"I'm sure this wasn't intentional" how sure are you really. Because if the Zone *is* coded so that barging around like a maniac draws its attention and you have to think like a prey animal to stay safer, that would be a really clever way of inducing the relevant horror-y feelings, and also be in theme with the whole... part where it keeps being Weirdly Alive.
You know, that’s fair. I thought it might be hard to code in, but it probably wouldn’t be. Just like “driving over like, 50mph makes more Anomalies spawn/screws with your stability levels” would probably do it.
"I'm sure this wasn't intentional" how sure are you really. Because if the Zone *is* coded so that barging around like a maniac draws its attention and you have to think like a prey animal to stay safer, that would be a really clever way of inducing the relevant horror-y feelings, and also be in theme with the whole... part where it keeps being Weirdly Alive.
You know, that’s fair. I thought it might be hard to code in, but it probably wouldn’t be. Just like “driving over like, 50mph makes more Anomalies spawn/screws with your stability levels” would probably do it.