Smartest Rabbi ive ever heard. goes through the hard questions and dont afraid not to have an answer. Chapoute! you are Blowing my mind. give me a new perspective - not just this clip, almost everyone. Thank a lot. The end of this clip - how does it fit with the clip about Yom Cipper?
Because being perfect includes having a friend, giving to others, adjusting to the needs of a mate and many other ingredients that are the 'IDEAL' the perfect.
When you are jealous it is because you believe that there is something lacking in yourself, but if you know that that there is nothing lacking in yourself, then the love that God has for the jewish people will be fine.
Thank you and God bless you for your work. Your lectures are so refreshing and comforting just like home. To God be all the glory for you and your family. .
@@mrbond4960 true, I have heard some things from him lately that are a little off. He's trying to make something very difficult to accept, acceptable to moderns. However, in THIS video he sums up some very true Torah concepts, and you should not discourage people from listening to him, imho. They can separate the wheat from the chaff.
@@chodeshadar18 Shalom! Once a "speaker" has said regular things against what the Torah says you are NOT allowed to ever listen to them even if his shiur is 97 % "kosher" and the other 3 % PURE Kefira! (Heresy)
Mr Bond Heresy is what YOU say. So should I put Cherem onto you? Ein Tzaddiq ba-Aretz asher yaaseh-toiv velo yecheta If you are so impudent to think that you know exactly WHAT Toirah says - and what says it not, then good luck to you mr. Bond.... from Lubavitch with love!
Dear Rabbi. I am not sure if you are monitoring the comments. In case you are monitoring the comments, I would request you to answer one of the questions which popped up while you explained the terms Yachid and Echad We see that in the creation story of Genesis 1:26 the words are coming out of Elohim (Plural) in which he says "Let US make man in OUR image". Clearly, the plurality in HaShem existed already before the creation of mankind. So how do you reconcile the premise that he was Yachid at that time? From what I see, he was Echad already then.
@@IngmarSweep Shema Yisrael Yahweh Eloheinu Yahweh Echad A literal translation of the above would be: "Hear, O Israel; Yahweh [is] our Gods, Yahweh is a Unity." The Hebrew word Eloheinu, which we translated as "our Gods," is the 1st person plural declension of Elohim. Elohim, as most people know, is a plural noun which is regularly translated as God when referring to the one and only God, Yahweh. One Reformed Jewish source made the following interesting claim regarding this specific word: Eloheinu is the first-person plural possessive form of the Hebrew noun Elohim, which is translated "God" but literally means "our God." Yet strangely, this plural noun is virtually always translated as a singular. Our mystics understood this to be the One manifesting as the many. (Lev Sham Tov, "Life At Its Highest" by Ted Falcon as seen in Reform Jewish Magazine; source; bold and underline emphasis ours) "Echad" Implies a unification with another. If it should have been as the modern Jewish interpretation it should have been "Yachid" in Deut 6:4. "Yachid" in the original text translates as "the only one," or the "numerical one (1)," pretty much translates to solely, or only. "Echad" is significantly different. As opposed to "Yachid" meaning "the only one," "Echad" most closely means "one." More like "that one" of a group. "Echad" implies that there is another or one that is with or united and unified. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (basar echad)." Genesis 2:24 "Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, ‘The dreams of Pharaoh are one (echad); God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good ears are seven years; the dreams are one (echad).’" Genesis 41:25-26
Hi G P Sam, the word Elohim has two meanings. One is judges (when referring to men), but here it's one of several names of Hashem. The "let us" was referring to the angels who are Hashem's servants. Also, in Gematria, Elohim is equivalent to HaTeva (Nature in hebrew). So Elohim is a name that is used for the natural order of things. The name consisting of the hebrew letters of Yud and Hey and Vav and Hey is the name used when Hashem has to supercede the natural order of things (break his own rules - see 10 plagues of Egypt as an example).
@@ronenTheBarbarian The word ''Elohim'' used in the very first verse of Genesis where the creation had not yet started..How will you explain that? Friend, you are doing a huge exercise when the truth is staring at your face. You have a problem with your logic because that will fall like a pack of cards the moment you accept the truth.
Hello I am a non-Jew, I particularly appreciated this video because it explains, without mincing words, the question of the particularity of the people of Israel. The depiction of Israel's marriage to Hashem is very clever and explanatory, my question is the following: I, as only invited to the wedding, (honestly I feel a little jealous of this), in addition to following the 7 Noahide laws what can I do to serve Hashem and how can I see his power in my life. How do I know I'm on the right path ??? thanks to those who want to answer me ...
I need a little interpreter box~~~You keep switching back and forth between Yiddish and English... I still listen to all your presentations that I find...
Thank you Rabbi. You have given me an understanding of Judaism I have not had before. Each of your videos gives me new insight for which I am grateful.
I remember this rabbi said that being Jewish is not a religion. So being a Jew, do I have a religion and if I have a religion, what religion? Or do I not have religion?
The most important idea in Judaism is that there is one G-d with no shape or form, who is eternal and almighty, who alone created the entire universe so that we should love him.
It is not an audible voice but something as a thought, but not a recalled thing it is strange, it seems to answer why in a strange but real way. It answers our question, sometimes it points our sin in my life .
i like this guy better than tovi . i like his logical thinking but the ending part alway entertain me. The ending is exactly the opposite of what he claim.
Did or would God really say I am the Creator god and I don't like it...I don't want to be the only thing I want someone else also, as the rabbi informs us, beginning at 15: 40? Is what God was basically saying? If this interpretation is in anyway correct then God is not self reliant. He is not perfect. Accordingly, then God created the world and humanity because he did not want to be alone. Poor sad God! However, there is another fascinating point to this supposition and that is that God had no choice in his own existence-of being a solitary entity. And if God had no choice in his existence then something else is responsible for his existence. And the merry round continues...
the first born son always get the bigger inheritance and no matter how accomplished you are as a second son even if you get richer than he you still will not be the first born, so you might as well accept the fact the God created the first born son and that he loves you too, but you are still not the first born son . as they say in AA accept the things you cannot change and have the courage to know what you cannot change . In these last days the rest of the world will finally accept the things they cannot change
I enjoy this this discussion. Are we insane if when we pray and a scripture we do not remember or even know is directed to us as once Leviticus 2 came for salt. I did not know it was there. Or we are going through a difficult time and a strange direction to a proverbs or a Psalm and we are encouraged to repent in the scripture what is that? A servant must have a master or mistress. Hashem pays us all we have is it?
First Rabbi Friedman explains that we are not the real thing, God is the real thing by bringing the doll analogy. Then he explains God or God's thoughts (???) through our behaviour by trying to explain that humans are getting better persons if they are generous. If we are not the real thing how can we explain God or know what is God's intention? Another contradiction: First God is perfect ( he does not need) but then " he wanted", "he did not like" - which means he is not perfect. Perfect means also to be in a "zen state". Then comes the analogy "to be one with" (marriage) and that this is what makes U perfect - but again - this is the explanation from a human point of view and since we are not the real thing this is not a valid explanation. It is just an assumption and of course, it sounds very nice - but it has no explanatory power. 19:37 - perfect question and I will make it a little "bigger": Why did God not just created another God or Gods? Should not be a problem for him since he is all-mighty. He would be not alone anymore and sad and his problems would have been solved at once. Or was this idea to simple? As the "not real thing" I got this idea immediately. Do not misunderstand me - I really like to listen to Rabbi Friedmann. Shalom from Hamburg.
Maybe because we are what god lacks. As the Rabbis mentions such perfection in any realm, this lacks limitation. We are running our lives on limits from the moment we are born, untill we die, which we use the fact that we are going to die, to use it to live meaningfully, while we're limited & oriented to fix limits(tragedies of life for example)
Finally! Rabbi, thank you for this wonderful explanation, now I’m glad to be still alive, so I could hear this from You. Nobody ever agreed with me, but I know that this is the real Truth.
Maybe this might help. But theres historic experiences as well as some have experienced since then too. Then as you can not see viruses, bacteria, electrons, today you are aware of them because sight has been magnified. Yet we always seen their effects. Which existing proves God as well as earth and such. It might not mean anything, but maybe.
If I remember it correctly, Avodah, refers to spiritual service. The only daily requirements are Birchas Ha Mazon and the Shema, but one may add according to his ability. How then is Hashem inconvenienced by one's service? He is enthroned upon the prayers of Israel.
I watch many of your videos, this time I heard you say the same as the Christian's and that is that one person is more than the other because they are chosen. Are you saying he created us to serve you instead of serving Him together with you? I usually like your message of unity of all people but today I heard a call to vanity.
لنتدبر فيما هي النعم التي لا تعد ولا تحصى التي تعودنا فيها ومنها ولها وإليها وما .....وومللناها .....ستأتينا أكيد النعم التي لا تحصى ولا تعدد ويريدها الجمع😄😃☺😊😂😁😀😀😀😀😀😀america ferssssst😡👍
The LDS (Mormons) think G-d lives on the planet Kolob. This is idolatry. To claim we can accurately describe G-d as having even a single hair is also idolatry. When it says G-d created man in his likeness, it means in the spiritual likeness. To think otherwise is hubris of the worst sort. Rabbi Friedman, I deeply enjoy your talks. You totally rock. For years, I wanted to convert to Judaism, only to run into serious and poisonous ethnocentrism and outright racism. Sacramento's Orthodox rabbi was the worst. It must be hell to be as spiritually stiff as that guy. Anyhow... thank you always for your humor, humility and above all, sharing your thoughts with all people, even us lower-than-dogs goys. And, at 78, a recovering Catholic and someone has done more than a little work studying how the heck did I get here, why, and finally how can I serve that which is called G-d, I joined this church: The First Church of Saint Tommy the Pretty Good, membership of one, we don't proselytize and you couldn't join anyhow. It's a wonderful church and we have terrific Friday night Sabbath dinners. Stop by any time. Smiles... Tommy Quinn, Ione CA.
No matter how many sons Leah had Joseph still loved Rachel more and loved his first born son by her more. I think Leah accepted it, but her sons did not
Leah was not his choice of wife, he was deceived into marrying her and consummating it. Now you ask him to love a child of a woman he doesn't love but has been encumbered to keep? She wanted to be his wife she got her wish!
@20 mins somone asks why not just adam In the same way it was not good for God to be alone he saw it was also not good for man(adam) so like man from god he took woman from man so when we get married 2 will become one which is alike to the union we make with Elohim when we acknowledge we want relationship
Rabbi, when God created Adam he didn't create Adam as a Jew. Abraham was not Jewish either. To say that non-Jews are guests to the wedding of Jews and God is a very sad statement. God doesn't belong to the Jews. Jews belong to God just like non-Jews and every other thing in this world. The hate for the Jews is not because of the wedding, but the boastfulness of the bride and the implied rejection (of the non-Jews). I don't really like the wedding analogy. I understand that the Jewish God is the tribal God of the Jews and thus there is favoritism. The same is true with respect to all the other tribal Gods that human beings have created over the years. Tribalism is not very good rabbi. The hate between people comes from tribalism. God loves us, God wants to marry us and not you because you are only a guest because you do not belong to are tribe. This is what creates issues. Lets stop this tribalism.
I kinda wish you would define the Hebrew words in English because I miss your argument. I have another idea of why God created the universe. It wasn’t because he was lonely. Something more fundamental that we know about the nature of God. You know it but you don’t see it.
Maybe listen past the first 2 minutes. Rabbi Friedman makes it clear that the terms are anthropomorphic. Maimonides devoted chapters to this in Guide for the Perplexed.
What makes you think HE is finished? Will he not restore? Is there not a bigger story? Is it all about us? If we only love G-d for things he gives us...then we are as shallow as Satan claimed Job was. How beautiful are the praises from broken hands from a broken people who love Him despite their imperfections. Angels were made with perfect health and no hunger or pain, yet many rebelled. Were angels fall from light. Humanity reaches to from darkness up to light. Up to G-d. And eventually perfected in the glorious age to come.
My thought on part of the reason why anti semitism exists is. They say if you can't beat them, join them. But the gentiles can't join them (Jews) so they've felt they had to beat them throughout history.
Perhaps god has seen something in us, some potential, while we are still stuck in practicing simple rules, god perhaps has hope for us that we will sooner or later develop, instead being servants to rites and traditions. Perhaps this is what Job realized after god showed him his creation and realized the first time that he was stuck in simply following rules and from that understanding spoke to god "teach me". Else this phrase "teach me" of Job does not make any sense, since god already admitted to him that he did all perfectly well when it came to following god words. God does not need us, reagardless if we try serving or not. But god might see something in us and for us we have not been ready for so far ...
After all these years , the earth should be established and the nation God chose should be able to 100% rely on God, medical should be needed, God can heal and keep people healthy! Life should not need dead animals we call food, we should be able to rely of God...
Anything that other nations can do to have the best marriage between G-D and his chosen people is of a great service. Never will a friend be jealous of his friend's wedding, rather, he wishes them the best. Hope the nations treat this as a great and humble service. Everyone plays a part for the world to come.
ONE , OF THE MOST , ( IMPORTANT ) , VERSE , IN , ( SCRIPTURES .📚📖📚] .PSAM 23 !!! . ( THE LORD IS , MY , SHARPER ) .!!!! . AND , KEEP , THE HOLY , [ SABBATH , [ HOLY ) .!!!! .SUNDAY 🌞, IS , FOR , [ PAGANS ] 😳.!!!! .
Does this rabbi understand what it means to be a father? I believe that the parable of the Prodigal Son will clarify what it means to be a traditional Jew and a new Jew. The term Jew in my opinion it the Spirit of God within us when God created us and this is a reason for celebration and great responsibility. In the parable of the Prodigal Son the elder brother does not lose the right to the father’s estate although the elder son is jealous because the father ran out to greet his younger son kissed him and gave him his robe ,slaughtered a lamb and placed a ring on his finger. My question to all fathers is this, if you had 2 sons and the one who had left and suffered would you not greet him in a similar fashion? The problem arose because the elder son was jealous and in seeing the father’s joy and love when the lost son came home. God is not finite in who he loves just like any parent is not finite in their love for their children. Unfortunately this Rabbi plants the seed of Jewish superiority instead of humility. Has God not forgiven your transgressions as a nation, that’s because God is a father rather than a ruler . May God always bless and love your people.
Dear God does not speak but he lets you know things. No body has ever seen Dear Gods face, not even his saints. Because it is his will not to/ There are a lot of skilled imposters like devils who could easely trick not knowing or believing homo sapiens. That is why dear God wants us to worship him with our souls and hearts. And to call upon him all the time.
Are you trying to say that we are like dolls to God and he is playing with us? Lol So many dolls... with broken body parts! So God doesn’t feel our pain?
no g-d gave us the ability to act like dolls or be the opposite of them- to transform our nature. It literally means we can choose to feel pain and suffering or accept reality and let it pass through our soul...because soul is real, body is temporary.
Do you think you control your life? Or maybe your life controls you? So....who controls your life if you don`t do it? If your control your life.... Why can't you remember what you "Do & said" Yesterday? Or what will you "Do & say" tomorrow/ Days after tomorrow? And if your Life control you... why don`t you accept that? What is the truth?
I would like to make a comment on the part where you talk about the gentiles being happy for the Jews without being jealous. My view, as a Noahide gentile, is that the Jews are a special, blessed, and chosen people. However, being special and blessed is not always an easy thing. Keeping Kosher isn't easy, and that is probably the easiest part of being Jewish. Historically, God called on the Jews to literally fight giants in Canaan. King David, as the prototypical Jewish hero echoed this idea by fighting Goliath. More recently, the Jews have faced giant challenges in the holocaust, in trying to recreate Israel, and in dealing with antisemitism. Basically, it appears that G-d has chosen the Jewish people to be his champions to fight giant problems. Luckily for the rest of us, we don't have to do that. We can, and should, help the Jewish people to fight the world's gigantic problems, but we don't have to be on the front line. So, in my opinion, it is much easier to avoid being jealous when you understand that being chosen to be G-d's people also means being chosen to fight giants.
I really wish that this guy would "HEAR" from God. God can clear up all of his confusion. Before the first World, all that existed was light. So saying "Let Their Be Light", is kinda "dumb". And, we weren't Really created in HIS image. We were created "AS" HIS image. "I AM THAT WHICH I AM FORCED TO BE".This guy talks often about information being "Fourth Grade". I say he is "KINDERGARDEN". The only thing I really know about this guy, is that he uses only the mind he was born with. God isn't helping him create another mind. He "Knows" Nothing. He "Logically Explains" EVERYTHING. Sad.
Thomas Troxel You just miss the original Toira text BE-tsalmenu. Missing the book is not a big problem. And neither your wrong conclusions are. But you try to put a very well known rabbi and Mentch down. And that is really sad.
I so love your teaching, but today as I listen my heart was so saddened, coming to knowledge I’m not wanted by God, that I’m not wanted because I’m not Jewish. I will still listen to your teaching because the insight of living life are necessary to be ground, in time of chaos and fear.
As a jew, Yes you are. If he didn't love he wouldn't have create you. The only difference is that we discover him first so our responsability is greater. But you can be important too if you follow the seven law of noah.
I love this Rabbi! May G-d bless him and keep him with us for many years to come and in the here after.
Baruch Hashem. Thank you for guiding us for good and we are very grateful to your life
You are just amazing going through hard times you help me believe in Hasham thank you
Rabbi you are a wonderful teacher.
Even if one has listened to your shiurim many times over again a new hidden message can be discovered each time !
Smartest Rabbi ive ever heard. goes through the hard questions and dont afraid not to have an answer. Chapoute! you are Blowing my mind. give me a new perspective - not just this clip, almost everyone. Thank a lot. The end of this clip - how does it fit with the clip about Yom Cipper?
Because being perfect includes having a friend, giving to others, adjusting to the needs of a mate and many other ingredients that are the 'IDEAL' the perfect.
When you are jealous it is because you believe that there is something lacking in yourself, but if you know that that there is nothing lacking in yourself, then the love that God has for the jewish people will be fine.
God does need something: he needs to love. He asks absolutely nothing of us, he merely hopes we will love him back.
Thank you and God bless you for your work. Your lectures are so refreshing and comforting just like home. To God be all the glory for you and your family. .
Please DO NOT listen to him. He is a HERETIC-KOFER! He makes up stuff that is TOTALLY opposite of what the Torah really says!
@@mrbond4960 true, I have heard some things from him lately that are a little off. He's trying to make something very difficult to accept, acceptable to moderns. However, in THIS video he sums up some very true Torah concepts, and you should not discourage people from listening to him, imho. They can separate the wheat from the chaff.
@@chodeshadar18 Shalom! Once a "speaker" has said regular things against what the Torah says you are NOT allowed to ever listen to them even if his shiur is 97 % "kosher" and the other 3 % PURE Kefira! (Heresy)
@@mrbond4960 I listen to everything and everyone...then apply it to my experience. As we all should.
Mr Bond
Heresy is what YOU say. So should I put Cherem onto you?
Ein Tzaddiq ba-Aretz asher yaaseh-toiv velo yecheta
If you are so impudent to think that you know exactly WHAT Toirah says - and what says it not, then good luck to you mr. Bond.... from Lubavitch with love!
Judaism is the first. It gives one answer to all questions.
Rabbi Manis Friedman changed my mind about Judaism! He speaks so poetically!
Thank you for your shared wisdom and enlightenment ♡
God knows Himself and wants us to know ourselves that we don’t make an idol of our own image or other gods.
Dear Rabbi. I am not sure if you are monitoring the comments. In case you are monitoring the comments, I would request you to answer one of the questions which popped up while you explained the terms Yachid and Echad
We see that in the creation story of Genesis 1:26 the words are coming out of Elohim (Plural) in which he says "Let US make man in OUR image". Clearly, the plurality in HaShem existed already before the creation of mankind. So how do you reconcile the premise that he was Yachid at that time? From what I see, he was Echad already then.
G P Sam There is no plurality in echad. It just means "first" (in relation to others), or just "one".
Shema Yisrael Yahweh Eloheinu Yahweh Echad
A literal translation of the above would be:
"Hear, O Israel; Yahweh [is] our Gods, Yahweh is a Unity."
The Hebrew word Eloheinu, which we translated as "our Gods," is the 1st person plural declension of Elohim. Elohim, as most people know, is a plural noun which is regularly translated as God when referring to the one and only God, Yahweh.
One Reformed Jewish source made the following interesting claim regarding this specific word:
Eloheinu is the first-person plural possessive form of the Hebrew noun Elohim, which is translated "God" but literally means "our God." Yet strangely, this plural noun is virtually always translated as a singular. Our mystics understood this to be the One manifesting as the many. (Lev Sham Tov, "Life At Its Highest" by Ted Falcon as seen in Reform Jewish Magazine; source; bold and underline emphasis ours)
"Echad" Implies a unification with another. If it should have been as the modern Jewish interpretation it should have been "Yachid" in Deut 6:4. "Yachid" in the original text translates as "the only one," or the "numerical one (1)," pretty much translates to solely, or only. "Echad" is significantly different. As opposed to "Yachid" meaning "the only one," "Echad" most closely means "one." More like "that one" of a group. "Echad" implies that there is another or one that is with or united and unified.
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (basar echad)." Genesis 2:24
"Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, ‘The dreams of Pharaoh are one (echad); God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good ears are seven years; the dreams are one (echad).’" Genesis 41:25-26
Hi G P Sam, the word Elohim has two meanings. One is judges (when referring to men), but here it's one of several names of Hashem. The "let us" was referring to the angels who are Hashem's servants. Also, in Gematria, Elohim is equivalent to HaTeva (Nature in hebrew). So Elohim is a name that is used for the natural order of things. The name consisting of the hebrew letters of Yud and Hey and Vav and Hey is the name used when Hashem has to supercede the natural order of things (break his own rules - see 10 plagues of Egypt as an example).
@@ronenTheBarbarian The word ''Elohim'' used in the very first verse of Genesis where the creation had not yet started..How will you explain that?
Friend, you are doing a huge exercise when the truth is staring at your face. You have a problem with your logic because that will fall like a pack of cards the moment you accept the truth.
I am a non-Jew, I particularly appreciated this video because it explains, without mincing words, the question of the particularity of the people of Israel.
The depiction of Israel's marriage to Hashem is very clever and explanatory, my question is the following: I, as only invited to the wedding, (honestly I feel a little jealous of this), in addition to following the 7 Noahide laws what can I do to serve Hashem and how can I see his power in my life. How do I know I'm on the right path ???
thanks to those who want to answer me ...
I need a little interpreter box~~~You keep switching back and forth between Yiddish and English... I still listen to all your presentations that I find...
Thank you Rabbi. You have given me an understanding of Judaism I have not had before. Each of your videos gives me new insight for which I am grateful.
Wow. The best explanation I have ever heard
Wait till you hear the others. His teachings are truly great.
I remember this rabbi said that being Jewish is not a religion. So being a Jew, do I have a religion and if I have a religion, what religion? Or do I not have religion?
Every lecture blows me away. Thank you rabbi!
The most important idea in Judaism is that there is one G-d with no shape or form, who is eternal and almighty, who alone created the entire universe so that we should love him.
In response to the question about marriage, I think before pru u'rvu, it is tovim hashnaim min ha'ehad, it is better to have company.
It is not an audible voice but something as a thought, but not a recalled thing it is strange, it seems to answer why in a strange but real way. It answers our question, sometimes it points our sin in my life .
i like this guy better than tovi . i like his logical thinking but the ending part alway entertain me. The ending is exactly the opposite of what he claim.
G-d looks at rabbi +smiles we love it
What about Bath Kohl?
P.S., his explanation of "Embarassment" is "Close". But, if you don't "REPENT" for "It",..You get no "Credit".
Thank you Rabbi Friedman
I am a Muslim from Kenya I want to buy Torah but I don't think we have the book In our country
You'll find the Tora in the beginning of the Bible in the old testament.
I always say " if I want something and I do not have it I don't need it!"
Did or would God really say I am the Creator god and I don't like it...I don't want to be the only thing I want someone else also, as the rabbi informs us, beginning at 15: 40? Is what God was basically saying? If this interpretation is in anyway correct then God is not self reliant. He is not perfect. Accordingly, then God created the world and humanity because he did not want to be alone. Poor sad God! However, there is another fascinating point to this supposition and that is that God had no choice in his own existence-of being a solitary entity. And if God had no choice in his existence then something else is responsible for his existence.
And the merry round continues...
Interesting teaching. But a question. How do the angels figure into God alone? If angels were present then God is not alone.
This is great!! I feel like I am in a Torah class! :)
Id think that the #1 rule would be to treat others as you want to be treated.
Rabbi you said , every soul will get 3 times incornation, in what case a soul get incornation..?
There isn't written anywhere to go to a priest to confess.
@@StGeorgedragonhunter the Catholic confessional was an intelligence apparatus. The CIA for the Holy Roman Empire.
the first born son always get the bigger inheritance and no matter how accomplished you are as a second son even if you get richer than he you still will not be the first born, so you might as well accept the fact the God created the first born son and that he loves you too, but you are still not the first born son . as they say in AA accept the things you cannot change and have the courage to know what you cannot change . In these last days the rest of the world will finally accept the things they cannot change
I guess He also has a real Beard!
I enjoy this this discussion. Are we insane if when we pray and a scripture we do not remember or even know is directed to us as once Leviticus 2 came for salt. I did not know it was there. Or we are going through a difficult time and a strange direction to a proverbs or a Psalm and we are encouraged to repent in the scripture what is that? A servant must have a master or mistress. Hashem pays us all we have is it?
First Rabbi Friedman explains that we are not the real thing, God is the real thing by bringing the doll analogy. Then he explains God or God's thoughts (???) through our behaviour by trying to explain that humans are getting better persons if they are generous. If we are not the real thing how can we explain God or know what is God's intention?
Another contradiction: First God is perfect ( he does not need) but then " he wanted", "he did not like" - which means he is not perfect. Perfect means also to be in a "zen state". Then comes the analogy "to be one with" (marriage) and that this is what makes U perfect - but again - this is the explanation from a human point of view and since we are not the real thing this is not a valid explanation. It is just an assumption and of course, it sounds very nice - but it has no explanatory power.
19:37 - perfect question and I will make it a little "bigger": Why did God not just created another God or Gods? Should not be a problem for him since he is all-mighty. He would be not alone anymore and sad and his problems would have been solved at once. Or was this idea to simple? As the "not real thing" I got this idea immediately.
Do not misunderstand me - I really like to listen to Rabbi Friedmann. Shalom from Hamburg.
Maybe because we are what god lacks.
As the Rabbis mentions such perfection in any realm, this lacks limitation. We are running our lives on limits from the moment we are born, untill we die, which we use the fact that we are going to die, to use it to live meaningfully, while we're limited & oriented to fix limits(tragedies of life for example)
Yachid: G-D is the only one, nothing else exists; exclusion
Echad: we all together; inclusions
No. Unity / all together = ehadim
One / unique = ehad or yachid
Finally! Rabbi, thank you for this wonderful explanation, now I’m glad to be still alive, so I could hear this from You. Nobody ever agreed with me, but I know that this is the real Truth.
How can you tell,if you haven't seen HIM?
Maybe this might help. But theres historic experiences as well as some have experienced since then too. Then as you can not see viruses, bacteria, electrons, today you are aware of them because sight has been magnified. Yet we always seen their effects. Which existing proves God as well as earth and such. It might not mean anything, but maybe.
If I remember it correctly, Avodah, refers to spiritual service. The only daily requirements are Birchas Ha Mazon and the Shema, but one may add according to his ability. How then is Hashem inconvenienced by one's service? He is enthroned upon the prayers of Israel.
613 mitzva to a jewish male
I watch many of your videos, this time I heard you say the same as the Christian's and that is that one person is more than the other because they are chosen. Are you saying he created us to serve you instead of serving Him together with you? I usually like your message of unity of all people but today I heard a call to vanity.
but before abraham did not have tefilin also noah and youzef did have so whats the piont ???????????????
nobody yells at people for askimg questions in Judaism.
It seems , Rabbi , your grand-daughter is an adult who plays with dolls
He sees everything❤❤
Can we asque phiroun is here........😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍.........
God knew about us before we were born. He sees time differently.
Jacob said he saw God's face and wrestled with him.
Gd's Angel
لنتدبر فيما هي النعم التي لا تعد ولا تحصى التي تعودنا فيها ومنها ولها وإليها وما .....وومللناها .....ستأتينا أكيد النعم التي لا تحصى ولا تعدد ويريدها الجمع😄😃☺😊😂😁😀😀😀😀😀😀america ferssssst😡👍
The LDS (Mormons) think G-d lives on the planet Kolob. This is idolatry. To claim we can accurately describe G-d as having even a single hair is also idolatry. When it says G-d created man in his likeness, it means in the spiritual likeness. To think otherwise is hubris of the worst sort. Rabbi Friedman, I deeply enjoy your talks. You totally rock. For years, I wanted to convert to Judaism, only to run into serious and poisonous ethnocentrism and outright racism. Sacramento's Orthodox rabbi was the worst. It must be hell to be as spiritually stiff as that guy. Anyhow... thank you always for your humor, humility and above all, sharing your thoughts with all people, even us lower-than-dogs goys. And, at 78, a recovering Catholic and someone has done more than a little work studying how the heck did I get here, why, and finally how can I serve that which is called G-d, I joined this church: The First Church of Saint Tommy the Pretty Good, membership of one, we don't proselytize and you couldn't join anyhow. It's a wonderful church and we have terrific Friday night Sabbath dinners. Stop by any time. Smiles... Tommy Quinn, Ione CA.
No matter how many sons Leah had Joseph still loved Rachel more and loved his first born son by her more. I think Leah accepted it, but her sons did not
Leah was not his choice of wife, he was deceived into marrying her and consummating it. Now you ask him to love a child of a woman he doesn't love but has been encumbered to keep? She wanted to be his wife she got her wish!
@20 mins somone asks why not just adam
In the same way it was not good for God to be alone he saw it was also not good for man(adam) so like man from god he took woman from man so when we get married 2 will become one which is alike to the union we make with Elohim when we acknowledge we want relationship
Haha i didnt watch ahead but it should help still
In Kabbalah, the creator has will to give, and has no will to receive at all.
Rabbi, when God created Adam he didn't create Adam as a Jew. Abraham was not Jewish either.
To say that non-Jews are guests to the wedding of Jews and God is a very sad statement. God doesn't belong to the Jews. Jews belong to God just like non-Jews and every other thing in this world. The hate for the Jews is not because of the wedding, but the boastfulness of the bride and the implied rejection (of the non-Jews). I don't really like the wedding analogy.
I understand that the Jewish God is the tribal God of the Jews and thus there is favoritism. The same is true with respect to all the other tribal Gods that human beings have created over the years.
Tribalism is not very good rabbi. The hate between people comes from tribalism. God loves us, God wants to marry us and not you because you are only a guest because you do not belong to are tribe. This is what creates issues.
Lets stop this tribalism.
23:33 Thank you for inviting me to the party......
I love 💕 this video 😮 ❤❤❤
Good video
Even if Adam was perfect like God, he like God wanted the other also, it also was not enough
It could not have been differently
I kinda wish you would define the Hebrew words in English because I miss your argument. I have another idea of why God created the universe. It wasn’t because he was lonely. Something more fundamental that we know about the nature of God. You know it but you don’t see it.
When you describe G-d as a being with physical characteristics, it is clear that you are not a Rabbi or a Jew.
Maybe listen past the first 2 minutes. Rabbi Friedman makes it clear that the terms are anthropomorphic. Maimonides devoted chapters to this in Guide for the Perplexed.
What makes you think HE is finished? Will he not restore? Is there not a bigger story? Is it all about us? If we only love G-d for things he gives us...then we are as shallow as Satan claimed Job was. How beautiful are the praises from broken hands from a broken people who love Him despite their imperfections. Angels were made with perfect health and no hunger or pain, yet many rebelled. Were angels fall from light. Humanity reaches to from darkness up to light. Up to G-d. And eventually perfected in the glorious age to come.
My thought on part of the reason why anti semitism exists is. They say if you can't beat them, join them. But the gentiles can't join them (Jews) so they've felt they had to beat them throughout history.
It's kind of true.
The questiom is if he needs us to be beside him, WHY he created HELL and HEAVEN? Why he needs us to worship him?
Nowhere in Genesis is the mention that HE created heaven or hell ! We created it !
Perhaps god has seen something in us, some potential, while we are still stuck in practicing simple rules, god perhaps has hope for us that we will sooner or later develop, instead being servants to rites and traditions. Perhaps this is what Job realized after god showed him his creation and realized the first time that he was stuck in simply following rules and from that understanding spoke to god "teach me". Else this phrase "teach me" of Job does not make any sense, since god already admitted to him that he did all perfectly well when it came to following god words.
God does not need us, reagardless if we try serving or not. But god might see something in us and for us we have not been ready for so far ...
Svaka čast, dobro je
I understand,there's much to understand here.
Thank you. You are a wonderful teacher. I am beginning to believe I am a Jew. What to do?
Maybe make some ancestry research, if from mother's side is jewish, then it's definitely something to contact a rabbi
Call it creation and you can smuggle in a creator but call it existense and see if you can smuggle in an existenseser
After all these years , the earth should be established and the nation God chose should be able to 100% rely on God, medical should be needed, God can heal and keep people healthy! Life should not need dead animals we call food, we should be able to rely of God...
Baruch HaShem 🙏🏽✡️
Before criation the world god is boring..... after his not😄☺😊😃😂😁😀
Anything that other nations can do to have the best marriage between G-D and his chosen people is of a great service. Never will a friend be jealous of his friend's wedding, rather, he wishes them the best. Hope the nations treat this as a great and humble service. Everyone plays a part for the world to come.
The world to come is not a Torah concept, Rambam said.
He is all arms.
ONE , OF THE MOST , ( IMPORTANT ) , VERSE , IN , ( SCRIPTURES .📚📖📚] .PSAM 23 !!! . ( THE LORD IS , MY , SHARPER ) .!!!! . AND , KEEP , THE HOLY , [ SABBATH , [ HOLY ) .!!!! .SUNDAY 🌞, IS , FOR , [ PAGANS ] 😳.!!!! .
Does this rabbi understand what it means to be a father? I believe that the parable of the Prodigal Son will clarify what it means to be a traditional Jew and a new Jew. The term Jew in my opinion it the Spirit of God within us when God created us and this is a reason for celebration and great responsibility.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son the elder brother does not lose the right to the father’s estate although the elder son is jealous because the father ran out to greet his younger son kissed him and gave him his robe ,slaughtered a lamb and placed a ring on his finger.
My question to all fathers is this, if you had 2 sons and the one who had left and suffered would you not greet him in a similar fashion?
The problem arose because the elder son was jealous and in seeing the father’s joy and love when the lost son came home. God is not finite in who he loves just like any parent is not finite in their love for their children. Unfortunately this Rabbi plants the seed of Jewish superiority instead of humility. Has God not forgiven your transgressions as a nation, that’s because God is a father rather than a ruler . May God always bless and love your people.
I was not able to find the parable of the prodigal son in the Torah!
Dear God does not speak but he lets you know things. No body has ever seen Dear Gods face, not even his saints. Because it is his will not to/ There are a lot of skilled imposters like devils who could easely trick not knowing or believing homo sapiens. That is why dear God wants us to worship him with our souls and hearts. And to call upon him all the time.
Yo rabbi why can't you educate us all about Zionism and the 51 documents and who more sad really are
Vi amooooooooooooo giudei anche voi siete la mia famiglia
This Class should meditate on Rabbi's UA-cam video
'Why Religion Is Bad For You' ✡
Are you trying to say that we are like dolls to God and he is playing with us? Lol
So many dolls...
with broken body parts!
So God doesn’t feel our pain?
no g-d gave us the ability to act like dolls or be the opposite of them- to transform our nature. It literally means we can choose to feel pain and suffering or accept reality and let it pass through our soul...because soul is real, body is temporary.
I was there
True gentiles are guests at the wedding.....
Is this Rabbi still under the old covenant?
In the Jewish context, there is no old or new covenant. There is only the Covenant.
GRACIAS god bless Laila tav good work rabbi elohim elshaddi adanai good teaching hebrew
Do you think you control your life? Or maybe your life controls you? So....who controls your life if you don`t do it?
If your control your life.... Why can't you remember what you "Do & said" Yesterday? Or what will you "Do & say" tomorrow/
Days after tomorrow? And if your Life control you... why don`t you accept that?
What is the truth?
I would like to make a comment on the part where you talk about the gentiles being happy for the Jews without being jealous.
My view, as a Noahide gentile, is that the Jews are a special, blessed, and chosen people. However, being special and blessed is not always an easy thing. Keeping Kosher isn't easy, and that is probably the easiest part of being Jewish. Historically, God called on the Jews to literally fight giants in Canaan. King David, as the prototypical Jewish hero echoed this idea by fighting Goliath. More recently, the Jews have faced giant challenges in the holocaust, in trying to recreate Israel, and in dealing with antisemitism. Basically, it appears that G-d has chosen the Jewish people to be his champions to fight giant problems. Luckily for the rest of us, we don't have to do that. We can, and should, help the Jewish people to fight the world's gigantic problems, but we don't have to be on the front line. So, in my opinion, it is much easier to avoid being jealous when you understand that being chosen to be G-d's people also means being chosen to fight giants.
I have always thought you were a doll, rabbi.
If a was perfect,.all I created would be perfect...
I really wish that this guy would "HEAR" from God. God can clear up all of his confusion. Before the first World, all that existed was light. So saying "Let Their Be Light", is kinda "dumb". And, we weren't Really created in HIS image. We were created "AS" HIS image. "I AM THAT WHICH I AM FORCED TO BE".This guy talks often about information being "Fourth Grade". I say he is "KINDERGARDEN". The only thing I really know about this guy, is that he uses only the mind he was born with. God isn't helping him create another mind. He "Knows" Nothing. He "Logically Explains" EVERYTHING. Sad.
Thomas Troxel
You just miss the original Toira text BE-tsalmenu.
Missing the book is not a big problem. And neither your wrong conclusions are. But you try to put a very well known rabbi and Mentch down. And that is really sad.
I so love your teaching, but today as I listen my heart was so saddened, coming to knowledge I’m not wanted by God, that I’m not wanted because I’m not Jewish. I will still listen to your teaching because the insight of living life are necessary to be ground, in time of chaos and fear.
As a jew, Yes you are. If he didn't love he
wouldn't have create you. The only difference is that we discover him first so our responsability is greater. But you can be important too if you follow the seven law of noah.