I have watched this movie when i was a kid that was 1970s and look how the film preserves the quality. I really love how Liu Chiung Liang or John Liu use his legs nice kicking. Thanks WuTang for this classic one
I'm having a karate class party this weekend and we are screening this movie with a room full of teenagers that have never experienced the glory of vintage Kung Fu movies. i cant wait to see and hear their reactions. this movie has it all.
Its 1988, iam 10 years, old its a Saturday and me and my cousins just rented three Kung-Fu films with money we saved during the week. Its gonna be a weekend filled with reenactments of the moves we see in these movies. We will laugh, we will cry and some of us will get hurt....but overall its a memory i will never forget... Thank you for taking me down memory lane
i just love Kung Fu films, especially old ones like these, gotta love and respect the Classics, nothing made today would hold a Candle to these treasures
I'm 48 years old now and i saw this movie for the firts time when i was 10 years old and i thought i would never see it again .One the greatest old school kung fu movies ever made . So thank you wu tang collection for posting this master piece up
I feel you, I love the 80s, you got me by 7 years, I remember in like 86 ,87 my father use to come by every Saturday night, we would go get something to eat and go to the movie rental store and rent videos, horror movies, kungfu fu movies, western, like 2 from each genre, go home eat and watch them, it was so fun ,just good old childhood 80s memories 😀
"You must sing to keep out sorrows. Walk each road to keep them clear. Sharpen swords to keep off rust. Stand upright... To stay a man." Lots of Wisdom in that man's village.
Takes me to Black Belt theater on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid. After watching me and my friends would go outside and imitate the movies. Life was simple back then.
My late father bought me the video cassette for this when I was 10 years old. I'm 28 now. I still have it however no way to play it. This brought back memories, thank you
I used to buy these old school kung-fu movies on VHS from the local store as a kid in the 80s. Sometimes I'd pick the wrong ones. Some were rubbish, some comedy's and somehow a raunchy one too but mostly I picked the classics. This is one of them.
In the yearly 2000s there was a place in brooklyn NY that was selling digitally remastered classic martial arts movies....the visuals were incredible compared to what I used to see from the 70s & 80s@@imaslowlerner
I’ve watched a lot of kung fu movies over the years. You can tell just by the snap of the moves whether the film will be good. The snap of these actors was superb. Love this film.
That imagery with the eggs was goddamn hilarious. Both their flying up into the air and their eventual, very satisfying splatter. This channel is gold, preserving all these old movies. This is what the internet was meant to be!
Very interesting and great movie I enjoyed.. I loved and lived for these priceless moments in the cinema back then and now thanks to modern technology and this channel. I can relive those glorious days again. Thank you!
I love watching the old school Kung Fu movies. It remind me of back in the days. When me and my friends use to go to the publix movie theater in China town -Down town Boston Mass where you paid one price to watch 3 movies. Good old days. Great time like the drive inn movies.
The old school kung fu is always best, the actors / actresses are great, it's understandable, some of the movies tells you some of the history, it teaches some really great fighting points, like where to hit, and what happens.. it's just over all the best, I think I have seen just about all the old school movies.. but will watch them 2 and 3 times.. love them..
I watch it and feel motivated and shared with My friends and they felt motivated and so my landlord asked why me and my friends are so motivated. So I showed him this movie and we watched it together and he felt motivated as well. Overall this movie is a multinational......
It was reported that the Chinese film industry found John Wayne to have a highly recognizable and manly voice. Most dubs from this era uses similar sounding voice actors to dub the male heroes.
I knew 30 years ago, when I first saw this kung fu classic, that it was Fire...how can a movie be bad with a beginning theme song like, "Day Of Anger"? This movie never gets old...Thanks for the upload.
I will say that this is one of my #1 movies of Wu Tang Collection. The characters are all have motivations. they are strong characters who know how to fight, making the fights really amazing, very great choreography and the actors are just a pleasure to watch. Also the music is amazing as well. I just hope someone could tell me what music is used in this movie because I can't find it anywhere.
I told myself I was going to amass a killer Kung Fu collection, my first 2 I picked up was "5 deadly venoms" and this. Sadly due to life stuff I couldn't pursue it much beyond that. So am very thankful for this channel 😎
My favorite top 3 martial artists in same movie: Hwang Jang Lee, Tino Wong, John Liu. And a great director: Ng See Yuen. Everything is so great in this movie: directing, acting, story, fight choreographs, music. My favorite kung fu film ever!
At first I thought I was gonna watch a WU-Tang documentary but ended up watching an impressive Kung Fu fillm with an engaging plot. Thanks for the upload!
Watching again and plan to watch again. Wicked classic. One of the best. Hwang Jang and Philip Ko FEI as the white hair villains, absolutely brilliant. Huge fan. John Liu always gives a good show too. Thank you for the upload
This bring back memories, I remember watching it on VHS when I was younger teen . I also watched it on CD and now on UA-cam channel. Thank you UA-cam .
I just had that moment with my Dad. He does movie nights that sometimes go well and sometimes it doesn't. This was one of those times where it didnt go well so he played a half of this movie and we watched it together and I was asked him why he didnt just play this movie and he said he didnt think of it. This was a pretty good movie to watch and we enjoyed it.
One of my all time favorites after seeing it a few years back. Distinct characters with intelligible motivations, great fights, and fun execution of kung fu cliches. This is top tier Kung Fu cinema 🙏
I saw this year's ago randomly on TV. Never got to know the name of the movie. Thought I will never get to see it again. What an amazing movie. Just love it.
Am here because of this bring a lot of memories of my childhood. My father love watching which made me watch it too you know African parents I miss the old cameroon
These movies are old school Great from time to time But most of all there my style and then some AWESOME flick keep them coming and the best thing that I love they are in ENGLISH
This is easily one of the best movies I have ever seen and has broken every expectation that I had for it. Normally I just talk shit to the screen while watching cheesy old movies like this, but this movie was clearly a labor of love, even for a so-bad-it's-good c-list-seeming movie. After watching the whole thing though I almost feel bad for doing so; this movie is legitly amazing and needs to be shared with the world 😂
This movie shows loyalty .friendship. perseverance. Extreme money influence. And many other things u may observe .Thanks for all those who put it together Jah bless 🙌 🙏
I’m 35 as of September 18,2022 my uncle first showed this movie to me when I was in grammar school. Well over 25 years ago. Here I am watching it again! This classic never gets old. Wow what a movie…
These flicks are still dope asf.............I enjoy watching these then the crap that's coming outta Hollywood & Netflix -keep em coming bro. Salute!!!
Man I remember being in middle school and high school and every weekend I'd be glued to the TV on channel Fox 5 in NJ to watch these old school kung fu movies. Turn out all the lights and lay back on the sofa with a Italian sub sandwich and an ice cold coke watching these flicks. LoL. That was the life. Now I live in LA Cali and Saturday afternoons is taking the kids to the park or shopping for stuff they don't need but they want. 😀😀
This is a kids world !!$$ we are just thier financial advisers , however , The Best Teacher is yourself , not a sinse' but the book and or these movies !!soley as good pointers
When I was a kid, my foster parents would rent these movies on Friday nights. I thought the performers were badass! Only problem was when my foster brothers would watch this, they tested their "iron claw" on me! The foster home turned into the 36th Chamber of watch your back! Lol!
Thanks to these movies I win every fight. I have mastered eagle claw ball-crushing technique and soon I will be appointed as a minister of defense in my country.
love the old classic martial art movies! the wu tang and shaolin vs the samurai and ninja how epic and amazing wud it be to av this made into a modern movie!
One incredible thing about these movies is that the costumes don't look dirty even after they roll around on the ground. Do they change costumes between takes? Do they clean the damn ground somehow??
So this here is the true uncut version which is awesome! I owned the VHS version as part of the Wu Tang Collection by Xenon video group and I can say it didn’t have the extra scenes like this one does.
Not quite on the level of "Executioners from Shaolin" or "Clan of the White Lotus," but still damn good. I wish that someone could restore this and release it in the original Mandarin. Most of the great movies from Taiwan are either languishing in disrepair or forgotten.
I have watched this movie when i was a kid that was 1970s and look how the film preserves the quality. I really love how Liu Chiung Liang or John Liu use his legs nice kicking. Thanks WuTang for this classic one
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I'm having a karate class party this weekend and we are screening this movie with a room full of teenagers that have never experienced the glory of vintage Kung Fu movies. i cant wait to see and hear their reactions. this movie has it all.
How did it go?
Its 1988, iam 10 years, old its a Saturday and me and my cousins just rented three Kung-Fu films with money we saved during the week. Its gonna be a weekend filled with reenactments of the moves we see in these movies. We will laugh, we will cry and some of us will get hurt....but overall its a memory i will never forget...
Thank you for taking me down memory lane
T H I S … exactly!! ✅✅✅
‘83-‘88. There may have even been some cheap, flea market shuriken thrown around during the reenactment. 😂
Goodnight for
Gs4eorge yu1
@@joshstabler3438ke 3
56:45 56:45 @@joshstabler3438
Please post all of John Liu’s movies. Simply the best.
Kung fu movies agreed with Itachi Uchiha:
Every jutsu or technique HAS a weakness
i just love Kung Fu films, especially old ones like these, gotta love and respect the Classics, nothing made today would hold a Candle to these treasures
I agree 1000%.
Cd ccc. Ee
Do vd.
The classic Jet Li and Chu Yun Fat movies come close
I'm 48 years old now and i saw this movie for the firts time when i was 10 years old and i thought i would never see it again .One the greatest old school kung fu movies ever made . So thank you wu tang collection for posting this master piece up
Thanks for being an awesome fan of WTC.Please visit our website: www.worldcinemacentral.com
Do u guys have the masked avengers up loaded
I feel you, I love the 80s, you got me by 7 years, I remember in like 86 ,87 my father use to come by every Saturday night, we would go get something to eat and go to the movie rental store and rent videos, horror movies, kungfu fu movies, western, like 2 from each genre, go home eat and watch them, it was so fun ,just good old childhood 80s memories 😀
@@anthonybaker7433 I feel you I would give anything to go back to the 80s . Us older people were privileged to have been kids during the 80s
@@franciscoberrios852 yes indeed, I be saying that a lot myself
"You must sing to keep out sorrows.
Walk each road to keep them clear.
Sharpen swords to keep off rust.
Stand upright... To stay a man."
Lots of Wisdom in that man's village.
One of the best Kung Fu movies ever made. I've watched it quite a number of times and still never feel enough of it.
Same here!
My grandparents had this film on VHS we use to watch along with the family on Christmas holidays….sighs, good memories 🙏🏾🇯🇲
Still have my vhs
That's awesome but why did you guys watch it specifically on Christmas lmao
Watching this badass smorgasbord of asskickery is when you know Santa has truly visited your home at Christmas !! 🤘❤️
@@edwalsh8772ننناوحتنوتنوواناتوتوتتووتواونتتتووتتتحتتوتوتتتووتتنتتپحتاوووتوج 16:44 16:45 تومو می کند
Just finished this movie and all I can say is freaking awesome.
Invincible armour seems to get better over time ; it's like good wine.
My first time watching this
Takes me to Black Belt theater on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid. After watching me and my friends would go outside and imitate the movies. Life was simple back then.
glory days...
My late father bought me the video cassette for this when I was 10 years old. I'm 28 now. I still have it however no way to play it. This brought back memories, thank you
So cool to hear. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!
I used to buy these old school kung-fu movies on VHS from the local store as a kid in the 80s. Sometimes I'd pick the wrong ones. Some were rubbish, some comedy's and somehow a raunchy one too but mostly I picked the classics. This is one of them.
Same here. I still have some. I regret that at one time I started selling some.
In the yearly 2000s there was a place in brooklyn NY that was selling digitally remastered classic martial arts movies....the visuals were incredible compared to what I used to see from the 70s & 80s@@imaslowlerner
I bet y'all don't remember the channel samurai 66 that used to show all the karate movies everyday
@chiraq-773- when did this air?
I’ve watched a lot of kung fu movies over the years. You can tell just by the snap of the moves whether the film will be good. The snap of these actors was superb. Love this film.
You can tell if the movie is good just by the name silver fox acting in it..
That imagery with the eggs was goddamn hilarious. Both their flying up into the air and their eventual, very satisfying splatter.
This channel is gold, preserving all these old movies. This is what the internet was meant to be!
. .
。是 的李0就妈妈 。。
The way he takes a deep breath
@@huanlee4591 a few months
I don't know if you watch Naruto but one thing Itachi Uchiha gets it right:
"Every technique or jutsu... has a WEAKNESS."
This movie is fantastic it takes me back when I was so young and still watching this and I love it
This kung movie is great....FIRST CLASS!!! FIRST CLASS!!
You sound like that dirty old, white haired, nuts flinging bastard! LOOLL!
@@life107familyfitnessboxing8 Is
Hwang Jang Lee & John Liu, 2 of the greatest kickers in HK movie history!
Very interesting and great movie I enjoyed.. I loved and lived for these priceless moments in the cinema back then and now thanks to modern technology and this channel. I can relive those glorious days again. Thank you!
I love watching the old school Kung Fu movies. It remind me of back in the days. When me and my friends use to go to the publix movie theater in China town -Down town Boston Mass where you paid one price to watch 3 movies. Good old days. Great time like the drive inn movies.
jacqueline mahone Drive-In? Hey, you do remember the good days. 👍🏽🥳😎
Who's still watching this in 1982
Feels like yesterday this came out. Can't believe it's been 5 yrs
As someone who loves kung fu films, the Wu Tang Collection is just above and beyond. Seriously awesome stuff that is available here.
Thank you Connor, for being an awesome fan of WTC. Your comment means a lot to us. Stay safe.
@@WuTangCollectionDope ya
This is one of the most and best Kung Fu movie I have ever seen... thanks...Wu Tang Collection...
You bought back my younger days thank you.
The old school kung fu is always best, the actors / actresses are great, it's understandable, some of the movies tells you some of the history, it teaches some really great fighting points, like where to hit, and what happens.. it's just over all the best, I think I have seen just about all the old school movies.. but will watch them 2 and 3 times.. love them..
I watch it and feel motivated and shared with My friends and they felt motivated and so my landlord asked why me and my friends are so motivated.
So I showed him this movie and we watched it together and he felt motivated as well.
Overall this movie is a multinational......
You know it's dope when it opens with narration in THAT VOICE.
Oh i see
The WW2 American radio man voice? Lol
@@gluefood781 That classic voice would be none other than Edward R. Murrow...No but quite similar.
It was reported that the Chinese film industry found John Wayne to have a highly recognizable and manly voice. Most dubs from this era uses similar sounding voice actors to dub the male heroes.
So amazing that the movies I watched in the early nineties and forgot about them are found here. Great work and collection
I knew 30 years ago, when I first saw this kung fu classic, that it was Fire...how can a movie be bad with a beginning theme song like, "Day Of Anger"? This movie never gets old...Thanks for the upload.
I have practiced Kung Fu, but I am still waiting for my Master to bring out giant can of boiling water and submerge myself in it!
this channel is amazing. Kung Fu films bring back my 80s childhood.
the cracking of the eggs...Kung Fu gold lol
Goosebumps man. This takes me way back.
I will say that this is one of my #1 movies of Wu Tang Collection. The characters are all have motivations. they are strong characters who know how to fight, making the fights really amazing, very great choreography and the actors are just a pleasure to watch. Also the music is amazing as well. I just hope someone could tell me what music is used in this movie because I can't find it anywhere.
I told myself I was going to amass a killer Kung Fu collection, my first 2 I picked up was "5 deadly venoms" and this. Sadly due to life stuff I couldn't pursue it much beyond that. So am very thankful for this channel 😎
Ive watched this so many times since i was in my teens... im 50 now and its still amazing...
Love these old kung fu movies since i was a child now in my 50 i still enjoy watching them.To the producers and actors love yu all.
Still one of the best, thank you for keeping it alive..
My favorite top 3 martial artists in same movie: Hwang Jang Lee, Tino Wong, John Liu. And a great director: Ng See Yuen. Everything is so great in this movie: directing, acting, story, fight choreographs, music. My favorite kung fu film ever!
And Philip Ko
Watched this movie almost 15 years ago when I was a kid. Zero CGI, pure action.
I saw this tow movies in the 1980s and never forgotten them I hope to see more good movies like this ❤😂
Yes and they were good 😁
Zero CGI, but a lot of fake hair, heh...
I’m so glad that UA-cam play the old martial arts. They are the best ones
At first I thought I was gonna watch a WU-Tang documentary but ended up watching an impressive Kung Fu fillm with an engaging plot. Thanks for the upload!
Man, this is one of the BEST flicks ever!!!!! All the old dudes look identical though....LOL...Good stuff!!!!
They're supposed to be brothers I think...
This is 10 times better quality than the dvd i bought
Mariah carey
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiklik kiikkkikiikiiki
Watching again and plan to watch again. Wicked classic. One of the best. Hwang Jang and Philip Ko FEI as the white hair villains, absolutely brilliant. Huge fan. John Liu always gives a good show too. Thank you for the upload
I have no idea why i've never seen this before. I am so happy right now. this is the best! I seriously love this so much.
Wow, thank you!
Wu tang collection i love your channel
This is a must watch Kung fu classic.
This bring back memories,
I remember watching it on VHS when I was younger teen .
I also watched it on CD and now on UA-cam channel.
Thank you UA-cam .
Thank you for being an awesome fan of WTC and supporting our channel.Subscribe for the latest updates! Check us out
on www.thewutangcollection.com
Big fan of John Liu. This is one of the best martial arts movies. Great ending.
The plot and choreography are both 5 stars here.
My father and i would watch these day and night when i was a child!
Beautiful memories super glad i found this channel🙏🏾💙
I just had that moment with my Dad. He does movie nights that sometimes go well and sometimes it doesn't. This was one of those times where it didnt go well so he played a half of this movie and we watched it together and I was asked him why he didnt just play this movie and he said he didnt think of it. This was a pretty good movie to watch and we enjoyed it.
@@lspuria8440 Sounds like beautiful times with a loved one , glad we got to experience that LOVE
Me too
me tooooo
Old school kung fu movies will forever rock!
Your using the tiger style to lead your attack -Pai Mei
@@zekec3243 creep
@@ennordiskman9915 huh
@@ennordiskman9915 huh was that for me
@@zekec3243 who ask someone they dont know online to watch a movie? Psycho or worlds most lonely pathetic "man" ???
One of my all time favorites after seeing it a few years back. Distinct characters with intelligible motivations, great fights, and fun execution of kung fu cliches. This is top tier Kung Fu cinema 🙏
Hi bro how are you doing today
@@ezechikodigodwin5123 😊❤
Hollywood is absolutely worthless. This is Gold. PERIOD.
You’re wrong.
This has some awesome martial arts. I’m pleased to have found this channel with all these old gems.
I saw this year's ago randomly on TV. Never got to know the name of the movie. Thought I will never get to see it again. What an amazing movie. Just love it.
Am here because of this bring a lot of memories of my childhood. My father love watching which made me watch it too you know African parents I miss the old cameroon
I watch this movie over a 100 times never get stale
These movies are old school Great from time to time But most of all there my style and then some AWESOME flick keep them coming and the best thing that I love they are in ENGLISH
Nice! 😄
😆 lol Thanks!
The best movie in terms of eagle claws technique. I first watched this movie when I was in grade 6. Thank you for sharing.
One of the best movie ever, nice moves, kept me at the edge of my seat
Always count on Wu Tang collection
wow miss the good old days this was one of my best movies
Me too
This is easily one of the best movies I have ever seen and has broken every expectation that I had for it. Normally I just talk shit to the screen while watching cheesy old movies like this, but this movie was clearly a labor of love, even for a so-bad-it's-good c-list-seeming movie. After watching the whole thing though I almost feel bad for doing so; this movie is legitly amazing and needs to be shared with the world 😂
@@Conky-or8ic86😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😊 1:00
This movie shows loyalty .friendship. perseverance. Extreme money influence. And many other things u may observe .Thanks for all those who put it together Jah bless 🙌 🙏
Im from Zimbabwe and i first saw this movie in 1980. I was 13. Now im 57 still enjoying the movie from Silver fox as we called him.
Finally found it! My Chinese professor showed us this movie during our Modern China class
Awesome finding a full movie of this on YT. I had this on VHS many years ago, plus many other Wu Tang classics. Great stuff! Cheers!
These are the kind of movies are grow up with just can't stop watching them. John lung and wang jang lee old school.
I’m 35 as of September 18,2022 my uncle first showed this movie to me when I was in grammar school. Well over 25 years ago. Here I am watching it again! This classic never gets old. Wow what a movie…
2 guesses where he hid those wooden cuffs
tu qr buen 9,
lo 9
Grammer school are you jamaician
Thanks for uploading this classics. They're the real deal...real Kung Fu 👍
Beautiful one brother 💙💙💛💛
Thanks for the movie. It's awesome!
Great movie, we used to watch this movies on Kung Fu theater on channel 9 in L.A on the weekends. I’m reminiscing about my childhood thank you. 🙏🏽
Gotta be one of the best classic Kung fu movies ever. Excellent film. 9/10. Almost perfect.
Why not 10
Ouch. That hurt. What a movie! Thanks so much!
These flicks are still dope asf.............I enjoy watching these then the crap that's coming outta Hollywood & Netflix -keep em coming bro. Salute!!!
though I do remember the movie back in the 70's , and I did enjoy it. there were many great movies.
I love these old kung fu movies
This is one of the best king fu flicks I've seen!
Thank you for your comment glad you enjoyed it
Love this movie. Thanks for having such and amazing UA-cam channel
And Roku too👊🏻
This movie rules. Good upload. Now I don’t have to dig out my VCD. :)
Man I remember being in middle school and high school and every weekend I'd be glued to the TV on channel Fox 5 in NJ to watch these old school kung fu movies. Turn out all the lights and lay back on the sofa with a Italian sub sandwich and an ice cold coke watching these flicks. LoL. That was the life. Now I live in LA Cali and Saturday afternoons is taking the kids to the park or shopping for stuff they don't need but they want. 😀😀
I did the same thing. But I ate a peanut butter sandwich with a bag of Doritos.
Fox 5 had the best movies.
Babayega X don’t forget Herrs Salt and Vinegar chips and WaWa iced tea
This is a kids world !!$$ we are just thier financial advisers , however , The Best Teacher is yourself , not a sinse' but the book and or these movies !!soley as good pointers
Well, teach your kids to appreciate the same things that you love, and you'll watch movies like this with them. : )
When I was a kid, my foster parents would rent these movies on Friday nights. I thought the performers were badass! Only problem was when my foster brothers would watch this, they tested their "iron claw" on me! The foster home turned into the 36th Chamber of watch your back! Lol!
I love these movies. When I was a kid they can on every Sunday. So awesome
It's Rare these movies have a Happy Ending! So glad this one did!
I missed this so much .
Thank you for uploading these classics.
Whenever you heard those epic voice overs you KNEW the movie was going to be a good one!
มมมม อิ
@@marcelrichardson2436 n
@@นิคมนิคม-ย4ธ s
I always wanted to perform kicks like John Liu and Hwang Jang-Lee!!! Awesome classic!!!👍
The Secret Rivals 1 2 3
One of the best pei mei movies ever made, the styles and magical pressure points are brilliant, and the end is awesome
This ain't Pai Mei. This is Ming Era. Pai Mei was with the Qing
This was my childhood! I love all these movies.
Thanks to these movies I win every fight. I have mastered eagle claw ball-crushing technique and soon I will be appointed as a minister of defense in my country.
Love this movie ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for taking me down memory lane ❤️
U are welcome 😁
love the old classic martial art movies! the wu tang and shaolin vs the samurai and ninja how epic and amazing wud it be to av this made into a modern movie!
That was a great throwback flick, love it & thanks for sharing!
One incredible thing about these movies is that the costumes don't look dirty even after they roll around on the ground. Do they change costumes between takes? Do they clean the damn ground somehow??
So this here is the true uncut version which is awesome! I owned the VHS version as part of the Wu Tang Collection by Xenon video group and I can say it didn’t have the extra scenes like this one does.
The single deadliest villain in kung fu cinema! Not only is his signature technique the Eagle claw unstoppable but his kicks are unequaled!
Very nice movie. I watched it about some 30 years ago. Thanks for the Chinese ❤
Not quite on the level of "Executioners from Shaolin" or "Clan of the White Lotus," but still damn good. I wish that someone could restore this and release it in the original Mandarin. Most of the great movies from Taiwan are either languishing in disrepair or forgotten.
This is a fantastic Kung fu movie. There are lots of intrigues, twists and stories in the movie as well as character development.
Wu tang is alwayz great for uploading old movies. It will be beter if u can add subtitle too. Anyway great job guys