Hello! We are a group of editors that make MEPs (multi editor projects) and basically we all collaborate to make an AMV and this is an audition to invite people to join us
If your collection only includes old parts (more than a few years) it may be counterproductive to your audition - I suggest having one or two parts fairly recent and the rest can be old stuff!
elsword in 2025 is crazy… god bless🥳🥳🥳🥳
I love the jaemin and pureum part, I feel blessed.
and for the record, i was done before both of connie's part! this never happens im usually the late one
Unemployment final boss
@@galaxxiiez sickness final boss
Filled out the form the join this studio it looks fun
we are so back
Ughhh I wannaaaaaa why r my editing skills so below average 😭
0:16 the manhwa is seasons of blossom!! ^^ i think??? cuz the artstyle is similar
it’s seasons of lovesome (the sequel to blossom)
@blissmissy oh yeahh hamin and somang
if our audition isnt a yt video (its a google drive folder) can we still audition?
Heey, is it a FX based studio only? Or do you edit RAW too?
DT never had a Raw MEP and I don't think this will change anytime soon
Hi, we are a FX only studio
what is it an audition for? music videos or music or what is it? just got it recommended idk what it is sorry
It's a multifandom editing studio so it's a fx style video editing audition
Hello! We are a group of editors that make MEPs (multi editor projects) and basically we all collaborate to make an AMV and this is an audition to invite people to join us
I have a question:
How old do the audition video have to be?
I'm not in DT but typically these studios ask for works to be fairly recent (within the past 6 months)!!
If your collection only includes old parts (more than a few years) it may be counterproductive to your audition - I suggest having one or two parts fairly recent and the rest can be old stuff!
Heyy do you guys take amvs from 2012? I edited swimming anime
Hi, we are a 2025 studio
@@DreamTimeDTgag her for me
12-13 year old AMVS are actually insane