, are trying very hard to prove they are NOT PREACHY. And they seem to want to be recognized by the world. And when that is such a concern or aspiration you have to ask yourself--who you trying to please? It's a legit question. So, the point is IF you are NOT strong and robust in your intimacy with Christ and convicted HE IS THE ONLY WAY--then you will ultimately be AFRAID to "cleverly" declare that to your unbelieving associates/friends/family. If you are a low key a slave to social vanity and want to be considered the Christian "Cool Kid" to the culture, then you can eventually be more influenced by them than them by you.. And I believe this fact of human sin nature has been the root of CM's initial concern and need to caution cats in their camp on the company they keep. There is some wisdom in that. But there is also wisdom in contact without contamination. That is possible. The key is ONE must be lead of the Lord. And when He is leading YOU WILL emerge safe and mission will be accomplished. Humility will enable those on both spectrum to recognize the leading of God so as to NOT Lord anything over our brethren. What a tangled web we silly mortals weave when we are not primarily concerned about our ability to stumble vs our brother. I've learned the hard way to instead of first being so quick to call out or conclude, I fall back to watch for fruit and decide to trust God with the lives of His own people. Then when fruit is confirmed suspect...speak on it if necessary.
@@RuslanKD, no one knows who those cats are. Cross Movement were such pillars because people who looked like them didn't speak like them. People are use to people looking like them and expected people who look like them not to be "preachy." The fact that they were is what caught the streets by storm. I knew nothing about hermeneutics and sound theology before those cats. If I would have remained listening to the non-"preachy," my faith would still be shallow or not at all.
I listened to cross movement before I got into CHH and it was the first time for me to enjoy Christian hip hop. I was 19 years old and I was struggling in my faith in Christ because I had dealt with child sexual abuse from my adopted Father. And I needed to hear cross movements message so bad.
That inhale and exhale on 5:03 to 5:05 got me laughing😁, it's that kinda sigh you give to someone when you 're tired of explaining something a person is failing to understand😁
Great interview. Makes you really think about how it was and how it is today. Most CHH music in my opinion (And I said my own opinion) sounds watered down today because too many collaborations with the secular world. I feel like the message is not being preached in a serious way when you’re mixing it with the outside world. I get the argument where their are those Christian artist who say they have to get out there so people can hear the word even in a secular atmosphere. But is it really bringing the the message home when your in an environment with people who rap about worldly things along with your message? The Cross Movement brought the gospel truth and God’s word never changes and you can still hear that in there music even today. Listen to the lyrics and words. Really listen to what they are saying. Listen to Lecrae’s and Trip Lee’s early stuff. It’s strong and very powerful. Now a days it’s more about the beats, and catchy hooks and who’s collaborating with who. Remember what it’s really all about! I think sometimes we need to take a step back and stay out of the studios for awhile and get back into our bibles. Just saying… We aren’t perfect, far from it. But we need to hit the reset button at times and really think of who is really benefiting here. Self or others? Our lives are to be reflections of Him! Him being Jesus. Thanks for your time and God Bless.
Cross Movement is a pillar in the Hip Hop world .. they were the instrument that allowed people not to view Hip Hop as if it was taboo … all flaws aside … they served their purpose for that point in time .. if Cross Movement didn’t do what they did Hip Hop would not be where it is today in the Christian industry
"Unfair judgements" is a euphemism for "judgmental assholes." No shade to Swift, but I'd almost pay money for to see some of these guys say, "I was a dick, and self-righteous" lol
@@RuslanKD this is a funny comment at all. Swift was generous in his critique. It seems you wanted him to give this type of criticism because this is where you are. JGivens, these guys have made theology cool and sent a generation to dive into their faith more where our Black culture was caught in sensationalism and emotionalism.
3:09 I see a BIG problem with that stance. Jesus supposedly left his throne to come to US. So asking the world to come into a church "christianity" environment is completely unbiblical.
Rswift isn’t Mentioning any scriptureTo justify anything he said was wrong I didn’t agree with but I know the Bible tells me there’s only one way to God And that’s Jesus we as Christians have to take a strong stance against the world to make sure that we remain distinctive and set apart like Jesus intended the Bible says in Saint John 17 verse 17 tells us what sets us apart and keeps usSeparated from the world once we identify that his method is key John 12:32 More people will get saved
Strong stance against the world and a strong stance in self righteousness aren’t the same thing. We can be against the world and not shoot our own sheep. Legalism is the issue. Not sanctification
Ruslan KD it’s not self righteous to take a stand against someone that’s not walking according to the Word “Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)” Philippians 3:17-19 KJV the Bible tells us to take a stance against them so they may feel ashamed a turn back to the gospel cause it’s clear that reach records has taking more of a worldly approach how many people at these shows and events are getting saved how many of them are giving their lives to Jesus or are we just trying to go mainstream and tell me what scripture would you use to justify what’s being done is right cause I hear they his story and can identify what really being said by what I know that’s true in the scriptures so unless you show me how this is right according to the scripture I don’t wanna hear your opinion your thoughts on legalism or anything from a book other than the Bible tell me by scripture chapter and verse
For there to be separation the Bible’s says do so according to these scriptures. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.” 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 KJV
Half way through this vid... I agree with swift on something. I do believe as a minister because if you're a "christian rapper" (essentially thats what you are) you should and can minister to the world in secular places WITH DISCERNMENT. If its not accepted then shake the dust off your feet and keep it moving. Now I do disagree with this "open" many way christian rap. Again as a minister your message should be christ centered without compromise. The issue is that not everyone is called to minister the word and they operate from their own calling or desires. You can tell the difference when you hear it especially if you're studying the word yourself as we all should be. For those who dont know the scriptures your music as a minister as a representation of Jesus should lead and usher people to the scriptures through biblical references. This is similar to hearing a sermon in the church or the internet. The sermon must be teaching and or pointing to the word aka christ. Christ movement had that latter part right. Everybody who claim to be a Christian rapper is not there for the right reason. Some of these guys want to be known more as the best rapper ever more than a fisher of men.
Some times disciplining yourself is a necessity for the sake of those who look to you as an example. If you come to a point in your Christianity where you feel free to do things that you otherwise would not have done when you first got saved, then you tread lightly just in case the individual following you is a newborn and subsequently gets caught up in a world that will swallow them alive (if meat will offend my brother, I'll abstain 1Cor 8:13). CM had to watch their steps because of the large following behind them. Some of these current artists need to follow suit because their freedoms seem to be misleading the younger generation into a state where Christ is only needed when needed and in turn is pushing them to a sense of shame in even saying the name Jesus. CM, D.C Talk, ETW, Dynamic Twins, Preachas (POD), S.S.Mob, we're early pioneers that had you truly "UNASHAMED" of being a Christian and I still rock all of them to this day. But shout out to @R Swift!! Appreciate bro! I still rock your albums too!! @Cruz Cordero homie you were my favorite CM member! Wish you did more bro!! God bless y'all!! Be safe!! Love you all!!!
When it comes to collabs with unbelievers (whether in the studio, at venues, etc.) when/where does the following come into play? 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 "Be ye not unequally yoked together WITH UNBELIEVERS: for what fellowship (PARTAKING or PARTICIPATION - G3352) hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion (SHARING, COMMONALITY, PARTNERSHIP, PARTICIPATION - G2842) hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord [AGREEMENT, "Symphony," - G4857] hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." Also, when certain artists (speaking generally, not pointing at any one individual) allow occult themes in their videos, allow themselves to have album covers or promo shots with the one-eye (and other occult) symbolism, etc. where do we draw the line. This stuff goes deep. Not every song has to be about election, predestination, propitiation, justification, etc.; experimental music is a benefit as well, but it's all about (1) what you're ultimately representing (lyrically and visually) and (2) who you are allowing yourself to be associated with (e.g. collabs with ungodly secular rappers should be a no go).
@@RuslanKD Interesting analogy; here's my take. I don't freelance; I can't choose my week to week venues. Like many, I work with a relatively small number of people, in a fairly static environment, with a limited degree of day-to-day temptation. You may argue that Christian Rappers *have to* work with non-Christian artists to make a living.... but do you believe that what artists on tour, or on stage (backstage), experience is pretty much the same as what someone in an office/factory/related enviro experiences? To me, the venues (and risks) are much different. An office is a more controlled space. At a stadium, concert hall, club, etc., there can be more temptation, especially when popular unbelievers are up in the mix, with women throwing themselves at them (drugs and alcohol can be a much greater problem there). Also, if the secular rapper is identified with fornication, adultery, materialism, idolatry, outright occult themes, etc., doesn't directly collaborating with them *in song* give a stamp of approval to their actions (much different than how working together in accounting, IT, teaching, etc. would)? Just some thoughts.
You’re non christian co workers have identified with sin as well. I’ve been back stage with some of the biggest secular artist and indie secular artist. I assure no one ever tempted me to join in a reckless orgy and to smoke frack. That’s a caricature of hip hop culture. And I’m not arguing christian rappers have to work with secular. It’s actually not in their best interest cuz so many Christian fans have such a warped understanding of hip hop. Financially it’s in their best interest to stay in the Christian bubble. Your comments here are making that point for me. Goofy symbolism, a perception of what happens at concerts rooted in lifetime movies lol. I’m saying we’re all working and interacting with people far from God. Don’t demonize hip hop artist and view them any different than your non christian boss. You choose to work a job for/with people who don’t know Jesus. Don’t look down your nose at someone whose working with a secular musician, Sound-man, singer, producer or fellow artist. Or at least be consistent and only work with/for Christians.
Don't agree but this is your opinion. You both sound like you wish you were in control. Now that you guys are in leadership you still haven't had there impact. Not happy with you guys at all. Present clarity and truth not opinion.
pick my opinion on a crowd munis old thing do we place a cooler do we just a Christian do we do this or that new we watch now Christian shows or do we wash Christian shows do we go
Sorry this is a long read..but very relevant. @Ruslan KD I've shared this with several CHH emcees and friends over the years--who agreed this was a plausible suspicion. Swift echoed these sentiments I first shared with a few directly impacted back when this first happened 10 years ago. For, when all that went down I instantly suspected, that the reason we saw Lecrae, Shobaraka, Swift and others decide to distance themselves from the CM CHH culture model--to brand themselves as "artist who are Christians" and no longer suppress their desires was largely because their IDOLS were exposed in 2009 as NOT living as they preached. As it was around 2010-2011 when Lecrae got on another wave. As well as Sho and Swift. I maintain this was always who they were but I "suspect" they were suppressing how they wanted to express their faith in music and art--so as to not catch the disapproval of the godfather's of the movement. So as to NOT catch the "talking to" that Swift describes he went through every time he started building relationships with the "worldly CHH emcees" That revelation of their infidelity rocked all of us fans. And while the love remains and respect for the CM legacy remains by these guys (and fans as you can see from how measured and diplomatic Swift is being in his responses), but when they were exposed, I swear it felt to me like cats were low-key like, "really?" Like" Are you serious? We were looking up to and conforming to the emcee image of these guys?" We were suppressing ourselves and submitting to their counsel? " I felt like Lecrae, Swift, and others who appeared to quickly get off the CM CHH model wave and rebrand had a David Saul moment. Like-your armor don't fit me homie. I'm about to do me and Let's let God sort me and my blind spots out where ever I'm off. I felt like cats, literally, felt free to do them after that. I felt like that fall quietly exposed a lot of CHH emcess as trying to hard to fit in that culture and were being something they were NOT as emcees because CM carried themselves as authority figures. As the Priesthood of CHH. As the Aaron's and Moses of CHH. For CM represented a holy BROTHERHOOD. And every man want's to belong to a brotherhood. That's why a lot of things were tolerated. Folks TRUSTED THEM. Their presence and conversation commanded it. That fall, also exposed a lot of CHH fans (including myself as an IDOLATOR who, too, had a wake up call to repent , RESET, and get sober). I erroneously and ignorantly equated spiritual and PERSONAL maturity with their ability to be doctrinal pristine and sound in their lyrics. But I learned the hard way that doctrinal pristine lyrics and impressive public oratory and commentary does NOT always equate to Godly behavior. By the way, did they ever apologize for the way their behavior disillusioned and scattered the fans? The last I recall was a lot of what felt like image damage control, vague PR sounding acknowledgements of wrong doing. And a hurry-up-and-forgive me- restore-me so I can get "back into my leadership" authority position. For, I checked all the way out of CHH around that time, so they could have had some deeper moments of surrender and repentance that moved them to see the damage to the CHH community and make proper apology and acknowledgement (not only to their families, privately,) to the fans and followers--publicly who were deeply disillusioned by behind that. So I don't say that to suggest they never did or to be shady. I'm just saying what I remembered, at that time, as I checked out and have not followed their latest as the fan I use to be. I could have totally missed it. But all that to say @Ruslan KD You are 1000% correct to say CM did help create a toxic culture of legalism and cliquishness that many many people quietly experienced and were hurt by. To be fair and optimistic, when I've checked in a few times from them popping on timelines, I'm glad to see them all appearing to have moved on and grown from those humiliating moments. For, they were my idols. I followed and monetarily supported them for YEARS from 2000 to about 2005 give or take. I only stopped supporting because my finances changed then, of course later, I learned new information about characters. But that experience plus my personal observations solidified my conviction that if you want to know the measure of a "Christian" man--who he REALLY IS especially a minister with all his doctrine in the right slots--PULL HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN ASIDE without him present and give them opportunity to be vulnerable to speak on how it FEELS being that man's wife and child(ren). Is the wife wilting or thriving in this marriage? Is he emotionally available to them? Is he financially RELIABLE? Or is she carrying all the financial weight in the marriage? Can you look at the family bank accounts and how they manage their monies (men serious about being accountable and pure in that area would not find that request offensive from an authority mentor figure, btw). If he is resistant that tells you all you need to know. While I just learned of you Ruslan in the past two years and would not agree with a lot of your social/political commentary, I resonate with at least 95% of your observations/commentary about CHH and your calling out their inner worlds of your peers. E.g. encouraging /modeling them on leveling up on money, business practice, and family management, personal discipline like taking care of their health, etc. These PRACTICAL behaviors are, often, a reflection or AUTHENTICATION of a robust relationship with the Lord. One that is renewing surrender daily and entering God's presence with James 4:6-10 as their protocol and usher in to His presence. Keep up the good work and being a godly example that is balanced and does NOT take yourself too seriously as a Christian influencer! I like your evolution. And even where we don't agree- I dig how respectful your tone as you HONESTLY state what you believe be it political, social, or about Christian culture.. You and Vois Cornerstone are models and inspirations for me to get better in this area. And love your music. I workout to it often.
Your making Cross Movement your idils had very little to do with them and much more with yourself. This is like blaming Paul for the way he preached, teached and represented God. Paul never told Timothy or anyone else to idolize him as CM never told anyone to idolize them. Where is the need to ask for anyone to forgive them? Did they say anything contrast to scripture? Lead anyone away from Jesus? Disrespect, harm or offend anyone? Harm
Cross Movement made me feel comfortable to be a Christian and still rock sneakers, jerseys, timbs, etc. They actually dissected scripture to where young people can get into it more.
Although CM was extreme them dudes challenged me to truly study the Bible not just read it. For that I'm grateful.
Thats a fact and thats exactly how it should be without compromise. You should walk away with more than your head and ears should feel something in your heart.
We’re all imperfect. God can use who ever. Cuz of who he is!!! He the almighty all powerful I’ve learned that thru my life.
Man, Cross movement has better lyrics than many groups today. We miss groups like this one.
Truly impactful to the CHH culture, pillars and forerunners during their time in this space
Cross Movement was the most legit “Christian Rap” group to me. I found them to be about saving lost souls, while others seemed to be chasing hits.
I have being saved for over 30 years and was introduced to the Cross Movement a little after my salvation. I have actual enjoyed their music ever since. Thank you Cross Movement for the music.
Cruz Cordero. You guys were the best Christian rappers ever hands down. One of the best rap groups ever. I loved the House of Representatives album. Be blessed always. No one is perfect .God be with all of you 🙏
5:50 hits a point that many of us skate around. There was a degree of racism in CCH. If you were African American, your lyrics had to be Theo-centric and theologically sound or they would be rejected by churches and Pastors. Meanwhile, Toby Mac, KJ-52 and others could spit about love and skittles, with no theology and be accepted without reservations.
Whatever come what may, I believe the Cross Movement set a fine example for Christian young men and severely impacted my growth and dedication for the Lord. I believe they walked according to the Word and tried their best to exemplify Christ. Their songs definitely encouraged me to give up some sinful positions along my sanctification process.
Awesome Interview, very Inspiring. Shout out to R Swift
Dope interview @ruslankd. Great insight. I totally agree the statement swift made and Paul said it best " I planted, apollos, watered, but God gave the increase." At the end of the day we should never but God in a box and dictate how the gospel should be spread cause I'm telling you of your stuck in your ways (or old way of doing things) you'll miss how God moves and never know it or call it something it's not!
This guy is a legend in CHH so much wisdom, grace and insight.
Still listening to The Cross Movement in 2020...because they were so theologically sound & I get filled just listening to it. Don't listen to "Christian" hip hop that isn't.
I prefer worship music and bible teacher > chh, theology rap, hip hop
Thank God for Cross Movement. It is unfortunate to see that the label is not around like it was. But I am grateful to still be able to glean from and enjoy the music. I actually enjoy CMR more than most music out today.
Great interview! Very insightful and also encouraging. Thanks for sharing.
This was a great conversation. Great discussion.
Dope! Definitely bringing back some classic memories!
I never looked at CrossMovement as perfect l just seen a Group of men trying to do the right thing u threw Jesus
The human Emergency was the first album l got from them and as a new believer it was good to see that rap could be used in a positive Godly way wish they would make another album its needed.
Enjoyed when Seantana introduced me to Swift at SWSX 2018 and I asked Swift what his best album was to which he smacked his chest & replied, "EVERY NEW ALBUM I COME OUT WITH IS MY BEST ALBUM!!!!" You killed it that night too, Ruslan, I was very impressed with how precise & passionate your rapping was. Great collection of Brothers in Christ that night
Love Swift. Keep pushin bro
“Great men fall so that man doesn’t worship them!”
This is a great very insightful interview. I recall when Crossmovement came out a few years after Gospel Gangstaz and King Shon and the S.S. M.O.B. had debuted. They were both opposite ends of the spectrum to a degree, but in some ways very similar. I saw them both as seed planters and waterer's. Many people in churches who attend faithfully are leading double lives or are defeated by lifestyles of sin. They attend church but somehow are not believers. Crossmovement then becomes a seed planter within the church world. Likewise with OGG's and SS MOB when ministering to drug dealers, gangs pimps and hookers...they often can come across people who became believers but fell back into the street and sin though they had truly been saved. They in turn become seed waterer's. Both extremes are very needed. There are plenty of Christian Hip Hop artist who fall in between these examples but all should respect and pray for the lane that God has placed them in.
Dope interview bro! Great job! Love these interviews your doing. Stay humble and Kingdom minded!
I truly believe these brothers fulfilled their purpose and their calling at a time where what they did was taboo(in church too). At some point everyone grows and moves on. I know some in CR had families and financial responsibilities, next generation was going to eventually take over the torch
As far as extremes, "It's good to grasp the one and not let go of the other; Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes." Ecclesiastes 7:18 (NIV)
Love the offense/defense analogy Swift!
whoo...that analogy just hit different..two mindsets and approaches, but working towards the same goal and both approaches are necessary
This was a powerful conversation and age well.
Great interview. Big R-Swift fan. CM was my initial introduction to CHH so they did set the bar. i would listen to whomever was on their label or they collaborated and so I was big into the Gospel being preached in the music. I did resist the "secular" outreach but I also began to accept that and understood. R-Swift's explanation of planting seeds and watering seeds was definitely on point. Great interview. I know this isn't about him but I look at Lecrea's music and he went from watering to planting.
Michael Wimberly same here. I had almost all CMR albums. I still listen to them to this day. Also saw Swift perform in Atl, very dope MC,
I never understood the divide. But you hit the nail on the head. How Christi centric the content needed to be. When I was a youth group leader I would differentiate between Christian hip hop and Christians that are hip hop artists. The foundation is the supposed to be the same, how they deliver the message might vary, but neither is greater than the other. Amen brothers
I love Cross Movement. I love R-Swift. I'm glad that he's talking about this... because the whole of the church needs to think about things and reassess how we're working together and loving one another.
My man Swift. This was a dope interview!
Not only a divide in CHH but also with everyday Christians it's a divide! We get into it about doctrine and philosophy to the point of we almost go at each other's throats! GOD'S not pleased with that! We can disagree on things but in the end we must be on one accord that Jesus is the savior! And just on that we need to be there for each other🙏
A house divided cannot stand....
I had the privilege of being taught by Deuce at SEBTS what an inspiration not only am I a fan he speaks my language!
Crossmovement inspired me that it was ok to wear baggy jeans but not sagging basketball and football jerseys hair in cornrows wave caps and rock a pare of jordans and still put Christ Jesus first and when they rapped about God they hearts were really in it so shout out to them bros.
Great convo. I would like to hear more on what a planter and one who waters really looks like. I think its important to define that less we drift into a pragmatic gospel approach or have we already?
"Do what God has called you to do and be diligent in that..." This is exactly where I'm at. Yo this dude dropped so many jewels, ya'll might need to rewind that and play it back again. Very Dope. Super Dope. If you wanna hear more of Swifts musical Jewels, check my channel, but Ruslan, good work man, you definitely ask the right questions... #Facts
I feel like race isn't the issue here. It is that CCH came out with a clear and explicit Jesus Centric Gospel centric music that's straight up preaching and telling people to be a soldier for Christ and stuff, then when they come out with a toned down song where Jesus or the gospel isn't even mentioned it's very jarring to their fans. It makes them wonder what happened to their stance. Basically some CHH artists have set up an expectation through their music and lyrics that the fans expected and wanted, when they come out with something different or more similar to music of the "world" it's off putting to us.
This happens to other bands also that isn't evening CHH where they got famous for a certain sound and then later on in their career when they get more "mature" and experiments with different sound they losses a lot of fans because of it. People will say they got soft or sold out. This happens in Rock bands, punk bands, hip hop artists etc... I think that's what happens a lot.
I feel you on how the switch up can come off. However there was always christian hip hop artist that weren’t explicitly preachy. La symphony, 4th Avenue Jones, mars ill, etc.
@@RuslanKD very True. Japhia Life is another who NEVER got anyone confused where he was coming from. He NEVER tried to fit in the CM CHH model of rap. From what I saw of him, he always just expressed his faith in Christ in more abstract ways. There are more ways to skin a cat. I liked Swift's analogy about offensive and defensive players on same team. Perfect analogy. Offense and Defense have different strategies. And the Holy Spirit is the strategist.
With that in mind, I remember thinking back then after the CM fall went down, how much heat Lecrae got for Church Clothes and other later work....
was like but there has NEVER been a cheating scandal made public about him. He's managed his business well because it's clearly growing and thriving. He's giving back. He's humbly in Church in the pews not pressed to be some seen as some LEADER. Not to say he's perfect--there could be scandal lurking awaiting the time of exposure. But so far crickets...he has a good name.
I was like his music is NOT theologically ready to be taught at Westminster seminary...but HIS LIFE reveals a humility, a fear of God and A COMMITMENT TO DOING WHAT'S RIGHT by his family, his staff, and community.
At the same time, I'm no fool. I know the human nature (Psalm 14).
Therefore, I fall more in the camp that appreciates Christian emcees who are unapologetic theology and Jesus heavy lyrically.
Stephen The Levite is an example of a great balance and a beast at being theological, abstract, and unequivocally Jesus in his music--AT THE SAME TIME.
The Missionary is one of my favorite songs by him. It is a freggin A MASTER PIECE that any secular emcee or Christian emcee would marvel. As with many other selections from his catalog. This guy is underrated. I think he's my fav Christian emcee.
Anyhoo as I was saying, discernment, human nature and wisdom reveal that it can, often, be spiritually dangerous when you start going to great lengths to disassociate yourself with being clearly unapologetic Christian as an artist--in this day and time.
I feel like the more you fraternize with unbelievers --in the music industry especially--I feel like one's Christian conviction can weaken and our social vanity can take over. That is IF you are more concerned about if you are being perceived as PREACHY by them. For we can start caring more about wanting to NOT prove the nonbeliever right about the negative perceptions about Christians in culture. And I find a lot of push back Jesus heavy because we are kind of ashamed of the Gospel a bit. We don't want to come off fanatical or preachy. I'm guilty of this. But the more I renew my surrender and repent..the less I'm caring. Especially when I see what the world is going hard at promoting and being unapologetic about. .
Many Christians, today, are trying very hard to prove they are NOT PREACHY. And they seem to want to be recognized by the world. And when that is such a concern or aspiration you have to ask yourself--who you trying to please? It's a legit question.
So, the point is IF you are NOT strong and robust in your intimacy with Christ and convicted HE IS THE ONLY WAY--then you will ultimately be AFRAID to "cleverly" declare that to your unbelieving associates/friends/family.
If you are a low key a slave to social vanity and want to be considered the Christian "Cool Kid" to the culture, then you can eventually be more influenced by them than them by you..
And I believe this fact of human sin nature has been the root of CM's initial concern and need to caution cats in their camp on the company they keep.
There is some wisdom in that. But there is also wisdom in contact without contamination. That is possible.
The key is ONE must be lead of the Lord. And when He is leading YOU WILL emerge safe and mission will be accomplished. Humility will enable those on both spectrum to recognize the leading of God so as to NOT Lord anything over our brethren. What a tangled web we silly mortals weave when we are not primarily concerned about our ability to stumble vs our brother.
I've learned the hard way to instead of first being so quick to call out or conclude, I fall back to watch for fruit and decide to trust God with the lives of His own people. Then when fruit is confirmed suspect...speak on it if necessary.
@@RuslanKD, no one knows who those cats are. Cross Movement were such pillars because people who looked like them didn't speak like them. People are use to people looking like them and expected people who look like them not to be "preachy." The fact that they were is what caught the streets by storm. I knew nothing about hermeneutics and sound theology before those cats. If I would have remained listening to the non-"preachy," my faith would still be shallow or not at all.
Jeremiah 33:3
One of my favorite verses bro
Phanatic has elevated in Consciousness but cross movement was and still fire. Flow and delivery second to none
I listened to cross movement before I got into CHH and it was the first time for me to enjoy Christian hip hop. I was 19 years old and I was struggling in my faith in Christ because I had dealt with child sexual abuse from my adopted Father. And I needed to hear cross movements message so bad.
That inhale and exhale on 5:03 to 5:05 got me laughing😁, it's that kinda sigh you give to someone when you 're tired of explaining something a person is failing to understand😁
Cross movement and vico c were my first love when it comes to rap here in COSTA RICA ❤🇨🇷
Great discussion
Great interview. Makes you really think about how it was and how it is today. Most CHH music in my opinion (And I said my own opinion) sounds watered down today because too many collaborations with the secular world. I feel like the message is not being preached in a serious way when you’re mixing it with the outside world. I get the argument where their are those Christian artist who say they have to get out there so people can hear the word even in a secular atmosphere. But is it really bringing the the message home when your in an environment with people who rap about worldly things along with your message? The Cross Movement brought the gospel truth and God’s word never changes and you can still hear that in there music even today. Listen to the lyrics and words. Really listen to what they are saying. Listen to Lecrae’s and Trip Lee’s early stuff. It’s strong and very powerful. Now a days it’s more about the beats, and catchy hooks and who’s collaborating with who. Remember what it’s really all about! I think sometimes we need to take a step back and stay out of the studios for awhile and get back into our bibles. Just saying… We aren’t perfect, far from it. But we need to hit the reset button at times and really think of who is really benefiting here. Self or others? Our lives are to be reflections of Him! Him being Jesus. Thanks for your time and God Bless.
Cross Movement is a pillar in the Hip Hop world .. they were the instrument that allowed people not to view Hip Hop as if it was taboo … all flaws aside … they served their purpose for that point in time .. if Cross Movement didn’t do what they did Hip Hop would not be where it is today in the Christian industry
That last part. R-swift 👏👏👏
"Unfair judgements" is a euphemism for "judgmental assholes." No shade to Swift, but I'd almost pay money for to see some of these guys say, "I was a dick, and self-righteous" lol
@@RuslanKD this is a funny comment at all. Swift was generous in his critique. It seems you wanted him to give this type of criticism because this is where you are. JGivens, these guys have made theology cool and sent a generation to dive into their faith more where our Black culture was caught in sensationalism and emotionalism.
Those Holy Spirit bars by 18:00
Bro cm is the reason I’m saved real talk wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be a servant for Christ the tought me how to walk
I met the cross movement and I had a bad experience with some of them I felt pride but I Know there only men so I just prayed for them
You felt “pride”?
3:09 I see a BIG problem with that stance. Jesus supposedly left his throne to come to US. So asking the world to come into a church "christianity" environment is completely unbiblical.
Cross movement, reach records is the best.During youth group at church man these ruled the airways, I hope they do come back
Rswift isn’t Mentioning any scriptureTo justify anything he said was wrong I didn’t agree with but I know the Bible tells me there’s only one way to God And that’s Jesus we as Christians have to take a strong stance against the world to make sure that we remain distinctive and set apart like Jesus intended the Bible says in Saint John 17 verse 17 tells us what sets us apart and keeps usSeparated from the world once we identify that his method is key John 12:32 More people will get saved
Strong stance against the world and a strong stance in self righteousness aren’t the same thing. We can be against the world and not shoot our own sheep. Legalism is the issue. Not sanctification
Ruslan KD it’s not self righteous to take a stand against someone that’s not walking according to the Word “Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)” Philippians 3:17-19 KJV the Bible tells us to take a stance against them so they may feel ashamed a turn back to the gospel cause it’s clear that reach records has taking more of a worldly approach how many people at these shows and events are getting saved how many of them are giving their lives to Jesus or are we just trying to go mainstream and tell me what scripture would you use to justify what’s being done is right cause I hear they his story and can identify what really being said by what I know that’s true in the scriptures so unless you show me how this is right according to the scripture I don’t wanna hear your opinion your thoughts on legalism or anything from a book other than the Bible tell me by scripture chapter and verse
For there to be separation the Bible’s says do so according to these scriptures.
And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.”
2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 KJV
loved cross movement. wished they would had branched out in secular venues. Also, cch now a days is not as overt as them.
Half way through this vid...
I agree with swift on something. I do believe as a minister because if you're a "christian rapper" (essentially thats what you are) you should and can minister to the world in secular places WITH DISCERNMENT. If its not accepted then shake the dust off your feet and keep it moving. Now I do disagree with this "open" many way christian rap. Again as a minister your message should be christ centered without compromise. The issue is that not everyone is called to minister the word and they operate from their own calling or desires. You can tell the difference when you hear it especially if you're studying the word yourself as we all should be. For those who dont know the scriptures your music as a minister as a representation of Jesus should lead and usher people to the scriptures through biblical references. This is similar to hearing a sermon in the church or the internet. The sermon must be teaching and or pointing to the word aka christ. Christ movement had that latter part right. Everybody who claim to be a Christian rapper is not there for the right reason. Some of these guys want to be known more as the best rapper ever more than a fisher of men.
Interview the Tonic bro
he's welcome to come on whenever. i reached to brady and haven't heard back. I don't think they wanna have these convos tbh
Some times disciplining yourself is a necessity for the sake of those who look to you as an example. If you come to a point in your Christianity where you feel free to do things that you otherwise would not have done when you first got saved, then you tread lightly just in case the individual following you is a newborn and subsequently gets caught up in a world that will swallow them alive (if meat will offend my brother, I'll abstain 1Cor 8:13). CM had to watch their steps because of the large following behind them. Some of these current artists need to follow suit because their freedoms seem to be misleading the younger generation into a state where Christ is only needed when needed and in turn is pushing them to a sense of shame in even saying the name Jesus. CM, D.C Talk, ETW, Dynamic Twins, Preachas (POD), S.S.Mob, we're early pioneers that had you truly "UNASHAMED" of being a Christian and I still rock all of them to this day.
But shout out to @R Swift!! Appreciate bro! I still rock your albums too!!
@Cruz Cordero homie you were my favorite CM member! Wish you did more bro!! God bless y'all!! Be safe!! Love you all!!!
When it comes to collabs with unbelievers (whether in the studio, at venues, etc.) when/where does the following come into play? 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
"Be ye not unequally yoked together WITH UNBELIEVERS: for what fellowship (PARTAKING or PARTICIPATION - G3352) hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion (SHARING, COMMONALITY, PARTNERSHIP, PARTICIPATION - G2842) hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord [AGREEMENT, "Symphony," - G4857] hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
Also, when certain artists (speaking generally, not pointing at any one individual) allow occult themes in their videos, allow themselves to have album covers or promo shots with the one-eye (and other occult) symbolism, etc. where do we draw the line. This stuff goes deep. Not every song has to be about election, predestination, propitiation, justification, etc.; experimental music is a benefit as well, but it's all about (1) what you're ultimately representing (lyrically and visually) and (2) who you are allowing yourself to be associated with (e.g. collabs with ungodly secular rappers should be a no go).
So you work only with other Christians at your day job?
@@RuslanKD Interesting analogy; here's my take. I don't freelance; I can't choose my week to week venues. Like many, I work with a relatively small number of people, in a fairly static environment, with a limited degree of day-to-day temptation. You may argue that Christian Rappers *have to* work with non-Christian artists to make a living.... but do you believe that what artists on tour, or on stage (backstage), experience is pretty much the same as what someone in an office/factory/related enviro experiences? To me, the venues (and risks) are much different. An office is a more controlled space. At a stadium, concert hall, club, etc., there can be more temptation, especially when popular unbelievers are up in the mix, with women throwing themselves at them (drugs and alcohol can be a much greater problem there). Also, if the secular rapper is identified with fornication, adultery, materialism, idolatry, outright occult themes, etc., doesn't directly collaborating with them *in song* give a stamp of approval to their actions (much different than how working together in accounting, IT, teaching, etc. would)? Just some thoughts.
You’re non christian co workers have identified with sin as well. I’ve been back stage with some of the biggest secular artist and indie secular artist. I assure no one ever tempted me to join in a reckless orgy and to smoke frack. That’s a caricature of hip hop culture.
And I’m not arguing christian rappers have to work with secular. It’s actually not in their best interest cuz so many Christian fans have such a warped understanding of hip hop. Financially it’s in their best interest to stay in the Christian bubble. Your comments here are making that point for me. Goofy symbolism, a perception of what happens at concerts rooted in lifetime movies lol.
I’m saying we’re all working and interacting with people far from God. Don’t demonize hip hop artist and view them any different than your non christian boss. You choose to work a job for/with people who don’t know Jesus. Don’t look down your nose at someone whose working with a secular musician, Sound-man, singer, producer or fellow artist. Or at least be consistent and only work with/for Christians.
Idk, I think some of the differences may be theologically based.
R Swift is must need in CHH genre 💯
Phanatik is no longer a Christian
Don't agree but this is your opinion. You both sound like you wish you were in control. Now that you guys are in leadership you still haven't had there impact. Not happy with you guys at all. Present clarity and truth not opinion.
Do you try to only interview rappers or are you open to people of all kinds of backgrounds
I interview my friends or people I’m interested in.
pick my opinion on a crowd munis old thing do we place a cooler do we just a Christian do we do this or that new we watch now Christian shows or do we wash Christian shows do we go
Rick Ross lookalike
Sorry this is a long read..but very relevant. @Ruslan KD I've shared this with several CHH emcees and friends over the years--who agreed this was a plausible suspicion. Swift echoed these sentiments I first shared with a few directly impacted back when this first happened 10 years ago.
For, when all that went down I instantly suspected, that the reason we saw Lecrae, Shobaraka, Swift and others decide to distance themselves from the CM CHH culture model--to brand themselves as "artist who are Christians" and no longer suppress their desires was largely because their IDOLS were exposed in 2009 as NOT living as they preached.
As it was around 2010-2011 when Lecrae got on another wave. As well as Sho and Swift. I maintain this was always who they were but I "suspect" they were suppressing how they wanted to express their faith in music and art--so as to not catch the disapproval of the godfather's of the movement. So as to NOT catch the "talking to" that Swift describes he went through every time he started building relationships with the "worldly CHH emcees"
That revelation of their infidelity rocked all of us fans.
And while the love remains and respect for the CM legacy remains by these guys (and fans as you can see from how measured and diplomatic Swift is being in his responses), but when they were exposed, I swear it felt to me like cats were low-key like, "really?"
Like" Are you serious? We were looking up to and conforming to the emcee image of these guys?" We were suppressing ourselves and submitting to their counsel? "
I felt like Lecrae, Swift, and others who appeared to quickly get off the CM CHH model wave and rebrand had a David Saul moment.
Like-your armor don't fit me homie. I'm about to do me and Let's let God sort me and my blind spots out where ever I'm off. I felt like cats, literally, felt free to do them after that.
I felt like that fall quietly exposed a lot of CHH emcess as trying to hard to fit in that culture and were being something they were NOT as emcees because CM carried themselves as authority figures. As the Priesthood of CHH. As the Aaron's and Moses of CHH. For CM represented a holy BROTHERHOOD. And every man want's to belong to a brotherhood. That's why a lot of things were tolerated. Folks TRUSTED THEM. Their presence and conversation commanded it.
That fall, also exposed a lot of CHH fans (including myself as an IDOLATOR who, too, had a wake up call to repent , RESET, and get sober).
I erroneously and ignorantly equated spiritual and PERSONAL maturity with their ability to be doctrinal pristine and sound in their lyrics. But I learned the hard way that doctrinal pristine lyrics and impressive public oratory and commentary does NOT always equate to Godly behavior.
By the way, did they ever apologize for the way their behavior disillusioned and scattered the fans?
The last I recall was a lot of what felt like image damage control, vague PR sounding acknowledgements of wrong doing.
And a hurry-up-and-forgive me- restore-me so I can get "back into my leadership" authority position.
For, I checked all the way out of CHH around that time, so they could have had some deeper moments of surrender and repentance that moved them to see the damage to the CHH community and make proper apology and acknowledgement (not only to their families, privately,) to the fans and followers--publicly who were deeply disillusioned by behind that.
So I don't say that to suggest they never did or to be shady. I'm just saying what I remembered, at that time, as I checked out and have not followed their latest as the fan I use to be. I could have totally missed it.
But all that to say @Ruslan KD You are 1000% correct to say CM did help create a toxic culture of legalism and cliquishness that many many people quietly experienced and were hurt by.
To be fair and optimistic, when I've checked in a few times from them popping on timelines, I'm glad to see them all appearing to have moved on and grown from those humiliating moments.
For, they were my idols. I followed and monetarily supported them for YEARS from 2000 to about 2005 give or take. I only stopped supporting because my finances changed then, of course later, I learned new information about characters.
But that experience plus my personal observations solidified my conviction that if you want to know the measure of a "Christian" man--who he REALLY IS especially a minister with all his doctrine in the right slots--PULL HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN ASIDE without him present and give them opportunity to be vulnerable to speak on how it FEELS being that man's wife and child(ren). Is the wife wilting or thriving in this marriage? Is he emotionally available to them? Is he financially RELIABLE? Or is she carrying all the financial weight in the marriage?
Can you look at the family bank accounts and how they manage their monies (men serious about being accountable and pure in that area would not find that request offensive from an authority mentor figure, btw). If he is resistant that tells you all you need to know.
While I just learned of you Ruslan in the past two years and would not agree with a lot of your social/political commentary, I resonate with at least 95% of your observations/commentary about CHH and your calling out their inner worlds of your peers.
E.g. encouraging /modeling them on leveling up on money, business practice, and family management, personal discipline like taking care of their health, etc. These PRACTICAL behaviors are, often, a reflection or AUTHENTICATION of a robust relationship with the Lord.
One that is renewing surrender daily and entering God's presence with James 4:6-10 as their protocol and usher in to His presence.
Keep up the good work and being a godly example that is balanced and does NOT take yourself too seriously as a Christian influencer! I like your evolution. And even where we don't agree- I dig how respectful your tone as you HONESTLY state what you believe be it political, social, or about Christian culture.. You and Vois Cornerstone are models and inspirations for me to get better in this area. And love your music. I workout to it often.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I read the whole thing and was blessed by your encouragement.
Your making Cross Movement your idils had very little to do with them and much more with yourself. This is like blaming Paul for the way he preached, teached and represented God. Paul never told Timothy or anyone else to idolize him as CM never told anyone to idolize them. Where is the need to ask for anyone to forgive them? Did they say anything contrast to scripture? Lead anyone away from Jesus? Disrespect, harm or offend anyone? Harm
The dude with the football jersey and dreads looks like rick ross and the white guy looks like 1 of the backstreet boys
No body is perfect, we are all human and vessels being used and at the end of the day no body can judge anyone if you look in the mirror 🪞👀