2 million on a divorce from an undeserving, stupid overly celebrated pig

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2024
  • nobody should be able to spend 2 million on something as stupid as their own personal failings being unable to stay in a marriage, being too stupid and too emotionally devoid to even keep their pathetic personal life decent. there are so many resources and people that could have used that money for something other than a worthless talentless pop star with the same one note songs that does the same thing that every person on this earth can do and infinitely better than she does, that are not being told that they are worth 200 million and that they can blow their worthless personal life on 2 million that could have been used to help actual deserving talented worthwhile and thoughtful people in this society that are dying and suffering with their dreams crushed a daily. America is a goddamn joke, and celebrities are their perfect beacon to prove how true that is everyday, and the consumers are right underneath it.