Why was 1 Enoch removed from the Bible?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @ExistentialRegret
    @ExistentialRegret 9 місяців тому +82

    "That'd be bananas" absolutely broke me, sir. I laughed so damned loud.

    • @elizabethkeenan7063
      @elizabethkeenan7063 9 місяців тому +10

      Well, evangelicals have already declared Trump as the second coming, makes you doubt so much about past Messiahs doesn’t it? 🙄

    • @elithepitbulldog2209
      @elithepitbulldog2209 4 місяці тому +1

      @@elizabethkeenan7063no, they haven’t.

  • @energybasics
    @energybasics 9 місяців тому +72

    The world being controlled by a few powerful people doesn't seem idiotic. There used to be a few kings "controlling" large parts of the world. Now it's a few corporations. Still that's a small amount of powerful people compared to all of humanity.

    • @bereal9950
      @bereal9950 9 місяців тому +18

      Agreed, the banking elites but hey I’m not a scholar with a comic t shirt on

    • @ornella09
      @ornella09 8 місяців тому +19

      @@bereal9950 the fact that he is a scholar on theology doesnt make him correct about everything, he shouldnt ignore conspiracy theories bc its all true and there is actual data.

    • @grimslade0
      @grimslade0 4 місяці тому

      The video Dan was replying to said "it's no secret that the world is controlled by a group of powerful people". That phrase implies that a small in-group is directly "controlling" everything else (akin to the Illuminati). Which is obviously not true.
      Corporations, governments, religious organisations, etc, aren't just a single "group of powerful people", they're many different groups of unaffiliated people and varying degrees of authority. The original video wasn't referring to this socioeconomic system (and if it was it did so very poorly), instead it implied that some small autonomous group itself was "controlling" everything, and stated it like it was some obvious fact that everyone knows. Dan didn't deny the existence of observable power dynamics in society, he denied what the original video implied (which wasn't that).

    • @user-lz4fu8ku3v
      @user-lz4fu8ku3v 2 місяці тому +5

      @@ornella09 In this world of deception, he who believes in conspiracies knows more truth than he who doesn't.

    • @ornella09
      @ornella09 2 місяці тому +3

      @@user-lz4fu8ku3v sad but true. But we have to be carefull with conspiracies because not all of them are true and it can bringe us sufferment and desperation, exactly the opposite of hope/faith.

  • @Cornelius135
    @Cornelius135 9 місяців тому +37

    I still don’t grasp historically why those who determined canon left some books out because of inconsistencies (like 1 Enoch) but kept some books in despite apparent inconsistencies - were they just unbothered by that tension?

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen 9 місяців тому +11

      It sounds to me like it was mostly a popularity contest - if the books were unpopular, they were thrown out. Probably still misses nuance, but that's my impression.

    • @scienceexplains302
      @scienceexplains302 9 місяців тому +2

      It does sound as though there was a little more going on, but there is no data for it. Tje same type of logic would have the Torah thrown out - internal contradictions and unlikelihood of the text being written and preserved as legend had it.

    • @Larth.
      @Larth. 6 місяців тому

      The 2nd biggest religion in babylon was the enochian cult. It leads people to worship enoch and not Jesus Christ.

    • @nyeahgarner2420
      @nyeahgarner2420 6 місяців тому +2

      I can't explain it, but, having read and studied over 80 scriptural books, I have no doubt that 66 books are the word of God, no more or less. I struggle with how they came to the same conclusion as me, as if God assured us.

    • @scienceexplains302
      @scienceexplains302 6 місяців тому +6

      @@nyeahgarner2420 Or as if you were going to agree with the dominant religion in your area no matter what.
      Other Christians (Catholics, Coptics) have different books in their Bibles and their denominations are the oldest surviving ones, as if “God” didn’t get it right the first couple times. 🤔

  • @RichBoy-lx8sx
    @RichBoy-lx8sx 9 місяців тому +12

    The Nt falsely attributes the book to Enoch. And even quotes it BY NAME. So either Enoch is "Gods word" or the Nt is also not "Gods word"
    Enoch, the seventh from Adam" is quoted in Jude 1:14-15:
    And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him..

    • @paulcleary8088
      @paulcleary8088 9 місяців тому +1

      Is this quoting from or found in the book of Enoch, or independently quoting Enoch? It's not a bad argument to make, but one that should be steelmanned.
      I'm asking because I'm not very familiar with the book of Enoch.

    • @RichBoy-lx8sx
      @RichBoy-lx8sx 9 місяців тому +5

      @paul yes, it its a quote from the book of Enoch

  • @bryanbrooks8866
    @bryanbrooks8866 8 місяців тому +26

    If Enoch was Nora’s great grandfather, I don’t think it would be that difficult for those scriptures to have survived, if they were on the Ark with Noah.

    • @bryanbrooks8866
      @bryanbrooks8866 8 місяців тому

      And it also gives a rational as to why the flood was needed.
      Excluding the real reason for the flood, allows those in power to black mail the masses into obedience.
      One of the biggest issues I had with the Bible is how it switches from strict disciplinarian to a loving, forgiving God. I couldn’t find the rational and I couldn’t see how an all knowing God would have to switch speeds. How wouldn’t he already know?
      What does make sense is humans being humans distorted the truth to extort power over weaker people. When in reality this entire time the pathway to the kingdom of Heaven has never been all the rules or the church. Actually the opposite it’s literally been love thy God and love thy neighbor.

    • @jayp8321
      @jayp8321 8 місяців тому +5

      Is Enoch Nora’s grandfather? As well as who is Nora lol? If you are right that Enoch is Nora’s grandfather and Nora was on the ark then ya I don’t think the preservation would have been a problem

    • @bryanbrooks8866
      @bryanbrooks8866 8 місяців тому +6

      @@jayp8321 Noah*

    • @jayp8321
      @jayp8321 8 місяців тому

      @@bryanbrooks8866 ah

    • @amorstripes5288
      @amorstripes5288 8 місяців тому +3

      It did survive according to Jubilees (another hidden away book) Abraham inherited the book as part of the firstborn son tradition but was unable to read or transcribe the book after the tower of babel dispersion until Elohim made him understand and speak the language of creation which is hebrew.
      I don't know if the guy in the video has read the book of 1st Enoch but I haven't seen any contradiction aside maybe for the names of angels which change depending on their roles which happens in the old testament when they come to do their work.

  • @dragonhawkeclouse2264
    @dragonhawkeclouse2264 9 місяців тому +11

    I need to look up what the internal inconsistencies are

  • @johngatewood4638
    @johngatewood4638 9 місяців тому +4

    Let's not gloss over the fact that the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians were black people. And were ignored by the "northern" Christians.

    • @quigglyz
      @quigglyz 5 місяців тому

      Ew don’t bring gay wokeism into this 🤮

  • @redridinghood1980
    @redridinghood1980 6 місяців тому +3

    “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2}

  • @Imthrashsfu
    @Imthrashsfu 8 місяців тому +8

    What makes some of the fantastical claims in the Old Testament more historical and less fan fiction than those in the Book of Enoch?

    • @victuss1413
      @victuss1413 5 днів тому

      Because they happened.

    • @Imthrashsfu
      @Imthrashsfu 5 днів тому

      @victuss1413 I see little point in answering a question when you use so little of your brain to do so. Your desire for the historicity of mythology does not equate to objective facts.

  • @bbbarham6264
    @bbbarham6264 9 місяців тому +7

    Would love to see a video clearly explaining the history of Christian “canon” and how it got where it is.

    • @hive_indicator318
      @hive_indicator318 9 місяців тому +9

      Data Over Dogma had a recent episode about this. It's only an hour, so they didn't get into a lot of detail. But it was very good

    • @bristolrovers27
      @bristolrovers27 9 місяців тому +1

      I'd like to see that too

    • @anjalE30
      @anjalE30 8 місяців тому

      By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command,
      so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

    • @hive_indicator318
      @hive_indicator318 8 місяців тому +2

      @@anjalE30 what? Stating how you believe the universe was created has nothing to do with how it was decided which texts to include in the canon. What a random non sequitur.

    • @anjalE30
      @anjalE30 8 місяців тому

      @@hive_indicator318 it's not a belief
      It's truth
      Why does it matter who decided to include it or not
      A reprobate mind cannot comprehend that a book is just a book
      Faith comes by HEARING
      The WORD LIVES
      If u understood the basics - you would know the answer to everything else
      When will ppl understand - the answers lie in what's hidden
      U miss the mark when u always focus on the seen

  • @ufpride83
    @ufpride83 9 місяців тому +26

    It’s hard for me to buy the church’s excuse of “internal conflicts and implausibility this text survived the flood” because many of the books in the Bible have “internal contradictions” and it would be “historically implausible” for any text before the destruction of Israel, Judah, and all their temples to have survived
    Every excuse the church can give why they left certain books out you can apply to any of the 66 books they did decide to deem “the word of God” and “authoritative”

    • @lettersnstuff
      @lettersnstuff 9 місяців тому +8

      oh no it’s almost like all religion is inherently arbitrary and decisions made by religious leaders are often politically motivated…

    • @ufpride83
      @ufpride83 9 місяців тому

      @@lettersnstuff exactly, one doesn’t have to believe in some lame conspiracy to know that the Roman government played a heavy role in the shaping of Christianity and the Bible it would ultimately end up with.

    • @jayp8321
      @jayp8321 8 місяців тому +4

      The books that were chosen were chosen because they decided they were the books that most accurately described the historical events that took place. Not every book that didn’t make the Bible was because of preservation concerns or inconsistencies, some were left out just because they weren’t the most accurate way to describe our history or the books weren’t cannon. Keep diving into the Bible and your research and be skeptical but don’t just dismiss things because of assumptions you make. Read the Bible, Ask yourself questions, do your deep diving of research, and then decide the verdict based on the evidence and your research

    • @ufpride83
      @ufpride83 8 місяців тому

      @@jayp8321 the only person making assumption is you. First assuming I haven’t done any research or not more than you and second you can’t prove anything in the Old Testament or New Testament is historical so claiming it is is nothing but an assumption and so is claiming that the 4th century Romans who decided which books they were going to tell you were written by God and which ones weren’t.
      So my advice to you is you do more research, stop making so many assumptions about people you don’t know whether that be me or the people who pick and chose which books were in and which books were out. I would also stop assuming anyone who wrote any of the books of the Bible knew anything about God or ever spoke to him.
      But most importantly, stop putting your faith in men. Because when you say you believe the Bible is the word of god and the Bible is historical, you’re putting faith in men not God when you make those claims. And men are NEVER worth putting your faith in, especially dead ones you know little to nothing about

    • @DerikMorgan-jn5ss
      @DerikMorgan-jn5ss 7 місяців тому +5

      @@lettersnstuffyour not as smart as you think you are

  • @OpenBiolabsGuy
    @OpenBiolabsGuy 9 місяців тому +13

    1 Enoch got removed for internal inconsistencies, but the gospels weren’t checked for consistency, or even a lack of contradiction, in the account of the resurrection of Jesus between each other. 💀

    • @rainbowkrampus
      @rainbowkrampus 9 місяців тому +10

      There are also multiple quotes from Enoch that survived in the canon texts.
      So they weren't even consistent in removing the book.

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen 9 місяців тому +4

      @@rainbowkrampus They didn't have the crazy myths of biblical inerrancy and univocality, so contradictions between books were less important than inconsistencies in a book. Still doesn't explain the inconsistent stories in the OT, such as the two creation accounts or the two (merged) flood accounts (for an example in the latter, how many of each animal are to be loaded?).

  • @343mustbestopped2
    @343mustbestopped2 8 місяців тому +14

    How can the book of Enoch be "fanfiction" as you said, but the old testament can't?
    Also, saying the book of Enoch has a lot of contradictions, then oh boy.... I dunno what to tell you... the old and new testaments are full of contradictions and not just from wrong translations.

    • @nyeahgarner2420
      @nyeahgarner2420 6 місяців тому +3

      There are no contradictions. Reread it extremely carefully.

    • @Legendll
      @Legendll 5 місяців тому +1

      Name a single legitimate contradiction I can help you understand that your statement is false*

    • @DGTH1992
      @DGTH1992 4 місяці тому +5

      There’s massive amounts of contradictions.
      I could supply several and both of you would interpret it in your own ways.

    • @Legendll
      @Legendll 4 місяці тому +3

      @@DGTH1992 you already interpreted it wrong when you say there are contradictions

  • @agubellini
    @agubellini 8 місяців тому +4

    I've read that possibly the Sanhedrin removed Enoch 1 out of their authoritative text(s) shortly after Jesus' death due to the prophesies they thought pointed to him, but that may/may not be true. I just don't see how in the NT Jude 1:14-15 quotes Enoch 2:1 without Enoch being authoritative text. I'm also curious about Esdras 1 and 2. Esdras being part of the Septuagint it seems to fit well with OT writings.

  • @johnnyjames9296
    @johnnyjames9296 Місяць тому +2

    This dude is giving you a hint with the colors and the animal on his shirt is a representation of what side he is on

  • @user-MetalAngel
    @user-MetalAngel 3 місяці тому +2

    Actually, the Book of Enoch was 'omitted' from the biblical canon when scholars were discerning whether it should be included.

  • @mw87675
    @mw87675 5 місяців тому +3

    How was 1 Enoch not true when the book of Jude referenced it?

  • @mstrainjr
    @mstrainjr 13 днів тому +1

    Now what's interesting about Enoch is that we have evidence that at least Jesus, Paul, and Jude believed in it's importance and had beliefs based in the text. Heck, Jude even devotes a small portion of his small work quoting it, yet the book of Jude is considered authentic and worth keeping.
    Did the Jews ever consider it historical, or was it considered a fictional writing like the book of Job?

  • @PaintedHoundie
    @PaintedHoundie 9 місяців тому +7

    Second Temple Judaism had a lot of developing traditions that I'd call Enochic Judaism that ended up informing Christianity. 1 Enoch was a little bold with the content but those traditions still persisted even in the Orthodoxy.

  • @EricMcLuen
    @EricMcLuen 9 місяців тому +8

    The Book of Enoch might not be well known today but it was known by early church fathers, and may have been popular with the populace. Its influence can be seen in the traditional stories of a war in heaven and fallen angels.

  • @christianbarrientos8267
    @christianbarrientos8267 7 місяців тому +21

    You lost me when you said that a group of powerful people trying to take control of the world is an “idiotic conspiracy theory “…you mention that your into facts that are supported by “data” then watch the wonderfully informative content Sir Russell Brand provides on a daily..examine the data and then say again “idiotic conspiracy theory”…a lot of what is happening in politics today is also referenced in the book of revelations sir..but also , thank you for the time you take to make biblical content.

    • @skaterzero07
      @skaterzero07 4 місяці тому

      Exactly what an idiot to be so stuck in naive ways of thinking… lost all credibility with that one

    • @grimslade0
      @grimslade0 4 місяці тому

      If you're talking about the observable socioeconomic power structures that involve corporations, governments, religious organisations, etc, that's not what the original video implied. The original video implied that there's some special specific in-group that controls everything (akin to the Illuminati), like it was just some obvious fact. That's what Dan was calling an "idiotic conspiracy theory".

    • @lloydhyde2376
      @lloydhyde2376 3 місяці тому

      Well sir, there is a “powerful group” It was the Roman Catholics, they took it up on themselves to destroy the ancient scrolls that told of many things they thought man had no business knowing.

  • @ThinkAboutIt-xr1le
    @ThinkAboutIt-xr1le 9 місяців тому +5

    Big fan but I do have a note on this particular short: Seems that dismissive jabs outnumbered the references to scholarship. Maybe that's because after Dan's original point there wasn't much left to say of substance. The quips are great but they do have diminishing returns.

  • @propitiated4
    @propitiated4 2 місяці тому +1

    I think you described perfectly exactly why Enoch was not accepted, the bias of "it's fanfiction" just the seemingly implausibility of the story to your and other's mind.

  • @johngarner9929
    @johngarner9929 9 місяців тому +12

    Thanks for your scholarly discussions. You can’t image how it has helped me better understand many topics - especially the key topics where human sexuality and gender are involved. Treating everyone with the same degree of decency and respect…that’s a concept. Keep enlightening us, sir. Question - when will your group hold a conversation about the shroud?

  • @shuai83
    @shuai83 9 місяців тому +3

    What are your thoughts on the connections to 1 Enoch found throughout Jude and 2 Peter that suggest at least those New Testament authors believed 1 Enoch was authoritative?

  • @wrivers12
    @wrivers12 7 місяців тому +5

    Sorry Dan, but using the words implausible and idiotic doesn't really help to prove your point. You're really just saying if it's not in the bible it's stupid and then making fun of it. The bible was created to unify religion to bring a culture together. People have been changing the bible and religion for many years. A lot of what is in the first book of Enoch does synchronize with the Bible, but seems to have more detail. Even Jesus himself make a positive reference to Enoch in the New Testament, suggesting that he studied it as teachings.

  • @veggiet2009
    @veggiet2009 9 місяців тому +7

    "...closer to reality than we think" 🤔 oh THAT'S why there are so many nephilim around. 😂

    • @D.HansonOfficial
      @D.HansonOfficial 3 місяці тому

      The book did they say they were killed by God during the time of the flood because they were violent giants killing humans.

  • @ryanmenard5993
    @ryanmenard5993 9 місяців тому +4

    Dan, what is your opinion on the verses supposedly alluding the Enoch in Peter and Jude? Do you think that the circulation of early forms of this text had any influence on early Christianity? Just curious about your thoughts on this. I’ve always found the Enoch literature to be super interesting apocalypticism. Great video as always!

    • @weasternperson5924
      @weasternperson5924 9 місяців тому +1

      I have wondered this too

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen 9 місяців тому +1

      Didn't he just say that in the video?

    • @ryanmenard5993
      @ryanmenard5993 9 місяців тому +4

      @@KaiHenningsen The video briefly mentions in passing that 1 Enoch had an influence on Judaism in the Greco Roman period…It says nothing about the multiple verses in the actual authoritative scripture of the New Testament mentioned above. I’m suggesting that there is plenty of room for elaboration here. Two books of the canonized New Testament attributed to two of Christ’s closest disciples apparently cite or at least allude to 1 Enoch. I’m simply stating that the influence of 1 Enoch on early Christian thought is fascinating and significant and that more than one sentence on the subject is welcomed. Thanks for your reply

    • @quigglyz
      @quigglyz 5 місяців тому

      He’d have to steelman the Enoch respecters. But his comic book superhero shirt makes him unable to do this 😢

  • @BbBbb-js1qd
    @BbBbb-js1qd 2 місяці тому +1

    1. Book of Enoch mentions a 364 day calendar that didn’t come around until after the flood no way Enoch knew about it. In the times of the flood years were only 360 days
    2. Jesus says there will be no need for sun or moon because the Heavenly Father will light the city (not a direct quote but it’s pretty accurate) Enoch mentions in “his book” that there will rising and setting of the sun and moon which contradicts Jesus.
    Book of Enoch is heretical writings don’t believe false teachings

  • @Refuteit
    @Refuteit 19 днів тому +1

    Amazing how you can produce a video showing the Book of Enoch is not inspired and nothing more than ancient Jewish fables, which even the apostle Paul warned us to stay away from (Titus 1:14) and people in the comment section are still defending that text like it's scripture.
    What is even more alarming is how people will defend 1 Enoch as truth while also denying parts of the Bible or even the entire Bible as inspired, thus elevating and loving 1 Enoch over legitimate scripture. It has been my experience that most who follow 1 Enoch as legitimate scripture, will also have many other spiritual issues or they are so gullible that they easily believe many other wild and unproven conspiracy theories like the flat earth and that mountains are really ancient trees.
    "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

  • @tim57243
    @tim57243 9 місяців тому +4

    How do Christians imagine the early chapters of Genesis got though the flood?

    • @Nai61a
      @Nai61a 8 місяців тому +2

      The Jews say it was mostly written by Moses - a post-flood figure - who, I guess, had it all from oral traditions. Of course, this would depend on "Noah" and his family remembering the stories in detail and passing them on accurately. That could be a plausible explanation for the variations and peculiarities of the Genesis accounts. And it also depends on Moses having been an historical character, which is in doubt.

    • @danielpaulson8838
      @danielpaulson8838 8 місяців тому +2

      Easy. The flood is a metaphor. Anything gets through those.

    • @tim57243
      @tim57243 8 місяців тому

      @@danielpaulson8838 I suppose 1 Enoch could have got through a metaphorical flood too.

    • @danielpaulson8838
      @danielpaulson8838 8 місяців тому

      @@tim57243 Since a metaphor is a way to carry information, yes. 'Noah's,' flood did not take place historically. It takes place metaphorically. It represents a personal rebirth to those who interpret them. Floods and other destruction such as Jericho, et al, are represented on the template. They are self healing steps. Destroy your world or your city or your vineyard or........
      They are all variations and play out in the psyche after interpretation. Or are just there to either worship or deny for those who can't interpret.
      Like an Aesop's Fable if it was a religious verse. It is not true as a story. It contains a truth nested in it. Treating it historically requires supernatural claims. Knowing it is a metaphor makes it accessible to those who work it out in their minds.

    • @nyeahgarner2420
      @nyeahgarner2420 6 місяців тому

      ​@@danielpaulson8838 You don't believe the flood happened?

  • @johnhigginbotham7021
    @johnhigginbotham7021 6 місяців тому +4

    They took that out of the Bible and other things so they could turn people into sheep. The Bible is the best book ever made.

    • @prtauvers
      @prtauvers 3 місяці тому

      You just said the best book ever made turns people into sheep…

  • @boboak9168
    @boboak9168 9 місяців тому +7

    Isn’t all the Bible basically just fan fiction expanding on earlier ideas and traditions?
    The Book of Enoch got a well deserved putting in its place in this vid, but in doing so for this book and not other Canonical ones Dan has become even more of an enigma for me. Why doesn’t Genesis get the same treatment, for example? Does Dan feel differently about the rest?
    Man alive, I hope he spells out his personal religious beliefs and reasons in plain English for the layman one day!

    • @paulcleary8088
      @paulcleary8088 9 місяців тому +4

      Addressing and acknowledging something as canon doesn't necessitate that it is true.
      Watching his videos, he pokes a lot of holes in the scripture academically. He's had some reasoned arguments about Genesis that I feel question the validity of the claims.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 9 місяців тому +1

      The Jewish people have an unbroken historical tradition to the very time of Moses that he is the author of the Torah. Other books are secondary.

    • @jenniferhunter4074
      @jenniferhunter4074 9 місяців тому

      I think it's more telling of the Christians with how they pick and choose what is plausible. I mean, I haven't read Enoch 1 but if it's implausible to accept that because of predating the Flood, what about the stories about the Garden of Eden? Or the stories about the creation of this universe?
      We should study the group's behavior rather than looking at the media and saying "Whataboutthis?" Why do they make certain things the hills they will die on *cough* women's subjugation *cough* homosexuality *cough* the outgroup being inferior *cough* magic spells and they are so flexible when it comes to other things like ... turn the other cheek, rejoice when being persecuted, sell all your belongings, love your neighbor as yourself, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
      I mean.. the Christians of yore managed to see the issues with Enoch 1 but they never asked how anybody knew what happened in the desert and the three temptations of Christ? Who told that story? Jesus? Satan? Agatha Harkness?
      *to others.. look up the song "Agatha all along". It's a fun song.

    • @paulcleary8088
      @paulcleary8088 9 місяців тому

      @@jenniferhunter4074 I think it is widely considered that the stores in Genesis were "revealed" to Moses.

    • @jenniferhunter4074
      @jenniferhunter4074 9 місяців тому +3

      @@paulcleary8088 But that's the excuse. Isn't it interesting? Why wasn't that excuse or something similar used for this book? Aren't you a bit suspicious? Shouldn't this group that saw the nonsense in Enoch have seen the same nonsense with talking snakes?
      *Oh.. and a pet peeve of mine is when they depict the snake looking snakelike. It's not supposed to wriggle on the ground prior to freeing the humans from this evil god's games.

  • @jamesgwoodwork
    @jamesgwoodwork 15 днів тому

    But it DID give us most of the angel-related lore in Supernatural, so for a lot of us, Enoch 1 is way more authoritative than the rest of the Bible.

  • @user-ml5zu6ph9q
    @user-ml5zu6ph9q 21 день тому

    Could you do a video on what the AnteDiluvian world would have either looked like, been like, events possibly took place? Just any data whatsoever?

  • @MegaJohn144
    @MegaJohn144 9 місяців тому +2

    The reasons given by the church fathers for excluding the Book of Enoch are the same reasons you have given for why we cannot extract meaning from the Bible.

  • @MusicalRaichu
    @MusicalRaichu 8 місяців тому +1

    you're final line cracked me up again!

  • @blazemordly9746
    @blazemordly9746 9 місяців тому +4

    ...which brings up the logical question: when was BEARD first removed from our beloved PhD?
    And additionally, would this too count as fan fiction or...Dan fiction?
    Make BEARD great again 2024!! 🧔

    • @johnmcgimpsey1825
      @johnmcgimpsey1825 9 місяців тому +1

      asked and answered in "What happened to my beard?!?", YT 12/9/2023

  • @leighmelnychuk8859
    @leighmelnychuk8859 9 місяців тому +16

    Imagine writing some narrative about Trump, Biden, Taylor Swift or whomever….and then 2000 years later people are still worshipping, debating, arguing and fighting over these writing! Christianity is insane.

    • @Mailrobot
      @Mailrobot 9 місяців тому +6

      That's not how any of this works but nice try being edgy

    • @schen7913
      @schen7913 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Mailrobotthat's exactly how it works. Acts of the Apostles, for example, has many sections mirroring Odysseus.

    • @leighmelnychuk8859
      @leighmelnychuk8859 9 місяців тому +2

      @@Mailrobot how “any of what works”? Could care less about “being edgy”….if you want to believe in writing from authors from back when the wheel was ‘modern technology’ and slaves were traded as commodities and you STILL follow their incoherent ramblings, all the power to you.

    • @JimmyTuxTv
      @JimmyTuxTv 9 місяців тому

      I plan to worship Reuters now so my place in Washington DC- the land of untold treasury’s reside for eternity.

    • @pansepot1490
      @pansepot1490 9 місяців тому

      There’s plenty of evidence that the early followers of Christ were considered by their contemporaries a bunch of conspiracy theorists. They claimed that their leader (a guy who had been executed by the Romans as insurrectionist) had not only come back to life but was due back any time to destroy the wicked and establish his kingdom.
      If you think about it there’s a lot of points in common with what the maga base claim about Trump: appointed by god, unfairly persecuted for insurrection, sure to win the next elections, become dictator day one and retaliate against all his enemies… MAGA.

  • @internetneverlies
    @internetneverlies 2 місяці тому

    Hello sir - im curious, are you familiar with Michael Heiser's work?
    He's a recent, albeit late OT scholar (non-traditional Christian) who dives deep on the scriptural allusions to the Book of Enoch (allusions from some of the epistles) as well as other AnE documents.
    Im not suggesting he contends or supports your claims, so much as suggesting you might appreciate his critical thinking in his research, where he made every attempt transparently (he provides resources on his website which is still up) to disclose his methodolgy as well his findings on the spiritual beliefs during the pre-diluvian era through the 1st century.
    A quote from his webpage:
    "His specific area of expertise is the nature of the spiritual realm as represented in the Bible, which is often ascribed the name of “the Divine Council,” otherwise the hierarchy of the spiritual order in Semitic myth. He attained an MA in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MA and PhD in the Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he minored in Classical studies. Dr. Heiser received his Bachelor’s degree from Bob Jones University and also attended Bible college for three years."

  • @jessepriest2883
    @jessepriest2883 8 місяців тому +2

    This content creator really tried to make the plot of One Piece real life

  • @BCole-bj4lv
    @BCole-bj4lv 9 місяців тому +3

    Your sound is very low.

  • @allanflippin2453
    @allanflippin2453 9 місяців тому +1

    How did Enoch ever crop up in Christian thought in the first place? From what I can tell, it was rejected from Judaism for similar reasons (inconsistency) and it was not part of the Septuagint. How would Christian authors ever run into it in the first place?

  • @gregbaxter4528
    @gregbaxter4528 27 днів тому

    Why, are people worried about the book of Enoch when they don't even keep the 10 commandments written by God's finger.

  • @mr.zafner8295
    @mr.zafner8295 9 місяців тому +2

    Hey, which one of the 12 tribes of Israel was Jesus a member of? Is it relevant to anything important?

    • @boboak9168
      @boboak9168 9 місяців тому +4

      This is hinted at in Dan’s video called “Luke’s nativity story is not historical”
      To ‘fulfil prophecy’ the story tries to place Jesus in ‘the tribe of David’ which was supposed to be the tribe of Judah. So yeah, it’s kind of important to many Christians.
      It’s also made up. There is no reason to believe that illiterate first century Jews had any idea which tribe they supposedly came from and the Romans had literally no reason to care about ancient Jewish history for taxation purposes.

    • @mr.zafner8295
      @mr.zafner8295 9 місяців тому +1

      @@boboak9168 thank you

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 9 місяців тому +2

      None. The membership of a born-Jewish person in one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel is patrilineal, based on the tribe of the born-Jewish father. He had no father.

    • @boboak9168
      @boboak9168 9 місяців тому

      @@hrvatskinoahid1048 which is your tribe?

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 9 місяців тому

      @@boboak9168 I am a Noahide.

  • @obscure-edits
    @obscure-edits 2 місяці тому

    The book of enoch was removed because of internal and external conflicts and inconsistencies.

  • @omarmirza9957
    @omarmirza9957 Місяць тому

    Let's all remind ourselves that conspiracies actually happen, and it is idiotic to deny this.

  • @corymccutchan5098
    @corymccutchan5098 3 місяці тому +1

    Says a guy who wears a batman shirt.

  • @UScrypto_boogie
    @UScrypto_boogie Місяць тому

    What specific contradictions are you speaking of . I would like to research it myself

  • @chables74
    @chables74 9 місяців тому +1

    The Hebrew Bible seems to draw on the texts considered sacred by the Jerusalem temple cult, and Enoch was not considered important or authentic by that group.

  • @Irenetrical
    @Irenetrical 8 місяців тому +1

    The Book of Enoch is close to our reality because there is a lot of fanfiction of the Bible nowadays 😅

  • @criticaloptimist7961
    @criticaloptimist7961 8 місяців тому

    Well, ironically this puts the book of Enoch right on par with the rest of the Bible, on the basis of its inauthenticity, and internal inconsistencies and/or contradictions

  • @cxa24
    @cxa24 2 місяці тому

    Begging to be removed, man. Use someone that people want

  • @toledoh5170
    @toledoh5170 9 місяців тому

    Speaking of authoritativeness of texts, I've had a question about your videos about Pauline authorship of the New Testament epistles.
    The consensus among scholars is that several were certainly not written by Paul; however, you seem to imply further that lack of Pauline authorship should also discount those texts. Is there a reason why "not written by Paul" should be understood as "less/not authoritative"?

  • @masterbulgokov
    @masterbulgokov 8 місяців тому

    Enoch is fascinating. It read far, far more like a comic book than the Bible does. In Enoch, it looks like God has far less control over the goings ons in the universe. God is more like Zeus doing damage control, getting revenge, murdering great swaths of humans, etc. Enoch makes the specicide of Noah's flood more understandable.

    • @danielpaulson8838
      @danielpaulson8838 8 місяців тому +1

      They are both old variations of stories made on a monomyth template. The more of them we look at, the cleared that becomes.

  • @Toni-tx6ip
    @Toni-tx6ip 2 місяці тому

    I love John the Baptist right to the point no sugarcoating it some people like the sugarcoat things

  • @McD-j5r
    @McD-j5r Місяць тому

    Nobody will be able to respond with accuracy why these books were keep apart.

  • @saintoflastresorts2272
    @saintoflastresorts2272 4 місяці тому

    Its really difficult to think that Christian communities that were persecuted in the beginning of the first century still had a voice when Roman Empire who had been pagan decided to coopt Christianity. Can you please expound more on this transition in a future vid or if you did already provide a link. I couldn't find any vid on your channel on the topic.

  • @quigglyz
    @quigglyz 5 місяців тому

    This guy dismisses the fact that a small group of people have extreme power over global events 😑

  • @ningenJMK
    @ningenJMK 9 місяців тому +2

    This guy always makes a conspiracy theory about everything

  • @wiskadjak
    @wiskadjak 3 місяці тому

    I read it because its just so trippy. Between Enoch and the "gnostic" texts you've got stories that rival the Marvel Universe.

  • @marcosflores4049
    @marcosflores4049 26 днів тому

    If the book was in the Bible then it belongs in the Bible you don’t get to chose 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • @angelonzuji2457
    @angelonzuji2457 9 місяців тому +1

    The New Testament is influenced by the book of Enoch and particularly the epistle of Jude and the second epistle of Peter. Fundamentalist Christians don’t like to hear this truth. 😂

  • @dmoney0101
    @dmoney0101 6 місяців тому

    Why is Christianity being shaped and formed in the first place. Take out what you don't like and keep in what you do like.

  • @amorstripes5288
    @amorstripes5288 8 місяців тому

    The book of 1st Enoch and other books labeled as apocrypha is found among the dead sea scrolls. And there's a reason why the angel of Elohim instructed Phillip in Acts 8:26-40. Prove everything and hold fast that which is good. Good day!

  • @be1tube
    @be1tube 9 місяців тому +1

    The "Davinci Code" version of this conspiracy theory is called Angelology and so far it's not that bad.

  • @xenospawn7015
    @xenospawn7015 6 місяців тому +3

    The book of enoch proves that the earth is a sphere before science did.

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 2 місяці тому +1

      Odd. I thought the Book Of Enoch portrayed the Earth similar to a food plate, or a basin, and not necessarily a ball or sphere.

    • @xenospawn7015
      @xenospawn7015 2 місяці тому

      @@stripedrajang3571 look at the original documents

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 2 місяці тому +1

      @@xenospawn7015, do you have a specific chapter and/or verse?

  • @EarlofSedgewick
    @EarlofSedgewick 8 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for your patience and diligence in scholarship and making these videos.

  • @jonathanlopez5405
    @jonathanlopez5405 Місяць тому

    Liar, the flood is irrelevant, your basically saying book of Genesis is also fake.

  • @LorenzoSleestak
    @LorenzoSleestak 9 місяців тому +1

    The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church also considers 1 Enoch as canonical as do the Ethiopian Jews aka Beta Israel

  • @NightKnight00
    @NightKnight00 2 місяці тому

    What's crazy to me and a question of always had is why people doubt authenticity of Enoch regarding the part where fallen Angels came down and had sex with human women and created Giants when in the Bible itself which is considered canonical they actually include that Esau had a wife from the horites which the horites are a race of giants .... I can understand all the other things about Enoch that really doesn't make sense cuz I've read it myself and it does have a lot of contradictions to the rest of the Bible

  • @naggoob
    @naggoob 9 місяців тому +1

    Another brilliant video from Dan. I watch most of his video and learn so much from them. Also, may I say I love the commentaries, hehe

  • @CatastrophicalPencil
    @CatastrophicalPencil 9 місяців тому +5

    There's something i really hate about that AI History Channel voice...

  • @zeedejesus5029
    @zeedejesus5029 Місяць тому

    But Judas:14 clearly quoted Enoch and that’s from the bible. How come?🤔

  • @paulcleary8088
    @paulcleary8088 9 місяців тому +1

    lol. Gold.

  • @LampStand_OliveTree_Witness
    @LampStand_OliveTree_Witness 5 місяців тому

    Answer this then, why was his book removed? But GOD took him in Rapture and is bringing him back as 1 of the 2 Witnesses ? If he wasn't that important why would GOD chose him for such important prophecy ? Something doesn't match here.

  • @Ksmitty101
    @Ksmitty101 Місяць тому

    It’s 3am, my family is sleep and I’m crying laughing bc he just said Christian’s saw “internal contradictions” the entire bible is full of contradictions guy.

  • @hineraable
    @hineraable 5 місяців тому

    I don't understand why would they kicked out the book of Enoch from the canon to later proceed to believe in a lot of stuff that it's based on it anyways. May as well just make it canon again, like it is for Eritreans and Ethiopians.

  • @hiddenonfathersmountain
    @hiddenonfathersmountain 4 місяці тому

    1enoch isn't in the Bible because it didn't exist as a book until James Bruce, the 'Abyssinian Liar' compiled and produced it in the 1700's... it didn't exist in the historic record until then, except in legend...
    "-The First Book of Enoch IS NOT ONE MANUSCRIPT. it is a COMPOSITE of SEVERAL MANUSCRIPTS written by SEVERAL AUTHORS over a period of 300 to 400 years." -Dr. Joseph B. Lumpkin, introduction, pg.18, The Books of Enoch, c.2011 Joseph B. Lumpkin

  • @MichaelWalker-de8nf
    @MichaelWalker-de8nf 9 місяців тому +3

    Dude, you made me laugh out loud at work 😂😂😂

  • @l.a7932
    @l.a7932 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for this 🙌🏽🙏🏽

  • @Dischordian
    @Dischordian 3 місяці тому

    Your own belief that stories from before the flood can't exist, but the stories of the flood can... Is absurd.

  • @KirkLazarus23
    @KirkLazarus23 6 місяців тому

    The youtube algorithm really wants to promote this guy’s view on this subject. Wonder why.

  • @cyberpunk_Amen
    @cyberpunk_Amen 5 місяців тому

    For me, they should have not bounded every scriptures in one book. that just created authority.
    How are we to know if ever they compiled the scriptures that they only like that aligns with their agenda, which is another conspiracy.

  • @toniacollinske2518
    @toniacollinske2518 9 місяців тому +1

    The op video pretty much answers its own question

  • @danielgibson8799
    @danielgibson8799 9 місяців тому +1

    Noah was a great movie.

  • @thomasenablair8778
    @thomasenablair8778 6 місяців тому

    This video was confusing. He said the the book of Enoch is not accurate but then he says it is?? And I wish he told us which parts are not accurate and give us the text in the book to back up his statements.

  • @tersooachineku
    @tersooachineku 7 місяців тому +4

    That's why I do not worry about the non-CANONICALs, as long as the Spirit is with you, you will find the WORD regardless of CONTAMINATION or FORGERY.

  • @Rkay12
    @Rkay12 4 місяці тому +1

    The existence of portals in space was discovered by nasa in 2014.. I listened to the book of the heavenly luminaries just out of curiosity and that was one interesting concept. Portals of heaven in space that the sun & moon pass through. The thing is though from what I read it's not like enoch is making demands or promoting religious doctrine.. he doesnt talk much about what God wants us to follow or do so maybe it shouldn't be in the bible and used for religious pourposes.. but it's not all science fiction and it does give some additional insight on how and why the flood had to happen and what happened to all of the beings that were currupting the earth and how they existed after the flood. The book of jubilees from the dead sea scrolls is also incredibly enlightening in that way. Understanding some of the details about how the world was made and how Adam and eve weren't the first humans.. but they were the first people to be set apart and chosen by God.. some of the confusing aspects of genesis got answered by reading jubilees if what I read was translated accurately. Also... we only recently discovered that there was a body of water larger than all of the oceans combined under the earth's surface. The water contains a completely unique mineral called ringwoodite. When Moses describes the flood in jubilees, the waters came from the heaven and beneath the earth and were absorbed back down into the earth.. Ringwoodite is a mineral that has an incredible capacity to absorb water. This just goes to show how little we know about the center of the earth.. we can measure the density and put numbers to that and make guesses based on what we know but its true contents are still a mystery. This alone makes me question if some of the descriptions enoch had of the center of the earth could be possibilities. It's not religious doctrine but it is a peice of history and I believe it contains real pieces of the puzzle. I don't think it should be used in religion or it would have been, but it shouldnt be demonized or discarded as complete fiction. People shouldn't be made to feel bad for reading it and seeing that there could be some truths. Maybe you could say it isnt part of the bible and wasnt meant to be... but I highly doubt reading it with discernment will send you to hell or make God mad.

  • @rainbowkrampus
    @rainbowkrampus 9 місяців тому +2

    Kicked out for inconsistency and being fanfiction... and yet the gospels are still there smh

  • @Durnyful
    @Durnyful Місяць тому

    Nicely done!

  • @GrandMaitre-zm3yf
    @GrandMaitre-zm3yf 9 місяців тому +1

    The creator has an eye for presenting very nice images to 'bolster' his storytelling... credit due and all that.

    • @lmeeken
      @lmeeken 9 місяців тому +2

      Credit is owed to the AI image generator they turned to to churn out low-effort illustrations for their low-effort ruminations.

    • @GrandMaitre-zm3yf
      @GrandMaitre-zm3yf 9 місяців тому

      @@lmeeken , My mind just clicked on what you said, the images were too slick to be true so I take back my comment.
      When AI is mentioned as being used in a project, I step back...

  • @Leoji67
    @Leoji67 9 місяців тому +1

    "Yep!" 😂

  • @UnparallelBand
    @UnparallelBand 3 місяці тому

    You lost me with your whole "the devil doesn't exist rant" if the devil exists... (and he does) he would 100% have conspired with men to do his bidding. And if you don't belive me read a history book. Or the bible

  • @MitzvosGolem1
    @MitzvosGolem1 20 днів тому

    There are hundreds of variant versions of the Christian bibles none used match the earliest original koine Greek new testament or Hebrew sources.

  • @MytrekFleetwood
    @MytrekFleetwood 4 місяці тому

    The "bible", why would anyone take a person speaking about the bible or related books seriously that puts quotation marks around the word bible. ridiculous.

  • @elithepitbulldog2209
    @elithepitbulldog2209 4 місяці тому

    “It’s a conspiracy theory because I say it is” 😒🥴😂🤡

  • @finoplus6083
    @finoplus6083 5 місяців тому

    Why then st Judas included in the bible reference profecy of Enoch in Judas 1:14 . As well as Peter explain what happened with the angels that rebelled in time of Noah

  • @Achill101
    @Achill101 9 місяців тому

    It seems not to be the Christian but the Jews who first rejected the Book of Enoch. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Enoch was well represented for earlier times but less for later. It seems to have fallen out of favor with most Jews before 70CE.
    It's still interesting why the Letter of Jude used stories from Enoch.

  • @scottmaddow7879
    @scottmaddow7879 9 місяців тому

    Awesome Dan...Dan not even considering the slimmest possibility that the robo-conspiasist is even worth debunking beyond "bananas"...LoL.