It was insanely accurate for me. To the exact situation, I'm currently in. Once it started to describe my personality i was in shock. No one has ever been able to describe it
My wife who passed recently her birthday was 3/26 add them together and it equals my birthday 11/29 I was born on the 333 day of the year..add her birthday and mine together it's 33.. she's also passed Away on 4/7/22 which equals 33... I don't understand..oh yeah my life path number is 11
@@martinaboua8946 be observant and be aware of all the numbers. They will teach you their meaning. Numbers don’t lie. Numbers mean different things to different people. Its all relative and specific to your life. Numbers even give meaning to words in Hebrew Gematria. Gematria is not relative. It is static. The number of Hebrew words do not change. Start with Hebrew Gematria. One can’t go wrong.
I too use them in building things and gardening organization of number of crops and their formation, octagon, circle etc. The energy is real and exists and has affects.
I honestly don't feel like a number 1 person. I'm an introvert, don't like having all eyes on me. I want to live a peaceful life free of people's energy influencing my own. I like nature and spirituality. I like people who are honest and humble. I like learning about things that are unusual and I am a strong empath. From what I've (briefly) read, I don't resonate with 'my' number...
I feel you, i am also an introvert, and i feel we have to look at the bigger picture of the numbers and your planetarias all together, to give it sense ❤
Don't ignore your personal astrology and the patterns, also the patterns of people you meet, the patterns of people who challenge you the most and or annoy you. We are all vibrations and math and numbers show up everything. Numbers are LIGHTS and all numbers are LIGHT
Agreed, numbers are all around us. No one can deny their value and significance on everyone's daily lives. I am just skeptical on dictating your destiny though. The principle of causation seems more realistic. In choosing one’s path, the mental attitude is key. 💪🏼😀
I see you commented 13 hours ago now I am your 13th like and 1st comment one(in reply) to inform you of this . Have you ever noticed while we talked number 13th Come How many times.
@@MaxAdventuresWith7 Its proven true sometime it's also like this if u ever noticed It's For example 4G on top 🔝 Right Or left ⬅️ of your screen while the time is at 4:44 on the clock ⏰ . Right now I commented my self this on 4G with 5:41 as I see chosen number 4 for example here if u add only time you get 10+ number 4 and then subtract the number 1 from which is already in same 5:41 from 14 (10+4=14) you will again getting Number 13 just amazing isn't it .
@@adilx1489 Cool, thanks for sharing that experience! I pay attention to that stuff quite often. You are going to like this one. I was purchasing a ticket for my videos (Mega be posted on Tuesday). I saw my phone's clock, and it was close to 11:11, so I intentionally waited out the line to get the attendant at 11:11. The crazy thing was the ticket I've got with 3 number combinations has two 11s in the second set of numbers. 11 on the numbers between 1 and 70, and 11 as the Mega Ball.
Hinduism has been practising this for centuries. When a child is born, their date, time and star of the day is used to decide the first word of the name. The total alphabet should also be the desired number. So a name is calculated by numerology. Often a person's characteristics and life is also predicted with their number of birth and total number. Even marriage are advised based on number.
1 - A, E, S (Force) 2 - C, D, Q (Creation) 3 - H, R (Light) 4 - F, T (Nature) 5 - G, M, U (Love) 6 - IJ, L, W (Power) 7 - K, V, Z (Will) 8 - P, X, Y (Spirit) 9 - B, N, O (Belief) These are the numbers related to natures law given by a disciple of the Grail.
My birth certificate my name is spelled incorrectly but I’ve been spelling it correctly this whole time now I’m starting to wonder if I’m actually a 33 life path like my original name should’ve been on my birth certificate but I’ve been spelling it the right way and thought I was a life path eight lol
@@PersianDollTarot No, it's not incorrect! There is no coincidence that your name was written that way in your birth certificate. It was meant be that way. You cannot correct it because it was given to you by birth. It is fate written on the surface of the paper. Even if you were to change it, there will just some difference but not as a whole. But actually the numbers doesn't matter that much. What matters is the meaning of your name because you are that what your name says: "Nomen est omen". The meaning your name determines who you are or were in a past life, the characteristics you've accumulated through countless of past lives. And now you've to live after the consequences of (the name of) your past lives.
Hi, Thank you for the detailed response and all this info, I appreciate it! So, I did some research yesterday and every time I wrote my name down I magnified that energy for the last 36 years, I have never spelled it the way it is spelled on my birth certificate. My name means CORAL in farsi it is MARJAN but on my certificate its spelled MARJON, the name is actually spelled marjan....I do get what you are saying and that makes sense to me, In my past life I was Egyptian and very powerful but not in my marriage lol. I know all the details about it too. I am a life path 8 and sometimes I put my name in calculators BOTH ways and it rarely changes. Where would you go from here? lol @@Rama_Rama_Rama
@@PersianDollTarot your life path doesn’t include your name…only your date of birth. So unless they put the wrong date, your life path number is correct. The name on your birth certificate is used to calculate the other numbers. Changing your name changes your vibration(energy). Calculate the name you are using and see how it differs from your original name. Some women change their name when they marry, this affects their other numbers. Some people actually change their name based on their life path (and what they want to happen) and this changes their vibration to be and therefore what is manifested to them. Do some research on this to see how it changes your vibration. Good luck 😊
I just finished watching this numerology video, and it was so interesting! The insights about numbers and their meanings were really eye-opening. Highly engaging and informative!
I've been trying to figure it out for years,but ther÷ always such a long explanation like always. I &d hope recently that the information might help me improve my situation, but it doesn't ever make sense by the end or is so full of extra nothingness that I forget the directions. I'm close enough to passing,I don't suppose it matters much now. Next seizure could be it.
thank you straight to the point thank you guys these youtubers must understand that some of us dont have the luxury to listen to the nonsense they say before they get to the actual content
The link is very well done... to the point where it gets everything wrong. LOL Our time line isn`t real. We don't know what date it is. Time is a construct. Yes, numbers have frequency. So does everything else. Everything resonates. If you listen to your inner self, you'll go the path you shall. If you don't listen to your inner self, you'll go the path you shall, too. Like sheeple. They have no idea what so ever. But eventually, they'll all wake the f up, turn their stupid telly off, stop believing governments and "health" organizations and feel what is real. Love you all! Even the a**holes, 'cause they need it the most! 😘
I give this wisdom from the ancestors out of respect and love for all the elders gave us the laws a long time ago. All we had to do is pay attention and follow those laws. What goes up must come down,what you put in is what you get out,What goes around comes around.Those are important universal laws, listen to the righteous elders, & u2 shall be wise practice and follow the path of righteousness. The elders told us you could do it the right way or you can do it the hard way your choice. A.D1/23/71 .
For me my life path number is pretty spot on, my expresion number I didnt like but I think it is true. However my hearts desire was the 100% complete oppisite of how I am! Wait one second, It claimed I want to travel, and I do not like traveling and want to live in the same place my whole life. But while I don't want to travel in the physical world I do greatly want to astral travel, and my life path number said I will awaken psychic powers so this number is making more sense now.
This msg will help or it won’t. February is the end of the calendar, hence, February is 12. December is 10, Nove is 9, Oct is 8….April is 2. Msg complete
In 1582 The Gregorian calander was first introduced, so my point is how can we really know what our actual birthdate is, our real birthdate would have to have about 4.5 billion years added to it to be actually relevant to the Earth and as far as the Cosmos is concerned, well, there is still a debate with no actual proof that the universe is 13.787 billion years old, before this the Julian Calander and before that the Roman calander. if you can find the actual date of your birth then maybe numerology might have some merit but to base it on the Gregorian calander seems a little foolish to me.
@@Snarfcat sadly not my intention, if it works for people and they feel it helps then that's ok, if the magic it just a trick but the trick heals the wounds, is it not magic, lol.... still, i just can't find it in myself to put all this faith into the day they decided to use the Gregorian calander, Mathematics is something special, probably a universal language so i don't underestimate it, just seems the system they are using is based on a mega approximate starting point that has nothing to do with an actual age of anything.
7 has always been my lucky number since I was little because I always noticed it around me. One year on Christmas my odometer was at all 7s! When I was in my 30s I realized my first middle and last name are all 7 characters, and when my first son was born, he weight 7.77lbs. No idea what it all means though other than 7 is just around me.
After reading the HOLY BIBLE KJV from the start of The First Book of Moses called: Genesis to the end of The Book of Revelation. ALOT of things came into my mind. But when it comes to GOD. These are just 2 words (out of the MANY) that come to my mind: 1. Artist 2. Mathmetician
I like your organization skills in this video; however, it appears to me like there's a little glitch at 6:18 min. Indeed, as far as all of my numerology books show the number 1 is associated with the energy of the Sun and not the Moon. While number 2 is the number associated with the Moon.
The letters go like this- AEIOU- These are NEUTRAL letters (vowels) and are influenced by other letters in your name. These letters- B,D,F,H,U,V,W,X are NEGATIVE. These letters- C,G,J,K,L,N,P,Q,Y,Z are POSITIVE. These remaining letters- M,R,S,T are also NEUTRAL and are influenced by the vibrations from the other letters in your name. We all have a first, last and usually one or two middle names. Some people have double barrel surnames. Your also vibrate off your mothers maiden surname. Always. You can change your name to change your life! ❤
I would love to understand more. My core numbers and maturity number are Life path number 22 Expression number 11 Soul urge number 11 Birthday number 7 Personality number 9 Maturity number 33
All of this is about probabilities, not preciseness. Universal law of polarity means that everything has an opposite. For every positive aspect of a number there is a negative aspect. Nothing is guaranteed, but being able to decipher the number and align your thoughts and actions toward their highest potential gives you a greater chance of a favorable outcome. Having a certain birthday or a certain name wont grant you an automatic success nor does it doom you to failure. It simply means the odds are greater or less greater
I assume these personality traits that come with these numbers only relate to wealthy people? I don't see how someone that lives in extreme poverty and was born on the first of the month, can have traits mentioned in this video. You're telling me the guy that cares only to live a better life and feed his family and wishes everyday just to simply see his family live in peace, is a man who enjoys art, loves being the boss, is super confident, energetic, while also gaining knowledge trough traveling and enjoys guiding others? Explain which trumps which then? Life circumstances or numerology? Because the traits mentioned relate to only those who are privileged enough to care and have access to these specific traits and if that's the case, then you're telling me numerology is only true when you're privileged. That's a huge bias that contradicts what numerology claims to be. Circumstances shape your traits and personality, two people born on the same day could lead drastically different lives, imagine one lives in a 3rd world country that fights and gains interests that only favor survival and the other guy is born into luxury and has interests that favor his surrounding options of interests. If numerology was at all accurate, the traits would be less specific and more akin to pointing out subtle traits and personalities that aren't shaped by the individual's surroundings and/or circumstances. I'm completely convinced that numerology is a hoax made to gain followers now. Unless someone is able to rebuttal a logical point, I simply can't understand how people fall for this seemingly made up cult like mind process that is Numerical Reading.
A logical point? Logical, as if to say whatever someone tells you, makes sense to you or it's not true? Lean not on your own understanding, says scripture. It's because of receiving bizarre messages in my face for 3 years now, that I was also led to learning about gematria. I have a pius kind of friend who told me "that's gnosticism/witchcraft Les." Well it's not myself that believes in anything that can't be proven, however for who I am, I was led to learning of it. In ancient times before the alphabet, numbers were their form of communicating...a whole other topic. For only myself, I typed in my name... middle name and maiden names for accuracy. My forward total is 223. The reverse; a different number, as you see the alphabet backwards, where z is 1 and a is 26. I've seen the 223 as the backwards skull n bones outfit # 322. About a month ago I realized what year we're in. My grand total gematria ciphers total 756. On 8/16/21, it was the 22,222nd day I had lived...the next day my life did a 180. From that day to my birthday this year, it'll be 756 days. And from the day I was born to my birthday this year, it'll be 756 months I've lived. Is that logical lol. It's all very true. The "Ring of Fire" eclipse is that day too. I'll probably forget what day it is lol
Thats definitely a good point but maybe consider a different reasoning. I feel like it’s all scaled depending on your resources. May like to travel and with money maybe you travel all over the world while when broke you explore your surroundings like cities counties. Also you can be Poor meaning living paycheck to paycheck but not in a flight or fight state where that can turn off a lot of your traits and fill you with anxiety and fear. That might be why the matrix works so hard to bring down the moral states of the masses. So then can’t live in their true individual expression. I can go deeper but i think you get what I mean
@@lesliecogan641 My point is that, who's deciding what each number means? Lol someone's making this up, it's not written in the stars what each number means. Also, there's no way it only refers to people with money lol. That's my entire point. If you re-read my post you'll notice that I'm saying that these traits that are assigned to numbers, are only really accessible traits to a small number of, well off individuals.
Probably because you weren't true to your TRUE INNER SELF/UNIQUE CHARACTER due to SOCIETAL MATRIX PROGRAMING, that you don't realize the connections, but thats okay it's NEVER too late.😍
I had to say No WAY 😆, when I came here to post this 🤣. The 111th comment, as I sit here in apt# 111, waiting for my birthday on December 11th, with my birth name=11 letters. I'm 4' 11" (former gymnast lol, it worked 😁) and have to just stop here for a minute, this is too funny (I will expound in the next message--I have to "make" this 111 first 😜👍). 💜😊👍💜
Lol, so this is gonna sound funny, but trust me on this. I came here to assist with what's coming and have known my whole life that this was my mission. I'm a "Duality Buster". Born on the very representation of duality itself, 11, yet I have lived my entire LIFE busting ALL perceptions of seperation and division, everywhere I go and in everything I do 😐. It's not something I've even talked about, except to my family and close friends. When you know how and why the world was going to end, how can you even summarize that to ANYone? 😬 And even my small family of 5 at the time, 2 of them were my kids-I had to wait until they were grown, before I could explain THAT much of it 😔. But I came in here "making, breaking and taking" 11's all day long, lol-online, it follows me EVERYwhere, post counts, # of watchers viewed, you name it. I'm either making an 11, "breaking" an existing 11, or "taking" one by adding to it-creating a 12 (😂 yes, I'm a numbers nerd). I was born with an innate connection to numbers (my Maltese accountant grandfather paid for me to go to college for Accounting), I got the addiction from him when he'd get a receipt that had like a $7.77 or a $12.12, he'd ALWAYS talk about stuff like that, I °got° that same 'tickled pink' feeling with numbers at times myself 😄. I was always drawn to 3's and 11's, those were my favorite #s-fast forward to naming my youngest daughter Amber (me and my ex immediately agreed to it months before she was born), fast forward to a really cool reggae-ish song comes out that I absolutely LOVED? The group= "311", the song="Amber" 😄. I almost fell off the couch when I found that out! You can't MAKE this shit up! 😆 My lifelong favorite color is purple, to where I've almost caused many an accident on the Garden State Parkway as an excited child, seeing this top to bottom purple house on a street near the parkway-screaming, "That's what MY house is going to look like when °I° grow up!!!" 😄. Causing my dad to grab the handbreak and prepare for impact 😬 every. single. time. (Yeah, I got hollared at, lol. every. single. time. too 😝). I've never stopped being all about purple and have recently STARTED assisting others more vocally with what's coming (though my forté is preparing people for what will come AFTER this geopolitical transition is all done)-the ascension "preshow" prep, you could say 😄. Ascension is a VERY individual event and each of us who graduate will go through it alone. By ourselves. But EVERYthing leading up to it? I'm here for. To squash all of the fear and give perspective on what's coming 😊. So, I thank you for this terrific video. I'm a 5 life path # and there is nothing special about me, I just know that I am here to help and hold the LIGHT. Our planet needs it (this will be this universe's first planetary AND surface population co-ascension EVER to be had! 🎉🎈🎊). All eyes from other star systems/universes/even dimensions-are affixed to this little blue ball of a planet that WE call HOME right now, to witness these AMAZING events that are coming soon. And our HumanityFamily needs it. The love and UNITY that is coming, is what is going to make this a the BIGGEST show in the universe! 😁 ❗💜👨👩👧👦🙌🌎💜❗
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. 💐🏆❤️🔥 True and wholesome inspirational definition that carries waves of heaviness and thought. Thank you. It was very much needed today. 🙏💙
So, at 3:20 to find the numbers corresponding to the letters in your full name I am guessing you use A as 1, B as 2, C as 3 and so on until you get to Z at 26? Then do you add all these up to a single digit? You never explained this in the video
So weird I just found this video. My date of birth is October 8, 1976. That is weird and I've been calculating it wrong all these years thank you. 🙏 for sharing your knowledge on UA-cam
They changed times and seasons, Oct is 8th month not 10th, Sept is 7th not 9th, Dec is 10 not 12. My point is if they changed the months then the numerology is out when calculating your birthday.
You're correct. April is the first month according to constellations. We have 13 constellations and not 12. In each month, there's 28 days I think. It resonates with the number on a tortoise shell and a woman's menstrual cycle.
Did You ever notice ones that added up negatively or dates and see them constantly and Your Loved Ones noticed too . I have and even though I Believe in Jesus , I also Believe there are no coincidences . Just asking .
@@Alan-zj5fz yes absolutely, no coincidences, as a kid I often heard the saying that life is mapped out for us. I’m 62, many numbers have stayed throughout my life and many add up to a certain number. Myself, my mother, my brother and my children, my husband and my stepdaughter all have a count of seven in our birthdays, even it’s it’s a 2 and 5. The number 5 is the house I grew up in and also the house number that my children grew up in. There are many instances with certain numbers that I’ve experienced or can relate too. I’m happy that you have your belief, we have to follow what feels right for us as individuals. ❤️🙏
All my numbers are different. 5,7,6,1,7. It would have been 5,7,9,5,7 had I not gotten a new name a couple months ago, but oddly enough, both were accurate, and the new name i got oddly enough matches with the change in my life, accurately matching the numbers I have now. It's a little scary how accurate this is, but then again, since there is God, couincidences can't happen. The only coincidence is existence itself. Shoot, I have like 5 names now
I just assess the free numerical reading. I must say everything reviews are truly who I am. Am finding it difficult to get through the personal decoder. I guess it was restricted to my country. I really need to know more.
Honestly I kind of knew my numbers all my life even if I didn’t understand what they meant. Paid $7.00 to find out more and so far I’m not surprised. A few things are a little off but not by much. I’m quite happy for the purchase but wish it was free for the absolutely full reading. Oh well. I’ll deal with what I got.
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
I know of so many things that I've tried along my journey that I know work, and how to work these tools I should say. My belief system keeps me in conflict with these tools at times because I know that they work smh
My name have = 6 Letters My birthday have = 1+5 = 6 My birthmonth = 6th Born in = 2008 = 8-2 = 6 It is Surprising 😱 Is it any special no. of my life???
something that has always puzzled me with my name. I am an adopted child. I do not know my birth name. The first name given to me by my adoptive parents can be abbreviated. I have always gone by my abbreviated name. Question 1. Does my birth name still have an effect on my life as it is? Question 2 Does going by my abbreviated name instead of my full name matter? Most people use my abbreviated name. l use my abbreviated name myself. However there are some people, my GP for instance and Govt. agencies etc. who use my unabbreviated name. does it make any difference?
Bro these numbers tell you what your talents weaknesses and personality inclinations are nut your future and destiny this is why I listen to gary most numerogy stuff online is bullsh_t. My life path is 1 and birth number is 5 and everything gary said is spot on
What if you were born one name but given up at orphanage and adopted 6and a half months later and have a different name. Which I prefer more is my adopted name.
vowel and con number are new right???? I'm old well read and I've never... My granny came from gypsies.... And we are italian.... I'd read much many... And time and time again Give us the resources On the cons and vowels... Thanks.... Interesting
It was insanely accurate for me. To the exact situation, I'm currently in. Once it started to describe my personality i was in shock. No one has ever been able to describe it
They have for a while
Glad you found out 🎉❤😊
My partner born on feb 1st and I on Jan 28th and we click instantly the first day we meet. We both really feel like soul mates 🥰😍
My parents had dates close to that of you and your partner. They were indeed soulmates. I wish you love fulfilled!
My wife who passed recently her birthday was 3/26 add them together and it equals my birthday 11/29 I was born on the 333 day of the year..add her birthday and mine together it's 33.. she's also passed Away on 4/7/22 which equals 33... I don't understand..oh yeah my life path number is 11
So is it true you never have the need for money? Born a 28
This is just the beginning. Read the forbidden book Whispers of Manifestation on Borlest, and you'll see the secrets they're keeping from us.
where can i find the book please
someone like this so i can remember to come back here
@@kirkevans9833 its a scam dont
@@kirkevans9833its a scam
Where can I find this book
All numbers in my life have meaning. I use them for adding and banking and carpentry and everything in life. Numbers can’t be denied.
Precisely 🪙
Hi can you Teach me how to do please ?
@@martinaboua8946 be observant and be aware of all the numbers. They will teach you their meaning. Numbers don’t lie. Numbers mean different things to different people. Its all relative and specific to your life.
Numbers even give meaning to words in Hebrew Gematria. Gematria is not relative. It is static. The number of Hebrew words do not change.
Start with Hebrew Gematria. One can’t go wrong.
I too use them in building things and gardening organization of number of crops and their formation, octagon, circle etc. The energy is real and exists and has affects.
@@askaboutRudyV numbers can not be denied. They are reliable. Anyone with a mind notices that they each have a personality. Numbers are dependable.
I honestly don't feel like a number 1 person. I'm an introvert, don't like having all eyes on me. I want to live a peaceful life free of people's energy influencing my own. I like nature and spirituality. I like people who are honest and humble. I like learning about things that are unusual and I am a strong empath. From what I've (briefly) read, I don't resonate with 'my' number...
Yet you wrote a post for random people to see, number 1
Ok I call bullshit I'm a number 1 aswell 😂 it described everything I wasn't.
Not resonating with #1 either 😳🤨🤨🤔
@@jackthompson1269 as an introvert its more easy to write instead of talking for me, only about the things i feel intrest about :)
I feel you, i am also an introvert, and i feel we have to look at the bigger picture of the numbers and your planetarias all together, to give it sense ❤
Don't ignore your personal astrology and the patterns, also the patterns of people you meet, the patterns of people who challenge you the most and or annoy you. We are all vibrations and math and numbers show up everything. Numbers are LIGHTS and all numbers are LIGHT
I agree 💯💯💯 that numerology is the guidance and gateway into your life nothing is by coincidence but it was destined to be that way
Agreed, numbers are all around us. No one can deny their value and significance on everyone's daily lives. I am just skeptical on dictating your destiny though. The principle of causation seems more realistic. In choosing one’s path, the mental attitude is key. 💪🏼😀
I see you commented 13 hours ago now I am your 13th like and 1st comment one(in reply) to inform you of this . Have you ever noticed while we talked number 13th Come How many times.
@@adilx1489 I do those same observations with numbers and find rhythms and coincidences. Many times, I look at my clock or the time, and it's 11:11.
@@MaxAdventuresWith7hello coincidentally 1/1/1989 here first time.
@@MaxAdventuresWith7 Its proven true sometime it's also like this if u ever noticed It's For example 4G on top 🔝 Right Or left ⬅️ of your screen while the time is at 4:44 on the clock ⏰ . Right now I commented my self this on 4G with 5:41 as I see chosen number 4 for example here if u add only time you get 10+ number 4 and then subtract the number 1 from which is already in same 5:41 from 14 (10+4=14) you will again getting Number 13 just amazing isn't it .
@@adilx1489 Cool, thanks for sharing that experience! I pay attention to that stuff quite often. You are going to like this one. I was purchasing a ticket for my videos (Mega be posted on Tuesday). I saw my phone's clock, and it was close to 11:11, so I intentionally waited out the line to get the attendant at 11:11. The crazy thing was the ticket I've got with 3 number combinations has two 11s in the second set of numbers. 11 on the numbers between 1 and 70, and 11 as the Mega Ball.
I’m a life path 7, Destiny number 8, heart desire number 7, I read and understand what they mean, but only on a surface level, I NEED MORE!!!!
Hinduism has been practising this for centuries. When a child is born, their date, time and star of the day is used to decide the first word of the name. The total alphabet should also be the desired number. So a name is calculated by numerology. Often a person's characteristics and life is also predicted with their number of birth and total number. Even marriage are advised based on number.
1 - A, E, S (Force)
2 - C, D, Q (Creation)
3 - H, R (Light)
4 - F, T (Nature)
5 - G, M, U (Love)
6 - IJ, L, W (Power)
7 - K, V, Z (Will)
8 - P, X, Y (Spirit)
9 - B, N, O (Belief)
These are the numbers related to natures law given by a disciple of the Grail.
Disciples of the Drinking Glass
My birth certificate my name is spelled incorrectly but I’ve been spelling it correctly this whole time now I’m starting to wonder if I’m actually a 33 life path like my original name should’ve been on my birth certificate but I’ve been spelling it the right way and thought I was a life path eight lol
@@PersianDollTarot No, it's not incorrect! There is no coincidence that your name was written that way in your birth certificate. It was meant be that way. You cannot correct it because it was given to you by birth. It is fate written on the surface of the paper. Even if you were to change it, there will just some difference but not as a whole.
But actually the numbers doesn't matter that much. What matters is the meaning of your name because you are that what your name says: "Nomen est omen". The meaning your name determines who you are or were in a past life, the characteristics you've accumulated through countless of past lives. And now you've to live after the consequences of (the name of) your past lives.
Hi, Thank you for the detailed response and all this info, I appreciate it! So, I did some research yesterday and every time I wrote my name down I magnified that energy for the last 36 years, I have never spelled it the way it is spelled on my birth certificate. My name means CORAL in farsi it is MARJAN but on my certificate its spelled MARJON, the name is actually spelled marjan....I do get what you are saying and that makes sense to me, In my past life I was Egyptian and very powerful but not in my marriage lol. I know all the details about it too. I am a life path 8 and sometimes I put my name in calculators BOTH ways and it rarely changes. Where would you go from here? lol
your life path doesn’t include your name…only your date of birth. So unless they put the wrong date, your life path number is correct.
The name on your birth certificate is used to calculate the other numbers.
Changing your name changes your vibration(energy).
Calculate the name you are using and see how it differs from your original name.
Some women change their name when they marry, this affects their other numbers.
Some people actually change their name based on their life path (and what they want to happen) and this changes their vibration to be and therefore what is manifested to them.
Do some research on this to see how it changes your vibration. Good luck 😊
I am number 1 life path and number 1 appears most in my chart. All the characteristics are 100% applicable to my personality. I am trilled.
He started out with birthdates, then he went in to master soul numbers. No wonder some people are confused.
I just finished watching this numerology video, and it was so interesting! The insights about numbers and their meanings were really eye-opening. Highly engaging and informative!
I've been trying to figure it out for years,but ther÷ always such a long explanation like always. I &d hope recently that the information might help me improve my situation, but it doesn't ever make sense by the end or is so full of extra nothingness that I forget the directions.
I'm close enough to passing,I don't suppose it matters much now. Next seizure could be it.
Thankyou for sharing
Ruling number 5 9:41
day of month is most important, but it doesn't reduce 1 = 1, 11, 21, 31 ... etc
I love these kinds of videos ❤
Thank you my friend
thank you straight to the point thank you guys these youtubers must understand that some of us dont have the luxury to listen to the nonsense they say before they get to the actual content
Christ is King trust in him alone
Christ would disagree with that,…
God would disagree also….
@@ayetam_aye yeppers
Ain’t no such thing as
You know what
Christ is king
But Math is God
You can have your little Roman King
Thank you for the teaching 🙏🏻
Thanks so much for your help much appreciated
Thank you for the numerology frequency. My Birth number is 9 thank you
I wish I could afford the full reading...was very accurate
I possess traits of all of these individuals regardless of the numerology
Cool seeing numerology growing
Interesting information 😊
The link is very well done... to the point where it gets everything wrong. LOL
Our time line isn`t real. We don't know what date it is. Time is a construct.
Yes, numbers have frequency. So does everything else. Everything resonates.
If you listen to your inner self, you'll go the path you shall. If you don't listen to your inner self, you'll go the path you shall, too.
Like sheeple. They have no idea what so ever. But eventually, they'll all wake the f up, turn their stupid telly off, stop believing governments and "health" organizations and feel what is real.
Love you all! Even the a**holes, 'cause they need it the most! 😘
I give this wisdom from the ancestors out of respect and love for all
the elders gave us the laws a long time ago. All we had to do is pay attention and follow those laws. What goes up must come down,what you put in is what you get out,What goes around comes around.Those are important universal laws, listen to the righteous elders, & u2 shall be wise practice and follow the path of righteousness. The elders told us you could do it the right way or you can do it the hard way your choice. A.D1/23/71 .
I love all channels like this cause I just prove my peculiarities
Thank you, God bless🙏🏼
Regarding name ... if you were adopted would you calculate your birth last name or your adoptive last name?
I am adopted and was wondering the same thing
For me my life path number is pretty spot on, my expresion number I didnt like but I think it is true. However my hearts desire was the 100% complete oppisite of how I am!
Wait one second, It claimed I want to travel, and I do not like traveling and want to live in the same place my whole life. But while I don't want to travel in the physical world I do greatly want to astral travel, and my life path number said I will awaken psychic powers so this number is making more sense now.
I have 11 in my name and 11 in my birthdate, I'm feeling like that's a good thing 😊
When is your birthday
It is...its alot of work too...I have it too
This msg will help or it won’t. February is the end of the calendar, hence, February is 12. December is 10, Nove is 9, Oct is 8….April is 2. Msg complete
Good morning and God bless all ☕️💯🇺🇲
What seems to be interesting to me is that I possess all the traits of the birthday number examples. I am a 1 according to this vid...
In 1582 The Gregorian calander was first introduced, so my point is how can we really know what our actual birthdate is, our real birthdate would have to have about 4.5 billion years added to it to be actually relevant to the Earth and as far as the Cosmos is concerned, well, there is still a debate with no actual proof that the universe is 13.787 billion years old, before this the Julian Calander and before that the Roman calander. if you can find the actual date of your birth then maybe numerology might have some merit but to base it on the Gregorian calander seems a little foolish to me.
Careful you will scare the sheeple
@@Snarfcat sadly not my intention, if it works for people and they feel it helps then that's ok, if the magic it just a trick but the trick heals the wounds, is it not magic, lol.... still, i just can't find it in myself to put all this faith into the day they decided to use the Gregorian calander, Mathematics is something special, probably a universal language so i don't underestimate it, just seems the system they are using is based on a mega approximate starting point that has nothing to do with an actual age of anything.
Damn I never thought of it like that… everything we believe in is compromised in some way, the world is truly a stage!
And is different from the Jewish calendar, October is actually the 8th month December is actually the 10th month, February is actually the 12th month.
So true.
Thank you God bless
Bro your correct! I’m a Gemini born 6/5/84 im a 5 and am ruled by mercury!!! AmZing
I'm born on the 17th and everything he says about 8 personality is who i am💯
I love you
Thank you
7 has always been my lucky number since I was little because I always noticed it around me. One year on Christmas my odometer was at all 7s! When I was in my 30s I realized my first middle and last name are all 7 characters, and when my first son was born, he weight 7.77lbs. No idea what it all means though other than 7 is just around me.
And you have 7 likes on your comment 😮
@@LorendaJaye hahaha. That was cool! Looks like I have 10 now, but to read that and see 7! 😲😄
😂😂😂now you have double the 7
It’s God favorite number in the Bible deep meaning
It means we go to Vegas nowwww!!!
After reading the HOLY BIBLE KJV from the start of The First Book of Moses called: Genesis to the end of The Book of Revelation.
ALOT of things came into my mind. But when it comes to GOD. These are just 2 words (out of the MANY) that come to my mind:
1. Artist
2. Mathmetician
Very useful 👌🏻
We Indians know these things already...Dr. Ramanujan already knew these codes
I love you guys, you seem to have a lot worked out from a long time ago, maybe I will visit your land one day.
Ego much…
@@jackiegrant410i know such Ana amazing culture and I’d love to go…also some of the most beautiful women in the world too!
The accuracy!
Interesting timing.. I’m also 6/12.
Listen to the universe
8.88 Million Subscribers 😊❤
I've often wondered if babies that are "taken" on a date decided by their parents are affected by this.
Me too. I had 2 c sections.
I don’t believe it should. Because it was all pre planned before you were born. It was supposed to be the way that you enter the world.
I like your organization skills in this video; however, it appears to me like there's a little glitch at 6:18 min. Indeed, as far as all of my numerology books show the number 1 is associated with the energy of the Sun and not the Moon. While number 2 is the number associated with the Moon.
The letters go like this- AEIOU- These are NEUTRAL letters (vowels) and are influenced by other letters in your name. These letters- B,D,F,H,U,V,W,X are NEGATIVE. These letters- C,G,J,K,L,N,P,Q,Y,Z are POSITIVE. These remaining letters- M,R,S,T are also NEUTRAL and are influenced by the vibrations from the other letters in your name. We all have a first, last and usually one or two middle names. Some people have double barrel surnames. Your also vibrate off your mothers maiden surname. Always. You can change your name to change your life! ❤
I would love to understand more. My core numbers and maturity number are
Life path number 22
Expression number 11
Soul urge number 11
Birthday number 7
Personality number 9
Maturity number 33
I know your Birthday number 7 means the Model, are u pretty?
Apttmh Y a h u, Higher Self❤️✨👑
yahu = human = 4 very mutable
Explain why I love art 😂
All of this is about probabilities, not preciseness. Universal law of polarity means that everything has an opposite. For every positive aspect of a number there is a negative aspect. Nothing is guaranteed, but being able to decipher the number and align your thoughts and actions toward their highest potential gives you a greater chance of a favorable outcome. Having a certain birthday or a certain name wont grant you an automatic success nor does it doom you to failure. It simply means the odds are greater or less greater
I would have done my own. Charts would have been helpful….
I assume these personality traits that come with these numbers only relate to wealthy people? I don't see how someone that lives in extreme poverty and was born on the first of the month, can have traits mentioned in this video. You're telling me the guy that cares only to live a better life and feed his family and wishes everyday just to simply see his family live in peace, is a man who enjoys art, loves being the boss, is super confident, energetic, while also gaining knowledge trough traveling and enjoys guiding others? Explain which trumps which then? Life circumstances or numerology? Because the traits mentioned relate to only those who are privileged enough to care and have access to these specific traits and if that's the case, then you're telling me numerology is only true when you're privileged. That's a huge bias that contradicts what numerology claims to be. Circumstances shape your traits and personality, two people born on the same day could lead drastically different lives, imagine one lives in a 3rd world country that fights and gains interests that only favor survival and the other guy is born into luxury and has interests that favor his surrounding options of interests. If numerology was at all accurate, the traits would be less specific and more akin to pointing out subtle traits and personalities that aren't shaped by the individual's surroundings and/or circumstances. I'm completely convinced that numerology is a hoax made to gain followers now. Unless someone is able to rebuttal a logical point, I simply can't understand how people fall for this seemingly made up cult like mind process that is Numerical Reading.
A logical point? Logical, as if to say whatever someone tells you, makes sense to you or it's not true? Lean not on your own understanding, says scripture. It's because of receiving bizarre messages in my face for 3 years now, that I was also led to learning about gematria. I have a pius kind of friend who told me "that's gnosticism/witchcraft Les." Well it's not myself that believes in anything that can't be proven, however for who I am, I was led to learning of it. In ancient times before the alphabet, numbers were their form of communicating...a whole other topic.
For only myself, I typed in my name... middle name and maiden names for accuracy. My forward total is 223. The reverse; a different number, as you see the alphabet backwards, where z is 1 and a is 26. I've seen the 223 as the backwards skull n bones outfit # 322. About a month ago I realized what year we're in. My grand total gematria ciphers total 756. On 8/16/21, it was the 22,222nd day I had lived...the next day my life did a 180. From that day to my birthday this year, it'll be 756 days. And from the day I was born to my birthday this year, it'll be 756 months I've lived. Is that logical lol. It's all very true. The "Ring of Fire" eclipse is that day too. I'll probably forget what day it is lol
Thats definitely a good point but maybe consider a different reasoning. I feel like it’s all scaled depending on your resources. May like to travel and with money maybe you travel all over the world while when broke you explore your surroundings like cities counties. Also you can be Poor meaning living paycheck to paycheck but not in a flight or fight state where that can turn off a lot of your traits and fill you with anxiety and fear.
That might be why the matrix works so hard to bring down the moral states of the masses. So then can’t live in their true individual expression. I can go deeper but i think you get what I mean
@@lesliecogan641 My point is that, who's deciding what each number means? Lol someone's making this up, it's not written in the stars what each number means. Also, there's no way it only refers to people with money lol. That's my entire point. If you re-read my post you'll notice that I'm saying that these traits that are assigned to numbers, are only really accessible traits to a small number of, well off individuals.
Probably because you weren't true to your TRUE INNER SELF/UNIQUE CHARACTER due to SOCIETAL MATRIX PROGRAMING, that you don't realize the connections, but thats okay it's NEVER too late.😍
@@lesliecogan641High level being you are!!
December is actually the 10th month. Dece Latin root word means decade which is 10.
september is 7, october 8, november 9
Great 👌
So what about different calendars like Gregorian or ethiopian
Name is #6, bday is #3, & ss# is #3.
I had to say No WAY 😆, when I came here to post this 🤣. The 111th comment, as I sit here in apt# 111, waiting for my birthday on December 11th, with my birth name=11 letters. I'm 4' 11" (former gymnast lol, it worked 😁) and have to just stop here for a minute, this is too funny (I will expound in the next message--I have to "make" this 111 first 😜👍).
Lol, so this is gonna sound funny, but trust me on this. I came here to assist with what's coming and have known my whole life that this was my mission. I'm a "Duality Buster". Born on the very representation of duality itself, 11, yet I have lived my entire LIFE busting ALL perceptions of seperation and division, everywhere I go and in everything I do 😐.
It's not something I've even talked about, except to my family and close friends. When you know how and why the world was going to end, how can you even summarize that to ANYone? 😬 And even my small family of 5 at the time, 2 of them were my kids-I had to wait until they were grown, before I could explain THAT much of it 😔.
But I came in here "making, breaking and taking" 11's all day long, lol-online, it follows me EVERYwhere, post counts, # of watchers viewed, you name it. I'm either making an 11, "breaking" an existing 11, or "taking" one by adding to it-creating a 12 (😂 yes, I'm a numbers nerd).
I was born with an innate connection to numbers (my Maltese accountant grandfather paid for me to go to college for Accounting), I got the addiction from him when he'd get a receipt that had like a $7.77 or a $12.12, he'd ALWAYS talk about stuff like that, I °got° that same 'tickled pink' feeling with numbers at times myself 😄.
I was always drawn to 3's and 11's, those were my favorite #s-fast forward to naming my youngest daughter Amber (me and my ex immediately agreed to it months before she was born), fast forward to a really cool reggae-ish song comes out that I absolutely LOVED? The group= "311", the song="Amber" 😄. I almost fell off the couch when I found that out! You can't MAKE this shit up! 😆
My lifelong favorite color is purple, to where I've almost caused many an accident on the Garden State Parkway as an excited child, seeing this top to bottom purple house on a street near the parkway-screaming, "That's what MY house is going to look like when °I° grow up!!!" 😄. Causing my dad to grab the handbreak and prepare for impact 😬 every. single. time. (Yeah, I got hollared at, lol. every. single. time. too 😝).
I've never stopped being all about purple and have recently STARTED assisting others more vocally with what's coming (though my forté is preparing people for what will come AFTER this geopolitical transition is all done)-the ascension "preshow" prep, you could say 😄.
Ascension is a VERY individual event and each of us who graduate will go through it alone. By ourselves. But EVERYthing leading up to it? I'm here for. To squash all of the fear and give perspective on what's coming 😊.
So, I thank you for this terrific video. I'm a 5 life path # and there is nothing special about me, I just know that I am here to help and hold the LIGHT.
Our planet needs it (this will be this universe's first planetary AND surface population co-ascension EVER to be had! 🎉🎈🎊). All eyes from other star systems/universes/even dimensions-are affixed to this little blue ball of a planet that WE call HOME right now, to witness these AMAZING events that are coming soon.
And our HumanityFamily needs it. The love and UNITY that is coming, is what is going to make this a the BIGGEST show in the universe! 😁
My birthday is 4/20 = 6
My name is Marqui = 6
My last name Easton = 6
Middle name Desean = 6 😮😮😮😮
OMG you are a devil!
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. 💐🏆❤️🔥 True and wholesome inspirational definition that carries waves of heaviness and thought. Thank you. It was very much needed today. 🙏💙
So, at 3:20 to find the numbers corresponding to the letters in your full name I am guessing you use A as 1, B as 2, C as 3 and so on until you get to Z at 26? Then do you add all these up to a single digit? You never explained this in the video
Can you Explain the number 333?
So weird I just found this video. My date of birth is October 8, 1976. That is weird and I've been calculating it wrong all these years thank you. 🙏 for sharing your knowledge on UA-cam
They changed times and seasons, Oct is 8th month not 10th, Sept is 7th not 9th, Dec is 10 not 12.
My point is if they changed the months then the numerology is out when calculating your birthday.
You're correct.
April is the first month according to constellations.
We have 13 constellations and not 12.
In each month, there's 28 days I think.
It resonates with the number on a tortoise shell and a woman's menstrual cycle.
I am 🕊😇🕊 19th April 1981.... #1 person
💥🎨💥💥 totally me 💝 all of it
My son #2 person & my other son #5 person, totally them too 🎇🎆🎇
My birthday is on the 11th ...
And am shy and not focus
The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance
I am a double "9". My full birthname and my birthdate both add up to "9". I SPECIAL!
My life path nr is 9...bday nr is 2. As a 2nd person it 100% describes me
I agree, never studied the subject, but I understand that certain numbers in my life have meaning.
Did You ever notice ones that added up negatively or dates and see them constantly and Your Loved Ones noticed too .
I have and even though I Believe in Jesus , I also Believe there are no coincidences . Just asking .
@@Alan-zj5fz yes absolutely, no coincidences, as a kid I often heard the saying that life is mapped out for us. I’m 62, many numbers have stayed throughout my life and many add up to a certain number. Myself, my mother, my brother and my children, my husband and my stepdaughter all have a count of seven in our birthdays, even it’s it’s a 2 and 5. The number 5 is the house I grew up in and also the house number that my children grew up in. There are many instances with certain numbers that I’ve experienced or can relate too. I’m happy that you have your belief, we have to follow what feels right for us as individuals. ❤️🙏
Syncronicity or can it be our Soul guidance from higher dimensions
October is the 10th month in this calendar but OCT is 8, NOV-,NOME-, NON- NOVEM = 9; DEC equals 10.......How accurate can it be?
All my numbers are different. 5,7,6,1,7. It would have been 5,7,9,5,7 had I not gotten a new name a couple months ago, but oddly enough, both were accurate, and the new name i got oddly enough matches with the change in my life, accurately matching the numbers I have now. It's a little scary how accurate this is, but then again, since there is God, couincidences can't happen. The only coincidence is existence itself. Shoot, I have like 5 names now
How would you work out Gareth hughes😊
Why is both number 1 and number 2 influenced by the Moon?
Shouldn't it be 1 = SUN and 2 = MOON? 😇
I just assess the free numerical reading. I must say everything reviews are truly who I am.
Am finding it difficult to get through the personal decoder. I guess it was restricted to my country. I really need to know more.
What if you don't know your date and month of date but you know when you were born?
Wow I'm a 7 person. Wow sounds just like me. Love adventure
I have 10 in my name and birthday❤
5/5 life path 11 !
Honestly I kind of knew my numbers all my life even if I didn’t understand what they meant.
Paid $7.00 to find out more and so far I’m not surprised.
A few things are a little off but not by much.
I’m quite happy for the purchase but wish it was free for the absolutely full reading.
Oh well.
I’ll deal with what I got.
Thank you
Math and numbers are never about guessing.. They are exact binary answers
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
I know of so many things that I've tried along my journey that I know work, and how to work these tools I should say. My belief system keeps me in conflict with these tools at times because I know that they work smh
My name have = 6 Letters
My birthday have = 1+5 = 6
My birthmonth = 6th
Born in = 2008 = 8-2 = 6
It is Surprising 😱
Is it any special no. of my life???
Thanks Nikweli5
I keep seeing 11:11 almost daily
something that has always puzzled me with my name. I am an adopted child. I do not know my birth name. The first name given to me by my adoptive parents can be abbreviated. I have always gone by my abbreviated name. Question 1. Does my birth name still have an effect on my life as it is? Question 2 Does going by my abbreviated name instead of my full name matter? Most people use my abbreviated name. l use my abbreviated name myself. However there are some people, my GP for instance and Govt. agencies etc. who use my unabbreviated name. does it make any difference?
10:14 Number 6 Person - ironically: 1+0+1+4 = 6 (Timestamp is of no coincidence)
Bro these numbers tell you what your talents weaknesses and personality inclinations are nut your future and destiny this is why I listen to gary most numerogy stuff online is bullsh_t.
My life path is 1 and birth number is 5 and everything gary said is spot on
Birthday is: 1,2,3,7,8,9; Name is: 5 & 5; BirthCertificate is: 3,6 & 9
The letter Y vowel or ?
Correction: You have used moon for both 1 and 2 personality no.
Its sun for 1 and has traits of sun.
What if you were born one name but given up at orphanage and adopted 6and a half months later and have a different name. Which I prefer more is my adopted name.
vowel and con number are new right????
I'm old well read and I've never...
My granny came from gypsies....
And we are italian....
I'd read much many...
And time and time again
Give us the resources
On the cons and vowels...