How many people sitting in this church are being psychologically manipulated into thinking they better not speak about him or they will be considered a demon and called out publicly? Terrible spiritual abuse. Run people.
You sir, are not handling this situation biblically. If you have an issue with another believer’s actions, what does the Bible tell you to do? Use them in your public sermon and smear them? I don’t think so. You obviously have an ‘axe to grind’ as they say, but you are just like the world in the way you’re handling the situation. I pray that you will go to the scriptures and not use your pulpit to falsely accuse and threaten someone. This was wrong in every way.
This man is not preaching the gospel, but defending himself. But as I’ve seen before, he’s so blinded by his own actions that he’s talking about the things he’s doing. Is he really equating himself the same as Jesus?
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:15-20)
Sir, you have a problem. You claim "no impropriety" but this sermon is evidence to the contrary. "Impropriety:failure to observe standards of honesty or modesty; improper behaviour or character." I've been in churches where pastors essentially gossip from the pulpit. Yours seems no different. Elevating yourself at the expense of someone who offended you. The gaggle of laughter coming from the congregation whilst you slate another image bearer should be enough of an indication of the kind of shepherd you are. This is not the spotless bride Christ is returning for. I don't say this because I support the other side, I say it because I fear for you. God is merciful and gracious but he is also just and holy...he has high standards for those he calls to leadership. Please consider the weight of your words and the consequences of what you have done. Christians are called to stir one another up in love and good works. Please Sir, do the good work of repentance and be a faithful example to your flock.
This guy is doing EXACTLY what he’s accusing the lady of. 🤦♀️ Perfect example of manipulating his congregation. Totally improper to do this, he is abusing his position of power in this church. This is actually cultish behavior. If his rep is so spotless, it should speak for itself. Such blindness. Remove the plank, pastor. I encourage the congregation to read the Bible for themselves, in context and completion, and seek God’s leading. If we don’t read the Bible for ourselves - in context and completion - we have no way to know if a pastor/preacher is teaching correctly. This is each Christian’s personal responsibility. Never should any pastor or preacher have or attempt to have such a position in the church as to manipulate people in this manner. Never should pastors or the congregation elevate any person to that kind of power or authority. That IS a WARNING sign that something is very wrong. Don’t ignore the warning sign, and don’t participate in this man’s manipulation. This is how cults, false prophets/teachers get a foothold and destroy lives.
Here's the response of the person that the pastor just maligned in this paranoid rant of a 'sermon'. Don't miss her last 10 minutes -
At the very least, the general board of this church should reprimand this pastor and place him on a six month probation period for this slander from behind tour pulpit. This man could have sent a cease and desist letter via an attorney vs addressing this from within God's church.
“Exposing the spirit of the accuser” You certainly are exposing yourself in this video. If the worst evidence you can conjure about someone who stood up to your bullying is “she drank a beer quickly” that’s pathetic. Are you 5 years old? Seriously, it’s time for you to put away childish things, learn to take accountability like an adult and stop stooping to petty vindictiveness. It’s unbecoming of a pastor.
Powerful sermon. God bless you pastor ! And letting the Lord use you. Have your way Lord Jesus and may he bless and have his way at the church and his will be done for us all
The person involved should hire an attorney and take this man to court.
Teasi Cannon
How many people sitting in this church are being psychologically manipulated into thinking they better not speak about him or they will be considered a demon and called out publicly? Terrible spiritual abuse. Run people.
Where is the love of Jesus, no pastor should ever talk about former people like this
You sir, are not handling this situation biblically. If you have an issue with another believer’s actions, what does the Bible tell you to do? Use them in your public sermon and smear them? I don’t think so. You obviously have an ‘axe to grind’ as they say, but you are just like the world in the way you’re handling the situation. I pray that you will go to the scriptures and not use your pulpit to falsely accuse and threaten someone. This was wrong in every way.
This man is not preaching the gospel, but defending himself. But as I’ve seen before, he’s so blinded by his own actions that he’s talking about the things he’s doing. Is he really equating himself the same as Jesus?
So unbiblical. Pray for this Pastor. 😢
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:15-20)
Sir, you have a problem. You claim "no impropriety" but this sermon is evidence to the contrary.
"Impropriety:failure to observe standards of honesty or modesty; improper behaviour or character."
I've been in churches where pastors essentially gossip from the pulpit. Yours seems no different. Elevating yourself at the expense of someone who offended you. The gaggle of laughter coming from the congregation whilst you slate another image bearer should be enough of an indication of the kind of shepherd you are. This is not the spotless bride Christ is returning for.
I don't say this because I support the other side, I say it because I fear for you. God is merciful and gracious but he is also just and holy...he has high standards for those he calls to leadership. Please consider the weight of your words and the consequences of what you have done. Christians are called to stir one another up in love and good works. Please Sir, do the good work of repentance and be a faithful example to your flock.
This guy is doing EXACTLY what he’s accusing the lady of. 🤦♀️ Perfect example of manipulating his congregation. Totally improper to do this, he is abusing his position of power in this church. This is actually cultish behavior.
If his rep is so spotless, it should speak for itself.
Such blindness. Remove the plank, pastor.
I encourage the congregation to read the Bible for themselves, in context and completion, and seek God’s leading. If we don’t read the Bible for ourselves - in context and completion - we have no way to know if a pastor/preacher is teaching correctly. This is each Christian’s personal responsibility.
Never should any pastor or preacher have or attempt to have such a position in the church as to manipulate people in this manner. Never should pastors or the congregation elevate any person to that kind of power or authority. That IS a WARNING sign that something is very wrong.
Don’t ignore the warning sign, and don’t participate in this man’s manipulation.
This is how cults, false prophets/teachers get a foothold and destroy lives.
Sir, you sound seriously paranoid. Please get help, and I mean that in all kindness.
I sat under a pastor like this in the past and it was horrific in so many ways. People don't see it until they finally see it.
Here's the response of the person that the pastor just maligned in this paranoid rant of a 'sermon'. Don't miss her last 10 minutes -
At the very least, the general board of this church should reprimand this pastor and place him on a six month probation period for this slander from behind tour pulpit. This man could have sent a cease and desist letter via an attorney vs addressing this from within God's church.
“Exposing the spirit of the accuser”
You certainly are exposing yourself in this video. If the worst evidence you can conjure about someone who stood up to your bullying is “she drank a beer quickly” that’s pathetic. Are you 5 years old? Seriously, it’s time for you to put away childish things, learn to take accountability like an adult and stop stooping to petty vindictiveness. It’s unbecoming of a pastor.
Never heard a so-called 'sermon' where the preacher needs to go back and hear it preached to himself more than this one.
Hmm...this guy appears to be a ticking time bomb. A vengeful, defensive message to say the least.
This issue is is the accuser speaking truth about an unrepentant sin and is it illegal?
Powerful sermon. God bless you pastor ! And letting the Lord use you. Have your way Lord Jesus and may he bless and have his way at the church and his will be done for us all
You need to pray for discernment as this message is from a sinful heart. This is not from God.